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Introduction to Computer

Graphics with WebGL

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Founding Director, Arts, Research,
Technology and Science Laboratory
University of New Mexico

Angel and Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 7E © Addison-Wesley 2015 1


Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
University of New Mexico

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• Introduce additional WebGL buffers

• Reading and writing buffers
• Buffers and Images

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Define a buffer by its spatial resolution (n x m) and

its depth (or precision) k, the number of bits/pixel


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WebGL Frame Buffer

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Where are the Buffers?

• HTML5 Canvas
- Default front and back color buffers
- Under control of local window system
- Physically on graphics card
• Depth buffer also on graphics card
• Stencil buffer
- Holds masks
• Most RGBA buffers 8 bits per component
• Latest are floating point (IEEE)

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Other Buffers

• desktop OpenGL supported other buffers

- auxiliary color buffers
- accumulation buffer
- these were on application side
- now deprecated
• GPUs have their own or attached memory
- texture buffers
- off-screen buffers
• not under control of window system
• may be floating point
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• Framebuffer contents are unformatted

- usually RGB or RGBA
- one byte per component
- no compression
• Standard Web Image Formats
- jpeg, gif, png
• WebGL has no conversion functions
- Understands standard Web formats for texture

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The (Old) Pixel Pipeline

• OpenGL has a separate pipeline for pixels

- Writing pixels involves
• Moving pixels from processor memory to the frame buffer
• Format conversions
• Mapping, Lookups, Tests
- Reading pixels
• Format conversion

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Packing and Unpacking

• Compressed or uncompressed
• Indexed or RGB
• Bit Format
- little or big endian
• WebGL (and shader-based OpenGL)
lacks most functions for packing and
- use texture functions instead
- can implement desired functionality in fragment
shaders 10
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Deprecated Functionality

• glDrawPixels
• glCopyPixels
• glBitMap

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Buffer Reading

• WebGL can read pixels from the framebuffer with

• Returns only 8 bit RGBA values
• In general, the format of pixels in the frame buffer is
different from that of processor memory and these
two types of memory reside in different places
- Need packing and unpacking
- Reading can be slow
• Drawing through texture functions and off-screen
memory (frame buffer objects)
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WebGL Pixel Function


start pixel in frame buffer size type of pixels

type of image pointer to processor
var myimage[512*512*4];

gl.readPixels(0,0, 512, 512, gl.RGBA,

gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, myimage);

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Render to Texture

• GPUs now include a large amount of

texture memory that we can write into
• Advantage: fast (not under control of
window system)
• Using frame buffer objects (FBOs) we can
render into texture memory instead of the
frame buffer and then read from this
- Image processing
- GPGPU 14
Angel and Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 7E © Addison-Wesley 2015
Introduction to Computer
Graphics with WebGL

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Founding Director, Arts, Research,
Technology and Science Laboratory
University of New Mexico

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Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
University of New Mexico

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• Introduce reading and writing of blocks of

bits or bytes
• Prepare for later discussion compositing
and blending

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Writing into Buffers

• WebGL does not contain a function for

writing bits into frame buffer
- Use texture functions instead
• We can use the fragment shader to do bit
level operations on graphics memory
• Bit Block Transfer (BitBlt) operations act
on blocks of bits with a single instruction

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• Conceptually, we can consider all of memory as a

large two-dimensional array of pixels
• We read and write rectangular block of pixels
• The frame buffer is part of this memory

frame buffer
writing into the frame buffer
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Writing Model

Read destination pixel before writing source

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Bit Writing Modes

• Source and destination bits are combined bitwise

• 16 possible functions (one per column in table)

replace XOR

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XOR mode

• XOR is especially useful for swapping blocks of

memory such as menus that are stored off screen

If S represents screen and M represents a menu

the sequence
S SM
M SM
S SM
swaps S and M

• Same strategy used for rubber band lines and

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Cursor Movement

• Consider what happens as we move a

cursor across the display
• We cover parts of objects
• Must return to original colors when cursor
moves away

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Rubber Band Line

• Fix one point

• Draw line to location of cursor
• Must return state of crossed objects when
line moves

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Introduction to Computer
Graphics with WebGL

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Founding Director, Arts, Research,
Technology and Science Laboratory
University of New Mexico

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Texture Mapping

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
University of New Mexico

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• Introduce Mapping Methods

- Texture Mapping
- Environment Mapping
- Bump Mapping
• Consider basic strategies
- Forward vs backward mapping
- Point sampling vs area averaging

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The Limits of Geometric
• Although graphics cards can render over
10 million polygons per second, that
number is insufficient for many phenomena
- Clouds
- Grass
- Terrain
- Skin

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Modeling an Orange

• Consider the problem of modeling an orange

(the fruit)
• Start with an orange-colored sphere
- Too simple
• Replace sphere with a more complex shape
- Does not capture surface characteristics (small
- Takes too many polygons to model all the dimples

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Modeling an Orange (2)

• Take a picture of a real orange, scan it,

and “paste” onto simple geometric model
- This process is known as texture mapping
• Still might not be sufficient because
resulting surface will be smooth
- Need to change local shape
- Bump mapping

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Three Types of Mapping

• Texture Mapping
- Uses images to fill inside of polygons
• Environment (reflection mapping)
- Uses a picture of the environment for texture
- Allows simulation of highly specular surfaces
• Bump mapping
- Emulates altering normal vectors during the
rendering process

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Texture Mapping

geometric model texture mapped

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Environment Mapping

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Bump Mapping

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Where does mapping take
• Mapping techniques are implemented at the end
of the rendering pipeline
- Very efficient because few polygons make it
past the clipper

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Introduction to Computer
Graphics with WebGL

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Founding Director, Arts, Research,
Technology and Science Laboratory
University of New Mexico

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Texture Mapping

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
University of New Mexico

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• Basic mapping strategies

- Forward vs backward mapping
- Point sampling vs area averaging

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Is it simple?

• Although the idea is simple---map an

image to a surface---there are 3 or 4
coordinate systems involved

2D image

3D surface
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Coordinate Systems

• Parametric coordinates
- May be used to model curves and surfaces
• Texture coordinates
- Used to identify points in the image to be mapped
• Object or World Coordinates
- Conceptually, where the mapping takes place
• Window Coordinates
- Where the final image is really produced

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Texture Mapping

parametric coordinates

texture coordinates
window coordinates
world coordinates
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Mapping Functions

• Basic problem is how to find the maps

• Consider mapping from texture
coordinates to a point a surface
• Appear to need three functions
x = x(s,t)
y = y(s,t) t
z = z(s,t)
• But we really want
to go the other way

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Backward Mapping

• We really want to go backwards

- Given a pixel, we want to know to which point
on an object it corresponds
- Given a point on an object, we want to know
to which point in the texture it corresponds
• Need a map of the form
s = s(x,y,z)
t = t(x,y,z)
• Such functions are difficult to find in general

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Two-part mapping

• One solution to the mapping problem is to

first map the texture to a simple
intermediate surface
• Example: map to cylinder

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Cylindrical Mapping

parametric cylinder
x = r cos 2p u
y = r sin 2pu
z = v/h
maps rectangle in u,v space to cylinder
of radius r and height h in world coordinates

maps from texture space

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Spherical Map

We can use a parametric sphere

x = r cos 2pu
y = r sin 2pu cos 2pv
z = r sin 2pu sin 2pv

in a similar manner to the cylinder

but have to decide where to put
the distortion

Spheres are used in environmental maps

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Box Mapping

• Easy to use with simple orthographic

• Also used in environment maps

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Second Mapping

• Map from intermediate object to actual object

- Normals from intermediate to actual
- Normals from actual to intermediate
- Vectors from center of intermediate
actual intermediate

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• Point sampling of the texture can lead to

aliasing errors
miss blue stripes point samples in u,v
(or x,y,z) space

point samples in texture space

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Area Averaging

A better but slower option is to use area averaging


Note that preimage of pixel is curved

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Introduction to Computer
Graphics with WebGL

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Founding Director, Arts, Research,
Technology and Science Laboratory
University of New Mexico

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WebGL Texture Mapping I

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
University of New Mexico

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• Introduce WebGL texture mapping

- two-dimensional texture maps
- assigning texture coordinates
- forming texture images

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Basic Stragegy

Three steps to applying a texture

1. specify the texture
• read or generate image
• assign to texture
• enable texturing
2. assign texture coordinates to vertices
• Proper mapping function is left to application
3. specify texture parameters
• wrapping, filtering

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Texture Mapping

z x
geometry display


s 55
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Texture Example

• The texture (below) is a

256 x 256 image that has
been mapped to a
rectangular polygon which
is viewed in perspective

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Texture Mapping and the
WebGL Pipeline
• Images and geometry flow through
separate pipelines that join during
fragment processing
- “complex” textures do not affect geometric

vertices geometry pipeline

image texel pipeline processor

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Specifying a Texture Image

• Define a texture image from an array of

texels (texture elements) in CPU memory
• Use an image in a standard format such as JPEG
- Scanned image
- Generate by application code
• WebGL supports only 2 dimensional texture maps
- no need to enable as in desktop OpenGL
- desktop OpenGL supports 1-4 dimensional texture maps

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Define Image as a Texture

glTexImage2D( target, level, components,

w, h, border, format, type, texels );

target: type of texture, e.g. GL_TEXTURE_2D

level: used for mipmapping (discussed later)
components: elements per texel
w, h: width and height of texels in pixels
border: used for smoothing (discussed later)
format and type: describe texels
texels: pointer to texel array

glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, 512, 512, 0,

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A Checkerboard Image

var image1 = new Uint8Array(4*texSize*texSize);

for ( var i = 0; i < texSize; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 0; j <texSize; j++ ) {
var patchx = Math.floor(i/(texSize/numChecks));
var patchy = Math.floor(j/(texSize/numChecks));
if(patchx%2 ^ patchy%2) c = 255;
else c = 0;
//c = 255*(((i & 0x8) == 0) ^ ((j & 0x8) == 0))
image1[4*i*texSize+4*j] = c;
image1[4*i*texSize+4*j+1] = c;
image1[4*i*texSize+4*j+2] = c;
image1[4*i*texSize+4*j+3] = 255;
} Angel and Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 7E © Addison-Wesley 2015
Using a GIF image

// specify image in JS file

var image = new Image();

image.onload = function() {
configureTexture( image );
image.src = "SA2011_black.gif”

// or specify image in HTML file with <img> tag

// <img id = "texImage" src = "SA2011_black.gif"></img>

var image = document.getElementById("texImage”)

window.onload = configureTexture( image );
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Mapping a Texture

• Based on parametric texture coordinates

• Specify as a 2D vertex attribute

Texture Space Object Space

t 1, 1 (s, t) = (0.2, 0.8)
0, 1 A

c (0.4, 0.2)
0, 0 1, 0 s (0.8, 0.4)

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Cube Example

var texCoord = [
vec2(0, 0),
vec2(0, 1),
vec2(1, 1),
vec2(1, 0)

function quad(a, b, c, d) {

// etc 63
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WebGL uses interpolation to find proper texels

from specified texture coordinates
Can be distortions texture stretched
over trapezoid
good selection poor selection showing effects of
of tex coordinates of tex coordinates bilinear interpolation

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Introduction to Computer
Graphics with WebGL

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
Founding Director, Arts, Research,
Technology and Science Laboratory
University of New Mexico

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WebGL Texture Mapping II

Ed Angel
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
University of New Mexico

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• Introduce the WebGL texture functions

and options
- texture objects
- texture parameters
- example code

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Using Texture Objects

1. specify textures in texture objects

2. set texture filter
3. set texture function
4. set texture wrap mode
5. set optional perspective correction hint
6. bind texture object
7. enable texturing
8. supply texture coordinates for vertex
- coordinates can also be generated

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Texture Parameters

• WebGL has a variety of parameters that

determine how texture is applied
- Wrapping parameters determine what happens
if s and t are outside the (0,1) range
- Filter modes allow us to use area averaging
instead of point samples
- Mipmapping allows us to use textures at
multiple resolutions
- Environment parameters determine how texture
mapping interacts with shading
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Wrapping Mode

Clamping: if s,t > 1 use 1, if s,t <0 use 0

Wrapping: use s,t modulo 1
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D,

texture wrapping wrapping
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Magnification and
More than one texel can cover a pixel (minification) or
more than one pixel can cover a texel (magnification)

Can use point sampling (nearest texel) or linear filtering

( 2 x 2 filter) to obtain texture values

Texture Polygon Texture Polygon

Magnification Minification

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Filter Modes

Modes determined by
gl.texParameteri( target, type, mode )

gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXURE_MAG_FILTER,

gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXURE_MIN_FILTER,

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Mipmapped Textures

• Mipmapping allows for prefiltered texture

maps of decreasing resolutions
• Lessens interpolation errors for smaller
textured objects
• Declare mipmap level during texture definition
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_*D, level, … )

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point linear
sampling filtering

mipmapped mipmapped
point linear
sampling filtering

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Applying Textures

• Texture can be applied in many ways

- texture fully determines color
- modulated with a computed color
- blended with and environmental color
• Fixed function pipeline has a function glTexEnv
to set mode
- deprecated
- can get all desired functionality via fragment shader
• Can also use multiple texture units

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Other Texture Features

• Environment Maps
- Start with image of environment through a wide
angle lens
• Can be either a real scanned image or an image created in
- Use this texture to generate a spherical map
- Alternative is to use a cube map
• Multitexturing
- Apply a sequence of textures through cascaded
texture units
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Applying Textures

• Textures are applied during fragments shading

by a sampler
• Samplers return a texture color from a texture
varying vec4 color; //color from rasterizer
varying vec2 texCoord; //texture coordinate from rasterizer
uniform sampler2D texture; //texture object from application

void main() {
gl_FragColor = color * texture2D( texture, texCoord );
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Vertex Shader

• Usually vertex shader will output texture

coordinates to be rasterized
• Must do all other standard tasks too
- Compute vertex position
- Compute vertex color if needed
attribute vec4 vPosition; //vertex position in object coordinates
attribute vec4 vColor; //vertex color from application
attribute vec2 vTexCoord; //texture coordinate from application

varying vec4 color; //output color to be interpolated

varying vec2 texCoord; //output tex coordinate to be interpolated
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A Checkerboard Image

var image1 = new Uint8Array(4*texSize*texSize);

for ( var i = 0; i < texSize; i++ ) {
for ( var j = 0; j <texSize; j++ ) {
var patchx = Math.floor(i/(texSize/numChecks));
var patchy = Math.floor(j/(texSize/numChecks));
if(patchx%2 ^ patchy%2) c = 255;
else c = 0;
//c = 255*(((i & 0x8) == 0) ^ ((j & 0x8) == 0))
image1[4*i*texSize+4*j] = c;
image1[4*i*texSize+4*j+1] = c;
image1[4*i*texSize+4*j+2] = c;
image1[4*i*texSize+4*j+3] = 255;
} Angel and Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 7E © Addison-Wesley 2015
Cube Example

var texCoord = [
vec2(0, 0),
vec2(0, 1),
vec2(1, 1),
vec2(1, 0)

function quad(a, b, c, d) {

// etc 80
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Texture Object

function configureTexture( image ) {

var texture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture );
gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGB,
gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image );
gl.generateMipmap( gl.TEXTURE_2D );
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER,
gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER,
gl.uniform1i(gl.getUniformLocation(program, "texture"), 0);
} Angel and Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 7E © Addison-Wesley 2015
Linking with Shaders

var vTexCoord = gl.getAttribLocation( program, "vTexCoord" );

gl.enableVertexAttribArray( vTexCoord );
gl.vertexAttribPointer( vTexCoord, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

// Set the value of the fragment shader texture sampler variable

// ("texture") to the the appropriate texture unit. In this case,
// zero for GL_TEXTURE0 which was previously set by calling
// gl.activeTexture().

gl.uniform1i( glGetUniformLocation(program, "texture"), 0 );

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