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Advantages of twin rudder system with asymmetric wing section aside a


Article  in  Journal of Marine Science and Technology · December 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s00773-015-0352-z


5 105

3 authors, including:

Noriyuki Sasaki Mehmet Atlar

Monohakobi Technology Institute NYK Group) University of Strathclyde


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J Mar Sci Technol
DOI 10.1007/s00773-015-0352-z


Advantages of twin rudder system with asymmetric wing section

aside a propeller
The new hull form with twin rudders utilizing duct effects

Noriyuki Sasaki1 • Mehmet Atlar1 • Sadatomo Kuribayashi2

Received: 13 July 2015 / Accepted: 28 October 2015

Ó The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract This study presents a new twin rudder system difficult to evaluate. This has been also the case for many
with asymmetric wing section, aside a propeller, as a new energy saving devices (ESD) for ships when they were first
category energy saving device (ESD) for ships. The energy invented and fitted on ships based on completely new ideas
saving principle of the new ESD, which is called ‘‘Gate without paying much attention to their simplicity and user
rudder’’, is described and its applicability on a large bulk friendliness.
carrier is explored using experimental and numerical Costing of a new device can be estimated in two cate-
methods. The study makes emphasis on the cost-effec- gories: (a) Pre-installation costs; (b) Post-installation costs.
tiveness of the proposed ESD and presents a potential The former includes the fees for design, manufacture and
energy saving up to 7–8 % with the new device as well as installation while the latter is the maintenance fees of the
an attractive return investment in 0.37–0.9 year. These device during its service life. If the new ESD requires
estimations are based on the conventional powering additional instrumentation or power, the cost estimation is
methods, whereas the accuracy of the ESD design method not so easy and the ship owner may require compensation
is confirmed by model test measurements. for the risk of unexpected accidents before making com-
mitment to its installation. The post-installation costs also
Keywords Twin rudder  Gate rudder  Duct effect  strongly depend on other factors including ship type, size,
ESD  Maneuverability navigation route and number of crew.
In this paper, a new ESD, which is known to be ‘‘gate
rudder’’, is introduced for a conventional bulk carrier and
1 Introduction its applicability and economic evaluation are investigated.
The evaluation is conducted in technical and economical
Increased ship energy efficiency is paramount in mitigating sense because, although the new ESD is based on a simple
CO2 emissions from shipping. Consequently, substantial technical ground, it has many other aspects to evaluate
amount of energy saving measures has been proposed but after the installation including its cost of return that is most
so far only cost-effective proposals have been able to important.
survive. Based on this fact, before elaborating on the cost- Conventional ESDs can be categorized as in the fol-
effectiveness of an energy saving measure, one may ask lowing two groups or combination of them based on their
what is the cost-effectiveness and how it can be justified. energy saving principles:
Within the framework of an energy saving system, it is a
(1) Recovery of propeller rotational losses by fins which
fact that more complex of an energy saving system is, more
are placed in front or after a propeller (i.e., pre- or
post-swirl devices).
& Noriyuki Sasaki (2) Recovery of viscous resistance losses by ducts or fins
noriyuki.sasaki@ncl.ac.uk which are placed in front of a propeller so as to
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK generate (an improve) the thrust (i.e., flow improve-
2 ment or wake equalizing device).
Kuribayashi Steam Ship Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

J Mar Sci Technol

2 Conventional ESDs very cost effective and the performance was much
improved from the beginning as reported by many ship-
Figure 1 presents a summary of many different types of building companies [6, 7]. Therefore, many types of hori-
ESDs since 1980s to today. Around 1980, already two zontal fins have been applied to the actual vessels.
types of ESDs were invented in Japan. First one is the Sumitomo integrated lammeren duct (SILD) is a first ESD
reaction fin of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries [1] which which combined two concepts [group (1) and group (2)] and
belongs to group (1). Second one is SAF [2] (Sumitomo installed on a VLCC [8]. Inside a circular duct, twisted fore
Arched Fin) of Sumitomo Heavy Industries which belongs stators were installed to produce a swirling flow of opposite
to group (2). The purpose of using reaction fin is to recover direction to the propeller rotation. The performance of this
propeller rotational losses by pre-swirl fins in front of a ducted system strongly depends on the stern shape and it
propeller. In that the key issue is to design and place the seems that a vessel with the stern bulb is likely to save fuel
fins so as not to generate the excess resistance or to gen- more than V-shaped stern or a stern with a sole piece.
erate the thrust. Sumitomo Arched Fin (SAF) was invented Rudder bulb system (RBS) [9] is another type of ESD
and installed on a large tanker in the beginning of 1980s to belonging to group (1). RBS can recover propeller rotational
improve the flow field around the propeller and conse- energy losses by fins and it can reduce a rudder resistance by
quently to improve the propulsion factors without spoiling regulating a flow around the rudder leading edge. Although
the ship resistance by the arched fin. In this concept, the it does not appear in Fig. 1, propeller boss cap fin (PBCF)
key issue is also to design the fin so as to generate thrust by [10] is another ESD working based on the same mechanism.
accelerating the flow at the under part of the fin. This semi- However, the effect is limited because it is fitted onto the
circular fin can be regarded as part of a duct and based on small propeller boss cap. Similarly, although, there is no
the similar concept several ducts were invented such as photo of contra-rotating propeller (CRP) in Fig. 1, it is the
WED, SSD, SILD, Mewis duct and weather adopted duct most well-known propulsor type belongs to group (1).
(WAD). The first complete small duct in front of a pro- As one can see in Fig. 1, most ESDs can be included
peller was the wake equalizing duct (WED) [3] which was either in group (1) or group (2) or their combination. In the
applied on many vessels because of its simplicity. The meantime, there are three ESDs which are also included in
most sophisticated duct of this type is super stream duct Fig. 1 and considered saving energy based on somehow
(SSD) [4, 5] which can minimize the resistance of the duct different principles. Amongst them STEP was invented at
itself using a wing shape ring (duct). NMRI and it is installed on the bow to reduce wave
Next unique ESD is down flow preventing fin (DPF) of resistance due to severe weather conditions [11]. There-
Sumitomo Heavy Industries which was installed on a fore, the energy saving can be observed only for the
VLCC in 1990. The aim of the fin is to increase the pres- weather conditions higher than BF5 (wave height[2 m). It
sure distribution at the end of stern and reduce swirling can be said that WAD belongs to the same category to
flow of the same direction as the propeller rotation by STEP in the aspect of energy saving. For this device, the
obstructing the flow by the horizontal fin. This type of fin is focus is on the actual sea conditions instead of calm sea

Fig. 1 Typical ESDs from

1980 to today

J Mar Sci Technol

condition such as during trials. WAD is almost the half size ESDs under the dotted line were invented by the Principal
of a conventional duct type WSD; however, it will increase Author of this paper, including the twin rudder system with
the performance at actual sea conditions [12]. asymmetric section which is described in the next.
One should bear in mind that, depending on the location
of an ESD before or after the propeller, the flow at the
propeller plane can be affected adversely and consequently 3 Twin rudder system with asymmetric section
the propeller may have a risk of cavitation and noise
problem. This risk will be increased if one prefers to obtain Amongst so many different types of ESDs in the market,
higher propulsive efficiency by enlarging the characteristic the twin rudder system (gate rudder) proposed in this paper
length or diameter of the ESD(s). Finally, in Fig. 1, the is quite different from the existing ESDs with its
Fig. 2 Typical conventional
rudders [13]

J Mar Sci Technol

Table 1 Principal dimensions symmetric section to improve the flow separation at the
Conventional Gate rudder
stern part of a vessel together with the action of the pro-
peller [14].
Lpp 300 m By applying asymmetric rudder sections with cambers
B 65.0 m towards the ship center and by shifting the rudderpost to an
d 17.9 m appropriate forward position, this new twin rudder system
CB 0.8 begins to show many of the above-listed advantages.
M/E O/P 20,800 kW 9 99 RPM As summarized earlier, the twin rudders proposed here
Prop. dia. 8.5 m have many advantages and it is not easy to evaluate each of
Rudder Conventional Gate rudder them individually since a lot of interrelated synergy effects
can be expected among these advantages.
The Authors have developed a special rudder named
asymmetric cross-section which works on a different ‘‘gate rudder’’ which is shown in Figure as part of one of
principle than the existing types. The major advantage of the projects conducted at National Maritime Research
the gate rudder system stems from the duct effect origi- Institute (NMRI) and it has been confirmed that the
nated from the working propeller. By placing two asym- energy saving of the gate rudder in combination with the
metric rudders at each side of a propeller, the rudders and propeller can be of 6–8 % for the vessel with high block
the propeller are able to function like a ducted propeller. In coefficient or lower L/B ratio. The proposed gate rudder
addition to the increased propulsive efficiency due to the concept can improve the disadvantage of conventional
accelerated duct flow, the rotatable twin rudder system of rudder for maneuverability during port operations such as
the new ESD also provides improved maneuverability, and a berthing. This ability is very essential and important
seakeeping ability. Although these advantages will be especially for small ships operating in the coastal areas
further elaborated in the paper, the following list summa- due to the limited port spaces available and lack of sup-
rizes the advantages of the gate rudder in three categories: port services.
Economical: This disadvantage is further accentuated by the fact that
the rudder system may not be placed in the high velocity
1. higher propulsive efficiency owing to the duct effect
slipstream of the propeller by which the rudder is able to
2. avoiding a torque-rich condition by slight change in
generate a strong lateral force.
rudder angles
This paper will review a recently conducted bulk carrier
3. increase of cargo space by shifting the engine room
project with the gate rudder system and further evaluate
this ESD configuration with a specific emphasis on its
4. reduction of ship length, if necessary, by elimination of
economical evaluation.
a conventional rudder
4 Large bulk carrier project
5. remarkable stopping ability
6. remarkable maneuverability utilizing rotatable twin
4.1 Background
rudders independently
7. remarkable berthing performance (in crabbing mode)
It is a well-known fact that all the conventional rudders
8. reduction of the rolling motion by controlling the
are located behind a propeller to make use of the pro-
rudder angles
peller slipstream effectively to control the ship. If the
Habitability: rudder will not be used as a controlling device, no one
will consider placing the rudder behind the propeller
10. reduction of propeller-induced noise and vibration
because of the larger lateral force and the larger distance
by improved stern flow (i.e., wake equalizing effect)
from the center of ship motion. In addition, a rudder will
11. increased cargo space by shifting the engine room
have further adverse effect on propulsive efficiency and
create vibration and noise resulting from amplified pro-
12. reduction of ship length, if necessary, by elimination
peller cavitation by the displacement effect of the rud-
of a conventional rudder.
der. Moreover, the capacity of the vessel can be reduced
There are many variations of rudder configurations as by the presence of the rudder pushing the engine room
shown in Fig. 2 as summarized by Molland and Turnock of a vessel forward. Therefore, if a rudder can be
[13]. However, the configuration of twin rudders aside of a replaced by another control surface, which has no
propeller is rarely seen except twin rudders with simple adverse effect on the ship functions, many advantages

J Mar Sci Technol




Fig. 5 Calculated horizontal flow angles (w)

Fig. 3 Model gate rudder fitted to ship model

S.S. AP S.S. 1/8 S.S. 1/4

Fig. 6 Rudder design (side view) (a conventional rudder will be

Fig. 4 Stern Flow Calculated by CFD (propeller working condition) removed)

more than we expect will be obtained. Especially in the 4.2 Rudder design
case of high-speed vessels, the resistance of rudder is
relatively high and not negligible. This fact is very Generally speaking, rudders are designed to have minimum
important to consider the alternative control surface areas within an allowable range of maneuverability. They
instead of conventional rudders because the rudder are not designed to keep the optimum attack angles against
position is less important for this kind of vessel com- the stern flow.
pared with vessels with beamy ships. In Fig. 3, the stern of the bulk carrier model, which is
To address at the above issues, it is proposed to remove used for the application of the gate rudder, can be seen
a conventional rudder from its AP position and replace by together with the model gate rudder. The flow field around
two small rudders besides the propeller. By this innovative the various sections of this vessel is computed using a CFD
idea, many of advantages mentioned in the previous code, which is called NEPTUNE developed by NMRI, and
paragraph will be captured. As stated earlier, this new results are presented in Figs. 4 and 5.
rudder configuration has been named as ‘‘gate rudder’’ As shown in Fig. 4 through the computations at Ship
since the top of the rudder configuration has a horizontal Section (S.S.) of AP, 1/8 and 1/4, the rudder works as an
section like a gate and this is introduced partly to connect efficient wing at the design speed including the action of
the two small rudders, and partly to provide a larger helm the propeller. In fact, the acceleration of the propeller is
angle range. Principal dimensions of the subject bulk car- remarkable after S.S. 1/8 indicating that the thickness of
rier are given in Table 1. the boundary layer at S.S. 1/4 is narrowed by the

J Mar Sci Technol



Fig. 9 Aft view of gate rudder

Fig. 7 Rudder design (plan view) Z top

TGR ¼ ½LðzÞ cos wðzÞ  DðzÞ sin w ðzÞ dz  RSFT
where RSFT indicates the resistance of the rudder stocks
which are exposed to the flow and this is relatively large
compared with the resistance of the conventional rudder
stock because the flow velocity at the gate rudder is almost
equal to the ship speed. L and D represent the lift and drag,
respectively, and described as in Eqs. 2 and 3:
LðzÞ ¼ qV 2  CL ðzÞ  cðzÞ ð2Þ
Fig. 8 Span-wise non-dimensional rudder thrust (Tgr/Tgr_max) DðzÞ ¼ qV 2  CD ðzÞ  cðzÞ ð3Þ
propeller’s action. Figure 5 shows the flow angles defined V  ¼ VX2 þ VY2 ð4Þ
by Eq. 5 which are calculated based on Fig. 4. The maxi-  
mum flow angles can be seen at z/Lpp = -0.035 (7.4 m VY
w ¼ tan1 ð5Þ
The comparison of the propulsive power of the vessel where lift coefficient (CL) and drag coefficient (CD) are
with the gate rudder and conventional rudder was made and given in Eqs. 6 and 7
it was found that the power saving by the gate rudder over
the conventional type was 5–6 %. k
CL ðzÞ ¼ 2p sinðw  a0 Þ ð6Þ
Figures 6 and 7 show the side and plan views of the 2:2 þ k
vessel with the gate rudder. As shown in these figures, one    
tðzÞ tðzÞ 2
can easily configure that the rudder will work as an effi- CD ðzÞ ¼ 2  CF  1 þ þ þ CDi ð7Þ
cðzÞ cðzÞ
cient wing section. To investigate the mechanism of the
power saving by a gate rudder, measurement of three CL2
CDi ¼ j ð8Þ
components of the rudder forces (moment) and CFD cal- pk
culations were made. According to the blade element the- Figure 7 can help for understanding the direction of the
ory, and by neglecting the induced velocity from the each flow and force components in the above descriptions.
wing section, the rudder forces and moment was calculated In a gate rudder configuration, the rudder sections and
and compared later with the experiments. their nose to tail line directions are the most important
The calculation of a gate rudder thrust (TGR ) can be design parameters. Before making the model of the gate
made based on Eq. 1 rudder, one should pay attention to the flow field around

J Mar Sci Technol

Table 2 Predicted rudder thrust by Eq. 1

Zm Cm tmax a V* CL Rn CF t/c CD?Cdi Fx/m FRX(z) FRY(z)

0.260 0.120 0.0168 16.87 0.444771 1.604723 3.948E?05 2.112E-03 0.1400 0.2088 0.453 0.812 1.906
0.240 0.114 0.01593 15.41 0.536318 1.469325 4.522E?05 1.973E-03 0.1397 0.1786 0.531 0.952 2.418
0.220 0.108 0.01506 13.95 0.618163 1.332972 4.938E?05 1.888E-03 0.1394 0.1510 0.558 1.000 2.768
0.200 0.102 0.01419 12.49 0.690306 1.195752 5.208E?05 1.839E-03 0.1391 0.1259 0.537 0.963 2.932
0.180 0.096 0.01332 11.03 0.752746 1.057756 5.345E?05 1.815E-03 0.1388 0.1035 0.479 0.858 2.909
0.160 0.090 0.01245 9.57 0.805484 0.919072 5.362E?05 1.812E-03 0.1383 0.0838 0.395 0.709 2.720
0.140 0.084 0.01158 8.11 0.84852 0.779791 5.272E?05 1.828E-03 0.1379 0.0667 0.299 0.537 2.395
0.120 0.078 0.01071 6.65 0.881854 0.640003 5.088E?05 1.860E-03 0.1373 0.0524 0.203 0.364 1.976
0.100 0.072 0.00984 5.19 0.905485 0.4998 4.822E?05 1.911E-03 0.1367 0.0409 0.116 0.208 1.505
0.080 0.066 0.00897 3.73 0.919414 0.359271 4.488E?05 1.981E-03 0.1359 0.0322 0.045 0.081 1.025
0.060 0.060 0.0081 2.26 0.92364 0.218509 4.099E?05 2.073E-03 0.1350 0.0263 -0.007 -0.013 0.575
Mean 3.91 Deg. 0.097 0.072 0.463
Dsht -0.005 kgf
Rudder thrust 0.068 kgf

Table 3 Powering table of large bulk carrier with a conventional rudder

J Mar Sci Technol

bulk carrier model with a gate rudder configuration by

shifting the AP position further forward without any
change of the stern form as shown in Fig. 9.
Table 3 shows the tank test results and Fig. 10 is the
power curves obtained based on these results.

4.4 Powering and fuel consumption analysis

The power saving analysis of a ship with a new ESD

device is one of the most difficult tasks for naval
architects because the precise powering mostly depends
on the available (co-relation or correlation) data
between the model test and sea trial results of sister
vessels or similar vessels. It is a well-known fact that
Gate Rudder the model test results can vary with the model basin if
there is no standard procedure which is discussed and
authorized among the towing tank facilities of the
world. However, shipyards have been conducted the
model tests based on their own standards which are not
the same as other model basins. This is one of the main
reasons why each shipyard has its own correlation
Fig. 10 Power savings by gate rudder SRC is the largest commercial tank in Japan and
they have a long history for model testing and pow-
the rudder. In this study, the flow field was investigated ering based on their know-how. Regarding the ship
using CFD (NEPTUNE) at each section of the gate rud- with a gate rudder, there might be a risk of error for
der. The information on the normalized velocity, hori- powering prediction because of the lack of correlation
zontal flow angles and rudder thrust obtained based on the between the model test and full-scale data. Therefore,
above described method are shown in Fig. 8. This was the SRC has been selected for this study as a reliable
followed by the design of each section in line with the model basin for model testing and powering. The
optimum attack angle for specific horizontal position. powering was made based on their routine as shown in
Table 2 summarizes further details of the design calcu- Eq. 11;
lations including rudder forces FRX;Y of the model based EHP
on Eqs. 1–8. In the same table, Fx and Fy are calculated DHP ¼ ; EHP ¼ R  VS ð11Þ
by Eqs. 9 and 10
FRX ðzÞ ¼ LðzÞ sin wðzÞ  DðzÞ cos wðzÞ ð9Þ R ¼ CT qVS2 SW ; CT ¼ ð1 þ kÞCF þ CW þ DCF
FRY ðzÞ ¼ LðzÞ cos wðzÞ þ DðzÞ sin wðzÞ ð10Þ 1t
gD ¼ gg
1w 0 R

4.3 Resistance and propulsion tests The powering method is very close to the ITTC proce-
dure except for the friction line and correlation factors,
The model test of a gate rudder was conducted at the large which are obtained by analyzing many sea trial results as
towing tank of NMRI with a 6 m long bulk carrier model. well as the information obtained from many shipyards
The NMRI tank is one of the largest towing tanks in the using the same procedure.
world (length = 400 m, width = 18 m, depth = 8 m) and Based on the power estimation described above, the fuel
it is being used for various model tests including very large consumption of both vessels was calculated using the
crude oil carriers and super high-speed vessels. Continuous Eq. 12,
upgrading of this facility since 2001 has been enhancing its FOC ðton/dayÞ¼ 24 FOCR ðg/kW/hÞ BHP/106 ð12Þ
capability to perform model tests under the conditions
BHP ¼ DHP =gt
closer to actual sea states.
The ship model with the gate rudder was obtained by where FOCR and gt is fuel consumption rate and trans-
simply replacing the conventional rudder of an existing mission efficiency, respectively.

J Mar Sci Technol

Table 4 Powering table of large bulk carrier with a gate rudder

For a realistic marine engine, 200 g/kw/h and 0.99 were rudders. To investigate the reason for this 7–8 %
used for the above parameters, respectively. The FOC power reduction, the rudder forces and moment were
reflects BHP directly and the power difference of both measured for the vessel with fitted with the gate
vessels is around 7–8 %. rudder.
The detailed calculation of powering can be seen in The FRX(cal), FRY(cal) and N(cal) that appeared in
Tables 3 and 4. Fig. 11 was calculated by Eqs. 13–15, respectively.
Z top Z top
4.5 Rudder thrust measurements FRX ðcalÞ ¼ FRX ðzÞ port
dz þ FRX ðzÞstarbord dz
bottom bottom
As the power curves show a 7–8 % difference between  RSFT
two vessels, it is very clear that the new rudder system ð13Þ
has different characteristics from the conventional

J Mar Sci Technol

FRX, FRY (kgf) N (kgf-m) where l is a center of effort at each rudder section and
given by Eq. 16.
l ¼ ðXRP =CmðzÞ  0:35Þ  CmðzÞ ð16Þ
XRP is the distance of rudder post from the leading edge
N(cal) of each section.
It was found that the direction of FRY is inward and
Frx(cal) toward to ship centerline. Therefore, total force of FRY
received by the vessel is negligibly small.
As shown in Fig. 12, thrust of the gate rudder amounts
Vm (m/s) to 6 % of the ship resistance. This implies that the power
saving of the gate rudder is coming from mainly this rudder
Fig. 11 Comparison of calculations and measurements for rudder thrust because the thrust of the conventional rudder is
forces negative (i.e., resistance).

4.6 Cost-effectiveness

At the beginning of the paper, it has been stated that the

cost-effectiveness is very important for the new ESD.
The cost estimation was made based on the previous
study. Following assumptions were made for the
1. The vessel will be built as a new ship
2. Energy saving by the gate rudder will be between 3
and 8 % depending on ship fullness
3. Bunker oil price is assumed as 0.333 k$/ton
4. Two small rudders will be installed replacing a large
conventional rudder
5. One additional rudder is considered for cost wise
Fig. 12 Gate rudder thrust (%) for hull resistance 6. The cost of rudder is estimated based on 3.75 k$/ton
7. The cost of steering gear is estimated based on
0.67 k$/ton-m
Z top Z top 8. The cost of upgrading of the software for the new
FRY ðcalÞ ¼ FRY ðzÞ dz  FRY ðzÞstarbord dz system was estimated as 25 % of hardware.
bottom bottom
ð14Þ As shown in Table 5, the return of investment (ROI) is
Z top 0.37–0.90 which indicates a period of return, less than a
N port ðcalÞ ¼ FRX ðzÞport dz  lport dz year. These figures may vary depending on oil price,
Z top ð15Þ shipyards standard. However, the range of the fluctuations
N starbord
ðcalÞ ¼ FRX ðzÞstarbord dz  lstarbord dz will be around 10 % and the ROI of the gate rudder will be
bottom still attractive.

J Mar Sci Technol

Table 5 ROI calculation of gate rudder

Lpp B d CB/(L/B) M/E Output 70% SFO ton/day days ton/year

CAPE 300 50 18.3 0.145 18000 12600 180 54 300 16,330
COAL 223 50 13.45 0.173 11760 8232 180 36 300 10,669
PANAMAX 225 32.2 14 0.125 11000 7700 180 33 280 9,314
HANDY 180 30 12.2 0.133 8000 5600 180 24 280 6,774
VLCC 320 60 20.8 0.156 28000 19600 180 85 300 25,402
AFRA 230 42 14 0.150 12000 8400 180 36 300 10,886

Additional Contruction

Rudder Area Rudder Weight Cost of Rudder St. Gear Capa Cost of St. G
m**2 ton k$ ton-m k$
CAPE 46 35 130 75 50
COAL 25 16 58 30 20
PANAMAX 26 17 62 32 22
HANDY 18 11 40 19 13
VLCC 55 46 171 102 68
AFRA 27 17 64 33 22

Power Save FO save FO Save Rudder ST. GEAR System DOCK Total Cost Up ROI(year)
% ton/year K$/year k$ k$ k$ k$ k$
CAPE 5.3 868 289 130 50 45 0 225 0.78
COAL 7.4 793 264 58 20 20 0 98 0.37
PANAMAX 3.7 349 116 62 22 21 0 104 0.90
HANDY BC 4.4 300 100 40 13 13 0 66 0.66
VLCC OIL 6.1 1,557 519 171 68 60 0 299 0.58
AFRA OIL 5.7 618 206 64 22 21 0 107 0.52

5 Conclusion 5. The maneuverability and cavitation risks should be

studied as a further work.
A new twin rudder system, which is named as ‘‘gate rud-
der’’ and working on different principles than the current Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the
ESDs, has been introduced as a new category of ESD. This Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://crea
study described the energy saving principles of the new tivecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give
device and evaluated its applicability on a large bulk car-
appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a
rier using experimental and numerical methods. The study link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were
also evaluated the cost-effectiveness of the proposed ESD. made.
Based on the investigations, it was found that:
1. The new twin rudder system has the potential of References
energy savings up to 7–8 %.
1. Takekuma K, Kawamura A, Kawaguchi N, Tsuda S (1981)
2. The accuracy of the design method for the new rudder Development of reaction fin as a device for improvement of
system was confirmed by model tests and measuring propulsive performance of high block coefficient ships. JAS-
the rudder thrust during the self-propulsion condition. NAOE 150:343–360
2. Sasaki N, Nagamatsu S (1985) Development of the energy saving
3. The return of investment of the new system based on
appendage for full ships. Sumitomo Tech Rev Rev 33:40–46
the conventional powering estimation procedures can 3. Schneekluth H (1986) Wake equalising ducts. The Naval
be as attractive as 0.37–0.9 year. Architect, London
4. The powering method used to evaluate the new ESD 4. Kitazawa T, Hikino M, Fujimoto T, Ueda K (1982) Increase in
the propulsive efficiency of a ship by a nozzle installed just in
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