Fu 2016
Fu 2016
Fu 2016
Introduction: The purposes of this study were to assess the effects of maxillary protraction therapy on the
pharyngeal airways in patients with repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) 3 dimensionally.
Methods: Eighteen patients with repaired UCLP and anterior crossbite (ages, 10.4 6 1.3 years) were enrolled
in the study group. Hyrax appliances and reverse headgears were used. Cone-beam computed tomography
volume scans were taken before and immediately after treatment. Fourteen patients (ages, 9.6 6 1.7 years)
with UCLP who did not receive orthopedic treatment served as the control group. The volumes of the
pharyngeal airways, cross-sectional areas, sagittal diameters, and transversal diameters of 3 levels of
airway cross-section were measured. Results: After protraction, the volumes of the pharyngeal airway
increased significantly. Cross-sectional area, sagittal diameter, and transversal diameter of the upper and
lower pharyngeal airways also had significant increases. These changes were significant when compared
with the untreated subjects except for the transversal diameter of the lower pharyngeal airway. Dimensions of
the middle pharyngeal airway remained unchanged. Conclusions: Maxillary protraction therapy significantly af-
fects airway dimensions in patients with repaired UCLP 3 dimensionally. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
atients with cleft lip and palate (CLP) are usually mastication.4 Since improvements of the soft tissue pro-
characterized by maxillary retrusion and anterior file and the sagittal jaw relationship in early childhood
crossbite after cleft repair. Midface retrusion in are obviously important, maxillary protraction has
patients with CLP often results in personal, social, and been recommended.1,8,9
psychological problems, along with functional diffi- Pharyngeal size plays an important role in speech and
culties.1 Maxillary protraction is an effective way to respiratory function. It is well known that many patients
relieve mild to moderate anterior crossbite for preadoles- with CLP still have speech problems even after palato-
cents, and it will lead to skeletal changes as well as plasty surgery. In addition, it was reported that patients
improvements in the lateral profile.1-8 Normalization with CLP had an increased risk of obstructive sleep ap-
of the sagittal jaw relationship and elimination of the nea.10-13 The pharynx is close behind the maxilla and
dysfunction will result in normal function and the mandible. Movement of the jaws may have an
effect on the dimensions of the pharyngeal airway.
From the School and Hospital of Stomatology, Peking University, Beijing, China.
PhD student, Department of Orthodontics. Several studies have reported the skeletal response of
Postgraduate student, Department of Orthodontics. maxillary protraction in patients with CLP.2-8 However,
Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. only a limited number of reports have explored the
Professor and chair, Department of Orthodontics.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of effects of maxillary protraction on the pharynx, and
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. most focused on noncleft patients.8,14-21 Moreover,
Supported by National Clinical Key Specialty Construction Projects. those studies were all based on cephalograms; thus,
Address correspondence to: Weiran Li, Department of Orthodontics, Peking
University School and Hospital of Stomatology, 22 Zhongguancun Nandajie, only sagittal depth of the pharyngeal airway was assessed.
Haidian District, Beijing 100081, P.R. China; e-mail, weiranli2003@163.com. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the ef-
Submitted, February 2015; revised and accepted, October 2015. fects of maxillary protraction therapy on the pharyngeal
Copyright Ó 2016 by the American Association of Orthodontists. airway in patients with repaired unilateral CLP (UCLP) 3
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2015.10.024 dimensionally.
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Fig 3. Volumetric quantification of the pharyngeal airway. Superior limit, a line connecting the posterior
maxilla and basion. Inferior limit, a line parallel to the Frankfort horizontal plane, passing through the tip
of the epiglottis. Posterior limit, the posterior pharyngeal wall. Anterior limit, the anterior wall of the phar-
ynx, soft palate, and tongue.
Fig 4. Three specific cross-sections of the pharyngeal airway and qualitative assessment of A, Cross-
sectional area, S, sagittal diameter, and T, transversal diameter of the pharyngeal airway. See Table I
for definitions of the abbreviations.
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Table III. Comparisons of ages and treatment and observation durations between the groups
Treated patients Untreated patients
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Table V. Changes from T0 to T1 in the treated patients and untreated subjects and comparisons between the 2 groups
Control group Treated group Differences between groups
Area (mm2) 154.31 6 48.25 160.92 6 53.53 6.60 6 57.71 162.54 6 60.19 213.42 6 70.71 50.88 6 61.44§ 8.23 6 19.72 52.51 6 22.75z 44.28 6 21.33z
Sagittal 8.39 6 3.76 7.38 6 3.24 1.01 6 2.64 9.31 6 2.39 10.94 6 2.77 1.63 6 1.86§ 0.92 6 1.09 3.57 6 1.06§ 2.65 6 0.80§
diameter (mm) NS NS
Transversal 18.53 6 5.54 21.10 6 5.77 2.57 6 3.98z 25.06 6 2.40 28.22 6 3.13 3.16 6 3.12{ 6.53 6 1.45{ 7.12 6 1.59{ 0.59 6 1.26
diameter (mm) NS
680 Fu et al
Oktay and Ulukaya,19 Kaygısız et al,16 and Lee et al18 accurate with both CBCT and MDCT.41 One major differ-
also reported increases in lower pharyngeal depth after ence between the CBCT and MDCT devices used in this
protraction, although the changes were insignificant. study was that patients were examined in supine posi-
The transversal diameter of the LPA increased as well tion with the MDCT and in upright position with the
in the study group; however, when compared with the CBCT. Gravity can produce movements in pharyngeal
controls, it was not significant. So, it can be concluded structures in response to postural changes between the
that the increase of transversal diameter of the LPA upright and supine positions.42 In this study, all pharyn-
was partly caused by growth of the pharynx. geal measurements in the treated group were greater
It is interesting that the dimensions of both the UPA than those in the control group at T0, and most of these
and the LPA increased, but the size of the MPA remained differences were significant. Since age and sex distribu-
unchanged. Several studies regarding velopharyngeal tions were balanced, and dentofacial morphologies were
changes reported that after distraction osteogenesis similar between the 2 groups at T0, these differences
treatment, the velar angle (angle between the soft palate should mainly be attributed to the influence of gravity.
and the palatal plane) of patients with CLP increased.37,38 In supine position, gravity makes the tongue and soft
Geometrically, when the velar angle increases, the palate closer to the pharyngeal wall and narrows the di-
distance between the tip of the soft palate and the mensions of the airway. The different imaging modal-
pharyngeal wall would decrease. Therefore, the increase ities and body positions were major limitations of our
in sagittal depth of the pharyngeal airway caused by study because they could affect the differences of
distraction osteogenesis was compensated. pharyngeal changes between the 2 groups. However,
Compensation in the velopharyngeal mechanism might the trend of the influence of growth should not be
also be assumed to explain the results in this study. altered, whether the patients were examined in supine
Since the changes caused by maxillary protraction were or upright position. In the control group, although there
more gradual than by maxillary distraction, the patients was no significance, most measurements showed nega-
had more chance to adapt themselves to the tive changes. In this way, growth may decrease, or at
velopharyngeal changes. Thus, the increases in the least should not increase, the airway dimensions in the
dimensions of the MPA were not significant. treated group. Therefore, although exact changes
Another interesting finding of this study was that age caused by treatment cannot be calculated, it can still
did not change the airway size in the control group. be concluded that maxillary protraction treatment can
Sheng et al39 reported that the pharyngeal airway depth increase the pharyngeal airway dimensions.
increased from the mixed dentition stage to the perma- Another limitation of our study was that only a short-
nent dentition stage. Schendel et al40 also reported a term evaluation was conducted. Since long-term stabil-
consistent increase in the airway volume from ages 6 to ity is a major concern when treating Class III patients,
20 years. Our results were inconsistent with the previous posttreatment follow up is required in future studies.
studies.39,40 The inconsistency may have 2 sources. First, Speech and respiratory functions are of the utmost
the time interval was relatively short (16.1 months) when importance in the treatment of patients with CLP. As-
compared with previous studies (3-4 years). Second, the sessments of morphologic changes of the pharyngeal
populations studied were different in this study and airway are indispensable when assessing speech and res-
previous studies. Airway sizes are expected to change piratory functions. Future studies could provide more in-
with growth of the maxillofacial skeleton. Since formation by including additional assessments such as
maxillary growth was restricted in patients with CLP, polysomnography and nasoendoscopy examinations.
changes of airway size may also be reduced.
For ethical reasons, we did not include a prospective CONCLUSIONS
control group. Instead, a retrospective longitudinal The dimensions of the pharyngeal airway as well as
MDCT data set was the control group. In the CLP treat- the jaw relationship were affected by maxillary protrac-
ment center of our university, the MDCT scans tion therapy. Maxillary protraction treatment could not
were usually taken before and 1 to 2 years after alveolar only relieve mild to moderate anterior crossbite, but
bone graft surgery as the preoperative examination and also potentially improve respiratory functions for pread-
the postoperative evaluation, respectively. In this study, olescent patients with CLP.
those MDCT data sets were used as the control group to
assess growth changes of the pharyngeal airway. REFERENCES
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