2.4.20. Determination of Elemental Impurities
2.4.20. Determination of Elemental Impurities
2.4.20. Determination of Elemental Impurities
General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts 5539
2.4.20. Determination of elemental impurities EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 9.5
System suitability. A system suitability test must be carried Calculation. The blank value of reagents must be taken into
out on the day of the analysis to ensure that the sample account for the calculation of the content. Upon completion
preparation and measurement system are appropriate. of the analysis, the concentration of a given element in
Acceptance criterion for preparation of sample solution : a clear the sample is calculated by the software of the instrument
solution is obtained. from the concentration of the element in the test solution.
If no calculation software is available or no indication for
Acceptance criterion for measurement system : the measured calculation is given in the general chapter corresponding to
concentration of a standard solution of the element at a
concentration within the range of the used calibration curve
does not differ from the actual concentration by more than
20 per cent.
the method used, the concentration of a given element in matrix and instrument used. This is accomplished by
the sample can be calculated from the concentration of the following the validation procedure before the initial use and
element in the solution using the following expression : the system suitability test on the day of the analysis.
For elemental impurities, validation of a limit test must
include specificity and limit of detection.
The following section defines the characteristics for the
C = concentration of element in the analysed sample, acceptability of a quantitative procedure. It must be
in micrograms per gram ; demonstrated experimentally that such a procedure complies
with the validation requirements, with an appropriate system
A = instrument reading of the concentration of the suitability test using material spiked with a suitable reference
element in the sample solution, in micrograms per material. The test materials must be spiked before any sample
millilitre ; preparation steps. For example, if a test material is to be
m = mass of the sample in the initial sample solution, digested, the material must be spiked at the beginning of the
in grams ; digestion procedure.
V1 = volume of the initial sample preparation, in SPECIFICITY
millilitres ; Specificity is the ability to ensure that the analytical procedure
V2 = total volume of any dilution performed, in (sample preparation and measurement) allows a reliable
millilitres ; determination of the element(s) of interest in the presence of
V3 = volume of initial sample preparation used in any components (e.g. carrier gas, impurities, matrix) that may be
dilution performed, in millilitres. expected to be present.
Acceptance criteria : the procedure must be able to assess
unequivocally each elemental impurity to be determined with
VALIDATION REQUIREMENTS this procedure in the presence of components that may be
expected to be present, including other elemental impurities,
Some validation requirements provided below may differ from matrix components and other sources of interference ;
those provided in general chapters of the Ph. Eur. (e.g. 2.2.22 specificity is demonstrated by complying with the accuracy
(AES), 2.2.23 (AAS), 2.2.57 (ICP-AES), 2.2.58 (ICP-MS)). requirement for the element(s) to be determined.
Before the initial use of the selected procedure, the analyst RANGE
must ensure that the sample preparation and measurement Acceptance criterion : range is demonstrated by complying
method are appropriate for the element(s) of interest, sample with the recovery requirement.
General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts 5541
2.4.20. Determination of elemental impurities EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 9.5