4-pole breakers or TPN Breakers can be used when an electrical system has two power sources, a main source and a standby generator, and automatically switches to the generator during a power outage from the main source. It is best practice to also isolate the neutral connection when using a standby generator as a backup power source.
4-pole breakers or TPN Breakers can be used when an electrical system has two power sources, a main source and a standby generator, and automatically switches to the generator during a power outage from the main source. It is best practice to also isolate the neutral connection when using a standby generator as a backup power source.
4-pole breakers or TPN Breakers can be used when an electrical system has two power sources, a main source and a standby generator, and automatically switches to the generator during a power outage from the main source. It is best practice to also isolate the neutral connection when using a standby generator as a backup power source.
4-pole breakers or TPN Breakers can be used when an electrical system has two power sources, a main source and a standby generator, and automatically switches to the generator during a power outage from the main source. It is best practice to also isolate the neutral connection when using a standby generator as a backup power source.