SPE 15360 Design, Specification, and Implementation of Drilling Operations Database Program
SPE 15360 Design, Specification, and Implementation of Drilling Operations Database Program
SPE 15360 Design, Specification, and Implementation of Drilling Operations Database Program
SPE 15360
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 61 st Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in New
Orleans, LA October 5-8, 1986.
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the
author(s). Contents of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the
author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers
pres~nted at SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is
restncted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment of
where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Publications Manager, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836. Telex, 730989 SPEDAL.
of daiif. drilling information to compile required allow comparison of contractors and selection of the
reports ' 5 . As a first step, ARCO chose to best performing rigs and crews.
emphasize current daily drilling information ard
refine the use of output reports and processing From a managerial standpoint, the report serves a
techniques to improve managerial and engineering vital function. Managers are kept informed of
decisions. Although several ARCO districts, drilling costs for various well types, problem areas
including the Southern District, have been or are needing improvement, and progress in increasing
using real-time data systems to monitor critical efficiency and economy. The Postmortem also serves
wells, it has not been completely defined how much engineers by summarizing the time and costs spent in
and what type of real-time data is useful longterm. different operations. These swnrnaries are used to
Moreover, computing capacity issues related to estimate the potential benefits of new techniques
real-time data acquisition are significant. Once it and tools that are able to contribute to lower well
has been established what data is needed and how it costs. It is also used to identify problem areas
will be used, the gathering, filtering, and storing and prioritize the problems according to cost.
of real-time data will be evaluated.
Although beyond the scope of this paper, it is
This project first began in 1984, when the Drilling important to realize that the leverage achieved by
Department studied its computing needs and requested automating the processing of drilling information in
its own computer system. After a thorough this project was made possible only because the
hardware/software evaluation and lengthy approval methods of compiling and applying the data were well
process, a departmental computer was purchased in defined. Methods of processing, presenting,
December, 1985. The work on the Database Program comparing, and analyzing drilling performance data
began in July, 1985, with an initial functional is a topic deserving of much more attention that
specification that was circulated for Department simply cannot be addressed here. The point is that
review. The final specification was then completed computers only allow faster processing of rnore
and a Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent to eight information. Unless procedures to process drilling
candidate contractors. The RFP contained the information from raw field data to useful results
functional specification for the system and detailed are developed beforehand, "computerization" will be
requests for time and cost estimates, company ineffective.
profiles, software standards, product description
(software source, training, documentation, support), B. Offset Well Histories for Well Planning
and acceptable business conditions (ownership,
licensing rights, maintenance). Candidates were Planning future wells by researching well histories
evaluated and a contractor was awarded the work. in is another important application of drilling data.
January, 1986. From January to July, 1986 one In order to design a useable hole to the proposed
consulting progrmnmer and one ARCO drilling engineer target for the lowest cost possible, engineers must
worked to design, develop, and implement this review drilling reports, geolograph charts, mud
Drilling Database System. The system has been logs, casing/cementing reports, cost statements,
functional since June, 1986 and benefits are already well logs, invoices, etc . To improve performance
being realized in terms of higher engineering and minimize costs, efforts should be focused on the
productivity and improved efficiency. following:
1. Minimize problem time and cost Determine
II. Applications of Data Compilation causes of problem and limit future occurrences
by identifying early warning signs and/or
To design an effective Database Hanagement System factors that contribute to problem.
(DBMS) for compiling and analyzing drilling
information, present uses of the data must be 2. Decrease rotating time - Analyze all mechanical,
understood. The success of the project depended physical, and chemical factors that affect ROP
heavily on precise modeling of the manual data and adjust critical factors to maximize the
compiling processes and thorough understanding of drilling rate.
the inter-relationships between input data and
output. Described below are the various functions 3. Maximize productivity of non-rotating time -
to be performed by the proposed system. Examine practices and time required for
activities such as nippling up, running and
A. Drilling Postmortem Reviews cementing casing, tripping, and logging to
reveal areas needing improvement and to compare
Since 1978, ARCO's Southern District has compiled a alternative methods.
Postmortem Review of each year's drilling activity.
Over the years, this report evolved into a detailed 4. Utilize the most cost effective service,
drilling summary serving the needs of both managers equipment, and products - Review casing design,
and engineers. The report contains statistical cement volumes, mud program, rental equipment
summaries of time and costs of various operational usage, etc . to insure what is being used is
categories including average cost/foot and feet/day necessary and being purchased for the most
type results. Also included are summaries of actual economical price.
versus predicted time, costs, and depths and
drilling fluid cost compar1sons. These statistics An example where the Engineer must consider the
are used to inform managers how much it costs to effects in all four areas is a field study to
drill and complete different type wells and to determine the optimum mud progrmn. For instance, to
provide data to more accurately predict drilling determine the cost effectiveness of a low solids
times and costs of future wells. Efficiency and non-dispersed mud system versus a lignosulfonate
cost analyses are also performed on a rig basis to dispersed mud system, an engineer would compare
ROP' s, problem time, effects of hole washout, ard The goals from a maintenance standpoint were to keep
mud costs. This comparison can then be expressed as the programming simple and manageable and insure
a bottom line cost difference for the two types of detailed documentation for both users and DBMS
mud. While substantial cost benefit can accrue from managers and programmers. This is important because
improvement in the four areas, none of these reviews the program and system would be maintaina:i
can be conducted quickly or thoroughly without tools completely within the drilling department. This
available to handle the data involved. requires that code be written and data stored in a
logical fashion. In line with the goal of easy
C. General Engineering Studies system management, it was desirable to utilize
general purpose software tools so the program could
Although similar to reviewing offset wells to plan a be easily customized, updated, and enhanced in the
future well, general engineering studies are likely future. The use of database managers and graphics
to involve review of one particular drilling aspect packages was a priority.
for a wide range of wells. Examples of this type of
study would include review of cementing practices to
determine success ratios and problem factors, IV. System Considerations
summary of BHA and drillstring failures and
influence of inspection frequency, comparison of A. Economics
seismic predicted geopressure to actual pressures
encountered in exploratory wells, etc. Like offset An extensive study was made of computing needs in
well histories, execution of general engineering drilling and optimum solutions for those needs. In
studies requires gathering and processing of large addition to the operations database, other
amounts of information. applications used to define the required hardware
and software were as follows:
III. Objectives of the Drilling Operations DBMS 1• Office Automation Document preparation,
business graphics, decision support
Before any development project is initiated, the (spreadsheets), electronic filing and mail.
goals and objectives must be established. In this
project, the current methods of handling drilling 2. Engineering Analysis Execution of Fortran
information were studied and problems were codes such as casing design, directional
identified. The next step was identifying what planning, hydraulics, etc.
features needed to be provided by the system to
alleviate these problems. The basic objective of 3. Drilling Cost Accounting System Invoice
the database was to increase the productivity of tracking, material inventory billing, vendor
drilling personnel and the quality of their work. evaluations, interim cost statements.
Specific objectives defined desired functionality,
user-friendliness, and maintenance characteristics 4. Computer Communication - Terminal emulation and
of the system. file transfer with existing corporate computer
Several functional objectives were identified. The
first objective was to automate reports that are The integration of these key computing functions
routinely generated from daily information. These into an interactive, department system was the
reports include the postmortem reviews, well fundamental objective used to guide system selection
summaries, and specific well recaps. It was and development.
estimated these reports required 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 man
years to manually compile per year depending on rig In addition to comparisons of several classes of
activity, so clear economic incentives existed to computers and several vendors in each class,
have these processes automated. Secondly, economic analyses were made of required work
engineering needs required that the system be productivity and quality improvements to pay for
flexible to allow thorough parameter analysis. The system costs. Two fundamental scenarios were
user must be able to retrieve, group, sort , and compared: The cost and productivity of continued
display any subset of the data. and use it for well operations with engineering work conducted on a
plans, field studies, and engineering reports. In mainframe system, limited (PC-based) database
addition, graphics were to be utilized wherever capabilities, and limited-access (secretarial only)
possible. The last functional objective was to link office automation versus the cost and productivity
monitoring programs with the database. This would of the departmental system which provides all the
allow the engineer to execute drilling monitoring desired capabilities to all users.
programs with current input directly provided by the
database. Economic calculations show computing capabilities
are relatively inexpensive when compared to
User-related features were recognized to be personnel costs. Moreover, when compared against
extremely important to increase productivity. Since operational costs which may be favorably affected by
the system was to be used mainly by drilling better quality support through computing, the cost
engineers, it had to be a useful tool for his job of the department system is minor. In comparing
execution. This demanded that output be useful, and system economics, it is important to examine more
that input and processing require minimum time. than just total cost. Most notably per user cost,
Input panels should be easy to follow and require per user benefit, department benefit and methods for
minimum input for items that do not change often. adjusting to increased processing as future needs
User friendliness, defined as interactive, timely, grow (upgrading, longivity) should be considered.
and simple to use, was considered a key to success.
·B. Hardware persons, a leading relational DBM$ was chosen as
the basis of the system.
Hardware selection was based on addressing the above
computing functions to build an integrated systan
for drilling. Capacity, speed, operating systems, V. Design of the Drilling Operations DBMS
programming languages, application software,
peripherals, network communications, upgrading, The data structure is comprised of 53 tables, each
installation, service, reputation, and pricing were containing a particular set of related data fields.
all considered in rating different hardware/software All tables are linked together with common elements
solutions and vendors. ARCO' s Southern District such as Well ID (AFE number) and report number. The
chose to purchase a multi-user, %2-bit processor, tables include 15-25 data fields each in order to
virtual memory super-mini computer to satisfy the improve query performance and keep the database
departmental requirements. Although a controversial manageable.
topic at present, independent surveys continue to
rate mini and super-mini computers much higher than The overall database system is structured with
supermicros, PC-based local area networks specific input, engineering applications programs,
(PC-LAN' s), and PC-to-Mainframe .-f-inks in terms of standardized output, and ad hoc output. The input
serving the needs of a department • and structure of the database is shown in Figure 1 .
The program is menu driven, and the flow of the
C. Software menus is shown in Figure 2. The main database menu
defines four functions that can be performed: input
The software used to develop this application was well data, view (or print) reports or graphs, run
given considerable attention because of its engineering programs, or perform ad hoc queries.
importance in the success of the project. Software Subsequent menus lead the user directly to specific
for the project involved the database manager, executable commands.
graphics program, and languages for programming the
output and applications modules. A. Input Screens
For the engineering modules, Fortran was used Input of the data is achieved via 8 different input
because the existing ARCO engineering programs are panels listed by frequency of use in Figure 2.
writ ten in Fortran and it is generally accepted as Because of the amount of information, Daily
the standard for engineering applications. "C" was Drilling, Daily Completion, Casing and Cementing,
chosen as the language for the output modules due to and Initial Well Setup input panels require several
its superior screen, file, and character string terminal screens each. The others were able to fit
handling capabilities relative to Fortran. on one standard terminal screen (80 characters by 24
Additional capabilities such as portability, speed, lines). Functionality of the input screens is very
size of load module, and I/0 functions made "C" very user oriented. There are 15 curser control keys to
suitable for this application. Finally, graphics facilitate data entry, modifications, and
was handled with a modern business graphics package deletions. The input screen also functions as a
available with the office automation package. query panel, so a particular report or set of
reports can be retrieved by stating selection
The database manager was considered the most conditions (i.e . Well ID, Report No . , etc . ) and
important part of the system software, so several executing a query.
database managers were evaluated. Several criteria
were examined for the database manager including The Daily Drilling Report is the primary source of
ease of learning and use (particularly for data for the system and was redesigned to provide
development applications), error handling, complete information for managerial and engineering
performance, transportability (data and program) , analyses. The input screens for this report are
and versatility. shown in Figure 3. The screens are divided into 11
logical sections or "blocks" that correspond to
Utilities to develop applications were given a high different tables in the database. The mud data
rating priority because time and cost savings would makes up a block and as this information is entered,
be substantial by taking advantage of available it is inserted into the 'mud' table in the
tools. By using development utili ties to design database. The capabilities of the DBMS software
input screens, format reports, and link engineering allow screens to be designed for maximum user
subroutines to the database, programming efficiency. For example, a built-in query
productivity increases tremendously. capability at the data field level automatically
Transportability of data and ease of converting the retrieves certain information based on interactive
program to run on other machines was another input. Much of the information in the header
important feature considered. The database program (Wellname, Rig, date, last csg ... ) for instance is
will be used for a long time and possibly run on automatically displayed once the Well ID has been
other types of computers including mainframes (if input.
installed at headquarters level) and PC's (if
installed at rigsite) so the software should be able The input screen is identical to the Drilling Report
to run on a variety of hardware. The performance the foreman sends in with two additions. First, an
criteria involves the speed and capabilities of the activity summary is provided for a short summary of
DBMS. Having a program that gives results in a the day's operations which is used in the Morning
timely fashion is important. From a versatility Drilling Summary ("Partnership Report"). Second,
standpoint, the capability of manipulating and the time breakdown completed by the engineer is
displaying data in a variety of ways is important. needed to generate statistical time and cost
After reviewing specifications for several database breakdowns by hole section, phase, operational
managers and interviewing many data processing category, and problem.
~ -----~------------------~----~----------------~~--
The Daily Completion Report is designed specifically possible. The Mud Recap and Bit Record are
for completion and workover operations. Although examples of these type reports. Also provided
previously the drilling report was also used fer is a Wellbore Schematic showing the casing that
completions, this form eliminates extraneous data was set and a Multishot Report which contains
and allows better description of the completion directional surveys and calculated well
operations. The input procedure and screen trajectory location. The Drilling Time Analysis
functionality is similar to the Daily Drilling report lists time spent in various operations
Report • The Casing and Cementing Report is designed each day and sums total hours for the
to capture pertinent information from casing and categories. This is used to identify operations
cementing jobs. This enables the engineer to review that need to be improved upon and to calculate
detailed information on casing running and cementing percent problem time. A problem time breakdown
procedures. is also provided to determine how much different
problems costs.
The Drilling Costs Report is the field estimated
cost of operations, entered at the end of each hole 3. Engineering Graphics The output for
section which is useful in generating cost/hour and engineering analysis is more detailed than
cost/foot by hole section. It was decided that an managerial data because engineers must evaluate
estimated cost with resolution finer than by hole many specific parameters. For trends to be
section would be difficult and unnecessary. recognized, an extensive number and types of
graphs are available. To compare parameters on
The Directional Surveys Screen is used to input raw different wells, split screens with multiple
survey data for the directional survey program to plots and the option of several wells on each
monitor well trajectory. The Initial Well Set-up plot are provided. Figure 5 shows an example of
contains general descriptive information for the the engineering graphics.
well that remains unchanged and is entered before
the well is spud. Such information consists of Since depth is the most common correlation
location description, AFE estimates, time and cost between wells, parameter versus depth plots are
projections, casing program, directional plan, and specially programmed. To invoke this option,
anticipated formations and pore pressures. the user inputs the wells (up to 3) and
parameters (up to 2) that he wants plotted
The End of Well Input is a "catch all" for versus depth. For parameters that are not depth
information that was considered important and/or dependent or for comparing the effect one
unusual about the well. This contains information parameter has on another, the option of plotting
about the well that might be searched on such as MWD any two parffineters on an X-Y plot is also
runs, number of gravel packs, or type completion. provided. The engineer specifies the two
The Rig Specification contains rig dimensions, parameters to be plot ted and defines the axes
description of blowout prevention equipment and pump scales, and a graphics subroutine then draws the
capacities and efficiencies. Rig information is plot.
used for generating permits (requires BOPE data) and
calculating hydraulics (requires pump data). 4. Postmortem Tables and Graphs - This refers to
quarterly and yearly drilling summaries that are
B. Program OutpLt used to monitor operations. The charts and
graphs in these reports are based on relatively
Output functions include all methods by which simple calculations but a tremendous amount of
drilling information is translated to engineers and data. There are 12 tables and up to 27
managers. This involves describing drilling data in different graphs available with this option.
the clearest and most concise manner possible. The graphs summarize time and cost statistics
Graphics play an important role in data and compare actual versus predicted time,
presentation. Output options are shown in Figure 2 depths, and costs. The available types of
in the output menu and include both summaries of tables and graphs and conditions for sorting
particular categories and comparisons of several data are shown in Figure 6.
different wells. The output can be divided into 5
different types: C. Engineering Monitoring Programs
1. Daily Reports The Daily Drilling and To convert raw data into information more easily
Completion Reports are a copy of the day's data analyzed , several engineering programs are
and input screens. These are available for interfaced with the database. These programs
viewing by invoking the input screen and perform the routine calculations necessary to
querying the desired day's information. To accurately monitor the drilling situation.
receive a printout the user can dump the screen
to a printer. The Engineering Report shown in The Directional Survey Module takes data from the
Figure 4 is generated from daily data and Daily Drilling Report and calculates bottomhole
execution of monitoring programs. This report coordinates, TVD, stepout, and dogleg severity.
contains calculations from the directional This is used to track the location of the wellbore
survey, hydraulics, and well control programs. and check directional drilling or multishot
The Morning Drilling Summary is the report companies.
distributed within the District and to partners
briefly describing the day's operations. The Hydraulics Module configures hole geometry and
calculates actual and optimum hydraulics according
2. Well Summary Reports - Several standard tabular to current input. The program calculates ECD,
and graphical well summary reports are provided pressure losses through the various sections, bit
to display data in the most concise manner hydraulics, and recommended nozzle sizes.
The Well Control Module calculates strokes to bit, designing, coding, testing and installing tre
bottoms up strokes, kick tolerance, and a required software is common to typical software development
kill weight mud schedule. The program uses hole projects. Substantial effort was involved in
configuration, mud properties, and casing and defining the specific input screens, output reports,
formation limitations to calculate kick tolerances and engineering interfaces that were required. The
and maximum casing pressures. thorough definition of functionality in the RFP
enabled accurate estimates of the time and costs to
The Surge/Swab Module 10 calculates dynamic complete the project.
wellbore pressures based on hole configuration, mud,
and pipe motion data. Alternately, the program can The second phase of system implementation was
provide maximum speeds and accelerations using the preparing the drilling engineers to use the
same data together with formation limitations. program. The engineer involved with the
specification and project development assumed the
In addition to the direct interface to data from the role of database administrator, assigned user
morning reports, the monitoring programs can be privileges, and coordinated training. Passwords and
rerun at any time with modified data. For instance, unique privileges were necessary to limit access to
if 400 feet has been drilled and mud weight has been the database and maintain data integrity. Adequate
raised since morning , the programs can be run by training and thorough documentation was critical to
recalling the morning's data on one panel, changing insure the system was used to its full potential.
the appropriate parameters, and executing a new Although formal lecture-style classes were conducted
calculation. to initiate users to the system, the most effective
training occurred with hands-on use of the system
Plans to incorporate a dynamic BHA analysis progra~ combined with assistance from the database
and comprehensive statistical analysis for administrator. In a matter of 2-3 weeks, most of
maximizing ROP are currently underway. the 10 drilling engineers had sufficient knowledge
of the system to become quite productive.
D. Ad Hoc Retrievals
The process of defining how data was to be loaded
The ad hoc query capability of the relational was lengthy but important in order to minimize the
database manager is perhaps the most powerful tool difficulty of input. The first step was modifying
in the DODBMS system. This capability allows the the drilling report to include the required data and
user to retrieve any subset of data based on a match the input screens. This improved the speed
selected set of conditions. When the user chooses and accuracy of transferring data from forms to
this option, the program invokes a DBMS utility to input screens. The next step was defining the
execute Structured Query Language (SQL) query procedure to get data from the rigsite to the
commands. For example, a command to list all wells, system. Due to cost and user considerations, it
depths, mud weights, plastic viscosities, and yield was decided to avoid rigsi te entry in the initial
points for Spindletop field would appear as follows: phase. The process begins with the foreman
completing the report and telefaxing it into the
Select Wellname, Depth, MW, PV, YP (Items Desired) office. At this point the report is reviewed and
From Genwell, Genday, Mud (Table Names) input into the database by the engineer. Benefits
Where Field = "Spindletop"; (Condition) including tighter control and improved accuracy of
the reports have been realized by having followed
The flexibility of the querying capability is this procedure. The process also insures that
virtually unlimited and allows engineers to adequate attention is paid by the engineer to what
creatively look for ways to improve drilling has transpired at the wellsite.
performance and reduce costs.
An example application of this capability is a liner VII. Future Plans
cementing study that was performed on 1984 and 1985
onshore and offshore wells in this District. Using Although currently under study, future work is
modified input screens, pertinent data for liner possible in several areas:
jobs was input into the database. Over 20
parameters were then scrutinized for a wide variety 1. Refinement of Current Data Analysis: As new
of conditions. The study identified parameters ideas arise, benefits from more extensive output
which had the most affect on the cementing success from the current database have been identified.
ratio and allowed recommendations to be made on For example, a "Hole Condition Summary" of mud,
pumping procedures, spacer and cement volumes, directional,· drillstring/BHA, and hole drag may
circulating times, hole sizes, etc. be useful in predicting pending hole problems.
2. Extension of the System: Upstream extension of
· VI. Implementation of the System the system to the rigsite is planned so that
data can be entered at the rig and transmitted
Implementation of the system was a three phase directly into the office computer. This will
process. First was development, testing, and enable foremen to access the analysis
documentation of the program itself. Second was capabilities of the system. Also, downstream
training and introduction of users, and third was extension is being considered so that
inputting the data into the system. headquarter groups can receive a drilling
activity summary by file transfer from the
Figure 7 shows the project development schedule department computer in the District to the
which describes the tasks from system conception to mainframe system at headquarters.
installation and management. The process of
3. Inclusion of Real-time Mudlogging and/or MWD 3. Conduct extensive work to define the desire:i
data: With lowering satellite rates and hardware functionality and features of any system that is
costs, real-time data transmission from the rig planned for development. Typically between
remains a possible future extension of this one-third and one-half of the total project time
system. However, until processing and use of should be spent up front defining the problan
the data is fully understood so that the types and software functionality to solve it.
and quantities of data that are truly useful can Presently, many developers completely define the
be defined, real-time acquisition should be software and prepare full user documentation
limited to monitoring and control functions. prior to any programming to be sure that the
functions are understood and agreed upon.
4. Special Purpose Drilling DBMS: With the
general-purpose relational DBMS available, 4. Have an end-user design and maintain the
special databases can be quickly generated for a program. Although applying computing technology
variety of problems. As mentioned previously, a to an operational process poses the classic
database was developed and applied to review issue of whether to educate the computing
several year's worth of liner cementing jobs in specialists about the operations or the
quick, easy fashion. Similar tasks have been operations engineer about the computer, a
conducted for gravel pack completion operations, successful decision was made in this case to
PDC bit performance, and fracturing operations teach drilling personnel the computing skills
studies. required to develop the application. This
insured appreciation for the goals and
importance of the system results, and
VIII. Conclusions understanding of the drilling data and user
related issues.
Based on the work conducted in this project, the
following conclusions can be made: 5. Limit the number of persons directly involved
with the project. Failure to recognize
1. The goal of a totally integrated system to potential problems from involving too many
process information within the Drilling people can erode organization, accountability,
Department is being fulfilled. A schematic and concentration on the project.
describing the procedures to plan, drill, and
review a well and the various applications of 6. Evaluate the benefits and penalties involved
computer resources is shown in Figure 8. with developing corporate-wide DBMS systems as
compared to district level systems. If
2. The drilling operations database plays a major standardization between different operating
role in serving the needs of drilling engineers areas is possible, a corporate system might be
and managers. Economic benefits have been feasible. In this case, it was determined that
realized in terms of higher personnel Gulf Coast, West Texas, Rocky Mountain, Arctic,
productivity and improved field operations. and International drilling operations are
different enough to require some customization
3. The DODBMS Program accomplished the objectives of the DODBMS concept for each region. For this
defined in the original proposal including the reason, each district is able to customize their
detailed goals for functionality, own DBMS system. Action is being taken to
user-friendliness, and system maintenance. insure compatibility between these districts and
between the districts and headquarters for
future information exchanges.
IX. RecODJDendations
Based on the success of this development project and Acknowledgement
the experience gained in the process, the following
recommendations are made: The authors would like to thank Arco Oil and Gas
Company and particularly the Southern District
1. Thoroughly evaluate usage, speed, capacity, and management for their support of the subject work and
functionality issues related to hardware. Many permission to publish this paper. The consulting
hardware evaluations are conducted with limited programming for development of this system was
knowledge relative to the vast array of provided by Adams and Rountree Technology, Inc.
computers available today. Micros, Supermicros,
Minis, Super-minis, Mini-supers, Parallel,
Fault-tolerant , Mainframe, and Super Computers References
are all different and have substantial
differences in capabilities and costs. If speed 1. Isaacs, W. R. and Bobo, J. E., Design and Impact
and storage capabilities in a multi-user of a Real-Time Drilling Center, SPE Paper No.
environment are important issues, several 13109, 1984.
computer classes and types need to be evaluated.
2. Morgan, M. J. and Ashmun, J. R. and Roberts, K.
2. Make use of available software tools such as S., A Data Acquisition System Using Satellite
DBMS packages, graphics codes, and existing Communications for Offshore Drilling Rigs,
engineering programs . Building on proven presented at ASME Offshore Mech & Artie
products allows faster development, more Symposium, Dallas, 1985.
reliable performance, and easier growth and
maintenance in the future.
Please enter choice (0-4) :
~~-------- .------~-----------------------------~
ID: 560171 Rpt#: 14 DRILLING REPORT for 06/09/86 Afe#: 560171 Supv: RWS
Well: SS 332 A #4 Last Csg: 13.375/4498 ST: DSS/EST: 14 /19
Rig: H&P 100 Depth: 7435 Previous: 6015 Prog 1420 Bop: 06/06/86
Oper@6AM: CLEAN GUMBO OUT OF FL Daily$: 52267 Cum$ : 1234248 Est$: 2000000
Next Csg: 9.625 /10493 Hoj: 18.6 Bar: 3250 Cmt: 1980 Fuel: .17000 D/W: 3282
Depth HISec Phse Dril Trip Surv Rigs Circ Eval Casg Bope Othr Prob PICode AIU
7435 P2 M 11.5 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4.5 HP U
POOH . Change BHA. Drill to PD while cleaning gumbo •
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(Rig Type, Rig Months Utilized)
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On or Offshore (ON/OFFI ALL) ALL
County or Area Name (or ALL) ALL
Block or Field Name (or ALL) ALL FRI.gAY 17 i• 3., 7 f• i1 2.a 7 ,.. 21 is,', 4 ,·, Is 2.5 3~2 9 Is 23 3ol 6 13 2·0 27 4 ,·, Is 2.5 li i 15
Well ID (or ALL) ALL
WELL CLASSIFICATION: Fig. 7-Project development schedule.