MODULE-BA63 (Strategy Implementation)
MODULE-BA63 (Strategy Implementation)
MODULE-BA63 (Strategy Implementation)
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
1. Discuss the importance of achieving synergy during strategy implementation
2. Identify and explain the communicating strategies and motivational systems of both domestic
and international firms
3. Develop functional strategies
4. Explain the role of accounting in setting and implementing management strategy
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, students will be able to:
1. Define communication and identify its elements
2. Explain the importance of communication
3. Elaborate ways on how to effectively communicate strategy in business
Presentation of Content
It is an intercourse by words, letters, symbols or messages; and is a way that one
organization member shares meaning and understanding with another. (Koontz and
Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more
persons. (Newmann and Summer)
Communication is a sum of all the things one person does when he wants to create
understanding in the minds of another. It involves a systematic and continuous process of
telling, listening and understanding. (Allen Louis A.)
1. Helps in achieving coordination: According to Mary Curling Niles, "Good communications
are essential to co-ordination. They are necessary upward, downward and sideways,
through all the levels of authority and advice for the transmission, interpretation and
adoption of policies, for the sharing of knowledge and information and for the more subtle
needs of good morale and mutual understanding."
2. Helps in smooth working: Herbert G. Hicks has pointed out that "communication is basic to
an organization's existence — from the birth of the organization on through its continuing
life. When communication stops, organized action comes to an end." According to G.R.
Terry, "communication serves as a lubricant fostering the smooth operations of the
3. Increased managerial efficiency: Communication helps the manager in performing his
duties quickly and systematically and also facilitates in increasing his effectiveness.
4. Helps in decision-making: Information from different levels which helps the process of
decision-making is received through the system of communication. Again, these decisions
are passed on through communication to those who are involved in executing them.
5. Helps in maintaining industrial peace: Communication helps both management and
workers in putting forth their views to each other and thus it facilitates in maintaining
industrial peace.
6. Helps in recruitment process: Communication is needed in the recruitment process to
acquaint potential employees with the merits of working for the enterprise. After selecting
the candidates for the jobs, communication is needed at the time of orientation to make
candidates acquaint themselves with peers, superiors and with company rules and
7. Helps employees to perform effectively: Employees are required to know their job
relationship and importance to the overall operation. This knowledge makes it easy for
them to identify themselves with the organization mission.
8. Helps to acquaint subordinates with their evaluation: Communication is needed to
acquaint the subordinates with the evaluation of their contribution to enterprise activity. It
is a matter of some motivational importance for the subordinates to know from their
superior how they stand and what the future may hold for them. This appraisal if
intelligently carried out will boost the morale of the subordinates.
9. Helps in teaching employees about Personal Safety: Communication is essential to reduce
accidents, to lower compensation, to minimize legal costs and to reduce recruitment and
training costs for replacement.
10. Helps in projecting the image of the enterprise: The amount of support which the
enterprise receives from its social environment is affected by the information which elite
groups and the wider public have acquired about its goals, activities and accomplishments.
11. Helps manager in performing his functions: Communication helps the manager in
performing his managerial functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing and
controlling. Planning requires detailed communication among the managerial and other
Goals What are we trying to achieve? Use local farmer leaders with business
development skills to develop the
Engagement of employees
o When employees are engaged in the strategic planning process, they become energized.
o One should allow employees to voice their opinions in a safe environment and
communicating at every stage of the process. This might be done at a regular meeting or
through an online collaborative forum.
Reinforcement of strategy
o Leaders within the company should keep on educating and inspiring employees with the
o You can use traditional methods like company meetings and email newsletters, while
also embracing new technologies such as social media. Messaging should remind
employees of their role in the strategy and evoke the mission statement.
1. List the pros and cons for an establishment if a manager communicates strategy to its
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, students will be able to:
1. Define strategy and structure
2. Elaborate the relationship between strategy and structure
3. Differentiate the basic types of organizational structure
Presentation of Content
It is a plan of action to achieve the organizational goal efficiently and effectively.
It is a means by which long-term objectives are achieved.
It provides formal means of decentralizing and centralizing consistent with the
organizational control.
It balances the need for specialization with the need for integration.
There is a close relationship between an organization’s strategy and its structure.
The understanding of this relationship is important so that in implementing the strategy,
the organization structure is designed according to the needs of the strategy.
The relationship between strategy and structure can be thought in terms of utilizing
structure for strategy implementation because the structure is a means to an end and not
an end in itself. The master appropriate end is the objectives for which the organization
exists in the first place, as revealed by its strategy.
Without coordination or relationship between strategy and structure, the most likely
outcomes are confusion, misdirection, and splintered efforts within the organization.
Changes in strategy often require changes in the way an organization is structured for two
major reasons:
1. Structure largely dictates how objectives and policies will be established.
For example, objectives and policies established under a geographic organizational
structure are couched in geographic terms.
Objectives and policies are stated largely in terms of products in an organization
whose structure is based on product groups.
The structural format for developing objectives and policies can significantly impact
all other strategy-implementation activities.
2. The second major reason why changes in strategy often require changes in structure is
that structure dictates how resources will be allocated.
If an organization’s structure is based on customer groups, then resources will be
allocated in that manner.
Similarly, if an organization’s structure is set up along functional business lines, then
resources are allocated by functional areas.
Unless new or revised strategies place emphasis in the same areas as old strategies,
structural reorientation commonly becomes a part of strategy implementation.
According to Chandler, changes in organizations strategy bring about new administrate
problems which, in turn, require a newly refashioned structure if the new strategy is to be
successfully implemented. Chandler has found structure tends to follow the growth
strategy of the organization but not until inefficiency and internal operating problems
provoke a structural adjustment.
Thus, organizational actions proceed in a particular sequence: new strategy creation, an
emergence of new administrative problems, a decline in portability and performance, a
shift to a more appropriate organization structure, then recovery to improved
strategy execution and more profit and performance. However, this sequence can be
broken if suitable organization structure is conceived at the starting point of strategy
Structure undeniably can and does influence strategy. Strategies formulated must be
workable, so if a certain new strategy required massive structural changes it would not be
an attractive choice. In this way, structure can shape the choice of strategies. But a more
important concern is determining what types of structural changes are needed to
implement new strategies and how these changes can best be accomplished.
With a divisional structure, functional activities are performed both centrally and in
each separate division.
o Accountability is clear
o Allows local control of local situations
o Creates career development chances
o Promotes delegation of authority
o Leads to competitive climate internally
o Allows easy adding of new products or regions
o Allows strict control and attention to products, customers, and/or regions
o Can be costly
o Duplication of functional activities
o Requires a skilled management force
o Requires an elaborate control system
o Competition among divisions can become so intense as to be dysfunctional
o Can lead to limited sharing of ideas and resources
o Some regions/products/customers may receive special treatment
3. The Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Structure
In multidivisional organizations, an SBU structure can greatly facilitate strategy-
implementation efforts.
The SBU structure groups similar divisions into strategic business units and delegates
authority and responsibility for each unit to a senior executive who reports directly to
the chief executive officer. This change in structure can facilitate strategy
implementation by improving coordination between similar divisions and channeling
accountability to distinct business units.
o Improved coordination and accountability
o Makes the tasks of planning and control by the corporate office more manageable
o Requires an additional layer of management
o Increases salary expenses
o The role of the group vice president is often ambiguous.
Do’s Don’ts
Reserve the title CEO for the top executive of the Don’t use the title “president” for the top
firm. person; use it for the division top managers
Directly below the CEO, it is best to have a COO if there are divisions within the firm.
(chief operating officer) with any division Do not use the title “president” for
presidents reporting directly to the COO. functional business executives. They should
On the same level as the COO and also reporting to have the title “chief,” or “vice president,”
the CEO, draw in your functional business or “manager,” or “officer,” such as “Chief
executives, such as a CFO (chief financial officer), Information Officer,” or “VP of Human
VP of human resources, a CSO (chief strategy Resources.”
officer), a CIO (chief information officer), a CMO Do not recommend a dual title (such as
(chief marketing Officer), a VP of R&D, a VP of legal “CEO and president”) for just one
affairs, an investment relations officer, executive.
maintenance officer, and so on. Do not have the CFO, CIO, CSO, human
If the firm is large with numerous divisions, decide resource officer, or other functional
whether an SBU type of structure would be more positions report to the COO. All these
appropriate to reduce the span of control positions report directly to the CEO.
reporting to the COO. Avoid having a particular person reporting
A key consideration in devising an organizational to more than one person above in the chain
structure concerns the divisions. Note whether the of command. This would violate the unity-
divisions (if any) of a firm presently are established of-command principle of management that
based upon geography, customer, product, or “every employee should have just one
process. boss.”
A. Research on Organizational Structures of three (3) firms and supply the needed information to
complete the table below:
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, students will be able to:
1. Define organizational leadership
2. Elaborate the organizational leadership skills leaders need
3. Differentiate the organizational leadership styles
Presentation of Content
It is a management approach in which leaders help set strategic goals for the organization
while motivating individuals within the group to successfully carry out assignments in
service to those goals.
Within the organizational structure, individuals, group and units are the mechanism of
organizational structure and the effectiveness of their actions is a major determinant of
successful implementation.
Advantages Disadvantages
Executives to Already knows people, Less adoptable to major
implement a practices and conditions strategic changes because of
new strategy Personnel qualities and better knowledge, attitudes and values
known and understood by Past commitments may hamper
associates hard decisions required in
Have established relationships executing a new strategy
with peers, subordinates, Less ability to become inspired
suppliers, buyers, etc. and credibly convey the need
Symbolizes organizational for change
commitment to individual
Bringing in Outsider may already believe in Often costly, both in terms of
outsiders to and have “lived” the new compensation and “learning-to-
implement a strategy work-together” time
new strategy Outsider is unencumbered by Candidates suitable in all
internal commitments to respects (i.e., exact experience)
people may not be available, leading to
Outsider comes to the new compromise choices
assignments with heightened Uncertainty in selecting the
commitment and enthusiasm right person
Bringing in an outsider can The “morale” costs when an
send powerful signals outsider takes a job several
throughout the organization insiders wanted
that change is expected “what to do with poor ol” Fred
A. Group Activity
For each group, analyze the assigned situations below. Identify what organizational leadership
style would be most appropriate and justify your answer. Summarize your discussions and
make an oral presentation.
Manager 1: Kelly has a specific background in research. She manages staff who provide
research support to another department that delivers behavioral health services to youth.
Kelly supports her staff and is very organized; however, she often takes a very black and white
view of issues. Upper level leadership values Kelly’s latest research on the therapeutic
division’s services. Kelly is very motivated and driven and expects the same from her staff.
Manager 2: Linda has a strong background in social science research and evaluation. She
manages staff that work on different projects within the agency. She is known as a problem
solver and is extremely supportive of her staff. She is very organized and has a wealth of
experience in evaluation of family services. Linda is very capable and can sometimes take on
too much.
The managers are sensing that staff are becoming overworked as everyone takes on increased
responsibilities due to high staff turnover. Staff have also mentioned that Laura’s "glass half-
empty" conversation style leaves them feeling dejected. In addition, Laura has not shared
budgets with her managers, so they are having difficulty appropriately allocating work to staff.
Laura said she has not received sufficient information from the finance department to
complete the budgets. The finance department said they have sent her all the information
they have available. As staff become distressed, the managers are becoming frustrated. They
feel like they are unable to advocate for their staff or solve problems without key information
like the departmental budget.
1) How can Laura most effectively use her leadership skills in her role as associate director?
2) What steps could be taken to build staff confidence?
3) What advice would you give Laura on improving her leadership skills?
4) Which leadership style do you think a leader would need to be effective in this situation?
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, students will be able to:
1. Define motivation and differentiate its major components
2. Identify the key elements of motivation
3. Explain the importance of motivation in implementing strategy
Presentation of Content
It is the intrinsic inducement that propels an individual to think, feel and perform in
certain ways.
It is the process of activating behavior, sustaining it and directing it toward a particular
The motivating function of management includes at least four major components:
o Leadership
It includes developing a vision of the firm’s future and inspiring people to work
hard to achieve that vision.
Leadership is the lifting of a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a
person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a person’s personality
beyond its normal limitations.
Good leaders establish rapport with subordinates, empathize with their needs and
concerns, set a good example, and are trustworthy and fair.
o Group Dynamics
It plays a major role in employee morale and satisfaction.
Informal groups or coalitions form in every organization. The norms of coalitions
can range from being very positive to very negative toward management.
o Communication
It is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a
common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.
Good two-way communication is vital for gaining support for departmental and
divisional objectives and policies. Top-down communication can encourage
bottom-up communication.
o Organizational Change
It is the movement of an organization from one state of affairs to another. A
change in the environment often requires change within the organization
operating within that environment.
A. Role Play
Each group will be given a task of portraying how to motivate employees using the
different motivational methods and programs. They will be performing it in the class.
B. Duo Activity
Each pair will complete the table below and one will present their output in the class.
A. Answer the following questions:
If you worked in a management role, how would you create a work environment that
employees found motivating?
What actions, behaviors, or workplace events, would limit or destroy your workplace
Given that you can't motivate another person, what actions did you take that helped the
coworker or reporting staff member experience feelings of motivation or choose
motivated behavior?
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, students will be able to:
1. Elaborate the definition, importance, benefits and qualities of annual objectives
2. Explain the role of annual objectives in the attainment of overall company’s vision, mission,
goals and objectives
3. Formulate annual objectives drawn from long-term objectives
Presentation of Content
A critical step in the successful implementation of grand strategy is the identification and
communication of annual operating objectives that relate logically to the strategy’s long-term
objectives. Establishing annual objectives is a decentralized activity that directly involves all managers
in an organization. Active participation in establishing annual objectives can lead to acceptance and
o Clearly stated and communicated objectives are critical to success in all types and sizes
of firms. Annual objectives, stated in terms of profitability, growth, and market share
by business segment, geographic area, customer groups, and product, are common in
o For instance, Stamus Company could establish annual objectives based on long-term
objectives as illustrated below:
o Clear annual objectives do not guarantee successful strategy implementation, but they
do increase the likelihood that personal and organizational aims can be accomplished.
o Overemphasis on achieving objectives can result in undesirable conduct, such as faking
the numbers, distorting the records, and letting objectives become ends in themselves.
Thus, managers must be alert to these potential problems.
o Group Activity on Formulating Annual Objectives
1. The class will be grouped with 5 members each.
2. Each group will choose a business firm & conduct a research of its long-term objectives.
3. From the identified long-term objectives, annual objectives will be formulated.
4. Prepare a 5-minute oral presentation reporting the results of group discussion.
o Issues for Review and Discussion
1. What is the importance for a business to establish and clearly communicate long-term
and annual objectives?
2. How objectives should be communicated to individuals?
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, students will be able to:
1. Define functional strategy
2. Explain how functional strategies help in the implementation of grand strategy
3. Compare and contrast grand strategy from functional strategy
4. Formulate functional strategies on different areas
Presentation of Content
The role of the marketing function is to profitably bring about the sale of
products/services in target markets for the purpose of achieving the business’ goals
Functional strategies in the marketing area should guide this endeavor in a manner
consistent with the grand strategy and other functional strategies.
Effective marketing strategies guide marketing managers in determining who will
sell what, where, when, to whom in what quantity and how.
a. A functional strategy for the product component of the marketing function
should clearly identify the customer needs the firm seeks to meet with its
product or service. It involves decisions regarding features, product lines,
packaging, quality and other peripheral services.
b. The functional strategy for the place component identifies where, when and by
whom the product or services are to be offered for sale. The primary concern
here is the channels of distribution, the combination of marketing institutions
through which the product or services flow to the final user.
c. The promotion component of marketing strategy defines how the firm will
communicate with the target market. It must be consistent with other
marketing strategy components and due to cost requirements, closely
integrated with financial strategy. Functional strategy for the promotion
component should provide marketing managers with basic guides for the use
and mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and media selection.
d. The price components are perhaps the single most important consideration in
marketing. It directly influences demand and supply, profitability, consumer
perception and regulatory response.
Strategies in this area direct the use of financial resources in support of the business
strategy, long-term objectives and annual objectives.
Financial operating strategies with longer time perspectives guide financial
managers regarding long-term capital investment, use as debt financing, dividend
allocation and the leverage posture of the firm
Key Functional Strategies
a. Capital Acquisition – Long-term financial strategies usually guide capital
acquisition in the sense that priorities change infrequently overtime. The desired
level of debt versus equity and internal long-term financing of business activities
is a common issue in capital acquisition strategy.
b. Capital Allocation – Capital Allocation strategy is dependent on the grand
strategy. Growth-oriented grand strategies generally require numerous major
investments in facilities, projects, acquisitions and or people.
Also, this also helps manage conflicting priorities among operating
managers competing for capital resources.
Retrenchment or stability require a financial strategy that focuses on the
reallocation of existing capital resources.
This could necessitate pruning product lines, production facilities, or
personnel to be reallocated elsewhere in the firm.
If a business is pursuing rapid growth, flexibility in making capital
expenditures at the operating level may enable timely responses to an
evolving market.
c. Dividend Management – is an integral part of the firms internal financing.
Dividends are paid on earnings, lower dividends increase the internal funds
available for growth and in internal financing reduces the need for external,
often debt, financing.
d. Working Capital – critical to the daily operation of the firm, and capital
requirements are directly influenced by seasonal and cyclical fluctuations, firm
size and the pattern of receipts and disbursements.
The core function of the business firm
The process of converting inputs (raw materials, supplies, people and machines) into
value-enhanced output
This function is most easily associated with manufacturing firms. However, it applies
equally to all other types of business (including service and retail, for example)
Functional strategy in POM strategy must guide decision regarding:
a. The basic nature of the firm’s POM system, seeking an optimum balance
between investment input and production/operations output and
b. Location, facilities design and process planning on a short-term basis
Functional Strategies in POM
a. The facilities and equipment component of POM strategy involves decisions
regarding plant location, size, equipment and facilities utilization that should be
consistent with grand strategy and other operating strategies
b. Purchasing. From a cost perspective, there are things that are taken into
considerations. Like in the form of purchasing, if in what terms of volume and
delivery requirements should be done to support operations.
c. Operations planning and control provide guidelines for on-going production
operations. They are meant to encourage efficient organization of
production/operations resources to match long-range, overall demand. This
component often dictates whether production/operations will be demand
oriented, inventory oriented or subcontracting oriented.
If demand is cyclical or seasonal, the POM strategy must ensure that
production/operations processes are efficiently geared to this pattern.
Example: A bathing suit manufacturer would prefer inventories to be at
their highest in the early spring.
If demand is least cyclical, a firm must emphasize producing to inventory,
wanting a steady level of production and inventories. When demand
fluctuations are less predictable, many firms subcontract to handle sudden
increases in demand while avoiding idle capacity and excess capital
POM operating strategies must be coordinated with marketing strategy if the firm is
to succeed. Careful integration with financial strategy components (such as capital
budgeting and investment decisions) and the personnel function are also necessary.
The strategic importance of functional strategies in personnel area has become
more widely accepted in recent years.
Personnel management needs in accomplishing grand strategy is dine by ensuring
the development of managerial talent, the presence of systems to manage
compensation and regulatory concerns and the development of competent, well-
motivated employees.
Functional strategies in personnel should guide the effective utilization of human
resources to achieve both the annual objectives of the firm and the satisfaction and
development of employees. This includes strategies in:
a. Recruitment, selection and orientation which guides personnel management
decisions for attracting and retaining motivated, productive employees. This
area should provide basic parameters for answering these questions:
b. Development and training component which guides personnel actions taken to
meet future human resource needs of grand strategy
c. Compensation, labor relations, discipline and control to enhance the
productivity and motivation of the work force.
Research Work. Make a list of functional strategies of the following competing firms. Explain
how these functional strategies improve the firm’s profitability and
1. Procter and Gamble and Unilever
2. Smart Communication, Inc. and Globe Telecom, Inc.
A. Answer the following questions:
What are the three major R&D approaches to implementing strategies? Which
approach would you prefer as owner of a small software company? Why?
Describe some marketing, finance/accounting, R&D, and management information
systems activities that a small restaurant chain might undertake to expand into a
neighboring state
Explain how marketing, finance/accounting, R&D, and management information
systems managers’ involvement in strategy formulation can enhance strategy
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the topic, students will be able to:
1. Define accounting
2. Identify the functions of finance/accounting
3. Explain the role of accounting in setting management strategy
4. Elaborate the role of accounting in implementing management strategy
Presentation of Content
It is a practice and body of knowledge concerned primarily with methods for recording
transactions, keeping financial records, performing internal audits, reporting and analyzing
financial information to the management, and advising on taxation matters.
It is a systematic process of identifying, recording, measuring, classifying, verifying,
summarizing, interpreting and communicating financial information. It reveals profit or
loss for a given period, & the value and nature of a firm's assets, liabilities&owners' equity.
It provides information on the resources available to a firm, the means employed to
finance those resources, and the results achieved through their use.
1. The Investment Decision
It also called capital budgeting.
It is the allocation and reallocation of capital and resources to projects, products,
assets, and divisions of an organization.
Once strategies are formulated, capital budgeting decisions are required to
successfully implement strategies.
2. The Financing Decision
It determines the best capital structure for the firm and includes examining various
methods by which the firm can raise capital (for example, by issuing stock, increasing
debt, selling assets, or using a combination of these approaches).
It must consider both short-term and long-term needs for working capital.
Two key financial ratios that indicate whether a firm’s financing decisions have been
effective are the debt-to-equity ratio and the debt-to-total-assets ratio.
3. The Dividend Decision
It concerns issues such as the percentage of earnings paid to stockholders, the
stability of dividends paid over time, and the repurchase or issuance of stock.
It determines the amount of funds that are retained in a firm compared to the
amount paid out to stockholders.
Three financial ratios that are helpful in evaluating a firm’s dividend decisions are the
earnings-per-share ratio, the dividends-per-share ratio, and the price-earnings ratio.
The benefits of paying dividends to investors must be balanced against the benefits of
internally retaining funds, & there is no set formula on how to balance this trade-off.
A. Explain how finance/accounting managers’ involvement in strategy formulation can enhance
strategy implementation.
B. Explain why projected financial statement analysis is considered both a strategy-formulation
and a strategy-implementation tool.
Any change in corporate strategy is likely to require some of change in the way an organization
is structured and in the kind of skills in particular positions. Manager must, therefore, closely examine
the way their company is structures in order to decide what, if any, changes should be made in the
way work is accomplished. Successful strategy implementation requires the support of, as well as
discipline and hard work from, motivated managers and employees. Formulating the right strategies
is not enough, because managers and employees must be motivated to implement those strategies.
Management issues considered central to strategy implementation include matching organizational
structure with strategy, linking performance and pay to strategies, creating an organizational climate
conducive to change, managing political relationships, creating a strategy-supportive culture, adapting
production/ operations processes, and managing human resources. Establishing annual objectives,
devising policies, and allocating resources are central strategy implementation activities common to
all organizations. Depending on the size and type of the organization, other management issues could
be equally important to successful strategy implementation.
Printed Sources:
David, Fred R. (2011). Strategic Management Concepts and Cases 13 th Edition. Pearson
Education, Inc.
Hilario, Margarita G. & Guieb, Lilia L. (2005) Module in Strategic Management and Business
Online Sources: