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Exercises - Nominal and Relative Clauses

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Chapter 2

2.4. Exercises
I. State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. Nominal clauses are non-finite clauses.
2. They start with a wh-word, if or that as a conjunction.
3. The initial that can be omitted in all cases.
4. Nominal clauses are often subjects of the clauses.
5. We also use them as direct and indirect objects.
6. Nominal clauses can stand in apposition.
7. They can stand as complements of prepositions. F
8. They can stand in front position in formal writing. A
9. They can be deleted from their sentences without loss of
meaning. F
10. That clauses can be one kind of nominal clauses. A

II. Identify the Subject clauses and the subordinate

elements they are introduced by:
1. That he had been wrong was out of his mind.
2. Whatever he says doesn’t make me forgive him.
3. When he graduates is not important.
4. What you want to do seems very difficult and time consuming.
5. How he managed to win the championships is still a mystery
for his coach.
Chapter 2
6. Why they divorced puzzled all their friends as they seem to be
the perfect couple.
7. Whether you come with me or not is entirely up to you.
8. Where he will attend the M.A. courses is something that
nobody knows yet.
9. It is important that you should be here on time.
10. It was Mike that did it.

III. Combine the following sentences into complex ones,

so that the interrogative sentences become the Subject of the
resulting complex sentences:
1. When is he coming? It’s his own business.
- When he is coming is his own business.
2. Why couldn’t he speak? It is an important question.
- Why he couldn't speak is an important question.
3. When can I go to fetch his luggage? It is for you to tell me.
-When I can go to fetch his luggage is for you to tell me.
4. Why didn’t they want to visit Africa? It is not known.
- Why they didn't want to visit Africa is not known.
5. Why hasn’t he come back yet? It is easy to find out.
-Why he hasn't come back yet is easy to find out.
6. When are you going to give me the money? It is my
-When you are going to give me the money is my concern.
7. What happened to that little boy? The old lady kept on asking.
- What happened to the old lady keept on ashing.
8. Were the baby’s eyes blue or green? It was his first question.
- Whether the baby's eyes were blue on green was his first
9. Where could he go? It was the most puzzling question.
- Where he could go was the most puzzling question.
Chapter 2
10. Which of them would Jane like best? It is hard to decide.
- Which of them Jane would like best is hard to decide.

IV. Translate into English paying attention to Subject

1. Ceea ce îmi spusese nu putea fi adevărat. 2. Dacă o să vină sau
nu era numai problema lui. 3. Indiferent ce spui nu mă
interesează. 4. Ceea ce conta cu adevărat era ca rezultatul
experimentului să dovedească ipoteza de lucru. Detaliile tehnice
ale experimentului erau mai puţin importante. 5. Motivul pentru
care era totuşi optimist este că avea convingerea că timpul va
dovedi că s-au înşelat în legătură cu el. 6. Ceea ce mă îngrijora cu
adevărat era faptul că ar fi putut să plece pentru totdeauna în
străinătate şi că era posibil să nu îl mai văd niciodată. 7. Îi întreba
pe toţi cei pe care îi întâlnea cum să ajungă la aeroport. 8.
Adevărul este că nimeni nu se gândise la această posibilitate. 9. Le
mărturisea tuturor celor care îl cunoşteau că era foarte nefericit
deoarece îl părăsise soţia. 10. Este irelevant dacă ai dreptate sau

1.What he had told me couldn't he true. 2. Whether he came or not

was his only problem. 3. No matter what you sau I don’t care. 4.
What really mattered was that the result of the experiment proved
the working hypotensis. The technical details of the experiment
were less important. 5. The reason he was still optimistic, though,
was that he was convinced that the time would prove to be wrong
about him. 6. What really worried me was that he could go abroad
forever and that I might never sec him again. 7. He asked everyone
he meets how to get to the airport. 8. The truth is that no one hat
tought of thai possibility. 9. He CAN fessed to everyone who
Chapter 2
knew him that he was very unhappy because his wife had left him.
10. It is irelevant wheter you are right or not . Whether you are
right or not is irelevant.

V. Identify the predicative clauses and the subordinate

elements they are introduced by:
1. The problem is that PC he doesn’t understand the situation
at all.
2. The question is where PC I can find enough money for my
3. His trouble is how PC he can give the money back.
4. The mystery is whether PC James is honest or not.
5. What I would like to know is when PC everything happened.
6. My opinion is that PC he makes a big mistake if he goes on
holiday with his colleagues.
7. My doubt is if PC they come.
8. In this case it is important that PC he should pass his exam.
9. His behaviour is what PC annoys me.
10. To be aggressive is what PC I expected less from my own

VI. Combine the following sentences into complex ones,

so that one of them becomes part of the Predicate (the Predicative)
of the resulting complex sentences. Pay attention to the sequence
of tenses:
1. What I want to say is this. He is sure to do it.
What I want to say is that he is sure to do.
2. The question was this. Who wants to begin?
The question was who wanted to begin.
3. The truth is the one I told you. He is not very willing to do it.
The truth is that he is not very willing to do it .
Chapter 2
4. What annoyed them is this. There is no other way to solve it.
What annoyed Them is that there was no other way to solve it .
5. What they were afraid of was this. They could lose their
What they were afraid of was that they could lose their houses.
6. The important aspect of the problem is this. All the members
of the team should contribute to the success of the project.
The important aspect of the problem is / that all the members of
the team should contribute to the succes of the proiect.
7. The reason why he agreed with our proposal was this. He
knew the situation better than anyone.
The reason why he agreed with our proposal was that he knew the
situation better than anyone.
8. The difficulty is this. There is no time to finish building
the hotel because the weather is too cold.
The difficulty is that there is no time to finish building the hotel
because the weather is to cold .
9. What bothered them was this. The children didn’t want to go
to the boarding school the parents chose for them.
What bothered them was that the children didn't want to go to the
boording school the parent chose for them .
10. What Mike said is this. There is no way out of the situation.
What Mike said is that there was no way out of the situation.

VII. Translate into English paying attention to predicative

1. Problema noastră era cum să ajungem la gară. 2. Ceea ce mă
nedumerea cu adevărat era că nu înţelegea nimic din ce se
întâmpla. 3. Şansa lui a fost că s-a internat la timp într-un
spital unde a putut fi salvat. 4. Realitatea era că nu îi
Chapter 2
putea ierta trădarea. 5. Ceea ce aş vrea să ştiu este dacă
directorul a citit raportul financiar cu atenţie şi dacă a luat vreo
hotărâre. 6. Îndoielile pe care le avea faţă de fiul său erau cu
privire la talentul pianist al acestuia. 7 . Surp riza tu tu ro r a
fo st că a reu şit să treacă testul pentru permisul de conducere.
8. Supărarea lui era că banii fuseseră deja cheltuiţi şi nu îi mai
putea recupera. 9. Dacă nu acceptăm înţelegerea va însemna
că nu avem destul curaj. 10. Speranţa într-un viitor mai bun
era ceea ce o făcea să studieze atât de mult.

1. Our problem was that how to get to the stațion. 2. What

really bothered me was that he didn't understand
anything going on. 3. His chance was that he was
admitted in time to a hospital where he could be save.
4. The reality was that he could not for give her
hetrayal .5. What I would like to know is whether the
director has read the financial raport carefully that he
has made any decision. 6. The doubts he had about his
son were about his pianist talent.7. Everyone surprisis
was that managed to pass the driving test. 8. This
annoyance was that the money had already been spent
out he could not recover it. 9. If we do not have enough
courage. 10. Hope for a better future was that made her
study so much.

VIII. Identify the object clauses and the subordinate

elements they are introduced by:
1. I didn’t know that he told my story to whoever wanted to
listen to him.

Chapter 2
I didn ‘t know /that he told my story /to whoever wanted to
listen to him.
2. He was talking about what happened to all the people who
knew the details of the murder case
He was talking /about what happened to all the people / who knew
the details of the murder case .
3. I propose that we should spend the night at this hotel because
we can not go any further towards the peak.
I propose/ that we should speed the night at this hotel / because
we can not go any further towards the peak.
4. I saw how the man was killed in the accident.
I saw/ how the man was killed în the accident .

5. The president considered that the prime minister should be

changed as soon as possible.
The president considered /that the prime minister should
be changed as soon as possible.

6. My friends were trying to arrive on time, but they missed

the bus.
My friends were trying to arrive on time, but they missed the bus.
7. I was told that I
would be working as an accountant in a different department.
I was told /that I would be working as an accountant in a
different department.
8.Mike knows why his wife left him, but he didn’t want to tell the
reason to anyone.
Mike knows/why his wife left him /but he didn't want to tell the
reason to anyone.

Chapter 2
9. Experienced teachers are always wondering why younger
people do not want to follow their advice regarding education.10.
My colleagues explained to me how I should organize my work so
I could finish it on time.
My collegues exploined to me /how I should organize my work/ so
I could finish it in time.

IX. Combine the following sentences into complex ones,

so that the interrogative sentences become Object of the resulting
complex sentences:
1. Why did he do it? It is no concern of
It is no concern of yours ,why he did it .
2. Why did they ever make it public? It is better not to be
Why they ever made it public is better not to be said .
3. Who was the newcomer? It is what they wanted to find
They wanted to find out who the newcomer was .
4. Who had originally started the fight? It seemed to be
the policeman’s concern.
Who had originally started the fight seemed to be the policeman's
5. Who was to blame for all his misfortunes? It was quite easy
to find out, but more difficult to admit.
We could easily find out but we couldn’t admit who was to blame
for all his missfortunes.
6. How could he spend all that money so quickly? It is beyond
I really cannot understand how he could spend all that money so
Chapter 2
7. When did they want to emigrate? You should know
You should know when they wanted to emigrate.
8. How did he manage to arrive on time? It is still a
Nobody has found out how he managed to arrive on time.
9. Whatever happened to his daughter? Nobody has ever been
able to find out.
Nobody has ever been able to find out whatever happened to his
daughter .
10. Where could he borrow money from? It was the next point
on his agenda.
The next on his agenda was to find out when he could borrow
money from.

X. Translate into English paying attention to Object


1. Mi-a povestit că era supărat deoarece nimeni nu îi spusese

despre petrecerea care urma să aibă loc săptămâna viitoare. 2. Dă-
ne şi mie şi lui câte un pahar de apă pentru că am alergat ca să iti
spunem că ne-am întâlnit cu mama ta la aeroport. 3. Le-am
acordat o a doua şansă tuturor celor care au înţeles ce important
este să înveţi. 4. James bea întotdeauna apă rece ca gheaţa. De
aceea are mereu probleme cu gâtul. 5. I-am sugerat să îşi schimbe
slujba, dar nu a vrut să mă asculte. 6. I-am întrebat cum au reuşit
să câştige campionatul şi mi-au răspuns că au muncit foarte mult.
7. Motivul pentru care a plecat a rămas un secret pentru toată
lumea care o cunoştea. 8. Suntem foarte interesaţi de ceea ce va
face în viitor. 9. I-am explicat de ce sunt hotărâtă să renunţ la

Chapter 2
cariera de avocat şi să mă fac judecător, dar nu mi-a înţeles
motivele. 10. Nu eram sigură că va face ce trebuie.

1.He told me that he was upset after we didn’t tell each other who
was talking care of the party depending on where the next house
was going to be. 2. Give it to me and he a glass of wather because
I'm running to tell you we didn’t meet your mother at the airport.
3. I face everyone who understood that it is where quisite to
learn ,a second chance. 4. James always drink cold water. That is
why he has sore throat. 5. I suggest Jim that he change his job. 6. I
asked them how did they manage to win the championship and
they told me they worked so hard .7. The reason why she left
remained a secret for everyone who knew her. 8. We are very
intereted in what she wants to do în the future . 9. I exploined him
why I am so determined to give up on my larger career and
become a judge , but he did not understand my reason. 10. I was
not sure that he was going to do what is right.

XI. Identify the various types of that clauses in the

following sentences:
1. That he is lazy (subj. CI ) is common knowledge. 2. He
answered that he didn’t want to dissapoint us ( DO. CI) , but he
didn’t have enough courage to try again. 3. The problem is that
they do not understand the importance of the matter . 4. It is
generally agreed that the elections will be next October.(Subj.
CI) 5. I am happy that I have passed the exam. ( A D V .
C l a u s e ) 6. That he stole the money(subs. CI)amazed us all.
7. My idea that we should try to leave for a foreign country was
rejected by everyone. 8. The fact that our children didn’t
behave properly made us feel ashamed.
Chapter 2

X. Translate the following text into English:

De-abia după ce am ajuns acasă mi-am dat seama că mă

gândisem la toate, afară de locul cel mai important: locul unde se
va adăposti prietenul meu. Îmi vorbise de o cabană în munţi, dar
trebuia găsită această cabană şi trebuia să ajungem la ea înainte de
a se lumina bine de ziuă, ca să nu atragem atenţia. Planul nostru
părea copilăresc: să începem a urca în munte cu o duzină de pături
în spinare, cu merinde, fără să ştim încotro ne îndreptăm, riscând
ca prietenul meu să se oprească după câteva sute de metri, pentru
că era nemâncat de o săptămână şi, mai ales, pentru că va trebui să
urce, aproape sigur, în ciorapi, neştiind dacă îi voi putea găsi o
pereche de ghete pe măsura lui, în cele şase ore cât aveam timp să
(Mircea Eliade, În curte la Dionis)

Chapter 3

After to arrived home I realised that I was thinking at all but the most important
place the place where my friend will take shelter . He had told me about a chalet
in the mountains, but this chalet should have been found and we had to arrive
there before daulight for not be too obvious. Our plan seemed childish:to begin to
climb the mountain whith a dozen of blankets on out back ,with snacks, without
knowing where we are going risking that our friend could stop after some
hundreds of mets because he was starving for a week and , most importantly ,
because after will have to climb most probably in socks without knowing if I will
be able to find him a pair of boots . That could match his feet, în the six hours în
wich I had time to search…

3.4. Exercises
I. Decide whether the following statements are true or
1. Restrictive and non-restrictive clauses are all post-modifiers.
2. Relative pronouns which introduce relative clauses are all wh-
3. Non- restrictive relative clauses are separated in writing by
4. All relative pronouns can refer to both singular and plural
5. Defining relative clauses are essential to the sentence meaning,
the non-defining are not.
6. Who, whose, whom normally refer to [+animate] antecedents.
7. Relative adverbs can never replace relative pronouns.
8. Relative clauses are adjectival in nature.
9. Relative pronouns can be omitted sometimes, obtaining a
contact clause.
10. Relative pronouns stand first in the clause except when
preceded by a preposition.

II. All the following examples contain a finite subordinate
clause. Underline those that are relative, and identify the
antecedent and the function of the relativized element:
1. I wonder who they have in mind for the job.(DO. CI)
2. I have made a mistake/ I will never forget.(S)
3. Go back the way you came. (R.rel CI).
4. The prize was awarded to the girl who spoke first.
5. He is not the man he used to be.
6. It’s the best movie I’ve seen all year.
7. The fact that they are cousins is irrelevant.
8. She started a shelter for women whose husbands beat them.
9. She goes to the school that her mother went to.
10. Which is the one you said you liked best? ( R. RE CI)

III. Transform the non-wh relative clauses into their wh-

relative counterparts:
1. The reason (which ) he gave/ was/ that he wanted to spend
more time with his family.
2. The reason /w hy he resigned /was /that he wanted to spend
more time with his family.
3. The one who impressed me most was your sister.
4. Do you remember the time when we first went out together?
5. The concept /which he came up with/ was really ingenious.
6. That’s a person/who I wouldn’t want to cross a river with.
7. Do you have a screwdriver /which I could borrow?
8. They said /that the one /that I wanted was sold out.
9. Jenny’s new car made the one/ that I was driving/ look crummy.
IV. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative
pronouns and motivate your choice. In some cases several options
are possible:
1. They have managed to finish their task, for …that.. they
should be happy.
2. Anything that…..you like you can buy.
3. I haven’t found any of the books when….I looked for.
4. This is the man that….. I lent my car to.
5. My colleagues didn’t agree upon our boss’s idea, half of ….
fought against it bitterly.
6. I’m afraid that in these conditions there is little …than we can
do to improve the situation.
7. She has always wanted to study physics, …that. I respect about
8. Paris is the most beautiful city that … I have visited in my
life so far.
9. My parents decided to move to the old house where …. I was
born in.
10. All the people…who.. want to help can do it.

V. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding relative

1. The woman…who . Is crossing the street is our headmaster.
2. This is the school in …which…. William Shakespeare learnt.
3. The child to who……. You gave that toy was very happy.
4. She is the sort of girl …who. will do her best to persuade him.
5. All……that .they can do is pacify him.
6. Pollution is a problem……must be solved as soon as possible.
7. You are the only man……I’ve ever met……..can really play
8. They have cut down the tree………… used to stand here.
9. Mr Jones…….I have an immense respect for, has taught me a
lot of interesting things.
10. The most unusual book ….has appeared this winter is a book
on the caterpillar.

VI. Join the following sentences. Use or omit the relative

pronouns where necessary.
1. This is the girl. She lives next door. 2. These are the books. I
bought them yesterday. 3. The student got the first prize. He wrote
the best composition. 4. The woman was very old. I helped her to
cross the street. 5. My friend has made another translation. She is
very good at English. ….My friend who is very good at English
has made another translation 6. Your neighbour bought a new
car. I lent him a lot of money. Your neighbour to whom I lent a
lor of money bought a new car 7. My parents have a big house. It
was built in
the 19 century. My parents have a big h o u s e I t w a s b u i l t
î n t h e 1 9 t h c e n t u r y 8. Where are the cakes? Grandma
made them
Where are
the cakes
e the
1. The book which these pages belong to was published last
The book these pages Belmont to was published last year.
2. The rope with which they had tied him had cut into his skin.
The rope they had tied Jim with had cut into his skin.
3. The thieves from whom he defends his house will be caught
The thieves he defends his house from will be caught soon.
4.The car with which we collided is badly damaged.
The car we collided with is badly damaged.

5. They didn’t say a word about the weather conditions to which

he had to adjust.
They didn’t say a word about the weather conditions he had to
adjust to.

6.The man with whom I play tennis is really good.

The man I play tennis with is really good.
7. The man for whom she has deserted her husband did not
really love her.
The man she has deserted her husband for did not really love her .
8. The people with whom she lives are very rude.
The people she lives with are very rude.
9. The reform about which he had spoken to his headmaster was
never carried out.
The reform he had spoken to his headmaster was never carried out.
10.The glass out of which you are drinking is made of crystal.
The glass you are drinking out of is made of crystal.

VIII. Translate into English:

1. Femeia pe care am întâlnit-o la magazin era foarte frumos
2. Cum poţi să lucrezi cu un om care s-a purtat atât de urât cu tine
3. Tânăra a cărei mamă ai cunoscut-o ieri este studentă la Şcoala
de balet la Julliard.
4. Care a fost cel mai bun hotel la care ai stat vreodată?
5. I-am vorbit despre ceea ce mă interesa.
6. Îmi împrumuţi şi mie cartea la care s-a referit profesorul?
7. Îl cunoşti pe omul care tocmai a intrat pe uşă?
8. Asta e tot ceea ce ştiu.
9. Cei care au terminat lucrul pot să plece acasă.
10. M-a bucurat tot ceea ce ai spus despre el.

1.The women who I met at the stone was

very beautiful dressed.
2.How can you work with a man who has
always treated you so badly?
3. The young women whose mother you met
yesterday is a student at the scholl ballet at
the Julliard.
4. What was the best hotel that you’ve ever
stayed at.
5. I talked to him about what interested me.
6. Can you lend me the book that the teacher
reffrred to?
7. Do you know the man who just walked în
the door?
8. That's all I know.
9. Those who have finished work can go
10. I enoyed everything you sad about him.

IX. Translate into English, paying attention to the relative

1. Sunt sigur că acesta e omul pe care l-am întâlnit ieri la recepţia
de la ambasadă.
2. Femeia al cărei copil a început să plângă este vecina mea.
3. Filmul pe care l-am văzut săptămâna asta e unul dintre cele mai
bune pe care le-am văzut vreodată.
4. Tocmai i-am dat rochia pe care vrea să o poarte la nuntă.
5. Fetiţa, care se juca cu păpuşile în acel moment, nu a auzit că ne-
am întors.
6. Mama e singura persoană în care pot avea încredere deplină.
7. Cu banii pe care îi economisisem am reuşit să îmi achiziţionez
o casă la malul mării.
8. Cu cine ai petrecut vacanţa pe care ţi-o doreai atât de mult?
9. Câinele care stă sub copac e foarte agresiv.
10. Muzeul pe care l-ai vizitat e unul dintre cele mai interesante
din lume.

1.I'm sure this is the man that I met yesterday at the embassy
2. The women whose child started crying is my neighrior.
3.The movie that I saw this week is one of the best good things
I've ever seen.
4. I just gave her the dress that wich she wants to wear to the
5. The little girl, who was playing with the dolls at the time, did
not hear that we were beach.
6. The mother is the only person that I can fully trust.
7. With the money I which I had saved , I managed to buy a house
by the sea.
8. Who did you spend the vacantion you wanted so much with?
9. The dog who sitting under the there is very aggressive
10. The museum that you visited is one of the most interesting în
the word.
X. Translate into English:
1. Femeia pe care o vezi la capătul străzii este foarte elegantă.
2. Casele pe care le vezi dincolo de lac sunt construite de un om
deosebit de bogat care vrea să le vândă foarte scump.
3. Toţi englezii pe care i-am întâlnit sunt foarte politicoşi, dar cam
4. Ar fi vrut să-i explice fostului lor valet de ce părinţii ei care
muriseră tineri nu îi putuseră lăsa şi lui bani prin testament, dar
ştia că suferinţa pe care ar fi provocat-o ar fi fost prea mare.
5. În continuare vei găsi o serie de informaţii care te vor ajuta să te
familiarizezi cu limba engleză.
6. Oricine doreşte să emigreze trebuie să înţeleagă că viaţa e
foarte complicată departe de ţară.
7. Matematica este o materie la care nu am avut nici o problemă în
timpul liceului.
8. Cine crede că fabrica nu va da faliment se înşeală.
9. Orice copil care practică un sport va fi mai sănătos şi mai
10. Mama lui crede că hotărârea pe care a luat-o e cea mai bună.

XI. For each of the bold clause, give an extraposed

counterpart if it is possible or if it is not possible, explain why:
1. Why you put up with it is unbelievable.
2. It is not clear to me whether he was even listening.
3. The fact that they got married should make no difference.
4. It feels good to be back in my home town.
5. For you to do that would be totally unethical.
6. I appreciate that you told the truth.
7. That you should have to clean it all up seems a bit unfair.
8. I’m afraid whining about the pain is no use.
9. Why she had to do that will always be a mystery.
10. Meeting you and your family has been a great pleasure.

XII. For each of the following statements form an it-cleft

counterpart using the same truth conditions; the bold constituent
should be employed as foregrounded element:
1. I blame you.
2. Most of the leaf growth occurs in the spring.
3. They left the campground only reluctantly.
4. Mike took the bike.
5. I like the other house most.

XIII. For each of the following statements form an pseudo-

cleft counterpart using the same truth conditions; the bold
constituent should be employed as foregrounded element:
1. The absurd waste of all amazed us all.
2. Most of the leaf growth occurs in the spring.
3. The backgrounded material gets put in the fused relative
4. Mike took the bike.
5. I liked the music most.

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