Alignment of The World-Readiness Standards For Learning Languages With The Common Core State Standards
Alignment of The World-Readiness Standards For Learning Languages With The Common Core State Standards
Alignment of The World-Readiness Standards For Learning Languages With The Common Core State Standards
The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (ELA) and Literacy in History/Social
Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects contains four strands: Reading, Writing, Speaking and
Listening, and Language. These four strands are represented in the World-Readiness Standards for
Learning Languages by the Communication standards (Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational) and the level of
proficiency demonstrated. In addition, the standards of the other four goals areas for learning languages – Cultures,
Connections, Comparisons, and Communities – also support and are aligned with the Common Core. These standards describe
the expectations to ensure all students are college-, career-, and world-ready. This document demonstrates the alignment
between the Common Core State Standards and the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages by paralleling the two
documents in tables. It goes further to include the performance descriptors and sample progress indicators from the World-
Readiness Standards for Learning Languages to illustrate language classroom applications of these standards by proficiency
The Common Core strands of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening are captured in the standards for learning
languages’ goal area of Communication, by emphasizing the purpose behind the communication:
Interpersonal (speaking + listening or writing + reading)
Interpretive (reading, listening, viewing)
Presentational (writing, speaking, visually representing)
In the description of reading in the Common Core document, the use of both literary and informational texts is suggested. This
same balance is identified in the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages. In the description of writing in the
Common Core document, a balance of writing to explain, to persuade, and to convey experience is suggested. These same
purposes for writing are identified in the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages.
The Common Core strand of Language is described for language learners through proficiency levels that outline three key
benchmarks achieved in world language programs given sufficient instruction over time:
Novice (the beginning level, regardless of age or grade)
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Aligning the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages with the Common Core Standards Page 2
Many factors influence the rate of progress through these three proficiency levels and the level learners acquire by the end of
high school. Chief among those factors are time and the degree of immersion in the second language. Students who begin
study of a language in middle school or high school generally acquire an intermediate level of proficiency.
Common Core State Standards for World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
English Language Arts and Three Modes of Communication
Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, Interpersonal
and Technical Subjects Interpretive
Reading Presentational
Speaking and Listening ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines
Language Novice
Speaking and Listening Advanced
Writing Presentational Interpretive
Proficiency Language
Aligning the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages with the Common Core Standards Page 3
Identify the principal message contained in Identify the principal characters and discuss the Analyze the main plot, subplot, characters, their
various media such as illustrated texts, main ideas and themes in selected literary texts (p. descriptions, roles, and significance in authentic
posters, or advertisements (p. 58). 58). literary texts (p. 58).
Aligning the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages with the Common Core Standards Page 4
Read short poems, stories, or plays from the Use knowledge acquired in other settings and from Identify, discuss, and analyze the role and
target culture, identifying the author and other subject areas to comprehend spoken and importance of cultural products found in literature
country of origin (p. 77). written messages in the target language (p. 58). (p. 78).
Interpret the main idea(s) from infographics, Read or listen to expressive products of the culture Read a piece of literature in the target language and
news reports, and websites (p. 86). and explain the origin and importance of the analyze the universality of the message (pg. 88).
products in today’s culture (p. 77).
Classroom Applications
Novice Students Intermediate Students Advanced Students
Identify the principal message contained in Describe the main themes and significant details on Compare and contrast cultural nuances of meaning
various media such as illustrated texts, topics from other subjects and products of the in written and spoken language as expressed by
posters, or advertisements (p. 58). cultures as found in newspapers, magazines, speakers of the target language in formal and
informal settings (p. 58).
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Identify people and objects in their websites, or other printed sources for target
environment or from other school subjects, language audiences (p. 58). Describe cultural nuances of meaning in expressive
based on oral and written descriptions (p. 57). products of the culture, including various literary
Experience expressive products of the culture and genres (p. 58).
Identify the purpose of products in the target explain the origin and importance of these products
culture (p. 77). in today’s culture (p. 77). Create cultural triangles connecting products to
associated practices and giving evidence-based
Read stories from the target culture and Seek out articles or multimedia in the target insights to the cultural perspectives (p. 78).
compare them to familiar stories from the language on topics being studied in other classes
same genre (p. 83). and enter notes on main ideas in a journal (p. 84). Identify and analyze characteristics of different text
types and genres (p. 85).
Compare word order in items such as the date Read, view, compare, and classify different text
and placement of descriptors (p. 92). types and genres (with an emphasis on interpreting Analyze elements of the target language, such as
content and form) (p. 85). time and tense, and comparable linguistic elements
Compare and contrast intangible products in English, and conjecture about how languages use
(e.g., rhymes, songs, folktales) of the target Compare how different time frames are expressed forms to express time and tense relationships (p.
language and their own (p. 95). in the target language and their native language and 94).
describe the shades of meaning expressed by such
differences (p. 93). Identify, analyze, and discuss tangible and
intangible products and their use in the target
Compare and contrast authentic materials (e.g. cultures and their own, as represented in authentic
creative works, news, social media) from the target materials (e.g., literary texts, new stories) (p. 97).
cultures and their own to identify and analyze
practices and perspectives of the target cultures and Report on the relationship between word order and
their own (p. 97). meaning and hypothesize on how this may or may
not reflect the ways in which cultures organize
information and view the world (p. 94).
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Classroom Applications
Novice Students Intermediate Students Advanced Students
Identify people and objects in their Relate the main themes and significant details on Describe cultural nuances of meaning in expressive
environment or from other school subjects, topics from other subjects and products of the products of the culture, including selections from
based on oral and written descriptions (p. 57). cultures newspapers, magazines, websites, or other various literary genres and the visual arts (p. 58).
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Identify and discuss similarities and Hypothesize about the relationship between Conduct research in the target language or assist in
differences in themes and techniques in cultural perspectives and expressive products (e.g. the translation of resources for the benefit of a
creative works from the target cultures and forms of literature) by analyzing selected products community organization (p. 105).
their own (p. 96). from the target cultures and their own (p. 96).
Conduct online research on a cultural event or Discuss topics of personal interest through
school topic (p. 102). interpersonal written exchanges with speakers of
the target language and/or students in other classes
(p. 104).
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Comparisons: Cultures
Use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture
through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
Classroom Applications
Novice Students Intermediate Students Advanced Students
List key actions from developmentally Locate key information from announcements and Analyze the main plot, subplot, characters, their
appropriate narratives such as personal messages connected to daily activities in the target descriptions, roles, and significance in authentic
anecdotes, familiar fairy tales, and narratives cultures (p. 58). literary texts (p. 58).
based on familiar themes (p. 57).
Identify the principal characters and discuss the Describe cultural nuances of meaning in expressive
Identify and discuss similarities and main ideas and themes in literary texts (p. 58). products of the culture, including selections from
differences in themes and techniques in various literary genres and the visual arts (p. 58).
creative works from the target cultures and Compare and contrast authentic materials (e.g.
their own (p. 96). creative works, news, social media) from the target Use community resources in addition to library and
cultures and their own to identify and analyze online resources to research a topic related to
Communicate on a personal level with practices and perspectives of the target cultures and culture and/or language study (p. 105).
speakers of the language via email or instant their own (p. 97).
messaging (p. 103).
Solicit, read, and organize information from a
speaker of the target language about a cultural event
or a topic of interest (p. 104).
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Classroom Applications
Classroom Applications
Novice Students Intermediate Students Advanced Students
Write lists and memorized phrases on familiar Write on a wide variety of familiar topics using Write on a wide variety of general interest,
topics (p. 63). connected sentences (p. 63). professional, and academic topics in a well-
organized, detailed way in various time frames (p.
Create a poster to share with the school Create a brochure that highlights things to see and 64).
community (p. 65). do in the community for visitors from the target
culture (p. 65).
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Create simple cultural triangles connecting Summarize the content of an article or documentary
practices to associated products and Explore, analyze, and present to others how (and intended for native speakers for a school or local
perspectives (p. 73). why) common cultural practices and procedures are publication or blog (p. 65).
carried out (p. 75).
Report differences and similarities between Prepare written presentations with attention to the
the writing systems of their own language and Identify and compare language appropriate to cultural background of the audience (p. 75).
the language being learned (p. 93). specific social groups and situations in the language
they are learning and their own (p. 93). Identify, compare, and analyze sociolinguistic
Write short texts intended for a specific patterns in the language they are learning and their
audience in collaboration with other students Write and illustrate stories to present to others (p. own by conducting online and library research (p.
in class (p. 103). 104). 94).
Classroom Applications
Novice Students Intermediate Students Advanced Students
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Write basic information about things they Write on topics related to school, work, and Write on general interest, academic, and
have learned (p. 63). community in a generally organized way (p. 63). professional topics in an organized, detailed way in
various time frames (p. 63).
Prepare illustrated stories about activities or Prepare stories or brief written reports about
events in their environment and share these personal experiences, events, or other school Write a news article or critique on a topic from
stories with an audience in the school or subjects to share with classmates and/or other another discipline such as world history, geography,
community or post them to a website (p. 64). members of the target cultures (p. 65). the arts, or mathematics (p. 65).
Report out the content of brief, written Restate information from short articles and postings Prepare a research-based analysis of a current
messages on familiar topics (p. 58). (p. 58). event from the perspective of both the United States
and target cultures (p. 65).
Identify, describe, and compare/contrast Search for, identify, and investigate the function of
products and their use in the target cultures products of the culture studied compared to their Summarize the principal elements of non-fiction
and their own (p. 77). function within the learners’ homes and articles in newspapers, magazines, and websites on
communities (p. 78). topics of current and historical importance to
Identify, label, describe, and compare items in members of the target culture (p. 58).
the target language on charts and visuals used Research and report on contributions of the cultures
as instructional materials in other content that use the target language to science, medicine, Identify, examine, and analyze the relationship
areas (p. 84). and government (p. 84). between cultural products, practices, and
perspectives in the target cultures and their own by
Explore instructional websites and materials Compare news articles from countries where the conducting research, observations, and interviews
create for speakers of the target language and target language is spoken (p. 87). (p. 78).
identify the subject areas and topics (p. 87). Analyze information on a topic studied in other
classes by conducting online library research,
observations, and interviews (p. 85).
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Range of Writing
10. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for Presentational Communication
research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a Present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and
single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various
audiences audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.
Classroom Applications
Novice Students Intermediate Students Advanced Students
Write information about their daily life Write well-organized texts for a variety of academic, Write extensively with significant precision and
in a letter, blog, discussion board, or professional, and general interest purposes (P. 64). detail on a variety of topics, most complex issues,
email message (p. 63). and some special fields of expertise (p. 64).
Prepare stories about personal experiences, events, or
Write reports about people and things in other school subjects to share with classmates and/or Prepare a research-based analysis of a current
their school environment and post the members of target cultures (p. 65). event from the perspectives of both the United
information for a partner language class States and target cultures (p. 65).
either locally or abroad (p. 65). Begin to adjust language, behaviors, and messages to
Create cultural triangles and describe acknowledge audiences with different cultural Prepare written presentations with attention to the
the connections of products to backgrounds (p. 75). cultural background of the audience (p. 75).
associated practices and perspectives (p.
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Speaking and Listening Interpersonal (Speaking & Listening; Reading & Writing)
Classroom Applications
Novice Students Intermediate Students Advanced Students
Express self in conversations on very familiar Express self and participate in conversations on Express self fully to maintain conversations on
topics using a variety of words, phrases, familiar topics using sentences and series of familiar topics and new concrete social, academic,
simple sentences, and questions that have sentences (p. 51). and work-related topics (p. 51).
been highly practiced and memorized (p. 51).
Acquire goods, services, or information orally
and/or in writing (p. 54).
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Exchange descriptions of people and tangible Discuss, orally or in writing, current or past events
products of the culture such as toys, clothing, Experience and analyze expressive products of the that are of significance in the target culture or that
types of dwellings, and foods with classmates culture and explain the importance of these are being studied in another subject (p. 54).
(p. 54). products in today’s culture (p. 77).
Identify, analyze, and discus tangible and intangible
Identify and discuss types of artwork, crafts, or Find, compare, and discuss coverage of current products and their use as represented in authentic
graphic representations enjoyed or made by events in the target culture and in the United States materials (p. 78).
their peer group within the target culture (p. (p. 88).
76). Research and debate global issues as represented in
Identify and use borrowed words and cognates in target language new sources with different political
Discuss short texts and videos from the target the language they are learning and their own, and slants (p. 88).
culture (p. 87). hypothesize about their origins (p. 93).
Report on the relationship between word order and
Observe formal and informal forms of Seek out and interact with speakers of the language meaning and hypothesize on how this may or may
language in greetings and leave-takings and who share similar hobbies, goals and interests, in not reflect the ways in which cultures organize
try out new expressions of politeness in other face-to-face or virtual settings (p. 108). information and view the world (p. 97).
languages and their own (p.92).
Establish and/or maintain interpersonal relations
Exchange information about topics of personal with speakers of the language (p. 109).
interest (p. 106).
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Classroom Applications
Novice Students Intermediate Students Advanced Students
Present basic information on familiar topics Make presentations on a wide variety of Deliver well-organized presentations on concrete social,
using language they have practiced using familiar topics using connected sentences (p. academic, and professional topics with detail and in various
phrases and simple sentences (p. 61). 61). time frames (p. 62).
Dramatize and video songs, short Dramatize short plays, original skits, recite Perform scenes from a play and/or recite poems or excerpts
anecdotes, or poetry commonly known by selected poems and anecdotes, and perform from short stories commonly read by speakers of the target
peers in the target culture and post them to songs in the language for a school-related language (p. 65).
the school website or to a video sharing event such as a board meeting or PTA meeting
website (p. 64). or campus festival (p. 65). Design a video production that analyzes expressive products
of the culture, from literary genres or the fine arts (p. 65).
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Draw or produce a video ad about products Create and narrate a PowerPoint presentation Compare, analyze, and present on how and why
and/or practices of their own culture to on a current global concern (p. 65). advertisements for the same product differ in the target
peers in the target culture (p. 65). culture and the United States (p. 88).
Present on an internationally known figure
Discuss short texts and videos from the from history, science, or the arts using target
target culture (p. 87). language resources (p. 90).
Aligning the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages with the Common Core Standards Page 21
Conventions of Standard English This section reflects the “weave element” known as
Language System of the World-Readiness
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or Standards for Learning Languages. It comprises the
speaking level at which the students are able to communicate
with a certain degree of accuracy. The specific
2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and elements of the language system vary by language
spelling when writing as some have different writing systems and others
have complex grammatical structures. Each
Knowledge of Language proficiency range has accuracy expectations that
depend upon the learner’s need to manipulate
3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make language. For example, a novice learner may have
effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening accurate utterances because the material is mostly
memorized but when the learner begins to create
with language, the level of accuracy may decrease.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
The goal area of Comparisons also specifically
4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using addresses the Language strand of the Common Core
context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference State Standards. Research demonstrates that as
materials, as appropriate students come to understand how language works
through their learning of a second or third language,
their understanding of and attention to language
5.Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word
conventions and functions expands and has an
impact on applications in their first language.
Through learning a second or third language,
6. Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases students also acquire vocabulary that will unlock
sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; the meaning of related cognates in their first
demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when encountering an unknown term language, expanding their first language vocabulary.
important to comprehension or expression