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Having a correct pronunciation ensures that the message sent is correct and will be understood.
When you have a good pronunciation you have more desire to talk and communicate with other
people. Pronunciation is very important when learning English as it avoids communication
problems. Pronunciation can be practiced by reading aloud.
1. Place Of Articulation
In order to have a good oral ability, certain physiological mechanisms are involved, this is called
joint sites. According to Peña Casanova cited Alicia García-Rayo and María Inmaculada Calatrava,
the articulation places are defined as follows:
“The position adopted by the organs at the moment of producing a sound is called
articulation. The basic areas of the joint reside in the oral cavity. It is made up of the
lips, cheeks, teeth, the palatal vault (hard and soft palate) and the
tongue.”(Anatomical, physiological and neurological bases of language. Its
importance in the intervention in the audio and language classroom, 2008 p. 6).
According to this, the articulation apparatus is responsible for correctly producing each of the
sounds in order to have an adequate pronunciation. The organs of the articulation system are those
that play an important role since without the correct use of air there would be no loudness in
pronunciation and a determining rhythm to speak. The phonation organs are also involved in this
process; for phonation to occur, a source of energy that corresponds to air is necessary; a vibrating
organ that is nothing more than the vocal cords; a soundboard that involves the nostrils, oral cavity
and pharynx; a sound articulation system that is the lips, tongue and teeth; a central nervous system
that regulates and synchronizes the whole set; and finally the larynx. According to García-Rayo and
Calatrava, the phonation process is as follows: “The air is exhaled passes from the trachea to the
larynx. When we speak the vocal cords come together and the glottis closes. The hardened and
tensioned vocal cords approach the midline, but the pressure of the air pushed from the lungs causes
them to ajar. Instantly and, due to their elasticity, they close again, producing in this way the
vibration of the vocal cords and generating a sound that we call voice.
3. Bad Communication
Phonetic symbols are used to know the correct intonation of each word. Mary Sprat, Alan
Pulverness and Melanie Williams, indicate that:
“The phonetic symbols help the reader to know exactly the pronunciation of each
sound within a word” (SPRAT, et al., 2005 p. 13).
Which means that each phonetic symbol has a sound and joining all the phonetic symbols into a
word will indicate the correct pronunciation of that word. For example, the word cat is how it is
written and the representation with phonetic symbols is / kæt / which is the correct way to
pronounce the word.
Starting from this, it can be mentioned that phonetics is nothing more than the set of sounds that are
used to speak a language and the way they are pronounced to convey a certain idea.
To improve the pronunciation of the students, the teacher must help with very important skills in the
English language.
The sound of the consonant blend /th/ is quite confusing for the Spanish speaking learners of
English. As it can be either a voiced dental fricative [ð] or a voiceless dental fricative [θ], the
students don‟t usually know which sound to use in order to utter the word. One of the most
common mistakes that my students do is to confuse the words “though” /ðəʊ/ and “thought” /θɔːt/.
As I have also observed, low-level students are inclined to confuse the sound [θ] with the sound [s].
For instance, instead of “thing” /θɪŋ/ they say “sing” /sɪŋ/. This phenomenon, which I find quite
difficult to explain, may cause total lack of comprehension.
Miscomprehension can also be caused by the students’ tendency to confuse the consonant blends
/ch/ and /sh/. As the latter doesn’t exist in the Spanish phonetic alphabet, a “ship” can be called
“cheap”. This can be even more complicated with words such as “champagne”, where /ch/ is
actually pronounced as /sh/ [ʃ]