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Public To Get FREE U.S. Coins

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Public to get FREE U.S.

The First State Quarters with the Mint Year of 2001 are Now
Being Given Away FREE to insure equal nationwide distribution
By Thomas Wiaafield,
When was the last time State Quarter Collection.
you got FREE money? But without notice, the
Well, it already happened Gallery decided not to sell
once last year and now it's the individual coins but
happening again, so hurrv instead will give them
because we'll tell you how away FREE in an effort to
to get yours FREE. increase awareness of the
The U.S. Mint has age-old hobby of collect-
The nrw 2001 New York North Carolina Rhode Island Vermont KmntuOcy
announced the release of ing U.S. Coins. Sate Quarters
the North Carolina State "It is highly important something meaningful to SI /. Yes. collectors say it releases from the U.S. play, a special Gallery
Quarter. To insure equal that we foster the contin- give as a gift to someone sounds unbelievable, Mint. But for now. the Approved Protective Dis-
nationwide coverage, you ued collection of special special." White said. because you can't find availability of an individual play case for the FREE
can receive an uncirculat- U.S. coins as we enter this The Gallery will offer a uncirculated quarters in FREE coin is guaranteed. individual coin is available.
ed North Carolina Quarter new century." said J. controlled number of the your change but it is true. Simple instructions are "We highh recommend the
Free. Thomas White. Director of complete 2001 Five Quar- It cannot be promised provided in the box below display case to prevent
That announcement the privately owned Unit- ter sets in brilliant, uncir- that everyone who wants for readers to claim the unnecessary handling of
prompted The United ed States Commemorative culated condition to the them will be able to get the FREE coin or to set the the coins." White said.
States Commemorative Gallery. genera! public for only complete five-coin set. So complete five-coin set. We are providing the
Gallery to release massive "The Fifty State Quar- hurry because the% will be To properly protect your direct telephone number
amounts of these special ters are now the most released on a first-come, uncirculated North Caroli- and address below so
U.S. Coins they had important part of any col- first-served basis in na Quarter in shipment readers can immediately
planned to secretly stock- lection because it's the accordance with scheduled and as an appropriate dis- set the FREE ccins. •
pile. first time in history they
The original plan was to have ever been minted.
sell the coins individually
or as a complete five-coin
Most people want some-
thing they can hand down
Here's How Readers Can Get
collector's set to com-
memorate this year's Fifty-
to their children or grand-
children. Others want The FREE Coins
1. The FREE 2001 North Carolina State Quarter will be sent to you in brilliant,
uncirculated condition. (Limit one per household, i
2. To get the complete uncirculated Five Quarter collector's set shown in the
photo along with your additional FREE coin, enclose Si7 plus S2.95 ship-
ping for each set ordered (Limit 10 sels per household ! Return this FREE
coin form to the address below. Enclose Cash. Check or Money Order
payable to U.S. Gallery.
3. For faster service, order bv phone if requesting the complete Five-coin coi-
. ^. _ - ... _ j .f . _ J _;-.- __ i TT%r-r- _ _ - _ „ _i ___ _t_ ._ j -Y*-I . - T
" 1U! A

credit card (VISA. MasterCard. Discover/Novus or American Exp./Optima't

can call 1-800-262-4824 and ask for operator 8355 to order.
4. To only get the FREE coin, send a self-addressed stamped envelope with this
FREE Coin Form to the address below To receive you*- collector's coin with
the optional Gallery Approved Protective Display Case. Enclose Si. 85 cash.
check or money order payable to US. Gallery. Please, no deakrs to ensure one
FREE coin per household.
5. Print Name and Address Here:

6. Send to:
U.S. Commemorative Gallery
^ FREE Coin Offer. Dcpt. 8355
These are the only five state quarters to be minted in 2001. They are National Processing Center
shown encased in the complete five-coin U.S. Commemorative Canton. OH 4476?"
Gallery Presidential display case.

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