PDS SikaPower-492 English
PDS SikaPower-492 English
PDS SikaPower-492 English
Semi crash resistant structural metal adhesive
Viscosity (Pa·s)
phased temperature increase from vary from country to country.
40°C at the follower plate to 55°C Please consult the local Product
at the application unit (nozzle). To Data Sheet for the exact de-
prolong the life of the packings and 1000 scription of the application fields.
facilitate removal of the cut foil disk
we strongly recommend a 0 Health and Safety Information
preheating of the new drum for 15 25 35 45 55
minutes. This will make it easier to Temperature (°C)
For information and advice on the
remove the foil. During longer safe handling, storage and
breaks (e.g. over night or at the Figure 1: Viscosity as a function of disposal of the chemical products,
temperature (Equipment: Physica) users shall refer to the most recent
weekend) the equipment must be
cooled down to ambient Material Safety Data Sheet
Cure Mechanism containing physical, ecological,
temperature and switched-off and
the system (pump and dosage SikaPower®-492 is cured by heat. toxicological and other safety-
unit) depressurized. The cure-rate depends both on related data.
The time between application and temperature and elapsed time. The
curing must be as short as possi- most suitable heat sources are Legal Notes
ble, since any uptake of moisture convection ovens. The maximum The information, and, in particular, the
in the interim (climate-dependent) temperature must not exceed recommendations relating to the
can cause formation of blisters 220°C. application and end-use of Sika
during heat curing. As a guide to products, are given in good faith based
Further Information on Sika’s current knowledge and
process planning, blister formation experience of the products when
was not detected after conditioning Copies of the following publications properly stored, handled and applied
of uncured parts at 23°C and 80% are available on request: under normal conditions in accordance
relative humidity in joined state for - Material Safety Data Sheet with Sika’s recommendations. In
two weeks, a drop in dynamic - Pump specification practice, the differences in materials,
resistance to cleavage was not substrates and actual site conditions
detected even after four weeks. are such that no warranty in respect of
Packaging Information merchantability or of fitness for a
However, if suitable conditions Cartridges 300 ml particular purpose, nor any liability
cannot be guaranteed, pre-curing
for 15 minutes at 160°C (substrate Hobbock1 23 l arising out of any legal relationship
whatsoever, can be inferred either from
temperature) is necessary. Hobbock 50 l this information, or from any written
Drum 195 l recommendations, or from any other
1) advice offered. The user of the product
280 mm diameter
must test the product’s suitability for the
intended application and purpose. Sika
reserves the right to change the
properties of its product. The
proprietary rights of third parties must
be observed. All orders are accepted
subject to our current terms of sale and
delivery. Users must always refer to the
most recent issue of the local Product
Data Sheet for the product concerned,
copies of which will be supplied on