The Therapeutic Effects of Singing
The Therapeutic Effects of Singing
The Therapeutic Effects of Singing
Author(s): Catherine Y. Wan, Theodor Rüber, Anja Hohmann and Gottfried Schlaug
Source: Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Vol. 27, No. 4 (April 2010), pp.
Published by: University of California Press
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Accessed: 22-12-2016 01:28 UTC
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Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal
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C ATHERINE Y. WAN , T HEODOR R ÜBER , and action; processes that are mediated by sensory,
A NJA H OHMANN , AND G OTTFRIED S CHLAUG motor, and multimodal integrative regions distributed
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard throughout the brain. This integrative fronto-temporo-
Medical School parietal network overlaps with components of the
putative mirror neuron system, which is important in
MUSIC MAKING ( PLAYING AN INSTRUMENT OR SINGING ) the perception and execution of actions. Deficits in the
is a multimodal activity that involves the integration of execution of motor and articulatory actions are symp-
auditory and sensorimotor processes. The ability to toms of many neurological disorders. Indeed, it is
sing in humans is evident from infancy, and does not known that long-term music making (practicing an
depend on formal vocal training but can be enhanced instrument or singing) can induce plastic changes in
by training. Given the behavioral similarities between the brain (e.g., Gaser & Schlaug, 2003; Kleber, Veit,
singing and speaking, as well as the shared and distinct Birbaumer, Gruzelier, & Lotze, 2009; Schlaug, 2001).
neural correlates of both, researchers have begun to Figure 1, an example of such an adaptation, shows a
examine whether singing can be used to treat some of pronounced structural difference in the size of a right-
the speech-motor abnormalities associated with various hemispheric fiber tract that connects auditory with
neurological conditions. This paper reviews recent evi- motor regions (the arcuate fasciculus) in a professional
dence on the therapeutic effects of singing, and how it singer (Figure 1b) compared to a healthy control par-
can potentially ameliorate some of the speech deficits ticipant who may only occasionally sing (Figure 1a).
associated with conditions such as stuttering, Parkinson’s Music making activities may also facilitate the estab-
disease, acquired brain lesions, and autism. By review- lishment of alternative pathways, which could have the
ing the status quo, it is hoped that future research can ability to circumvent dysfunctional brain regions caused
help to disentangle the relative contribution of factors by focal lesions and neurodevelopmental/neurodegen-
to why singing works. This may ultimately lead to the erative disorders.
development of specialized or “gold-standard” treat- Singing in particular can serve as a valuable thera-
ments for these disorders, and to an improvement in peutic tool because it is a universal form of musical
the quality of life for patients. expression that is as natural as speaking. Moreover,
singing engages an auditory-motor feedback loop in
Received November 13, 2009, accepted December 10,
the brain more intensely than other music making
activities such as instrumental playing (e.g., Bangert et
Key words: singing, treatment, stuttering, Parkinson’s al., 2006; Kleber et al., 2009). From a developmental
disease, aphasia, autism perspective, babies produce vocalizations that can be
regarded as precursors for music and speech intonation
(Welch, 2006). By kindergarten age, children can sing a
fairly large repertoire of songs, and their performance
VER THE PAST FEW DECADES , THERE HAS BEEN level is similar to that of adults (Dowling, 1999). Some
growing evidence supporting the potential util- children exhibit “intermediate vocalizations,” a type of
ity of music in medicine. Many studies have vocal behavior that lies at the boundary between speech
shown that music listening can enhance the emotional and song (Mang, 2001). This blurring of boundaries is
and cognitive functioning of patients affected by vari- reinforced by a shared network in the brain that under-
ous neurological conditions (e.g., Chan, Chan, Mok, lies both singing and speaking (e.g., Kleber et al., 2009;
Kwan, & Tse, 2009; Forsblom, Laitinen, Sarkamo, & Ozdemir, Norton, & Schlaug, 2006). The goal of this
Tervaniemi, 2009). Unlike music listening, active music paper is to summarize recent evidence on the therapeu-
making places additional demands on the nervous tic effects of singing, and how it can modify the speech-
system, leading to a strong coupling of perception motor symptoms of several neurological disorders.
Music Perception VOLUME 27, ISSUE 4, PP. 287–295, ISSN 0730-7829, ELECTRONIC ISSN 1533-8312 © 2010 BY THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA . ALL
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288 Catherine Y. Wan, Theodor Rüber, Anja Hohmann, & Gottfried Schlaug
FIGURE 1. The arcuate fasciculus (AF) fiber bundles of: a healthy nonmusician (a); a healthy professional singer (b); a patient with Broca’s aphasia
before (c) and after (d) intensive melodic intonation therapy. This patient has no left AF due to his left hemispheric stroke.
Because of the overlap between the expressive compo- before and after their singing lessons. Their rationale
nents of the music and language systems, the focus of for examining this variable rests on the assumption that
this review will be on the use of singing in the treat- the more the heart is able to vary its rate, the better
ment of speech-motor abnormalities associated with trained it is. Across the two time points (before and
neurological conditions. after singing lessons), heart rate variability increased
significantly in the professional group but not in the
General Physiological Effects of Singing amateur group. This finding indicates that professional
singers have better cardio-physiological fitness, com-
Singing, or the act of producing musical sounds with pared to amateur singers, thus providing evidence for
the voice, has the potential to treat speech abnormalities the potential long-term health benefits of singing.
because it directly stimulates the musculature associated Using a longitudinal design, Sabol, Lee, and Stemple
with respiration, phonation, articulation, and resonance. (1995) examined whether vocal function exercises
The act of singing involves relatively strong and fast would improve physiological parameters of vocal pro-
inspirations, followed by extended, regulated expirations. duction in singers. These exercises, which combined
Singing requires breathing to be regulated in order to isotonic and isometric elements, were designed to
sustain the notes. It also results in a higher vocal intensity strengthen the laryngeal musculature and to facilitate
(Tonkinson, 1994) and vocal control (Natke, Donath, & efficient vocal fold vibration. Participants underwent
Kalveram, 2003) than does speaking. Moreover, it has assessments before and after four weeks of daily exer-
been suggested that singing increases respiratory muscle cises. The primary physiological effects observed were
strength (Wiens, Reimer, & Guyn, 1999). higher phonation volumes and maximum phonation
Research has shown that intensive singing practice times, as well as a reduction in airflow. These findings
can lead to long-lasting changes in both the cardio- were taken to reflect improved coordination of laryn-
vascular and pulmonary systems. Grape, Sandgren, geal function and vocal fold vibration.
Hansson, Ericson, and Theorell, (2003) compared pro- Recently, the therapeutic effect of singing on pul-
fessional and amateur singers on heart rate variability monary functions of chronically ill patients has been
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investigated. Bonilha et al. (2009) examined whether was greater in the singing than in the reading condition.
singing could have an effect on pulmonary function The greatest reduction was observed when familiar
parameters in patients with chronic obstructive pul- lyrics were sung. Thus, increased phonation duration,
monary disease. These patients were randomly assigned intonation, as well as familiarity may all contribute to
to weekly classes consisting of either singing or handi- the fluency-enhancing effect of singing.
craft (control) activities. Within the singing group, In another study, Andrews, Howier, Dozsa, and Guitar
increases in dyspnea were reported after two minutes of (1982) examined the effects of 15 different fluency-
vocal exercises. An elevated level of arterial oxygen enhancing methods (including singing) on a number of
saturation also was found during singing. While the stuttering measures. In the singing condition, partici-
singing group showed increased inspiratory capacity pants were asked to sing songs of their choice for 10
and decreased expiratory reserve volumes, the opposite minutes. Results showed that singing reduced the fre-
patterns were observed in the control group on these quency of stuttering by over 90%, presumably due to
two measures. More importantly, the singing group the increased duration of phonation. Further evidence
showed improvement in maximal expiratory pressure, for the benefit of singing in increasing fluency has been
while the control group showed deterioration on this shown by Colcord and Adams (1979), and most recently
measure. Because the act of singing requires long, by Davidow, Bothe, Andreatta, and Ye (2009).
repeated contractions of various respiratory muscles, To investigate whether the rate of production affected
this type of training may help to preserve the maximal fluency, Glover, Kalinowski, Rastatter, and Stuart (1996)
expiratory pressure of patients with chronic obstructive compared singing and reading under fast and slow
pulmonary disease. conditions using a repeated-measures design. Replicat-
ing previous findings, singing generated more fluent
Examples of Speech-Motor Deficits speech than did reading. However, there was no signif-
Associated with Neurological Disorders icant difference between the two rates of reading produc-
Treated by Singing tion. The authors concluded that the rate of production
alone is unlikely to account for the fluency-enhancing
Stuttering effect of singing. Irrespective of the underlying mecha-
nism, however, it is clear that singing is an effective
Stuttering is a largely developmental condition that method for generating more fluent speech in individuals
affects the fluency of speech. It is characterized by rep- who stutter.
etition of words or parts of words, as well as prolonga- The fluency-enhancing effect of singing also has
tions of speech sounds, resulting in disruptions in the been investigated in a neuroimaging study comparing
normal flow of speech. This condition occurs most stuttering individuals with controls. Using positron
often in young children, while they are developing emission tomography, Stager, Jeffries, and Braun
their speech and language skills. Stuttering may persist (2003) examined brain activations associated with
into adulthood: About 1% of adults continue to be tasks that induce fluency (singing and paced speech
affected by this condition (Prasse & Kikano, 2008). It using a metronome), versus tasks that typically induce
has been suggested that stuttering may be linked with dysfluent speech (sentence construction and unpaced
deficits in complex isochronous timing (Max & event narration). A rest condition served as a baseline.
Yudman, 2003). The brain regions that were significantly more active
Most existing treatments have focused on teaching during fluency-inducing tasks compared to dysfluent
individuals who stutter ways to produce more fluent speech tasks included auditory areas that process
speech, by instilling “fluency-enhancing” conditions. speech and receive sensory feedback as well as motor
Singing, in particular, has been identified as having and premotor regions that are involved in articulatory
important therapeutic potential, and research has pro- motor actions. This suggests that a common auditory-
vided evidence in favor of this approach for enhancing motor mechanism might underlie fluency in stutter-
fluency among individuals who stutter. For example, ers, which allows individuals to participate in self-
Healey, Mallard, and Adams (1976) examined whether monitoring of speech, resulting in more effective
singing could reduce stuttering and if so, whether control of oral articulators. Furthermore, the fluency-
familiarity with the lyrics played a role in producing inducing tasks produced more robust activation within
such an effect. Participants were asked to read or sing the left hemisphere of stuttering participants (compared
the lyrics of well-known songs with original (familiar) with controls), suggesting compensatory processes that
or altered (unfamiliar) text. The reduction of stuttering facilitate fluency.
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290 Catherine Y. Wan, Theodor Rüber, Anja Hohmann, & Gottfried Schlaug
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a healthy professional singer. The right AF of the singer patient who underwent MIT compared to the one who
is more developed compared to that of the nonmusi- underwent the control therapy.
cian (Fig. 1a), presumably because of years of voice The therapeutic effect of MIT is also evident in neu-
training. Figure 1c shows the AF of a patient with roimaging studies that show reorganization of brain
chronic nonfluent aphasia before commencing the functions. MIT resulted in increased activation in a
singing (melodic intonation) therapy. In this patient, right-hemisphere network involving the premotor, infe-
the lesion is so large that there is no AF on the left rior frontal, and temporal lobes (Schlaug, Marchina, &
hemisphere, resulting in significant speech deficits. Norton, 2008), as well as increased fiber number and
Figure 1d shows the AF of the same patient after inten- volume of the arcuate fasciculus in the right hemi-
sive therapy. Singing engages auditory-motor regions of sphere (Schlaug et al., 2009). A patient treated with a
the right hemisphere, and intense therapy over a long non-intonation-based speech therapy showed less right
period of time may lead to structural adaptations in hemisphere changes and more left hemisphere changes.
gray and white matter. In this patient, the right AF These findings demonstrate that intensive experimental
showed structural adaptations when diffusion tensor therapies such as MIT—when applied over a longer
images were compared before and after therapy. period of time in chronic stroke patients—can induce
Research has shown that singing or intoning spoken functional and structural brain changes, and these
words and phrases can help facilitate speech output in changes are related to speech output improvements. A
patients with nonfluent aphasia. In particular, a tech- large-scale randomized controlled study assessing the
nique termed melodic intonation therapy (MIT) has efficacy of MIT compared to a non-intonation based
been shown in a case series to produce improvements control therapy is currently underway (for more details,
in expressive language beyond the limitations of either see Clinical Trial Registry Number: NCT00903266).
natural recovery or traditional non-intonation-based
speech therapies (Schlaug, Marchina, & Norton, 2008). Autism
Inspired by the clinical observation that patients with
nonfluent aphasia often can sing the lyrics of a song Another condition whose symptoms can potentially
better than they can speak the same words, MIT be helped by singing is autism. It has been estimated
emphasizes the prosody of speech through the use of that this condition affects about 1% of the popula-
slow, pitched vocalization or singing in combination tion (Williams, Higgins, & Brayne, 2006). Autism is
with rhythmic tapping of the left hand (Albert, Sparks, characterized by impairments in expressive lan-
& Helm, 1973; Norton, Zipse, Marchina, & Schlaug, guage and communication, with some affected indi-
2009). Specifically, MIT is an intensive intervention viduals completely lacking functional speech
that involves practicing a series of words or phrases, (Tager-Flusberg, 1997). Individuals with autism have
using melodic intonation and continuous voicing, as superior auditory processing abilities (e.g., Heaton,
well as left hand rhythmic tapping to provide cueing for 2003; Heaton, Hermelin, & Pring, 1998) and often
syllable production (see Norton, et al., 2009 for details). exhibit strong interests in learning and making music
To date, studies using MIT have produced positive (e.g., Hairston, 1990; Trevarthen, Aitken, Paoudi, &
outcomes in patients with nonfluent aphasia. These Robarts, 1996).
outcomes range from improvements on the Boston To date, only two case studies have described the pos-
Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE; Goodglass & itive effects of singing on the development of speech in
Kaplan, 1983; see also Bonakdarpour, Eftekharzadeh, & children with autism. One study used an adapted ver-
Ashayeri, 2000; Sparks, Helm, & Albert, 1974), to sion of MIT involving intoned questions and statements
improvements in articulation and phrase production (Miller & Toca, 1979). Another study reported using pitch
(Wilson, Parsons, & Reutens, 2006) after treatment. matching and singing to encourage vocalizations, which
The effectiveness of this intervention is further demon- eventually led to the articulation of words (Hoelzley,
strated in a recent study that examined transfer of lan- 1993). Although the results of these single case studies
guage skills to untrained contexts. Schlaug et al. (2008) are encouraging, the efficacy of these methods have to
compared the effects of MIT with a control interven- be tested in a controlled design that would allow us to
tion (speech repetition) on picture naming perform- determine whether these approaches can be general-
ance and measures of propositional speech. After 40 ized to a broader population of affected individuals, and
daily sessions, both therapy techniques resulted in sig- whether effects in the trained words/phrases transfer to
nificant improvement on all outcome measures, but the untrained items. Further research testing the efficacy of
extent of this improvement was far greater for the singing in autism is therefore warranted.
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292 Catherine Y. Wan, Theodor Rüber, Anja Hohmann, & Gottfried Schlaug
An intervention that is specifically designed to help a larger bihemispheric network than does speaking
children with autism to develop expressive language is (Ozdemir et al., 2006). Furthermore, the right hemi-
currently being tested (Wan et al., 2009; Wan, Demaine, sphere may be particularly engaged by prosodic and
Zipse, Norton, & Schlaug, 2010). Known as auditory- slowly-modulated signals over a defined period of time.
motor mapping training (AMMT), this intervention Second, the decreased production rate also reduces the
involves three main components—singing, motor dependence on the left hemisphere, according to an
activity, and imitation—that engage a presumed dysfunc- explanation put forward by some aphasia studies (e.g.,
tional human mirror neuron system that is believed to Schlaug et al., 2008). Rate of production in singing,
underlie some of the communication deficits in autism however, does not appear to affect the performance of
(Wan et al., 2010). First, singing engages a bilateral stuttering individuals (Glover et al., 1996). Third,
fronto-temporal network more prominently than increased awareness of individual phonemes facilitates
speaking does, and this network contains some compo- articulation (e.g., Auriemmo et al., 2009). When words
nents of the mirror neuron system (Brown, Martinez, are sung, the phonemes are isolated, allowing an oppor-
Hodges, Fox, & Parsons, 2004; Ozdemir et al., 2006). tunity for self-correction. Finally, because there is an
Second, motor activity through playing a percussion articulatory-motor component associated with most of
instrument not only captures the child’s interest, but the disorders described above, singing may help to
also engages a sensorimotor network that controls oro- engage a brain network that facilitates sound-motor
facial and articulatory movements (Meister et al., 2003; mapping (e.g., Lahav et al., 2007; Meister et al., 2003).
Meister, Buelte, Staedtgen, Borooierdi, & Sparing, Indeed, some of the existing singing techniques have
2009). Moreover, the sound produced by the percussion already incorporated the use of hand tapping (e.g.,
instrument may facilitate the auditory-motor map- Schlaug et al., 2008) in the intervention. The use of
ping that is critical to meaningful vocal communica- hand-tapping or external auditory cues has been
tion (Lahav, Saltzman, & Schlaug, 2007). Finally, demonstrated to facilitate vocal output (e.g., Pilon,
imitation through repetitive training facilitates learning McIntosh, & Thaut, 1998; Thaut, McIntosh, McIntosh,
and alters the responses in the mirror neuron system & Hoemberg, 2001; Wambaugh & Martinez, 2000).
(Catmur, Walsh, & Heyes, 2007). Because AMMT Taken together, there appears to be a number of possi-
enhances interactions between the auditory and motor ble mechanisms underlying the efficacy of singing in
systems, it may represent an effective therapeutic strat- ameliorating the symptoms of various neurological con-
egy through which individuals with autism can develop ditions. Although it may be difficult to test the contri-
their communication skills. bution of all of the variables to an improvement in
speech motor output, it is important to test the efficacy
Concluding Remarks of any new experimental intervention versus a con-
trolled or established intervention in a randomized
As illustrated in this paper, singing represents a prom- controlled trial. Equally important are the neural
ising therapeutic tool in a variety of neurological disor- mechanisms underlying singing or auditory-motor map-
ders. Singing is particularly useful in ameliorating some ping training and their therapeutic effects. Elucidating
of the associated speech-motor difficulties because of these mechanisms will enable us to tailor the interven-
features such as continuous voicing, decreased produc- tions, to select the most appropriate patients for partic-
tion rate, and increased awareness of individual ular interventions, and to make predictions about
phonemes. Although the precise mechanisms underly- recovery.
ing the efficacy of singing remain largely unexplored, a
number of hypotheses have been proposed. First, con- Author Note
tinuous voicing helps to increase the connectedness
between syllables and words. This idea is consistent This work was supported in part by grants from the
with the explanations of increased phonation time, syl- National Institute of Health (DC008796, DC009823)
lable lengthening, and intelligibility provided by the and the Nancy Lurie Marks Family Foundation.
stuttering (e.g., Andrews et al., 1982) and acquired Correspondence concerning this article should be
brain lesion (e.g., Norton et al., 2009; Schlaug et al., addressed to Gottfried Schlaug, Department of Neurol-
2008; Tamplin, 2008) studies, respectively. Because the ogy, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline
impaired language system is often lateralized to the Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. E-MAIL: gschlaug@bidmc.
left hemisphere, singing or intoned speaking engages
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