Salanki Proadjuster Article
Salanki Proadjuster Article
Salanki Proadjuster Article
popularity within the chiropractic profession, to the point where more than half of all practicing
chiropractors routinely use some form of adjusting instrument in their practices. As this trend
continues, the allure associated with the latest technology-packed computer-assisted adjusting
approaches mushroom as a greater percentage of practicing chiropractors adopt these very
advanced analysis / treatment tools in their practices.
In addition to the obvious role computer-assisted mechanical adjusting instruments play in spinal
treatment and adjustment, these tools provide expanded interventional choices for a wide range
of associated acute and chronic pain disorders. These include extremity adjustment and
mobilization, myofascial trigger-point therapy, soft-tissue-release approaches, IVD disorders,
mechanoreceptor stimulation and Golgi tendon therapy. As more and more chiropractors move
to adopt this technology, it is imperative that we establish sound scientific rationale (beyond
vague references to subluxation and mobilization) for its use, including defining mechanisms
involved in acute and chronic pain modulation.
An impressive and well-established research basis supports both the clinical effectiveness and
neurophysiological mechanisms activated with mechanical assisted treatment.
Mechanically assisted treatment creates certain local and systemic neurological responses. These
include an increase in local perfusion, relaxation of local muscle tension, and descending
inhibitory responses including the release of specific pain-relieving neuropeptides such as
endorphins, GABA and serotonin.
A neuroreactive site can be thought of as any area of the body where there is somatic
innervation. Since somatic fibers are found in spinal and peripheral nerves that innervate
muscles, joints and skin, neuroreactive sites are found over the entire surface of the body –
although some are more potent sites of stimulation than others. Sympathetic nerves innervate
arterial networks of the skin. Therefore, neuroreactive sites also have some sympathetic vascular
innervation. Mechanical stimulation directed toward specific proprioceptive targets found within
receptor-rich environments activates three specific spinal gate control mechanisms: sensory,
locomotor and autonomic. Consequently, computer-assisted mechanical adjusting results in
normalization of sensory-motor integration, normalization of vasomotor tone, as well as
improved perfusion of locally affected tissues.
Gillette (1987) speculated that 40 types of mechanoreceptive endings in the superficial and deep
paraspinal tissues could be activated by chiropractic adjustment including proprioceptors, low-
threshold mechanoreceptors and high-threshold nociceptors.
Many of the mechanoreceptive endings mentioned, including Ruffini end organs, Golgi end
organs, Pacinian corpuscles, muscle spindles and Golgi tendon receptors, are well-known and
commonly used neuroreactive targets. In addition, a number of authors including Chaitow,
Travell & Simons, and Melzack & Wall talk about proprioceptive reporting mechanisms to the
CNS. Fascia and skin are innervated by a rich variety of sensory receptors including Pacinian
corpuscles, Ruffini organs, small myelinated free-nerve endings (A delta or mechanoreceptors),
as well as unmyelinated free-nerve endings and C fibers that carry pain.
How might computer-generated pulsed mechanical stimulation reduce pain? The widely
accepted neurological mechanism that has been credited for the positive effects noted with
various instrument-based approaches relates to the mechanical stimulation of large-diameter
afferent fibers. Stimulation of these large-diameter, slow-conduction fibers modulates pain by
silencing the activity of the smaller, faster-conduction nociceptive (pain-carrying) C-fibers. By
modulating both nociceptive and proprioceptive afferents, activation of sensory fibers modulates
activity of nociceptive fibers, resulting in decreased pain and sensory function normalization.
How can we explain the normalization of inhibited muscle strength and decrease in muscle
hypertonicity that we see almost instantly following application of computer-generated pulsed
mechanical stimulation? Similar to mechanisms mentioned above, neuromodulation of
proprioceptors alters the activity of motor neurons, resulting in decreased segmental muscular
tonus and increased strength of inhibited muscles.
Local peripheral segmental levels (affected muscles and joints or their relevant nerves)
Paravertebral musculature at relevant segmental somatic levels (dermatome, myotome,
Relevant segmental autonomic levels (reflex vascular areas in distal aspects of extremities)
We should also consider the treatment of paraspinal muscles and structures at spinal levels
segmentally linked to the dysfunction. For example, consider treatment of mid- to lower-cervical
and upper-thoracic paraspinal structures in cases involving median nerve entrapment at the wrist.
These regions are desirable targets since they modulate both segmental and segmental autonomic
reflex activity related to the problem region.
Stimulation of segmental autonomic reflexes further reinforces positive response to treatment.
Stimulation of the first dorsal interosseus muscle of the hand or foot, or other strong reflex
systemic regulatory areas distal to the elbow and distal to knee, are particularly useful when
treating more chronic functional problems.
Moving Forward
To make the claim that one instrument is superior to another makes the assumption that certain
optimum forces and/or pulsed frequency combinations are more clinically useful than others. It
further assumes that we have reached full understanding of how each of these instruments
interacts with the human nervous system, influencing the neurophysiology of the pain
At this point in the evolution of chiropractic science, we are not yet there. Consequently,
research needs to address questions like these head on. These are promising areas for future
investigation and research and answers will surface as we continue to unravel the complexity
surrounding the effects of mechanical peripheral simulation provided by computer-assisted
adjusting technology.
Dr. David Salanki is chief instructor and senior clinical lecturer of the contemporary medical
acupuncture program at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; vice president of
the Canadian Contemporary Acupuncture Association; and president and CEO of Sigma
Instrument Methods.