Barbarians Inside The Gates 1
Barbarians Inside The Gates 1
Barbarians Inside The Gates 1
FOREWORD..................................................................................................... iii
PROLOGUE....................................................................................................... v
I: WE ARE AT WAR.................................................................................. 1
SEARCH FOR DUTY – HONOR – COUNTRY...................................... 1
THE MCNAMARA MEA CULPA .......................................................... 11
II: SHOWDOWN AT HIGH NOON ........................................................ 23
MONEY - MEDIA MONOPOLY........................................................... 23
HAS OUR MILITARY BETRAYED US?.............................................. 33
WHO CONTROLS THE VOTES? ......................................................... 40
III: BOLSHEVIKS RULE RUSSIA ........................................................... 57
RULE BY THE “MINORITY” ............................................................... 57
SETTING THE STAGE FOR CONQUEST ........................................... 68
OLIGARCHS TAKE OVER ................................................................... 74
IV: FDR’S BLOODY ROAD TO BOLSHEVISM.................................... 87
BEGINNING THE IMPERIUM ............................................................. 87
V: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AT YALTA? ................................... 111
STEAMROLLING FDR ....................................................................... 111
THE SECRET POWER STRUCTURE ................................................ 120
VI: NAZI – ZIONIST SECRET ALLIANCE .......................................... 129
ADOLF HITLER: CO-FOUNDER OF ISRAEL................................... 129
THE TRANSFER AGREEMENT ........................................................ 140
A NEW TRANSFER AGREEMENT ................................................... 145
VII: NUREMBERG TRIALS AS FRAUD ................................................ 157
MAJOR ADVANCE TO BARBARISM............................................... 157
THE BIG SHOW IN THE MAIN TENT .............................................. 169
VIII: ROCKY ROAD TO GLOBAL DESPOTISM .................................. 181
BETRAYING THE NATION ............................................................... 181
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ....................................................... 194
IX: FASCISM’S FRIENDLY FACE........................................................ 201
COVENANT OF RACE SUPERIORITY............................................. 201
“DEMOCRACY IN ACTION” ............................................................. 213
X: ISRAELI ACTS OF TERROR AN “OPEN SECRET” ................... 223
ISRAELI NUCLEAR/FOREIGN POLICY........................................... 223
DEFINING ISRAEL’S SACRED TERRORISM.................................. 236
T HE words and pages and chapters of this book are not written
to shock the reader. But they do. Here, for the first time in
many decades, is a view of the forces that act on our lives as
Americans. Here is a case, complete with impeccable historical
references, of plans begun many years ago to control the course of
human life on earth. And the plans are a continuum – not easy to
envision in the every day life of a people born to, and believing in,
personal freedom. This book is a measure by which thinking
people can see the gradual reduction of the freedoms that were the
promise of our national founders.
The author gives us a perspective based on a firsthand
knowledge of both time and events, as well as close association
with many of the leading characters who willfully assisted the
country, our society and its institutions in a downhill spiral leading
to the present and ongoing crisis of epic proportions. He was
witness to the almost incomprehensible treachery, ineptness and
blatant corruption of our chosen leaders, at the highest levels of
government, as they dragged this country and its peoples from one
unmitigated disaster to another, not only in domestic affairs, but
especially in our rudderless foreign policy, which led us blindly
into a series of pointless and disastrous no-win wars. What
emerged was an almost fatally weakened military force, which has
been purposely led astray from its major – and only – mission of
defending the constitution, and handed such morale-destroying
tasks as humanitarianism, peace-keeping and nationbuilding. As
these tragic events unfolded, the deliberate destruction of our
culture, morals and mores as a Christian nation was aided and
abetted by a subservient and complicit press.
While many people will undoubtedly read this book, a far
greater number will be unable to read it, for illiteracy is one of the
aims of those who would remove the power of individual opinion.
For those of us who have good memories, the progress of group
am in favor of Bolshevism.”
“I So spoke David Ben-Gurion (born David Gruen in Lodz,
Poland in 1886), the first prime minister of the new state of Israel.
In a revealing article, “Whose Country Is It?” in the January 1998
American Spectator, Tom Bethell puts those stirring words in their
proper context. Bethell had just returned from a week in
Jerusalem, which may or may not become the first capital city of
the World. Bethell writes that when the British controlled
Palestine after World War I, Chaim Weizmann and the Zionist
collaborated with quotas that prevented most religious or Oriental
Jews from immigrating.1
“Fifty years ago exactly,” Bethell informs us, “the Soviet
Union cast its crucial United Nations vote in favor of the new
state.” He also quotes Yosef Lapid, an editorial writer for Ma’ariv,
a left-wing newspaper, whose column bore the header: “It Just Isn’t
My Country Anymore.”
This begs the question, just whose country is it – this land
once called Palestine? There is a simple answer, but we can feel
for the perplexity of this man, Yosef Lapid, as he sees within his
country, the steady encroachment of Orthodox and religious Jews,
“most of the newer faces from Russia,” Bethell says, “almost a
million strong” since the collapse of the Soviet Union. They
brought with them “a new faith, which is to say the old faith; the
God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.”2
claims that “the barbarians are not only at the gates, but may
already be inside the gates in the shape and form of faceless
gigantic multi-national corporations.”18
The shape and form of the Barbarians Inside the Gates is
actually that of a bicephalous monster – two heads, one body. Far
from being faceless, it is in fact two-faced, one being branded
“Zionist Bolshevism,” the other, “Fabian Socialism.”
This then is the Barbarian Inside the Gates. Has he in fact
taken over?
Edward Luttwak, formerly a student at the London School
of Economics, published Coup d’État - A Practical Handbook,
first in England in 1968 and later by the Harvard University Press
(1979). This work has since been published in all major languages
and received wide distribution about the globe. The Times Literary
Supplement stated that Coup d’État was “an extraordinarily
competent and well-written work, displaying very wide knowledge
of the ways in which coups, both successful and unsuccessful, have
actually been organized.”
Writing the foreword for this amazing piece, Walter
Laqueur stated:
Once upon a time the commander of a tank brigade in a Middle
Eastern country was at least a potential contender for political power.
This is no longer so, partly as a result of centralization in military
command, partly because the political police have become more effective.
But if in these parts coups have become less frequent they are still the
only form of political change that can be envisaged at the present time.19
Which brings us to the here and now, not only in the
Middle East, but especially here in the United States. We must ask
the question: Have the Barbarians already pulled off a de facto
Here is a most pertinent passage from Luttwak’s Coup
The goal of Phase Two (World War II) was also three-fold:
(1) to occupy Palestine; (2) to set up the “United Nations”; (3) to
spread “Communism” throughout Eastern Europe.
The financial/political operations center shifted from
Europe to the United States during and after Phase One. A
quadrilateral of “premier-dictators” was chosen to bring the goals
of Phase Two to fruition: Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill,
Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. The “advisers” shifted somewhat,
with the “elder statesman,” Bernard Baruch, playing the lead and
supported by Herbert Lehman, Felix Frankfurter, Samuel
Rosenmann, and James Warburg.
As was the case during Phase One, the “advisers” were
actually running the government of the United States, but in
concert with the Supreme Soviet and the Fabian Socialists in
Britain. This “orchestration” continued after World War II and
was enlarged by bringing in the newly created Jewish “Nation of
Israel.” Thereafter, by shifting crises and chaos from the Middle
East to Eastern Europe at will over the next four decades; i.e.,
playing “Zionism” against “Bolshevism,” the “elder statesmen”
created confusion, economic instability and political unreliability
in the countries of Europe and especially in the United States.
While a rather quick thumbnail sketch of the momentous
events of this century, this sets the scene for what is currently
happening. In the ensuing chapters we will get a closer look at
these events and the people who purposely and cunningly brought
them about, i.e., the traitors – several at the highest pinnacle of
government – who deliberately sold us out to the bicephalous
monster with one head labeled Bolshevist Zionism, and the other,
Fabian Socialism.
A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it
cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gate is less
formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against
the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely,
his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls
of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks
in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and
their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the
hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and
unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the
body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be
Cicero - 45 BC
(And We Are Losing)
war broke out in 1914, John was rejected because of poor eyesight,
but Rudyard used his influence to get the boy a commission in the
Irish Guards. He lasted but a few weeks of the murderous trench
warfare which in the span of fifty months of the Great War
butchered at least ten million soldiers of Britain, France, Germany,
Russia, Turkey and the United States, to say nothing of civilian
On the first day of the Battle of the Somme, July 1916, the
British alone posted more killed and wounded than appear on the whole
of the Vietnam memorial. In the Battle of Verdun, which began the
preceding February, 675,000 lives were lost.5
Hitchens tells us that after Kipling was informed of his
son’s death at age 18, his personality as an author underwent a
deep change. “At different stages, one can see the influence of
parental anguish, of patriotic rage, of chauvinistic hatred, and of
personal guilt. A single couplet almost contrives to compress all
four emotions into one:
If any question why we died,
Tell them, because our fathers lied. 6
Of course, there are lies, damned lies and statistics. It was
Stalin who said, “To kill one man is murder, to a kill a million, a
statistic.” Much earlier, in 400 BC, Sophocles opined: “Truly, to
tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous
ruin, to speak dishonorably is pardonable.” Even Adolf Hitler
addressed the subject of lying in Mein Kampf: “In the size of the
lie there is always contained a certain factor of credibility, since the
great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a great
lie than to a small one.”7
All of these quotes are directly pertinent to the subject at
hand. The art of lying which is now practiced on a daily basis not
only by our government in Washington, DC, but in all the courts
throughout the land, gained credence with “the great masses of the
people” here in the United States following the assassination of
John F Kennedy in 1963 and in the subsequent Warren Report, and
the conduct of LBJ’s war in Vietnam. This author was a first-hand
witness to all those lies and damned lies, as well as the statistics,
throughout the 1960s from his vantage point in the Pentagon,
where he served as Director, Ground Weapons Systems, under
Deputy Secretary of Defense, International Security Assistance
(ISA), John McNaughton.8
Robert Strange McNamara gave President Johnson (LBJ) a
22-page document “Future Actions in Vietnam,” on 19 May 1967.
Essentially, the paper said that the US could not win the war and
should seek the least unsatisfactory peace.9
The picture of the world’s greatest superpower killing 1,000
noncombatants a week, while trying to pound a tiny backward nation into
submission on an issue whose merits are hotly disputed, is not a pretty
The memo acknowledged that “the enemy has us
‘stalemated’ and has the capability to tailor his actions to his
supplies and manpower…the enemy can – almost certainly will –
maintain the military stalemate by matching our added
deployments as necessary.”11
Two months later to the day, 19 July 1967, John
McNaughton, his wife and youngest son were killed in a freak air
accident when their commercial 727 collided over North Carolina
with a twin-engine general aviation aircraft. Unfortunately, he was
replaced as head of ISA by Paul Warnke, a member of the
Marxist/Leninist IPS. He would bring on board such colleagues as
Morton Halperin, Leslie Gelb and Adam Yarmolinsky.
A few days before the 19 May memo, McNaughton sent a
short blurb up to McNamara: “a feeling is widely and strongly held
(around the country) that the Establishment is out of its mind.”12
Most of the military types who worked for McNaughton
were not reluctant to voice such an opinion – that the
Establishment was indeed out of its mind – going way back to
1963, following the murder of JFK and the escalation of troop
commitments to another unwinnable land war on the Asian
The movie was a total farce and the panel a cross between
Dante and Disney…three Jews and a contrite fallen-away Catholic.
The theme, of course, was the threat and the promise, right out of
the Babylonian Talmud.
McNamara never comprehended that he was being sorely
used, just as they had used him from the moment he became the
Secretary of Defense in 1961 until he walked away from it in
February 1968…the culpable goyim. The fact is that such people
as McNamara and Dean Rusk, Bill Rogers and Mel Laird, as well
as LBJ and Nixon, were subverted by a cohesive group who had
burrowed within the government with but one mission in mind; to
render ineffective that government and its Constitution – and its
military, whose only mission is to defend that Constitution from all
enemies foreign and domestic.
Whittaker Chambers in Witness aptly describes how these
people inveigle themselves into the policy-making apparatus of the
government and gradually take over the inner workings, as did
Alger Hiss and Harry Dexter White (Weiss).
Chambers’ former Communist colleague, Elizabeth
Bentley, in 1953 stated in testimony to a special sub-committee of
the US Senate on internal security that the espionage agents with
whom she had been in contact had been working for the Soviet
NKVD (secret service) and that they were “primarily employees of
the United States Government stationed in Washington DC.” She
named individuals within State, Treasury, Defense, the OSS (later
CIA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission.19
Senator Homer Ferguson asked: “What were your avenues
for placing people in strategic positions?”
Miss Bentley:
I would say that two of our best were Harry Dexter White and
Lauchlin Currie. They had an immense amount of influence and knew
people and their word would be accepted when they recommended
Ferguson asked her if there were others.
Yes, I mean whomever we had as an agent in the Government
would automatically serve for putting someone else in. For example,
Maurice Halperin was head of the Latin American Section in OSS, and
we used him to get Helen Tenney in. Once we got one person in he got
others, and the whole process continued like that. 20
In the sub-committee report to the Senate Judiciary
Committee, titled “Interlocking Subversion in Government
Departments” (30 Jul 1953), such other names were included as
Nathan Silvermaster, William Ulman, George Silverman, Victor
Perlo, John Abt, Sol Leshinsky, George Perazich, Harold Glasser,
Julius Joseph, Michael Greenberg and Bernard Redmont. The sub-
committee stated:
They (the Communists) used each other’s names for reference…
They hired each other. They promoted each other. They raised each
other’s salaries. They transferred each other from Bureau to Bureau, from
Congressional committee to Congressional committee. They assigned
each other to international committees. They vouched for each other’s
loyalty and protected each other when exposure threatened.…21
The Sub-committee stated that “virtually all were graduates
of American universities. Many had doctorates or similar ratings
of academic and intellectual distinction…some were teachers.”22
The identical situation prevails today; only the names have
changed. Check your President’s close advisers and his Cabinet
appointments. Make a list of the key people who are featured in
the mainline media “news” for just one week.
These are not the sons of Erin!
has long survived without enemies and armed conflict. War, therefore,
has been an indispensable condition for ‘stabilizing society’.26
Griffin then outlines the new definition of “peace,” which
was embodied in the report. The “fellows” who produced the
report predicted a time when it would be possible to create a world
government in which all nations will be disarmed and disciplined
by a world army, a condition that will be called peace. The report
says: “The word peace, as we have used it in the following pages…
implies total and general disarmament.”
Griffin, who published his work in 1994, accurately
predicted the events that have taken place, and are currently taking
place, in smaller sovereign states about the world:
Under that scenario, independent nations will no longer exist and
governments will not have the capability to wage war. There could be
military action by the world army against renegade political subdivisions,
but these would be called peacekeepers. No matter how much property is
destroyed or how much blood is spilled, the bullets will be ‘peaceful’
bullets and the bombs – even the atomic bomb, if necessary – will be
‘peaceful’ bombs.27
The study was eventually published in 1967, under the title,
Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of
Peace. The participants considered whether there could ever be a
suitable substitute for war. They concluded that there can be no
substitute for war unless it possesses three properties: It must: (1)
be economically wasteful, (2) represent a credible threat of great
magnitude, and (3) provide a logical excuse for compulsory service
to the government.28
The study examined “the time-honored use of military
institutions to provide anti-social elements with an acceptable role
in the social structure… the incorrigible subversives, and the rest
of the unemployable are seen as somehow transformed by the
disciplines of a service modeled on military precedent into more or
less dedicated social service workers… Another possible surrogate
for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction,
in some form consistent with modern technology and political
retire into the gated community, into private life, to withdraw from the
public school and to teach children at home, to retreat to the rural eyrie.
They want to be left alone and most would gladly settle for that.48
Bethell points to the remote mountain top of Ruby Ridge,
Idaho, whereon the Weaver family was pursued and gunned down
by federal agents, as being a better symbol of the war we are in
than is Oklahoma City. “They want to leave us no place to hide.”49
Where is the counter-reformation? Where are the leaders who
will be needed to launch a counteroffensive? Think of Bush and Dole and
How can we win this war we are in – and are surely losing,
just as we lost the war in Vietnam – when so many of our would-be
warriors shun the fight? Let’s go back to the guidance of the
warfare experts, such as Claustwitz, Tsun Tsu, and, yes, even
Thomas Aquinas; first we must define the enemy, then marshal our
forces, go on the offensive and overwhelm him in the cultural
arena and on the political battlements.
In a gut-grabbing commentary (Washington Times 30 May
1999), B. K. Eakman asks that question, then pointedly answers it:
We lost because we failed to apply the strategic lessons of
warfare to the attack on our culture. We lost because we gave away the
psychological environment. We spent 30 years playing by our opponents’
rules of engagement instead of forcing them to play by ours.51
In his exceptionally revealing book, Cloning of the
American Mind, Eakman also asks the question: “How did we
We lost by basing our strategy on wishful thinking instead of the
realities of war, by allowing turf battles to split our alliances, by treating
our allies like competition instead of welcoming them as friends. If we
are to save our way of life in the coming century, individuals of principle
will have to don the mentality of the resistance fighter. We no longer
have the luxury of time for righteous indignation.52
In sum, we have two choices: we can surrender
unconditionally to the enemy within; or we can fight. There are no
other choices, and time is fast running out. If we choose the latter,
we had best unsheath our swords and join Horatius at the bridge.
(Selecting a Military Traitor)
US. This could undergo a radical shift following the year 2000, to
coincide with a major market crash.
In France (and later, in the United States) the two blocs
vied for control of government in such arenas as director of
finance, and governor of the Bank of France. In order to
monopolize control over labor, they fought for control of the
various trade associations.
In similar moves, using intermarriage and integration by
family alliances, along with interlocking directorates, the blocs
gained control of the coalfields and railroading. In this latter area,
the Rothschild railroad monopoly extended into the US, where the
Harrimans were brought into the fold.
Here is another statistic, just to give us order of magnitude.
In 1936 there were about 800 firms of any import in France, most
of them registered on the Paris stock exchange. Paribas controlled
400, while Union-Comite dominated 300.4
Paribas gained absolute control over communications,
which included the media. Quigley explains that:
Havas was a great monopolistic news agency, as well as the most
important advertising agency in France. It could, and did, suppress or
spread both news and advertising. It usually supplied news reports gratis
to those papers that would print the advertising copy it also provided. It
received secret subsidies from the government for almost a century (a fact
first revealed by Balzac) and by late 1930 these subsidies from the secret
funds of the Popular Front had reached a fantastic size.
Hachette had a monopoly on the distribution of periodicals and a
sizable portion of the distribution of books. This monopoly could be used
to kill papers that were regarded as objectionable. This was done in the
1930s to Francis Coty’s reactionary L’Ami du Peuple.5
Without getting deeply mired in the politics of the times
which led to World War II and the rapid defeat of France as a
viable power, we must take a look at Paribas (Rothschild) and its
support of the leftist Popular Front, particularly of Rothschild
money being funneled into Soviet Russia (Jewish-controlled from
the top down, from 1917 to date) and to the Loyalists – that is to
say, the Bolshevists – in Spain.
ONE can look back through history and discover several instances
where the military forces of a country caved in and the country was
ultimately destroyed from within. This was especially true of
Rome where the military leaders lost their pride and honor,
succumbed to bribery, and left the defense of its empire to
Barbarians who had been allowed inside the gates.
We need only go back to 1917, when Russia was invaded
by alien hordes, albeit small in numbers. Prof. Quigley explained
this anomaly in his epic work Tragedy and Hope. Two passages
are especially pertinent, for it depicts what is currently happening
to our own military:
The Bolsheviks had no illusions about their position in Russia at
the end of 1917. They knew that they had formed an infinitesimal group
in that vast country and that they had been able to seize power because
they were a decisive and ruthless minority among a great mass of persons
who had been neutralized by propaganda…
In the course of this chaos and tragedy (famine 1921-22) the
Bolshevik regime was able to survive, to crush counterrevolutionary
movements, and to eliminate foreign interventionists. They were able to
do this because their opponents were divided, indecisive, or neutralized,
while they were vigorous, decisive, and completely ruthless. The chief
source of Bolshevik strength were to be found in the Red Army and the
secret police, the neutrality of the peasants, and the support of the
proletariat workers in industry and transportation. The secret police
(Cheka) was made up of fanatical and ruthless Communists who
systematically murdered all real or potential opponents. The Red Army
(under Trotsky) was recruited from the old czarist army but was rewarded
by high pay and favorable food rations. Although the economic system
collapsed almost completely, and the peasants refused to supply, or even
produce food for the city population, the Bolsheviks established a system
of food requisitions from the peasants and distributed this food by a
rationing system that rewarded their supporters…12
news clip taken from the Boston Herald (17 Jul 1970), is highly
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Allied military documents made public
last week show Gen Dwight D. Eisenhower alone made the decision that
allowed Soviet armies to reach Berlin first during World War II.
New light was thrown on the decision made in 1945 by the
release of Anglo-American chiefs of staff documents, which had been
classified top secret for 25 years.
Among the documents were cables from Eisenhower, the
supreme Allied commander in Europe, to Washington and to Soviet
Premier Josef Stalin which indicated Eisenhower felt Berlin was not an
important military target.
Stalin, in one exchange of documents, said he agreed with
Eisenhower that Berlin had lost its strategic importance. He said his high
command intended to allow only ‘secondary forces in the direction of
Berlin’. Allied forces were halted at the Elbe River and the Red Army
took Berlin May 2, 1945. The German high command surrendered six
days later. A similar decision was made with respect to Prague, the
capital of Czechoslovakia.
Eisenhower in both instances was fully backed by the US chiefs
of staff and former President Harry S Truman. British Prime Minister
Winston S. Churchill and his chief military advisers objected.
Nikita Khrushchev (Perlmutter), in purported memoirs published
earlier this month in the United States, quoted Stalin as praising
Eisenhower’s ‘decency, generosity and chivalry’ in the decision on Berlin.
Stalin said that ‘if it hadn’t been for Eisenhower, we wouldn’t have
succeeded in capturing Berlin.’
The Memoirs said that if Eisenhower had not held back as
Germany’s Western front crumbled, ‘the question of Germany might have
been decided differently and our position might have turned out a bit
Many observers have held since World War II that the
decision on Berlin had been a political one, possibly made months
before. The chiefs-of-staff documents appear to dispute this.
As early as 1951 when the leading journalist of Britain, if
not the world, Douglas Reed, was penning Far and Wide, he
TO set the stage for the ongoing vote fraud being perpetrated here
in the United States, we must journey back to the beginning of this
century. President McKinley was assassinated by an Eastern
European émigré in 1901, which placed the popular Anglophile
and descendant of Sephardic Jews from Holland, Theodore
Roosevelt, in the highest office. He was followed by a reasonable
Republican, William Howard Taft, who would run for a second
term in 1912. It was pre-ordained that he would lose.
A gathering of key agents in 1910, backed by their
international financial controllers, chose the next president, who
would reign over the United States for eight years and serve as
their puppet to assure our entry into the planned Great War.
The chief president-maker was Edward Mandell House
(Huis), aged fifty. He had attended schools in England, where
prominent members of the Fabian Society captivated him. A man
of great personal wealth, his family fortune was made during the
War Between the States. His father, T. W. Huis, was the
confidential American agent of the Rothschilds.
One of his leading henchmen was Rabbi Stephen Wise
(born in Budapest, as were Herzl and Nordau), who in 1910 told a
New Jersey audience:
On Tuesday, Mr Woodrow Wilson will be elected governor; he
will not complete his term as governor; in November 1912 he will be
elected President of the United States; he will be inaugurated for the
second time as President.28
Bear in mind that, at this time, neither House nor Wise had
ever met Wilson. As House stated: “I turned to Woodrow
Wilson…as being the only man…who in every way measured up
to the office.…”
Did he mean that Wilson was also the best man for the
office? House said:
The trouble with getting a candidate for president is that the man
that is best fitted for the place cannot be nominated and, if nominated
could not be elected. The People seldom take the best man fitted for the
job; therefore it is necessary to work for the best man who can be
nominated and elected, and just now Wilson seems to be that man.29
Without rehashing the role of Teddy Roosevelt and the Bull
Moose Party in assuring Wilson’s election in 1912, let’s go to
House’s 1912 novel Philip Dru: Administrator (a word right out of
the Protocols.… The Administrators whom we shall choose…).
The chapter “The Making of the President,” which, as we build up
to another farcical presidential election, is important enough to
read again.
Douglas Reed, in his Controversy of Zion: (1956) describes
the technique:
The secret of Mr. House’s hold over the Democratic Party lay in
the strategy which he had devised for winning elections. The Democratic
party had been out of office for nearly fifty unbroken years and he had
devised a method which made victory almost a mathematical certainty.
The Democratic party was in fact to owe its [victory in] 1916, as well as
President Roosevelt’s and President Truman’s victories in 1932, 1936,
1940, 1944 and 1948 to the application of Mr. House’s plan.
In this electoral plan, which in its field perhaps deserves the
name of genius, lies Mr. House’s enduring effect on the life of America;
his political ideas were never clearly formed and were frequently changed
so that he forged an instrument whereby the ideas of others were put into
effect; the instrument itself was brilliantly designed.
In essence, it was a plan to gain the vote of the “foreign born,”
the new immigrants solidly for the Democratic Party by making appeal to
their racial feelings and especially emotional reflexes. It was worked out
in great detail and was the product of a master hand in this particular
brand of political science.30
The House strategy was, as we today know so well, to
concentrate its efforts on the “swing vote,” the minority of
undecided, uncommitted voters.
Is this diabolical electoral plan part of a gigantic
conspiracy? FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, in The Elks magazine,
August 1956, states:
by men of the same stock as those who wielded the terror in Poland and
Hungary, it daily threatened the seven neighboring Semitic peoples with
the destruction and enslavement prescribed for them in Deuteronomy of
the Levites.39
According to author Gregory Douglas, in Gestapo Chief,
Vol. II, Ike’s brother Milton Eisenhower, while maintaining a high
position in the Department of Agriculture was listed as a Soviet
Here we are in the new millennium, and the relationships of
our leading politicos – regardless of party affiliation – vis a vis the
Zionist mini-state have not deviated an iota since the founding of
“Israel” in 1948. Can this obsequious groveling in front of the
altar of Mammon be renounced as treason, or have we in fact sold
our birthright for a mess of pottage?
Let’s journey back in time to a relatively small signpost
flagging our direction on the rough roadway to destruction of our
national sovereignty, of our Constitution, and of our very way of
life. The man who erected the signpost was a soldier in that he
looked like a soldier, dressed like a soldier and occasionally – but
not that often – acted like a soldier, Dwight David Eisenhower. He
was really not a soldier; he was a politician and an opportunist of
the first magnitude. His fellow soldiers often referred to him as
Dwight David Kerensky, denoting not only his Jewish family
lineage, originally from Sweden, but especially his conduct in high
office when chosen by the very few to wear the ermine mantle. The
all-important question becomes: are top military commanders also
betraying their country to international Bolshevism under the
crooked and traitorous Clinton administration in 1999?
Following the Suez debacle, on 5 Jan 1957, President
Eisenhower asked Congress for standing authority to use the armed
forces of the United States against “overt armed aggression from
any nation controlled by international communism in the Middle
The banner over the Clark story in the New York Times
stated: “His Family’s Refugee Past is Said to Inspire NATO’s
Commander.” Here is the lead:
The American general who is leading NATO’s military
operation…discovered as an adult that he is the grandson of a Russian
Jew who fled his country to escape the pogroms there a century ago. Gen
Wesley Kanne Clark was raised as a Protestant in Little Rock, where he
was brought up by his mother and step-father, Victor Clark. He was
ignorant of his ancestry, which disappeared from his life with the death of
his father, Benjamin Jacob Kanne, when Wesley was five years old. He
learned of his ethnic background when he was in his 20’s and embraced
the discovery, according to several family members.…54
The New York Times article likened the forced exodus of
Albanians from Kosovo to the “expulsion of Jews from Russia and
the Nazi mass murder of Jews during the Holocaust in Europe.”
(Of course, overlooking the forced exodus of Palestinians from
Israel.) Some of Clark’s relatives say that the general was inspired
by the story of his grandfather’s persecution and escape from his
native land, and that his determination to defeat Milosevic is fed in
part by his empathy for the victims of Serbian ethnic purges.
The article stated that the general’s grandfather, Jacob
Nemerovsky, fled Russia in the late 1890s in fear for his life, and
found safety in Switzerland where he obtained a false passport
under the name of “Kanne,” which he used to immigrate to the
United States.55
So much for a backgrounder on the NATO commander, but
who is he, really? Here is a telling lead from another source:
“WASHINGTON - May 5 - The real Gen Clark is a vain,
pompous, brown-noser, say those who have served with him in the
armed forces,” according to a report by Counterpunch, a
Washington-based newsletter.56
“Bill Clinton’s pal from Little Rock, Arkansas – a Rhodes
scholar who, like Clinton, also went to Oxford – is a typical
‘political general’ whose promotions came only because of his
White House pull,” according to the article. He is facing the
capital for large loans to Japan. It was due to this funding that the
Japanese were able to launch a stunning attack against the Russians at
Port Arthur and, the following year, to virtually decimate the Russian
Talmud, especially the Kol Nidre, or All Vows which affords a Jew
forgiveness in advance for all of his lies, perjury and transgressions
of the coming year. (We will look more closely at the Talmud in a
later Chapter.)
Who were the liars? Professor Arthur Koestler in The
Invisible Writing describes how “fascist atrocities” were fabricated
in “the lie factory” run by two inspired professional liars, Willi
Muenzenberg and Otto Katz, both later murdered on Stalin’s
One of Muenzenberg’s Communist cronies, then dwelling
in absolute splendor in Hollywood, was Stanley Lawrence. In fact,
in the 1930s, he and V. J. Jerome, another Bolshevik boss, founded
the Hollywood branch of the Communist Party. It was controlled
from Party headquarters in New York.
Lawrence and Jerome raised millions from what Lawrence
dubbed “fat Hollywood cows to be milked,” according to K. L.
Billingsley on “Commie Dearest: The Hollywood Ten’s 50th
Birthday” (Heterodoxy Dec 1997).
One of the most pressing tasks confronting the Communist Party
in the field of propaganda is the conquest of this supremely important
propaganda, until now the monopoly of the ruling class,” said Comintern
official Willi Muenzenberg. “We must wrest it from them and turn it
against them.24
And turn it they did! We now have such current
Hollywood Bolsheviks as Stephen Spielberg and Michael Eisner
milking (or mulcting) the great American public. When Stalin had
Muenzenberg executed – for whatever reason – he certainly didn’t
kill off the “Lie Factory.” It is still alive and well in Hollywood.
It was Abbe Augustin Barruel, writing in his massive work
on the French Revolution in 1798, “Memoirs Illustrating the
History of Jacobinism,” who used the expression propter metum
the hands of thinking people throughout the world, who then might
rise up and break the binding chains of Bolshevism and slavery.
A Russian economist, Sergei Glazyev, a member of the
government until 1993 when he resigned from his exalted position
as Minister of Foreign Economics following Yeltsin’s abolition of
the constitution, functioned as an advisor to the upper house of
parliament in 1996-97. In an article appearing in Pravda (8 Oct
1997), he warned that Russia is fast becoming a colony of the
“world oligarchy,” made up of international financial banks and
corporations who, together with their legal advisors and
theoreticians, constitute a “new world order.” Glazyev asserted:
These financial looters are controlling the second stage of
“reform” after devoting five years to disorganizing the economy,
appropriating state property and natural resources, and criminal
transfer of control of all wealth to foreign owners. To cover
interest to foreign creditors, this criminal oligarchy joined to the
power elite presently governing Russia, have usurped the state
budget into a tax-collection agency.39
According to Glazyev, the only salvation from trans-
national capital oligarchs is to develop a “resistance and recovery”
strategy, which would work only if “state policy proceeds
exclusively from the national interest.”40
Because what he outlines may also be happening here in the
United States, there is a possibility that either country could
attempt to extricate itself from the steady and increasingly brutal
subjugation by the international criminal oligarchy. The tools of
the trade are there and have been used many times since World
War II. One is the classic coup d’état; another, bloody revolution;
still another, civil war.
Washington Post writer, Thomas W. Lippman, wrote a
lengthy but informative piece in the 7 Nov 1998 issue on “Russian
Economic Recovery Plan Likely to Fail, US Diplomat Says.”
The diplomat is none other than Strobe Talbott, Deputy
Secretary of State, at one time Bill Clinton’s roommate at Oxford
University and, since 1993, Clinton’s chief Russian strategist.
Lippman caught his speech to Stanford University students in
November 1998. Lippman tells us that Talbott “offered
Washington’s strongest criticism so far of the economic plan
announced a week ago by Prime Minister Yevegeny Primakov.”41
Talbott warns that the Russian government’s economic
recovery program will almost certainly fail, and if it does, “we may
be in for some heightened tensions over security and diplomatic
Lippman points out that since Russia devalued the ruble
and defaulted on part of its debt, igniting a financial crisis that has
paralyzed the country, the Clinton administration has put
increasing distance between itself and Moscow.
Talbott, in his speech, offered a limited range of narrowly
focused endeavors, such as food aid. This largesse was designed
“to help see Russia through the winter.” The Japanese are kicking
in as well, with Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi informing Primakov
that Tokyo will provide an $800 million loan.
The US loan is for 20 years at 2% interest and a five-year
grace period. So much for Talbott’s “limited range of narrowly
focused endeavors.” In fact, we are seeing yet another US handout
in a series of handouts to the Bolsheviks never-ending since 1933,
when FDR rushed to recognize the Soviet Union, at the very time
For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he
that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.
Jeremiah 5:26
There are those who still think that they are holding the pass
against a revolution that may be coming up the road. But they are gazing
in the wrong direction. The revolution is behind them. It went by in the
Night of Depression singing songs to freedom.
There are those who have never ceased to say very earnestly,
‘Something is going to happen to the American form of government if we
don’t watch out.’ These were the innocent disarmers. Their trust was in
words. They had forgotten their Aristotle. More than 2,000 years ago he
wrote of what can happen within the form, when ‘one thing takes the
place of another so that ancient laws will remain, while the power will be
in the hands of those who have brought about the revolution in the state’.1
Well, friends, it happened – in 1933. And those of us who
still hope to hold the pass (or the gate, or the bridge) are still
gazing in the wrong direction, for the enemy is inside the gates,
and while we valiantly stand guard “at the ready,” our patrimony is
being plundered.
In Garrett’s work, we see – finally, and perhaps too late –
that he accurately and aptly characterizes the New Deal as the
“revolution within the form.”
My friends, ask not whence comes the revolution; it has
passed us by. Garrett knew it and expounded upon it in 1938; and
yet, we wait…why? Garrett tells us that it was a “silent
revolution” and implemented by a “scientific technique” which
was intentionally prepared from the outset to bring about domestic
socialism as a result of, and a solution to, the planned and
manipulated “Great Depression.”
And each carefully calculated step along the way, FDR and
his court handlers (the “administrators” of the New Deal)
scientifically selected the next step in order to “ramify the authority
and power of the executive.”
FDR engineered the New Deal that brought about a
massive transfer of power from the citizens to the central state.
Garrett informs us that the next step taken by the “administrators”
was designed to “strengthen its hold upon the economic life of the
nation…extend its power over the individual…degrade the
parliamentary principle…impair the great American tradition of an
Chambers continues:
In a situation with few parallels in history, the agents of an
enemy power were in a position to do much more than purloin documents.
They were in a position to influence the nation’s foreign policy in the
interests of the nation’s chief enemy, and not only on exceptional
occasions, like Yalta or through the Morgenthau plan for the destruction
of Germany, but in what must have been the staggering sum of day-to-day
decisions. That power to influence policy had always been the ultimate
purpose of the Communist Party’s infiltration. It was much more
dangerous, and, as events have proved, much more difficult to detect, than
espionage, which beside it is trivial, though the two go hand-in-hand.8
Chambers reveals the depths of penetration of the
government under FDR by a curious mix of International Zionists
and Fabian Socialists linked directly to Soviet Bolshevism
(Communism; earlier, Social Democracy; now, once more, Social
Democracy). And FDR had not only encouraged it, but reveled in
what he was doing, for he saw himself ultimately as the First
President of the World Government under a United Nations.
One other quote from Chambers is highly pertinent as
regards to Socialism and its companion, terrorism, for those who
have made deep penetrations of our government in such areas as
Justice, FBI, BATF, and the CIA. Here is Chambers:
It was perfectly clear, too, that if socialism was to stem the crisis
and remake the world, socialism involved a violent struggle to get and
keep political power. At some point, socialism would have to consolidate
its power by force.… Here was no dodging of the problem of getting and
keeping power. Here was the simple statement that terror and dictatorship
are justified to defend the socialist revolution if socialism is justified.
Terrorism is an instrument of socialist policy if the crisis was to be
overcome. It was months before I could accept even in principle the idea
of terror. Once I had done so, I faced the necessity to act.9
A world-renowned author, playwright and poet, the
Hungarian patriot, Louis Marschalko, in his 1958 masterpiece The
World Conquerors, speaks eloquently of the role of International
Zionism since its formation in Basel, Switzerland in 1897, and its
continuing goal of world domination under a “United Nations”:
Christian resistance should have followed at the moment when
Bolshevism broke out in Russia and when the work of Jewry became
for the entire twelve years of the Roosevelt reign and prepared a
splendid plan for the extermination of the German people.
Bernard Baruch, a Sephardic Jew whose family came from
Europe via Brazil to North America in the early 1700s, has become
legendary. Mrs. Noma Aguilar, as of 2000 is living in California,
recalls that her father, Benjamin Booker Linton, was, with such
luminaries as Joseph P. Kennedy, a member of the War Production
Board. Upon the closing of World War I, Baruch, whose salary as
chairman was one million dollars a year, boasted to the other
members, “We made you all millionaires, now we will get the next
war started and you can all become billionaires.”
One who saw clearly in the 1930s what FDR and his
“Reds” in government were doing toward destroying US
sovereignty and aligning our country with the Soviets in order to
set up a world socialist power was Ralph Townsend. Perhaps his
best work was There Is No Halfway Neutrality, published in March
1938, more than three years before Pearl Harbor. Townsend
exposed the machinations in the establishment media to bring
America into a war with Japan:
Efforts to involve America abroad are now more elaborately
organized than in 1898 or 1917. Alien aims are plain. Only our strictest
neutrality toward all – with favors to none – can hold urgently needed
trade and provide a basis for America’s continued peace.
Of course the agitators aren’t calling for war outright – not yet.
Their first step is to build the state of mind which leads to war. Once they
generate sufficient hate, the rest is easier.… That is similar to the path by
which a shrewd minority launched the United States into needless wars in
1898 and 1917. Only later were the many crooked deals which
engineered our entry revealed. Only after the World War was it
disclosed that dominant forces had agreed to get America into it in return
for political concessions. The success of a few scheming scoundrels in
that feat was called ‘America’s great moral choice’.
Most leaders in the campaign for trouble with Japan are on
record as ardent friends of the Soviet Union. Communist party members
agitate everywhere in the effort to boycott Japan.… Red aims are plain:
(1) Generating the notion that Japan is an enemy, thus paving the way for
FDR’s “terrible secret in the closet” was revealed in
Roosevelt’s Road to Russia by George N. Crocker. He has
interwoven it into FDR’s travels about the world to meet with, first
Churchill, then Churchill and Stalin, in such exotic places as
Casablanca (January 1943).
Joseph Stalin could hardly have done better for his cause if he
had attended the Casablanca Conference in person. There, FDR did him
two favors. One was tentative, but the other was final and of historic
importance. For the first time he threw cold water on the incipient British
plan to strike at Germany through the Balkans and thus frustrate the
postwar domination of central and Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union.
Roosevelt pronounced “unconditional surrender” as the only
condition which could bring the wars in Europe and Asia to a close. This
meant that Germany and Japan, the two nations whose geographical
position and historic roles made them the only bulwarks against
Communist expansion, were not only to be defeated but were also to be
made prostrate. This, in the words of Lord Hankey, ‘removed the barriers
against communism in Europe and the Far East and greatly decreased the
security of the whole world.’ Hanson W. Baldwin has said that it was
‘perhaps the biggest political mistake of the war.’ For the United States
and many other nations, it was a calamity. 27
It was here at Casablanca that FDR was at the high pitch of
his wartime ebullience. John Gunther recalls:
He behaved in some ways like a conqueror and lord of the earth
when he reached Africa, giving out decorations almost as a monarch does;
he talked about the French empire as if it were his personal possession
and would say things like, ‘I haven’t quite decided what to do about
As for “unconditional surrender,” renowned military
historian Gen. J.F.C. Fuller put it thus:
consequences for the nation’s future. The contents were not revealed to
the American public until after Roosevelt’s and Hopkin’s deaths. Its
precise authorship has never been disclosed. It was claimed that it was
extracted from ‘a very high level’ United States military strategic
What “high level”? The office of the Chief of Staff? Or
from the Commander-in-Chief? It was a model of what a “military
strategic estimate” should not be. Consider a couple of key
Russia’s post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one.
With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her
tremendous military forces.…
The conclusions from the foregoing are obvious. Since Russia is
the decisive factor in the war, she must be given every assistance and
every effort must be made to obtain her friendship. Likewise, since
without question she will dominate Europe on the defeat of the Axis, it is
even more essential to develop and maintain the most friendly relations
with Russia.38
demands were not immediately met, they would bomb and, if necessary,
invade that nation.44
And so it was that under another Imperium, ostensibly
headed by George Bush, Iraq was bombed back to the Stone Age in
1991 (Operation Desert Storm). Later, King William (Clinton)
would dispatch “smart bombs” and cruise missiles onto the
pockmarked soil of Iraq; and still later, hit Afghanistan and Sudan
with 79 Tomahawk missiles “to combat terrorism.” This was
followed by a supreme act of arrogance – and desperation – when,
as commander-in-chief, he ordered our military to strike Iraq with
bombs and missiles for “noncompliance” with a UN dictum.
On that fateful day (16 Dec 1998), Gen Henry “Hugh”
Shelton, as chairman of the Joint Chiefs, had two choices: he could
comply (which he did, under the banner of bravado…Desert Fox);
or, he could resign (by calling his four Service chiefs together,
along with the commander of the Central Command, and
instructing them to “stand down,” i.e., not carry out the unjust and
illegal order from their commander-in-chief).
In a front-page article, under the banner “Shelton calls air
strikes timing ‘incredible’ but just,” Bill Gertz of the Washington
Times (9 Jan 1999) led off:
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said yesterday the
timing of recent military attacks on Iraq was ‘absolutely incredible’
because they took place so close to key events in the Monica Lewisnsky
impeachment scandal.
But Army Gen Henry H. Shelton insisted the strikes were based
on military advice and were not moves by President Clinton to deflect
political heat.45
The roots of this despotic destruction were formed at
Teheran. They were well-watered and pruned at Yalta where they
would later bear a bitter fruit. To our degradation, our body politic
still eats from that poisoned plant today, as our military, under the
fig leaf of NATO, wages a bloody non-war against the Serbian
The United States and Great Britain are ready, without any
reservations, to give the USSR absolute parity and voting rights in the
future reorganization of the post-war world. She will therefore take part
in the directing group in the heart of the Councils of Europe and of Asia;
she has a right to this, not only through her vast intercontinental situation,
but above all because of her magnificent struggle against Nazism which
will win the praise of History and Civilization.
It is our intention – I speak on behalf of our great country and of
the mighty British Empire – that these continental councils be constituted
by the whole of the independent States in each case, with equitable
proportional representation.
And you can, my dear Mr. Zabrousky, assure Stalin that the
USSR will find herself on a footing of complete equality, having an equal
voice with the United States and England in the direction of the said
Councils. Equally with England and the United States, she will be a
member of the High Tribunal which will be created to resolve differences
between the nations, and she will take part similarly and identically in the
selection, preparation, armament and command of the international forces
which under the orders of the Continental Council, will keep watch within
each State to see that peace is maintained in the spirit worthy of the
League of Nations. Thus these inter-state entities and their associated
armies will be able to impose their decisions and to make themselves
We will grant the USSR an access to the Mediterranean; we will
accede to her wishes concerning Finland and the Baltic, and we shall
require Poland to show a judicious attitude of comprehension and
compromise; Stalin will still have a wide field for expansion in the little
unenlightened countries of Eastern Europe…he will completely recover
the territories which have temporarily been snatched from Great Russia.
Most important of all: after the partition of the Third Reich and
the incorporation of its fragments with other territories to form new
nationalities which will have no link to the past, the German threat will
conclusively disappear in so far as being any danger to the USSR, to
Europe, and the entire world.…
As I told you at the time, I was very pleased at the gracious terms
of the letter informing me of your decision and of the desire you
expressed to offer me in the name of the National Council of Young Israel
a copy of the greatest treasure of Israel, the scroll of the Torah. This
letter will convey the confirmation of my acceptance; to those who are so
frank with me, I respond with the greatest confidence. Be so good, I beg
of you, to transmit my gratitude to the distinguished body over which you
asked what was the blank space and was told they were not
allowed to mention the place – it was the Soviet Union. That
incident was one of the reasons why I wrote President Kalinin
asking him to send a representative to Washington to discuss the
opening of diplomatic relations. That is the history of our
recognition of Russia.”9
Here, one begins to understand why Eleanor became a
strong voice in support of such Communist spies as Hiss, Currie,
White et al; and later, a member and staunch supporter of the
Zionist front organization, Americans for Democratic Action
Whether the story about a map in a classroom was true or
not doesn’t really matter. It was the final act in a sorry series of
world-altering events that took place at Yalta.
Hitler’s unsavory mouthpiece, Herr Joseph Goebbels,
perhaps said it best in an article printed in the 23 Feb 1945 edition
of Das Reich:
If the German people should lay down their arms, the agreement
between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin would allow the Soviets to
occupy all of Eastern and Southeastern Europe, together with the major
part of the Reich. An iron curtain would at once descend on this territory,
which, including the Soviet Union, would be of tremendous dimensions.
Behind this curtain there would begin a mass slaughter of peoples.… All
that would remain would be a type of human being in the raw, a dull,
fermenting mass of millions of proletarian and despairing beasts of
burden who would know nothing of the rest of the world except what the
Kremlin considered useful to its own purposes.…
The rest of Europe would be engulfed in chaotic political and
social confusion which would only represent a preparatory stage for the
coming Bolshevization.10
So, what really happened at Yalta? FDR never presented
the Yalta agreement to Congress as a treaty. Did he consider it an
“Executive Act”? Crocker says that he probably never gave it
much thought. “In essence, it was a personal agreement by
Roosevelt with the prime minister of Great Britain and Stalin of
Russia changing boundaries of Poland and other countries and
sweet, you go ahead and do it.… We always assumed that if the bombs
were needed, they would be used.… We wanted to have it done before
the war was over and nothing more could be done.”15
Which brings us back to our presidential potentate FDR:
what did he know (about the atomic bomb) and when did he know
it? Crocker explains:
The prime minister induced President Roosevelt to sign one
agreement at Quebec (August 1943) which was so secret that it lay hidden
for almost eleven years. It gave Britain an equal voice in the use of the
atom bomb, which the United States was soon to possess. In the first
week of April 1954, Sir Winston Churchill brought it to light in a debate
in the House of Commons, causing an uproar on both sides of the
Atlantic. It was at once apparent that the McMahan Act of 1946, which
restricted exchange of American atomic information with foreign powers,
had canceled the agreement, which few men knew anything about.
Congress had abrogated a secret agreement made by the deceased
President while having no inkling of it.
The secret agreement pledged that neither the United States nor
Britain would ever use the bomb against the other, that neither would
divulge any information to third parties without mutual consent, and that
neither country would use the bomb against a third nation without the
consent of the other. Actually, Roosevelt had made an unwarranted gift
of power to a foreign country, however friendly at the time. It is
unthinkable that the Senate of the United States would ever have ratified a
treaty conferring this veto power over weapons, strategy, and, in the
dawning nuclear age, American foreign policy itself.
On this too, the Secretary of State was kept in the dark. “I was
not told about the atomic bomb,” Cordell Hull’s memoirs reveal. “I did
not know about it until it was dropped.” But Klaus Fuchs and Harry Gold
and David Greenglass and the Rosenbergs knew about it. People of alien
and hostile backgrounds were being welcomed into installations where the
newest weapons were being developed and into governmental
The Communist party knew about the development of the atomic
bomb before the FBI, which learned about it not from the Roosevelt
administration but from undercover informants in Bolshevik circles on the
West Coast. FBI men got their first information in 1943 from the
Bolsheviks who had friendly contacts with some of the scientists at a
secret project at the University of California from which it was known to
be leaking, and the FBI was promptly requested to discontinue its
investigation of one of the scientists.16
and into the power vacuums thus created in both Europe and Asia, Soviet
Russia would then step.
Through his sources of information in the United States, some of
whom were in high places, Stalin knew that FDR could be relied upon to
see at least this phase of the program through. He was not mistaken.20
YALTA, however, was only another step along the way to a one-
world Zionist government that actually began with the Barbarians’
(Jews who are not Jews) invasion of Russia in 1917. It could not
have happened without the collusion of Fabian Socialist factions in
Britain and the United States.
It was also at that final dinner during the Yalta conference
that Stalin revealed his intense hatred for monarchies. Insofar as a
united socialist Europe is concerned, the chief stumbling block is
the British Royal Family and the adulation of it by not only the
British, but by the various Commonwealths about the world,
especially Canada. Churchill relates:
At the Yusupov dinner Stalin had proposed the King’s health in
a manner which, though meant to be friendly and respectful, was not to
my liking. He had said that in general he had always been against kings,
and that he was on the side of the people and not that of any king, but that
in this war he had learnt to honour and esteem the British people, who
honoured and respected their king, so he would propose the health of the
king of England.21
This bears on current events in England where the Royal
Family has become an object of ridicule and scorn, due, on the
surface to the sexual romps of Fergie and of Di, who was murdered
in Paris in 1997. This makes for good tabloid journalism, but the
intent and purpose goes much deeper. The British Royal Family
must go, just as the Czar and his family had to go in 1917…not for
what it is, but for what it represents, a unifying nation state.
And, like Christianity in the annals of International Zionism
– Fabian Socialism, it is a no-no.
The Communists (Bolshevists/Zionists/Fabian Socialists)
have proven time and again that these centripetal forces must be
destroyed before a peaceful and beneficent one-world socialist
government can be set up. Royalty must go. Christianity must go.
In working for Palestine, I would even ally myself with the devil.
Vladimir Jabotinsky, 12th Zionist Congress, 1921
The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by
every Jewish community and by every single Jew in the world. We
shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against
Germany… our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of
Vladimir Jabotinsky, Zionist leader, 15 Jan 1934
act of stealing but one of sanctification; that is, redeeming the land
by transfer from the Satanic to the divine sphere.
Further, Dr. Shahak states that the messianic rabbis,
politicians and ideological populizers compare Palestinians to the
ancient Canaanites, whose extermination or expulsion by the
ancient Israelites was, according to the Bible, predestined by a
divine design. He sees this factor as creating great sympathy for
the Israelis among many Christian fundamentalists who anticipate
that the end of the world will be marked by slaughters and
devastation. This led them willingly to support with funds the
Jewish collective messianic takeover of the Middle East. Shahak
writes, “As Jewish fundamentalists who abominate non-Jews, they
forged a spiritual alliance with Christians who believe that
supporting Jewish fundamentalism is necessary to support the
second coming of Jesus.”54
Continuing, Shahak quotes Rabbi Zalman Melamed,
chairman of the Committee of the Rabbis of Judea, Samaria and
Gaza: “No rabbinical authority disputes that it would be ideal if the
land of Israel were inhabited by only Jews.” This argument was
extended to Muslims and Christians by Rabbi Shlomo Min-Hahar,
who claimed: “The entire Muslim world is money-grubbing,
despicable and capable of anything. All Christians without
exception hate the Jews and look forward to their deaths.”55
In contrast, Shahak singles out a book, Intifada Responses,
written by Rabbi Shlomo Aviner in 1990, which provides plain
Hebrew halachic answers to the questions of what pious Jews
should do to Palestinians during situations that arise at times
similar to the Intifada. The book cautions those not conversant
with the Halacha not to compare Jewish and gentile under-age
minors. “As is known, no halachic punishments can be inflicted
upon Jewish boys below the age of thirteen and Jewish girls below
the age of twelve.… Maimonides (the greatest medieval Jewish
philosopher) wrote that this rule applied to Jews alone… not to any
non-Jews. Therefore, any non-Jews, no matter what their age, will
have to pay for any crime committed.
that the army could not find housing for the trial staff in that
shattered city. Clay had a better alternative. They reboarded the
Dakota transport. Persico reports:
Jackson dozed off briefly, only to be awakened by Clay pointing
earthward. That was it, the general said. Jackson gazed out the starboard
window. He had seen the bomb damage in London, the ruins of Frankfurt
and Munich. But nothing had prepared him for the urban corpse below.
Where were they? He asked. Where Jackson would likely find his
courthouse, Clay said. That was Nuremberg.1
In two days of saturation bombing by over 2,000 Flying
Fortresses on 18-19 February 1945, over 20,000 high explosives
and incendiaries were rained down on the hapless city. This was
the culmination of the top secret Lindemann Plan, which was
implemented by Churchill in 1942. Between October 1943 and the
February 1945 raid, Nuremberg had been bombed 11 times, mostly
by the Royal Air Force at night.
As in the case of the Dresden destruction, also in February
1945, Nuremberg was 90% destroyed, and of the original
population of 450,000, only 130,000 were still alive at war’s end.
Persico informs us that the Americans declared Nuremberg
“among the dead cities of the European continent.” Yet, Persico
writes, “there survived on its western edge, a huge frowning
structure, the Justigehaude, the Palace of Justice: the courthouse of
the government of Bavaria.”
It was here in that very Palace of Justice that “victor’s
justice” would prevail, leading to the sentencing of 11 Germans to
death by hanging for “crimes against humanity.”
For still another view of “victor’s justice,” let’s turn to
another great historian – called “America’s intellectual giant” by
his peers – Harry Elmer Barnes. Writing in Barnes Against the
Blackout, he quotes a highly literate World War II veteran, Edgar L
Jones, writing in the Atlantic Monthly (Feb 1946):
We topped off our saturation bombing and burning of enemy
civilians by dropping atomic bombs on two nearly defenseless cities,
thereby setting an all-time record for instantaneous mass slaughter.2
According to Barnes:
Two great wrongs don’t make a right. Hitler’s evil deeds have
been told and retold, beginning long before 1939. After the Cold War
started the Western World began to learn something about the monstrous
and nefarious doings of Stalin – that ‘man of massive outstanding
personality, and deep and cool wisdom,’ as Churchill described him –
which far exceeded those of Hitler. But we have heard little of the
horrors which were due to the acts and policies of Churchill and
Roosevelt, such as the saturation bombing of civilians, the atom bombing
of the Japanese cities (planned by Roosevelt), the expulsion of about 15
million Germans from their former homes and the death of four to six
million in the process, and the cruel and barbarous treatment of Germany
from 1945 to 1948. The greatest horror that could be fairly traced to their
doings is still held in reserve for us – the nuclear extermination of
execute a man in any case, there is no occasion for a trial; the world yields
no respect to courts that are merely organized to convict.4
We should also consider the Nuremberg Trials in light of
the views of learned judges, high-ranking military officers and
university professors. Irving reports that it was US Supreme Court
Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone who in 1945 called the
Nuremberg trials a fraud:
[Chief US Prosecutor Robert] Jackson is away conducting his
high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg. I don’t mind what he does to
the Nazis, but I hate to see the pretense that he is running a court and
proceeding according to common law. This is a little too sanctimonious a
fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas. 5
Supreme Court Associate Justice William O. Douglas
charged that the Allies were guilty of “substituting power for
principle” at Nuremberg. He later wrote:
I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg Trials
were unprincipled. Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and
clamor of the time.”6
As the first trial – the main show – dragged on
interminably, Justice Hugo Black ridiculed the IMT, calling it a
“serious failure,” and placed the blame for that failure on his
colleague, Robert Jackson.7
Actually, it was in all respects a political show trial
fashioned after those of Soviet Russia, as explained by Professor
Richard Pipes of Harvard in his outstanding book Russia Under the
Bolshevik Regime. Pipes states that:
[T]he Bolsheviks established the original show trial – carefully
staged proceedings in which the verdict was preordained and whose
objective it was to humiliate the defendants, and, by their example, to
intimidate those who sympathized with their cause.8
These elaborate show trials were later mimicked by the
IMT at Nuremberg, and still later by the Communists in Red
China. And all were designed to further the cause of the
Universalists to set up a despotic one-world socialist government.
Today, that sanctimonious fraud continues at the international
court in The Hague under the aegis of the United Nations.
say aggressive war is a crime and one of our allies asserts sovereignty
over the Baltic States based on no title except conquest.14
prior work of nearly three years emerged the final plan for the
conduct of the trials. The key to this staged docu-drama was the
earlier propaganda ploy emerging from World War One, having to
do with the “holocaust of the six million.” Bernays enlarged on
this aspect, as well as on the Biblical Book of Esther.
Murray Bernays came to America with his Lithuanian
Jewish parents in 1900, when he was six years old. He graduated
from Harvard and the Columbia Law School, then joined the New
York law firm of Morris Ernst. Along the way, he married Hertha
Bernays, a niece of Sigmund Freud, and changed his name from
Morris Lipstitch to Murray Bernays – certainly a compliment to his
lovely wife.
Perhaps more important than his heritage was the detail of
Bernays’ plan and how the judges of the four countries involved in
the IMT carried it out to the letter… even to the point of sentencing
11 – and only 11 – to be executed by hanging.
One of the first to view Bernays’s “top secret” handiwork
was Herbert Wechsler, who worked for Attorney General Francis
“What was this conspiracy nonsense?” Wechsler asked.
“And defining acts as criminal after they had been committed?
That was ex post facto law, bastard law. And declaring that whole
organizations – some of whose members numbered in the hundreds
of thousands, some in millions – were criminal? This meat-ax
approach was fraught with potential for injustices.”17
Wechsler would serve as Biddle’s legal advisor at the
Trials. Jackson was so impressed by Bernays and his plan for the
conduct of the trials that he hired him as his executive officer –
“his right arm,” Persico tells us. He also explains in his chapter,
“Prelude to Judgment,” how the delegates from the four allied
countries who would try the German “war criminals” got around
the business of ex post facto law.
“On August 8, roughly six weeks after the allied
representatives had first assembled at Church House (London),
rationality of the massacre in the mosque. It was but one more act
of endless revenge, carried out in accordance with Talmudic law
and justice. Carried out with appropriate celebrations on Purim
In the Book of Esther, King Ahasuerus, urged on by his
favorite concubine, Esther, and her uncle, Mordecai, hanged
Haman and his ten sons:
The Jews gathered themselves together in the cities throughout
all the provinces of the King Ahasuerus, to lay hand on such as sought
their hurt: and no man could withstand them; for the fear of them fell
upon all the people… and slew of their foes seventy and five thousand.19
Related to the dissimulations emerging from World War
One and the effort, especially on the part of Britain, to discredit the
Germans was the business of “gassing innocents.” Bernays would
twist an earlier and cruder propaganda ploy – to prove that all
Germans were barbarians – concerning the supposed gassing of
innocents. (See the London Times for 8 March 1917, which
asserted that the Germans had gassed 700,000 Serbian civilians.)
This hoax was resurrected 25 years later and appeared in the
underground Bund report (25 May 1942) from the Warsaw Ghetto
that “the Nazis have already exterminated 700,000 Polish Jews.”20
This lie became the trigger for the “extermination of six
million Jews” by the Nazis, first by burning in fiery pits, then by
steaming to death in showers and finally by “gassing.” Such is the
nature of propaganda, especially when one controls a complicit
press, that even today, two-thirds of the people polled still accept
the “holocaust of six million” as fact.
Meaning that a third do not.
Jean-Francois Revel explains just how such dissimulation
works in How Democracies Perish:
It is an occupational habit for actors on the political stage to
distort the truth, for reasons and in ways that vary with the nature of the
power they hold. Autocrats, in direct control of all means of
communication and expression, disguise the present and rewrite the
past… in free societies the past is sometimes misrepresented, not as in
slave societies, by crude state censorship and lies, but suavely, through
President appoints a committee and then goes off to Quebec with the man
[Morgenthau] who really represents the minority and is so biased by his
Semitic grievances that he is really a very dangerous advisor.…31
As the leading Republican Senator, Robert A. Taft, a
politician respected by all parties, pointed out:
It is completely alien to the American tradition of law to
prosecute men for criminal acts which were not declared to be so until
long after the fact. The Nuremberg Trials will forever remain a blot on
the escutcheon of American jurisprudence.32
warned the Japanese that they would suffer the same fate as
Germany. That message ends: “We call upon the Government of
Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all the
Japanese armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate
assurances of their good faith in such action.” 18
The alternative for Japan is complete obliteration.
The liberal Catholic Church had not yet come into being in
America; but the liberal-progressive Protestant faith was already
In fact, in November 1941 (when FDR was well aware of
the impending attack by the Japanese), he spoke as follows at what
Nisbet calls “a notorious press conference.”
Roosevelt referred to Article 124 of the Russian
Constitution and even quoted bits of it… freedom of conscience…
freedom of religion… as well as “freedom equally to use
propaganda against religion, which is essentially what is the rule in
this country.…”
Nisbet quotes the historian Robert Dallek:
Roosevelt knew full well there was no religious freedom in the
Soviet Union. Nor was he blind to the fact that he could extend lend-
lease help to Russia without demonstrating her devotion to religious
freedom. But his concern to associate the Soviets with this democratic
principle extended beyond the question of aid to the problem of American
involvement in the war. Convinced that only a stark contrast between
freedom and totalitarianism would provide the emotional wherewithal for
Americans to fight, Roosevelt wished to identify the Russians regardless
of Soviet realities, with Anglo-American ideals as fully as he could.29
Even then, patriotic Americans inveighed against this artful
propagandist whose major goals of getting the United States
embroiled in another European conflict were twofold: (1)
Bolshevize the entire European continent; (2) Establish a Zionist
nation in Palestine.
Our circuitous and rocky road will take us to that Zionist
nation in the following chapters.
(A Calculated Strategy of Tension)
national suicide by legitimate means, and there is not much that anyone
can do about it.4
O’Grady declares that “the faith of the Jews that they, as the
Chosen People, will ultimately rule the world, while based on their
misconception of the covenant between Jehovah and Abraham, is a
manifestation of a race-superiority concept that towers a hundred
times over any idea ever advanced by Hitler. It is an amazing
concept that divides the world into two classes: the Chosen People
and ‘cattle’ (goyim).”5
She cites the history of “One People; One Nation; a Chosen
People, destined to rule the world,” and traces their educational
process, always under the rigid control and guidance of the rabbis:
Every minute of the day and every day of the year had its precise
regulation. Every act was molded to fit the tortured interpretation of the
Scriptures, while the most trivial incident of existence was decided by the
dialectic mental gymnastics of the men of the Talmud…the mind of the
Jewish child developed in the ever-present strait-jacket of race-
Upon this Millennium we witness the culmination of that
Covenant between Jehovah and Abraham – “One People; One
Nation… a Chosen People, destined to rule the world,” especially
in the tiny theocratic state of Israel where, after 50 years of brutally
subjugating the Arab peoples who had lived there for 2,000 years,
the Zionists in 1996 relocated their capital from Tel Aviv to
Jerusalem. O’Grady explains the import of that particular city:
Each Jewish community throughout the world turned its thoughts
toward Jerusalem and, as the centuries rolled by, the ancient seat of
Jewish power came to symbolize the central theme of Judaism – the
ultimate fulfillment of the Covenant Jehovah had made with Abraham.
Certainly, before the Gentile world lay at their feet, the Chosen People
must re-establish the seat of world government in its ancient place –
O’Grady points out that the dream of a renewed national
existence and a return to Palestine, with Israel dominant over all
the Gentile nations of the world, has been the most persistent
obsession of the Jews through the centuries. While some of the
moderate Jews, particularly those who came to the United States in
the 19th century, attempted to blot out this sinister doctrine, the
rise of political Zionism through the zealous and energetic support
of the Khazar Jews of Eastern Europe (who comprised 90% of the
Jews gathered at the momentous conference in Basle, Switzerland
in 1897) completely smothered the good sense of the Reformed
The descendants of the captive tribes of Babylon (Judah
and Benjamin) continually looked forward to re-establishment of
their kingdom. O’Grady says they have always looked to the day
when Israel would rule the world from Jerusalem.
Following is synopsis of Palestine history. Following the
partition of the Roman Empire (AD 395), Palestine fell to the
Empire of the East. For more than 200 years the country enjoyed a
pastoral peace. Palestine was then a part of Syria.
In AD 611 the peace of the Holy Land was broken by the
thunder of war as the armies of Persia invaded Syria, destroying
everything in their path. Jerusalem was taken. The Church of the
Holy Sepulcher was razed to the ground, its treasures carted off;
not a church or cross was left standing. In 628 Emperor Heraclius
reconquered the lost territory and returned it to the Byzantine
Abu Bekr, who succeeded Mohammed, carried the crescent
into Syria, defeating Heraclius. City after city fell under the
onslaught. A major battle was joined in 636, and Heraclius was
defeated. Jerusalem capitulated.
Then came the Crusades, then the Mongolians of Central
Asia. Palestine eventually came under the Mameluke sultans of
Egypt; then came the Tatar tribes – and finally the Turks. O’Grady
This is the land the Jews claim as their own. Four thousand
years ago Jehovah said: “Unto thy seed will I give this land.…” Jewry
contends that Jehovah promised that the Jews would return to Palestine
and that this promise will be fulfilled because of its divine origin. The
Jews well know that this prophecy was fulfilled over two thousand years
ago. Only the Christians seem to have forgotten it.8
In his epic work Zionists and the Bible, Professor Alfred
Guillaume of the University of London points out that the Jews did
return to Judea, they did rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and they
did rebuild the temple (under the Maccabees). “Thus the
prophecies of the Return have been fulfilled, and they cannot be
fulfilled again. Within the canonical literature of the Old
Testament there is no prophecy of a second return from the
Babylonian Exile.”9
The very basis of the 63 books of the Talmud (the Law) is
the promise of the re-establishment of the power of Israel and its
ultimate control over the affairs of all mankind. The destruction of
the Temple (70 AD) in Jerusalem by Titus and Vespasian “only
served to rekindle the burning fever for the great day of retribution
and revenge,” reports O’Grady.
She further states that this doctrine is expressed in
numerous Jewish prayers. “The Cabala gives particular emphasis
to the Judaic dream of world-domination. The Zohar treats the
event as having taken place. Toldoth Noah explains that ‘the Feast
of the Tabernacles is the period when Israel triumphs over the other
people of the world.’”10
Throughout the centuries, Cabalistic doctrines spread about
the Jewish communities, reawakening hopes of the coming of the
“true” Messiah who would establish the Covenant and bring the
entire Gentile world under Jewish domination. This doctrine is
nurtured by the Sons of the Covenant which, we saw earlier, was
created in 1843 in Charleston, South Carolina by a small group of
land- and slave-owning Jews who established the Independent
Order B’nai B’rith. By 1930, O’Grady informs us, there were
seven Grand Lodges in the United States and eight abroad. By
1990 there were 267 lodges throughout the world.
Their ultimate creation was the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL), a sub-lodge established in 1913 as an “enforcer” arm of
their Cabalistic doctrine. By this time, the Khazars – Jews who
were not Jews, but descendants of the fierce and warlike tribes of
Turko-Asiatic who had been converted to Judaism in the seventh
century – had pervaded the United States. Between 1881 and
1920, two million Khazars entered our portals. During that time,
the increase in population of the United States as a whole was 112
percent, while the Jewish increase was 1300 percent.11
And during that time we witnessed the complete
destruction of Russia, as foretold by Wilhelm Marr (among others)
in 1879.
Simultaneously with the subjugation of the Russian peoples
by the Bolsheviks, a document in the form of a handbill was
discovered in wide circulation among the Jews of the Czech
Republic, in Budapest, in Belgrade, and in Estonia, as well as in
Russia, during the period 1919-21. It was written in Hebrew, but
was translated and read in a speech before the Czech Parliament by
a deputy named Masanac. A translation also appeared in The
Rulers of Russia by Dr. Hans Eisele. The text follows:
Sons of Israel! The hour of victory is at hand. We are on the
eve of becoming masters of the world. What seemed to be merely a
dream is on the point of being realized. Formerly weak and feeble we can
now proudly lift up our heads, thanks to the disorder and confusion of the
world. By clever propaganda we have held up to criticism and ridicule
the authority and practice of a religion which is foreign to us. We have
plundered the sanctuary of that foreign cult, and we have shaken the hold
of their traditional culture upon nations, finding among them more helpers
than we needed in our task. We have succeeded in bringing the Russian
Nation under Jewish sway and we have compelled it, at last, to fall on its
knees before us. Russia, mortally wounded, is now at our mercy.
The fear of the danger in which we stand will not allow us either
to exercise compassion or to feel mercy. At last it has been given us to
behold the tears of the Russian people. By taking away from them wealth
and their gold, we have turned the Russians into wretched slaves. But we
must be prudent and circumspect. We have to eliminate all the best
elements of Russian society, in order that the enslaved Russians may have
no leaders. Thus we shall forestall every possibility of resisting our
might. Wars and civil strife will destroy all the treasures of culture
created by the Christian peoples.
The Jews, not content with the territory allotted them by the
United Nations, attacked the Arab populations in other districts.
Galilee was occupied, as was Lydda, Ramleh, Majdal and
Beersheba. As a result of this expansionist maneuver, the Zionists
grabbed most of the fertile land out of which the Arabs were to
have carved their “state” under the partition plan of the United
On 15 May 1948, the date of the creation of the State of
Israel, the Zionists owned less than 6% of the land of Palestine. By
1958 they owned over 80%.31
Another quote from Toynbee is highly revealing:
The evil deeds committed by the Zionist Jews against the
Palestinian Arabs that were comparable to crimes committed against the
Jews by the Nazis, were the massacre of men, women and children at Dair
Yasin on the 9th of April 1948, which precipitated a flight of the Arab
population in large numbers from districts within range of the Jewish
armed forces and the subsequent deliberate expulsion of the Arab
populations from districts conquered by the Jewish forces.… The Arab
blood on the 9th of April 1948 at Dair Yasin was on the head of Irgun; the
expulsions after the 15th of May 1948 were on the heads of all Israel.32
Following proclamation of the new Jewish state of Israel,
the five great powers of the Security Council of the United Nations
named Count Folke Bernadotte to act as mediator between the
Jews and Arabs, the latter rejecting the UN partition of their
country and refusing to recognize the Jewish state.
O’Grady writes that Count Bernadotte possessed courage
and a high sense of fairness, and believed in doing justice. He
called for Jerusalem to be placed under UN control and called upon
the UN to affirm the right of the Arab refugees to return to their
homes in Jewish-controlled territory. O’Grady reports that he
submitted his recommendations to the UN on September 16, 1948,
and the Zionists murdered him and his aide, Colonel Serot, the
very next day. His proposals for peace were not acted upon by the
United Nations.
Perhaps the most telling – certainly the most tragic – note
to be found in Olivia Maria O’Grady’s epic work is her quote of
We came and turned the native Arabs into tragic refugees. And
still we dare to slander and malign them, to besmirch their names.
Instead of being deeply ashamed of what we did and trying to undo
some of the evil we committed… we justify our terrible acts and even
attempt to glorify them.
Natyhan Chofshi, The Spectator, 12 May 1961
economic and political clout of earlier arrivals from Poland and Russia,
who held the reins of power in Israel for decades.
Mr. Barak made a shrewd move by dropping the Labor Party
label – a name that many Jewish voters from Arab countries equate with
Israel’s Ashkenazi European elite.10
In a breakdown of “Israel’s political tribes,” the
Washington Times displayed the major divisions of Israel’s 6
million people. The Sephardim (the true Jews) make up 35% of the
electorate, while the Ashkenazim (the Jews who are not Jews, but
descendants of the fierce non-Semitic Khazars) – including those
of the former Soviet Union arriving since 1989 – comprise 44%.
Of the balance, 11% are the native Sabras, born in Israel; and the
Israeli Arabs, mainly living in Galilee in Northern Israel, are 11%
of the electorate.
Dateline, Jerusalem – 12 Nov 1998: In a Washington Post
story (13 Nov 1998), Lee Hockstader writes that: “Less than 24
hours after it ratified the latest US sponsored Middle East Peace
Plan, the Israeli government today took a decisive step toward
building a huge new Jewish neighborhood in the traditionally Arab
part of Jerusalem despite strong objections by the Palestinians and
the United States.”11
Prime Minister Benyamin Natanyahu had solicited bids
calling for the first thousand homes to be built in the project, which
will eventually be the new home of 30,000 Jews. Hockstader
points out that although the Palestinians are strongly opposed to the
development, it is unlikely to derail the land-for-security peace
plan, under which the Palestinians would gain control of chunks of
new territory in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, as well as the right
to use an airport in the Gaza Strip and other economic and political
The Oslo Accord of 1993 left the ultimate status of
Jerusalem, which Arabs and Jews alike regard as their rightful
capital, to be negotiated in a final round of talks between the two
sides. But Natanyahu has insisted that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal
subvert the Constitution of the United States and bring about a one-
world government under the United Nations:
Never before in American history was there a period quite like it.
For 48 days the United States moved inexorably toward war, acting on
authority granted by an international organization. On November 29,
1990, in an unprecedented step, the United Nations Security Council
authorized the use after January 15, 1991 of “all necessary means” to
achieve the withdrawal of Iraqi forces from the territory of Kuwait. On
January 12 the Congress of the United States authorized President Bush to
use American armed forces to implement that resolution. This too was
unprecedented. 26
What actions did the then President Bush take prior to such
a decision? Why did an equally culpable Congress put holy water
on his treasonous decision?
There is no question that George Bush, a Yale University
Skull and Bones initiate in 1947, has been under the thumb of the
CFR. Let’s examine some of his public utterances just prior to,
during and after the so-called Gulf War.
Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective – a new world
order – can emerge.… We are now in sight of a United Nations that
performs as envisioned by its founders.27
Let me give you this final message. If we use the military we can
make the United Nations a really meaningful, effective voice for peace
and stability in the future.28
I think that what’s at stake here is the new world order. What’s
at stake here is whether we can have disputes peacefully resolved in the
future by a reinvigorated United Nations.29
And that world order is only going to be enhanced if this newly-
activated peace-keeping function of the United Nations proves to be
effective. That is the only way the new world order will be enhanced.30
In the Gulf, we saw the United Nations playing the role dreamed
of by its founders.… I hope history will record that the Gulf crisis was
the crucible of the New World Order.31
The crowning glory (for Bush) came on 23 Sep 1991 when
he delivered his “pax universalis” speech at the UN. As John
McManus, president of the John Birch Society, reported, “He
placed our Nation on record as favoring UN military action to
Shahak and other Jewish writers refer as the ruling oligarchy of the
Israeli elite. In fact, as such other writers as Alfred Lilienthal and
Benjamin Freedman point out, this select group of terrorists,
murderers and thugs is comprised of “Jews who are not Jews,” that
is, not a Semitic people, but descendants of a Turko-Asiatic tribe,
the Khazars whom we earlier described in some detail. Their
profound and awe-inspiring abilities to use all imaginable (and
some unimaginable) terror tactics, coupled to a total disregard for
the morals and mores of the western peoples with whom they dwelt
(albeit as “a people apart”) was no passing fancy or exigency of the
moment, but a permanent and diabolical plan to rule the earth in its
Let’s concentrate for a moment on the contents of Moshe
Sharett’s diary, which was published in Hebrew in 1979, and is
now sealed to public exposure in the Israeli archives. While
portions leaked out before the Israeli government conviscated and
sealed the documents, the only source for the analysis of his
innermost thoughts (and abhorrence of the terror tactics of some of
his fellow Zionists) is Livia Rokach’s seminal work Israel’s
Sacred Terrorism in which she stresses the following points made
by the Israeli prime minister in his diary:
The Israeli political/military establishment never seriously
believed in an Arab threat to the existence of Israel. On the contrary, it
sought and applied every means to exacerbate the dilemma of the Arab
regimes after the 1948 war.
The Israeli political/military establishment aimed at pushing the
Arab states into military confrontations which the Israeli leaders were
invariably certain of winning. Its goal was radical transformation of
regional balance of power in order to transform the Zionist state into the
major Middle East power.34
In order to achieve their strategic purposes the following
tactics were used:
a) Large and small scale military operations aimed at
civilian populations across the armistice lines, especially in the
government of Russia. By this act the United States has expressed its
confidence in the success of and its natural sympathy with popular
government. Signed: Woodrow Wilson.9
And the rest, as they say, is history.
Thus is “public opinion” (propaganda) formed. Thus was
America subverted, not only when the above story appeared in the
New York Times in 1917, but throughout the rest of the century. It
is ongoing today.
Three members of the Royal Institute for International
Affairs in London led the way in the initial manipulation of public
opinion; Lord Northcliffe, Lord Rothermere and Arnold Toynbee.
They were aided by two Americans, Edward Bernays and Walter
Lippmann, dispatched to London in 1914 to work out the
techniques to bring about the support of the unthinking masses in
both Britain and the United States, which would cause the young
men especially to want to throw their bodies on the bayonets of the
“fearful Hun,” as the Germans were called by the propagandists
during World War I.
From this talented group of specialists emerged an
astounding revelation: only a very small group – something on the
order of 13% of any given population – will make use of a rational
thought process when confronting a problem, as opposed to 87%
who will merely pass an opinion on it. This applies to such grave
matters as waging war, as well as to any other problem facing
It is based on the fact that the human mind has a limited
capacity of thought; only so many problems and matters of
personal concern can occupy one person’s conscious thought. As a
new concern enters, an existing one must leave. What is true for
the individual is also true for a society. John Naisbitt outlines this
process in his methodology “Trend Report” which was developed
for a string of clients, such as General Motors, Chase Manhattan
Bank, the White House and the Harris polls.10
Let us take care not to hinder the marriage of our men with
Christian girls, for through them we shall get our foot into the most
closely locked circles.
For ages past, the sons of Israel, despised and persecuted, have
been working to open up a path to power. They are hitting the mark.
They control the economic life of the accursed Christians; their influence
preponderates over politics and over manners.
At the wished-for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let loose the
Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christianity will definitely
enslave the Christians to us. Thus will be accomplished the promise
Jehovah made to his People.26
And he (Moses) was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights;
he did neither eat bread, nor drink water. And he wrote upon the
tables the words of the covenant, the ten commandments.
Exodus XXXIV, 28
WHAT were Bill and Hillary Clinton and their many Bolshevik
handlers really up to in forging the New Covenant? The answer is,
to establish Fascism with a friendly face here in the United States.
To bring it off, Clinton and his PR people decided to show the
public the “deep inner spirituality” of this man. Let’s take a look at
this new image and then look behind the image to the real evil
design hiding behind that facade.
Time magazine, one of the media empire’s many ardent
supporters of Bill Clinton and his presidential campaign did some
image-building in its 5 Apr 1993 issue. On the cover is (gasp) a
cross, which is the symbol of Christianity. A closer inspection
shows that the photos inset on that cross are anything but Christian,
however; still, they aptly depict what has happened to an entire
generation since a conscious program was introduced here in the
United States in 1948 to destroy Christianity once and for all.
The bold-face print on the cover, at the side of the cross,
Boom goes back to church, and church will never be the same.”
Considering that Easter was fast approaching when the
issue came out, the article was certainly timely. Notice the
accompanying article (pp 49-51), Clinton’s Spiritual Journey:
“The President’s religious life defies both his political
temperament and the habits of his generation.”
Pricilla Painton did the story. It seems to fit the image of a
Jimmy Carter more than a Billy Clinton, and perhaps it was
designed to do just that. In her lead, and referring to baby
boomers, she asks: “How many of them, if they were about to
become President, would leave a black-tie party with Barbara
Streisand to attend a midnight church service off-limit to cameras
and reporters?”18
vain traditions, and so little understood the prophets that they did neither
acknowledge Christ nor the works that he did, of which the people
So that by their lectures and disputations in their synagogues
they turned the doctrine of their law into a fantastical kind of philosophy
(embodied in the Talmud) concerning the incomprehensible nature of
God and spirits, which they compounded of the vain philosophy and
theology of the Grecians, mingled with their own fancies drawn from the
obscurer places of the Scripture, and which might easily be wrested to
their purpose; and from the fabulous traditions of their ancestors.33
A Leviathan is a monster of huge size which might very
well be the Bicephalous Monster. Hobbes saw it as an artificial
animal and a mortal god constructed by the “covenants of men in
the interests of security, justice and peace. ”
President Bill Clinton carrying out his New Covenant
emerged as the “Leviathan” in the 1990s. He and his many
Talmudic handlers fast turned “the doctrine of their law into a
fantastical kind of philosophy” which gave us brutal Fascism with
a friendly face.
Hobbes’ work combined the details of psychology with the
invective against what he called “the kingdom of darkness.” He
might well have been writing about the Clinton Administration
with its plethora of statutes and judgments and its eternal threat and
Clinton’s “new covenant” loomed over us as a black shroud
which slowly enveloped and smothered us.… Look, look, up in the it a it a plane.… No, it’s Hillary’s black bloomers
emblazoned with “change” and “sacrifice” and “PC.”
Friends, there’s a pair of knickers we don’t want to get
into… at any cost, for that’s the very gal who displayed on her
mantelpiece – in the Oval Office, yet – our collective white, Anglo-
Saxon cojones in a glass jar of formaldehyde.
The Clinton Crowd let loose the Leviathan in the 1990s.
That monster smashed the economy, created a totally oppressive
police state, encouraged a drug-induced hedonism and unlimited
sexual gratification, and perpetrated obscene acts of terror against
pitch, which was obviously well received, but the price, was the
guaranteed surrender of the sovereignty of the United States of
America to the UN’s New World Order.
At that meeting, David Rockefeller addressed the assembly:
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times,
Times Magazine and other great publications whose directors have
attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for
almost forty years.
He went on to explain:
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the
world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those
years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march toward
a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
autodetermination practiced in past centuries.
President George Herbert Walker Bush had loudly
trumpeted the merits of a new world order during his “victorious”
war over Saddem Hussein; it wasn’t enough. He saw the shadows
on the wall and graciously ran a limp-wristed, lackluster campaign
for a second term. Helped by a willing third-party candidate, Ross
Perot, Bill Clinton won big, with 43% of the votes in the election
of November 1992. He and his co-president, Hillary Rodham,
launched their sovereignty-destroying program on several fronts in
1993, not the least by a series of enactments to wound the military
fatally, in order to destroy its one and only mission of defending
the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
William Jefferson Clinton, in a manner entirely different
from JFK, didn’t measure up. Where JFK had balked, Bill Clinton
reverted to type and became excessively greedy, to the point of
willfully committing acts of treason. The hierarchy decided that he
had to go. In August 1996, Sen. Ted Kennedy, along with Robert
Strauss and a delegation of top Democrats, paid a social call on the
president. They told him to step down.
In a ‘purple fit rage’, Clinton told them to ‘stick it’. Afterwards,
Clinton sent a message to prosecutor, Kenneth Starr, with a clear
implication as follows: ‘If you indict Hillary or me, you will end up like
Vince Foster or Ron Brown’.37
It is patently obvious that Clinton knew he could make such
a statement and get away with it because of the power elite behind
him, those who were directly responsible for getting him elected to
the presidency in 1992. He was correct in his surmise, for that
same power elite got him elected to a second term three months
few writers and historians have been able to trace those tracks by
way of our closely held intelligence. Much, if not most, of the
reach of the clammy hand of communism has been suppressed in
our mainline media, simply because the Bolsheviks control 95% of
that same media and use it to their own end, which continues to be
world despotic dominion with themselves in charge.
Whittaker Chambers finally witnessed the absolute evil of
Bolshevism and the designs (and people) behind it, and crossed
over to the side of freedom, liberty and Christianity. Others have
written in detail about those diabolical evils they witnessed first-
hand. In the process, they have corroborated those data and facts
known right along by a very few astute readers, and yet, their
writings also have been suppressed.
We get a clue to those seeking “world despotic dominion,”
as opposed to those on the side of “freedom, liberty and
Christianity,” in a witty and pointed commentary by the editor-in-
chief of the Washington Times, Wesley Pruden, appropriately
headed “The Runaway Bigots in the White House” (8 May 1998).
Here it is in part:
You can find Bill Clinton nearly every Sunday morning on the
steps of the church, waiting for the photographers, one hand in Hillary’s
and the other clutching the biggest Bible he can find.… In his desperation
to salvage what’s left of his presidency, nothing is off limits, nothing is
over the line.…
The president’s mad dogs, contemptuous as they may be of
anyone who wears the military uniform, nevertheless look to old
Tecumseh Sherman for their inspiration. ‘I can make the march and I can
make Georgia howl,’ he told an admiring Lincoln in 1864 on the eve of
his infamous march from Atlanta to the sea. ‘I propose to kill even the
puppies, because puppies grow up to be Southern dogs.’
This would become the order of battle for a White House 130
years later: burn everything to the ground and plow up the ashes.
When Sidney Blumenthal and the demented James Carville were
loosed on Kenneth Starr and Hick Ewing, proposing to mock and jeer at
their evangelical Christianity, the president gave them no caution about
observing the decencies and restraint that guide the rest of us.…39
Hillary too has had a lengthy love affair with the IPS
crowd, going back to her days as Hillary Rodham (Rodamski), law
student at Yale, where she served on the board of editors of the
quarterly Yale Review of Law and Social Action. The spring
edition of 1970, which Hillary edited, featured an article by IPS
Director Robert Borosage. A later edition, also edited by Hillary,
urged sympathetic understanding of Black Panthers then on trial
for murder.
As Director and Chair of the New World Foundation in
1987-88, Hillary praised several far-left organizations and awarded
them significant sums of money. Among those notorious groups,
which were labeled by the FBI as Communist fronts, was the
National Lawyers Guild: Hillary awarded them $15,000. The
Committee on Un-American Activities (House Report 3123 on the
National Lawyers Guild, 21 Sep 1950) called the NLG “the
foremost bulwark of the Communist Party [which] since its
inception has never failed to rally to the legal defense of the
Communist Party and individual members thereof, including
known espionage agents.”49
The NLG tie-in to IPS was through its chairman Peter
Weiss, who served on the NLG’s board of trustees. The then
director of the NLG, Victor Rabinowitz, awarded sums of money
to the IPS through the Rabinowitz Foundation.
These Bolshevik stalwarts were the closest and cleverest
friends of both Bill and Hillary going back to at least 1970. They
aided and abetted the meteoric rise of that infamous duo to, first,
governor of the sovereign state of Arkansas; and then, to the
highest office(s) of the land, the co-presidency of the once-
sovereign nation, the United States of America. Many of the IPS
dignitaries were rewarded with cabinet and advisory positions
within the Clinton’s inner circle of absolute power, among them,
Leon Panetta, Les Aspin, Anthony Lake, Stephen Solarz, Timothy
Wirth, Patricia Schroeder, Morton Halperin and Edward Feighan.
Sikh bodyguards, hired by her son, Rajiv, who replaced her, but he
was swept from office in 1989 and assassinated in 1991. Several
years later, Indira’s assassins were freed from their country club
prisons undoubtedly with a Swiss numbered account full of money.
Indira Gandhi’s Marxist handlers had her blown away for falling
behind the timetable to take over Pakistan, who was then
developing A-bomb capabilities.
And, of course, in neighboring Pakistan, Army Chief, Gen
Pervais Musharraf, pulled a coup d’etat on 12 Oct 1999, placing
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif under house arrest.68 Waiting in the
wings is the former prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, the “grieving
daughter” of another former prime minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto,
who had been judicially executed in the 1970s following another
Benazir Bhutto, speaking with BBC World TV in London
on 13 Oct 1999, said she doesn’t support coups, “but ultimately I
blame Sharif for ruthlessly trampling on the rule of law and
attempting to divide the army politically.” She said the army
should set a firm date for elections and “go back to the barracks.”69
Through the eyes of Mrs. Nesta Webster, we can get an
early portrait of Bill Clinton and his Oxford-trained cabinet
members, as painted by a special commissioner of police in
Mayence, France when it was part of the Napoleonic Empire.
Francois Charles de Berckheim reported in 1810 that the Illuminati
had initiates all over Europe and were working hard to introduce
their principles into the lodges of Freemasonry.
Berckheim was a Freemason. He said,
Illuminism is becoming a great and formidable power… kings
and peoples will have much to suffer from it unless foresight and
prudence break its frightful mechanism.70
Berckheim also painted a picture of the organization and
methods of the Illuminati which ties back to the Weishaupt papers
of 1786. The commissioner stated in 1813:
extensively about him in his book, They Dare to Speak Out (1985).
All too typical of the Israel-first political action committees
financing Sen. Jackson (and other Congress members) was the
National Bipartisan Political Action Committee headed by Mark
Siegel. This group was formed originally to help in the late
Senator Jackson’s 1978 presidential bid.
Findley explains how a top Defense expert outlined to him
an event involving President Carter’s Secretary of Defense, Harold
Brown (whose father was a Russian Jew):
I remember once Israel requested an item on the prohibited list.
Before I answered, I checked with Secretary Brown and he said, ‘No,
absolutely no. We’re not going to give in to the bastards on this one.’ So
I said no.
Lo and behold, a few days later I got a call from Brown. He
said, ‘The Israelis are raising hell. I got a call from (Sen. Henry) Scoop
Jackson, asking why we aren’t cooperating with Israel. It isn’t worth it.
Let it go.’4
Findley stresses that Israeli penetration of State and
Defense reached an all-time high during the Reagan
In 1984 people known to have intimate links with Israel were
employed in offices throughout the bureaucracy and particularly in the
Defense Department… headed by Fred Ickle, undersecretary for
international security. The three personalities of greatest importance in
his area are Richard Perle, Ikle’s assistant for international security
policy; Stephen Bryen, Perle’s principal deputy, whose assigned specialty
was technology transfer; and Noel Koch, principal deputy to Richard
Armitage, assistant secretary for international security affairs. Koch was
formerly employed by the Zionist Organization of America. Perle
previously served on the staff of Democratic Senator Henry Jackson of
Washington, one of Israel’s most ardent boosters, and had the reputation
of being a conduit of information to the Israeli government. Stephen
Bryen came to the administration under the darkest cloud of all.5
Bryen was on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee in 1978, at which time he offered a top-secret
document on Saudi air bases to a group of visiting Israeli officials.
He later left the committee and became executive director of the
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), an
and Jacob Javits, both of whom were pushing for annual quotas of
around 100,000 Jews.
In January 1975, following passage of the trade bill, the
Soviet Union repudiated it and informed the US that it would not
seek most-favored-nation status or comply with provisions of the
bill. The Jackson-Vanik amendment, however, was now part of
American law. For the next 15 years, the numbers of Jews
emigrating fluctuated based on the warmth of Soviet-American
relations. In 1979, after a new wheat deal and the negotiation of a
SALT II treaty by President Carter, it jumped to 51,000. It was
only during the Gorbachev revolution of 1989 that emigration
restrictions were suddenly lifted. In 1990, the number of Jews
leaving the country exploded to 150,000.8
Richard Perle, along with a strange mix of neo-cons and
Israel-firsters, urged President Clinton (by letter dated 29 Jan 1999)
to use “strong action and sustained US leadership to address the
largest security crisis in Europe today. Serbian forces under the
command of President Slobodan Milosevic are again slaughtering
civilians and threatening the stability of the region, as many of the
same forces did in Croatia and Bosnia.”9
Perle and his fellow “patriots,” such as Morton
Abramovitz, Richard Burt, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Bob Dole,
William Kristol, Mel Levine, Helmut Sonnenfeldt and Jeane
Kirkpatrick, want NATO to use air power as necessary to compel
the removal of Serbian forces and prepare the way for the
introduction of NATO ground troops. The next logical step would
be to agitate for NATO troop involvement in a contrived crisis
anywhere outside of Europe – say, in the Middle East, or even on
East Timor island, one of 13,000 islands making up Indonesia,
situated on or near the equator to the north of Australia. To the
global government advocates, no country, however remote, is safe
from the Talmudic tactics designed to destroy utterly any nation or
peoples standing in the way of total subjugation by the chosen few.
It would seem a far cry from the build-up of Eastern
European émigrés (say criminals) in Los Angeles to their fellow
Each state, large or small, sends two senators to Congress, but the
numbers of Representatives rise or fall according to states-population.
The concentration of population in these seven states gives them the
balance of power in presidential elections. The political control of these
states, therefore, is a major prize in the contest for power.…
Into these states the new immigration from Eastern and Southern
Europe, after the Civil War, mainly flowed. It is fairly clear today that
this movement was largely directed, in the case of the Jewish
immigration, by the Political Zionists. In 1940, according to Jewish
reference books, more than half of all Jewish immigrants went to
Simultaneously an increasing number of Negroes is being drawn
from the South into these seven states by Communist-dominated unions.
The powerful waterside union in California chiefly instigates this
movement. These unions are under the control of leaders of Eastern
European origins.… By these means the vote of the seven key states has
been mobilized for Democratic or Communist candidates.… Los Angeles
is growing into a political stronghold of the new immigration on the
Pacific, as New York is already its chief one on the Atlantic and in the
aggression”; (2) to capture the waters of the Litani River for use in
water-scarce Israel.16
Bernstein states that the terrorist attack on the Marine base
in Lebanon, causing the death of 250 US Marines, “was planned by
Israeli military personnel… the Mossad, Israel’s secret service.…
By instigating the attack on the Marine base, the Israeli ‘war
hawks’ had hoped the attack would turn the American people
against the Arabs, and that the US could be drawn into the war and
further help Israel in its aggression.”17
YOU may not recall a play staged in 1938 called The Fifth
Column. It was based on the phrase, which originated in a radio
address by one of Franco’s generals, Emilio Mola, during the
Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Mola was leading four columns
of troops against Madrid, and boasted that he had a“fifth column of
sympathizers within Madrid who would support him.
Spain in the 1920s was controlled by the Socialist party
(PSOE) under Francino Largo Caballero, who served the new
Spanish Republic until a failed military coup by the Falangistas
(Aug 1932) brought disaster. The following year, the Socialists
lost the election. Spurred on by alien Bolshevists, they resorted to
Gen Francisco Franco, a highly capable career officer, a
nationalist and devout Catholic of Jewish heritage, was reluctant to
use military force; however, seeing his country threatened by a
deadly foreign bacillus and sensing the alien effort to divide the
army, he was prepared to act “if worse came to worse.” By
February 1936, he knew that a take-over by the Bolshevist left was
imminent and that it would lead to forced collectivization,
destruction of the Church and brutal repression by the agents of
Soviet Russia.
“Their fronts are Socialism, Communism and Bolshevism
which attack civilization to replace it with barbarism,” he told his
army commanders after the Socialists regained control in the
elections of 1936, only to be overwhelmed by their brother
Bolshevists who had penetrated the PSOE.18
Just as in Russia in 1917 and onwards, the Zionist
Bolshevists zeroed in on two principal targets: the military and the
Church. By March, the first burnings of churches and convents
took place, as the militant Communists formed a revolutionary
Marxist party, Partido Obrero de Unificaion Marxista (POUM)
What emerges is not a struggle between good and evil but a general
Upon this Millennium, we are faced with a general tragedy
far worse than the events of the Spanish Civil War. Identical forces
are at play, but with far more concentrated power at their disposal,
including such weaponry as nuclear, chemical, biological agents, as
well as weather manipulation. With the seven levers of power now
virtually totally in the hands of the Barbarians within our gates, we
seem to be headed down the slippery slope to unprecedented
destruction, depression and decay. Even our once proud and loyal
military – the Muscle, if you will – has apparently been co-opted to
subvert the Constitution and support the global oligarchs.
We have seen in this work how two other countries
separated by distance and time resorted to the technique of
violence to save their countries and culture from the great menace
of this century – atheistic Bolshevism. General Francisco Franco
saved Spain in the 1930s from this deadly bacillus. General
Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from the identical deadly disease in
the 1970s.
Today, at least two leaders of other countries also separated
by a vast distance are fighting to stave off the global gangsters and
their financial manipulations – Malaysia and Venezuela.
“The prime minister of a friendly nation has been targeted
for elimination. His crime is that in a world order built on lies, this
man tells the truth.” This was the kicker for a factual reportage by
Warren Hough in the Spotlight weekly (7 Dec 1998). President
Clinton was pushed by his handlers to sign on to a series of covert
actions designed to overthrow Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir
Mohamad, “an elected, democratic and long-established Asian
Hough cites a report by Russell E. F. Faulkner, a British
broadcast correspondent stationed in Hong Kong. The campaign to
destabilize the Malaysian government was driven by Israel’s
They point out that there is no avoiding the fact that its villains
are Arabs who quote the Koran and perform ablutions before heading off
to blow up innocent civilians.30
Dare we ask, just who benefits when Christian America is
pitted against the Muslim world, or, for that matter, against the
“Yellow Peril”? Just who is it that orchestrates these scenarios,
defines these enemies and cunningly sets us up for further police-
state repression?
Grigg asks another pertinent question: “Why is America so
We were close to a coup here in the United States at the
time of the Kennedy assassination in November 1963. Tapes
recently released indicate that what transpired at that time was in
fact a double coup – one in South Vietnam, the other, just a few
days later, when the author of the Vietnamese coup was himself
taken out.
Two unresolved questions remain: who specifically was
behind both events; and, most important, what was the raison
We get a partial answer from Christopher Mathews, a
nationally syndicated columnist writing in the Washington Times
(29 Nov 1998). His column, “Echoes of Vietnam,” is based on the
release of tapes in late November 1998 which reflect “the most
fateful American action of the Vietnamese War: the August 1963
decision to dump the existing government in Saigon led by
President Ngo Dinh Diem and replace it with a military junta more
responsive to US war aims.”32
From the tapes made by JFK himself (4 Nov 1963)
immediately following the bloody butchery of President Diem and
his brother Nhu in an armored personnel carrier in the early
morning hours of 2 November, Mathews lays out the
Machiavellian sequence which ultimately led to the butchery of
What is needed today is the same awareness that finally hit the
conservative men of America in the early 1770s. Loyal to their king, they
had rejected the counsel of Sam Adams to rebel against him and fight.
Finally, it dawned on these conservatives that they had to
become radicals; they had to overthrow the king’s rule to keep what they
had. And they found in George Washington a conservative leader with
the perseverance to take us to victory over an enemy superior in every
way but courage and character.37
Is there not today, among that vast array of sheer military
force, just one leader who will sound the trumpet and mount the
charge against a totally tyrannical despot and his imperial court
lackeys, and bring them to a court of military justice and/or the
A lesson can be learned from the Book of Judges, which
outlines how Gideon saved Israel from the fearsome Midianites.
From a force of 32,000, Gideon, guided by the Lord, chose only
300, and with that comparatively small number, which he split into
three forces of 100 each, he attacked the Midianite hordes at night.
Each man carried a lamp and a trumpet, and, with the flickering
lamps and the blowing of trumpets, Gideon surrounded the enemy,
who fled in panic. Gideon’s forces pursued them, captured their
princes and slew them, “and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to
Gideon on the other side of the Jordan.”
There is a lesson here for the more astute, perhaps best
epitomized by America’s national motto: “In God we trust,” as
well as in our military oath, which ends: “So help me God.” We
can add to those as a natural continuum: “God plus One is always a
And perhaps finally, “If God be for us, who can be against
us? (Romans 8:31)
(Destabilize from Within)
who was thrown out of his government position a few weeks after
he effectively negotiated an end to the Russian war in Chechnya –
a war extremely unpopular with the people, yet strongly supported
by the government.”1
Glick outlined a scenario for another Russian revolution:
• Small protests spread to national level;
• Discontented masses hit the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg;
• A new leader would emerge, who could blame “minorities and the
West.” He would showcase how the once- powerful military has lost
its glory. By simple promises, a leader could have support of the
military, which creates a short path to the Kremlin.2
Glick stated that the scenario of an “unknown force taking
power is frighteningly close to what happened to Russia in 1917,
ushering in Lenin and the Communist Party.”
In his final analysis, Glick stressed that we should push
President Yeltsin and Prime Minister Primakov to make the major
reforms that had never occurred, "otherwise a people’s revolution
and a frightening New Russian Order would emerge.”3
Those four conditions making a country ripe for a coup are
also present in the United States to a greater degree than they have
been in the past 50 years. The Korean police action of the 1950s,
followed by the protracted Vietnamese fiasco of the 1960-70s,
created a long-festering wound in the military body – a stab in the
back, if you will – as well as a suppurating sore in the body politic.
Neither was assuaged by the massive effort on the part of
the Bush administration in 1991 to defeat a contrived enemy in
what we call Desert Storm. Many of the leaders who took part in
that engagement feel no sense of pride and accomplishment in the
results. “It was a bloody massacre,” one general grimly recounted,
“and we handed out like crackerjack prizes over 40,000 medals for
A few more decades of this softening up, this preparation for the
kill, could be as damaging to the Majority as an all-out Marxist putsch.8
Herewith, a timely word of warning as regards the
possibility of a coup in the United States. Most of us will probably
agree with Gen Barney Rutkowski’s statement in Seven Days in
May: “People always say it couldn’t happen here, and I am one of
those people… but.…”9
The federal administration, ostensibly run by the President,
but actually under the total control of his handlers (made up of
unassimilable minorities and liberal intelligentia), could
accomplish a de facto coup by declaring a national emergency,
suspending the Constitution, and turning the nation over to its
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). We can look
back to that time in the 1930s, prior to World War II, when we
were in fact living under a national emergency enforced by a
virtual dictator – FDR – and his alien handlers. We can look
forward to more of the same.
On 21 January 1999, Bill Clinton announced that he is
thinking about setting up a “Domestic Terrorism Team headed by a
military “commander in chief” with a $2.8 billion budget to
combat alleged terrorism on US soil. (New York Times, 22 Jan
1999). But the danger from terrorism on US soil was the direct
result of President Bush and Clinton’s reckless bombing of six
countries: Yugoslavia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Albania, and
Iraq. That’s what motivated the world’s number one terrorist
Osama bin Laden, to state that all Americans, including “those who
pay taxes,” are now his targets.
Using terrorism as an excuse, the Clinton Administration
made extraordinary plans to use military force against American
Secretary of Defense WIlliam Cohen said in an Army Times
interview that “Americans soon may have to choose between civil
liberties and more intrusive means of protection.”
Let’s consider two alphabet-soup organizations we know
best by initials: the CFR which we discussed earlier; and the FBI
which has had from its date of inception the mission of protecting
the country from subversion and espionage. During the 1930s and
through the war years of the 1940s, the FBI was especially active in
the area of monitoring organizations with possible links to both
Communism and National Socialism.
The actual FBI investigation of the CFR began about the
time of the outbreak of war in Europe and continued throughout
the US involvement in that war. The FBI, under the able
leadership of J. Edgar Hoover, continued to monitor the CFR
through the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson administrations.
An examination of their cabinets and close advisers will reveal that
the vast majority were CFR members.
In 1972 J. Edgar Hoover launched a major investigation of
the CFR. A few weeks later, he was discovered dead at his home.
L. Patrick Gray III, a retired Navy captain, was appointed as
director; however, in less than a year, following an exchange of
data stamped SECRET between Gray and his top agent in charge
of the Oklahoma City office concerning Gary Allen’s book, None
Dare Call It Conspiracy, Gray was fired by President Nixon and
replaced by Clarence Kelley. He scrubbed the ongoing
investigation of the CFR and lasted as head of the FBI for five
The thrust of the book, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, is
that the CFR holds absolute sway over the United States
Government, with the objective of destroying the Constitution and
forming a socialistic one-world government under the United
To refresh your memory on just what the CFR does, we can
look to a book by Senator Barry M Goldwater, With No Apologies,
in which he defined the CFR members as being “the most elite
FOR a better grasp of the how and why of a coup, let’s turn to
Seven Days in May, a fictional account of a coup to take place in
May 1973 by a group of high-ranking US military, led by the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. The book came out exactly 12
months before the assassination of JFK and just prior to the
beginnings of what came to be known as the Vietnam War. It
appears that Seven Days in May was a psychological precursor to
both events, designed to place the US military in a defensive
position politically, which would ultimately lead to degradation
and defeat of that same military force.26
Seven Days in May was written by Fletcher Knebel and
Charles W. Bailey II and published in November 1962. (Originally
the story was written by Charles Bailey, but it didn’t sell, so he
joined forces with a better-known writer, Fletcher Knebel, his
colleague at the Washington Bureau of Cowles Publications.
Bailey had been a reporter with the Minneapolis Star and Tribune;
Knebel had been a reporter in Ohio and wrote a column from
Washington, Political Fever.) A significant factor about the book:
nowhere within its covers is there a name of a publisher, only the
date 1962. Neither is there any other customary copyright data nor
any Library of Congress catalog card number.
This author was given a copy by his then Pentagon boss,
Gen Robert H York, who would go on to command the 82d
Airborne in the invasion of the Dominican Republic (1965) and
later take over the three-star slot as commander of the XVIII
Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg.
That slot in the fictional book was held by Lt Gen Thomas
R. Hastings, commander of the First Airborne Corps, US Army,
Fort Bragg, NC. His command was a very important element of
the coup plot. It provided 3,500 special forces soldiers being
trained at a secret base in New Mexico and would provide the
aircraft out of Pope Air Force Base for the troop lift to key cities
and installations about the US during the coup.
It is fairly easy to categorize the mind-set of the authors as
“liberal” or “left-liberal.” There is a definite anti-military tone
throughout the book, epitomized at the frontispiece by the
quotation of President Eisenhower’s valedictory address at the end
of his second term, 17 January 1961:
…In the councils of government, we must guard against the
acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of
this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.27
Of course, if we really want to look at a military-industrial
complex, we can look back to WW I when Bernard Baruch
regimented American industry to meet the requirements of total
warfare. (As part of the Industrial Mobilization Plan, it was
revised during WW II, developed under Louis Johnson, assistant
secretary of war, and approved by President Roosevelt.)
To put the book in its proper context, one must also
understand that in the overall strategy on the part of this same
liberal-minority intelligencia, the specter of a military-industrial
complex is constantly depicted as a sort of wholesale conspiracy
against the American people by WASP military brass and WASP
industrial leaders.
Analyzing the book from a psychological standpoint. First,
it is a real page-turner, well worth the read, particularly at this time,
as there are remarkable similarities between the politico/economic
situations in the US at the fictional time of the story (1973) and
The President, Jordon Lyman, is called “Governor” by
many of his court followers – he had served two terms as
Democratic governor of Ohio – and his current poll rating at mid-
term is 29%, “lowest in the history of such poll taking.” The
Presidency was previously held by a Republican. Senator Prentice
of California (in on the coup) explains the rating: “It’s very simple,
the President trusts Russia, the American people don’t.”28
The President has just signed a nuclear disarmament treaty
with the head of the USSR (Premier Georgi Feemorov) and forced
it through the Senate with only two votes to spare for the required
two-thirds majority. Under the agreement, each country (under the
eyes of Indian and Finnish inspectors) on 1 July would disarm ten
neutron bombs. Each month thereafter more bombs would be
dismantled, not only by the US and USSR, but by all nuclear
powers, including Red China which had ratified the treaty. Two
years hence, all nuclear lockers would be bare.
Let’s set the scene; it is May and on the weekend the
military is to run another test against a simulated nuclear attack,
called Red Alert. The President would go to his weekend retreat at
Camp David in the Maryland hills and then fly south by chopper to
the underground command post at Mount Thunder in the Blue
Ridge Mountains of Virginia, where the five members of the Joint
Chiefs would have already assembled.
At the President’s command, “All Red,” the emergency
communications lines would be opened, all missile bases would be
armed within five minutes, all SAC bombers would be airborne in
ten minutes, all Nike Zeus anti-missile missiles would be armed
and tracking, and every warship of the fleet would be on the way to
The Army airborne divisions at Bragg and Campbell would
each have a regiment combat-loaded and ready for takeoff within a
half-hour. The Air Defense Command interceptors, armed with
air-to-air missiles, would be allowed ten minutes to get their flights
to 50,000 feet.
Also to be tested Saturday is the master communications
control system. “A flick of a switch at Mount Thunder would cut
into every radio and television network in the US, placing control
over broadcasting in the hands of the command post.” Such a
switch (if one exists, and it probably does) would become perhaps
the most important lever to be controlled by the coup plotters.29
the leading ace with 26 kills. Eddie also was a charter member of
the American Legion.
The Legion was originally set up to combat Communist
infiltration. A group of concerned former officers, who had served
with the American Expeditionary Force in France, bankrolled it,
including Grayson Murphy, William Doyle and Gerald MacGuire
of a New York brokerage house. Others were businessmen, such
as Robert Sterling Clark, a Wall Street banker, John W. Davis, a
one-time candidate for the presidency of the United States, Alfred
E. Smith, former governor of New York and another presidential
contender, as well as a leading industrialist, Iréné du Pont, founder
of the American Liberty League.
This was the group behind the genuine attempt to pull a
coup d’état in 1933. Their representative approached a famous
American hero, known as “the fighting Quaker,” Maj Gen Smedley
Darlington Butler, the retired commandant of the US Marines.
Butler would later appear before the McCormack-Dickstein
Committee of the House of Representatives, which was set up to
investigate Bolshevik activity in the United States. According to
his testimony, he was offered the job of leading a 500,000-man
army comprised of veterans, which would spearhead the coup.
Corroborating testimony was provided by Paul Comly
French, a reporter for the Philadelphia Record. French testified
that the contact man for the group plotting the coup, Gerald
MacGuire, told French of the need for a “government in this
country to save the nation from the communists who want to tear it
down and wreck all that we have built in America. The only men
who have the patriotism to do it are the soldiers, and Smedley
Butler is the ideal leader. He would organize a million men
overnight.” 39
The McCormack-Dickstein Committee released a watered-
down report of the Butler testimony, but claimed there was no
evidence of a plot led by prominent Americans.
What’s the point of having this superb military that you’re
always talking about if we can’t use it?
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Gen Colin Powell, 1994
Balkans, but within the councils of NATO and ultimately, in the global
geopolitical reality.
The issue of whether NATO won the war militarily will be
debated for many years. The question of air power’s efficacy is always
debated with religious zeal. In this case, the question comes down to this:
why did Slobodan Milosevic agree to the G-8 accords during his meeting
with Chernomyrdin and Ahtisaari?
…Implicitly, the very question means that Milosevic had a
choice. If he had a choice that means that the weight of the air war was
not so unbearable that he could not endure it. At the same time,
Milosevic chose not to endure it..
NATO came out of the war internally weaker than it went in.
Russia and China came out of the war more, rather than less, hostile. The
stability of the Balkans is now a permanent and impossible responsibility
for the West. It was a victory. A few more victories like this and.…23
That unfinished sentence in the global intelligence report
tells us much – perhaps more than we care to think – about where
we are heading. More and more, it appears that the group to which
Blumenfeld alluded is in fact the Bicephalous Monster, that two-
headed Leviathan about which we have been reading throughout
this work, one head comprised of “JEWS WHO ARE NOT
For further elucidation of this critical point, we must turn to
an expert on the geopolitical scene, who has proven time and again
to be uncannily correct in his surmises, and way out front of the
mainline media’s mavens. Warren Hough, writing under the
banner, “Mysterious Financier Brokered Kosovo Deal,” says in
The real back-room negotiator who brought the air war over
Yugoslavia to a halt this month is a shadowy international financier
identified as Peter Castenfelt.
Castenfelt has served as an agent for Israel, Russia, the World
Jewish Congress and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), according
to Wall Street insiders and seasoned UN diplomats.
These sources agree that none of the headline figures hailed as
the ‘peacemakers’ of Kosovo – Finnish President Marti Ahtisaari, former
For the question of the Jews and their influence on the world,
past and present, cuts to the root of all things, and should be discussed by
every honest thinker, however bristling with difficulties it is, however
complex the subject as well as the individuals of this race may be.…
You point out, and with fine indignation, the great danger that
springs from the prevalence of Jews in finance and industry, and from the
preponderance of Jews in rebellion and revolution. You reveal, and with
great fervor, the connection between the Collectivism of the immensely-
rich international Finance – the Democracy of cash values, as you call it –
and the international Collectivism of Karl Marx and Trotsky – the
Democracy of and by decoy-cries.… And all this evil and misery, the
economics as well as the political, you trace back to one source, to one
‘fons et origo malorum’ – the Jews.…
There is scarcely an event of modern Europe that cannot be
traced back to the Jews. Take the Great War that appears to have come to
an end, ask yourself what were its cause and its reasons: you will find
them in nationalism. You will at once answer that nationalism has
nothing to do with the Jews, who, as you have just proved to us, are the
inventors of the international idea.
But no less than Bolshevist Ecstasy and Financial Tyranny can
National Bigotry (if I may call it so) be finally followed back to a Jewish
source – are not they the inventors of the Chosen People Myth, and is not
this obsession part and parcel of the political credo of every modern
nation, however small and insignificant it may be?
There is no doubt that the Jews regularly go one better or worse
than the Gentile in whatever they do, there is no further doubt that their
influence today justifies a very careful scrutiny, and cannot possibly be
viewed without serious alarm. The great question, however, is whether
the Jews are conscious or unconscious malefactors. I myself am firmly
convinced that they are unconscious ones, but please do not think that I
wish to exonerate them on that account.… A conscious evildoer has my
respect, for he knows at least what is good; an unconscious one – well, he
needs the charity of Christ – a charity which is not mine – to be forgiven
for not knowing what he is doing. But there is in my firm conviction not
the slightest doubt that these revolutionary Jews do not know what they
are doing; that they are more unconscious sinners than voluntary
evildoers.… You have noticed with alarm that the Jewish elements
provide the driving forces for both Communism and Capitalism, for the
material as well as the spiritual ruin of this world.…
It is from this quality, no doubt, that springs his mysterious force
– that force which you no doubt condemn, but which you had to admire
even in the Bolshevists. And we must admire it whether we are Jews or
whether we are Christians, for have not these modern Jews remained true
to type, is there no parallel for them in history, do they not go to the bitter
end even in our day?
Who stirred up the people during the late war in Germany? Who
pretended to have again the truth, that truth about which Pontius Pilate
once shrugged his shoulders? ‘But these visions are all wrong,’ you will
reply. ‘Look where they have led the world to. Think, that they have had
a fair trial of 3,000 years’ standing. How much longer are you going to
recommend them to us and to inflict them upon us? And how do you
propose to get us out of the morass into which you have launched us, if
you do not change the path upon which you have led the world so
disastrously astray?’
To this question I have only one answer to give, and it is this:
‘You are right’. If you are antisemite, I, the Semite, am an antisemite too,
and a much more fervent one than you are.… We Jews have erred, my
friend, we have most grievously erred. And if there was truth in our error
3,000, 2,000, nay, 100 years ago, there is now nothing but falseness and
madness, a madness that will produce an even greater misery and an even
wider anarchy.
I confess it you, openly and sincerely, and with a sorrow, whose
depth and pain an ancient Psalmist, and only he, could moan into this
burning universe of ours.… We who have posed as the saviors of the
world, we have even boasted of having given it ‘the’ Savior, we are today
nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its
executioners.… We have promised to lead you to a new Heaven, we have
finally succeeded in landing you into a new Hell.… There has been no
progress, least of all moral progress.… And it is just our Morality, which
has prohibited all real progress, and – what is worse – which even stands
in the way of every future and natural reconstruction in this ruined world
of ours.… I look at this world, and I shudder at its ghastliness; I shudder
all the more as I know the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness.…
Yes, there is hope, my friend, for we are still here, our last word
is not yet spoken, our last deed is not yet done, our last revolution is not
yet made. This last Revolution, the Revolution that will crown our
revolutionaries, will be the revolution against the revolutionaries. It is
bound to come, and it is perhaps upon us now. The great day of
reckoning is near.… Then you, my dear Pitt-Rivers, the descendant of an
old and distinguished Gentile family, may be assured to find by your side,
and as your faithful ally, at least one member of that Jewish Race, which
has fought with such fatal success upon all the spiritual battlefields of
Yours against the Revolution and for Life ever flourishing,
More recently, Ben Stein, a TV personality and most
principled man of letters, spoke to a Jewish pro-life group gathered
at Catholic University on Thursday 12 Nov 1998. A portion of his
stirring talk was printed in The Washington Times (17 Nov 1998),
under the heading, “Jewish Influence?”
Not so long ago, it was unheard of for Jews to be in the major
law firms in Washington DC.… Jews were not allowed to live in huge
swaths of Bethesda and Chevy Chase, not allowed in any of the major
country clubs.… I think about what the Jewish position is [now] in
America. The secretary of state is Jewish…the secretary of defense is
half-Jewish.… The secretary of the treasury is the only one who is Jewish
and admits he’s Jewish. We have many Jewish senators and
The head of every major Hollywood studio is Jewish. The heads
of all the networks are Jewish. The heads of two out of the four national
newspapers are Jewish. The heads of every Ivy League university are
Jewish. So the idea that Jews are in a position of particular vulnerability
– I think perceived vulnerability for sure – but real vulnerability? I’m not
sure any more in America. It seems that this country is so generous, so
openhearted and so kind and good that I cannot foresee [anything].…
I’ll tell you how I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the
Jewish position in America had changed dramatically.… The wife of a
very close friend of my father died a few weeks ago and they had the
memorial service at the Chevy Chase Club. And there was a cantor with a
yarmulke giving the service at the Chevy Chase Club. And I cannot
describe to you how astonishing a turn of events this was.32
IRS, you are doing none of the things that should be done to
S avert the storm which is impending.
We have petitioned – we have remonstrated – we have
supplicated – we have prostrated ourselves before that great citadel
on the Potomac known worldwide as the Pentagon and have
implored your interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the
totally corrupt Clinton administration and his minions on the Hill
who have jointly and severally sold out our people and their
Constitution. Collectively, they have abdicated governance under a
Constitution by declaring us out of their protection and waging war
against us.
Our petitions you have slighted; our remonstrances have
only produced additional violence and insult as you have steadily
and unceasingly waged war against innocent peoples and their
once-sovereign nations about the world, wantonly murdering not
only their soldiers by ignominious and inglorious use of high
technology weaponry, but their women and children by the same
weaponry, and enforcement of criminal embargoes of foodstuffs
and medicine.
Our supplications you have disregarded; and you – our
supposed military leaders – all of who took a solemn oath to
defend our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic,
have spurned us with contempt as you grovel at the foot of the
throne of His Mightiness, William Jefferson Clinton.
Sirs, while you have not only tolerated but have actually
authorized and ordered our soldiers, sailors and airmen to take up
positions in some 140 countries about the world – to become de
facto the world’s cops and oppressors in the name of peacekeeping,
humanitarianism and nationbuilding – you have acquiesced to and
often directly assisted the enemy within – the Barbarians – to seize
the seven critical levers of power and to further oppress and
46. Israel Shahak, Jewish 11. Irving, quoting chief judge for
Fundamentalism in Israel the USSR, Nikitchenko
(1999) 12. Ibid.
47. Ibid., 62 13. Persico
48. Ibid., 63 14. Ibid.
49. Ibid., 64 15. Irving
50. Ibid., 64 16. Persico
51. Ibid., 91 17. Ibid.
52. Ibid., 64 18. Irving
53. Ibid., 65 19. Book of Esther (Chapter 9)
54. Ibid., 74 20. Underground Bund Report, 25
55. Ibid., 75 May 42
56. Ibid., 76-7 21. Jean-Francois Revel, How
57. Ibid., 77 Democracies Perish (1979)
58. Ibid., 125 22. Prof. Arthur Butz, Hoax of the
59. Henry Kissinger’s speech at 20th Century (1976) 26-27
Bilderberger meet, Evian, 23. Ibid., 25
France, 21 May 92 24. Ibid., 24
25. AP New York Times, 12 Jun 48
CHAPTER VII 26. Capt B. H. Liddell Hart, The
Nuremberg Trials as Fraud Evolution of Warfare (1946)
1. Joseph E Persico, Nuremberg: 27. F. J. P. Veale, Advance to
Infamy on Trial (1994) Barbarism 351
2. Harry Elmer Barnes, Barnes 28. Montgomery Belgion, Epitaph
Against the Blackout 132 at Nuremberg, first published
3. Ibid., 137 in 1946, then updated and
republished in 1949 by Henry
4. David Irving, Nuremberg: The
Regnery under the title Victors’
Last Battle (1998)
5. U. S. Supreme Court Chief
29. Eisenhower, of Swedish-Jewish
Justice Stone, 1945
heritage, whose ancestors came
6. Ibid., Justice William O. from Sweden in the early
Douglas 1800s, would be somewhat
7. Ibid., Justice Hugo Black snidely referred to as “Dwight
8. Prof Richard Pipes, Russia David Kerensky” by his
Under the Bolshevik Regime military colleagues
(1991) 30. Irving
9. Patrick Buchanan, syndicated 31. Ibid., quoting Sec of War
column, 2 Jul 98 Henry Stimson
10. Ibid. 32. Veale, quoting Sen. Taft 240
58. Mark Weber, Journal of 10. Douglas Reed, Far and Wide
Historical Review, 28 Jun 82 (1951) 145
59. The New York Times, 28 May 11. Ibid., 147
82 12. Jack Bernstein, The Life of an
60. Ibid. American Jew in Racist
61. Weber Marxist Israel (1984)
62. Ibid. 13. Ibid., 27
63. Zelnick 261 14. Ibid., 28
64. Ibid., 259 15. Ibid., 30
65. Ibid., 262 16. Ibid., 31
66. Cal Thomas, Washington 17. Ibid., 32
Times, 5 Aug 99 18. Paul Johnson, Modern Times
67. Leonard Greenup, Revolution (1991) 323
Before Breakfast (1947) 137 19. Ibid., 326
68. Washington Post, 13 Oct 99 20. Ibid., 336
69. Ibid. 21. Warren Hough, Spotlight, 7
70. Mrs. Nesta Webster, quoting Dec 98
Berkheim in Secret Societies 22. Ibid.
and Subversive Movements 23. Paul Blustein, Washington
(1923) Post, 21 Nov 98
71. Ibid. 24. Georgie Ann Geyer,
72. Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Washington Times, 1 Dec 98
Hope 73 25. Agence France-Presse, 1 Dec
CHAPTER XIII 26. Pres. Hugo Chavez, AP report,
Will Bolshevism Triumph? 8 Dec 98
1. Thomas Carney in Los Angeles 27. Ibid.
magazine, Mar 99 28. William Norman Grigg, New
2. Ibid. American, 7 Dec 98
3. Ibid. 29. Ibid.
4. Paul Findley, They Dare to 30. New York Times, 1 Nov 98
Speak Out (1985) 143 31. Grigg
5. Ibid., 159 32. Christopher Mathews,
6. Ibid., 161 Washington Times, 29 Nov 98
7. Walter Isaacson, Kissinger 33. Ibid.
(1992) 612 34. Ibid.
8. Ibid., 614 35. Patrick J. Buchanan,
9. Neocon letter to Clinton, 29 Washington Times
Jan 99 Commentary, 22 Feb 99
36. Ibid.