Procedure For Qualification of Vendors For Raw Material and Packaging Materials - Pharmaceutical Guidelines
Procedure For Qualification of Vendors For Raw Material and Packaging Materials - Pharmaceutical Guidelines
Procedure For Qualification of Vendors For Raw Material and Packaging Materials - Pharmaceutical Guidelines
Procedure for Qualification of Vendors for Raw Material and Packaging Materials
Learn how to qualify the Vendors for the Raw Material and Packaging Materials.
6. Purchase department after studying the comments of QA department shall inform the supplier for the supply of the material manufactured by them.
7. An audit is performed by a representative of Purchase department, QA department.
a) Active Raw Material / Excipients vendor audit report shall be prepared.
b) A supplier questionnaire is sent to suppliers.
c) However the visit and audit of the vendor shall not be considered as an approving criterion and based on the previous history, background and
quality trial lots supplied by the supplier, the vendor may be included in approved vendor list.
8. Purchase department shall carefully study the quality aspect and also the quantity and financial aspects of the vendor, they are as follows;
a) The capability of the vendor to supply the required material within the period.
b) Delivery schedule in order not to affect the production cycle.
c) The rates quoted by the vendor whether they are competitive with respect to other vendors without compromising the quality aspects.
9. Based on the product compliance and assessment, further procurement of active raw material should be continued. On ensuring compliance with
specifications the vendor shall be included in permanent vendor’s list during the update of the list.
10. All the suppliers evaluated by R&D department on the basis of process/ product development parameters shall be considered as temporary
vendors and will be included in temporary approved vendor list. Based on the commercial production supply, they will be transferred to approved
vendor list and shall be considered as permanent approved vendors.
11. Vendors recommended by R&D having drug master file number shall be included as temporary vendors and based on the performance of
commercial supply for production batches will be transferred to the approved vendor list.
12. Vendors approved by the product license holder or contract giver will be listed separately as approved for product license holder products.
Related: SOP for Qualification of Vendors
Procedure for the exclusion of vendor from the approved vendor list
1. The vendor shall be disqualified and removed from the approved vendor’s list for the following reasons :
a) If a lot does not comply with the specification with respect to critical tests then the vendor shall be disqualified. The vendor shall be qualified again
for further evaluation and investigation. 1/2
4/2/2019 Procedure for Qualification of Vendors for Raw Material and Packaging Materials : Pharmaceutical Guidelines
b) If a lot does not comply with the specification with respect to minor tests then the vendor shall be disqualified if it is observed for 3 consecutive
c) 3 out of 10 lots failed to comply the specification in a specified period under review.
d) The delivery schedule is not met for 40% supplies.
2. The rates mentioned in Purchase Order differs than the rates mentioned in delivery challan and invoice.
Ankur Choudhary is India's first professional pharmaceutical blogger, author and founder of Pharmaceutical Guidelines, a widely-read
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