A 9-Card Print&Play Solo Game: Tomáš "Uhlík" Uhlíř
A 9-Card Print&Play Solo Game: Tomáš "Uhlík" Uhlíř
A 9-Card Print&Play Solo Game: Tomáš "Uhlík" Uhlíř
Set up 7 cards above each other to form MOTHERSHIP
a continuous image (See the picture on the right.)
2 Set the card with the energy and research tracks
where you can easily reach it.
2 RESOLVE ROOMS Unlike the other rooms, this effect
applies as soon as you place the die:
When you move enemy ships in this
column, they move one space less.
Once you’ve placed all five dice, resolve them one
If you place a 1 here, the enemy ships
at a time in any order you choose. After resolving
don’t move.
a die, set it aside.
Add the die value to your current
energy. If the total is more than 7, set
To be able to use a room’s effect, you have to energy to 7.
spend the indicated amount of energy. If you don’t
Shoot down all enemy ships
have enough energy or you don’t want to spend it,
on explosion spaces that have
remove the die with no effect.
a number less than or equal to
Effects are explained on the right. your die value. Put the shot-down
The strength of the effect depends on the value of ships on the mothership card (to be
the die (the higher, the better). respawned later).
If the room has a modifier above it, the modifier Advance on the research track. To
applies to the die when you resolve the room’s effect. advance to the next space, the die
However, enemy ships descend according to the value must be greater than or equal
die’s unmodified value. to the value shown on that space.
A room with multiple spaces can be used only if You can advance multiple spaces if
every space has a die. All of the room’s effects are the value is at least as high as their
resolved with the value indicated by the sum of the sum. (To move through space 3 and
dice in the room. If the room has a modifier, apply land on 1, you need a 4 or higher.)
it only once. Construct a robot. Take a blue die
and set it to the value of this room.
modifier Place the blue die in any un- occupied
space of any excavated room. This
blue die becomes a robot.
A robot can be used just like any
other die during the Resolve Rooms
step, once per round, except during
You need to spend 3 energy and place two the round in which it was placed.
dice on this room to be able to use its effect. After use, the robot remains on the
In the example above, the total value is four board – decrease its value by 1,
(1 + 6 – 3 = 4) so you would resolve both effects and rotate it 45° to show it has been
with this value. used. (Rotate it back at the end of the
round.) You can choose not to use the
MOVING THE EXCAVATOR: die, in which case it remains on the
board and keeps its value. If you use
A die can be placed on a not-yet-accessible space to
a robot that is already a 1, remove it
move the excavator.
instead of decreasing it.
The die value has to be the same or higher than
When placing dice, you still place
the length of the route from the excavator to the
one die in each column, ignoring
die and moving the excavator always costs one
the robot dice. You can choose to
energy, regardless of the number of spaces it moves.
remove a robot at any time. Robots
So if you spend one energy and the die value is high never move enemy ships.
enough, replace the die with the excavator token,
otherwise only remove the die.
To move the excavator ahead 4 spaces, you
place a 4, 5, or 6 on the space the excavator
moves to. Note that you can place the die even
on a tunnel space. Next round, you will be able
(1) The mothership effect places a red ship on
to use the newly excavated rooms.
the mothership card. (2) When the mothership
moves, the green ship in the top row returns
to the mothership card. (3) The leftmost and
You can lose the game in two ways, either when
the mothership descends to cover the skull symbol,
or when your damage marker moves to the skull
symbol on your base.
You win if you get the research marker to the last
space of the research track.
Based on the successful PnP version,
CGE is releasing Under Falling Skies this
year with lots of great new content:
• New graphics
• Cool miniatures
• Campaign mode
• 20+ unique cities
• Game-changing missions
Illustrated by
Kwanchai Moriya