Exercises - Nominal and Relative Clauses
Exercises - Nominal and Relative Clauses
Exercises - Nominal and Relative Clauses
2.4. Exercises
I. State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. Nominal clauses are non-finite clauses.
2. They start with a wh-word, if or that as a conjunction.
3. The initial that can be omitted in all cases.
4. Nominal clauses are often subjects of the clauses.
5. We also use them as direct and indirect objects.
6. Nominal clauses can stand in apposition.
7. They can stand as complements of prepositions. F
8. They can stand in front position in formal writing. A
9. They can be deleted from their sentences without loss of
meaning. F
10. That clauses can be one kind of nominal clauses. A
Chapter 2
I didn ‘t know /that he told my story /to whoever wanted to
listen to him.
2. He was talking about what happened to all the people who
knew the details of the murder case
He was talking /about what happened to all the people / who knew
the details of the murder case .
3. I propose that we should spend the night at this hotel because
we can not go any further towards the peak.
I propose/ that we should speed the night at this hotel / because
we can not go any further towards the peak.
4. I saw how the man was killed in the accident.
I saw/ how the man was killed în the accident .
Chapter 2
9. Experienced teachers are always wondering why younger
people do not want to follow their advice regarding education.10.
My colleagues explained to me how I should organize my work so
I could finish it on time.
My collegues exploined to me /how I should organize my work/ so
I could finish it in time.
Chapter 2
cariera de avocat şi să mă fac judecător, dar nu mi-a înţeles
motivele. 10. Nu eram sigură că va face ce trebuie.
1.He told me that he was upset after we didn’t tell each other who
was talking care of the party depending on where the next house
was going to be. 2. Give it to me and he a glass of wather because
I'm running to tell you we didn’t meet your mother at the airport.
3. I face everyone who understood that it is where quisite to
learn ,a second chance. 4. James always drink cold water. That is
why he has sore throat. 5. I suggest Jim that he change his job. 6. I
asked them how did they manage to win the championship and
they told me they worked so hard .7. The reason why she left
remained a secret for everyone who knew her. 8. We are very
intereted in what she wants to do în the future . 9. I exploined him
why I am so determined to give up on my larger career and
become a judge , but he did not understand my reason. 10. I was
not sure that he was going to do what is right.
Chapter 3
After to arrived home I realised that I was thinking at all but the most important
place the place where my friend will take shelter . He had told me about a chalet
in the mountains, but this chalet should have been found and we had to arrive
there before daulight for not be too obvious. Our plan seemed childish:to begin to
climb the mountain whith a dozen of blankets on out back ,with snacks, without
knowing where we are going risking that our friend could stop after some
hundreds of mets because he was starving for a week and , most importantly ,
because after will have to climb most probably in socks without knowing if I will
be able to find him a pair of boots . That could match his feet, în the six hours în
wich I had time to search…
3.4. Exercises
I. Decide whether the following statements are true or
1. Restrictive and non-restrictive clauses are all post-modifiers.
2. Relative pronouns which introduce relative clauses are all wh-
3. Non- restrictive relative clauses are separated in writing by
4. All relative pronouns can refer to both singular and plural
5. Defining relative clauses are essential to the sentence meaning,
the non-defining are not.
6. Who, whose, whom normally refer to [+animate] antecedents.
7. Relative adverbs can never replace relative pronouns.
8. Relative clauses are adjectival in nature.
9. Relative pronouns can be omitted sometimes, obtaining a
contact clause.
10. Relative pronouns stand first in the clause except when
preceded by a preposition.
II. All the following examples contain a finite subordinate
clause. Underline those that are relative, and identify the
antecedent and the function of the relativized element:
1. I wonder who they have in mind for the job.(DO. CI)
2. I have made a mistake/ I will never forget.(S)
3. Go back the way you came. (R.rel CI).
4. The prize was awarded to the girl who spoke first.
5. He is not the man he used to be.
6. It’s the best movie I’ve seen all year.
7. The fact that they are cousins is irrelevant.
8. She started a shelter for women whose husbands beat them.
9. She goes to the school that her mother went to.
10. Which is the one you said you liked best? ( R. RE CI)
1.I'm sure this is the man that I met yesterday at the embassy
2. The women whose child started crying is my neighrior.
3.The movie that I saw this week is one of the best good things
I've ever seen.
4. I just gave her the dress that wich she wants to wear to the
5. The little girl, who was playing with the dolls at the time, did
not hear that we were beach.
6. The mother is the only person that I can fully trust.
7. With the money I which I had saved , I managed to buy a house
by the sea.
8. Who did you spend the vacantion you wanted so much with?
9. The dog who sitting under the there is very aggressive
10. The museum that you visited is one of the most interesting în
the word.
X. Translate into English:
1. Femeia pe care o vezi la capătul străzii este foarte elegantă.
2. Casele pe care le vezi dincolo de lac sunt construite de un om
deosebit de bogat care vrea să le vândă foarte scump.
3. Toţi englezii pe care i-am întâlnit sunt foarte politicoşi, dar cam
4. Ar fi vrut să-i explice fostului lor valet de ce părinţii ei care
muriseră tineri nu îi putuseră lăsa şi lui bani prin testament, dar
ştia că suferinţa pe care ar fi provocat-o ar fi fost prea mare.
5. În continuare vei găsi o serie de informaţii care te vor ajuta să te
familiarizezi cu limba engleză.
6. Oricine doreşte să emigreze trebuie să înţeleagă că viaţa e
foarte complicată departe de ţară.
7. Matematica este o materie la care nu am avut nici o problemă în
timpul liceului.
8. Cine crede că fabrica nu va da faliment se înşeală.
9. Orice copil care practică un sport va fi mai sănătos şi mai
10. Mama lui crede că hotărârea pe care a luat-o e cea mai bună.