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Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubrics - Task 4 - Narrative

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-Rector

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubrics
Task 4 – Narrative

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación

Academic Unit
Academic Level Profesional

Academic Field Formación disciplinar

Course Name English Literature

Course Code 551029
Course Type Teórico Retake yes ☐ No ☒
Number of Credits 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of Number of
Individual ☒ Collaborative ☒ 4
activity: weeks
Evaluation Intermediate
Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
moment: Unit 2
Environment for the submission
Total score of the activity:
of the activity: Monitoring and
120 points
Evaluation Environment
Starting date of the activity: Deadline of the activity:
April 13th, 2020 May 8th, 2020
Competences to develop:
- Practical Skills: Develop, maintain, promote and show
awareness of the vision, culture and strategic direction of
English Literature.
- Problem Solving, Thinking and Communication Skills: Provide a
framework to enable continuous improvement and evaluation of
Literature used to improve the qualities of reading.
- Personal Attitudes and Professional Ethics: Contribute to the
development, delivery and evaluation of English Literature, in
partnership and alone, to meet the needs of fellow professionals
and the community.
- Roles and Functions: Manage and evaluate systems and
resources to provide efficient and ongoing support to the
educational community.
Topics to develop:
Unit 2. Kinds of Literature
Chapter 2. Narrative
Step, phase or stage of the learning strategy to develop
Step 1: Reading
Step 2: Short Story
Step 3: Feedback
Step 4: Blog
Activities to develop
Step 1: Reading
Go to the Knowledge Environment and carefully read all the
references for Chapter 2. Narrative. Pay close attention to how to
write a short story and how to write descriptively.
Step 2: Short Story
Write a Fiction Short Story following these rules:
- Prompt: Explore a big moral question previously unpublished
piece of fiction.
- Organization: The story needs a clear beginning, middle and
- Plot: It needs to be interesting.
- Characters: Have at least 2 characters, they need to be well-
developed through dialogue, action or thoughts.
- Setting: Describe the setting.
- Point of View: Your position in relation to the story needs to be
- Grammar and Mechanics: Use English to write your story and
be sure to edit your language.
- Size: Write a minimum of 500 words up to 1000 words.
Post your story in the forum as soon as possible to get meaningful
feedback from your tutor and classmates.
Step 3: Feedback
Give meaningful feedback about one of your partners’ contributions.
Consider what you have learned about Narrative, Fiction and Short
Step 4: Blog
As a group, design a blog or web including:
- An introduction
- Names of people actively involved in the activity
- Individual Short Stories
- Feedback given
for the Collaborative Learning Environment
development Monitoring and Evaluation Environment
of the activity

Products to Short Story published in the Forum for Task 4

be delivered
by the Collaborative:

3. General guidelines for the development of collaborative work

Planning of Collaborative learning is a strategy that allows

activities for students to work together in order to achieve a
the common goal. Accordingly, the collaborative work
development proposed for the course is based on a structured and
of planned process that includes individual and group
collaborative activities, as well as interaction and socialization in the
work virtual classroom.
Roles to be Different roles are proposed within the collaborative
performed environment, which allow an appropriate space for
by the academic growth and effective interaction that
student in promotes learning and interpersonal relationships.
the Every student will take up one of these roles for the
collaborative development of the course assignments and can only
group be changed if decided by the group members.
Facilitator: Makes sure that every voice is heard and
focuses work around the learning task. Provides
leadership and direction for the group and suggests
solutions to team problems.
Recorder: Keeps a public record of the team's ideas
and progress. Checks to be sure that ideas are clear
and accurate.
Timekeeper: Encourages the group to stay on task.
Announces when time is halfway through and when
time is nearly up.
Planner: States an action for the completion of the
task at hand according to the instructions and course
Task monitor: Looks for supplies or requests help
from the teacher when group members agree that
they do not have the resources to solve the problem.
Compiler: Puts together the final product and
includes the work done only by those who participated
on time. Informs the student in charge of alerts about
people who did not participate and will not be included
in the final product.
Reviser/editor: Makes sure the written work follows
all the criteria established in the activity guide.
Roles and Evaluator: Evaluates the final document to ensure it
duties for follows the evaluation criteria of the rubric and
the informs the student in charge of alerts about any
submission changes that need to be made before delivering the
of products product.
by students Deliveries: Student in charge of informing about the
dates set for presenting each task and delivering the
final product according to the course agenda. Also
informs other students that the final product has been
Alerts: Informs group participants about any news in
the work being done and reports the delivery of the
final product to the course tutor.
Use of All references considered for this activity must be
references cited using APA Style
Plagiarism Students must be aware of the risks and penalties in
policy case of plagiarism.

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that

infringe the academic order, among others, are the
following: paragraph e) "Plagiarism is to present as
your own work all or part of a written report, task or
document of invention carried out by another person.
It also implies the use of citations or lack of
references, or it includes citations where there is no
match between these and the reference" and
paragraph f) " To reproduce, or copy for profit,
educational resources or results of research products,
which have rights reserved for the University ".
(Acuerdo 029 - 13 De Diciembre de 2013, Artículo 99)

The academic penalties that the student will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the

academic work or evaluation, the score obtained will
be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being

b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of

any nature, the score obtained will be zero (0.0),
without any disciplinary measures being derived.
To learn how to properly cite all your tasks, see the

BibMe. (n.d.). APA Citation Guide. Retrieved from

4. Evaluation Rubric
Evaluation Rubric
Task 4 – Narrative
Individual Collaborative
Activity type: ☒ ☒
Activity Activity
Initial ☐ Unit2 ☒ Final ☐
Chapter 2
Evaluated Performance level of the individual activity
items High score Average score Low score
The prompt is The prompt is not
The prompt is
clearly fictional, related to a big
somewhat related
and it is related to moral question or
to a big moral
Prompt a big moral it is clearly not 15 points
question. fiction.
(up to 15
(up to 8 points) (up to 4 points)
The story does
The story has a The story has a not have a clear
clear beginning, beginning, middle beginning, middle
middle and end. and end. Events and end. The
Follows a logical are in logical sequence of 15 points
sequence. order. events is
(up to 15
(up to 8 points) (up to 4 points)
Plot is interesting The plot makes The plot may be
and has conflict sense and the hard to follow.
which is conflict is The conflict is
established, established, established and
Plot developed and developed and resolved but lacks 10 points
resolved after a resolved after a proper
gripping climax. climax. development.
(up to 10
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points)
Characters Characters are Some characters The characters 10 points
well-developed are well- are described
through dialogue, developed rather than
action or through dialogue, established
actions and through dialogue,
thoughts. action or thought.
(up to 10
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points)
The setting is The setting is
described through clear, and some The setting is
vivid sensory sensory language identified but not
language. The is used to clearly described.
description of the describe it. The The description of
setting has description of the the setting has
specific ideas setting has some very few ideas
from research. ideas from from the
Setting 10 points
The little things research, research. There
about the time although it are only big
period and setting focuses just on events described.
are shown. Very the big things. Research was not
obvious you have Obvious research effective.
done research. was done.
(up to 10
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points)
One point of view
Point of view
was used
Point of view is changes several
Point of fairly consistent. times throughout
throughout the 10 points
View the story.
(up to 10
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points)
Grammar The story is There are some There are many 10 points
and written in English. errors in errors in
Mechanics There are few or mechanics, usage, mechanics,
no errors in grammar or usage, grammar,
mechanics, usage, spelling. Dialogue or spelling.
grammar, or may have minor These sometimes
spelling. Dialogue errors in make the story
is punctuated and punctuation or hard to
formatted format. understand.
correctly. Dialogue is
punctuated and
(up to 10
(up to 5 points) (up to 3 points)
The story has a The story has less
minimum of 500 than 500 words The story has less
words up to 1000 but more than than 450 words.
Size 10 points
words. 450 words.
(up to 10
(up to 5 points) (up to 2 points)
Evaluated Performance level of the collaborative activity
items High score Average score Low score
The student
The student
participated in the
participated on No feedback was
forum on time
time, but poor given to
and gave
Feedback feedback was classmates. 20 points
given to partners.
(Up to 20 (Up to 10
(Up to 0 points)
points) points)
The group created
a well-organized The group created
The group did not
Blog that includes an incomplete
design a Blog.
Blog all the required Blog. 10 points
(Up to 10
(Up to 5 points) (Up to 0 points)
Final score 120

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