Data Structure - Queue
Data Structure - Queue
Data Structure - Queue
Queue is an abstract data structure, somewhat similar to stack. In contrast to stack, queue is
opened at both end. One end is always used to insert data enqueue and the other is used to remove
data dequeue. Queue follows First-In-First-Out methodology, i.e., the data item stored first will be
accessed first.
A real world example of queue can be a single-lane one-way road, where the vehicle enters first,
exits first. More real-world example can be seen as queues at ticket windows & bus-stops.
Queue Representation
As we now understand that in queue, we access both ends for different reasons, a diagram given
below tries to explain queue representation as data structure −
Same as stack, queue can also be implemented using Array, Linked-list, Pointer and Structures. For
the sake of simplicity we shall implement queue using one-dimensional array.
Basic Operations
Queue operations may involve initializing or defining the queue, utilizing it and then completing
erasing it from memory. Here we shall try to understand basic operations associated with queues
Few more functions are required to make above mentioned queue operation efficient. These are
peek − get the element at front of the queue without removing it.
In queue, we always dequeue oraccess data, pointed by front pointer and while enqueing orstoring
data in queue we take help of rear pointer.
return queue[front]
end procedure
int peek() {
return queue[front];
As we are using single dimension array to implement queue, we just check for the rear pointer to
reach at MAXSIZE to determine that queue is full. In case we maintain queue in a circular linked-
list, the algorithm will differ. Algorithm of isfull function −
end procedure
bool isfull() {
if(rear == MAXSIZE - 1)
return true;
return false;
Algorithm of isempty function −
end procedure
If value of front is less than MIN or 0, it tells that queue is not yet initialized, hence empty.
bool isempty() {
if(front < 0 || front > rear)
return true;
return false;
Enqueue Operation
As queue maintains two data pointers, front and rear, its operations are comparatively more
difficult to implement than stack.
The following steps should be taken to enqueue insert data into a queue −
Step 3 − If queue is not full, increment rear pointer to point next empty space.
Step 4 − Add data element to the queue location, where rear is pointing.
Sometimes, we also check that if queue is initialized or not to handle any unforeseen situations.
procedure enqueue(data)
if queue is full
return overflow
rear ← rear + 1
queue[rear] ← data
return true
end procedure
rear = rear + 1;
queue[rear] = data;
return 1;
end procedure
Dequeue Operation
Accessing data from queue is a process of two tasks − access the data where front is pointing and
remove the data after access. The following steps are taken to perform dequeue operation −
procedure dequeue
if queue is empty
return underflow
end if
data = queue[front]
front ← front - 1
return true
end procedure
int dequeue() {
return 0;
return data;
For a complete stack program in C programming language, please click here.
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