Remote Sensing of Environment
Remote Sensing of Environment
Remote Sensing of Environment
Monitoring flood extent in the lower Amazon River floodplain using ALOS/PALSAR
ScanSAR images
Allan S. Arnesen a,⁎, Thiago S.F. Silva a, Laura L. Hess b, Evlyn M.L.M. Novo a, Conrado M. Rudorff c,
Bruce D. Chapman d, Kyle C. McDonald d, e
Divisão de Sensoriamento Remoto, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Caixa Postal 515, 12201-970, São José dos Campos, Brazil
Earth Research Institute, 6832 Ellison Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3060, USA
Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, 2400 Bren Hall, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5131 USA
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, CUNY Environmental Crossroads Initiative, and CUNY CREST Institute, City College of New York, City University of New York,
160 Convent Ave. & W. 138th St., New York, NY 10031, USA
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The Amazon River floodplain is subject to large seasonal variations in water level and flood extent, due to the
Received 14 February 2012 large size and low relief of the basin, and the large amount of precipitation in the region. Synthetic Aperture
Received in revised form 10 October 2012 Radar (SAR) data can be used to map flooded area in these wetlands, given its ability to provide continuous
Accepted 27 October 2012
information without being heavily affected by cloud cover. As part of JAXA's Kyoto & Carbon Initiative, exten-
Available online 17 December 2012
sive wide-swath, multi-temporal SAR coverage of the Amazon basin has been obtained using the ScanSAR
mode of ALOS PALSAR. This study presents a method for monitoring flood extent variation using ALOS
Object-based image analysis ScanSAR images, tested at the Curuai Lake floodplain, in the lower Amazon River, Brazil. Twelve ScanSAR
Multi-temporal analysis scenes were acquired between 2006 and 2010, including seven during the 2007 hydrological year. Water
Incidence angle level records, field photographs, optical images (Landsat-5/TM and MODIS/Terra and Aqua) and topographic
Wetlands data were used as auxiliary information. A data mining algorithm allowed the implementation of a hierarchi-
Synthetic aperture radar cal, object-based classification algorithm, able to map land cover types and flooding status in the study area
Kyoto & Carbon Initiative for all available dates. Land cover based on the entire time series (classification levels 1 and 2) had overall
accuracies of 90% and 83%, respectively. Level 3 classifications (one map per image date) were validated
only for the lowest and highest water stages, with overall accuracies of 76% and 78%, respectively. Total
flood extent (Level 4) was mapped with 84% and 94% accuracies, for the low and high water stages, respec-
tively. Regression models were fitted between mapped flooded area and water levels at the Curuai gauge to
predict flood extent. A polynomial model had R2 = 0.95 (p b 0.05) and an overall root mean square error
(RMSE) of 241 km 2, while a logistic model had R2 = 0.98 (p b 0.05) and RMSE = 127 km2.
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0034-4257/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
52 A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61
seasonal variability of flooded area throughout the annual flood pulse is and iii) quantify the relationship between water level variation and
still scarce for the region. flood extent for the Curuai Lake floodplain area.
Because of the dynamic nature of the floodplain environment, re-
curring SAR imaging is required to support estimates of flooded area 2. Methods
during all phases of the flood pulse. As part of the Kyoto & Carbon
(K&C) Initiative of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), 2.1. Study area
extensive wide-swath, multi-temporal SAR coverage of the Amazon
basin has been obtained using the ScanSAR mode of the PALSAR/ALOS Curuai Lake floodplain is a complex lake located in the Lower Amazon
(Advanced Land Observing Satellite) sensor, enabling a temporal analy- River floodplain (Brazil), approximately 900 km upstream from the river
sis (Rosenqvist et al., 2007). mouth (Fig. 1). The lake's hydrograph varies seasonally between 5 and
Seasonal flooding effects on SAR backscatter have been shown to 7 m (Fig. 2), and annually by up to 2 m, resulting in significant variations
vary according to land cover types in the Amazon floodplain, as a func- in flooded area throughout the year.
tion of both target characteristics and seasonal variation in water levels Based on a six-year study period, Bonnet et al. (2008) estimated the
(Hess et al., 1995; Martinez and Le Toan, 2007; Silva et al., 2010). Fur- contributions from different water sources to the Curuai Lake floodplain
thermore, the very wide swath of ScanSAR products also enhances the (river flooding, rainfall, runoff, and groundwater exchange). According
effect of changes in incidence angle on backscattering properties. There- to their estimation, the Amazon River flood wave contributes 77% of
fore, land cover types and incidence angle effects must be quantified the annual water input, followed by runoff (10%), rainfall (9%), and
and accounted for before flood information can be extracted from the groundwater (4%). The predominance of river input is mostly explained
images. by the small size of the local watershed (1370 km2; Bonnet et al., 2008).
Pixel-based digital image classification methods have been applied to Mean annual precipitation in the region is about 1800 mm (1970
SAR data to monitor seasonal flood dynamics in the Amazon region to 2007) at the nearest gauging station, with the largest amount of
(Frappart et al., 2005; Martinez and Le Toan, 2007), but object-based rainfall observed between February and April. Maximum water levels
image analysis (OBIA) is emerging as a particularly effective method in the region occur between May and July, with a lag of approximately
for complex image classification (Costa, 2004; Evans et al., 2010; Hess three months from the peak of the rainy season, and the lowest water
et al., 2003; Silva et al., 2010). OBIA allows the inclusion of object proper- levels are usually observed between October and November.
ties other than backscatter, such as temporal patterns, texture, ancillary
data, and hierarchical or spatial contexts in the classification process, 2.2. Remote sensing data acquisition and pre-processing
improving classification results (Benz et al., 2004; Blaschke, 2010).
This paper, therefore, has three objectives: i) characterize the This study used L-band, HH-polarized ScanSAR mode images ac-
ALOS ScanSAR backscattering signature of the main land cover types quired by the PALSAR sensor onboard the ALOS satellite. This imaging
in the eastern Amazon floodplain, under varying flooding and incidence mode is characterized by its wide swath width (360 km), which allows
angle conditions; ii) develop an object-based classification algorithm frequent data acquisition over large regions (Rosenqvist et al., 2007). To
able to map flooding status of different land cover types and the overall facilitate multi-temporal continental-scale mapping and mosaicking,
flood extent in the region, over multiple periods of the hydrologic cycle; the K&C Initiative provides ScanSAR data processed into slant-range
b) Study area
V isited points
Fig. 1. Curuai Lake floodplain. Lower Amazon River, Pará state, Brazil. a) Hatched area represents the 409 ScanSAR/ALOS orbit; b) Curuai Lake floodplain; the white line indicates the
boundaries of the study area and white dots represent field locations visited during the rising water stage of 2011 (April). Background is SRTM digital elevation model.
A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61 53
Five main land cover types were identified during this campaign:
a) “open water”, flooded areas not covered by vegetation and with differ-
ent surface roughness according to wind intensity; b) “macrophytes”,
herbaceous aquatic vegetation with varying biophysical properties, rang-
ing from short floating (approximately less than 30 cm) to emergent
graminoid plants (reaching up to 1.5 m above water); c) “flooded
forest”, representing tree and shrub stands with varying biophysical
properties (canopy height of approximately 3 to 15 m) and with stand-
ing water beneath the canopy; d) “non-flooded forest”, trees and shrubs
without standing water beneath the canopy; and e) “soil”, including
bare soil and dry or early growth herbaceous vegetation areas.
During the rising water period of the 2011 flood pulse, a field cam- Land cover ScanSAR Water level TM/Landsat-5 Water level
paign was carried out to support land cover classification (2011-04-15 type image date (cm) images (cm)
to 2011-04-10; average water level of 950 cm). Main land cover types
were GPS-located and photographed to provide a set of ground refer- Non-flooded forest 2007-06-02 1010 228/2007-06-28 993.5
227/2007-06-21 1010
ence data for training and accuracy assessment. Since the campaign
Flooded forest 2007-06-02 1010 228/2007-06-28 993.5
was undertaken during the rising water period, the majority of the 227/2007-06-21 1010
visited sites were already flooded. A GPS integrated camera (RICOH Soil 2006-11-30 452 228/2006-10-15 458
500SEW) allowed the acquisition of more than one thousand photo- 227/2006-10-24 422
graphs containing information on geographic location and direction Open water 2006-11-30 452 228/2006-10-15 458
227/2006-10-24 422
(Fig. 1).
54 A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61
Table 2 areas were split into Flooded Forest (‘FF’) and Non-Flooded Forest
Correspondence between land cover types of the Amazon River floodplain identified (‘NFF’), while Non-Forest areas were divided in two intermediary
during the 2011 field campaign, classes used for incidence angle analysis, and classes
used for backscattering analysis and image classification.
groups according to radiometric similarity: ‘Bright’ (including Wet/
Rough soil — ‘WS’, Emergent macrophyte — ‘EM’ and Rough open
Field campaign Incidence angle analysis Classification water — ‘ROW’), and ‘Dark’ (with Dry/Smooth soil — ‘DS’, Floating
Non-flooded forest Non-flooded forest Non-flooded forest macrophyte — ‘FM’ and Smooth open water — ‘SOW’). Discrimina-
Flooded forest Flooded forest Flooded forest tion of each individual class within these groups was based on opti-
Soil Soil Rough/wet soil cal data, given their very similar backscattering. Finally, Level 4 classes
Smooth/dry Soil were obtained by merging Level 3 classes according to their flooded
Open water Open water Rough water condition (Fig. 3). The “flooded” class was represented by open water,
Smooth water
Emergent macrophytes – Emergent macrophytes
macrophytes and flooded forest classes, and the “non-flooded” class
Floating macrophytes Floating macrophytes was represented by soil, non-flooded forest and upland classes.
Levels 1 and 2 described spatially constant classes that differed in
their annual flooding patterns, thus resulting in a single map for the
same criterion of at least 500 pixels for minimum sample sizes. entire time series. The last two classification levels describe flooding
Class-specific responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics status of spatially and temporally variable classes, and are thus pro-
and boxplots. Statistical evaluations were performed using amplitude duced individually for each single image in the time series.
values (digital numbers), but final results were converted to normalized The J4.8 decision tree algorithm, implemented in the Weka data
backscattering coefficients (σ 0), expressed in dB to allow comparisons mining software suite (Hall et al., 2009) was used to identify optimal
with previous literature. For PALSAR ScanSAR products, this conversion SAR attribute thresholds for classification. This algorithm is a version
follows Eq. (1): of the well-known C4.5 decision tree algorithm, which allows the use
of continuous attributes to define tree nodes, and has the advantage
0 2 of producing the smallest trees possible (Kohavi and Quinlan, 2002).
σ ¼ 10 log10 DN −83 ð1Þ
The input for the algorithm was a table with backscattering attributes
of the sampled classes, and the output was a decision tree able to clas-
where DN is the radar amplitude expressed in digital number and −83 sify the samples into classes based on attribute thresholds. More de-
is the calibration coefficient for PALSAR standard products (Shimada et tails of the C4.5 algorithm can be found in Quinlan (1993).
al., 2009). The following backscattering attributes were used as inputs to the
J4.8 algorithm: Temporal Average Backscattering (TAB); Temporal
2.4.2. Image classification Standard Deviation backscattering (TSD); Highest Water Level back-
A multi-level classification scheme consisting of four hierarchical scattering (HWL); Lowest Water Level backscattering (LWL); High/
levels was developed, based on both observed field characteristics and Low water level backscattering Ratio (HLR); and Single Date Back-
SAR backscattering temporal patterns (Fig. 3). Class-specific temporal scattering (SDB). This last attribute was important to better charac-
variations in backscattering were the main criteria for land cover classi- terize the backscattering coefficient of each class on the dates that
fication, following the method proposed by Silva et al. (2010). they were sampled. All attributes were scaled in radar amplitude, to
The hierarchical structure used in the present study identified three preserve linear relationships.
classes at the first classification level (Level 1), defined by their annual Image segmentation was performed using the multi-resolution al-
flooding pattern: Upland (non-floodable areas), Floodplain (variable gorithm implemented in eCognition 8 (Definiens, 2008). Segmenta-
flooding) and Permanent Open Water (open water surface during the tion for the first classification level considered the following images:
lowest water level in 2007). Class separation at this level was obtained TAB, TSD, Highest Water Level image (2007-06-02), Lowest Water
through a combination of ScanSAR, Landsat-5 and SRTM data. The topo- Level image (2006-11-30) and SRTM. For the second level, the seg-
graphic information was used to discriminate Upland areas, while opti- mentation was applied solely to the Level 1 Floodplain class, based
cal and SAR data were used to map Permanent Open Water areas. on TAB and TSD images. The TAB image allowed the identification of
Information on the local incidence angle was also important, as open areas with high backscatter values throughout the year, such as for-
water areas located at the near and far incidence ranges required dis- ested areas (Wang et al., 1995), and the high temporal variability of
tinct classification rules. The second classification level (Level 2) divided floodable forest backscattering was captured by the TSD image. For
the Floodplain class into two main classes, assumed as spatially con- the third and fourth classification levels, the images used for segmen-
stant throughout the year: Forest and Non-forest. At Level 3, Forest tation were TAB, TSD, HWL, LWL and HLR.
Fig. 3. Hierarchical classification scheme used to classify land cover types and flooding status at the Curuai Lake floodplain, Lower Amazon River, Brazil.
A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61 55
The SAR thresholds extracted through data mining were com- maps, by comparing it to PALSAR maps produced for the dates of
bined with optical data thresholds determined by visual feature in- highest (2007-07-18) and lowest (2006-11-30) water stages.
spection in eCognition 8, producing a classification rule-set capable
of segregating the classes of interest. 2.4.3. Relationship between flooded area and water stage height
Classification accuracy was assessed for all classification levels, Once maps of flooded area were produced for all available SAR dates,
using different approaches. For Levels 1 and 2, a set of 200 points statistical models were fitted to assess the possibility of predicting flood
(50 points per Level 2 class) was randomly generated, constrained extent from the water levels registered at the Curuai gauge. Based on a
to the Curuai Lake area where field data was available. These samples visual inspection of the data scatterplot, two candidate models were
were visually interpreted based on field observations, high resolution identified: a second-order polynomial linear model, and a logistic non-
optical data (Google Earth™), and the TM/Landsat-5 image of the low linear model.
water stage. The models were initially fitted using only data from 2007, and then
Sample size was increased to 500 points for the third classification validated by comparing model estimates with the mapped areas for the
level, interpreted independently for the low (2006-11-30, 452 cm) remaining five dates in 2009 and 2010. Model accuracy was assessed
and high (2007-07-18, 959 cm) water level images. using the root mean square error (RMSE) calculated between predicted
Level 4 validation was based on the same samples used for Level 3 and observed values for 2009 and 2010. Given the small sample sizes,
classes, aggregated according to flooding status. However, given the new models were fitted after validation, including all dates, to increase
absence of concurrent field data to validate the actual flooding status model robustness and generality. RMSE values were also calculated for
of forested areas (which cannot be determined by visual interpretation), these samples as a relative measurement of model accuracy, based on
an independent inundation simulation was performed by intersecting all observed flood extent values used for model fitting. All models
approximate water surfaces with a digital elevation model (DEM). were fitted using R 2.15.0, with the addition of the “nls” package
The vertical datum of stage recordings from gauging stations operated (Grothendieck, 2010; R Development Core team, 2012).
by the Brazilian National Water Agency (Agência Nacional de Águas,
ANA) at Curuai, Parintins, Óbidos, and Santarém was referenced to the 3. Results
Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008). Elevation at the reference
point (gauge zero) of each river station, determined by the difference 3.1. Backscattering analysis
between GPS measurement relative to the GRS80 ellipsoid and calcula-
tion of EGM2008 geoid height, was reported by Calmant et al. (2012). For the forest classes, a convergence between FF and NFF backscatter-
Gauge zero elevation of the station at Curuai was provided by D. Moreira ing could be verified towards the near range (Fig. 4a), further evidenced
(personal communication) following the same method. Daily conditions by the FF/NFF backscattering ratio, which increased from 0.46 to 0.62 be-
of floodplain water surface were then approximated by linear interpola- tween the 19° to 42° interval (Fig. 4c). FF showed a small but significant
tion of elevations gauged at the four stations. decreasing trend along the range (βb 0, pb 0.05), but this variation was
Land digital topography (SRTM v. 4.1) and lake sonar survey sound- considered negligible for the incidence angle interval corresponding to
ings were integrated into a seamless floodplain DEM. The sonar survey the Curuai Lake floodplain area (29°–35°).
was performed during the high water season of 2004 (Barbosa et al., For soil and open water targets, backscattering responses were mark-
2006). Elevation values were determined by subtraction of surveyed edly different (Fig. 4b), despite being both characterized as smooth tar-
depths from water surfaces approximated from gauge records, as de- gets. No significant trends were observed for soil areas (p>0.05), but
scribed above. SRTM vertical datum was adjusted to the EGM2008 OW areas had a very noticeable and significant trend of decreasing back-
geoid, and overlapping areas of sonar and SRTM data were used to ver- scattering along the ScanSAR range (pb 0.05). This difference was also
ify biases in elevation. Considering the sonar survey to be the more ac- evidenced by changes in OW/S backscattering ratios along the ScanSAR
curate data source, a robust regression equation was used to remove the swath, varying from 0.49 to 1.44 (Fig. 4c). This variation was still largely
systematic negative bias observed below 9 m on SRTM data. The two el- noticeable within the Curuai Lake floodplain range (5.95 dB), and was
evation data sources were interpolated using the TopoGrid tool in consequently incorporated in the classification rules.
ArcGIS 9.3. The main similarity in backscattering between classes was observed
Flooded areas were simulated by intersecting interpolated water for soil and open water (Table 3 and Fig. 5a and b), both classes com-
surfaces with the DEM. Results obtained by this method were used posed of flat, smooth targets that favor forward scattering and low sur-
as references for assessing the quality of the radar-based inundation face backscattering at L-band wavelengths (Hess et al., 2003). However,
a) b) c)
Fig. 4. Mean backscattering variation as a function of ScanSAR incidence angle for the Curuai Lake floodplain, Lower Amazon River, Brazil: a) non-flooded forest (NFF) and flooded
forest (FF) backscattering, b) soil (S) and open water (OW) backscattering, and c) FF/NFF and OW/S backscattering ratios. Dashed lines indicate the range of incidence angles within
the Curuai Lake floodplain portion of the ScanSAR swath.
56 A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61
Table 3 low water stage, the confusion observed between S and NFF had no im-
Descriptive statistics of the analyzed land cover samples collected from single-date pact on flood mapping accuracy, nor did errors between OW and M, and
ScanSAR images (dates given in Table 1) within the Curuai Lake floodplain portion of
the ScanSAR swath (incidence angles between 29° and 35°)., Lower Amazon River,
FF and M, during high water stage. The overall accuracies of the flood
Brazil. maps for low and high water stages were, respectively, 84% and 94%
(Fig. 8).
Cover Mean Median Standard Coefficient of Maximum Minimum
The higher accuracy observed for high water stages at Level 4 can
type (dB) (dB) deviation variation (%) (dB) (dB)
(dB) be mostly attributed to the larger extent of open water, which is eas-
ily identified by the algorithm.
NFF −7.5 −7.4 0.6 7.9 −6.7 −9.0
FF −4.2 −4.2 0.9 20.7 −0.9 −5.9 For both dates, the main sources of error observed were the
ROW −15.2 −15.3 0.8 5.6 −13.7 −17.2 misclassification of non-flooded areas as flooded, suggesting a possi-
SOW −21.6 −21.7 0.7 3.2 −19.0 −22.8 ble small overestimation trend of the total flooded area for both
DS −19.8 −19.9 0.7 3.5 −18.0 −21.2 water stages.
WS −14.48 −14.4 1.5 10.5 −10.9 −18.8
EM −13.4 −14.2 3.5 26.0 −9.1 −21.1
FM −20.9 −21.2 1.4 6.7 −17.5 −23.6 3.3. Seasonal variation of flood extent
Open water and soil areas were directly and inversely related to
while soil cover had a wider temporal variation throughout the year in water stage, respectively (Fig. 9a), while the largest FF area was ob-
response to changes in moisture content and transitions from bare to served after a delay of approximately 2 months past the maximum
herbaceous vegetation cover, water surface roughness was mostly af- water level, during the receding water stage (September) (Fig. 9b).
fected by wind, resulting in radiometric variations of shorter duration Macrophyte increased in area following the water stage height, but
that averaged to similar backscattering values over time. the larger area of this class was mapped during the rising water stage.
The results supported the creation of intermediate land cover classes Flood extent followed the increases of water level height, approaching
during classification. Forest cover types (flooded and non-flooded) with an asymptote at about 2500 km2 (Fig. 10). The second order polynomial
backscattering values higher than −8 dB were separated. The remaining model fitted using data from the 2007 hydrological year resulted in R2 =
areas were split into ‘Bright’ (−10 dB to −17.5 dB, EM, WS and ROW) 0.95, with a prediction RMSE of 241.5 km2 for the 2009 and 2010 dates,
and “Dark” (−19.5 to −24 dB DS, FM and SOW) groups. or about 12% of the average flooded area (Table 6). Validation also
suggested a slight overestimation trend for most validation dates
3.2. Image classification and validation (lower than 8% of observed values), but a larger overestimation for
the rising water season of 2010, of about 75%. The logistic model had
The final decision tree implemented in eCognition 8.1 (Figs. 6 and 7) an R2 value of 0.98, and a lower RMSE value of 127.2 km2, for the
produced a Level 1 classification with high overall accuracy (91%) and same dates of prediction, with similar but reduced overestimation
kappa index value (0.86). The highest commission and omission errors trends.
were observed for the permanent open water and floodplain classes, re- When using all available dates, both models resulted in slightly
spectively (Table 4). At Level 2, the overall accuracy and kappa index lower R 2 values, of 0.89 for the polynomial model and 0.97 for the logis-
were 83% and 0.77, respectively, and the highest classification errors tic model. RMSE calculations yielded values of 152.9 km2 and 71.2 km 2,
were observed for Forest and Non-Forest classes. respectively (based on the same dates available for prediction).
Level 3 had an overall accuracy of 76% for the low water stage, with
the highest commission errors observed for the NFF and S classes, and 4. Discussion
highest omission errors for FF and M classes. Level 3 overall accuracy
was slightly higher (78%) for the high water stage, with the largest er- Three classes had a bimodal backscattering distribution on single-date
rors observed for NFF, FF and M classes. ScanSAR images: open water, soil and macrophytes. Smooth open water
The merging of classes into the Level 4 binary flood map increased backscattering was very distinct from rough open water, depending on
accuracy relative to Level 3, as a large portion of the classification errors wind conditions, and soil areas likely showed variations in moisture con-
occurred between classes with the same flooding status (Table 5). At tent and roughness (Balenzano et al., 2011; Henderson and Lewis, 2008).
a) b)
Fig. 5. Temporal variation in ScanSAR/ALOS backscattering of a) wet/rough soil and rough open water, and b) dry/smooth soil and smooth open water for the Curuai Lake floodplain,
Lower Amazon River, Brazil. Secondary y-axis and dotted line represent the water level at the Curuai gauging station.
A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61 57
Fig. 6. Object-based classification algorithm for levels 1 and 2. Sc = scale; sh = shape; co = compactness; LWL = Low water stage backscatter (amplitude); HWL = High water
stage backscatter; TAB = Temporal average backscatter; B5/TM = Landsat-5/TM band 5 acquired at low water stage; IA = incidence angle.
Macrophytes also had significant differences in the backscattered signal, Temporal backscattering analysis showed that potential confusion
according to species composition and stand density/biomass. Emergent among land cover classes could be overcome by the analysis of seasonal
macrophytes (tall, dense and vertically oriented) favored the occurrence variation patterns, as shown by Silva et al. (2010). It also emphasized
of volumetric and double-bounce scattering mechanisms, while floating the importance of identifying different land cover types according to
macrophytes, (horizontally oriented, low biomass) favored surface scat- observed backscattering characteristics, prior to the determination of
tering and a lower backscattered signal. The wide variation of OW back- flooding status.
scattering required the adoption of two different classification thresholds, The J4.8 data mining algorithm was an effective tool for discriminat-
even for the limited incidence angle range corresponding to the Curuai ing the majority of land cover types, based on the seasonal variation of
Lake floodplain. For the other classes in the Curuai Lake floodplain area, backscattering. However, considerable confusion remained between
backscattering was similar to values reported in the literature for soil and open water areas due to their similarity at far range, and optical
L-band SAR data (Costa, 2004; Hess et al., 1995; Martinez and Le Toan, images were essential to separate those classes and increase the accura-
2007). cy of flood extent mapping in the Curuai Lake floodplain. Classification
The analysis of incidence angle effects showed that soil and water errors were also apparent evident between vegetation classes at Level 3.
classes behave differently along the 360 km of the ScanSAR range direc- The simulation of flooded area based on the intersection of the DEM
tion. Open water backscattering increased strongly towards the near with interpolated water surfaces incorporates two main sources of
range, due to Bragg resonance (Robinson, 2004), while bare soil sur- uncertainty: i) estimates of absolute height errors for SRTM showed a
faces had much smaller variations. mean of 4.1 m (7.5 m, 90%) in vegetation-free areas in South America
Fig. 7. Object-based classification algorithm for levels 3 and 4. Sc = scale; sh = shape; co = compactness; HWL = high water stage backscatter; LWL = low water stage backscatter
(amplitude); TAB = temporal average backscatter; TSD = temporal standard deviation backscatter; SDB = single date backscatter. B5/TM = Landsat-5/TM band 5 acquired at low
water stage; IA = incidence angle; and WL = water level at Curuai gauging station.
58 A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61
Table 4 Table 5
Error matrices for Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the Curuai Lake floodplain (Lower Amazon River, Error matrices for flooding status classification using ScanSAR/ALOS data of the Curuai
Brazil) cover classification using optical, DEM and field data as references. Lake floodplain (Lower Amazon River, Brazil). Flooded areas determined by the inter-
section of interpolated water surfaces with floodplain DEM were used as references.
Reference Upland Open water Floodplain Row total Omission
Reference Flooded Non-flooded Row total Omission
Level 1 classification
Upland 46 0 4 50 8% Flooding status — Nov. 2006 (low water)
Open water 0 44 4 48 8% Flooded 223 52 275 19%
Floodplain 4 6 92 102 10% Non-flooded 29 196 225 13%
Column total 50 50 100 200 Column total 252 248 500
Commission 8% 12% 8% Ov. = 91% Kappa = 0.86 Commission 12% 21% Ov. = 84%
Reference Upland Open Forest Non-forest Row Omission Flooding status — Jul. 2007 (high water)
water total Flooded 463 20 483 4%
Level 2 classification Non-flooded 10 7 17 59%
Upland 46 0 3 1 50 8% Column total 473 27 500
Open water 0 44 1 3 48 8% Commission 2% 74% Ov. = 94%
Forest 2 1 40 10 53 25%
Non-forest 2 5 6 36 49 27%
Column 50 50 50 50 200 compared to images of the rising water period of similar water stage
total may be evidence of a different hysteresis between flooding and draining
Commission 8% 12% 20% 28% Ov.= Kappa=
dynamics of the basin.
83% 0.77
Changes in land cover throughout the flood pulse followed the
Reference UP OW NFF FF S M Row Omission expected behavior for most classes, with the exception of flooded forest
total and macrophytes. Flooded forest areas reached maximum values in
Level 3 classification — Nov. 2006 (low water) early September, several weeks after the peak water level was mea-
UP 72 0 2 0 1 0 75 4% sured at the Curuai gauging station, in June. Although part of this offset
OW 0 149 0 0 17 0 166 10%
can be attributed to classification errors and error propagation, the close
NFF 2 2 46 0 18 0 68 32%
FF 0 0 11 0 6 0 17 100% agreement between flood extent estimates obtained from mapping and
S 1 18 22 2 110 4 157 30% from DEM simulation suggests that different hydrologic processes
M 0 1 2 0 13 1 17 94% might act during flooding and draining periods, such as local variation
Column 75 170 83 2 165 5 500 in water level height and relative contributions of channel drainage ver-
Commission 4% 12% 45% – 33% 80% Ov.= Kappa=
sus diffusive flow. These processes might differ significantly between
76% 0.67 the water gauge location, at a site with strong influence from the
main river channel, and the forested areas about 50 km from the area
Level 3 classification — Jul. 2007 (high water) where flooding state was mapped. Moreover, a reduction in SAR back-
UP 71 0 1 0 1 0 73 3%
scattering might be possible at highest water stages, where flooding
OW 0 250 0 7 0 17 274 9%
NFF 2 1 7 5 0 1 16 56% will cover a large portion of tree trunks and forest understory and
FF 1 5 14 31 0 21 72 57% shrub vegetation, lowering the volumetric and double-bounce compo-
S 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 – nents of the backscattered signal and inducing misclassification.
M 1 12 2 18 2 29 64 55%
Column 75 268 24 61 3 69 500
Commission 5% 7% 71% 49% – 58% Ov.= Kappa=
78% 0.65
a) b)
Fig. 9. Mapped area of a) open water, macrophytes and soil, and b) flooded and non-flooded forest for the 2007 hydrological year, using object oriented classification, at the Curuai
Lake floodplain, Lower Amazon River, Brazil. Secondary y-axis indicates the water level at the Curuai gauging station.
Macrophyte area appeared to increase with water stage height, and inundation extent due to lake morphology, and undersampling of
while a previous study by Silva et al. (2010) has shown that macrophyte the flooding and receding transition periods. This aspect was in fact better
cover tends to be inversely related to water levels in the Eastern Amazon, captured by the logistic model fitted using all available observations,
using Radarsat-1 C-HH band data. The observed pattern can however be which offered a much closer estimate of the January 2010 date (Fig. 10).
explained by the fact that macrophytes are still at an early developmen- The polynomial model fitted using all dates was compared to similar
tal stage during low and early rising water stages, with low height and models by Bonnet et al. (2008) (simple linear regression) and Barbosa
biomass, and thus tend to be confused with soil (if dry) or water (if et al. (2006) (second order polynomial regression), which also estimat-
flooded) by L-band ScanSAR data. In fact, the largest macrophyte area ed flooded area as a function of water level for Curuai Lake (Fig. 11). The
was observed during late rising water stages, when macrophytes are present ALOS ScanSAR analysis suggests that a linear model does not
close to attaining their highest biomass levels (March), while a reduction capture the dynamics of total flooded area in the Curuai Lake floodplain
was observed between March and June 2007, as expected. during the transition periods of rising and falling water.
The logistic model was able to represent flooded area for all dates, The model fitted by Barbosa et al. (2006) was very similar in shape
while the polynomial model was able to efficiently estimate flooded to the polynomial model fitted in the present study, differing only in
area for most dates of 2009 and 2010, including the larger flood extents magnitude (around 500 to 700 km2), as Barbosa's model was based
of 2009, with the exception of the 2010 rising water period date on classification of Landsat images, and thus accounts only for open
(January). Both years used for validation are considered “extreme” water areas. Despite a small difference between floodplain boundaries
hydrological years, representing the highest (2009) and lowest (2010) as defined by Barbosa et al. (2006) and the present study, the approxi-
water levels observed in the past 50 years for the region (Lewis et al., mate difference in magnitude between the models was of the same
2011). The overestimation of the 2010 value by the polynomial model order of magnitude as the sum of macrophyte and flooded forest areas
is explained by the non-linear relation between variation in water level mapped in the present study.
a) b)
Fig. 10. Polynomial and logistic models relating water level at the Curuai gauging station with total flood extent mapped for the 2007 hydrological year and for all available dates, at
the Curuai Lake floodplain (Lower Amazon River, Brazil).
60 A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61
Table 6 mapping can reveal flooding dynamics that would not be captured by
Model equations, coefficients of determination and root mean square error values for simple models, and could be used to describe local patterns and validate
polynomial and logistic models fitted between flood extent (FE) and water level
(WL) for the Curuai Lake floodplain, Lower Amazon River, Brazil. Obs. = observed
more complex hydrologic models that incorporate local effects.
water level values. Although the ALOS satellite has recently reached its end of life and
ceased operations, the present study has successfully demonstrated
Obs. Model Model equation R2 RMSE
the potential of wide swath L-band SAR images for monitoring flood
extent in large river floodplains and wetlands, due to the extended
2007 Polynomial FE = −0.00229 × WL2 + 5.5 × WL − 781.2 0.95 241.5
coverage and frequent and recurrent data acquisition throughout the hy-
Logistic FE=1262.2+1170.2/(1+e−(WL−690.6)/54.9) 0.98a 127.2
All Polynomial FE = −0.00244 × WL2 + 5.7 × WL − 882.9 0.89 152.9b drological year. The planned ALOS-2 satellite, expected to be launched in
dates Logistic FE = 1272 + 1124.5/(1 + e−(WL −703.5)/40.3) 0.97a 71.2b 2013, will ensure the continuity of the ScanSAR observation mode with
Although R2 values are not readily interpretable for non-linear models, values are
the same characteristics as its predecessor, augmented by i) increased
given for comparison. temporal resolution (14 days, vs. 46 days), made possible by a right-
RMSE values calculated for the same observations used for model fitting. and-left looking antenna (JAXA, 2012; Suzuki et al., 2009), and ii) a
dual-polarization (HH +HV) ScanSAR mode (Shimada et al., 2011). The
present results also suggest that effective flood monitoring could be
achieved using the proposed SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) mis-
5. Conclusions sion, which includes an L-band 1000 km swath sensor capable of provid-
ing images with a spatial resolution of 1–3 km, every 3 days at the
Prior characterization of general land cover classes was an essential Equator (Entekhabi et al., 2010). These upcoming systems offer a very
step to allow the discrimination of flooding effects on ALOS ScanSAR im- promising prospect for SAR-based flood monitoring in large wetlands,
ages. Flood occurrence had varying and sometimes opposite effects on as they will allow the proper characterization of the rapid changes in hy-
the backscattering response of particular classes, significantly limiting drological conditions that can be observed during certain periods of the
the development of global classification rules. Land cover dependency annual cycle.
was also observed for the effects of incidence angle variation, character-
istic of the ScanSAR mode, which had a noticeable effect on the back-
scattering response of water and soil classes, and had to be considered Acknowledgments
during algorithm development. On the other hand, it is possible that,
given the availability of overlapping ScanSAR data from adjacent orbits, The authors wish to acknowledge the Brazilian National Council for
this same specific response can be explored as a source of information Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for the fellowship
for discriminating such classes, instead of relying on optical data as in supporting Allan Arnesen through his graduate program (130519/
the present study. Alternatively, discrimination could be achieved by 2010-3), and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) for the finan-
the addition of C-band SAR data, which is more sensitive to roughness cial support during the field campaign in April 2011 (2008/07537-1)
variations in smooth targets (Evans et al., 2010). C-band SAR imagery and Dr. Silva's post-doctoral grant (2010/11269-2). Conrado Rudorff
is offered by the currently operational Radarsat-2 platform, and will was funded by the Ministry of Education of Brazil through a CAPES/
also be available from the upcoming Sentinel-1 mission, expected for Fulbright Award (1705-07-5). The authors also thank Dr. Claudio
2013. Barbosa for providing bathymetry data from his extensive sonar sur-
Once class-specific rules were developed, ALOS ScanSAR L-band veys. This work has been undertaken within the framework of JAXA's
data proved to be very effective for determining flood extent for multi- Kyoto & Carbon Initiative, with ALOS PALSAR data provided by JAXA
ple periods of the hydrological cycle. The application of the present EORC, and supported by the NASA Making Earth Science Data Records
method to other years and/or locations in the floodplain could offer for Use in Research Environments (MEaSUREs) program under grant
unprecedented support for achieving research goals such as assessing number NNX11AQ39G. More information on the MEaSUREs project
the impact of inter-annual variations in flood pulse intensity on local may be found at Portions of this work
human activities, understanding water exchanges between floodplains were carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute
and river channels, characterizing vegetation zonation patterns, and of Technology under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space
affirming more robust estimates of carbon exchange. Moreover, satellite Administration.
Fig. 11. Regression models developed by Barbosa et al. (2006) and Bonnet et al. (2008), and polynomial and logistic models developed in the present study, relating water level at
Curuai gauging station with flood extent in the Curuai Lake floodplain (Lower Amazon River).
A.S. Arnesen et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 130 (2013) 51–61 61
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