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Operating Manual TP-401: Schenectady, N. Y

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Model RS-3 Road Switcher

This manual covers basic operating instructions to assist the

engineman in the efficient handling of the 1600 HP model RS-3 road
switching locomotive.

Descriptive information pertaining to the most commonly used

"specialties" is contained herein and defined with the phrase (if used). The
manual is written so as to be complete for locomotives with or without the
specialty equipment.

The information furnished is based on construction as of date

material was compiled.


Schenectady, N. Y.
Actual size 4.75 x 7.75

Printed in U. S. A. July 1950


General Data Section I

Introduction. Section II

Controller Operating Handles Section III

Preparing for Operation Section IV

Operating Procedure Section V

Air Equipment Section VI

Miscellaneous Operating Instructions Section VII

Gauges and Instruments Section VIII

Automatic Alarms and Safeguards Section IX

Accessories Section X
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Model Number RS-3
The 1600 HP Road Switcher is a single unit locomotive designed for
Class – AAR B-B freight, passenger and switching service. Controls may be applied for
multiple unit operation of two, three or four units controlled from one cab.
Rated Engine Speed 1000 RPM
Engine Horsepower 1600 HP The locomotive is powered by a 12 cylinder, V type 9" X 10-1/2",
single acting, turbosupercharged, 1600 HP ALCO-GE Diesel engine of four
Bore 9 Inch. stroke cycle having an open combustion chamber with solid fuel injection.
The engine speed is 350 RPM idle to 1000 RPM full speed and governed by
Stroke 10-1/2 Inch.
an electro-hydraulic governor.
Fuel Oil Tank Capacity 800 Gal. Each cylinder requires two engine revolutions or four strokes of the
piston to complete one working cycle. One complete piston working cycle is
Lubricating Oil Capacity 200 Gal. as follows: first, air is blown into the cylinder on the down or intake stroke;
then on the compression stroke; this air is compressed by the rising piston
Cooling Water Capacity 250 Gal. with a large increase in air temperature. Just before the end of the com-
pression stroke, fuel is injected into the cylinder where it is ignited by the
Governor Oil System Capacity 4 Qt. heat of the compressed air. The resulting combustion increases the cylinder
pressure and on the third or power stroke, this gas pressure forces the piston
Sand Capacity 8 Cu. Ft. down. On the fourth or exhaust stroke, the burnt gases are expelled by the
piston traveling upwards and by scavenging action of the inlet air made
Steam Generator Water Tank Capacity (If Used) 800 Gal.
possible by a large intake and exhaust valve overlap.
Wheel Diameter 40 Inch. The Diesel engine has an all welded steel frame. Full pressure
lubrication of all parts is provided. A closed cooling system is used; the
Journal Size 6-1/2" X 12" cooling water flows successively through the engine, the radiators and the
lubricating oil cooler and is circulated by an engine driven centrifugal pump.
Height (Maximum) 14' - 5-1/8" Lubricating oil is cooled by the water in the heat exchanger and the water by
fan cooled radiators. Thermostatically controlled radiator shutters and fan
Width (Maximum 10' - I-7/8" maintain desired engine temperature automatically.
Length (Inside Knuckles 55' - 11I-3/4"'
Track Curvature-With Train 21° The traction generator is direct-connected to the Diesel engine
crankshaft while the auxiliary generator, amplidvneexciter and rear traction
Locomotive Alone (Min. Radius) 150 Ft. motor blower are gear driven from the generator shaft. The traction generator
produces direct current for operation of the traction motors and the
Weight-On Drivers. 240,000 Lbs. amplidyne exciter furnishes excitation for the traction generator. The rear

Total Locomotive 240,000 Lbs.

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The rear blower furnishes ventilating air for the traction motors on the rear 5. DYNAMIC BRAKING (If Used)
truck. The front truck blower which is belt driven from the fan drive shaft, The dynamic brake is a means by which the traction motors are used
furnishes ventilating air for the motors on the front truck. The auxiliary to produce braking instead of pulling effort. The motors are reconnected as
generator furnishes current for battery 'charging and low voltage circuits for generators and the power produced by them is dissipated as heat by a fan
lighting, control, fuel pump and excitation. blown resistor. This brake is used principally on grades, though it may be
used to very good advantage for slowdowns. The resistor assembly is
3. TRACTION MOTORS mounted in the top of the steam generator compartment.
Four traction motors are used on a locomotive unit. Each motor is
supported by axle suspension bearings and a spring nest mounted on the III CONTROLLER OPERATING HANDLES
truck bolster.
Shrunk onto the motor armature shaft is a pinion which meshes with A. THROTTLE HANDLE
a drive gear pressed onto the wheel axle. The gear ratio between the pinion 1. Has an IDLE position and eight running notches. Its position is
and drive gear determines the maximum locomotive speed and is expressed shown by indicator above handle.
in two figures such as "74/18". The first number indicates the number of (a) Advance Throttle Handle into each succeeding notch by
teeth on the driven gear and the second number indicates. the number of teeth moving handle slightly toward IDLE and then move into the
on the pinion. succeeding notch. This action releases the latch which prevents
The traction motors are connected either in series-parallel or parallel rapid notching.
depending upon the speed of the locomotive. During acceleration the selector (b) The Throttle Handle can be returned to IDLE as rapidly as
handle movement controls the following motor connections: desired.
No. 1 Series-Parallel B. SELECTOR HANDLE
No. 2 Series-Parallel Shunted Fields I. Has an OFF position with four MOTORING positions to the left and a
No. 3 Parallel BRAKING range to the right. Its position is shown by indicator at
No. 4 Parallel Shunted Fields top of controller.
The motor connections take place in reverse order when a train is (a) Handle in OFF position disconnects traction motors, power and
decelerating with power on. braking circuits.
"Transition" is the changing of traction motor connections and is (b) Handle in MOTORING positions makes the following traction
controlled by the movement of the selector handle. Two methods of motor connections:
transition are in use, manual or automatic. No. I - Series-Parallel.
The forward and reverse movement of the locomotive is controlled No. 2 - Series-Parallel Shunted Fields.
by the positioning of the reverser which, when moved from forward to No. 3 - Parallel
reverse position by the reverse handle at the engineer's position, changes the No. 4 - Parallel Shunted Fields.
direction of the current through the traction motor fields. (c) Handle in BRAKING range provides control of dynamic
braking. If locomotive is not equipped with dynamic braking a
4. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT stop on the controller prevents movement of the handle into
On road switching locomotives, the Diesel engine drives the radiator the braking range.
fan through an eddy current clutch and the air compressor through a flexible C. REVERSE HANDLE
coupling. I. Has three positions, FORWARD, OFF and REVERSE for selecting
the desired direction of locomotive movement.
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D. MECHANICAL INTERLOCKING BETWEEN HANDLES glass attached to the water expansion tank should show water at all
(a) Can be moved from IDLE position only with Selector Handle 6. The engine governor operates under hydraulic oil pressure. The
in I, 2, 3, or 4, and Reverse Handle installed. reservoir of oil in the governor base is equipped with two sight
glasses. The oil level should , not be below line on lower sight glass.
2. SELECTOR HANDLE 7. The Emergency Fuel Shutoff Valve must be open. If closed, reset by
(a) Can be moved from OFF to the No. I position regardless of raising the valve stem and slipping the crutch under the raised stem.
Reverse Handle position. 8. Place handle on the duplex fuel oil filter to either the horizontal or
(b) Can be moved to position No. 2, No. 3 or No. 4 only when vertical position, preferably horizontal.
Reverse Handle is FORWARD or REVERSE. 9. Place radiator shutters and fan under automatic control. If operated
(c) On units equipped with dynamic braking the Selector Handle on manual control, close observance of water temperature should be
can be moved into the braking range only when Reverse made. See ENGINE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL.
Handle is FORWARD or REVERSE and Throttle Handle is in 10. Check to insure air compressor governor cutout cock is open.
IDLE. 11. Diesel engine turning gear must be disengaged and locked. This is
located at the air compressor end of the engine and mounted directly
3. REVERSE HANDLE above the engine crankshaft extension.
(a) Can be moved only when Throttle Handle is in IDLE, and with 12. The Diesel engine Overspeed Reset Button must be IN. 13. Check
the Selector Handle in any MOTORING position. the air compressor oil level. Maintain the oil level at the full mark on
(b) Can be installed or removed only when in OFF position. the bayonet gauge with the engine shut down.


1. Close Battery Switch by pushing in on the extension handle located
A. BEFORE BOARDING to the right of the Control Compartment near the floor.
1. Check fuel supply. 2. If lights are needed, close necessary circuit breakers on Control
2. Check steam generator water supply (if used). Compartment Panel and toggle switches on Engineman's Control
3. Check proper positioning of angle cocks and shutoff valves, also for Stand.
liquids leaking from external piping. 3. Move Throttle Handle to IDLE.
4. Check for loose or dragging parts. 4. Move Reverse and Selector Handles to OFF.
5. The Ground Relay Cutout Switch must be closed and the ground
B. ENGINE COMPARTMENT relay indicator target must not show red. If tripped, see GROUND
I. Inspect to see that no rags, tools, lanterns, etc., are near shafts, belts, RELAY instructions.
or other moving parts or electric apparatus. Never use waste on the 6. The Traction Motor Cutout Switch (if used) should indicate "All In".
locomotive. If in any other position see TRACTION MOTOR CUTOUT
2. Lubricating Oil Drain Valves must be closed. SWITCH instructions.
3. Check the Diesel engine lubricating oil level. Bayonet gauge should
show oil between the high and low marks. D. STARTING DIESEL ENGINE
4. Cooling Water Drain Valve must be closed. 1. Close Battery Switch.
5. Check the quantity of water in the cooling water system. The sight 2. Place Throttle Handle in IDLE, Selector and Reverse Handles in
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3. Close all circuit breakers on the Control Compartment Panel. 8. Make air brake test.
4. Close the Control and Fuel Pump Breakers on Engineman's Control 9. Have at least 120° F water temperature, if possible, before notching
Stand. Allow pressure to build up to 35-45 psi on Fuel Oil Pressure up.
Gauge mounted on Gauge Panel in front of engineman's position.
5. Turn Engine Control Switch to IDLE. Low oil pressure green light V OPERATING PROCEDURE
will light and alarm bell will ring until engine is started and oil
pressure is raised to 7 psi or higher. The Engine Control and Start A. MOVING A TRAIN
Switches are both mounted to the right on the Control Compartment. 1. Close Generator Field Breaker on Engineman's Control Stand.
6. Turn Start Switch to the left to crank engine. Hold in this position 2. Move Reverse Handle to FORWARD or REVERSE position,
while cranking the engine until oil pressure shows on gauge, alarm depending on direction desired.
stops and green light goes out. WARNING: Releasing the Start 3. Move Selector Handle to Position I , (or to Position 4 if locomotive
Switch before the green light goes out will stop the engine. If this is equipped with automatic transition).
happens, engine Must be allowed to come to a complete STOP 4. Release brakes.
before repeating the above starting procedure. 5. Open Throttle.
7. Do not discharge battery by repeated attempts to crank. If the first
two or three attempts are not successful, recheck complete starting B. STOPPING A TRAIN
preparation. 1. Close Throttle Handle to IDLE and apply air brakes. If leaving
8. Check Lubricating Oil Pressure Gauge on Gauge Panel for 20 psi engineman's position move Selector and Reverse Handles to OFF.
minimum pressure.
9. Open Crankcase Exhauster Circuit Breaker located on Control C. REVERSING LOCOMOTIVE
Compartment Panel. 1. Bring locomotive to a full stop.
10. Check engine lubricating oil level. Keep level at the HIGH mark on 2. Move Selector Handle to No. I position if locomotive is equipped
the bayonet gauge with the engine idling, crankcase exhauster shut with manual transition, not necessary if automatic transition is used.
off and the locomotive on a level track. 3. Move Reverse Handle to opposite direction.
11. Close Crankcase Exhauster Circuit Breaker. 4. Release brakes.
12. Make sure Crankcase Exhauster Light on Control Compartment 5. Open Throttle.
Panel is ON.
13. Move Engine Control Switch to RUN position. D. SHUTTING DOWN DIESEL ENGINE
1. Open Generator Field Breaker located at Engineman's Control Stand.
E. BEFORE MOVING A TRAIN 2. Move Engine Control Switch to OFF position.
1. Install Brake Valve Handles and Reverse Lever. 3. Apply Hand Brake and release air brakes.
2. Check main reservoir air pressure. 4. Open all other switches and circuit breakers at Engineman's Control
3. Check control air pressure - normal 70 psi. Stand and Control Compartment Panel.
4. Place Brake Pipe Cutout Cock in LIVE position. 5. Open Battery Switch.
5. Make brake application, release Hand Brake.
6. The Dead Engine Cock located on the distributing valve must be in E. COUPLING ROAD SWITCHERS EQUIPPED FOR MULTIPLE UNIT
7. Test sanders. 1. On Leading Unit:
7A. Open No. 4 cutout cock in release pipe. (a) Position all breakers the same as for single unit operation.
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2. On Trailing Units: automatic transition, move the Selector Handle to position 4. This permits
(a) Close all circuit breakers on Control Compartment Panel. Make automatic transition to fake place at predetermined locomotive speeds during
sure that the Control, Fuel Pump and Generator Field Circuit acceleration or deceleration.
Breakers located on the Engineman's Control Stand are OFF. The approximate speeds at which the transition relays function or at
b) Throttle Handle must be in IDLE. which the engineman may move the Selector Handle to enforce manual
(c) Selector Handle must be in OFF. supervisory control over the automatic, are as shown in the following fable.
(d) Reverse Handle must be in OFF and removed.
(e) Move Independent and Automatic brake valve handles to MOVE GEARING ----- MPH
running position and close No. 4 cutout cock in release pipe. SELECTOR HANDLE For Locomotive Maximum Speed of
(f) Move Brake Pipe Cutout Cock to TRAIL position. FROM (4 Motor Equipment 40 Inch Wheels)
3. On Both Units: Acceleration Deceleration 65 75 80 92
(a) Engage couplers. 1 to 2 2 to 1 17 19 21 24
(b) Connect air hoses and multiple-unit jumpers between units. 2 to 3 3 to 2 23 27 29 33
(c) Open air line angle cocks. 3 to 4 4 to 3 49 55 60 68


When starting a train with a Road Switcher equipped with manual An inherent feature of the 1600 HP Road Switcher provides throttle
transition, move the Selector Handle to position I. As the speed increases, the control of tractive effort. This offers two advantages. First, if affords the
pointer on the speedmeter will move engineer the ability to control, by throttle notch position, the amount of
to zones 2, 3 and 4 at which time move the Selector Handle to ifs tractive effort to be developed. Second, if provides a positive protection
corresponding positions 2, 3, or 4: against excessive load current on the traction motors and generator.
As locomotive speed decreases move Selector Handle to the The proper use of this feature offers much in improved train handling
corresponding position indicated on the transition scale. The Selector Handle as well as protection to the electrical equipment. If is important therefore that
may be moved to any motoring position regardless of the Throttle position. the engineer thoroughly under
The speed range for each Selector Handle position and for various stand ifs proper use, since if does require slightly different throttle handling
locomotive gearing is shown in the following fable. These speed ranges are than for other types of locomotives not so equipped.
shown by the zones I, 2, 3 and 4 on the Speedmeter or Speed Recorder, if
used. 1. How It Works
For each throttle position a definite maximum load current and
SELECTOR GEARING-MPH corresponding tractive effort may be developed. The increase, as the
HANDLE For Locomotive Maximum Speeds of throttle is advanced from one position to the next, is made
POSITION (4 Motor Equipment-40 Inch Wheels) immediately but smoothly. Since, however, the total tractive effort of
65 75 80 92 the locomotive is divided into eight steps available on the eight
1 0- 17 0-19 0-21 0-24 throttle notches, if is necessary to advance all the way info the 8th
2 17-23 19-27 21-29 24-33 notch in order to develop full tractive effort. Further, since maximum
3 23-49 27-55 29-60 33-68 current is controlled, if is perfectly safe, so far as electrical or
4 49-65 55-75 60-80 68-92 mechanical equipment is concerned, to advance the throttle rapidly
into the 8th notch: in fact this is not only desirable, but necessary
G. AUTOMATIC TRANSITION (if used) under certain starting conditions.
When starting a train with a Road Switcher equipped with
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2. How It Is Used train slack and to time his power application to insure that brakes are
It is well understood that the worst treatment that can be given a traction released. Having assured himself of slack and brake conditions, he
motor is to allow it to stand at "stall" condition for any appreciable length should have no hesitancy in advancing the throttle quickly into even
of time with load current applied to it. It is therefore most important, the 8th notch to get the train moving. While the load current will be
having given due care to insure that the brakes are released and that train high, the control protects against any damaging excess. The
slack is out to: important thing is to get the locomotive moving and thus keep to a
(a) Start the locomotive to move as quickly as possible; and minimum the length of time during which heavy load current is
(b) Accelerate to a speed which will bring the loadmeter pointer down applied to the motors before they start to turn.
into the Green zone in a minimum time. Therefore, in making a start,
since there is no danger of excessive load current, the throttle should be 1. WHEEL SLIP
advanced promptly to a notch that will start locomotive movement. If 1. Wheel slip is indicated by a warning light and buzzer. The
after starting, acceleration is too fast or until it is certain that all slack is occasional wheel slip will be corrected by automatic power reduction
out, the throttle may be backed off as required to maintain desired and smooth reapplication.
locomotive speed. As soon as the slack is out, the throttle may be 2. Upon repeated slip indication, apply sand.
advanced as fast as desired to suit operating conditions. It is good 3. If this does not correct slipping, reduce throttle.
practice to hesitate at each notch position to allow the engine to come up 4. When a spinning slip develops it cannot be arrested by sand
to the new notch speed which is indicated when the loadmeter pointer application. Throttle must be reduced until spinning stops, then apply
has come to rest at the new position. sand and re-apply power.
3. Starting Passenger or Light Trains 5. The loadmeter is another means by which a wheel slip may be
For normal starting of passenger and light trains, no appreciable detected. A sudden drop of the loadmeter pointed or an abnormally
difference in throttle handling will be noted from other types of low reading may be an indication of wheel slip.
equipment except the immediate response obtained for each throttle 6. In multiple-unit operation under adverse rail conditions, excessive
notch advance. wheel slip can be avoided by, placing the Engine Control Switch of
4. Normal Starting of Heavy Freight Trains the lead unit in the number 6 position.
Normally it is not necessary to "bunch" the slack. If the train is known to 7. A continuous wheel slip warning may indicate a locked axle. Check
be stretched, as soon as the brakes are fully released, throttle should be should be made to insure free rotation of all wheels.
advanced immediately to whatever notch is required to start movement.
Then adjust up or down to suit desired operating conditions bearing in J. OPERATING WITHOUT LOADMETER
mind desirability of accerelating the train to where the loadmeter If the loadmeter becomes inoperative the following table gives the
registers in the Green zone in minimum time. For normal level grade approximate minimum speeds at which the locomotive may be
starting, if no movement is obtained when the throttle has reached 5th or operated continuously in the 8th notch.
6th notch, shut off throttle and recheck to insure that the brakes are fully
5. For Starting Heavy Trains on Severe Grades 8th Notch Operation - 40-inch Wheels
It is occasionally necessary to take as much as the 7th or 8th notch to MAX. SPEED-MPH GEAR RATIO MIN. SPEED-MPH
make a start. The engineer must, of course, use due care in handling the 65 74/18 8.5
75 65/18 10.0
80 64/19 10.5
92 62/21 12.0
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VI AIR EQUIPMENT 3. Brake Pipe Cutout Cock on locomotives equipped for multiple-unit
operation has three operating positions: "lead", "trail" and "dead".
A. 6-SL AIR BRAKE EQUIPMENT The handle should be correctly positioned in accordance with unit
The 6-SL brake equipment is used on road switchers. Details of this operation. A spring loaded latch provided in the handle locks it into
equipment vary on different railroads to meet specific operating position, preventing accidental movement.
requirements. 4. Feed Valve attached to the brake valve body regulates pressure in the
The equipment consists primarily of the automatic brake valve, brake pipe with the automatic brake valve handle in "running" or
independent brake valve, bell ringer valve, sander valve, brake pipe cutout "holding" position.
cock, feed valve and distributing valve. 5. Independent Brake Valve Handle has two positions, "running" and
"application" zone. It is of the self lapping type. No fanning of the
1. The automatic brake valve is the H6-V - having the same positions brake valve handle is necessary as the valve automatically builds up
and functions as the red top brake valve used with steam the application pressure to the amount corresponding to the handle
locomotives. position and then laps. The release of the locomotive brakes may be
2. Brake Pipe Cutout Cock located on' the back side 'of the brake valve body is made after an automatic brake application by depressing the
used to open or close the passage between the brake valve and brake pipe. When independent brake valve handle in "running" position.
the handle is vertical, the brake valve is cut out or closed; when the handle is b. Distributing Valve located under the cab floor on the right side of the
parallel with the floor, it is cut in or open. locomotive is the automatic valve mechanism which controls the
operation of the brakes on the locomotive in accordance with the
movements of both brake valve handles.
7. Dead Engine Cock is mounted on the distributing valve to be open
when a locomotive is to be hauled "dead" in a train and closed under
all other conditions.


1. Locomotive Bell Valve
(a) The Control Valve is located on the right side of the brake valve
pedestal and controls the air from the main reservoir for
operating the pneumatic bell ringer.
(b) The shutoff valve is built in the needle valve adjustment of the
bell which is located behind the right front corner steps.
2. Horn Valve
(a) The control valve is located at the engineman's position and
controls the main reservoir air pressure to the horn.
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(b) The horn shutoff cock is located under the cab floor on the right 2. On Unit Being Cut In
hand side of the locomotive behind the hinged cover plate on the (a) Insert Reverse Handle in controller and leave in Off position.
outside of the cab. (b) Move independent brake valve to Application position.
3. Sander Valve (c) Place brake pipe cutout cock in Lead position.
(a) Located on the left side of the brake valve pedestal, provides (d) Open No. 4 cutout cock in release pipe.
sand to the front of leading truck and to rear of trailing truck. (e) Close Control and Fuel pump breakers on Engineman's Control
(b) The valve has three positions, Forward, Neutral and Reverse. Stand.
Move handle to right for forward sanding and to left for reverse (f) Open the Fuel Pump Breaker on Engineman's Control Stand ON
(c) If unit is equipped for M-U operation, either position of the (g) Close Generator Field breaker.
sander valve will provide sand to all units for the direction of
locomotive movement. B. DYNAMIC BRAKING OPERATION (if used)
(d) On locomotives equipped for M-U operation sanding is automatic 1. When operating in Dynamic Braking the engineman controls the
when the automatic brake valve handle is moved to emergency. amount of braking effort with the selector handle. The Dynamic
(e) A sander cutout cock for each truck is located under the chassis Brake may be applied with the locomotive operating in either
near the sander automatic valve. forward or reverse motion. The position of the pointer on the
4. Windshield Wiper Valves Braking Scale of the loadmeter indicates the amount of braking
(a) A needle valve located at each of the four windshield wipers effort being developed. Continuous braking may be maintained at
provides independent control of speed. any value within the Green zone of the Braking scale, except as
(b) The shutoff globe valve for air supply to wipers is located in the described under "Dynamic Braking Limits". No operation is
bottom of the Engineman's Control Stand and reached by permitted in the Red zone of the Braking scale. If the pointer goes
removing the lower cover plate. into the Red zone the Brake Warning Light will come on and the
gong will ring. Braking MUST be reduced to keep the pointer in the
The operation and effect of the dynamic brake on the train is
A. CHANGING OPERATING ENDS similar to that of the locomotive independent air brake; braking
1. On Unit Being Cut Out effort is applied to the locomotive only. The same precautions for
(a) Make full service application with automatic brake valve. bunching the slack and preventing slack "run out" are required.
(b) Place brake Dive cutout cock in Trail position. 2. Dynamic Braking Limits
(c) Move both brake valves to running position, close No. 4 cock in Any amount of braking may be employed for unlimited time so long
release pipe. as the Loadmeter pointer stays within the Green zone and the Brake
(d) Place Reverse Handle in Off position and remove. To do this, Warning Light and Alarm Bell do not operate. No operation is
Selector Handle must be Off and Throttle in Idle. permitted in the Red zone of the braking scale or with the Brake-
(e) On the Engineman's Control Stand, open the Control and Warning Alarm on. At speeds above 60 MPH, on 65 MPH geared
Generator Field Breakers leaving the Fuel Pump Breaker closed. locomotives, maximum braking should be reduced from the Red
band to the Yellow marker on the braking scale of the Loadmeter.
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See the following table for corresponding speeds for other gearing. dynamic braking may not be sufficient to hold the desired train
speed. An application of the Automatic air brake may be used in
DYNAMIC BRAKING LIMIT addition to the dynamic to maintain desired train speed.
Top Speed Gearing Restrict to Small Marker Above However, Locomotive Brakes MUST BE HELD OFF by
65 MPH 60 MPH depressing the Independent Brake Valve Handle to avoid sliding
75 MPH 68 MPH the locomotive wheels.
80 MPH 73 MPH 4. Release of Dynamic Brake
92 MPH 84 MPH (a) Reduce braking slowly; pause when the Loadmeter pointer
indicates at the first White mark on the Motoring scale to prevent
3. To Apply Dynamic Braking: slack run out.
(a) Move Throttle to Idle. (b) Handle can now be moved to Off or into Motoring.
(b) Have Reverse Handle Forward or Reverse depending on direction (c) A light application of the Independent Air Brake will aid in
of motion. preventing slack runout.
(c) Move Selector Handle to Off and then to big "B" in the Braking 5. Cutout of Dynamic Brakes
range. Loadmeter Pointer will show slight movement. (a) If the Engine Control Switch is turned to Idle, dynamic braking
(d) Bunch train slack by advancing Selector Handle cautiously into on that unit will be inoperative.
the Braking range. Do not allow Loadmeter Pointer to exceed the (b) Cut out dynamic brake only when Selector Handle is Off; this
first White mark on the Motoring Scale until all slack is avoids surges on the equipment or on the train. For the same
bunched. reason, dynamic brake must not be cut in, except with Selector
(e) After slack is bunched advance Selector Handle into Braking Handle in "Off".
range until the desired braking effort is obtained. Make handle 6. Dynamic Braking With Lead Unit Idling or Shut Down The
movements slowly. Do not permit Loadmeter Pointer to enter loadmeter will not operate, therefore the alarm light and gong will
Red band on the braking scale. If the Brake Warning Alarm indicate when maximum braking has been reached. Reduce braking
comes on, reduce braking until alarm stops. to stop the alarm. Whenever lead unit is cut out, keep engine idling if
(f) The amount of braking effort obtainable varies with the train conditions permit. This maintains battery charging, air pressure,
speed. To obtain maximum braking performance, the Selector engine temperature, etc.
Handle must be moved to maintain the Loadmeter Pointer near (a) Conditions in Leading Unit
the top of the Green Band. (1) Place Engine Control Switch in Idle or Off.
With the Loadmeter Pointer held constant, the braking effort will (2) Close fuel pump breaker on Engineman's Control Stand.
increase as speed decreases until it reaches maximum value at (3) Close Main Control Positive and Negative as well as MG
approximately 22 MPH for 65 MPH gearing. Below this speed, breakers on Control Compartment Panel.
braking effort will gradually fall off to reach 0 at 0 MPH. (4) When engine must be shut down completely, open fuel pump
The speed at which the maximum braking effort is reached for other and crankcase exhauster breakers on Control Compartment
gearings is as follows: 25 MPH for 75 MPH gearing, 27 MPH Panel.
for 80 MPH gearing and 30 MPH for 92 MPH gearing. (b) Conditions on Trailing Units
(g) It is permissible to start from a standstill on a downgrade with (1) Same as for normal operation.
dynamic brake applied. C. BRAKING WITH POWER
(h) When braking a heavy train on a severe grade, the maximum I. Gradually apply automatic brake for a light brake pipe reduction.
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2. Release locomotive brakes by depressing independent valve 5th notch or below while all units pass over the crossing. This is not
handle in the Running position. necessary at slow speeds.
3. Reduce throttle to maintain Loadmeter pointer in Green band of
Motoring scale as train speed decreases. Move throttle to Idle H. TAKING DIESEL ENGINE "OFF THE LINE" IN M-U OPERATION
before train comes to a dead stop. Turn the Engine Control Switch to IDLE position. If it becomes
4. On locomotives equipped with manual transition move the necessary to stop the engine, turn Engine Control Switch to OFF position
Selector Handle into the position indicated by the speedmeter. and open the fuel pump switch on the Control Compartment Panel.
1. Generator Field breaker located on Engineman's Control Stand I. PUTTING DIESEL ENGINE "ON THE LINE" IN M-U OPERATION
must be Off. If engine has been shut down:
2. Reverse Handle must be in Off position. 1. Close fuel pump switch on Control Compartment Panel.
3. Selector Handle must be in Position I. 2. Start Engine in usual manner.
4. Open throttle as desired up to Notch 5. If lead unit throttle is in Idle, turn Engine Control Switch directly to
A red Stop Button is located on the Engineman's Control If lead unit throttle is in a Running Notch, turn Engine Control
Stand. It will shut down a single engine or simultaneously all engines Switch slowly to Run pausing 3 seconds at intermediate positions 2, 4,
of a multiple unit locomotive. It is provided primarily for and 6 to gradually bring engine up to speed and load.
"emergency" use. Normal shut downs should be made with the
Engine Control Switch. J. PARTIAL LOAD OPERATION
To restart engines of a single or multiple unit locomotive The Diesel engine may be operated at partial load by moving the
after shut down by emergency Stop Button: Engine Control Switch to position 2, 4, or 6 regardless of throttle
1. Locomotives having Single Stop Button. position.
(a) Turn Engine Control Switch to Off on ALL units before Position 2, 4, or 6 corresponds to throttle notch 2, 4, or 6. After
attempting to start any unit. setting the Engine Control Switch at any of these intermediate points, the
(b) Start all engines in usual manner. Diesel engine speed will increase only up to that point although the
2. Locomotives having Double Stop Button (Stop-Run) throttle may be in a higher notch. The positioning of the Engine Control
(a) Reset Stop Switch by pushing in Run button. Switch thereby limits the output of the Diesel engine.
(b) Start each engine in usual manner. It is not necessary to turn In M-U operation this feature provides for:
Engine Control Switch to Off on other units before starting 1. Reduced power on the lead unit to overcome excessive wheel slip
any unit. under adverse rail conditions.
3. If the locomotive is made up of units of both types, make sure all 2. Reduced power operation of any unit to accommodate power plant
Run buttons are pushed in then follow starting procedure in Item I difficulties which may make full power operation undesirable.
above. 3. Reduced power break-in of an overhauled engine.
Do not exceed 2 or 3 MPH if there is water above the railhead. Do K. TOWING DEAD LOCOMOTIVE
not pass through water over 4 inches above railhead. In freezing weather, drain engine and steam generator (if used) water
G. PASSING OVER RAILROAD CROSSINGS systems. Brake equipment on one or more "dead" units which are in multiple
The severe mechanical shocks received by traction motors when with a "live" leading unit should be set up the same as "live" trailing units.
passing over railroad crossings at high speed may cause the brushes to
bounce and flash-over the traction motors. At high speeds, reduce throttle to
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Operation General Electric 750 750 General Electric Operation

It is recommended that brake equipment on each unit of a "dead" to emergency position. He can release the brakes by depressing the
multiple unit locomotive which is not in multiple with a "live" unit should be independent brake valve handle.
set up as a single "dead" unit as follows:
1. Close brake pipe cutout cock on brake valve pedestal"dead" position N. OPERATING WITH LEAD UNIT DOWN
if unit is equipped for M-U operation. 2. Place automatic and 1. Turn Engine Control Switch on lead unit to Off. 2. Close battery
independent brake valve handles in "running" position. switch on lead unit.
3. Place throttle in Idle, selector and reverse handles in Off position- 3. Close main Control Positive and Negative Breakers on the lead unit
remove reverse handle. Control Compartment Panel -and Lighting Breakers only as required.
4. Place dead engine cock in "dead" position. 4. Close Auxiliary Generator Breaker (or Battery Breaker) on lead unit
5. Set safety valve on distributing valve for 25 psi. Control Compartment Panel.
6. Connect brake nine hose oniv 5. Open all other circuit breakers on lead unit Control Compartment
7. Open No. 4 Cutout Cock in release pipe. Panel.
6. Close Control, Fuel Pump and Generator Field Breakers on the lead
Before using a steam locomotive as a helper, it should first be 7. Dynamic braking will be inoperative on lead unit. (See Dynamic
determined that the steam locomotive can pull its share of the tonnage at or Braking with Lead Unit Down.)
above the rated speed of the Diesel-electric locomotive. The tonnage rating Note: With engine dead, battery charging generator ceases to
of steam locomotives used in'helper service is sometimes based on speeds function. The battery voltage will weaken enough in a few hours to
below the continuous rated speed of the Diesel-electric locomotive. prevent further locomotive operation.
It therefore follows that if the helper locomotive can not pull its
share of the tonnage which is in excess of the continuous tonnage rating of O. OPERATING WITH DEAD BATTERY ON LEAD UNIT (Without
the Diesel-electric locomotive, the Diesel-electric locomotive will endeavor Headlight)
to pull more than its share which may result in eventual damage to the 1. Turn Engine Control Switch on lead unit to Off. 2. Open battery
equipment. switch on lead unit.
When operating with a helper watch the loadmeter; overloading of 3. Open all circuit breakers on Control Compartment Panel and Electric
the Diesel-electric locomotive will be indicated by the loadmeter pointer Cab Heater Circuit Breaker (if used).
moving into the Red zone. Reduce 4. Open Fuel Pump and Control Breakers and close Generator Field
the Diesel-electric locomotive throttle and allow the train speed to drop until Breaker on Engineman's Control Stand in lead unit.
the helper locomotive assumes its share of the tonnage; then set the Diesel- 5. On any ONE of the TRAILING UNITS, close Fuel Pump and
electric locomotive throttle in the position that allows the loadmeter pointer Control Breakers on Engineman's Control Stand.
to remain in the upper part of the Green zone. 6. Dynamic Brake can not be used.
When preparing for double heading a Diesel-electric locomotive
On Lead Unit:
behind a steam locomotive, make a full service application and close the
1. Turn Engine Control Switch to Off.
brake pipe cutout cock. 1f unit is equipped for M-U operation, place brake
2. 2. Open battery switch.
pipe cutout cock in "dead" position. Brakes are then controlled from the
3. Open Electric Cab Heater Circuit Breaker (if used.)
steam locomotive but the engineman on the Diesel-electric locomotive can
4. Open all circuit breakers on Control Compartment Panel except
make an emergency application by moving the automatic brake valve handle
Headlight, Cab Light and Engine Room Light Breakers.
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5. Open Fuel Pump and close Generator Field and Control Breakers on motive at the forward end. The speed of the fan and the positioning of the
Engineman's Control Stand. shutters are automatically controlled by the temperature of the water entering
On Any One Trailing Unit the Diesel engine. In the event of high water temperature or by inspection, it
I. Close Fuel Pump and Control Breakers on Engineman's Control was found that either the fan or shutters or both were not functioning, the
Stand. equipment can be operated manually.
2. Make sure all circuit breakers on Control Compartment are closed. For automatic operation, the radiator fan control switch should be in
Caution: DO NOT use more than one headlight-Control Breaker may "automatic" position on the control panel mounted under the hood on the left
trip. back side of the radiator compartment bulkhead. Both shutter motor drive rod
yokes (Fig. 3) should be connected to the shutter operating links with link
Q. ENGINE WATER TEMPERATURE CONTROL locking pins removed and placed in receptacle in the inside of the hinged
The engine water temperature is controlled by a single radiator fan cover. Both cutout cocks (Fig. 4)
and a pair of radiator shutters located on the right and left sides of the loco-

Fig. 4
Schematic Arrangement - Engine Temperature Control

should be open and the air pressure gauge should show 15 psi with the
shutters closed and the fan not operating.
In an emergency, the equipment can be operated manually by first closing the
cutout cocks to both air filters and then bleed the system by opening the drain
valve in the base of each filter. Remove one inch pipe from receptacle on
walkway and apply to stub end of shutter operating link. Lift up on pipe and
remove chained pin from shutter motor yoke. Place yoke in lockout position
and reapply chained pin. Position shutter operating link with locking pin in
one of the three holes provided for a full open, mid-position or full closed
shutter and fan control switch to "Off", "Medium" or "Full" fan speed to
maintain 140° to 160° F engine water temperature.
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If the reverser fails to operate, turn Engine Control Switch to Idle on
the unit affected. Try throwing the reverser by pressing the magnet valve A. LOADMETER
buttons. Left magnet valve for Forward - Right magnet valve for Reverse. The loadmeter is strictly a color band guide for locomotive operation
If this is not effective, remove manual operating handle from clips on in motoring and dynamic braking (if used).
reverser frame. Insert handle in hole provided in operating lever on top of
operating shaft and move to left for Forward movement and to the right for
Reverse movement.
Note: The radiator end of the Road Switcher unit is classified as the Forward
end. Therefore if the steam generator end of the unit is leading, the reverser
must be set for Reverse movement.


The traction motor cutout switch is located in the Control
Compartment. It is connected in the control circuits and provides for cutting
1. Any ONE motor;
2. The PAIR of motors in either truck.
This permits cutting out a single bad motor, or a truckpair of
motors in event of a blower failure.
The throttle must be in Idle before operating this switch.
Power of the unit is automatically restricted to approximately two-
1. Motoring
thirds horsepower when motors are cut out. In event the ground relay
The pointer position on the Motoring scale indicates the
trips, the motor cutout switch may be used to isolate motors 2 or 3 to
amount of tractive effort being developed or the load on the traction
determine location of trouble.
motors when pulling a train.
The Green zone represents normal operation; in this zone
operating time is unrestricted. The Yellow zone indicates short time
1. To Apply:
load capacity of the traction motors; operation in this zone is
(a) Engage latching lever in back of brake wheel.
principally for acceleration. The point on this scale where the color
(b Turn wheel counterclockwise until brake is fully applied.
band changes from Green to Yellow indicates the Maximum load at
2. To Release:
which Continuous operation may be maintained.
(a) Turn wheel counterclockwise one-eighth turn.
2. Short Time Load Operation
(b) Disengage latching lever.
For operating guidance, on short ruling grades or in
(c) Release wheel.
emergency, short time load limits are shown by the Yellow figures
which appear beneath the Yellow band on the Motoring scale. These
figures indicate the Maximum Time in minutes that operation may
be maintained when the loadmeter pointer registers at their
respective load values. These overload times shall not be used
accumulatively and the operator must use his best judgment as to
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when he has used up the full allowed time, if for instance the pointer If meter shows no reading, check to insure that both Auxiliary
may register part time at say the twelve minute load and part time at Generator and Auxiliary Generator Field circuit breakers on Control
some value above or below this point. Compartment Panel are closed.
When a short time load has been used for the full allowable If still no reading is shown, minimize auxiliary load to conserve
time, the load MUST then be reduced to where the pointer will battery.
appears near the upper end of the Green band. The load must be held E. LUBRICATING OIL PRESSURE GAUGE
below the Yellow triangle for at least twenty minutes before another 1. Located on gauge panel in front of engineman's position.
overload in the Yellow zone may be repeated. 2. Should indicate 20-25 psi at idling speed and 45-55 psi at top engine
3. Dynamic Braking (If Used). speed.
The Braking scale is the engineman's guide in applying the
dynamic brake. For complete instructions see DYNAMIC BRAKE F. ENGINE WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE
OPERATION. 1. Located on gauge panel in front of engineman's position.
2. Indicates temperature of cooling water out of left bank header of
1. Has a Speed Scale and a Transition Scale. 3. Normal operating temperature is 140° F to 160° F.
(a) Speed Scale-Indicates locomotive speed in miles per hour.
(b) Transition Scale-The outer scale is divided into four zones which G. BOOSTER AIR PRESSURE GAUGE
correspond to the four Selector Handle positions. The Yellow 1. Located under the hood on the left back side of the radiator
Marks separating these zones indicate the speeds at which compartment bulkhead.
manual transition is performed. See TRANSITION. 2. Indicates turbosupercharger air pressure to Diesel engine.
3. Should indicate 15-18 psi with throttle in eighth notch with engine
C. BATTERY VOLTMETER fully loaded and lower pressures in lower throttle notches.
1. Has a voltage and color scale.
(a) Voltage Scale-Indicates voltage of battery circuit. H. FUEL OIL PRESSURE GAUGE
(b) Color Scale-Indicates battery circuit condition: Red (first zone)- 1. Located on Gauge Panel in front of engineman's position.
Faulty or discharged battery. Silver-Battery at low charge or 2. Should indicate 35-45 psi at all engine speeds.
being discharged (normal open circuit voltage is 64 volts).
Pointer stay in this band for a short time after starting the engine. I. AIR GAUGES
Green-Battery receiving normal charge. 1. One gauge indicates brake pipe and brake cylinder pressure.
Red-Battery being overcharged. 2. The other gauge indicates main reservoir and equalizing air pressure.


Indicates auxiliary generator ampere output. It should show a reading 1. Mounted on cab side panel to the rear of the engineman's seat.
whenever the Diesel engine is running; however, the reading will vary 2. Should indicate 70 psi.
widely depending on the auxiliaries being operated. 3. Loss of control air pressure prevents operation of the electro-
pneumatic contactors and further locomotive movement.
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1. Mounted in the fan control panel under the hood on the left back side 2. To Reset Ground Relay:
of the radiator compartment bulkhead. (a) Turn Engine Control Switch to Idle.
(b) Push in Ground Relay Reset Button.
2. It should indicate 15 to 17 psi for operation of the elect ropneumatic
(c) Turn Engine Control Switch to Run.
fan control switches.
(d) Start locomotive; if Ground Relay stays in, continue normal
IX AUTOMATIC ALARMS & SAFEGUARDS 3. If Ground Relay continues to trip:
(a) The Motor Cutout Switch (if used) may be used to isolate a faulty
In multiple unit operation the Alarm System provides both Gong and motor circuit on Motors 2 and 3. For example: reset Ground Relay
Indicating Light warning in all units for the following: as outlined in 2 above; turn Motor Cutout Switch to position "2-
(a) Low Lubricating Oil Pressure. Out" and start locomotive. Follow same procedure for Motor 3.
(b) Hot Engine (b) In some cases it may be found that the Ground Relay trips when the
(c) Ground Relay Trip. throttle is advanced to a certain notch position. In M-U operation,
(d) Steam Generator-game Out (If Used) the Engine Control Switch of the affected unit may be turned to
limit ,its operation to a notch position below that at which the fault
A. HOT ENGINE occurs.
1. When engine cooling water temperature reaches 185° F: (c) Under extreme emergency conditions; reset Ground Relay as
(a) The Hot Engine (red) indicating light, located on the Control outlined in 2 above, open GROUND RELAY CUTOUT SWITCH
Stand, will light. in Control Compartment and move locomotive no farther than is
(b) The alarm bell will sound. necessary observing for smoke or overheating of electrical
(c) The engine will return" to idle. equipment., If in M-U operation, the unit should be taken "Off the
(d) Repeated Ground Relay tripping may indicate a traction motor
failure. This might result in a locked axle. Check should be made to
1. If oil pressure drops below 20 psi, but remains above 7 psi when. the
insure that all wheels turn freely,
Throttle Handle is in the 5th to 8th notches; and the Engine Control
Switch is in "b" or "Run"; the engine will return to idle, the alarm D. WHEEL SLIP WARNING
bell will sound and the low lubricating oil pressure green light on the 1. A wheel slip relay is connected across traction motors 2 and 3 and
Engineman's Control Stand will light. If the throttle is reduced to 4th another across traction motors 1 and 4. When the relays operate, the
notch or below; or the Engine Control Switch of the affected unit is Wheel Slip Light and Buzzer will operate and power will be
turned to "4"; the alarm will stop and the engine will assume load up automatically reduced and reapplied. For further information, see
to the 4th notch. WHEEL SLIP.
2. If oil pressure drops below 7 psi, the engine shuts down, the alarm
sounds and the low lubricating oil green light comes on. E. DYNAMIC BRAKE WARNING (If Used).
1. When the dynamic braking limit is exceeded, the followinq indications
C. GROUND RELAY are provided:
1. A ground in the power circuit operates he ground relay to return the (a) The loadmeter pointer will enter the Red zone of the BRAKING
engine to idle, sound the alarm bell and light the white ground scale indicating overload on lead unit.
indicating light on the 'Engineman's Control Stand. A red indicator (b) The Brake Warning Light and Alarm Gong will operate to
will also appear on the ground relay. The ground relay may be seen indicate overload on the lead unit or any unit in the multiple.
through a window of the relay box located in the upper right corner
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For further information, see DYNAMIC BRAKE OPERATION. INDEX


1. The Yellow Crankcase Exhauster Light, located on the Control Air Brake Equipment 18
Air Gauges ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 33
Compartment Panel, should be On continuously to indicate that the Air Pressure Gauge, Booster --------------- ----------------------------------- 33
Exhauster is running. Air Pumping, Faster ----------------------------------------- 24
2. If light is Out, see that Crankcase Exhauster Breaker is closed. If Alarms and Safeguards 34
breaker is closed and lamp is not burned out, report condition. Ammeter, Auxiliary Generator ---------------------------------------------- 32
Automatic Brake Valve ------------------------------------------------------------ 18
Automatic Transition ------------------------------------------------ --------------- 14
G. BOILER FLAME OUT (If Used) Auxiliary Generator 7
1. If the steam generator stops, the boiler alarm relay closes and causes Auxiliary Generator Ammeter 32
the White Flame-Out Light to light and the alarm to sound.
Battery Voltmeter 32
H. DIESEL ENGINE OVERSPEED Before Moving a Train 12
1. The overspeed switch automatically drops out the governor clutch to Ball, Locomotive 19
shut down the Diesel Engine when it reaches a speed of 1110 plus or Boiler Flame Out 36
minus 10 r.p.m. Booster Air Pressure Gauge 33
2. To reset overspeed switch: Brake, Hand 30
Brake Pipe Cutout Cock ------------------- ------------------------------------ 18
(a) Move Engine Control Switch to Off. Braking with Power 23
(b) Push in overspeed switch reset button.
(c) Start engine and move Engine Control Switch to Run, pausing C
three seconds at each intermediate position. If overspeed switch Cab Heater 36
Changing Operating Ends ---------------------------------------------------- 20
repeatedly trips on any unit, that unit may be operated at partial Control Air Pressure Gauge ------------------------------------------------ 33
load by moving the Engine Control Switch to the intermediate Coupling Units for M-U Operation -------------------------------------- 13
position necessary to keep it from tripping. Crankcase Exhauster --------------------------------------------------------- ------ 36
Cutout Switch, Ground Relay - ------- -- 35
I. JOURNAL BOX HEAT INDICATOR (If Used). Cutout Switch, Traction Motor 30
1. Heat indicators installed in the covers of roller bearing journal boxes D
emit a pungent odor when journal box temperature reaches 200° F. Data, General --------------- 6
Dead Battery, Operating Lead Unit with (Without Headlight) 27
X ACCESSORIES Dead Battery, Operating Lead Unit with (With Headlight) 27
Dead Engine Cock . 19
Diesel Engine 7
A. CAB HEATER Diesel Engine Overspeed 36
(a) Located on right side in front of engineman's position.
(b) Rheostat switch for controlling heater fan is located on Gauge Panel
at engineman's position.
(c) Inlet and outlet valves are located under the engine hood forward of
the Control Compartment.
(d) Manual vent valve located on top of heater.
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Operation General Electric 750 750 General Electric Operation

Page J Page
Diesel Engine Starting ------------------------------------------------------------ II Journal Box Heat Indicator ---------------------------------------------------- 36
Distributing Valve ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- 19
Double Heading Behind Steam Locomotive -------------------------- 26 L
Dynamic Brake Application ---------------------------------------------------- 22 Lead Unit Down, Operating with ------------------------------------------ 27
Dynamic Brake Cutout ------------------------------------------------------------ 23 Loadmeter --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- 31
Dynamic Brake Release ------------------ -------------------------------------- 23 Low Lube Oil Pressure ---------- 34
Dynamic Brake Warning.------------------------------------------------------ 35 Lubricating Oil Pressure Gauge --------------------- ---------------------- 33
Dynamic Braking Limits ------------------------------------------------------------ 21
Dynamic Braking Operation ---------------------------------------------------- 21 M
Dynamic Braking with Lead Unit Down -------------------------------- 23 Manual Transition 14
Mechanical Interlocks -------------------------------- ----------------------------- 10
E Miscellaneous Operating Instructions ------------------------------------ 20
Emergency Engine Shutdown ---------------------------------- --------------- 24 Moving a Train 13
Engine Overspeed 36
Engine Water Temperature Control --------------------------------------- 28 O
Engine Water Temperature Gauge ------------------------ 33 Oil Pressure Gauge, Fuel -------------------------------------------------------- 33
Exhauster, Crankcase 36 Oil Pressure Gauge, Lubricating -------------------------------------------- 33
Operating Procedure -------------------------------------------------------------- 13
F Operating Through Water -----------------------------.---------------------- 24
Faster Air Pumping --------------------------------- -------------------------- ----- 24 Operating with Dead Battery on Lead Unit
Feed Valve 19 With Headlight 27
Fuel Oil Pressure Gauge ---------------------------------------------------------- 33 Without Headlight ---------------------------------------------------------- 27
Operating with Lead Unit Down --------------------------------------------- 27
G Operating with Steam Locomotive Helper ---------------------------- 26
Gauges and Instruments ---------------------------------------------------------- 31 Operating Without Loadmeter _________ 17
General Data 6 Operation, Preparing for
Ground Relay 34 Before Boarding 10
Ground Relay Cutout Switch ------------------------------------------------ 35 In Cab 11
In Engine Compartment -------------------------------------------------- 10
H Overpseed Switch, Engine --------------- -------------------------------------- 36
Handbrake Operation --------------------------------- ---------------------------- 30
Horn 19 P
Hot Engine ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- 34 Partial Load Operation ------------------------------------------- 25
Independent Brake Valve ----------------------- ------- ------------------ ----- 19 Passing Over Railroad Crossing -------------------------------------------- 24
Interlocks, Mechanical -------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Preparing for Operation -------------------------------------------------------- 10
Introduction 7 Putting Engine "On the Line"-------------------------------------------------- 25

Radiator Fan Control Air Pressure Gauge ---------------------------- 34
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Operation General Electric 750


Reverser Emergency Operation 30

Reverse Handle ------------------------------- 9
Reversing Locomotive ------------------------------------------------------ 13

Sander Valve ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
Selector Handle 9
Shutting Down Diesel Engine -------------------------------------------------- 13
Speedmeter ___________ 32
Starting Diesel Engine -------------------------------------------------------------- 11
Steam Locomotive Helper, Operating With ----------------------- 26
Stopping a Train 13

Taking Engine "Off the Line-------------------------------- 25
Throttle Handle 9
Throttle Handling, ------------------------------------------------------------ 15
How It Is Used -------------------------------------------------------------- 16
How It Works 15
Normal Starting of Heavy Train ------------------------------------ 16
Starting Heavy Trains on Severe Grades -------------------- 16
Starting Passenger or Light Trains -------------------------------- 16
Towing Dead Locomotive 25
Traction Generator ----------------------------------------------------- ------------ 7
Traction Motor Cutout Switch ---------------------------------------------- 30
Traction Motors ______________ 8
Automatic 14
Manual ----------------- 14

Voltmeter, Battery ---------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- 32

Water Temperature Control, Engine -------------- ----------------------- 28
Water Temperature Gauge, Engine -------------------------------------- 33
Wheel Slip 17
Wheel Slip Warning 35
Windshield Wiper Valve -------------------------------------------------------- 20

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