Zaytonat El Morgan Field
Zaytonat El Morgan Field
Zaytonat El Morgan Field
.El-Morgan Field is located in the southern part of the Gulf of Suez
Exploration history
.The lithology of the horizon was Miocene Evaporates & Pre-Miocene
The first structure which found was anticline about 7Kms long and 3Kms wide with maximum
.closure of about 700ft with number of faults
In April 1965, El-Tor_1( Morgan_1 ) was suspended as an oil discovery in two formation in the
Miocene Evaporates .At a depth of 5100ft subsea near the base of the Miocene Evaporates , oil-
bearing sands were encountered in The Hammam Faraun Member of the Belayim Formation , and
.at 5600ft subsea a thick development of oil-bearing Kareem sands was found
As a result of oil discovery, " GUPCO " was formed as an operating company for the two partners
." EGPC " and Pan American Oil Company to conduct the rest of Exploration
North Morgan and South Morgan are separated by an erosional channel cut into The Kareem
Formation and infilled with a thick section of Baba Evaporates. Water injection began in south
.Morgan in 1974 to supplement influx from the aquifer
Using CEP-Demult processing has greatly improved seismic resolution across the field allowing the
seismic definition of stratigraphic thicknesses of 65 to 105 ft and faults with vertical throw as small
.as 50 ft, More development wells were drilled
Structure & tectonic history
North and South Morgan are elongated, NW-SE trending faulted anticlines separated by a saddle or
trough . the trough is an erosional channel cut into the Kareem Formation and infilled with a thick
.Baba Member evaporates ( predominantly salt )
North Morgan is a NW-SE trending anticline with about 235 ft of closure at the top of the Belayim
level. The structure is bounded to the east along its crest by a clysmic-oriented ( NW-SE ), down to
the NE, normal fault. This fault is generally referred to as the "B"fault and has a maximum throw of
The fault "B" is also defines the eastern limit of South Morgan. Throw on the "B" fault in South
Morgan is 1300ft. The western limit of the South Morgan structure is controlled by a NE-SW
.oriented, down to the SW normal fault referred to as fault "X" with maximum throw of about 400ft
Stratigraphy and depositional history
Lithologically, the Kareem reservoirs are composed of immature arkosic sands with fine to coarse
interstitial dolomite and sandy dolostones .
Unit A is the uppermost sequence and is composed of fine-grained , very dolomitic sands. The
depositional environment for Unit A has been interpreted as intertidal to subtidal.
Unit B unconformity underlies unit A and is composed of dolomitic sands and siltstones. The unit B
erosional features are in field with Belayim Evaporates with thickened salt bodies.Unconformity
overlying the Kareem Formation is the Belayim.
The Belayim Formation is divided into four members in the area.
1-The Hammam Faraun member is upper most productive unit.The Hammam Faraun is generally
composed of sands with interbedded dolomitic silts and shales .
2-The Feiran member is the uppermost evaporate sequence and is composed of anhydrite and salt
with thin interbedded shales. Thick zones containing abundant salt trend along the west and south
west flanks of North Morgan and SW flank of Badri marking the infilling of underlying lows.
3-The Sidiri member is primarily composed of sands with interbedded shales and anhydrite. The
sands are NE-SW trending, elongate, alternating bodies interpreted as shallow water deposits.
4-The Baba member is composed of a sand-rich interval encased within evaporates.The Baba
member ranges from 40 to 360 feet in thickness with thicker evaporates and clastics occurring over
Kareem lows created by faulting or erosion.