Mats Front Law
Mats Front Law
Mats Front Law
A Dissertation Submitted to
MATS Law School,
MATS University, Raipur (C.G)
In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
Degree of LLM
Submitted By
Abhay Pratap Singh
Submitted To
Dr. Shraddha Pandey
Professor Law Department
Abhay Pratap Singh has worked under my guidance and supervision to fulfill all
requirements for the submission of this dissertation. The conduct of research
scholar remained excellent during the period of research.
Date: S/d
Place: Raipur (C.G.) Anindhya Tiwari
Head of Department
MATS Law School
MATS University Raipur (C.G.)
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to
Assistant Professor Dr. Shraddha Pandey, MATS Law School, for his constant
support and encouragement provided to me to march ahead with this
challenging topic. He was kind enough in sorting out every difficulty while
preparation of this dissertation and has lent me his valuable time to give all
important suggestions and ideas regarding the same.
I am also thankful to all the faculty members of MATS Law School for their
guidance in my dissertation. Their keen interest and appreciation has been key
to success in completion of my dissertation.
3) Hypothesis
Internet and Computer crimes will always involve some type of computer- security
breach. “computer-security breach” and “computer crime” are not synonymous. They
are related concepts, but not identical ones. When computer professionals begin
working with computer crime and forensics, they often make the mistake of assuming
the two terms mean the same thing. The earliest days of computer crime, the 1960s
and 1970s, were very insignificant from a computer- crime perspective. The
majority of incidents were actually just pranks played on computer systems causes
minimal damages. There were actually few laws against such activities, so they
literally were not construed as crimes. The entire purpose of hacking, in those days,
was simply to understand a given system.
A major reason for lesser computer crime during this period was a lack of widespread
access to computers and networks. In those ‘prehistoric’ days of computer
crime, there was no wide spread public access to networks, no Internet, and no laws
regarding computer activities. In fact, the only people who had any access to
computers and networks tended to be university professors, students and researchers.
4) Research Methodology
The Cyber crimes in the 21st century saw organized crime embrace the Cyber world in a
significant way. The Internet has become a hotbed of organized criminal activities, and
criminal groups are using cyberspace in every see organized criminal groups using the
Internet for money laundering and identity theft. And it does not take a very computer-savvy
person to find prescription for painkillers on the Internet, or to find ads for “escort services”.
Drug dealer and Prostitution now have an Internet component. The 21st century has
witnessed Internet that is replete with all manner of computer crimes. There are now even
seeing organized groups of hackers utilize their skills to provide services for other criminals
such as stolen identities, money laundering, and assistance with computer-based crimes. In
June of 2002, Russian authorities arrested a man they accused of being a cyber spy for the
CIA. They accused him of hacking into systems of the Russian Domestic Security Service
(FSB) and gathering secrets, which he then passed on to other countries.
Like traditional crimes, when one frequents high-crime areas, one is just as likely to become
a victim of a crime. Of late many educated people are becoming victims of fictitious mail and
SMS which attract them by saying people won in the Lotteries, selected as the best
customers, they would transfer the unaccounted money to account for conversion etc., and
exploiting the public.