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MPRA Paper 11052

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Natural hazards and disaster

management in Pakistan

Khan, Himayatullah and Khan, Abuturab

12 October 2008

Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/11052/
MPRA Paper No. 11052, posted 12 Oct 2008 23:59 UTC
Natural hazards and disaster management in Pakistan

Himayatullah Khan
Professor, Department of Development Studies
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad
Institute of Development Studies
NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar
Email: himmy@ciit.net.pk

Abuturab Khan
Assistant Professor, Department of Development Studies
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Email: abuturab@ciit.net.pk

Abstract: The present study explains the various concepts used in disaster
management. The concepts explained include: Disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability,
Capacity, Risk and Disaster Management Cycle. In addition to the terminologies, the
study also seeks to explain various types of disasters. It also gives a detail of various
disasters occurred in Pakistan as well their management and mitigation strategies. The
paper also discusses disaster management policy at national level as well as disaster
management and national plans in Pakistan.

Keywords: Natural Hazards, Disaster Management, Pakistan

JEL classification: I 30, I 00, A10

I. Introduction

Disaster is a sudden adverse or unfortunate extreme event which causes great damage
to human beings as well as plants and animals. Disasters occur rapidly,
instantaneously and indiscriminately. These extreme events either natural or man-
induced exceed the tolerable magnitude within or beyond certain time limits, make
adjustment difficult, result in catastrophic losses of property and income and life is
paralyzed. These events which occur aggravate natural environmental processes to
cause disasters to human society such as sudden tectonic movements leading to
earthquake and volcanic eruptions, continued dry conditions leading to prolonged
droughts, floods, atmospheric disturbances, collision of celestial bodies, etc. (Joshi,
Disasters have always co-existed with civilizations. With technological advancement,
development initiatives resulted in the creation of a lot of infrastructure and
permanent assets. Gradually material development detached man from nature on one
hand, and increased vulnerability of the human population, on the other. The
progressive increase in loss of life, property and deleterious effect on environment due
to disasters moved the international community to look at disaster management in a
new perspective, which transcends international barriers, anticipates possible threats
and enables tackling of disasters from the pre-stage. The last decade (990-1999) was
observed by the International Community as the ‘International Decade for natural
disaster reduction’, a decade dedicated to promoting solutions to reduce risks from
natural hazards. The international dimension of disasters was realized and a protocol
sought to be established so that when it comes to suffering of humanity, help from the
International community flow in right earnest.
Almost everyday, newspapers, radio and television channels carry reports on disaster
striking several parts of the world. But what is a disaster? The term disaster owes its
origin to the French word “Desastre” which is a combination of two words ‘des’
meaning bad and ‘aster’ meaning star. Thus the term refers to ‘Bad or Evil star’. The
United Nations defined Disasters as ‘A serious disruption of the functioning of a
community or a society causing widespread human, material, economic and
environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected community / society to
cope using its own resources’ (UNDP, nd).
A disaster is a result from the combination of hazard, vulnerability and insufficient
capacity or measures to reduce the potential chances of risk. A disaster happens when
a hazard impacts on the vulnerable population and causes damage, casualties and
disruption. Figure 1 gives a better illustration of what a disaster is. Any hazard –
flood, earthquake or cyclone which is a triggering event along with greater
vulnerability (inadequate access to resources, sick and old people, lack of awareness
etc) would lead to disaster causing greater loss to life and property. For example; an
earthquake in an uninhabited desert cannot be considered a disaster, no matter how
strong the intensities produced. An earthquake is disastrous only when it affects
people, their properties and activities. Thus, disaster occurs only when hazards and
vulnerability meet. But it is also to be noted that with greater capacity of the
individual/community and environment to face these disasters, the impact of a hazard
reduces. Therefore, we need to understand the three major components namely
hazard, vulnerability and capacity with suitable examples to have a basic
understanding of disaster management.

Vulnerability Disaster Hazard

Underlying Dynamic Unsafe Trigger Events

Causes Pressure Conditions Earthquake
Limited access Lack of: Dangerous Floods
to resources Institutions location Cyclones
Illness and Education Dangerous Volcanic
Disabilities Training buildings eruptions
Age/Sex Skills Low Income level Drought
Poverty Population Landslide
Others explosion War
Urbanization Technological
Uncontrolled accident
development Environmental
Environmental pollution

Figure 1: What is a disaster?

1.1. What is a Hazard? How is it classified?
Hazard may be defined as “a dangerous condition or event, that threat or have the
potential for causing injury to life or damage to property or the environment.”
Hazards can be grouped into two broad categories namely natural and manmade.
1. Natural hazards are hazards which are caused because of natural phenomena
(hazards with meteorological, geological or even biological origin). Examples of
natural hazards are cyclones, tsunamis, earthquake and volcanic eruptions which are
exclusively of natural origin. Landslides, floods, drought, fires are socio-natural
hazards since their causes are both natural and man made. For example flooding may
be caused because of heavy rains, landslide or blocking of drains with human waste.
2. Manmade hazards are hazards which are due to human negligence. Manmade
hazards are associated with industries or energy generation facilities and include
explosions, leakage of toxic waste, pollution, dam failure, wars or civil strife, etc. The
list of hazards is very long. Many occur frequently while others take place
occasionally. However, on the basis of their genesis, they can be categorized as
Table 1. Various Types of Hazards
Type Hazards
1. Earthquake 4. Landslide
Geological Hazards 2. Tsunami 5. Dam burst
3. Volcanic eruption 6. Mine Fire
1. Tropical Cyclone 6. Cloudburst
Water & Climatic 2. Tornado and Hurricane 7. Landslide
Hazards 3. Floods 8. Heat & Cold wave
4. Drought 9. Snow Avalanche
5. Hailstorm 10.Sea erosion
1. Environmental pollutions 3. Desertification
Environmental Hazards 2. Deforestation 4. Pest Infection
Biological 1. Human / Animal Epidemics 3. Food poisoning
2. Pest attacks 4. Weapons of Mass
Chemical, Industrial 1. Chemical disasters 3. Oil spills/Fires
and Nuclear Accidents 2. Industrial disasters 4. Nuclear
1. Boat / Road / Train accidents 3. Building collapse
/ air crash Rural / Urban fires 4. Electric Accidents
Accident related Bomb /serial bomb disasters 5. Festival related
blasts 6. Mine flooding
2. Forest fires
Source: CBSE (2006)

1.2. What is Vulnerability?

Vulnerability may be defined as “The extent to which a community, structure,
services or geographic area is likely to be damaged or disrupted by the impact of
particular hazard, on account of their nature, construction and proximity to hazardous
terrains or a disaster prone area.”
Vulnerabilities can be categorized into physical and socio-economic vulnerability.
Physical Vulnerability: It includes notions of whom and what may be damaged or
destroyed by natural hazard such as earthquakes or floods. It is based on the physical
condition of people and elements at risk, such as buildings, infrastructure etc; and
their proximity, location and nature of the hazard. It also relates to the technical

capability of building and structures to resist the forces acting upon them during a
hazard event.
Figure 2 shows the settlements which are located in hazardous slopes. Many landslide
and flooding disasters are linked to what you see in the Figure 2. Unchecked growth
of settlements in unsafe areas exposes the people to the hazard. In case of an
earthquake or landslide the ground may fail and the houses on the top may topple or
slide and affect the settlements at the lower level even if they are designed well for
earthquake forces.
Unstable Slope

River Site River

Figure 2: Site after pressures from population growth and urbanization

1.3. Socio-economic Vulnerability:

The degree to which a population is affected by a hazard will not merely lie in the
physical components of vulnerability but also on the socioeconomic conditions. The
socio-economic conditions of the people also determine the intensity of the impact.
For example, people who are poor and living in the sea coast don’t have the money to
construct strong concrete houses. They are generally at risk and loose their shelters
when ever there is strong wind or cyclone. Because of their poverty they too are not
able to rebuild their houses.

1.4. What is Capacity?

Capacity can be defined as “resources, means and strengths which exist in households
and communities and which enable them to cope with, withstand, prepare for, prevent,
mitigate or quickly recover from a disaster”. People’s capacity can also be taken into
account. Capacities could be classified into physical and socio-economic capacities.
Physical Capacity: People whose houses have been destroyed by the cyclone or crops
have been destroyed by the flood can salvage things from their homes and from their
farms. Some family members have skills, which enable them to find employment if
they migrate, either temporarily or permanently.
Socio-economic Capacity: In most of the disasters, people suffer their greatest losses
in the physical and material realm. Rich people have the capacity to recover soon
because of their wealth. In fact, they are seldom hit by disasters because they live in
safe areas and their houses are built with stronger materials. However, even when
everything is destroyed they have the capacity to cope up with it.

Hazards are always prevalent, but the hazard becomes a disaster only when the
frequency or likelihood of a hazard and the vulnerability of the community increases
the risk of being severely affected.

1.5. What is Risk?

Risk is a “measure of the expected losses due to a hazard event occurring in a given
area over a specific time period. Risk is a function of the probability of particular
hazardous event and the losses it would cause.” The level of risk depends upon:
• Nature of the hazard
• Vulnerability of the elements which are affected
• Economic value of those elements
A community/locality is said to be at ‘risk’ when it is exposed to hazards and is likely
to be adversely affected by its impact. Whenever we discuss ‘disaster management’ it
is basically ‘disaster risk management’. Disaster risk management includes all
measures which reduce disaster related losses of life, property or assets by either
reducing the hazard or vulnerability of the elements at risk.

1.6. Disaster Management Cycle

Disaster Risk Management includes sum total of all activities, programmes and
measures which can be taken up before, during and after a disaster with the purpose to
avoid a disaster, reduce its impact or recover from its losses. The three key stages of
activities that are taken up within disaster risk management are as follows (See Figure

Figure 3: Disaster Management

1. Before a disaster (pre-disaster). Pre-disaster activities those which are taken to
reduce human and property losses caused by a potential hazard. For example, carrying
out awareness campaigns, strengthening the existing weak structures, preparation of
the disaster management plans at household and community level, etc. Such risk
reduction measures taken under this stage are termed as mitigation and preparedness
2. During a disaster (disaster occurrence). These include initiatives taken to ensure
that the needs and provisions of victims are met and suffering is minimized. Activities
taken under this stage are called emergency response activities.
3. After a disaster (post-disaster). There are initiatives taken in response to a disaster
with a purpose to achieve early recovery and rehabilitation of affected communities,
immediately after a disaster strikes. These are called as response and recovery
The Disaster risk management cycle diagram (DRMC) highlights the range of
initiatives which normally occur during both the Emergency response and Recovery
stages of a disaster. Some of these cut across both stages (such things as coordination
and the provision of ongoing assistance); whilst other activities are unique to each
stage (e.g. Early Warning and Evacuation during Emergency Response; and
Reconstruction and Economic and Social Recovery as part of Recovery). The DRMC
also highlights the role of the media, where there is a strong relationship between this
and funding opportunities. This diagram works best for relatively sudden-onset
disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, bushfires, tsunamis, cyclones etc, but is less
reflective of slow-onset disasters, such as drought, where there is no obviously
recognizable single event which triggers the movement into the Emergency Response
According to Warfield (2008) Disaster management aims to reduce, or avoid the
potential losses from hazards, assure prompt and appropriate assistance to victims of
disaster, and achieve rapid and effective recovery. The disaster management cycle
illustrates the ongoing process by which governments, businesses, and civil society
plan for and reduce the impact of disasters, react during and immediately following a
disaster, and take steps to recover after a disaster has occurred. Appropriate actions at
all points in the cycle lead to greater preparedness, better warnings, reduced
vulnerability or the prevention of disasters during the next iteration of the cycle. The
complete disaster management cycle includes the shaping of public policies and plans
that either modify the causes of disasters or mitigate their effects on people, property,
and infrastructure.
The mitigation and preparedness phases occur as disaster management improvements
are made in anticipation of a disaster event. Developmental considerations play a key
role in contributing to the mitigation and preparation of a community to effectively
confront a disaster. As a disaster occurs, disaster management actors, in particular
humanitarian organizations become involved in the immediate response and long-term
recovery phases. The four disaster management phases illustrated here do not always,
or even generally, occur in isolation or in this precise order. Often phases of the cycle
overlap and the length of each phase greatly depends on the severity of the disaster.
o Mitigation - Minimizing the effects of disaster. Examples: building codes and
zoning; vulnerability analyses; public education.
o Preparedness - Planning how to respond. Examples: preparedness plans;
emergency exercises/training; warning systems.
o Response - Efforts to minimize the hazards created by a disaster. Examples:
search and rescue; emergency relief.

o Recovery - Returning the community to normal. Examples: temporary housing;
grants; medical care.
To analyze the scope of disaster management in the revised context, let us study the
cycle of the phenomenon (Figure 4).

Fig: 4 Disaster Management Cycle

Disasters are as old as human history but the dramatic increase and the damage caused
by them in the recent past have become a cause of national and international concern.
Over the past decade, the number of natural and manmade disasters has climbed
inexorably. From 1994 to 1998, reported disasters average was 428 per year but from
1999 to 2003, this figure went up to an average of 707 disaster events per year
showing an increase of about 60 per cent over the previous years. The biggest rise was
in countries of low human development, which suffered an increase of 142 per cent.
Figure 5 shows the deadliest disasters of the decade (1992 – 2001).






Drought/Famine Floods Technological Earthquake Windstorm Miscellaneous

. Fig. 5 Reported Deaths from all Disasters: World Scenario (1992-2001)

Drought and famine have proved to be the deadliest disasters globally (45%),
followed by floods (16%), technological disaster (14%), earthquake (12%),
windstorm (10%), extreme temperature and others (3%). Global economic loss related
to disaster events average around US $880 billion per year (CBSE, 2006).

II. Pakistani Scenario1

Like other South Asian countries, Pakistan continues to suffer from a plethora of
natural and human induced hazards that threaten to affect the lives and livelihood of
its citizens – natural disasters including floods, earthquakes, landslides, cyclones, and
drought to human induced disasters such as fires, civil unrest and terrorism, refugees
and internally displaced people, health epidemics, transport accidents, industrial
accidents and war. The human impact of natural disasters in Pakistan can be judged
by the fact that 6,037 people were killed and 8,989,631 affected in the period from
1993 to 2002 (World Disasters Report 2003).

2.1. Earthquake
Pakistan lies in a seismic belt and therefore suffers from frequent earthquakes of small
magnitudes. Earthquakes normally occur along the Himalayas, Karakorums and partly
Hindu Kush ranges in the north, Koh-e-Sulaiman range in the west with Chaman fault
line along Quetta, and Mekran fault line along the sea coast. Their occurrence is
normally associated with the dynamics associated with the Indian plate exerting
continuous pressure on the Eurasian land mass. In 1935 an earthquake of above 6.5 on
Richter Scale intensity rocked Quetta leaving 35,000 dead. From 1974 to 1990,
approximately 5669 people were killed due to earthquakes in the Northern Areas
(NA), NWFP and Balochistan. There was a significant earthquake that occurred in
February 2004, in NWFP resulting in 24 deaths and over 129,000 people were
affected. Pakistan is known to be vulnerable to a wide array of natural and man
instigated disasters, but October 2005 earthquake was the worst natural disaster that
the nation has experienced in the recent history. Post October 2005 earthquake studies
confirm country’s continued vulnerability to the hazard in these regions.

2.2. Tsunami
Past history also shows vulnerability to tsunami and other sea based hazards along its
long coastline. In fact, in 1935 an earthquake of 8.5 on Richter Scale triggered a
tsunami along the Baluchistan coastline, killing nearly 4000 along the fishing town of
Pasni. Karachi and Gwador were also threatened. The Indian peninsula, luckily
shielded Pakistan’s coastline from the disastrous impact of 2004 tsunami.

2.3. Cyclones
Talking of sea borne hazards, the 960 kms costal belt, particularly along Sindh, is
occasionally battered by cyclones. In 1999 a cyclone ravaged large tracts in coastal
districts of Thatta and Badin causing widespread loss to life and property. These
coastal areas are also inundated by torrential rains, as in 2003 with a similar impact.
Although not a frequent phenomenon, cyclones can cause large-scale damage to the
coastal areas of Sindh and Balochistan. The cyclone of 1999 in Thatta and Badin
districts wiped out 73 settlements, and resulted in 168 lives lost, nearly 0.6 million
people affected and killing of 11,000 cattle. It destroyed 1,800 small and big boats and
partially damaged 642 boats, causing a loss of Rs. 380 million. The losses to

This section draws on OCHA (2006) and WCDR (2005).

infrastructure were estimated at Rs.750 million. The period between 1971 and 2001
recorded 14 cyclones. The coastal areas of Sindh are most vulnerable and exposed to

2.4. Floods
The alluvial plains of the Indus river system have been traditionally vulnerable to
recurring floods. The last floods causing considerable damage to life and property
occurred in 1992. However, this is one hazard against which an effective protection
network of dykes and flood water regulatory infrastructure has been built over the
years. Pakistan is one of the five South Asian countries with the highest annual
average number of people physically exposed to floods, which occur normally due to
storm systems that originate from Bay of Bengal during the monsoon from July to
September. The storms originating in Bay of Bengal passing over lower Central India
and Rajputana enter Pakistan and continue towards North into Kashmir. The mountain
ranges in the extreme north of Pakistan provide a perennial source of inflow into the
rivers. Floods particularly hit Punjab and Sindh while hill torrents tend to affect the
hilly areas of North Western Frontier Province, Balochistan and the northern federally
administered areas. Flood events of 1950, 1992 and 1998 caused many deaths and
huge losses to the national economy. According to official sources, floods in Pakistan
during the decade 1991 to 2001 caused an estimated damage of over Pak Rs. 78,000
million to property. Table 2 portrays major flood events in Pakistan.
Concomitant with the riverine floods during the summer monsoons, flash floods and
land slide hazards occur frequently in the mountainous north along watersheds. Flash
floods also occur in upper plains adjacent to river catchment areas. Rising incidence
of loss of life and property indicates relative un-preparedness to such hazards.

Table 2: Major Flood Events in Pakistan

Year Lives Lost Villages Affected
1950 2910 10000
1955 679 6945
1956 160 11609
1973 474 9719
1975 126 8628
1976 425 9150
1978 393 9199
1988 508 1000
1992 1008 13208
1995 591 6852
1998 47 161
2001 201 0.4 million *

2003 230 1.266 million*

* Number of persons affected

2.5. Drought

Drought has become an intermittent problem of the country. In recent years drought is
reported to have brought extensive damages to Balochistan, Sindh and Southern
Punjab where average rainfall is as low as 200-250 mm. Severe drought periods in
2000 and 2002 affected livelihoods, resulted in human deaths, pushed tens of
thousands people to migrate, and killed large numbers of cattle. This drought led to
120 deaths and affected 2,200,000 people. The main arid rangelands are Thar,
Cholistan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Tharparkar, Kohistan, and western Balochistan. Except
Balochistan, all of these areas are within the range of monsoon rainfall, which,
however, is erratic and scattered. Hence, 2 to 3 years in every 10 years in these areas
are drought years.
Fewer occurrences of floods seem to be linked, owing to changing regional weather
patterns, with prolonged incidence of droughts in the poverty ridden arid regions of
the country.
The drought phenomenon was most pronounced during 2000-2003 period when it
spread across 68 districts in the four provinces. That was the period when an
institutional capacity to deal with hazard was created in the country. However, the
drought hazard has taken a massive toll in environment and economic loss

2.6. Viral Diseases

One of the negative fallouts of the globalization phenomenon means vulnerability to a

vast array of viral diseases, be it bird avian flu or the dengue virus. We are presently
witnessing a widespread occurrence of the latter in the country and efforts to combat
the disease are included in this evaluation. Incidence of dengue fever has affected
about 4100, mostly in Karachi but also in other parts of the country including some
cities of Punjab. About 46 persons have died so far. While an effective media
campaign has generated awareness against the disease but vector eradication efforts
have been inconclusive. It poses a severe public safety hazard.
Gaining much prominence are hazards associated with the rising incidence of fire,
traffic and industrial accidents. These are those hazards which cause the maximum
harm and against which we have shown little corrective resolve be it in terms of social
awareness, legislative support or quality functional practices. Emergency services
require much reorganization and capacity building.
Pakistan is also a nuclear capable country though it claims enforcement of satisfactory
nuclear safety standards. It is our basic fault lines or dynamic pressure exerted by
socio-economic poverty, rising population stress on finite resources, poor state of
environmental health, unplanned development multiplying hazard impact and a poor
awareness of hazard prevention that enhance our vulnerabilities. The chart produced
below profiles losses to natural hazards3.

Pakistan Metrological Department and Norstar Norway, Seismic hazard analysis for the Cities of
Islamabad and Rawalpindi, pp16-18, 2006.
National Disaster Management Authority, Draft National Disaster Management Framework, pp 14-
17. 2006.

Table 3: Major Natural Disasters in Pakistan
(Loss in terms of human lives)
Disaster Date Died Affected Damage $
Earthquake May 31, 1935 35,000 _ _
Earthquake Nov. 27, 1945 4,000 _ _
Earthquake Dec. 28, 1974 4,700 _ 3,255
Earthquake Jan. 31, 1991
Earthquake Oct. 8, 2005 73,338 2,869, 142 5,000,000
Total 117,038
Flood 1950 2,900
Flood August 1976 5,556,000 505,000
Flood July 1978 2,246,000
Flood July 1992 1334 12,324,024 1,000,000
Flood 1994 92,000
Flood August 1996 1,300,000 _
Flood June 1997 848 _ _
Flood March 1998 1,000 _ _
Flood February 2005 7,000,450
Flood July 2001 246,000
Flood July 2003 1,266,223
Total 6082
Drought 2000-02 2,200,000 247,000
Windstorm 15 Dec 1965 10,000
Windstorm 14 Nov 1993 609
Grand Total 133,728
Source: EM – DAT Emergency database. http//www.em.net/disasters/pr

III. Disaster Management Policy at National Level4

Disaster management policy in Pakistan exhibits following features:
1) Disaster management in Pakistan basically revolves around flood disasters with a
primary focus on rescue and relief. After each disaster episode the government
incurs considerable expenditure directed at rescue, relief and rehabilitation.
2) Applied disaster management policy sometimes carries strategic biases that are
aimed at protecting locations and infrastructure of greater economic, political and
strategic significance at the cost of areas and communities with lesser influence
and importance.
3) Within disaster management bodies in Pakistan, there is a dearth of knowledge
and information about hazard identification, risk assessment & management, and
linkages between livelihoods and disaster preparedness. Disaster management
policy responses are not generally influenced by methods and tools for cost-
effective and sustainable interventions.
4) There are no long-term, inclusive and coherent institutional arrangements to
address disaster issues with a long-term vision. For instance, the Emergency Relief
Cell is mandated to deal only with post-disaster scenarios.

Sections III and IV draws much on WCDR (2005).

5) Disasters are viewed in isolation from the processes of mainstream development
and poverty alleviation planning. Some of the large-scale development projects
are bringing new forms of disaster and adding to the vulnerability of at-risk
communities. The Left Bank Outfall Drainage (LBOD) project and link canals are
significant examples in Pakistan.
6) Disaster management, development planning and environmental management
institutions operate in isolation and integrated planning between these sectors is
almost lacking.
7) Absence of a central authority for integrated disaster management and lack of
coordination within and between disaster related organizations is responsible for
effective and efficient disaster management in the country.
8) State-level disaster preparedness and mitigation measures are heavily tilted
towards structural aspects and undermine non-structural elements such as the
knowledge and capacities of local people, and the related livelihood protection
9) Disaster and relief departments and organizations largely remain under-resourced,
untrained, and not given required importance within administrative hierarchy. A
dedicated fund for disaster management at the federal level has never been a part
of the overall development planning. The officials of two important organizations
engaged in disaster management e.g. Emergency Relief Cell and Federal Flood
Commission are not provided with adequate training. A great deal of uncertainty
prevails among government employees about their stay in any disaster related
organization / department, which contributes towards working with less interest
and efficiency.
10) Given the frequent incidence of floods during monsoon season the government
has taken adequate measures for flood control and management down to district
level. The Pakistan Army plays a significant role in flood management by
providing search and rescue services and emergency relief in affected areas. Flood
Commission commences flood fighting plans every year in April and monitors the
discharge of water at strategically important barrages and dams, and maintains a
regular interaction with all provincial governments in pre, during and post flood
situations. The district, provincial and federal governments prepare flood fighting
plans annually and ensure timely dissemination of early warning through
indigenous and modern modes of communication.

IV. Disaster Management and National Plans

4.1. National Five years Plans (1955 – 2003)
The Five Years Plans, since 1957, when the National Economic Council (NEC)
approved the final version of the First Five-Year plan, the development paradigm in
Pakistan has remained oblivious of the preparedness and management of natural
calamities. The plans, however, identified the mismanagement and scarcity of water
resources, poor health infrastructure, and flood threats at few stages of the planning
and implementation during the last three decades. But the proposed strategies and
solutions were either relief-driven or event-based without having an integrated
disaster management plan.
4.2. First Five-Year Plan (1955-1960): The document of the First Plan does not
include any specific measures, strategies or programmes in relation to disaster
management. It emphasizes for strengthening Agriculture sector and efficient
development of water resources for irrigation, and drainage, hydro-electric power

production, transport etc. For the then East Pakistan, the major purpose to be served
through the first plan was to protect large areas from the saline waters of the tides and
to improve waterways for inland water transport.
Similarly, the Second and Third Five-Year Plans also follow the objectives set in the
First Plan and tend to adopt identical strategies to achieve overall development
4.3. Fourth Five-Year Plan (1970-75): However, after ten years, the Fourth Five-
Year Plan included flood control program for the then East Pakistan and improvement
of environment in big cities. Specific targets of the Plan were:
1) To undertake a major flood control program in East Pakistan outside the Fourth
2) To protect the entire population from malaria and small-pox and bring about a
major improvement in curative health facilities
3) To launch an Urban Works Program (UWP) to improve the environmental
conditions in big cities and to cater to the community needs of the neglected areas.
The physical planning and housing component of the Plan recognizes that research in
environmental sanitation including air and water pollution needs to be undertaken and
results enforced through appropriate standards and legislation.
4.4. Fifth Five-Year Plan (1979-83): The Fifth Plan did not take up the issue of
disaster management at any level and the development progress on other fronts also
remained disappointing. The on-farm water management program was started during
the fifth plan period to reduce the watercourse losses. The Sixth Five-Year Plan (1983-
88) identifies that the Fifth Plan period was disappointing, as there was no sufficient
long-term investment either in physical infrastructure or in human resource
development. This trend created shortages of energy, telephones, water and other
infrastructure and resulted in a very low level of educational literacy and poor health
4.5. The Sixth Five-Year (1983-88): The Plan appears to achieve physical targets in
the area of agriculture development. The proposed targets were:
1) Installation of 4312 of fresh and saline ground water tube wells.
2) Replacement of 810 tube wells and construction of 11446 miles of surface and tile
3) The protection of 5.3 million acres including a disaster area of 2.8 million acres.
4) Continuation of the On-Farm Water management program to reduce the
watercourse losses.
4.6. Eighth Five-Year Plan (1 993-98): The Plan, which ended up in achieving far
less than proposed development targets, dealt with the issues of sustainable
environment and management of water resources.
Efforts were made for improving environmental legislation and enforcement of
National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS); initiating Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) procedures for public and private investments, and incorporating
more environment-related investments in all development expenditures.
The Water Resources Development component of the Plan included a specific
objective of protecting land and infrastructure from water-logging, salinity, and
floods. The strategies adopted for achieving the objective were neither comprehensive
nor integrated and water-logging, salinity, and floods, thus, continued to affect the
poor and vulnerable sections of the society.
4.7. Ninth Five-Year Plan (1998-2003): The framework, objectives and strategies of
the Plan reflect the apathy of federal government towards disaster management
despite recurrent losses due to floods and landslides in the preceding years. However,

it incorporates environmental issue in a more harmonized manner as compared to the
previous efforts at State level.
Based on the performance indicators, gaps and weaknesses of the Eighth Five-Year
Plan, following are the specific objectives for water sector development during the
Ninth Five-Year Plan:
i. To make more effective use of the surface and ground water.
ii. To achieve equitable and assured distribution of water.
iii. To store and use river water flood surpluses through storage /carry-over dams.
iv. To reduce the extent of waterlogged lands.
v. To carry out water-related research studies.
vi. To utilize flood flows including harnessing of hill torrents for augmenting water
availability for irrigation.
vii. To augment investments in flood control management, including flood warning
and forecasting systems.
4.7. Ten-Year Perspective Development Plan (2001-2011): By adopting strategies
to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Ten-Year Perspective
Development Plan was launched into operation on 1st July, 2001. Its total size has
been fixed at Rs. 11 ,287 billion in current prices out of which Rs.8,747 billion have
been envisaged as the investment of private sector and Rs.2,540 billion as Public
Sector Development Program (PSDP).
4.7.1. Water Resources Development: The Plan recognizes the severity of
drought in Sindh and Balochistan and the subsequent shortage of water that has
aggravated the ongoing water crises. The major goal of policy formulation and
sectoral planning in water resources sector during the Ten-Year Perspective
Development Plan is to uplift the agro based economy on the national level by
maximizing crop production. This will be achieved through progressively increasing
surface water supplies using the latest technologies available and protecting land and
infrastructure from water logging, salinity, floods and soil erosion.
The strategy to achieve these goals comprises:
1. Augmentation and conservation measures to overcome the scarcity of water
2. Drainage and reclamation program to protect the disastrous area
3. Flood Control and Protection
4. Rehabilitation of irrigation system of Punjab and Sindh and modernization of
barrages in Punjab
The Plan gives high priority to the construction of medium and large dams and canals
to meet water requirements in the future. The total outlay for the Federal Ten-Year
Development Plan for Water Sector amounts to Rs.418 billion out of which Rs.63
billion has been proposed for the Three-Year Program (2002-05).
In addition, small irrigation schemes will be started, construction of 303 spurs and
1101 kilometers of flood embankments and improvement of flood warning systems
will be carried out. During the three-year program (2002-05), 240 and 68 kilometers
of flood embankments will be constructed to safeguard life and property.

V. Conclusions
There has been a dramatic increase in disasters and the damages caused by them in the
recent past. Over the past decade, the number of natural and manmade disasters has
climbed inexorably. From 1994 to 1998, reported disasters average was 428 per year
but from 1999 to 2003, this figure went up to an average of 707 disaster events per
year showing an increase of about 60 per cent over the previous years. The biggest

rise was in countries of low human development, which suffered an increase of 142
per cent.
Pakistan continues to suffer from a plethora of natural and human induced hazards
that threaten to affect the lives and livelihood of its citizens. The human impact of
natural disasters in Pakistan can be judged by the fact that 6,037 people were killed
and 8,989,631 affected in the period from 1993 to 2002. More than 80,000 people
died and 3.5 million lost homes in the earthquake in 8th October 2005 earthquake. In
addition to earthquakes, other natural hazards that occurred in Pakistan include
Tsunami, cyclones, floods, drought, viral diseases, etc.
Disaster management in Pakistan basically revolves around flood disasters with a
primary focus on rescue and relief. After each disaster episode the government incurs
considerable expenditure directed at rescue, relief and rehabilitation. Within disaster
management bodies in Pakistan, there is a dearth of knowledge and information about
hazard identification, risk assessment and management, and linkages between
livelihoods and disaster preparedness. Disaster management policy responses are not
generally influenced by methods and tools for cost-effective and sustainable
There are no long-term, inclusive and coherent institutional arrangements to address
disaster issues with a long-term vision. Disasters are viewed in isolation from the
processes of mainstream development and poverty alleviation planning. For example,
disaster management, development planning and environmental management
institutions operate in isolation and integrated planning between these sectors is
almost lacking.
Absence of a central authority for integrated disaster management and lack of
coordination within and between disaster related organizations is responsible for
effective and efficient disaster management in the country. State-level disaster
preparedness and mitigation measures are heavily tilted towards structural aspects and
undermine non-structural elements such as the knowledge and capacities of local
people, and the related livelihood protection issues.
Given the frequent incidence of floods during monsoon season the government has
taken adequate measures for flood control and management down to district level. The
Pakistan Army plays a significant role in flood management by providing search and
rescue services and emergency relief in affected areas. Flood Commission commences
flood fighting plans every year in April and monitors the discharge of water at
strategically important barrages and dams, and maintains a regular interaction with all
provincial governments in pre, during and post flood situations. The district,
provincial and federal governments prepare flood fighting plans annually and ensure
timely dissemination of early warning through indigenous and modern modes of


Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), (2006), Natural Hazards and

Disaster Management. Delhi: Preet Vihar.

Joshi, S.R. (2008), Natural Disasters in North-East Region and its Management: An
Essay, Centre for Science Education, North Eastern Hill University Bijni Complex,
Laitumkhrah, Shillong – 793 003, Meghalaya.

National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) (2006), Draft National Disaster
Management Framework, pp 14-17.

Pakistan Metrological Department and Norstar Norway, (2006), Seismic hazard

analysis for the Cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, February.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2008), Disaster Management-

Preparedness Methodology In Assam. http://data.undp.org.in/dmweb/Article-
DRM%20Assam.pdf (accessed on March 25, 2008)

Warfield, Corina, (2008) The Disaster Management Cycle.

http://www.gdrc.org/uem/disasters/1-dm_cycle.html (accessed on March 25, 2008).

WCDR (2005) A R e v i e w o f Disaster Management Policies and Systems in

Pakistan, Islamabad, January 2005.

World Disasters Report (2003), International Federation of Red Cross and Red
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