Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
Made Easy
Learn Step‐By‐Step how To Control Your Dreams
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Table of Contents:
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Foreword………………………………………………………………………………………………….………….. 9
The car fell into the water, all the doors were locked.” I couldn’t break the windows.....”
A nightmare for all of us, now imagine this, you see the water gushing in, you hear it, and you taste
the salt in your mouth. The fear grows within you as with every drop of water that fills the car. This is
so real that it cannot be a dream.
All you can think about is how is the family going to live without you. As the car tumbles into the
depths and darkness, the air pocket that has formed in the top left of the back is slowly becoming
less and less, your mind becomes a sponge, all you can think about is how many breaths you have
left, thinking, thinking as the water climbs over your mouth, the need for air in your lungs becomes
more and more demanding, the water is almost at your nose now.
You push as high as you can get as your face is pushed right up against the car window. The air is
becoming thicker now, and you desire for air is becoming more and more demanding. The blackness
in your mind is overwhelming as pictures of the death angel are looming closer and closer. That’s it
now the air is gone, and all the air you have left is what’s in your lungs. The affirmation that you
have less than two minutes to live; and the burning in your lungs becomes worse and worse. All that
you hear in your mind is take a breath, you open your mouth the water gushes in and you begin to
breathe the water in.................
Screaming as you wake in your bed you take a deep breath and life comes back to you, and panting
you regain your breath and slowly calm down.
We have all had a bad dream or a derivative of this, now picture this, as the water is climbing over
your nose you reach into your pocket and pull out, not only one of those small breathers you pull
out a massive axe. Suddenly the might in your arms increase tenfold as the breather has supplied
you with life saving oxygen and you swing the axe and the entire back window smashes, you’re a
pulled from the sinking car in a flash and break the surface of a kiddie’s paddling pool.
You did it you were able to change the events in your dream and determine the outcome.
This is Lucid Dreaming
Although the movie inception takes it a bit far, this movie is a good way to explain lucid dreaming.
With lucid dreaming you are able to keep a record of your dreams in a journal, but for more
experienced Lucid Dreamers dream control becomes possible.
This book is to help you to move from just dreaming to not only remembering your dreams, but also
controlling them.
Unfortunately lucid dreaming doesn’t come to all of us quickly and can take a while to perfect.
Fortunately, this book will teach you step‐by‐step the most effective and easy way of mastering lucid
Lucid Dreaming:
A Definition
Lucid Dreaming: A Definition
Lucid Dreaming: is a dream where you know that you are awake, and as you ability grows,
you will become able to control your dream.
This could be done by creating a whole environment, changing into a fairy tale type
character of your choice, stop nightmares dead in their tracks. Seen the matrix? Fly like neo
or do anything that can be done in the movie and more.
Lucid dreaming allows you into a position where you are able to document your dreams; as
well attempting to find definitions to recurring dreams.
As with everything today there of course some misconceptions, these being:
A Dream is not Lucid unless you control it:
o I thought the same when I began writing this book, however this is
not true. The whole idea of Lucid Dreaming is that you are able to
remember the dream, and through this you are able to recall it.
o There is also the idea that there is a large gap between Lucidity and
dream control (there is a gap but not as large) the gap between the
two are easily explained as more hyphened together. The one can
however happen without the other.
o Dream control can be a small discussion on its own, but does fall
under the category of Lucid Dreaming.
Lucid Dreaming is new age :
o Let’s put this to rest immediately, even though you may not believe in
the bible, the story of Joseph is well known, so to quote “We
[brothers] were binding sheaves in the field, and behold, my sheaf arose
and stood upright, and behold, your sheaves stood round about my sheaf
and bowed down! 8 His brothers said to him, Shall you indeed reign over
us? Or are you going to have us as your subjects and dominate us? And
they hated him all the more for his dreams and for what he said.”Amp
Bible Genesis 37:5. Now I don’t think that if Joseph had a lucid dream
more than two thousand years ago, we could claim that lucid dreaming is
new age.
o A short description of new age is the belief that (by drawing on both
eastern and western spirituality tradition) then infusing them with “Self
Mind Body and Spirit, even though Lucid Dreaming seems to draw from
these aspects of new age theories, I would dispute the statement that Lucid
Lucid Dreaming advocates escapism:
diversion or fantasy; "romantic novels were her escape from the stress
of daily life"; "his alcohol problem was a form of escapism", however if
you go a bit deeper in the definition of escapism you will see that as
with dreaming there are quite a few things that are similar such as,
o So as lucid dreaming occurs when you are asleep, this would not infringe
Lucid dreaming is unnatural, involves "dark arts," or is
occult related:
the use of any kind of séance to become lucid is not at all necessary
Dreams contain messages that are lost with lucid
dreaming, Dreams contain messages that are lost with
lucid dreaming:
o Given that in many instances and theories many dreams that we have
message in the dream or change what the actual message does not
future told in a dream, would it not be better to be lucid during these
kind of dreams?
So in summary:
We can use Lucid Dreaming in many ways with virtually no harm to ourselves, lucidity during
dreaming is not only a natural occurrence, you may use it as a way to start on a “blank slate”
Lucid Dreaming is in no way new age mumbo jumbo but in a way is quite spiritual, this is a
way that if your lucid dream is a natural occurrence during the night, this will give you a way
Even though you can control the dream, this only happens in certain instances, where as in
other instances you will only “see” the dream as a spectator, you could then find or decipher
a meaning from your dream, this will allow you to use your own personality; life
circumstances, or current events that affect you in the real world, to “crossover” to your
dream world or your subconscious and see the answers coming in from the dream.
Why Lucid Dream
Why Lucid Dream
In most cases, many dreams are disregarded as pure nonsense or unimportant, there is
however a small group who believe in the therapeutic value by lucid dreaming, as discussed
in the opening pages you could take over and control your nightmare also there has been
some research into the association between using lucid dreaming and treating P.T.S.D (post
traumatic stress disorder)
This is very new ground, P.T.S.D is known to cause bad dreams so why not learn lucid
dreaming to curb the thoughts related to the attack, and react to the situation in a
subconscious manner. (Always make sure to let yourself know that you are in a dream).
I personally am a Lucid Dreamer and by luck it comes to me naturally, I have noticed that in
a lot of cases (as I have experienced) I found there is a huge coloration between what I am
dreaming and to my current circumstances, for example if I am feeling in a down or
humiliated situation in my life, my dreams would be back at boarding school, my dreams
also provide a lot of information as to (in certain instances) what the outcome to a future
situation may be.
The best way to explain this is, hypothetically speaking; I had recently applied for a job and
in my conscious world I was almost certain I would get the job, this did not happen and I
was told in my dreams prior to finding out
I know some sceptics would say “what a load of rubbish”, but allow me to explain: the last
conversation I had with my prospective employer I was told I was short listed down to two
people, myself and another; the impression was given that I had somewhere in the range of
an eighty percent chance of attaining the job, this was three or four days before the result
was to the negative.
I dreamed that I was sitting in a board room with a manager and she was reviewing the
results of a “test” myself and the other potential employee had taken, in no uncertain term
she (the Manager) had told me that my results were not as good as the other applicant.
A night or two later I had dreamed that (as once I had got this job, I would buy a new car)
This seemed good in the real world; however in my subconscious world the car was not only
in an accident it was also stolen.
I had ignored these dreams as nothing but negative feedback from my pending success, but
two days later I was told that the job had been given to someone else.
This to me explains one of the reasons for Lucid Dreaming.
Not only for the reasons discussed above, one could if you wanted to do so is to use Lucid
Dream as a relaxation technique, I refer once again to the movie Inception. Where Leonardo
Dicaprio’s character hires a young lady (Ellen Page) who becomes the architect of the dream
world, where she takes control in such a way that she folds Paris over on its self. Another
statement that Leonardo Dicaprio makes is that you never see the beginning of a dream,
you only end up somewhere in the middle of it.
I will paint another picture for you, imagine at work your boss was really getting on your
case, and because of this you have had a very stressful day, this causes you to go home in a
very bad mood and swearing to the world and all that is spiritual that you will find away to
get back at him.
How I handle it is as I realise that I am dreaming I would transport myself to the day at work
and listen to all he has to say, perhaps after work I decide to follow him home, there I may
discover that he is a lonely man, that has four cats no wife no kids and eats sandwiches
while leading a non significant life.
This could mean one of two things, firstly this is a scenario you have created to make
yourself feel better or it could be a subconscious affirmation that your intuition about this
person is actually true.
You could also use lucid dreaming for adventure and excitement, because as stated before is
that in the dream world the only limitation is your imagination, and you are completely and
utterly free, try flying, going to the core of the sun, speed read any book, white water
rafting, flying your own plane or exploring a new planet. Once you have applied one subject
from your imagination the opportunities for adventure are endless.
Or what about social practise to give yourself the courage to perhaps build the confidence
to ask the girl at the coffee shop out on a date, because of the (for want of a better
description) virtual reality in a lucid dream almost equates to how you would feel in actual
reality, you handle and deal with different outcomes to this situation.
Always remember that the only person you have control over in a dream is you, so you have
to try and simulate the responses from the other participant as best possible, also
remember to apply both the positive and negative out comes, as you feel a lot of emotion
during the dreams you are more prepared for the outcome in reality.
I think that an important reason for lucid dreaming is to stop nightmares, as I quoted from
Inception is that you only become Lucid in the middle of a dream, so if you find yourself in
the middle of a nightmare you can take it over and therefore control the outcome, this
means that if you dread falling asleep, because you know you are going to have that
nightmare again, remember to take your “toolkit” into your dream with you.
A toolkit can be anything you “Dream” of perhaps a big gun, a big shield or invincibility, as
with the computer game world this means you apply a “cheat code” to your nightmare and
come out successful as well as overcoming the “daemon” in the nightmare.
And the last reason may be to solve problems, using the creativity of the brain during REM
sleep (suggested by some studies); this allows us to take a situation or a tough decision and
ultimately the best result to our problem or situation.
There are obviously many other reasons to become lucid during our dreaming, and I am
sure that each of us will have many different reasons as to why.
Different Type of
Different Type of Dreams:
1) Repetitive Dreams:
Repetitive or recurring dreams (as they are commonly known as), are just that!
Repetitive. These are normally said to be dreams that in some way carry important
messages, and are a statement to you that there is some “unfinished” business in
your past, and this should be dealt with, once it has been dealt with the
reoccurrence of this dream should cease.
Also it is important to understand that a repetitiveness of a dream could also be
some kind of preoccupation you may be having currently, perhaps a fear of snakes,
or fear of losing your job etc, this means as an example an ongoing dream about you
being called into the bosses office and being told that you are being sacked.
2) Predictive Dreams:
As the title says these are dreams that tell the future, the question is that should we
treat such dreams with care, or is it part of the makeup of the brain? In most cases
these dreams are not straight forward, and mostly speak in more of a symbolic
language, and sometimes need a bit of research, to find out what the meaning is.
I recently read a book called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, where I think best
describes predictive dreams; so I have attached the review from which describes exactly
what I am saying and I quote
“The novel tells the tale of Santiago, a boy who has a dream and the courage to
follow it. After listening to "the signs" the boy ventures in his personal, Ulysses‐like
journey of exploration and self‐discovery, symbolically searching for a hidden
treasure located near the pyramids in Egypt.
When he decides to go, his father's only advice is "Travel the world until you see
that our castles are the greatest and our women the most beautiful". In his journey,
Santiago sees the greatness of the world, and meets all kinds of exciting people like
kings and alchemists. However, by the end of the novel, he discovers that "treasure
lies where your heart belongs", and that the treasure was the journey itself, the
discoveries he made, and the wisdom he acquired.”
And: “As the alchemist himself says, when he appears to Santiago in the form of an
old king "when you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires
so that your wish comes true". This is the core of the novel's philosophy and a motif
that echoes behind Coelho's writing all through "The Alchemist". And isn't it true that
the whole of humankind desperately wants to believe the old king when he says that
the greatest lie in the world is that at some point we lose the ability to control our
lives, and become the pawns of fate. Perhaps this is the secret of Coelho's success:
that he tells people what they want to hear, or rather that he tells them that what
they wish for but never thought possible could even be probable.”
This is just a descriptive way of best explaining the predictive dream, but remember
that you have to decide as to what type of dream you are having
From what I can gather, is that you could be in a situation where your predictive
dream could also be a repetitive dream.
3) Nightmares:
There is no link between the dream world and the physical world, when it comes to
a nightmare, so I can safely say that nightmares are not caused by overeating,
drinking or any other physical actions.
So let’s pose the question what causes nightmares?
Nightmares are mostly formed by a minor anxiety, perhaps one that you are not
aware of, and this can cause a nightmare. This could be attributed to you
relationship with your partner, or (mostly in children) may be the result of becoming
used to the world, I.E. the first few years of a child development are the most
important, so there is always a massive amount of input through various
experiences and emotive results to these experiences. As an example a child may
burn themselves on an oven and could dream of a huge house fire at night.
So he can wake up screaming. Nightmares in children are also one of the causes of
bedwetting, so use the idea that your child maybe wetting the bed due to a
nightmare, where he would wake up screaming after wetting the bed.
Different Type of
Different Types of Sleep:
1) Light Sleep:
Bear in mind that your brain is always working even when you are asleep, as you
fall into a light sleep your brain is slowing down, or becoming less active, thus
causing the transition from being awake to falling asleep. To understand what a
light sleep feels like it similar to taking a short nap.
2) R.E.M Sleep:
Rapid eye movement, sleep is a stage of sleep that comes after light sleep, in other
words when you begin to fall into a deeper type of sleep, this is the instance where
you begin to dream
Most of us are aware of REM sleep and understand the function of REM sleep.
In order to clarify this here is a bit more information: a few studies conclude that
REM sleep is a way that the conscious memory consolidates with the subconscious
Another theory is that REM sleep is used to allow certain cells in the brain to regain
full sensitivity, thus allowing good responses whilst awake.
This is one of the most important functions of sleep as, without it you could form
behavioural abnormalities and in studies with animals sometimes even death
occurred due to lack of REM sleep.
Always try to maintain good sleep hygiene in order to make sure that your sleep is
maintained on a similar plain every night, as this is a sure way to attain REM sleep
every night.
3) Deep Sleep:
Deep sleep is not really the scientific term, but it implies when you are most asleep.
This is when the brain waves increase and indicates a deep unconsciousness and
lower brain activity.
According to scientists this is when you start to recover, so the use of sleeping pills
or other means to get to sleep will only put you to sleep and deep sleep is not
achieved. If you are woken during this phase you are most likely to wake up groggy
and irritable.
The phases of sleep don’t only happen once, but occur many times during the sleep cycle.
So it therefore is possible to have more than one dream in a night.
Getting Started With
Lucid Dreaming:
Mental Preparation
Mental Preparation:
As with everything the foundation is important, and without the correct mental preparation
you are unable to become lucid while dreaming. You need to analyse your belief systems,
and I don’t mean religious, you need to accept that lucid dreaming is real and can be done;
if you don’t you won’t be able to dream lucidly.
To prepare properly you need to pose and answer four questions:
1) Do you think you can do this?
As I said above you need to accept that it is possible to dream lucidly, and it’s not
some spiritual phenomenon, but is a natural occurrence that can be achieved.
Similar to riding a bike, to begin with you fall numerous times, but now if you get on
one you will be able to ride with confidence. That’s why it is said “like riding a
bicycle”. Don’t think that it will be difficult and allow yourself to understand that you
as well as all of us are able to dream lucidly.
2) Are dreams important?
Once you have established in your mind that lucid Dreaming is possible, you need to
decide that dreams are important, and make dreams a top priority. By simply acting
that dreams are important this will improve your results.
A lot of people don’t place too much emphasis on the importance of dreams and
therefore don’t have lucid dreams or don’t recall dreams at all.
So allow yourself to accept that dreams are important, as this is the next step to
achieve lucid dreaming.
3) Do you really want to have lucid dreams?
You will have to become enthusiastic about lucid dreaming as the enthusiasm
improves so does your desire to achieve a lucid state of dreaming. This is not an
exact result I.E. you won’t begin to dream lucidly just by being enthusiastic, but keep
the enthusiasm as the result will be a lucid dream.
Once you achieve your first dream, you desire to do it again will improve. Through
doing so you will find that your intent will also increase and the more information
will come through.
Ultimately you want to get an understanding to your subconscious that dreaming is
important, and that you enthusiastically want to dream lucidly you progress will
improve dramatically.
4) Do you know what you will do when you have a lucid dream?
As with all of us, we cannot get anywhere without a plan or a map, so to achieve
proper lucid dreaming you need to have a mission.
Obviously initially it will be something small, like flying or having a look around at
where you are in the dream.
Once you have a mission planned, you will have a mission or reason to dream lucidly,
the best time to do this is to remind yourself of your goal before going to bed, and
this will be in the forefront of you mind while going to sleep.
Also remember that the first one or two lucid dreams you have will be in short
bursts, but as you become more lucid your time in a lucid dream will increase.
Increase Dream Recall
Increasing Dream Recall
There are about eleven different ways to remember your dream, and hopefully one
or two of these will help you to remember your dreams.
Don’t worry if you can’t remember your dreams, these steps will definitely help you
with the recall process.
1) Wake motionlessly, when you wake up don’t move, lie completely still for a
2) Wake up slowly give yourself time to remember what you dreamed about, and
don’t start going in to your conscious world immediately, focus on what you have
dreamed during the night.
3) Let your mind drift take in whatever mental images you have, as this may allow
you to find a piece of a dream, then the rest of the dream may become clear to
4) Go through a dream check list.
a. Look for people you know
b. Activities
c. Places
d. Foods
e. Smells
f. Music
Once you have gone through this list, see if the person, place etc was in your
dream, so in other words use familiar things that you know in reality to cross
reference against the dream you have had. Also focus on the emotions you had
felt as they are the best way to recall dreams. Also see if you can identify smells
in your dream as these are also a good way to recall.
5) Think and question backwards.
By working backwards, take the last thing you remember and work from
there, it may be as stated above a place, smell, item or person. Once you
have discovered this part of the dream; you can ask questions such as how I
got here. Or where did this item come from? Had you found it or stole it or
did someone give it to you? This will like piecing a puzzle together will cause
you to remember the next part of the dream and the next and so forth and so
on. Eventually you will find that the whole dream will take shape.
6) Try different sleeping positions
Move into different positions once you are awake, on you left side, on your
stomach, on your right side then on your back, this may help you to find the
position you were sleeping in, and loosen some memories from your dream
7) Keep Trying
You may not remember your dream first thing in the morning, but you may
receive “flashes” throughout the day, so take note of these flashes and this
will put the dream together for you.
After going through these processes, and you still are having problems with the recall of
your dreams here are a few more tips for you.
8) The best thing that has shown the most results is the ALARM CLOCK METHOD:
The idea of this is setting your alarm clock to a time in the night when you will be
dreaming; normally the best are the early hours in the morning. So as you wake
in the middle of a dream you should have better recall, but try to use step 1 – 7
again once the alarm clock has gone off.
9) The early morning technique: this is similar to the alarm clock method except
once the alarm has gone off reset if for half an hour intervals; this should allow
you to have instant vivid recall. This technique is very good as it will take
advantage of your normal, natural dream patterns and creates a timetable as
when you will be dreaming, therefore making it a habit to use your recalling
skills. If you have a good memory and can remember these dreams then that is a
good thing, however if you don’t have a good memory or the dream image
disappears to quickly for you to realise that it was a dream, write it down. Also
what can happen is that during the night you wake after a dream that is
extremely vivid and you think you will remember it in the morning, but after
going back to sleep you have another vivid dream and these memories are
“recorded” over. But by exercising your dream recall your memory will become
10) The waking at odd hours technique basically set your alarm clock at different
times during the night, this will help you to recall dreams as you go on, don’t
forget to practice your other recalling techniques upon waking up.
11) The Snooze button method this technique has probably been experienced by all
of us, this is where your alarm goes off, and you hit the snooze button, even
though it’s ten minutes the dream you have should last about an “hour” and as
the alarm goes off hit snooze again, and try to recall the dream.
Keeping a Dream
Keeping a Dream Journal
Doing research on the topic of lucid dreaming; it has come up not only on various
websites, but also in many E books that the necessity of keeping a dream journal is
highly important. Not only does it improve your dream recall but it can also tell you
certain things about your daily life.
By journaling your dreams you repeat the idea to your subconscious the importance
of dreams, and keep lucid dreams in the fore focus of your dream time. As stated
before this is extremely important as if you stop journaling you may reduce the
amount of lucid dreams that you have
While writing your journal remember to stick to few pointers, always document the
date and time, also give your dream a title as this will summarise your dream. Then
write your information down with as much detail as possible; even include things like
the colour of the sky, the smells, the flavours you tasted etc....
The more detail you have better enables you to have a better recall when you review
your journal at a later date, also if you have a “series” type dream (where the subject
of the dreams are similar), as stated before with keeping a journal, you will notice
certain dreams relate to certain circumstances in your life. If you have an up to date
journal you will be able to “see” the grouping of dreams and to what you were up to
during that period of your life, for example if you are going through a testing or
stressful period in your life, you may dream that you are late for work or being stuck
in traffic and the like. So take heed of what your dreams are telling you.
In your journal stay in the present tense as opposed to the past, write as though you
are experiencing it as in the dream, not only does this make for better reading at a
later stage, but also assists with the ability to recall the dream.
As with everything you have to develop a habit, it won’t be a situation that you will
habitually open your journal and immediately start journaling, however if you do this
repetitively; you will form the habit of documenting your dreams.
Now, the way I have written this does display certain simplicity in journaling your
dreams, which goes as follows you, dream, wake up, write it down. This is however
not the case, as we have discussed in previous chapters the recalling of dreams is not
in a story format, where it has a beginning a middle and an end. So the difficulty is to
format the dream into a story format, so take a scrap piece of paper or a legal pad,
and write down the dream as it comes to you, either first thing in the morning or
throughout the day, then later you can formulate it into a story kind of format.
One way mentioned on of keeping a journal in an
“understandable” format is to write only on the right hand side of the journal thus
allowing you to add in anything onto the left of your journal that you may remember
as time goes on.
There are other ways to keep a journal for example is to talk your dream out to a
dicta phone and perhaps blog it or type it out the choices are yours, but through trial
and error you should find the best for you.
Becoming Familiar
With Your Dreams
Become Familiar with Your Dreams
As your dream journal grows, you will be more familiar with your dreams. Certain
things like people, places, and activities may appear more in your dreams.
This then causes to comprise a list of “dream signs”‐ Dream signs are a list of events
that constantly occur in dreams and through these events you are able to identify
certain events in your dream, these are mostly things that are impossible in the
waking world the ability to fly, walk through walls etc.
You will begin to notice that as you go on these will be a certain indicators that you
are in a dream.
Go through your dream journal to identify your personal dream signs, these would
be recurring elements such as people, situations, objects etc.
By working with these dream signs, you become more intimate with your dreams,
this allows you to gain more understanding of your dreams, try to ask yourself why
are you dreaming and what are you dreaming. By using these dream signs you will
be able to get more information about what you have dreamed and this will provide
more vivid clarification in the morning.
Your dream signs will evolve over time as you go on with lucid dreaming, so be on
constant look out for dream signs and add them to the list.
As you update your dream journal you will be able to pick up these dream signs, so
keep an eye out for them in your journal.
Adding Awareness to
your Waking
Adding Awareness to your Waking Consciousness
Expanding your awareness, is quite a topic, and the reason why is that it in self could
be used to describe lucid dreaming, given that the whole process is achieved by
training your awareness. It simply means that you need to increase your daily
awareness, so that you can benefit from the carry over effect into the dreaming
There are many ways to increase your awareness, as you go on you will become
more aware of how unaware of the world around you are.
In order to become effectively aware you need to understand this concept. Firstly we
will discuss the concept and then go into the practical aspects.
You need to establish a few things, through self observation which are: How
conscious are you, How aware are you, how centred are you in your awareness, and
how truly aware are you? These let you establish a few pointers, self observation,
your waking mental state, mindfulness. These are designed to ultimately create a
position where you become aware by simply asking “am I dreaming”
For most of us it’s just a matter of being aware of either am I awake or am I asleep,
and a lot of these questions go un asked or remain unanswered, as there is never
any teaching about how to cultivate awareness and to gain a full understanding of
your environment. This type of training is used by spies as I discovered by reading
various spy type novels, taking in the scene around you is very important as a spy,
this then allows you to determine if you are being followed or what changes in the
behaviour of your subject will indicate that he is aware that you are following him
Have you ever been in a situation where you get to a place by car and forget how
you got there, or realise you have just crossed a traffic light and can’t remember if
you stopped or if it was red or not. Also have a few “blank” spots of aspects or
events during the day, this is caused when your awareness is diverted for the
moment, this could be the result of other thoughts or aspects of your past that you
are dealing with at that specific moment. The easiest way to test your level of
awareness is try to see how much of the page in this book you have just read, in
other words did you take in every word or did you stray a bit?
The moments of zoning out do happen naturally and you will become aware of them
as you practice being mindful of your surroundings.
To be honest there is nothing wrong with deviating from the path, but the example
above is to show you that we are not as much aware of our transitions in time from
one memory to the next. Don’t now become obsessed with your surroundings, but
try to find a happy medium between the two. Try first to identify the times when you
had lost your awareness buy the odd thought that has arrived in your mind. I use this
process often as to determine if the thought was more important than my
surroundings so I can identify where I should focus my energy in future. Similarly
speaking try to be “aware focused” as opposed to “just going through the day”
By being unaware you end up living your life on outside situations and bouncing
from “wall to wall” like a ping pong game as the walls determine your bounce, as an
example you are an amazing chef, however as you started your career as a sales
person, you may find that even though you have become an amazing sales person,
you had never “become”, so later on in life when you actually become aware you
find that the last twenty years of your life are just a dull memory with almost no
significance. Often we may become so set in our ways that we fear that the time to
change has passed, and we drift back into the bliss of unawareness.
Or, you could decide to remain aware and become the chef you always wanted to
be, so now that you are aware of what is happening now, you can then better plan
to put yourself into a position where you can transcend from your previous unaware
life into living a full life aware exactly what’s going on.
Now it’s not as easy as it sounds, as we are in the mindset of being unaware, and
becoming a bystander watching your life and attempting to this all day is not at all
easy, but as time passes you will realise how often you move over to other thought
throughout the day, this is normal. But as time progresses you will learn to become
more aware of your awareness.
In a study done by Jayne L. Gackenbach (refer to who is a writer, and a dream
researcher her main focus being lucid dreaming) the conclusion was that people who
meditate are more likely to become lucid in their dreams as meditation and lucid
dreaming are similar in that people that meditate are able to be aware of their inner
thoughts and processes.
As the importance of being aware and constantly exercising your awareness you are
more able to live in the moment and this greatly improves your ability to become
lucid in your dreams.
Linking your
Awareness to your
Linking your Awareness to your Dreams
This is the final step and is pretty simple, however before we discuss this let summarise the
information you have read in the previous chapters
1) Doing the mental prep work, where you would set up your mind to understand that
lucid dreaming is not only real, but is possible for all of us to do
2) Increasing dream recall. Try to find a method to set yourself a standard to
remembering your dreams
3) Keeping a dream journal, as we said this is extremely important as it improves your
chances of becoming lucid and staying lucid in the future.
4) Become familiar with your dreams, we covered that you need to look for certain
dream signs through the use of your diary or journal so you can understand that you
are dreaming or what to look for to establish where you are or why you have certain
objects etc.
5) Adding awareness to waking consciousness, this is as we established, quite
important and can form the grounding for your ability to become lucid in your
dreams, trying to understand what is going on in your surroundings in the waking
world and seeing that it is possible to be completely unaware of what is going on
around you.
So by combining all we have learned about your dreams and your awareness and how to
achieve both states and link them together, lucid dreaming will become a lot easier for you
to achieve.
What Are The Dangers
of Lucid Dreaming?
What are the Dangers of Lucid Dreaming?
There is no documented reports that lucid dreaming, being unhealthy, but there are a few
“side effects” that you may experience. Although lucid dreaming is a natural occurrence
running it from a point of awareness one must use it as a tool to contact your subconscious
mind and don’t use it recklessly.
Given that many people have not heard of lucid dreaming, let alone experienced it they may
think that you are weird or strange as you try to discuss it with you friends. Don’t become a
preacher trying to preach lucid dreaming or convince others to “convert” to lucid dreaming
As there are a few people that don’t dream lucidly, after hearing about it may become
concerned that there is something wrong with them
As with everything today, most if not everything could be classified as addictive, and the
same for lucid dreaming. AS you go on with your lucid dreams, you will find that you could
use it for fun, such as your own “virtual reality” machine‐ however you don’t want to use it
as an escape from your real life.
You may find that you are taking more time sleeping than being awake, or thinking about
the next lucid dream during your waking ideas, you may find that you are becoming
addicted to lucid dreaming.
Take a step back, analyse your day to day life, see that you are achieving what you set out to
achieve, or ascertain certain goals then you don’t have too much to concern yourself with.
If however you see that your day to day life is not “in order” you need to take a break from
lucid dreaming.
You may find that by doing a lot of lucid dreaming that it becomes difficult to differentiate
between the dream world and the waking world, or the difference between subconscious
and conscious or reality and fantasy.
The most common presentation of disassociation is not being able to determine the
difference between your waking memories and Dream memories.
Most people have tried to differentiate between their dreams and reality, and all of a
sudden you now have an excess or illogical memories to sort out which may be a big
annoyance, an example of this would be losing something in the waking world and then
finding it in a dream and not trying to decide if you had found in reality or not.
There are a few ways to determine if you were dreaming or not.
Ability to ignore extreme pain or what would cause pain
Absorption into a computer game, TV show or a movie
You feel as though you are reliving the past in the actual time
Finding evidence of things you don’t remember doing
Not remembering important things
Being in an unfamiliar place but knowing that it’s a familiar place
Having a bystander view of your self
Other people and objects don’t seem real
Looking as though trough a fog or a haze
Not recognizing friends or relatives
Finding unfamiliar things in your belongings
Finding yourself in a place but not sure how you got there.
Finding yourself dressed in certain clothes but not remembering how
you put them on
If you find that one or more of these has happened then you have to take a break from lucid
dreaming for a while.
Controversial Dangers
Controversial Dangers: (possible dangers not proved though)
Accidentally encountering spirits:
There are a lot of people who may think that you could encounter spirits in your
dreams, but lucid dreaming is only that dreaming, it’s not some form of séance
therefore a dream is only created by your subconscious and in your mind. But there
is no harm in treating people and objects in your dream with respect.
Creating bad habits or becoming a control freak:
Given that as you are in control of your dreams during lucid dreaming and able to do
almost anything in your dreams you may try to adopt the same ideals to the waking
world, when it’s highly inappropriate.
You may also try to apply dream theories to waking world circumstances; this may
also cause conflict with others in your waking world environment.
As you dream you may increase the length of time during REM sleep and which is the
time when your body is most rejuvenated, and you end up spending more time on
dreaming than actual sleeping.
This is similar to waking up every twenty to thirty minutes to watch a TV program,
and this become exhausting, try not to have too many lucid dreams per night.
Inability to stop:
As you get to the point where you have trained your mind that you can step over
boundaries without conscious effort, you may find that it may be difficult to stop.
This should not be any cause for alarm as if you can’t stop dream lucidly then you
can break the habit, as long as you truly desire to stop lucid dreaming you will but as
with learning how to become lucid it may take a while to stop.
Undesirable false awakenings:
Another benefit to lucid dreaming is the ability to change dreams or wake up if
things aren’t according to plan, so what happens in this instance is that even though
you do wake up from your dream you may find yourself inside another, normally
these false awakenings occur in your room, however you may find that other events
that are above normal begin within this time when you are supposedly awake. This
could become scary if this happens over again in the same night. You may start
thinking that you will never wake up, if this happens you could perform reality
checks (discussed later)
Levels of Lucid
Levels of lucid Dreaming
A non lucid dream:
As it says, this is a when you dream and have no idea that you are dreaming, it may
be hazy or illogical or even vivid or evocative, but you have no awareness or control
these dreams, and you accept that the dream world as completely real.
Non‐lucid dreams are created entirely by the subconscious mind based on
experiences or memories, this coupled with the unconscious minds concept of
reality. These dreams are not literal so they may be recurring or symbolic
A Semi‐Lucid Dream:
This is where the lowest levels or semi lucid dreaming, this may involve that you may
be dreaming, this happens where something illogical occurs.
As soon as you realize you are dreaming your conscious mind wakes up, this will
make you feel strange in this new alien world and you will have trouble doing
anything that defies the laws of physics.
To illustrate this better is to liken this stage to the matrix, where neo begins his
training in the matrix after he is woken up, in other words you are dreaming and
realize you are so you are “awoken” to this dream world (the Matrix), now that Neo
is awake “in the real world” he must learn that standard physics do not apply, I think
the best way to explain it is with his first long building jump, and as he jumps he
begins to spiral down to the ground. Similar to lucid dreaming this is what would
happen if you suddenly realize you are dreaming.
A Fully Lucid Dream:
To move into a situation of lucidity in your dreams, you have to train properly in the
semi‐lucid phase, so that you can experience the fullness of lucidity in your dreams,
This is to say that you shall not meet a state of full lucidity immediately, and this is a
A fully lucid dream simply means that you are fully aware of that you are dreaming
and that you are in the dream world and through this you are able to understand
that you are in a world of your own creation and able to manipulate anything in the
dream at will. This is not simply a state where you can control your dream, it is also
about having a conscious awareness of your dreams, which may be more intense
that the actual waking reality
Basically put Lucid Dreaming is a gateway to an alternate reality where anything and
everything is possible.
The Highest Levels of Lucidity:
Almost the same as a fully lucid dream, but you become into a state of absolute and
full awareness of dreaming where you are almost completely conscious but not a
wake. And have got past the stage of just controlling a dream but moving into the
stage of creating and engineering your own dreams.
Using Lucid
Dreaming to Trick
your Body into
Using Lucid dreaming to trick your body into sleeping
This is something I use almost every night, what this means is that as you get into
bed you need to fall asleep, this obviously the main reason why we go to bed in the
first place. However due to a busy mind or insomnia you can’t fall asleep and you
end up in this endless cycle of becoming more and more frustrated because you
can’t sleep.
I must admit if I look back as to when I began to use lucid dreaming to fall asleep was
on a Christmas eve as a kid, given that I knew there were presents under the tree for
me in the morning, it was difficult and I suppose for most kids to go to sleep, so I
tricked my body into sleeping.
Firstly it is important to relax, to do this envisage a black board duster, or a cloth
whipping a screen clear, use this to clear your mind, also doing a mental shut down,
by literally pushing your mind’s start button and clicking shut down., this will then
clear your mind. If you still struggle with this, breathe in through your nose and out
through your mouth, you then purposely slow your breathing down and the do the
shut down procedure again.
Then you need to create your dream world, and I don’t mean that you have a field
with a few trees in it, you need to calculate and develop every detail.
I will include one of my favourites as an example.
I close my eyes, and transport myself back to 1769 when the tall ships were sailing
the great blue yonder and land in a dock, I then approach the ship builder and
proceed to describe the type of ship I require, at this stage I have already created the
dock yard complete with the pub, market and the people involved in the scene, so
now I have created the scene and populated it, if I look at the side of the dock I see a
ship being off loaded and the deep wooden colour of the side of the ship, with the
black tar securing the sheets of wood together.
Back at the shipyard, I am now telling the ship builder what I require; I spend my
time choosing the wood, the bolts, the mast, the canvass for my sails and how many
canons. Once I have placed my order for my ship, and funny but he never asks me to
pay for it, well I am in control of this environment. Also my ship is ready
instantaneously so there is no waiting.
Once I board my ship, I already have a crew, be honest I don’t want to waste this
dream time recruiting staff.
So now fully stocked, and fully crewed I am ready to set sail. Now I may choose many
types of professions on the sea, as I sail away from land, I can be the captain of my
own merchant ship and be sailing with a full hull of silk and linens off to the “new”
world, or a pirate or even a lowly sailor on my ship. The options are endless, perhaps
I sail over the horizon I encounter pirates and a battle begins.
The important thing is try to remind yourself that this is a dream and then the
further and further you go into your story the more and more your conscious mind
and subconscious mind begin to connect and you slowly drift off to sleep.
These dreams are almost easy to recall as you create the memories as you are
actually still awake, so all you need to do the next night is to remember where you
left off the night before and continue from there.
Of course this is only an example based on my imagination and fantasies, but
remember the possibilities are endless, you could land on a new planet, win the
Nobel Prize, you name it.
The important thing to remember is to give the “dream” as much detail as you can as
this creates a world that tricks the mind into believing that it was created
If you struggle with this, the simplest way is to “dream” that you are dreaming about
the fact that you cannot go to sleep.
Induction to Lucid
Induction to Lucid Dreaming
Preliminary Knowledge:
There are certain things that are common to lucid dream inducing techniques but
there are a few things we should cover first.
Sleep Interruption:
This is a technique that uses sleep interruption which basically is the process of
waking up in the middle of your sleep and purposefully falling back to sleep a short
time later about ten to sixty minutes. The easiest way to do this is to use a relatively
quiet alarm clock or one that you set and place it somewhere across the room this
will increase effectiveness if you then try to reset it in your dream
You could also drink a bit of tea or water before bed time as this will cause you to
wake up during the night to urinate. I would recommend using milk as it has a
calming effect and makes it easier to fall asleep.
Sleep Continuity:
If you have trouble falling asleep (barring any medical conditions) try not drinking
anything at least an hour before bed time as the need to get up may eliminate any
chance of becoming lucid, also avoid caffeine and sugar as this will stimulate you
rather than sending you to sleep, also exercising is a good way to prepare your body
for sleep although this should be done at least three hours before sleeping.
If you still are struggling to sleep, read an article or a book about lucid dreaming (not
because it’s a boring subject), but it increases the chance that your subconscious
absorbs this information better, which improves your chances of becoming lucid.
Reality Checks:
This subject could be a chapter all by its self, and is quite important. “let me pinch
myself” is the most common way for people to see if they are dreaming or not,
however I did not pick this up as a reality check throughout my research on this
subject, this is not to say that you can’t do some other reality type checks.
How you do your reality checks are up to you, but these have to be done to see if
you are dreaming or if you are in the waking world, the fact remains that it is highly
important that you perform these test as this is one of the most important keys to
lucid dreaming, this then allows you to establish that you are in a dream and are able
to understand that while you are in a dream the “real world” physics do not apply
and visa versa, you don’t want to find yourself in a position where you are trying to
apply dream principles to the real world, as this could be counterproductive.
Below I have included a table from
which highlights a few reality checks and how reliable they are and whether they are
reliable, discreet, and fast enough to achieve a good result. Also in the table below
you can see if the reality test could give you a false positive.
Reality False
Description Reliability Speed Discreetness Overall
Check positives
Do sentences change
waking world.
Vision 4 5 5 4.67 1
Alternatively, if you have
dream world.
them!) or other
abnormalities? Can you
Reality Checks:
Reality Description Reliability Speed Discreetness Overall
reality check.
window, or mirror.
Does a light switch work? 4 3 1 2.67 3
Choose a few of these reality checks, which your are confident with and perform them
regularly, until you are certain you are not dreaming, also perform more than one reality
check, if you think that you are not in a dream, look around and see if there are any dream
like indications that you are still dreaming. If you do this it will become more likely that you
will be able to perform these in a dream.
You should do reality checks through the day, but more importantly do one as soon as you
wake up to establish that you are awake and not in a false awakening”
You may find that you may struggle to do these checks in a dream, so try this while in bed,
just before going to sleep, while trying to trick your body into going to sleep perform the
checks then, as you are aware of your dream so therefore you can do the checks with ease
You may find yourself in a position where you can’t really perform a reality check, such as in
a public type of situation, then do the more discreet checks, count your fingers, while you
hand is in a pocket.
When you come to choosing the reality checks you are going to use, always remember the
properties to look for as in reliability, speed and discreetness.
The reliability of the reality check is how likely you will know that it is a sign that you are
dreaming, and this will show that you are dreaming once they are performed in an actual
dream, the best thing to do is try different reality checks to see which work for you as they
differ from person to person.
Also it is highly important that you perform the reality check as fast as possible, you
shouldn’t have to look around for a circumstance or an object for you to perform a test, it
will waste dream time as well as allowing your subconscious more time to produce real time
Also try to keep your test in a discreet manner so that you can perform the reality checks in
the real world without drawing too much attention, trying to walk through a wall at work
will probably raise a few eyebrows.
Don’t choose reality check that returns a false positive, these happen when the check shows
that you are dreaming, but actually you are in the real world, so if you get a dream result try
another reality check.
If you have trouble remembering to do reality checks throughout the day, there are some
reminders you can use.
If your day is very busy this may happen as you forget about lucid dreaming, but you should
create an obvious reminder for yourself, try to use a code of some kind to remind yourself
to do the check, as an example perhaps write a r on your hand or put a small dot on your
mobile phone. If you make it to obvious you may become over dependant on this and the
reminder may appear in the dream. You could also write down common things that happen
throughout the day such as hearing your name, going through a door way, turning on the TV
or seeing a stranger, in the morning choose a few of these and check them the following day
You may also find that you did your reality check in a dream but the result was that you
were not dreaming could something have gone wrong. You may need to change your reality
checks as some work brilliantly for some but are terrible for others.
And the opposite of the above, will be that you did a reality check in a dream but you didn’t
realise you were dreaming. An example of this is that you may look in the mirror and see
something wrong in the reflection, without realising you are dreaming. Try to be a bit
careful doing you reality checks in the real world and change to more reliable reality checks.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming Techniques
There are quite a few techniques when it comes to lucid dreaming, but you may find that if
certain techniques work for some people they may not work for you. Most techniques can
be used to achieve somewhere between two and five lucid dreams in a night.
You may need to get some advice as which technique to use first, but consider whether you
want to a method to start with a dream or a method which starts from being awake.
If you manage to master a technique that begins when you are awake, you will find that you
are able to dream lucidly on demand.
Although not scientific terms here are a few techniques as written on the following sites‐dreaming‐techniques/ and
The first technique would be and this is in no specific order.
Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams or the MILD technique.
The MILD technique was created and perfected by Dr Stephen LaBerge of the lucidity
institute; LaBerg discovered this method while at university in order to have lucid dreams on
demand. Basically the MILD technique will train you to increase yourself awareness, making
it easier to identify as to when you are dreaming you are also able to incubate a lucid dream
with MILD, allowing you to program you next dream to contain lucid dreaming triggers.
Mnemonic is any learning technique that aids memory, by using this technique you are
planting a cue to your subconscious that will help you to recognize when you are dreaming
in a lucid dream.
The mnemonic techniques are divided into four parts. As we have discussed these before I
will just mention the steps again,
1) Dream Recall
2) Reality Checks
3) Lucid Affirmations
4) Dream visualisation
In order to use MILD to have lucid dreams, you may want to wake yourself up at night and
come to full consciousness for a few minutes and then as you return to sleep perform this
The wake induced lucid dreams, or the WILD technique:
This is the most powerful lucid dreaming technique, for the following reasons.
It enables you to have conscious dreams at any time
It produces the most vivid type of dreams known
The WILD technique has been around and in use for at least a thousand years by Tibetan
Buddhist monks (this is not to say that you have to be a Buddhist to use this technique), this
technique is commonly used by a lot of people to have fantastic scripted dreams.
It is also a known fact that some children instinctively use this technique in order to
program and control their dreams.
This is the best way to have WILD dreams, is to wake four to five hours of deep sleep, or
when your body is deeply relaxed, and your REM cycles are at their longest
So if you are a deep sleeper this means that you should set your alarm about two hours
earlier than normal. Basically you need to practice waking up during the night.
There are also four parts to achieving the WILD technique which are:
1) Physical and Mental relaxation:
Examine the way that you fall asleep at night, as you will need to replicate this in this
first step. Since you have been sleeping your body should already be very relaxed
and loose.
Now find a position you can lie in for a while without moving, now empty your mind
and gaze into the blackness of your closed eyelids. If you have any thoughts come up
in your mind, just pass them on and don’t engage them.
This is basically a form of meditation, so you have to become very calm and relaxed.
2) Hypnagogic Imagery (Of, relating to, or occurring in the state of intermediate
consciousness preceding)
It is highly important that you lead your mind into this sleepy, half dream state
before you begin to use WILD. You may find that sometimes you may awake at night
and already be in this state, and other times you need to relax and allow yourself to
fall into this state, perhaps with about ten minutes of meditation.
As you get into this half‐dream state you will experience hypanagogia that is to say
that you will see colours and patterns in your vision as the darkness before you
fades. Take note you of your hypanagogia and allow this to hypnotise you and
keeping you relaxed, and drawing your awareness from the awakening world, thus
slowly drawing you into the dream world. Always remember that you keep lying
perfectly still and allow yourself to melt away, and then your dream world starts to
evolve so you hear echoes of voices and other sounds coming fourth.
3) Creating a Dream Scene:
This step is often the hardest part of a wake induced lucid dream, however if you are
in the right place within your mind and body, it can be deceptively easy. As time goes
on and you have more and more WILD’s you will be able to recognise the signals,
which tells you are ready to begin a lucid dream.
There are two ways to create a dream scene, the first being:
Active Wild, similar to what I said in chapter 14, you need to use your imagination to
create the scene and remember to go into as much detail as possible. Then explore
you environment and surrounding as clearly as possible, do this is a very calm and
peaceful manner.
As an example (taken from‐of‐lucid‐‐induced‐
lucid‐dreams.html) if you are a musician you may then have an auditory scene, so
instead of visualising your dream use your imagination to create the sounds of your
dream. By listening to everything in your dream the voices, the animals and the
general environmental sound.
As I have stated before the amount of various environments are endless, so with
your mind in a half‐dream state, allow your body fall asleep altogether and loose all
awareness of your body and you will stop delivering sensations to you, once this
happens you will switch into the half‐dream state and you may sense that you are
not lying in the bed but now evolved into your dream environment, and as you
progress you find that you are completely immersed into you dream.
And the second would be the passive WILD
The passive WILD is when you find that before you begin to visualize the dream
space, you may find that you are swept into your clear mind before you even have a
chance of creating the scene.
What really happens is that your body goes into sleep paralysis, don’t worry this is a
natural protection mechanism which stops you from acting out your dreams. This
happens every night but usually your mind is asleep too, so you begin to feel that
your whole body is going numb. But don’t try to fight it but remain relaxed and
realise that you are in the beginning stages of a WILD.
During this stage you may find that vibrations are happening, and you may
experience a loud overwhelming buzzing noise and you may lose your state of
relaxation, and throw the whole WILD step out. You will get used to it and be able to
stay calm and focused until it passes, once it has passed you will be free to enter
your lucid dream.
In a passive WILD the dream scene is based on memory so you might find that the
scene is built in your bedroom or where ever you may be sleeping, you can
sometimes by being aware of this you could move to another dream scene, but
generally this kind of dream will remain in your bedroom.
This can be confusing so remember your reality checks to see if you are in a dream or
have just woken up.
4) Entering the Lucid Dream:
The final step is to fully submerge into your lucid dream and stabilize it so that you
don’t wake up.
If you had used the active method you should keep exploring you dream scene and
allow all your senses to join in the dream, you will then feel your entire body move
into the dream, and then the imagined world will become a vivid 3D environment.
If you took the path of the passive method, given that your body is numb you need
to separate from your body and allow yourself to be transported elsewhere to begin
your lucid dream. This may be a matter of you climbing out of bed thus given you the
sensation that you have woken up but you are still dream such as a false awakening.
If you don’t succeed at this you would have to begin to visualise a new dream scene
and begin the process over from the beginning again, but as you do this more and
more you will find it becomes easier.
There are two normal complaints that “newbie’s” have and that is they can’t relax
enough or they can’t stay awake, so here are a few pointers
The relaxing of both mind and body is highly essential so you may find yourself in
bed tossing and turning, or going through some kind of internal dialogue, you are
fare to alert to have a lucid dream. You need to take time to slow down, and this is
done by perhaps putting on soft music or even white noise, this will be enough to
distract you so you can begin to relax.
As important as relaxing is the ability to stay awake, so you cannot perform a WILD
while you are completely exhausted, but it will take a bit of time and practice to
keep your mind awake while allowing your body to go to sleep. Don’t allow you mind
to wander at all costs and use all your mental energy to focus on your dream scene.
The Cycle Adjustment Technique: Lucid Dreams with CAT
Created by Daniel Love the CAT technique is another easy way to learn lucid dreaming,
basically is means what it says, which means that you adjust you sleep cycles to increase
your conscious awareness during the early morning REM sleep phases. If used correctly CAT
can cause up to four lucid dreams in a week.
Using ten students an experiment was conduct using the CAT method and it was found that
eight out of the ten were able to dream lucidly within two weeks. And reported at least two
lucid dreams in a week.
The process to using this technique is quite simple, all you need do is set your alarm clock 90
minutes before your normal wake up time, if this is done for a week you will reset your body
clock, so as a result using CAT shan’t give you any lucid dreams in the first week. As from the
eighth day you alternate between early waking and normal waking so forth and so on.
When you go to bed you have to determine that you will wake early, and as you do awake
do allot of reality checks.
On the normal days your body will expect you to get up early, so your mind will be
simulated and more likely to become conscious while you are still dreaming. And through
this you should have at least one lucid dream every other night.
This is a more “mechanical” type of lucid dreaming techniques, as you don’t need any
memory markers or visualisations; the only hard part is the self discipline to be able to wake
at the time set by you.
Frequently Asked
Frequently Asked Questions
1) What is the best time to go to bed?
Be sure to go to bed at the same time every night, as CAT is all about programming
your body clock, which cause the body to release chemicals throughout the day, and
by being ridged on your sleep program this will highly improve your chances of
having a lucid dream.
2) What should I do if I wake up early?
Do anything you want to do, but do not go back to bed and perform as many reality
checks in the next ninety minutes as possible.
3) What happens if I wake up early on a normal day?
If this happens, just remain still and do a lot of reality checks next time you are
dreaming, you could take the time to practice the MILD or WILD technique, and try
to re‐enter the dream state.
Yes it is possible but do this only on a normal sleep day, but don’t do it too often as
you may upset your optimization on the sleep cycle.
5) How long should I practice CAT?
If you begin to achieve lucid dreaming you can keep using this dream exercise as long
as you want, but it is recommended by Daniel Love that you repeat the 90 minutes
exercise every few months.
Meditation For Lucid
Meditation for Lucid Dreaming:
Using meditation for lucid dreaming has many benefits, and forms parts of both
MILD and WILD, and is great for improving lucidity.
In many cultures, meditation can be used for Relaxation, stress relief, concentration,
learning, altered state of awareness and encouraging abstract thought.
M<meditation has very positive results on both mind and body, as this is the process
of focusing all your mental energy on one specific goal.
It’s a well known fact that people have been using meditation for over five thousand
years, and is a component of almost every religion, although each religion has a
different title for meditation.
Meditation is a science for studying the effects of the mind on the body, however for
lucid dreaming you need to develop two skills.
All though opposite, they are linked when it comes to lucid dream, these are:
Focus, being a higher degree of mental concentration, by finding a quiet place to sit
quietly and sit comfortably, focus on your breathing and allow your eyes to close
naturally. You will be able to increase yourself awareness and using your mind
separates yourself from your body.
Pretend that you are in a peaceful garden that is endless, take in the fresh air and
find the tranquillity of the garden around you; the idea is to use your visualisation
techniques to increase your awareness of this imagined landscape, thus releasing
stress. Take in this environment; add things such as a waterfall, bird song, and
perhaps soft raindrops on a roof in the distance. Dress yourself in something
comfortable, and take in the scene feel the warm air, the grass under your feet,
touch the flowers or trees, and listen to the small animals.
Just make sure that very movement is slow and deliberate and take as long as you
Continue walking, but visualise that you are walking down a slope, so that you can
aid your mind to go into a deeper state of consciousness
Do this for about 15 minutes and then slowly count backwards from five to one then
take a few moments before you open your eyes.
Serenity a stillness of mind, choose a quiet place, you can sit in a position where you
cross your legs, but a chair is just as good, provided your back is kept straight this will
stop your mind from becoming sleepy. Let your eyes close naturally and focus on
your breathing, without trying to control it, and feel the air coming into your body
and lungs.
You may find that at first you mind may become a wash of jumbled thoughts, and
your mind is getting busier but actually yourself awareness is increasing, and this just
a way to actually see how many thoughts you do actually have. Try your upmost not
to follow these thoughts, but stay focused on your breathing.
If you do start wandering then bring yourself back and you will find that after about
ten to fifteen minutes later you will be in a quiet state of mind. As well as you will
find that your thoughts will become lucid and clear.
Basically all you need to do is learn to breathe properly and use a guided form of
meditation. Both of these can be quite enjoyable and you will see the benefits
almost immediately, you can achieve meditation unaided or use a meditation MP3
or CD, which uses hypnotic sounds, music and relaxing beats.
A lot of the problem with meditating or shall we say perceived problem is that there
is no time for proper meditation. Don’t use this as an excuse and we all know that
the modern way of life there is virtually no time to do this, and you become
The beauty is that meditating allows you to focus your mental energy and think more
clearly, you then will be able to clear your mind of all the stress related thoughts you
are having about the day you have had. All you need to do is take fifteen minutes a
day to allow your mind to slow down and you will feel a lot more relaxed and
Self Hypnosis for
Lucid Dreaming
Self Hypnosis for Lucid Dreaming
Like meditation self hypnosis is another way you can allow yourself to get into a
relaxed awareness, this allows you to calm your body, reduce stress hormones, and
focus on positive thoughts. Self hypnosis can be used to program your dreams and to
teach your subconscious mind to recognise as to when you are dreaming.
Hypnotising yourself is different to meditation as you use auto suggestion to plant
certain positive thoughts. If you want to use this remember to plant suggestions
such as “I can remember my dreams”, and “I can recognise that I am dreaming”
Hypnosis is the act of sending your mind into a trance like state, similar to sleeping. It
is in no way evil or a type of mind control, so let’s handle a few misconceptions
about hypnosis
You are self aware, no matter how deep you go you will become immersed into an
inner reality; however you can still hear the voice of the hypnotist and instructions.
You have complete control over yourself during hypnosis, you may be able to accept
some suggestions, but you will be able to decide what to do.
You get stuck in a hypnotic trance, even if there is no one to pull you out of your
hypnotic state you will eventually come out as though you are waking up from a
night’s sleep
Everyone can hypnotised, this is somewhat true, as similar to when you are watching
TV or staring out of the window, you are just in a “light” hypnotic state, although
some can go deeper in to a relaxed state, but no matter the level we are all able to
reach a relaxed state.
To summarise all these techniques.
Some of us find that lucid dreaming comes as quick as in one night, although others
may take longer; perhaps weeks or even months, but the idea is to keep at it, as the
more you practise the better you will get at it.
Also try all the techniques that are described in this book and you will find the best
one for you. You may find that you are using more than one technique.
I would say that all we have discussed boils down to becoming totally relaxed,
becoming more aware of your inner self, and understanding what you want to
achieve from your lucid dreams.
Learn to Have Lucid
Learn to Have Lucid Dreams
As this is the last chapter I will use this as a quick start guide, basically to summarise all we
have discussed in the book.
Always remember that these are a guide and you should go through this book every now
and then to remind yourself, as there may be a few steps you have missed.
So below here are some tips.
1) Start a dream journal, as discussed this is very important, so try to write down a
dream on a daily basis even if you don’t recall the entire dream.
2) Do as many reality checks throughout the day, to test if you are dreaming, or if
you are in the waking world. You may also use the reality check to test for false
3) Take about fifteen minutes of your day; on a daily bases to meditate, focusing on
your breathing.
4) Use sound aids such as soft music, natural sounds, or soft rhythmic beats
5) Learn to interpret your dreams, and look in your journal for any significance to
your dreams.
6) Practice your MIND technique, as of tonight.
7) Take in or create your own hypanagognic imagery as you drift off to sleep.
8) Make a dream pillow, using relaxing aromas to aid your relaxation as you sleep.
9) Either by consulting your doctor or in a personal way, try to eliminate all sleep
disorders to enable REM sleep
10) Go into a self hypnotic state as you go off to sleep, using the guide above.
11) Find subliminal messages, and feed them into your mind as you are going off to
12) Find the best place to sleep in order to improve dreams, used more for the WILD
13) Try the wake back to bed technique and give yourself ten to sixty minutes.
14) Find a bed that enables you to get a good night’s rest every night.
15) Use certain aromas to create an environment of smells as smells also improve
the chances of lucid dreaming
16) Create your signs to remind you to do reality checks throughout the day
17) Find out more about meditation.
18) Encourage false awakenings when you sleep in different places, and do your
reality checks after waking up.
19) Try to induce sleep paralysis and relax
20) Set an alarm to wake you up ninety minutes before your normal waking time, to
improve dream recall
21) Practice sporadic sleep which means that during the day and night you take
many short naps as opposed to one large chunk of sleep in one go
22) Take more time to “lie inns” so you can practice being lucid.
23) Don’t use things such as drugs or alcohol before going to sleep as you won’t
achieve REM sleep.
24) Remind yourself that there is nothing to fear with lucid dreaming, as it takes
place only in your mind.
25) You should have a fixed sleep routine, in other words do your up most to get
between seven and eight hours of sleep a night
26) Use the CAT to change your waking times.
27) Plan your next lucid dream in detail, preferably before going to bed.
28) Get yourself into a relaxed position in bed as you go to sleep and allow yourself
to “melt” into your mattress
29) Get some good meditation music to listen to as you go off to sleep.
30) Sharpen your visualization skills, by laying in bed with your eyes closed and
create your dream scene down to every detail.
31) Send active visualisations such as bike riding or gym or similar to that as you fall
off to sleep.
32) Create art inspired by dreams to bring lucid dreaming to the fore front of your
mind. This will in turn boost your dream recall.