Benchmark Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership Paper
Benchmark Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership Paper
Benchmark Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership Paper
Angelina Gallegos
Leadership models play an important role in the success or failures of organizations. It’s
important for leaders to know their leadership styles so that they can do a self-analyze to
determine if their leadership style is effective. By knowing your leadership style will help
you understand how you impact others and help identify areas of improvements. Having this
knowledge will help a leader understand the direction to develop goals and a training plan to
Personal Model
I personally think I have many servant leadership qualities, but I also have characteristics
Charismatic leadership can be applied to nursing and could be considered an important skill.
This model can be used to generate a positive influence on followers. “Employees perceive a
charismatic leader as a role model, develop a strong affective attachment to the leader, and
perform even beyond the call of duty” (Luu, Rowley, Dinh, Qian & Le, 2019). I know
personally this model makes a difference in times of crisis and change. “Charismatic
positive influence on followers, especially in times of crisis and change” (Moura, Hayashida,
Bernardes, Zanetti, & Gabriel, 2019). Charismatic leaders focus on motivating their
followers to achieve their goals. This helps increase moral, commitment, and excitement
models use personality and persuasion to inspire and motivate their followers. The main
difference between charismatic leaders are servant leaders are charismatic leaders try to
achieve the existing state of affairs, while transformational leaders focus on changing the
environmental forces and an aspiration to challenge the status quo” (Luu, Rowley, Dinh,
Qian & Le, 2019). Transformational leadership influences their followers and inspires them
do more than their expectations, increase their sense of importance and value of the tasks,
inspires them to go beyond their own individual interest and direct themselves to the interests
of the team, organization or the community” (Teoh Kae Nging & Rashad Yazdanifard, 2015).
“Both charismatic and transformational leadership are useful in public organizations and
share certain attributes such as communication of change vision and intellectual stimulation
Charismatic leadership and servant leadership models both aim to inspire their followers
and build relationships. Servant leaders inspire their followers by their commitment to their
follower’s well-being and building relationships. Charismatic leaders inspire their followers
by being motivational, upbeat, and exciting others. Servant leaders also focuses on the needs
of their followers while charismatic leaders focus on the needs to achieve goals. The
difference between servant leaders and charismatic leaders is what they do to motivate their
followers. Servant leaders inspire their followers by their values and behaviors by helping
their followers, peers, customers, and their community. Charismatic followers inspire their
followers by being a positive role model. “Charismatic leadership is defined in these studies
Benchmark Personal Worldview and Model of Leadership Paper 4
as the relationship between an individual (leader) and one or more followers, based on leader
Both charismatic and visionary leaders use their attributes to help achieve a vision. The
difference between a charismatic leader and a visionary leader is how they incorporate the
vision into their practice. A visionary leader uses the vision to get people to accept their ideas
and way of doing things. “Visionary leaders create a visionary goal and then lead other to
achieve it” (Benjamin, 2020). A charismatic leader sells a vision of themselves, so the
followers want to accept and follow them to achieve the vision. “Charismatic leadership
idealized vision as well as their effective dedicated actions on the path to the vision” (Luu,
Personal Worldview
My personal view on leadership isn’t always determined by a single element, rather its
think that nursing is my calling. I have always had the desire to help people in need. I also
apply these values into my leadership style. I am a leader who looks at the positive side of
everything and I have always put others before myself. As a nurse leader I strive to ensure
personal growth and help my followers to be successful. I also apply these same principles to
all the patients on my unit. I am also a Christian and I apply many of these principles to my
leadership style as well. I was always taught to love everyone even if they have done things
to hurt you. Being a leader, I have been hurt by some of my followers, but I still shown them
One professional leadership behavior that can inspire others is building relationships. A
leader will have an easier time inspiring their followers if they truly get to know them. Another
way to inspire followers if by making your followers feel important and appreciated. “To sustain
motivation over time, employees need to feel support, and be challenged and recognized for their
contributions” (Counsell, & Rivers, 2012). Communication and actively listening are ways to
demonstrate that you the leader are invested in them as a follower and that you care about what
they have to say. Being an inspirational leader does not just tell followers that you are just
committed to their experience, but you are committed to their professional growth.
leader. Leadership models play an important role in employee motivation, engagement, and
satisfaction. Many leadership models are have attributes that are committed to their followers
Counsell, C., & Rivers, R. (2002). Inspiring support staff employees. The Journal of Nursing
Luu, T., Rowley, C., Dinh, C., Qian, D., & Le, H. (2019). Team creativity in public healthcare
organizations: The roles of charismatic leadership, team job crafting, and collective
public service motivation. Public Performance & Management Review, 42(6), 1448-
1480. doi:10.1080/15309576.2019.1595067
Moura, A., Hayashida, K., Bernardes, A., Zanetti, A., & Gabriel, C. (2019). Charismatic
Teoh Kae Nging, & Rashad Yazdanifard. (2015). The General Review of How Different