100 Technology Facts
100 Technology Facts
100 Technology Facts
So without further ado, here are the top 100 surprising technology facts that you
(probably) didn’t know!
Surprisingly, the cute furry creature in the logo is actually a red panda!
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You read that right, instead of mowing their lawn, Google rents goats to eat the
grass at their Mountain View headquarters.
A herder will bring 200 goats which are herded by a border collie named Jen.
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#12 / Credit card chips have been around for a LONG time.
To many, credit card chips are a relatively new fad. However, the chip technology has
been around since 1986!
It was first used in France, followed shortly after by Germany.
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Even though it is free to use GPS globally, it costs $2 million dollars to operate every
This money comes from American tax revenue.
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#23 / The first alarm clock could only ring at one time.
Literally, one time! The first mechanical alarm clock could only ring at 4 a.m.
invented by Levi Hutchins in 1787.
It wasn’t until 1876 that a wind-up alarm clock was made that could be set for any
To celebrate Computer Security Day is easy, and important – check your privacy
settings on Facebook, change your passwords to something stronger.
You can also read the latest technology facts and make sure your data stored on your
phone, or in the cloud is secure.
#25 / The government used PlayStation 3’s… but not for gaming.
In 2010, the United States Air Force used 1,760 PlayStation 3 consoles to build a
supercomputer for the Department of Defense.
They used PS3’s because it was more cost efficient and “green.”
#26 / The first online gaming was before the year 2000.
Sega Dreamcast was the first 128-bit console to hit the market.
Released in 1999, it was the first console that allowed real-time online play.
Unfortunately it was a little too early for it’s time, as back then, most internet
connections were not reliable enough.
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Mainly, these customers live in rural America where it can be expensive and
unreliable to get high-speed internet.
Meanwhile, dial up is only $20 per month.
Bonus Bonus Fact: When Snapchat first launched in 2011, it was named
It wasn’t renamed to what we know as Snapchat until 2012.
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It is said to have orbited Earth 3,000 times and was later auctioned for $1,220.
When FIFA 2001 was released in 2000, they used Scratch and Sniff technology
on their discs so it smelled like football stadium turf.
#41 / There’s a name for when you feel your phone vibrate… but
it doesn’t.
This is my favorite tech fact on this list!
“Phantom Vibration Syndrome” is the name for when someone thinks their phone is
vibrating, but it isn’t.
Research suggests the cause for this is someone being over-involved with their phone.
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Alexa was the 32nd most popular name for girls born in 2015, but dropped to 90th
place in 2018.
#46 / The first cell phone call was in New York City.
In 1973, the first ever mobile phone call was made by Martin Cooper, an employee of
Motorola, made from the streets of New York City.
It wasn’t until 19 years later when Neil Papworth sent the first SMS message, which
brings us onto our next tech fact:
#48 / Over 6,000 new computer viruses are created and released
every month.
This number has drastically risen since 1990, at which point there were only 50
known computer viruses.
Today, 90% of emails contain some form of malware and most people don’t know
about it.
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#55 / The Apple Lisa was the first commercial computer with a
Graphical User Interface (GUI) and a mouse.
Before The Apple Lisa, all computers were text-based, meaning you had to type out
commands from a keyboard.
The name “Lisa” stands for “Logical Integrated Software Architecture”.
Lisa was also the name of Steve Job’s daughter.
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#62 / Kids that are on social media for 1 hour a day have less
chance of being happy.
This is probably not much of a surprise, but studies have shown that the more time
kids spend on social media, the less likely they are to be happy with their overall life
by 14%.
By comparison, this is three times higher than the effects of living in a single-parent
While we’re on the subject of keyboards and typing, did you know that on a typical
work day, a typists’ fingers will “travel” about 12.6 miles.
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That page is still up and functioning at info.cern.ch though don’t expect much.
There’s no graphics and no background, just plain text and links on how to use the
#69 / The passwords for the nuclear missiles were just a string of
Although the Air Force denies this, one Air Force launch officer, Bruce Blair, says
they’re lying.
And what government would want to admit to something that silly?
For 20 years, the password was eight zero’s all in a row – and it was written down so
nobody forgot.
The world spends about 164 million hours every day streaming Netflix, which is
equivalent to 18,812 years’ worth of TV and movies every 24 hours.
Now my binge-watching habits don’t seem so bad!
If you’re enjoying these technology facts so far, you may also like to know about the
Netflix & Chill button.
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#73 / There’s a term for old people who use the internet.
Seniors who are over 50 and use the internet on a regular basis are rare these days.
So rare in fact, there’s a term for it – Silver Surfers.
#76 / Until 2010, carrier pigeons were faster than the internet.
When comparing upload speeds, a test was done to fly a carrier pigeon with a USB
stick 50 miles to an internet provider, while racing against an internet upload.
The pigeon made it in just over an hour, while the upload took over two hours.
#77 / The first photo ever uploaded to the internet was a comedy
A four piece all-female parody pop group lays claim to being in the first photo to ever
be uploaded to the internet.
The group, called “Les Horribles Cernettes,” were colleagues with Tim Berners-Lee,
the inventor of the World Wide Web.
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He asked them for some scanned photos of their band so he could publish them
online, and history was made!
#78 / Every advertisement for iPhone’s have 9:41 set as the time.
This is because in 2007, Steve Jobs first announced the iPhone at that time.
The 41 minute presentation leading up to the reveal of the first iPhone was planned
And the first photo of the iPhone showed the time 9:41, at exactly 9:41am.
#80 / An average 21 year old has spent 5,000 hours playing video
These days, by 21 you’ll have also sent 250,000 emails and texts, and spent 10,000
hours in a cell phone.
That’s a lot of time!
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Even though some artificial intelligence can get through CATCHPA, it’s still useful in
blocking some bots.
#84 / The three most common passwords are also the weakest.
The top three most used passwords are 123456, password, and 12345.
Definitely don’t use any of those next time you need a password change!
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It can predict heart attacks up to four hours before they happened – with 80%
#93 / The average Facebook user has less than 200 friends.
Slightly over 40% of people on Facebook have between 0-200 friends.
The close second clocks in at 38% of Facebook users having 200-500 friends.
Even less, 20% of users have over 500 friends on Facebook.
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The first virus ever released into the wild was called Brain, which also wasn’t
However it was the very first IBM PC virus.
We’ve come to the end of these 100 technology facts, did you learn something new?
We certainly did!
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