OS Questions
OS Questions
OS Questions
1. Define the term process and differentiate between heavyweight and lightweight processes.
Assume that following jobs have arrived in the order 1,2,3,4 and 5:
Give Gantt chart and calculate Avg. Turn-around Time and Waiting Time for:
i) FCFS ii) SJF scheduling and Preemptive priority algorithm.
2. a) Define a file system. What are various components of a file system? State and explain
various file allocation methods.
b) What problems could occur of system allowed a file system to be mounted
simultaneously at more than one location?
7. a) Write a note on the various services provided by the operating systems.
b) Explain in detail about the following CPU scheduling algorithms
(a) Shortest Job First
(b) Multilevel feedback Queue scheduling
9. Explain the security attacks on operating system. Write the steps to protect the computer
system from various attacks.
10. What are device management policies for storing data in operating System?
Draw a timeline for each of the following scheduling algorithms and determine which one
gives the best results.
2) SJF
3) Round Robin (using a time quantum of 15)
4) Priority scheduling.
Assume a small integer means higher priority.
16. What is the need of Page replacement? Consider the following reference string
7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 7, 0, 1
Find the number of Page Faults with FIFO, Optimal Page replacement and LRU with four
free frames which are empty initially. Which algorithm gives the minimum number of page
20. Explain in detail the various Algorithms of Disk Scheduling with an example.
23. Write a detailed note on CPU scheduling criteria.
24. Explain in detail about views of an Operating System.
25. What causes a process/thread to change the state?
i. From running to ready?
ii. From ready to running?
iii. From running to blocked?
iv. From blocked to ready?