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Sr. no Description

Part-A (Lumpsum)
1 Design, construction, Erection, testing, Commissioning & Trial run of 20MGD net
capacity Automated PLC controlled Water Treatment Plant including SCADA
automation system, chemical house,back washing arrangement,filtered water
channel/ pipe from filter house to CWR, waste water sump, 7 Nos. chlorine tonners
duly filled, 3MT H.O.T for tonners and alum handling , all electric control panels,
internal lighting, all finishing of circulation area like footpaths etc, DI pipes , valves ,
gates, special flow meters, instrumentation , chlorinators, sludge thickener &
centrifuge,sludge platform and all other works contigent thereto

Part-B (Item rate)

1 O&M cost for Defect Liability Period and 1st year
2 All other works related to Water Works as per BOQ which are to be paid on item rate
basis (Annexure-2)
Note: This quoted rate by the bidder shall be applicable to all the components for which the BOQ has be
Part-C (Other Data)
1 Guaranteed Electricity Consumptionn for WTP
Defect Liability Period
1 st Year
2 nd Year
3 rd Year
4 th Year
5th Year
6th Year
7th Year
8th Year
9th Year
10th Year
2 Land foot print for WTP in acres
Operation &Maintenance
Operation & Maintenance Cost for WTP at SIHINPUR MOHALI for Pump house, Machinery, CWRs, Raw Water

(i) For Defect Liability Period

(ii) For First Year
Grand Total (DLP + 10 years)
NOTE: (i) The electricity charges will be borne by the GM
(ii) The Diesel will be arranged by the agency but same will be reimbursed by t
lump sum to be Total Amount (in In words
quotted by Bidder Crores)
(in figures)

Estimated amount in % to be quotted by

Crores 3.08 Bidder
49.6 (+/-)
nts for which the BOQ has been attached

in KVAh Rate(Rs./KVAh)
1.5 crore
Annexure- 1
achinery, CWRs, Raw Water tanks & Treatment Plant
(In Lacs)
arges will be borne by the GMADA(excluding trial run)
same will be reimbursed by the deptt. as per actual consumption (excluding trial run)
The BOQ is based on tentative drawings. However , the payment to the contractor will be made as per the
measurement at site based on approved drawing by GMADA

Abstract of
Sr. No
Sub head - 1 Raw Water Intake

Supplying,Laying,Jointing,cutting,Testing and commisioning of following dia

i/d MS pipe made out of 14mm and 10mm thick HR coil duly lined inside with
cement mortar 1:2 and out coated cement mortar 1:3 including provision of
hard drawn HT steel wire 3.15mm for winding spirally over the 6mm
horizontal bars truly welded outside and inside reinforcement upto 30 cm on
both ends( for length of 6/12meters MS pipe ) for working pressure of 16
kg/cm2 duly electrically welded and tested in the factory at the double the
(i) working pressure. Laying the same after testing and coating in the trenches
upto 4.0m. Depth including carriage, loading,unloading,hoisting and testing
after laying and commissioning the same as per directions of Engineer-in-
charge complete in all respect.

a) 1800 mm i/d x14mm thick (1st T-point on existing line to 3rd Tpoint + 4th
b) 1200 mm i/d x10mm thick (4th T-point to WTP 1st Phase)

(ii) DI Accuator operated Butter fly valve with bypass arrangement

Providing,Lowering,laying,aligning, fixing in position,DI double flanged

butterfly valves of approved make and design standard of following diameter
complete(including jointing,dismentaling joint and jointing material i.e nut
bolt,washers,rubber insertion etc) including all materials,labour,testing and
commissioning alongwith pipeline and bypass arrangement as per technical
specifications,drawings and as per directions of EIC.Electrically operated and
SCADA compatible(PN-1.6)

a) 1800 mm i/d valve flanged (PN-1.6)

b) 1200 mm i/d valve flanged (PN-1.6)
Construction of RCC valve chamber of size (5m x 4m x 4m depth)with 0.75m
high railing (in three horizontal rows) for Butterfly valves of size 1800mm &
(iii) 1200mm (Payment to be made as per annexure)

Providing and fixing of MS 30 mm thick blank flange for future extension of

pipe line including jointing material i.e nut bolt,washers,rubber insertion etc

a) Blank Flange 1800 mm i/d

Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of Electromagnetic Flow
Meter capable of measuring 5-20 MGD Flow of sizes as below including all
materials for jointing i.e 2 Nos. reducers(700 x 1200 ) , DI D/F pipe,
(v) dismantling joint and jointing material i.e nut,bolts, washer, rubber insertion
etc. and complete in all respect with all cartage

700 X 1200 mm i/d complete fixed in position

(vi) Construction of RCC chamber of size (3m x 3m x 2.5m) for 700mm i/d
flowmeter (Payment to be made as per annexure)

Providing , fixing and comissioning of flow control Valve 1200mm dia with
Accuator and PLC , complete(including jointing,dismentaling joint and jointing
material i.e nut bolt,washers,rubber insertion etc) including all
(vii) materials,labour,testing and commissioning

Sub head- 2 Raw Water Storage Reservoir

Design, Construction, testing and commissioning of under ground RCC Raw

Water storage and sedimentation tankof size 116m x 56mx 3.5m SWD of
capacity 5 MG and all other works contigent thereto as per specifications
(Payment to be made as per annexure)

Providing, stringing out, Laying, cutting,Jointing, testing and commissioning

DI pipes with inner lining & specials in the trenches and laying the same in
the trenches to correct alignment and gradient complete including all cartage
and excavation for pipe lines as per the specifications and scope of work

1000 mm i/d DI pipe PN-1.6 (Raw water storage resorvoir to raw water

Providing,Lowering,laying,aligning, fixing in position,DI double flanged

butterfly valves of approved make and design standard of following diameter
complete(including jointing,dismentaling joint and jointing material i.e nut
bolt,washers,rubber insertion etc) including all materials,labour,testing and
commissioning alongwith pipeline and bypass arrangement as per technical
specifications,drawings and as per directions of EIC.

1000 mm i/d (PN 1.6)

(iv) Construction of RCC valve chamber of size (4m x 3.5m x 3m depth) for
1000mm i/d butterfly valve (Payment to be made as per annexure)
Sub head- 3 Raw Water Sump

Design and Construction of RCC sump well of size 12 mx 2.5 mx 4.75 m

SWD with free board upto S&S tank top pipe connection as per specification
(Payment to be made as per annexure)

Sub head- 4 Raw Water Pump Chamber

Design and Construction of RCC cum brick masonry depressed Pump

chamber (18 m x 8 m) with ceiling height 9m from finished floor level of pump
chamber to accommodate Raw water pumping machinery along with
3 MT E.O.T Gantry (lifting arrangement) and all civil,electrical , maintanence
bay, additional 12 sqm operator room with toilet & other works contingent
there to (Payment to be made as per annexure)

Sub head- 5 Raw Water Pumping Machinary

(i) Pumping set

Providing, Installation, testing and commissioning of Horizontal Centrifugal
Split Casing pumps with motor, common base plate, foundation bolts etc.
complete in all respect (500 cum/hr and 12 m head) (2 W + 1 S)

(ii) Suction & Delivery pipe lines for Raw Water

a) Suction
1 P/F 350 mm i/d DI D/F pipe for suction(PN-1.6)
2 P/F 350 mm i/d DI accuator operated sluice valve for suction (PN 1.6)

Providing and fixing Accuator SCADA compatible to 350mm valve with

3 accuator panel and wires etc. complete

4 P/F DI Dismantling Joint 350mm

5 P/F 350 mm i/d DI D/FNRV for suction

b) Delivery
1 P/F 300mm i/d DI D/F pipe for delivery (PN-1.6)
2 P/F 300 mm i/d DI accuator operated sluice valve for delivery (PN 1.6)

3 Providing and fixing Accuator SCADA compatible to 300mm valve with

accuator panel and wires etc. complete
4 P/F DI Dismantling Joint 300mm
5 P/F 300 mm i/d D/F Non Return Valve for delivery line
c) Common Header upto inlet chamber of WTP
1 P/F 500 mm i/d DI D/F pipe(PN-1.6)
2 P/F 500 mm i/d DI accuator operated sluice valve for common header (PN
3 Providing and fixing Accuator SCADA compatible to 500mm valve with
accuator panel and wires etc. complete
4 P/F DI Dismantling Joint 500mm

d) DI Fittings
DI D/F specials such as tapers, tees, bends and blank flanges required for
suction and delivery (up to 600 mm i/d)

Sub head- 6 Raw water SCADA system

Providing , Installation and commissioning of PLC SCADA system for Raw

Water Pumping Plant

Sub head- 7 Electro Magnetic Flow Meter on common delivery to WTP (Raw water)

Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of Electromagnetic Flow

Meter 400 mm x 500mm size capable of measuring 5-10 MGD . including all
materials for jointing i.e 2 Nos. reducers(400 x 500 ) , DI D/F pipe,
(i) dismantling joint and jointing material i.e nut, bolts, washer, rubber insertion
etc.and complete in all respect with all cartage

Construction of RCC chamber of size ( 2.5m x 2.5m x 2.5m depth) for flow
meter of size 400mm (Payment to be made as per annexure)

Sub head - 8 Clear water Reservoir

Design, Construction, testing and commissioning of underground RCC Clear

Water storage reservoir of size 150m x 78mx 3.5m SWD of capacity 8.66 MG
with two compartments, skylight , air vents , double seal manholes
(i) , water level indicator and all other works contingent thereto as per
specifications (Payment to be made as per annexure)

Providing, stringing out, Laying, cutting,Jointing, testing and commissioning

DI pipes with inner lining & specials in the trenches and laying the same in
the trenches to correct alignment and gradient complete including all cartage
(ii) and excavation for pipe lines as per the specifications and scope of work

1000 mm i/d DI pipe (PN-1.6) (Clear water storage resorvoir to clear

water sump)
Providing,Lowering,laying,aligning, fixing in position,DI double flanged
butterfly valves of approved make and design standard of following diameter
complete(including jointing,dismentaling joint and jointing material i.e nut
bolt,washers,rubber insertion etc) including all materials,labour,testing and
(iii) commissioning alongwith pipeline and bypass arrangement as per technical
specifications,drawings and as per directions of EIC.(PN- 1.6)

1000 mm i/d (PN 1.6)

(iv) Construction of RCC valve chamber of size (4m x 3.5m x 3m depth) for
1000mm i/d butterfly valve (Payment to be made as per annexure)

Sub head- 9 Clear Water Sump

Design and Construction of RCC sump well of size 24 mx 2.5 mx 4 m SWD

with free board as per specifications (Payment to be made as per annexure)

Sub head- 10 Clear Water pump Chamber

Design and Construction of RCC cum brick masonry depressed Pump

chamber (33.9 m x 8 m) with ceiling height 9m from finished floor level of
pump chamber to accommodate Raw water pumping machinery along with
3 MT E.O.T Gantry (lifting arrangement) and all civil,electrical , maintanence
bay & other works contingent there to (Payment to be made as per

Sub head - 11 Clear water pumping Machinery

Providing , installation, testing and commissioning of Horizontal Centrifugal

Split casing pumps with motor, common base plate, foundation bolts etc.
complete in all respect (1000 cum/hr and 35 m head ) (4 W + 2 S)

a) Suction
1 P/F 500 mm i/d DI D/F pipe for suction (PN-1.6)
2 P/F 500 mm i/d DI accuator operated sluice valve for suction (PN 1.6)

3 Providing and fixing Accuator SCADA compatible to 500mm valve with

accuator panel and wires etc. complete
4 P/F DI Dismantling Joint 500mm

5 P/F 500 mm i/d DI D/FNRV for suction

b) Delivery
1 P/F 450 mm i/d DI D/F pipe for delivery(PN-1.6)
2 P/F 450 mm i/d DI accuator operated sluice valve for delivery (PN 1.6)

3 Providing and fixing Accuator SCADA compatible to 450mm valve with

accuator panel and wires etc. complete
4 P/F DI Dismantling Joint 450mm

5 P/F 450 mm i/d D/F Non Return Valve for delivery line
c) Common Header upto Rising Main
1 P/F 1000 mm i/d DI D/F pipe (PN-1.6)
Providing,Lowering,laying,aligning, fixing in position,DI double flanged
1000mm i/d butterfly valves of approved make and design standard of
following diameter complete(including jointing,dismentaling joint and jointing
material i.e nut bolt,washers,rubber insertion etc) including all
2 materials,labour,testing and commissioning alongwith pipeline and bypass
arrangement as per technical specifications,drawings and as per directions of
EIC.Electrically operated and SCADA compatible(PN-1.6)

3 Construction of RCC valve chamber of size (4m x 3.5m x 3m depth) for

1000mm i/d butterfly valve

d) DI Fittings

P/F DI D/F specials such as tapers, tees, bends and blank flanges required
for suction and delivery.

Up to 600 mm i/d

Above 600 mm i/d

Sub head - 12 SCADA for clear water pumping plant to UGSRs

Providing , Installation and Commissioning of PLC SCADA system for Clear

Water Pumping Plant alongwith supply ,installation,testing and commissioning
of various equipments to accquire and display the data relateed to
parameters like turbudity,TDS,pH,flow,pressure, residual chlorine etc. and
(i) shall have provision for accquiring data from 14 nos UGSR at various
locations in the city

Sub head - 13 MS pipe outside to carry clear water uptill the boundary of water works
Supplying,Laying,Jointing,cutting,Testing and commisioning of following dia
i/d MS pipe made out of 14mm thick HR coil duly lined inside with cement
mortar 1:2 and out coated cement mortar 1:3 including provision of hard
drawn HT steel wire 3.15mm for winding spirally over the 6mm horizontal
bars truly welded outside and inside reinforcement upto 30 cm on both
ends( for length of 6/12meters MS pipe ) for working pressure of 16 kg/cm2
duly electrically welded and tested in the factory at the double the working
(i) pressure. Laying the same after testing and coating in the trenches upto
4.0m. Depth including carriage, loading,unloading,hoisting and testing after
laying and commissioning the same as per directions of Engineer-in-charge
complete in all respect.

1400mm x 14mm thick MS pipe line from point A to outlet point B as per
attached drawings
(ii) Electro Magnetic Flow Meter on common delivery to point A from the CW
pump chamber
Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of Electromagnetic Flow
Meter 700 mm size capable of measuring 5-20 MGD . including all materials
for jointing
i.e. 2 Nos. reducers(400 x 500 ) , DI D/F pipe, dismantling joint and jointing
material i.e nut,bolts, washer, rubber insertion etc. complete in all respect with
all cartage
700 X 1000 mm i/d complete fixed in position

(b) Construction of RCC chamber of size ( 3m x 3m x 3m depth) for flow meter

700mm size

Sub head- 14 Measurement and verification solution for system efficiency

(i) Censeo efficiency meter system with all pressure and tempreature
transducer etc complete

Sub head- 15 H.T & LTsub station and Transformer

Construction of HT metering room of size 3 mtr x 3 mtr including electric

fitting, double earthing for electric meters contingent tthere to. (Payment to be
made as per annexure)

Construction of Main HT-LT Panel room of 20mtrex x15 mtr size for
installation of HT Panel, Main LT Panels, APFC panel, sub LT Panels, cable
trench, battery charger
(ii) & batteries etc & other works contingent there to. (Payment to be made as
per annexure)

(iii) Complete Earthing of Main HT/ LT Room of all HT / LT Equipment,

instrumentation,lighteining arrestor & all small loads. (Payment to be made as
per annexure)
(iv) Providing, installation testing and commissioning of 2000 KVA transformer
(level- 2) with earthing and other works contingent there to.

(v) Construction of platform and fencing around for 2 No.s Transformers

(Payment to be made as per annexure)
(vi) 11KV VCB 630A one incoming, two outgoing and extensible for
future requirement.

(vii) Providing, fixing and commissioning of Main LT Panel as per IEC 61439 to
feed complete WTP operations and Lighting fed by transformers and DG Set.

APFC Panel for 600 KVAr heavy duty capacitors and reactors to improve &
maintain power factor above 0.95 and near to unity.

(ix) Sandwich type aluminum Bus Duct TPN outdoor and indoor from 2000
KVA transformer to main LT Panel
Sub head- 16 Power Cables for HT & LT

Aluminium conductor cable XLPE/PVC insulated PVC sheathed armoured

and served cable working voltage 11 KV as per IS 7098/II/85 400 sq mm 3
a) core from HT metre to transformer

Aluminium conductor cable XLPE/PVC insulated PVC sheathed armoured

b) and served cable 400 sq mm 3.5 core from Main HT LT Room to Raw Water
pump chamber .
Aluminium conductor cable XLPE/PVC insulated PVC sheathed armoured
and served cable 300 sq mm 3.5 core from Main HT LT Room to Admin
c) Building ; Raw Water Pump chamber to Filter Plant; Main HT LT room to

Aluminium conductor cable XLPE/PVC insulated PVC sheathed armoured

and served cable 800 sq mm one core 1100V Armoured cable laid in 1 mtr
deep x 1.6 mtr wide trench ; cables laid in horizontal formation covered with
sand of 150mm from bottom ;slabs laid, on sand bed, of dimensions 1.6 mtr
wide 2 inches thick x4 nos. per meter with backfill complete from Main HT LT
Room to Clear water pump chamber

Aluminium conductor cable XLPE/PVC insulated PVC sheathed armoured

and served cable 120 sq mm 3.5 core from Main HT LT Room to all street
light and high masts; Admin Building to staff quarters.

Construction of Inspection chambers along cable route from HT-LT room to

Clear Water Chamber (min 1200mm x 1600mm x 1100mm depth) with RCC
f) slabs cover (Payment to be made as per annexure)
Construction of brick masonry inspection chambers size as given below upto
0.90 m average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar, lime concrete with 40 per
cent lime mortar 2:3 in foundation, cement concrete 1:2:4 benching 12.50mm
thick cement plaster 1:2 with a floating coat of 1mm thick of neat cement,
R.C.C. 1:2:4 slabs 100mm thick cement concrete topping 50mm thick with
455mm x 455mm, 455mm x 610mm inside light duty C.I. inspection chamber
g) cover and frame (Weight as per I.S.I specifications) painted with 3 coats of
black bitumastic paint conforming to I.S.I complete as per standard design
from Main HT LT Room to all Cable routes in WTP.

Route Marker for HT cables part no. AR-OFLCRM-01 / LT Cable: Part No.
AR-OFHCRM-02Each route marker will be attached to the Angle of 2.5 feet
height 25 x 25 mm, 3 mm thick.Mark label 100 mm DiaPowder Coating -
h) Bright Yellow

i) For road crossing of Power cables, RCC pipe NP-3 for

1600 mm i/d
800 mm i/d

400 mm i/d

Sub head- 17 Diesel Generating Set

Supplying ,installation, testing and Commissioning of Silent Diesel Engine

driven generaing Set along with AMF panel and its acessssories of 1000 KVA
capacity . The DG Set should be capable of running all working pumps of
Raw Water, 100 % WTP and 50% of working pumps of clear water
simulatneously along with campus load . The DG set shall also be capable of
taking starting current of all the working pumping sets

Construction of Foundation and shed (as per drawing attached) for DG set
(ii) (Payment to be made as per annexure)

Sandwich type aluminum Bus Duct TPN outdoor and indoor from 1000
KVA DG set to main LT Panel

Sub head- 18 Boundry Wall

Construction of brick masonry Boundary wall 1.8m high alongwith 4 rows of

GI barbed wire fixed on 45mm x 45mm x 6 mm angle irons and guard hut, as
(i) per drawings attached (Payment to be made as per annexure)
Wrought iron and mild steel ladders grills, gratting etc.with ends of bars
rivetted or welded or forged framed window guards, iron doors stair case, iron
(ii) railing ., including cost of screws and welding rods or bolts and nuts complete
fixed in position.

in Gate & cow catcher

Sub head- 19 Roads ,Paths and Foot paths

Cement Concrete road

Construction of 6 m wide cement concrete road consisting of compacted sub-

grade followed by CC M-10 100 mm and followed by180 mm thick CC M-30
with kerb and channel on both sides inside the water works campus. 3 mtr
wide earth berms shall be constrcuted on both sides of road. (Payment to be
(i) made as per annexure)

Construction of 5 m wide cement concrete road consisting of compacted sub-

grade followed by CC M-10 100 mm and followed by180 mm thick CC M-30
with kerb and channel on both sides inside the water works campus. 3 mtr
(ii) wide earth berms shall be constructed on both sides of road. (Payment to be
made as per annexure)

Sub head- 20 Drainage

Providing and laying of RCC NP-3 pipe , construction of brick Masonry

Manhole chambers with SFRC frame & cover and single road gully chamber
with grating and frame complete as per specification. (Payment to be made
(i) as per annexure)

Providing provision for Rain water harvesting by constructing RCC recharge

wells of 6 mtr dia with 6.5 m high RCC walls, as per specifications. (Payment
to be made as per annexure)

Sub head- 21 Construction of toilet

Construction of a Toilet block 6m x 3.5m with consisting of (2 WC 580mm, 2
Urinals 610 x 410 x 380mm and 2 wash basins 49cm diameter under granite
counter including bottle trap ) with vitrified floor tile,glazed tile and plastic tank
1000L, Inner 2 PVC door and main outer wooden flush door (Payment to be
made as per annexure)

Sub head - 22 Street Lighting

Supply ,Fixing and erection of galvanised iron pipe 'A' quality of suitable
length and dia conforming to IS 1239 parrt-I 1979, the hole of excavation
about 30cm dia. and given depth to be filled in upto 15 cm below and above
G/L with 1:2:4 cement concrete up o a height of 45cm from Ground level.
Radial thickenss of plinth above G/L should not be less than 6.35 cm and
sufficient to completly flush a MCB distribution Board SPN 4 way with higed
water tight cover with locking arrangement having one single pole MCB of
required capacity of the same size the outer surfaceof the plinth to be finished
with 1:2 cement plaster 6 mm thick MS fuse box shall have a water proof
hinged cover with locking arrangementincluding painting of pole with two
(i) coats of approved aluminium paint as required:i) 4 meter long 65mm dia.,
planting depth 80 cm with pit depth 95 cm, GI earth rod 20mm dia ,Globe led
25Watt post top in Spherical shape polycarbonate diffuser & IP 65 Protection.

(ii) Street light timer daily programme with 6 year battery

Supplying and erection of high mast steel poles 16 m height with foundation
bolt and base plate including civil work and lighting arrangement with
(iii) luminaries complete in all respect.
Aluminium conductor cable XLPE/PVC insulated PVC sheathed armoured
and served cable 120 sq mm 3.5 core to staff quarter

(v) For road crossing of Lighting cables, RCC pipe NP-3 for

400mm i/d
Sub head- 23 Staff Quarters

Construction of double storey 4 nos staff quarters for operation and security
staff as per drawings and specifications. (Payment to be made as per
(i) annexure)

Sub head- 24 Admin Block

Construction of double storey RCC cum brick masonry admin block (160 +
160 sqm) as per drawings & specifications. (Payment to be made as per
(i) annexure)

Sub head- 25 Horticulture,Landscaping and other contingencies

Turfing of lawns with fine grass including ploughing dressing

including/breaking of clods removal of rubbish, dressing and supplying of
doob grass roots at 10 cm apart including supplying and spreading of
(i) manaure

Supplying and planting permanent trees including digging of earth pits size 75
cm x75 cm x 75 cm deep refilling the excavated earth with manure supplied
@ 0.113 cum each

Earth filling with earth brought from outside of the campus including laying in
20cm layers, watering and rolling to specifications ( Compacted Earth)

Sub head- 26 Miscellaneous items

Providing and fixing of 20 No CCTV Cameras with HD quaity with night vision
feature including all accessories likeDVR , Wiring ,56" LED screen etc,
complete in all respect to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge
Total (A)

Total Estimated Cost

Say (in Crore)

Analysis for RCC valve chamber 5mtr x 4 mtr x 4 m deep (From 1200 mm id to 1800 mm id) with 0.75m hig

RCC valve Chamber5.0x4.0x4.0 m

Sr. No Description
Earthwork in excavation for storage and sedimentation tanks, high level
tanks, filter beds, clear water reservoirs, pump houses, sumps, screening
chambers and other similar works having straight or open cuttingin
foundations trenches etc. with 3D excavator/JCB including manually
dressingof bed, trimmoing of sides and side slopes to full dimension and
depthas shown on the drawings or as shall be required by engineer in charge
1 including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the excavation and subsequent filling around plinth/ structures
including watering dressing and disposalof surplus soils as directed upto 15
metre complete in all respect.,

2 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 with stone ballast or Shingle

3 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or Shingle using concrete

mixer volumetric mixer
Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS: 1791 and viberated by neeedle vibrator but
excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering insuper structure

5 Centring and shuttering for faces of walls partitions, retaining walls and the
like (vertical or battering)

Centring and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beans launchings,etc.

Cold twisted deformed( ribbed/ tor steel bar) bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786- 1985, for RCC work, where not included in the complete rate of RCC
7 including bending, binding and placing in position complete.

8 Carriage of materials of difference of quary CC 1:4:8

9 Carriage of CC 1:2:4

10 Carriage of RCC M 20

Providing , fixing and jointing Cast Iron surface box for sluice valve ,Air valve,
Fire hydrant etc. including all carriage complete.

Providing orange color safty footrest of minimum 6mm thick plastic

encapsulated as per IS:10910 on 12mm dia steel bar confirming to IS: 1786
having minimun cross section as 23mm x 25mm and over all minimum length
263mm and width as 165mm with minimum 112mm space between protruted
legs having 2mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides
12 necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138 mm as
per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical
resistance test as per specification and having manufacturer's permanent
identification mark to be visible even after fixing, including fixing in manholes
with 30x15x11.5cm cement concrete block 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone
aggragate) complete as per design.

13 Steel work ,fixed independently without connecting plates,including cutting,

hosting and fixing in position:-
Angle (50x50x6mm) and Channels(16x1x4.5mm)

Providing and laying , jointing fixing,testing ISI Marked G.I Pipe (as per IS
1239)B- Class , premium make such as (Jindal Hissar)including cost of
Specials such as tees, bends,sockets ,elbow etc.,cutting threading and
testing in trenches in the ground complete

20 mm i/d (3x19 = 57 mtr)

15 Applying priming coat with metal primer on new steel or iron work
including preparation of surface
with ordinary quality paint (19 x .75= 14.25)

16 Painting tow coats excluding priming coat with ready mixed paint for metallic
surface in all shades on steel or iron work
with ordinary quality paint (19 x .75= 14.25)

Analysis for rates RCC sluice valve chamber 4mtr x 3.5 mtr (For 900 mm id to 1100 mm id)

Analysis of Rates
RCC valve Chamber 4.0 x 3.5 x3.0 m
Sr. No Description
Earthwork in excavation for storage and sedimentation tanks, high level
tanks, filter beds, clear water reservoirs, pump houses, sumps, screening
chambers and other similar works having straight or open cuttingin
foundations trenches etc. with 3D excavator/JCB including manually
dressingof bed, trimmoing of sides and side slopes to full dimension and
depthas shown on the drawings or as shall be required by engineer in charge
1 including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the excavation and subsequent filling around plinth/ structures
including watering dressing and disposal of surplus soils as directed upto 15
m etre complete in all respect.,

2 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 with stone ballast or Shingle

3 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or Shingle using concrete

mixer volumetric mixer

Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS: 1791 and viberated by neeedle vibrator but
excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering insuper structure

5 Centring and shuttering for faces of walls partitions, retaining walls and the
like (vertical or battering)

6 Centring and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs.
Landings, chajjas, shelves etc.

7 Centring and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beans launchings,etc.

Cold twisted deformed( ribbed/ tor steel bar) bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786- 1985, for RCC work, where not included in the complete rate of RCC
8 including bending, binding and placing in position complete.

9 Carriage of materials of difference of quary CC 1:4:8

10 Carriage of CC 1:2:4
11 Carriage of RCC M 20

Providing , fixing and jointing Cast Iron surface box for sluice valve ,Air valve,
12 Fire hydrant etc. including all carriage complete.

Providing orange color safty footrest of minimum 6mm thick plastic

encapsulated as per IS:10910 on 12mm dia steel bar confirming to IS: 1786
having minimun cross section as 23mm x 25mm and over all minimum length
263mm and width as 165mm with minimum 112mm space between protruted
legs having 2mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides
necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138 mm as
per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical
resistance test as per specification and having manufacturer's permanent
13 identification mark to be visible even after fixing, including fixing in manholes
with 30x15x11.5cm cement concrete block 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone
aggragate) complete as per design.


Analysis for rates RCC sluice valve chamber 3 mtr x 3 mtr (For 600 mm id to 800 mm id)
Analysis of Rates
RCC valve Chamber 3.0 x 3.0 x 2.5 m
Sr. No Description
Earthwork in excavation for storage and sedimentation tanks, high level
tanks, filter beds, clear water reservoirs, pump houses, sumps, screening
chambers and other similar works having straight or open cuttingin
foundations trenches etc. with 3D excavator/JCB including manually
dressingof bed, trimmoing of sides and side slopes to full dimension and
1 depthas shown on the drawings or as shall be required by engineer in charge
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the excavation and subsequent filling around plinth/ structures
including watering dressing and disposalof surplus soils as directed upto 15
m etre complete in all respect.

2 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 with stone ballast or Shingle

3 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or Shingle using concrete mixer
volumetric mixer

Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS: 1791 and viberated by neeedle vibrator but
excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering insuper structure

5 Centring and shuttering for faces of walls partitions, retaining walls and the
like (vertical or battering)

6 Centring and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs.
Landings, chajjas, shelves etc.

Centring and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beans launchings,etc.

Cold twisted deformed( ribbed/ tor steel bar) bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786-1985, for RCC work, where not included in the complete rate of RCC
including bending, binding and placing in position complete.

9 Carriage of materials of difference of quary CC 1:4:8

10 Carriage of CC 1:2:4

11 Carriage of RCC M 20

Providing , fixing and jointing Cast Iron surface box for sluice valve ,Air valve,
12 Fire hydrant etc. including all carriage complete.
Providing orange color safty footrest of minimum 6mm thick plastic
encapsulated as per IS:10910 on 12mm dia steel bar confirming to IS: 1786
having minimun cross section as 23mm x 25mm and over all minimum length
263mm and width as 165mm with minimum 112mm space between protruted
legs having 2mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides
necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138 mm as
per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical
resistance test as per specification and having manufacturer's permanent
13 identification mark to be visible even after fixing, including fixing in manholes
with 30x15x11.5cm cement concrete block 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone
aggragate) complete as per design.

Analysis for rates RCC sluice valve chamber 2.5 mtr x 2.5 mtr (For 200 mm id to 500 mm id)
Analysis of Rates Annexure-2D
RCC valve Chamber 2.5 x 2.5 x2.5 m
Sr. No Description
Earthwork in excavation for storage and sedimentation tanks, high level
tanks, filter beds, clear water reservoirs, pump houses, sumps, screening
chambers and other similar works having straight or open cuttingin
foundations trenches etc. with 3D excavator/JCB including manually
dressingof bed, trimmoing of sides and side slopes to full dimension and
depthas shown on the drawings or as shall be required by engineer in charge
1 including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the excavation and subsequent filling around plinth/ structures
including watering dressing and disposalof surplus soils as directed upto 15
m etre complete in all respect.

2 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 with stone ballast or Shingle

3 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or Shingle using concrete mixer
volumetric mixer

Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS: 1791 and viberated by neeedle vibrator but
excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering insuper structure
5 Centring and shuttering for faces of walls partitions, retaining walls and
the like (vertical or battering)

6 Centring and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs.
Landings, chajjas, shelves etc.

Centring and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beans launchings,etc.

Cold twisted deformed( ribbed/ tor steel bar) bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786-1985, for RCC work, where not included in the complete rate of RCC
including bending, binding and placing in position complete.

9 Carriage of materials of difference of quary CC 1:4:8

10 Carriage of CC 1:2:4

11 Carriage of RCC M 20

Providing , fixing and jointing Cast Iron surface box for sluice valve ,Air valve,
Fire hydrant etc. including all carriage complete.

Providing orange color safety footrest of minimum 6mm thick plastic

encapsulated as per IS:10910 on 12mm dia steel bar confirming to IS: 1786
having minimun cross section as 23mm x 25mm and over all minimum length
263mm and width as 165mm with minimum 112mm space between protruted
legs having 2mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides
13 necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138 mm as
per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical
resistance test as per specification and having manufacturer's permanent
identification mark to be visible even after fixing, including fixing in manholes
with 30x15x11.5cm cement concrete block 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone
aggragate) complete as per design.

12.0m x 2.5m x4.0 m SWD

Analysis of sump RCC Raw Water Storage and Sedimentation tank

S.No Description of item

1 Excavation of under ground structures such as sullage drains, tanks etc.

2 Cement concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingle

Reinforced cement concrete M-30 mechanically batch mixed using

3 batch type concrete mixer in foundation and plinth

4 Cold twisted deformed(ribbed/tor steel bar) bars Fe -500

5 Shuttering for faces of concrete foundations and foundation beam

6 Centring and shuttering for faces of walls, partitions, retaining walls and like

7 Providing and fixing of Aluminium ladder
8 Extra Carriage of material
(i) Coarse Sand
(ii) Aggregates

24.0m x 2.5m x4.0 m SWD

Analysis of sump RCC Clear Water

S.No Description of item

Excavation of under ground structures such as sullage drains, tanks etc.

2 Cement concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingle

Reinforced cement concrete M-30 mechanically batch mixed using

batch type concrete mixer in foundation and plinth

Cold twisted deformed(ribbed/tor steel bar) bars Fe -500

Shuttering for faces of concrete foundations and foundation beam

Centring and shuttering for faces of walls, partitions, retaining walls and like


Centring and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, chajjas, shelves etc.


Providing and fixing 560 mm internal dia circular main hole cover & frame ISI
marked as per is: 12592-202 including carriage from the stores of the
Engineer-in- charge to site of work, loading, unloading including stacking and
setting the same to correct lines over manholes including cement concrete
copping (M:20) around the frame etc. Dia of steel for lifting hook is 16 mm .
( for EHD & HD)

9 Providing and fixing of Aluminum ladder

10 Extra Carriage of material
(i) Coarse Sand
(ii) Aggregates

Construction of 5 MG Raw water tank Annexure- 4

SIze of Raw Water Tank

and Costing:-

S.No. Description

Earthwork in excavation for storage and sedimentation tanks, high level
tanks, filter beds, clear water reservoirs, pump houses, sumps, screening
chambers and other similar works having straight or open cuttingin
foundations trenches etc. with 3D excavator/JCB including manually
dressingof bed, trimmoing of sides and side slopes to full dimension and
depthas shown on the drawings or as shall be required by engineer in charge
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the excavation and subsequent filling around plinth/ structures
including watering dressing and disposalof surplus soils as directed upto 15
m etre complete in all respect.

Sub Total
2 Cement Concrete 1:3:6 with stone ballast or Shingle
Sub total
Carriage + diffrence of rates of Quarry
RCC M-30
RCC M-30 mechanically batch mixed using batch type concrete mixer as per
IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding steel reinforcement
3 centering and shuttering in super structure

Sub total
Carriage + diffrence of rates of Quarry for M-30
4 Shuttering for faces of conc. Foundation and foundation beams side of lean

Centering and shuttering for faces of walls, partitions , retaining walls, well
5 steining and the like (vertical & battering) including attached pilasters,
buttresses etc.

6 Centering and shuttering for staircase.
7 Centering and shuttering for column.

Cold twisted deformed (ribbed/Tor steel bar) bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786- 1985, for RCC works, where not included in the complete rate of RCC
8 including bending and placing in position complete.

Water proofing item

9 20 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 in two coat

Providing and laying four courses of water proofing treatment with bitumen
felt over roofs consisting of first and third courses of blown type bitumen
grade 85/25 applied hot @1.20kg per sqm of area for each course, second
course on roofing felt type 3 grade-I (Hessian base self finished bitumen felt)
10 and fourth and final course of stone grit 6mm and down size or pea-sized grit
spread at 0.006 cu.m per sq.m including preparation of surface complete.


Grand Total
S. No. Description
Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches etc. in all kinds of soil
where pick jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the edge of excavation and sebsequent filling around
1 masonery in 15 CM layers with compaction including disposal of surplus soil
as directed with in a lead of 30 meters

Cement concrete 1:4:8 with stone ballast 20mm nominal size in foundation &
2 plinth
Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS;1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth

4 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in
foundation and plinth.

5 D P C 4 cm thick of cement concrete 1:2:4 with two coats of bitumun paint

Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
6 steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in Super structure.


Extra for R.C.C. work done above 4 metres height (where any single storey
7 exceeds 4 metres in height) for every additional height of 2 metres or part

8 Shuttering for faces of concrete foundations and foundation beam & plinth
beam( vrtical & battering)

9 Centring and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, chajjas, shelves etc.

10 Centring and shuttering for columns (Square or rectangular or poly gonal in

11 Centring and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beams launchings
girders bressumers, lintels
12 Extra for shuttering where any single storey height exceeds 4 metres in
height for every additional height of 2 metres or part thereof

13 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in first storey upto
4 metres above plinth level.
14 Extra for brick work done above 4 meters (where any single storey exceeds 4
metres in height) for every additional height of 2 metres or part thereof.

15 115Mm thick B/wall laid in CM 1:4 without reinforcement in

Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/ Tor Steel Bar) Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786-1985, for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC
including bending and placing in position complete

17 20mm thick cement plaster 1:4 in two coat work

18 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4

Preparation of plastered surfaces for distempering including surface,

applying filling with approved quality filler consisting of plaster of Paris and
chalk mitti including finishing the surface to the required finish complete.

20 Distempering with Acrylic washable oil bound distemper (of approved

manufacture) two coats over one priming coat to give an even shade.

21 Finishing walls with exterior decorative cement based paint such as

snowcem, robbiacem etc. two coats to give an even shade.

Terracing consiting of tiles 22.86x11.43x3.83cm laid over 25 mm mud plaster

7.5 cm mud filling on another laver of 25mm mud plaster including two coats
22 of bitumen laid hot at 1.65 Kg/sqm top of RCC slab including grouting with
cement sand mortar 1:4 and top surface to be left clean after wire brushing

Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C Rain water pipe (ring fitted
type-A) as per IS:13592 including jointing during masonary complete as per
23 specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in- charge. (If fixed on
wall face clamp to be paid separatly as per respective item)

Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C bend for Rain water pipe as
24 per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications and to the
entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge.

Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C Coupling/Sockete for Rain
water pipe as per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications
and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge.

26 Top khurra 0.6m x 0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16.

24 Providing and fixing in position S.S. Grating with frame of approved make (to
the approval of Engineer-in-charge) complete in all respect

Bottom Khurra on ground 1.2m x 0.6m consisting of brick on-edge laid in

27 cement mortar 1:3 over 75mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12.5mm
thick cement plaster 1:3

28 Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola 10cm x 10cm concave quadrant along junction of
roofs with parapet wall finished smooth, where specially specified.


29 Base course of floor consisting of 100mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 and
100mm sand filling (using mechanical mixer for mixing of material)


30 Screed of 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 to be laid below the topping.

50mm thick ironite (Metallic Floor Hardener to be mixed with Granolithic

topping for heavy duty floors) floor consisting of 40mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 base and top layer 10mm thick laid with one part of ironite and grey
cement mixed together in the ratio of 1:4 by weight to two parts of hard
granite chippings 6mm gauge by volume finished smooth with hard rubbing.

Kota stone rough dressed 40mm to 50mm thick slabs, set to pattern in
pavements over 20mm thick base of cement mortar (1 cement, 3 Sand) laid
and jointed with neat cement slurry, mixed with pigment to match the shade
of stone.

Kota stone tiles 20mm thick in skirting risers of steps, dado walls and pillars
laid in 12.5mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed
with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone,
33 including rubbing and polishing.

Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS :
15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacture of approved make in all
colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of size 200 x 300 mm
as approved by Engineer-in- Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados
over 12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) and
jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white
cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete.

Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and
partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriate z
sections and other sections conforming to Is: 733 and IS : 1285 of Jindal,
Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent make approved by Engineer in Charge , fixed
with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold
fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom
and sides with required PVC Plug/neoprene felt etc. Aluminium sections shall
35 be smooth, rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanically wherever
required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/paneling,
C.P.brass/stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings
and the directions of Engineer-In- Charge. (Glazing and paneling to be paid
for separately) :

For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing
hinges/pivots and labour for fixing of fittings wherever required including the
36 cost of PVC Plug / neoprene gasket required

Providing and fixing 12mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed
three layer or graded wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l
Type ll, in paneling fixed in aluminium doors, windows shutters and partition
frames with C.P. brass / stainless steel screws etc. complete as per
architectural drawings and directions of engineer-in-charge. Pre-laminated
37 particle board with decorative lamination on both sides.


Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters

and partitions etc. with PVC Plug/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the
architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of
38 aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item)
Float glass panes of 5.5 mm thickness

Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand
and manufacture IS : 6315 marked, for doors including cost of cutting floors
as required, embedding in floors and cover plates with brass pivot and single
39 piece MS sheet outer box with slide plate and with stainless steel cover plate
etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.


Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISI marked anodized (anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to
40 required colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete :

300mm x 16mm

Cost of Aluminium fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower bolts,
41 handless and screw etc. for these fittings (Excluding sliding bolt)

For shutter area above 0.50 sqm


Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of 80mm x

1.25mm M.S. Laths, interlocked together through their entire length, and
jointed together, at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe
shaft, with brackets, side guides 27.5 cm long wire spring grade No. 2 and
arrangement for inside and outside locking, with push and pull operation
complete, including top cover 0.80mm thick (payment is to be made for the
exact size of opening; where rolling shutter is to be fixed).

43 Providing & fixing ball bearing, for push and pull type rolling shutters,
from 9.20 to 12 sqm area.
44 Extra for providing mechanical device, chain and crank operation, for
operating rolling shutters, exceeding 11.20 sqm In area, of the rolling shutter.

45 Sand filling under floor and in wells of bridge foundation including handling
within 100 metres.

Providing & fixing 16 gauge stainless steel pipe railing of grade 304 duly fixed
on steps with the help of bolts grouted on steps with hand rail and newel post
of 50mm dia Stainless steel pipe, Balusters of 40mm dia Stainless steel pipe
46 and guard 3 Nos of 15mm dia Stainless Steel pipe complete in all respect
47 40 mm thick coglomerate floor in plinth protaction
48 Carriage of material Sand
49 Carriage of material Agreegate

Public Health Amenities

Providing and fixing in position chinaware indian orrisa water closet size 580
50 mm of approved make consisting of 10 litre PVC flushing cistern

providing and fixing in position vitreus chinaware white lavatory suites of

approved make(to the approval of Engineer -in-charge) consisting of CP
51 brass waste 32 mm dia with one Cp brass pillar tap complete in all respcet

iii) size 630 mm x 450 mm

52 providing and fixing in position 32 mm dia GI waste pipe embedded in wall
upto floor level including cost of fitting

53 Providing and fixing 15 mm i/d bib cock of approved make

ii) CP brass bib cockwithout flange
54 Providing and fiximg in position stop cock/ angle valve of approved make

Cp brass 15 mm stop cock

55 providing and fixing in position PVC flexible tube connection of
approved make
PVC connection of 15 mmx300 mm with CP brass nut
Providing and fixing in position HCI soil waste vent or antisyphonage pipes to
ISI specification IS:1729 of approved make including cutting jointing wastage,
56 but excluding cost of lead joint

(i) 100 mm i/d HCI pipe laid complete

(ii) 75 mm i/d HCI pipe linr laid complete

Providing and fixing H.C.I. Floor traps conforming to I.S.I. Specification

(IS:1729) of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) of the
self cleaning design with C.P. brass hinged grating with frame with or without
vent arm and including cement concrete 1:2:4 under and around the floor trap
57 where required upto floor level complete in all respects including cutting and
making good the walls and floors,etc. minimum depth of water should be
150mm with a minimum seal 50mm.

With 100mm i/d outlet shallow seal

58 Providing and fixing in position CI gully trap cover weighing
approximately 7.26 kg and frame for gullytrap
59 Providing and fixing in position grating of approved make(to the approval of
engineer -in - charge)
60 Providing and fixing in position on terrace (at all floors) HDPE water storage
tanks pf approved make with cover with suitable locking

Double layer Tanks

61 Providing and fixing in position GI tank nipple of approved make in PVC
storage tanks complete in all respect
62 GI tank Nipple 20 mm i/d
63 Providing and fixing in position automatic brass ball cock in tank
Brass ball cock with rod and plastic ball
20 mm i/d
64 Providing, Laying Jointing, fixing and testing ISI marked GI pipe 9 as per
IS:1239) B-class premium make
15 mm i/d
20 mm i/d
Providing and fixing in position C.P. brass soap dish of approved make (to the
65 approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed into wall with rawl plugs and C.P brass
screws complete in all respect.
Providing & Fixing in position 5mm thick bevelled edge mirror of superior
glass (of approved make) complete with 4mm thick hard board backing fixed
in with rawl plugs 50mm, C.P. brass screws and washers complete in all
66 respect (as required by the Engineer- in- Charge)

Size 550mmx400mm

Construction of brick masonry inspection chambers size as given below upto

0.60 metre average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar, lime concrete with 40
per cent lime mortar 2:3 in foundation, cement concrete 1:2:4 benching
12.50mm thick cement plaster 1:2 with a floating coat of 1mm thick of neat
cement, R.C.C. 1:2:4 slabs 100mm thick cement concrete topping 50mm
thick with 455mm x 455mm, 455mm x 610mm inside light duty C.I. inspection
chamber cover and frame (Weight as per I.S.I specifications) painted with 3

coats of black bitumastic paint conforming to I.S.I complete as per standard


450mm x 600mm inside with 455mm x 610mm cover and frame light duty
double seal
Construction of Septic tank (A-21)


Providing,fixing and installation of 9" exhaust fan 3 blades

EOT Crane with LT, CT & Hoist of minimum 3 ton Capacity to cover complete
70 Clear Water Pump chamber Long travel 33 mtrs. Cross travel 8 mtrs and
height of building 9 mtr

71 Dewatering Pump For ClearWater Chamber of upto 2 HP Capacity

200 LPM ,12 mtr. Head

72 Construction of cable trench 0.30 x 0.30 mtr with Chequerred plate (A-22)


73 Recessed PVC conduit pipe wiring system with flush piano type
Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI
marked),1100 volts grade to be laid in heavy gauge. PVC, fire retardant
conduit pipe 20mm/25 mm dia ISI marked, recessed in wall etc. complete
with powder coated/anodized concealed meta boxes required for having
electronic fan regulators ( socket size), bell push, electronic buzzer, 3
pin6Amp 16/20 Amp. socket and 6 Amo. 16/20 Amp. switches ( flush piano
type accessories) etc.and covered with brown bakelite white glazed
translucent backside painted sheet 3 mm thick etc. including the cost of flush
piano type switchs/sockets step type electronics fan regulator 100 watts, PvC
connector( for fan box and electronics buzzer), PVC bush,steel hookes,
circular inspection box (recessed type or deep type)conduit pipe and copper
wire and other petty material.including the cost of cutting and filling up of

(i) Wiring light Point without fan box in PVC insulated copper conductor single
core FR cable ( ISI marked) over all 1.5 sq,mm 1100 volts grade

Wiring 3 pin 6 amp. Wall socket Plug point in PVC insulated copper conductor
single core FR cable(ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq.mm 1100 volts grade
(ii) complete with bonding to existing earth with PVC insulated copper conductor
Single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1 sq mm 1100 volts grade

(iii) Wiring 3 Pin 16/20 amp Power Plug control (shuttered) and switch.
(iv) Wiring light point in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI
marked) overall 1.5 sq. mm, 1100 volts grade complete without control


Supply and erection of PVC insulated single core FR copper conductor cable
ISI marked left bare in pipe or casing of suitable size excluding the cost of
supply and erection of pipe or casing.

(ii) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5
sq.mm, 1100 volts grade
(iii) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 2.5
sq.mm, 1100volts grade
(iv) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 4
sq.mm, 1100volts grade

75 Bulk Head- IP 65 prismatic glass cover 10 watt LED

76 Providing Fixing & commissioning of 750mm Single Phase Air circulator

Fan wall mounted

77 Providing and Fixing of Heavy Duty Exaust fan 12" 300 mm with aluminium

78 Providing and Fixing of FLEXITRON VIVA-LED Batton 40W white/neutral

white for surface, pendant & conduit mounting with high transmissitivity
diffuser (1200 mm)

79 Providing and Fixing of FLEXITRON VIVA-LED Batton 80W white/neutral

white for surface, pendant & conduit mounting with high transmissitivity
diffuser (1200 mm)

80 LT sub distribution panel with 250A incomer MCCB 50KA and outgoings of 4
Nos. 100A MCCBs of 35 KA complete with rotary handles .

81 Rubber mat 1 x 2 mtr (10mm thick)

(i) Supply and Erection of 40mm x 5mm thick copper tape (As additional
(ii) Supply and Erection of 8 SWG 4mm dia copper wire run through 20mm dia.
Heavy gauge welded conduit pipe (As additional length).

(iii) Supply and Erection of 25mm x 3mm thick copper tape (As additional
Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metallic cases etc., with
40 mm x 5 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 10 nos. copper
rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made cylindrical)
burried 10 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia.
125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including
fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 13 metre in length
(including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class) should be laid in the
(iv) hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level and
having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the
pipe. 300mm x 300mm x 300mm deep haudi of bricks finished
with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having size
300mm x 300mm around the hole of excavation.

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metalliccases etc., with 25
mm x 3 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with
10 nos. copper rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate
(made cylindrical) burried 4 metre below ground level in the hole of
excavation having bore dia. 125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust
mixture (20 kg.) including fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to
7 metre in length (including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class)
(v) should be laid in the hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet
below ground level and having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the
pipe. 300mm x300mm x 300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4
cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x
300mm around the hole of excavation.

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metallic cases etc., with
40 mm x 5 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 10 nos. copper
rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made cylindrical)
burried 4 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia.
125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including
fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 13 metre in length
(vi) (including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class) should be laid in the
hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level and
having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x300mm x
300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi
covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm around the hole of

83 Providing and Fixing of Exaust fan 6" 150 mm plastic ventilation fan


Supply and erection of sheet metal double door distribution boards of suitable
size and of required no. of ways for mounting miniature circuit breakers/
RCBO's/ RCCB's in the existing MCB distribution board as per PWD General
Specifications 2010 including connections with suitable size of thimbles and
bonding to existing earth etc.

Sheet metal double door T.P. & N. (vertical design) distribution board (dust
protected) provided with bus bar, neutral link and din bar, suitable for
(ii) incorporating FP/ TPN MCB's/ isolators for incoming and DP/ SP & N/ Single
Pole MCB's/ RCBO/ RCCB's for outgoing 12 way each


Supply and erection of Miniature Circuit Breakers/ RCBO's/ RCCB's in the

existing MCB distribution board as per PWD General Specifications 2010
including connections with suitable size of thimbles/lugs.

GROUP-A: (Siemens (Beta Guard), Legrand (Lexic) & Schneider (Neo

Break), L&T (Hager)
(i) Miniature circuit breaker double pole 6 to 32amp. (Breaking capacity
10kA, Curve-C) suitable for 240/ 415 volts 50cycles AC supply

Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB for earth leakage protection) four
(ii) pole 63 amp, sensituvity 300mA (as per standard IEC 61008) suitable for
240/415 volts 50 cycles AC supply.

LT PANEL cum MCC for Raw Water and Filter Plant Providing, Installing,
testing and Commissioning of Sub LT Panel fed from power cable from LT
PANEL cum MCC for Raw Water and Filter Plant Pumping with 250A incomer
MCCB 50KA and outgoings of 4 Nos. 100A MCCBs of 35 KA complete with
rotary handles .to Control misc loads. The panel shall comprise of MFM,
ampere meter, volt meter, phase indicators, lighting arrangement . The panel
86 shall be made of suitable thichness of CRCA sheet powder coated with
locking arrangement including provision for termination of Aluminium
armoured cable of suitable size from panel to motors supported on cable
trays and suitable earthing arrangement of pump set and panel

Supply and erection of MS perforated cable tray with DA gray paint on the
existing surface with the help of MS angle iron support (to be painted with
approved paint) of size 50mmx50mmx 6mm thick to be fixed with fastners nut
& bolt etc. Complete in all respect as desired by the Engineer-in-charge as
per PWD General Specifications 2010.

MS perforated cable tray size 150mm x 50mm x 50mm (2 mm thick)

CABLE (For Motor connection)
Supply and erection of PVC insulated single core FR Copper conductor cable
(i) ISI mark left bare in pipe or casing of suitable size execluding the cost of
supply and erection of pipe or casing
PVC INSULATED copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked)
over all 6 sq mm, 100 volt garde


Supply and erection of PVC PIPES & hdpe PIPES (FIRE retardant
) for wiring purpose including bends, inspection boxes etc., where necesary
including other petty material as per PWD Genral Specifications 2010:

(i) Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 25mm dia (ISI marked Flushed)
(ii) Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 50mm dia (ISI marked Flushed)

90 Ceiling Fan 1200 mm

91 Batten Holder

92 Surge Protection Device with enclosure 15KA for Lighting DB

93 Surge Protection Device with enclosure 40KA for SCADA

Estimate of
Clear water
Item Particulars

Earthwork in excavation for storage and sedimentation tanks, high level

tanks, filter beds, clear water reservoirs, pump houses, sumps, screening
chambers and other similar works having straight or open cuttingin
foundations trenches etc. with 3D excavator/JCB including manually
dressingof bed, trimmoing of sides and side slopes to full dimension and
depthas shown on the drawings or as shall be required by engineer in charge
1 including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the excavation and subsequent filling around plinth/ structures
including watering dressing and disposalof surplus soils as directed upto 15
m etre complete in all respect.,

Shuttering for faces of conc. Foundation and foundation beams side of lean
2 concrete
Centering and shuttering for flat surfaces, such as suspended floors

Centering and shuttering for faces of walls, partitions , retaining walls, well
4 steining and the like (vertical & battering) including attached pilasters,
buttresses etc.

5 Centring and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beams launchings
girders bressmers, lintels
6 Centering and shuttering for columns (square or rectangular or
polygonal in plane)
7(i) Cement Concrete 1:3:6 with stone ballast or Shingle
At Bed

(ii) Carriage +Diffrence of rates of quarry

RCC M-30 mechanically batch mixed using batch type concrete mixer as per
8(i) IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding steel reinforcement
centering and shuttering in super structure
(ii) Carriage +Diffrence of rates of quarry

Cold twisted deformed (ribbed/Tor steel bar) bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786-1985, for RCC works, where not included in the complete rate of RCC
9 including bending and placing in position complete.

10 Terracing consiting of tiles 22.86x11.43x3.83cm laid over 25 mm mud plaster

7.5 cm mud filling on another laver of 25mm mud plaster including two coats
of bitumen laid hot at 1.65 Kg/sqm top of RCC slab including grouting with
cement sand mortar 1:4 and top surface to be left clean after wire brushing
11 20 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 in two coat

Providing and laying four courses of water proofing treatment with bitumen
felt over roofs consisting of first and third courses of blown type bitumen
grade 85/25 applied hot @1.20kg per sqm of area for each course, second
course on roofing felt type 3 grade-I (Hessian base self finished bitumen felt)
and fourth and final course of stone grit 6mm and down size or pea-sized grit
spread at 0.006 cu.m per sq.m including preparation of surface complete.

Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C Rain water pipe (ring fitted
type-A) as per IS:13592 including jointing during masonary complete as per
specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in- charge. (If fixed on
wall face clamp to be paid separatly as per respective item)
Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C bend for Rain water pipe as
14 per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications and to the
entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge.
15 Providing MS clamp for pipe


16 Extra items as per Annexure 6-B

17 Including Extra Items(A-6B)

Estimate of
CWR Extra
items Providing & fixing ductile iron double seal,manhole covers & frames of 610
mm× 610 mm with locking arrangement on clear water tanks including cost of
setting in cement concrete 1:2:4 in correct alignment and levels including
carriage, loading, unloading etc. complete in all respects to the satisfaction of
EIC( 25 kg each)

Providing & fixing of Aluminum Ladder for cleaning & inspection of tank

Providin & fixing of 150 mm DI flanged spigotted Tail piece, 2 nos double
flanged bends, flange with hole and insect screen for Air vent complete with
3 jointing material i.e. rubber gasket, nuts & bolts etc. 67kg each

Hand operated cast iron single faces sluice Gate. Rising

spindle type as per IS 13349 Calss-I, having cast iron frame & door fitted with
CF-8M faces. MS extension rod with coupling & CI guide brackets suitable to
4 a required distance. Sluice gate shall be provided with
C.I. Geared head stock with hand wheel & supporting M.S channel. The
sluice gate shall be effective againest negative as well as positive pressure
1500 mm *1500 mm

Supplying, laying,cutting and jointing of DI K-7 Pipe line of following sizes

including jointing material, testing & commissioning as per IS 8329
5 ammended up to date specifications

Over flow pipe 700 mm

Supplying of MS bolts of required size with nuts & washers complete
Providing & fixing of 9 nos 200 mm *200 mm*100 mm size glass bricks fitted
in frame of MS iron of 50*50*6 mm with 4 nos 20mm*5 mm MS flats welded
at bottom to support glass bricks complete with materials and labour etc.
along with jointing material

9 Provision for Utrasonic level sensor with display

Concrete platform for overflow pipe
10(i) Cement concrete 1:4:8 with stone agregate 20 mm nominal size in
foundation & plinth
(ii) Carriage +Diffrence of rates of quarry

11(i) Cement concrete 1:2:4 with stone agregate 20 mm nominal size in

foundation & plinth
(ii) Carriage +Diffrence of rates of quarry

12 Shuttering for faces of concrete foundation and foundation beams

Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola 10cm x 10cm concave quadrant along junction of
13 roofs with parapet wall finished smooth, where specially specified.

Top khurra 0.6m x 0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete
14 1:2:4 over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16( @ interval of 5 m).

Bottom Khurra on ground 1.2m x 0.6m consisting of brick on-edge laid in

cement mortar 1:3 over 75mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12.5mm
thick cement plaster 1:3



S.No. Description

Part A - Civil
Work Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches etc. in all kinds of soil
where pick jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the edge of excavation and sebsequent filling around
masonery in 15 CM layers with compaction including disposal of surplus soil
as directed with in a lead of 30 meters
2 Cement concrete 1:4:8 with Stone ballast 20mm nominal size in foundation
& plinth
Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
3 concrete mixer as per IS;1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth
4 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and


Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
5 steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in Super structure.


Extra for R.C.C. work done above 4 metres height (where any single
6 storey exceeds 4 metres in height) for every additional height of 2 metres or
part thereof.

7 Shuttering for faces of concrete foundations and foundation beam & plinth
beam( vrtical & battering)

8 Centring and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, chajjas, shelves etc.

9 Centring and shuttering for columns (Square or rectangular or poly gonal in

10 Centring and shuttering for sides and soffits of beam, beams launchings
girders bressumers, lintels

Extra for shuttering where any single storey height exceeds 4 metres in
11 height for every additional height of 2 metres or part thereof

12 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in first storey upto
4 metres above plinth level.
Extra for brick work done above 4 meters (where any single storey exceeds 4
13 metres in height) for every additional height of 2 metres or part thereof.

Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/ Tor Steel Bar) Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786- 1985, for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of
14 RCC including bending and placing in position complete

15 20mm thick cement plaster 1:4 in two coat work

16 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4

Preparation of plastered surfaces for distempering including surface,

17 applying filling with approved quality filler consisting of plaster of Paris and
chalk mitti including finishing the surface to the required finish complete.

18 Distempering with Acrylic washable oil bound distemper (of approved

manufacture) two coats over one priming coat to give an even shade.

19 Finishing walls with exterior decorative cement based paint such as

snowcem, robbiacem etc. two coats to give an even shade.

Terracing consiting of tiles 22.86x11.43x3.83cm laid over 25 mm mud plaster

7.5 cm mud filling on another laver of 25mm mud plaster including two
20 coats of bitumen laid hot at 1.65 Kg/sqm top of RCC slab including grouting
with cement sand mortar 1:4 and top surface to be left clean after wire
brushing etc.

providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C. rain water pipe (ring fitted
type-A) as per IS: 13592 including jointing during masonry entire satisfaction
21 of Enginner- in-charge (If fixed on wall face clamp to be paid separtely as per
respective item)


Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C. bend for rain water pipe as
22 per IS: 14735 including jointing complete as per specifications and to the
entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge

23 Top khurra 0.6m x 0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16.
24 Providing and fixing in position S.S. Grating with frame of approved make (to
the approval of Engineer-in-charge) complete in all respect

25 Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C Coupling/Sockete for Rain
water pipe as per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications
and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge.

Bottom Khurra on ground 1.2m x 0.6m consisting of brick on-edge laid in

25 cement mortar 1:3 over 75mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12.5mm
thick cement plaster 1:3

26 Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola 10cm x 10cm concave quadrant along junction of
roofs with parapet wall finished smooth, where specially specified.
27 Base course of floor consisting of 100mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16
and 100mm sand filling (using mechanical mixer for mixing of material)

28 Screed of 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 to be laid below the topping.

50mm thick ironite (Metallic Floor Hardener to be mixed with Granolithic

topping for heavy duty floors) floor consisting of 40mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 base
and top layer 10mm thick laid with one part of ironite and grey cement mixed
216.00 together in the ratio of 1:4 by weight to two parts of hard granite
chippings 6mm
gauge by volume finished smooth with hard rubbing.
Kota stone rough dressed 40mm to 50mm thick slabs, set to pattern in
pavements over 20mm thick base of cement mortar (1 cement, 3 Sand) laid
30 and jointed with neat cement slurry, mixed with pigment to match the shade
of stone.

Kota stone tiles 20mm thick in skirting risers of steps, dado walls and pillars
laid in 12.5mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed
with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone,
31 including rubbing and polishing.


Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and
partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriate z
sections and other sections conforming to Is: 733 and IS : 1285 of Jindal,
Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent make approved by Engineer in Charge , fixed
with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold
fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom
and sides with required PVC Plug/neoprene felt etc. Aluminium sections shall
32(i) be smooth, rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanically wherever
required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/paneling,
C.P.brass/stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings
and the directions of Engineer-In-Charge. (Glazing and paneling to be paid
for separately) :

For fixed portion and chaukhats

window frame
Window frame
Door Frame
For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing
(ii) hinges/pivots and labour for fixing of fittings wherever required including the
cost of PVC Plug / neoprene gasket required
Openable window

Providing and fixing 12mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed
three layer or graded wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l
Type ll, in paneling fixed in aluminium doors, windows shutters and partition
33 frames with C.P. brass / stainless steel screws etc. complete as per
architectural drawings and directions of engineer-in-charge. Pre-laminated
particle board with decorative lamination on both sides.


Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters

and partitions etc. with PVC Plug/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the
architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of
34 aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item)

Float glass panes of 5.5 mm thickness


Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand
and manufacture IS : 6315 marked, for doors including cost of cutting floors
as required, embedding in floors and cover plates with brass pivot and single
35 piece MS sheet outer box with slide plate and with stainless steel cover plate
etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.


Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISI marked anodized (anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to
36 required colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete :

300mm x 16mm

Cost of Aluminium fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower

37 bolts, handless and screw etc. for these fittings (Excluding sliding bolt)

For shutter area above 0.50 sqm


Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of 80mm x

M.S. Laths, interlocked together through their entire length, and jointed
together, at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft,
38 with brackets, side guides 27.5 cm long wire spring grade No. 2 and
arrangement for inside and outside locking, with push and pull operation
complete, including top cover 0.80mm thick (payment is to be made for the
exact size of opening; where rolling shutter is to be fixed).
Providing & fixing ball bearing, for push and pull type rolling shutters, from
39 9.20 to 12 sqm area.

Extra for providing mechanical device, chain and crank operation, for
operating rolling shutters, exceeding 11.20 sqm In area, of the rolling shutter.

41 Sand filling under floor and in wells of bridge foundation including handling
100 metres.
42 plinth protaction
81.6 - Conglomerate floor 40mm thick cement concrete topping
1:2:4 (using mechanical mixer for mixing of material). A&C-11

43 Construction of cable trench 0.30 x 0.30 mtr with Chequerred plate(A-22)

Providing & fixing 16 gauge stainless steel pipe railing of grade 304 duly fixed
on steps with the help of bolts grouted on steps with hand rail and newel post
of 50mm dia Stainless steel pipe, Balusters of 40mm dia Stainless steel pipe
44 and guard 3 Nos of 15mm dia Stainless Steel pipe complete in all respect

45 Carriage of material (Sand)

46 Carriage of material (Agreegate)

Part B - Electrical Items

47 Recessed PVC conduit pipe wiring system with flush piano type swiches
Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI
marked),1100 volts grade to be laid in heavy gauge. PVC, fire retardant
conduit pipe 20mm/25 mm dia ISI marked, recessed in wall etc. complete
with powder coated/anodized concealed meta boxes required for having
electronic fan regulators ( socket size), bell push, electronic buzzer, 3
pin6Amp 16/20 Amp. socket and 6 Amo. 16/20 Amp. switches ( flush piano
type accessories) etc.and covered with brown bakelite white glazed
translucent backside painted sheet 3 mm thick etc. including the cost of flush
piano type switchs/sockets step type electronics fan regulator 100 watts, PvC
connector( for fan box and electronics buzzer), PVC bush,steel hookes,
circular inspection box (recessed type or deep type)conduit pipe and copper
wire and other petty material.including the cost of cutting and filling up of

a Wiring light Point without fan box in PVC insulated copper conductor single
core FR cable ( ISI marked) over all 1.5 sq,mm 1100 volts grade
Wiring 3 pin 6 amp. Wall socket Plug point in PVC insulated copper conductor
single core FR cable(ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq.mm 1100 volts grade
b complete with bonding to existing earth with PVC insulated copper conductor
Single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1 sq mm 1100 volts grade

c Wiring 3 Pin 16/20 amp Power Plug control (shuttered) and switch.
Wiring light point in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable
d (ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq. mm, 1100 volts grade complete without control


Supply and erection of PVC insulated single core FR copper conductor cable
a ISI marked left bare in pipe or casing of suitable size excluding the cost of
supply and erection of pipe or casing.
b PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5
sq.mm, 1100 volts grade
c PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 2.5
sq.mm, 1100volts grade
d PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked)
overall 6 sq.mm, 1100volts grade

49 Bulk Head- Die cast aluminium body heat resistant prismatic glass cover, with
specially designed gasket
50 Providing and Fixing of Exaust fan 15 " 380 mm with aluminium louvers
51 Providing and Fixing of FLEXITRON VIVA-LED Batton 40W (1200 mm)
52 Providing and Fixing of FLEXITRON VIVA-LED Batton 80W (1200 mm)
53 Rubber mat 1 x 2 mtr (10mm thick)
Supply and erection of Miniature Circuit Breakers/ RCBO's/ RCCB's in the
existing MCB distribution board as per PWD General Specifications 2010
including connections with suitable size of thimbles/lugs.

GROUP-A: (Siemens (Beta Guard), Legrand (Lexic) & Schneider (Neo

Break), L&T (Hager)

Miniature circuit breaker double pole 6 to

32amp. (Breaking capacity 10kA, Curve-C) suitable for 240/ 415 volts
a 50cycles AC supply

Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB for earth leakage protection) four
pole 63 amp, sensituvity 300mA (as per standard IEC 61008) suitable for
240/415 volts 50 cycles AC supply.


Supply and erection of sheet metal double door distribution boards of suitable
size and of required no. of ways for mounting miniature circuit breakers/
RCBO's/ RCCB's in the existing MCB distribution board as per PWD General
Specifications 2010 including connections with suitable size of thimbles and
bonding to existing earth etc.

Sheet metal double door T.P. & N. (vertical design) distribution board (dust
protected) provided with bus bar, neutral link and din bar, suitable for
incorporating FP/ TPN MCB's/ isolators for incoming and DP/ SP & N/ Single
Pole MCB's/ RCBO/ RCCB's for outgoing 12 way each

Supply and Erection of 40mm x 5mm thick copper tape
(As additional length).
Supply and Erection of 8 SWG 4mm dia copper wire
run through 20mm dia. Heavy gauge welded conduit pipe (As additional
(ii) length).

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metalliccases etc., with 40
mm x 5 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 10 nos. copper rivets)
to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made cylindrical) burried
10 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia.
125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including
fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 13 metre in length
(including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class) should be laid in the
hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level and
(iii) having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x300mm x
300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi
covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm around the hole of

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metallic

cases etc., with 25 mm x 3 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 10
nos. copper rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate
(made cylindrical) burried 4 metre below ground level in the hole of
excavation having bore dia. 125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust
mixture (20 kg.) including fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up
to 7 metre in length (including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class)
(iv) should be laid in the hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet
below ground level and having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the
pipe. 300mm x300mm x 300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4
cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x
300mm around the hole of excavation.

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metalliccases etc., with 75
mm x 10 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 15 nos. copper
rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made cylindrical)
burried 7 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia.
200mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (30 kg.) including
fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 10 metre in length
(including bore length). G.I. pipe 50mm dia. (A- class) should be laid in the
(v) hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level and
having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x300mm x
300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi
covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm around the hole of
Supply and laying of XLPE/ P.V.C. insulated P.V.C. sheathed aluminium
conductor un-armoured cable working voltage upto and including 1100 volts
grade to be laid loose in the existing trench or pipe as per PWD General
Specifications 2010:-

XLPE/ PVC insulated PVC sheathed aluminium conductor

unarmoured cable working voltage 1100volts grade
b 240sq.mm (Three Core)


Supply and erection of PVC PIPES & hdpe PIPES (FIRE retardant ) for wiring
purpose including bends, inspection boxes etc., where necesary including
other petty material as per PWD Genral Specifications 2010:
a) Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 25mm dia (ISI marked Flushed)
b) Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 50mm dia (ISI marked Flushed)

59 Providing Fixing & commissioning of 750mm Single Phase Air circulator Fan
wall mounted

60 Batton holder

Part-C: Misc. works

EOT Crane with LT, CT & Hoist of minimum 3 ton Capacity to cover complete
Clear Water Pump chamber Long travel 33 mtrs. Cross travel 8 mtrs and
61 height of building 9 mtr

62 Dewatering Pump For ClearWater Capacity 200 LPM ,12 mtr. Head
LT PANEL cum MCC for Clear Water Pumping
Providing, Installing, testing and Commissioning of LT Control panel cum
VFD based MCC fed from power cable from HT & LT room set to Control 6
No Motor Control and for other panels for misc loads like lighting, chloination
etc. inside pump chamber. The panel shall comprise of MCCB, VFD based
starter, MFM, ampere meter, volt meter, phase preventer, phase indicators,
63 lighting arrangement
. The panel shall be made of suitable thichness of CRCA sheet powder
coated with locking arrangement including provision for termination of
Aluminium armoured cable of suitable size from panel to motors supported on
cable trays and suitable earthing arrangement of pump set and panel.

Sub LT PanelProviding, Installing, testing and Commissioning of Sub LT

Panel fed from power cable from LT PANEL cum MCC for Clear Water
Pumping with 250A incomer MCCB 50KA and outgoings of 4 Nos. 100A
MCCBs of 35 KA complete with rotary handles .to Control misc loads. The
panel shall comprise of MFM, ampere meter, volt meter, phase indicators,
lighting arrangement . The panel shall be made of suitable thichness of
64 CRCA sheet powder coated with locking arrangement including provision for
termination of Aluminium armoured cable of suitable size from panel to
motors supported on cable trays and suitable earthing arrangement of pump
set and panel

65 Type 2 Surge Protection Device 15KA with Double Door Enclosure for
Lighting DB

66 Type 2 Surge Protection Device 40KA with Double Door Enclosure for

Grand Total

Estimate of HT Metering Room

Item Particulars

Centre line length of main wall

Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches, etc. in all kinds of soils, not
exceeding 2 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches
1 stacking the excavated soil, clear from the edge of excavation and
subsequent filling around masonry, in 15 cm layers with compaction,
including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed within a lead of 30 metres.

2 Cement concrete 1 : 4 : 8 with stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size in

foundation and plinth

3 First class brick work laid in cement, sand mortar in 1 : 6 in foundation and

Damp proof course 75 mm thick of cement concrete 1 : 2 : 4 using stone

4 aggregate with 2 coats of bitumen 20/30 penetration, at 1.65 Kg. per sqm laid
hot and sanded.

In Room

First class brick work laid in cement, sand mortar in 1 : 6 in first story up to 4
mt above plinth level.

Centering and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors,

6 roofs, landings, chhajjas, shelves etc. inclination not exceeding 25 degree
with horizontal.

Reinforced cement concrete of grade M-20 mechanically batch mixed using

batch type concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrator by needle vibrator but
excluding steel reinforcement and centring and shuttering in foundation and

Cold twisted deformed bars Fe-500 EQR TMT steel bars for bars RCC,
8 works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC including beinding,
binding and placing in position complete
Base course of floors consisting of 100 mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16
and 100 mm sand and stone filling.

10 Cement concrete 1 : 4 : 8 with stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size in

foundation and plinth.

Providing & laying 60 mm thick intelocking paver blocks of all shapes of

colour in design mix cement M-35 over a bed of 40 mm thick coarse sand
filling the joints with fine sand complete in all respect. As per direction of
engineer - in -charge

In out side of Room

Kota stone tile flooring 20 mm to 30 mm thick in any pattern as specified over

12.5 mm thick base of cement coarse sand mortar 1 : 3 laid and jointed with
neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone including
rubbing and polishing.

Kota stone 20mm thick in skirting risers of steps, dados pillars and wall facing
(lining) in any pattern as specified 12.5 mm thick cement coarse sand plaster
13 1:3 laid and jointed with neat cement slurry, mixeed with pigment to match the
shade of stone including rubbing and polishing including labour for mixing
cramps, dowels and pins etc.

In Room

Wrought iron and mild steel (using angles, flats, square bars, tee and
channels) ladders grills, gratting frames, window guards, iron doors openable
14 or fixed stair case or parapet or any other type of railing, gates and tree
guards etc., including cost of screws and welding rods or bolts and nuts
complete fixed in position.

In Gate
Supplying and fixing rolling shutters, of approved make, made of 80 mm
x1.25 mm
M.S Laths, interlocked together through their entire length, and jointed
together, at the end, by end locks mounted on specially designed pipe shaft,
15 with brackets, side guides, 27.5 cm long wire spring grade no. 2, and
arrangement for inside and outside locking, with push and pull operation
complete, including top cover 0.80 mm thick (payment is to be made for the
exac t size of opening where rolling shutter is to
be fixed): with 80 mm × 1.25 mm M.S. Laths

Shutter in Metering Room

Supplying operable steel windows of standard rolled steel sections, joints

mitred and electrically flash welded including provision for arrangement of
receiving handles, peg stay, catcher will also be welded with the frame and
16 providing and fixing pressed steel projected hinges, iron lugs, glazing clips
(excluding wooden shutters, glazing and fittings such as handles, peg stay
and catch-er etc.) and finished with two coat of ready mixed red lead non
setting primer.

up to one sqm area

Supplying and fixing glass panes including special metal sash putty of
approval make glass panes 4 mm thick, exceeding 40 sq. m area.

Wire gauze oon steel windows or standard rolled steel section with 3 mm
18 thick flat iron cover moulding of 12.5 mm width fixed with machine screws
welded complete in all respects.

19 Cement conrete 1 : 2 : 4 with stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size in

foundation and plinth.

20 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1 : 4

Applying priming coat with cement primer in all shades on newly plastered or
concrete exterior surfaces
Quantity as plaster

Painting two coats excluding priming coat with synthetic enamel paint in all
22 shades on new wood work or metallic or plastered or concrete surfaces to
give an even shade.

Quantity as plaster
with special quality paint

Painting two coats with ready-mixed exterior paint in all shades on newly
plastered or concrete surface of walls.

1.20 meters high fencing, with 1.65 metres posts, placed at every, 2.5 metres
to 3 metres apart embedded in cement concrete blocks and every tenth post,
to be struutted, provided with 4 horizontal lines of G.I. barbed wire, weighing
9.34 kg. per 100 metres (minimum) and fixed with G.I. stples, tied to 6 mm
bar nib, with binding wire or by providing cut, including drilling holes, in the
post emplete (excluding the cost of posts, struts, earth work and concrete
which is payable extra)

Providing & fixing cast iron i00 mm dia Rain Water pipe with screw and
25 wooden plugs fixed on wall face including filling joints with spun yarn and
cement mortar 1:2.

100 MM dia
in pump house

Providing & fixing cast iron head for rain water pipe on wooden plugs

100 MM dia PVC Bend

Recessed PVC Conduit pipe wiring system withflush piano type switch

Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable 1100 grade to
be laid in heavy gauge conduit pipe 20 mm/ 25 mm dia ISI

wiring Fan Point with sheet metal fan box in PVC insulated copper conductor
single core FR cableISI marked 1.5 sq mm

wiring Light Point in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable ISI
marked 1.5 sq mm
3 pin 6 amp. All socket point in PVC insulated copper conductor single core
FR cable ISI marked 1.5 sq mmincluding earthing the 3rd pin etc.

3 pin 16/20 amp. Plug point including earthing the 3rd pint etc. w

Supply and erection of PVC sheathed Copper conductor cable

1.50 sqmmm
2.50 sqmmm

Earthing of sheet metal/iron clad switches and metallic cases with tinned
copper earth plate 1200mm × 300mm × 3mm thick buried 40m below ground
29 level in the hole of excavation having bore dia 125 mm and surroundd by salt
& charcoal dust GI pipe 20 mm dia should be laid in hole of excavation from
bore surface level to 1 feet complete as per description.

Estimate for
S. No. Description
Panel Room

Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches etc., in all kind of soils, not
exceeding 2 mtrs. depth where pick jumper work is not involved including
dressing of bottom and sides of trenches stacking the excavated soils, clear
from the edge of excavation & subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm
1 layer with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed within
a lead of 30 meter.

Cement concrete 1:4:8 with brick balast 40mm nominal size in foundation &
2 plinth
Reinforced cement concrete M-25 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
3 steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation & plinthe
First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth
Reinforced cement concrete M-15 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
5 steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation & plinthe

6 Centring and shuttering for facs of concrete foundation & foundation f
beams and plimth beams, girders etc
Rinforced Cement concrete M-15 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
7 steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

8 First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in first storey upto 4 M
above plinth level
9 115 mm thick brick wall laid in cement mortar 1:4 without reinforcement in
super structure
Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors windows, ventilators and
partions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/approvpriate Z
sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS, 733 and IS
: 1285of Jindal, Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent make approved by engineer
- in -charge fixed with rawplugs and screws or with fixing clips or with
expansion hold fasterners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions,
at top, bottom and sides with required PVC plug/neoprene felt etc. aluminium
sections shall be smooth, rust f ree straight mitred and jointed mechanically
wherever required including cleat angle. Aluminium snap beading for
glazing/panclling C.P. brass/stainless stell screws, etc complete s per
10 architectural drawings and the direction of engineer - in -charge (b)Shutters of
doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/pivots and
labour for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of PVC
plug/neoprene gasket required

For fixed portion and chowkhat

For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing
11 hinges/pivots and labour for fixing of fittings whereever required
Providing and fixing 12 mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed
three layer of graded wood particle board confirmring to IS: 12823 grade I
12 type II in panelling fixed in aluminium doors, windows shutters

Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door windows, ventilator shutter and
partions etc. with pvc/neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural
drawings and the directions of engineer - in -charge,(cost of aluminium snap
beading shall be paid in basic items)

(b) With float glass panes of 5.5 mm thickness

Cost of Aluminium fittings complete for dorrs, windows such as tower bolts,
14 handles and screw etc for these fittings

For shutter area above 0.50 sqm

Reinforced cement concrete M-25 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
15 steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

Centring and shuttering for flat surface such as suspended floors, roofs,
16 landings chhajjas, shelves etc inclination not exceeding 25 degree with

17 Centring and shuttering for columns (square or rectangular) or polygonal in

18 Centring & shuttering for sides and soffits of beams and beam launching

Terracing consisting of tiles 22.86 cm x 11.43 cm x 3.81 cm laid over
87.50mm mud filling on a layer of 25 mm mud plaster and another layer of
mud mortar for laying the tiles, including two coats of bitumen laid hot at
1.65 kg per sqm on top of RCC slab including grounting with cement sand
mortar 1:3 and top surface to be left clean etc.

Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola10 cm x10 cm concave quardrant along junction
20 of roofs with parapet wall finished smooth where specially specified.
Providing & Fixing 110.mm dia SWR UPVC I.S.I. mark rain water pipe as per
IS:13596 including jointing materia;l during masonary complet e as per
21 specifications

22 Providing and fixing 110mm dia SWR UPVC rain water pipe bend as per
IS:14735 o

Top Khurra 0.6mx0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete
23 1:2:4 mm over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 with CI spout

Bottom khurra on ground 1.2m x 0.6m consisting of brick on edge laid in

24 cement mortar 1:3 over 75 mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12mm thick
cement plaster 1:3
First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in first storey up to 4 m
25 height in first storey up to 4m height

26 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 .
27 Plastering on underside of ceiling 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3

28 Cement pointing 1:2 deep variety on brick and tile work.

29 Conglomerate floor 50 mm thick cement concrete topping1:2:4

cable trench

30 Earth Filling
Earth filling under floors with surplus soil including ramming watering and
consolidating lead up to 30 meter
31 base course of floor consisting of 100 mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 and
100 mm sand filling
Kotah stone flooring 20 mm to 30 mm thick in any pattern as specified over
12.5 mm thick base of cement coarse sand mortar 1:3 laid and jointed with
32 neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone including
rubbing and polishing.

Kotah stone 20 mm thick in skirting risersof steps, dados and wall facing
(lining) and pillers laid in 12 mm thick cement coarse sand plaster 1:3 laid and
jointed with neat cement slurry, mixed with pigment to match the shade of
33 stone including rubbing and polishing including labour for fixing cramps,
dowels and pins etc.
Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed tiles confirming to IS : 15622
34 of approved make in all colours of size 300 x 600 mm as approved by
engineer in charge
Wrought iron and mild steel (using angles, flats, square bars, tees and
channels)ladders, grills gratting frames, window guards iron doors openable
or fixed stair case or parapet or any other type of railing, gates and tree
35 guards etc. including cost of scres and welding rods or bolts and nuts
complete fixed in position.

Window 2x4 Nos. @ 0.50 Qtl./Each

36 Providing and fixing fan hooks 80 cm long of required shape and size:-

a) 16 mm dia
Cold twisted deformed (ribbed/tor steel) bars for R.C.C. works, where not
included in the complete rate of R.C.C. including bending, binding and
37 placing in position complete.

38 White Washing three coats

Preparation of concrete or plastered surfae for painting and oil bond

distemper including sand paperingthe surface applying one coat of linsead oil
39 and filling with approved quality filler

Distempering with acrylic washable oil bound distemper (of approved

40 manufacturer) two coats over one priming coat to give an even shade.

41 Colour washing two coats

Finishing walls with acrylic smooth exterior paint of required shade with two
coats applied @ 1.67 litre/10 sqm over and including base coat of water
42 proofing cement paint applied @2.20 kg/10 sqm.

Providing and fixing in position chinaware european type water closet P or S

rrap of approvd make size 580 mm of approved make consisting of 10 litre
PVC flushing cistern pvc short bend 32 mm dia including cost of seat cover
43 complete inall respect and to the entire satisfaction of engineer -in - charge
providing and fixing in position vitreus chinaware white lavatory suites of
approved make(to the approval of Engineer -in-charge) consisting of CP
44 brass waste 32 mm dia with one Cp brass pillar tap complete in all respcet

iii) size 630 mm x 450 mm

45 providing and fixing in position 32 mm dia GI waste pipe embedded in wall
upto floor level including cost of fitting
46 Providing and fixing in position stain less sink of approved make tot the
approval of engineer -in - charge
Size 600 mm x 450 mm x 225 mm
47 Providing and fixing 15 mm i/d bib cock of approved make

ii) CP brass bib cockwithout flange

48 Providing and fiximg in position stop cock/ angle valve of approved make

Cp brass 15 mm concealed stop cock with flange

49 providing and fixing in position PVC flexible tube connection of approved
PVC connection of 15 mmx300 mm with CP brass nut
Providing and fixing in positionSWR UPVC soil waste vent or antisyphonage
pipes to ISI specification IS:13592 of approved make including cutting jointing
50 wastage, but excluding cost of lead joint

(i) 110 mm o/d SWR UPVC pipe line laid complete

(ii) 75 mm o/d SWR UPVC I pipe line laid complete
Providing and fixing HCI floor trap confirmng to ISI specifications(IS: 1729) of
51 approved make to the approval of engineer incharge

with 75 mm i/d out let deep seal

52 Providing and fixing in position S.S grating with frame of approved make
complete in all respect
53 Providing and fixing in position CI gully trap cover weighing approximately
7.26 kg and frame for gullytrap
54 Providing and fixing in position grating of approved make(to the approval of
engineer -in - charge)
Construction of brick masonary inspection chamber size as given below up to
0.60 meter average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar, cement concrete 1:2:4
55 benching 12.50 mm thick cement plaster

Size 450 mm x 600 mm inside with RCC 455 mm x610 m mm cover and
frame medium duty double seal/
Providing and fixing in position on terrace (at all floors) HDPE water storage
56 tanks pf approved make with cover with suitable locking arrangement

Double layer Tanks

57 Providing and fixing in position GI tank nipple of approved make in PVC
storage tanks complete in all respect
GI tank Nipple 20 mm i/d
58 Providing and fixing in position automatic brass ball cock in tank

Brass ball cock with rod and plastic ball

20 mm i/d
Concealed in wallProviding,& fixing chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)
pipes as per IS 15778 ISI marked with the prior approval of engineer - in -
charge including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe
59 with clamps at 1.00 m spacing testing complete as direction of engineer - in -

(i) CPVC SDR 11 pipes fittings 16 mm o/d

(ii) CPVC SDR 25 mm o/d pipe & fittings
60 Providing and fixing in position MS or heavy flat ron clamps made out of MS
flat iron not less than 5 mm
61 Cement concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingle
62 Steel work fixed independantly without connecting plate including cutting
hoisting and fixing in oposition

Tees, Angles and channels

Angles 50 mm x 50 mm x6mm

63 Carriage of Materials
(i) Coarse aggregate
(ii) Coarse sand
(iii) Stone ballast 40 mm

64 Recessed PVC conduit pipe wiring system with flush piano type
Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI
marked),1100 volts grade to be laid in heavy gauge. PVC, fire retardant
conduit pipe 20mm/25 mm dia ISI marked, recessed in wall etc. complete
with powder coated/anodized concealed meta boxes required for having
electronic fan regulators ( socket size), bell push, electronic buzzer, 3
pin6Amp 16/20 Amp. socket and 6 Amo. 16/20 Amp. switches ( flush piano
type accessories) etc.and covered with brown bakelite white glazed
translucent backside painted sheet 3 mm thick etc. including the cost of flush
piano type switchs/sockets step type electronics fan regulator 100 watts, PvC
connector( for fan box and electronics buzzer), PVC bush,steel hookes,
circular inspection box (recessed type or deep type)conduit pipe and copper
wire and other petty material.including the cost of cutting and filling up of

Wiring light Point without fan box in PVC insulated copper conductor single
(i) core FR cable ( ISI marked) over all 1.5 sq,mm 1100 volts grade

Wiring 3 pin 6 amp. Wall socket Plug point in PVC insulated copper conductor
single core FR cable(ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq.mm 1100 volts grade
complete with bonding to existing earth with PVC insulated copper conductor
Single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1 sq mm 1100 volts grade

(iii) Wiring 3 Pin 16/20 amp Power Plug control (shuttered) and switch.

Wiring light point in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI
(iv) marked) overall 1.5 sq. mm, 1100 volts grade complete without control


Supply and erection of PVC insulated single core FR copper conductor cable
ISI marked left bare in pipe or casing of suitable size excluding the cost of
supply and erection of pipe or casing.

(i) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall
1.5 sq.mm, 1100 volts grade
(ii) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 4
sq.mm, 1100volts grade
(iii) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 6
sq.mm, 1100volts grade

66 Bulk Head- IP 65 prismatic glass cover 10 watt LED

67 Providing Fixing & commissioning of 750mm Single Phase Air circulator Fan
wall mounted

68 Providing and Fixing of Exaust fan 18" 450 mm with aluminium louvers

Providing and Fixing of FLEXITRON VIVA-LED Batton 40W white/neutral

69 white for surface, pendant & conduit mounting with high transmissitivity
diffuser (1200 mm)

70 Providing and Fixing of perk Linear highbay luminaire BTS 140W W LED
WITH Opal poly carbonate difuser

Sub LT Panel
Providing, Installing, testing and Commissioning of Sub LT Panel fed from
power cable from Main LT Panel with 250A incomer MCCB 50KA and
outgoings of 4 Nos. 100A MCCBs of 35 KA complete with rotary handles .to
Control misc loads. The panel shall comprise of MFM, ampere meter, volt
meter, phase indicators, lighting arrangement . The panel shall be made of
suitable thichness of CRCA sheet powder coated with locking arrangement
71 including provision for termination of Aluminium armoured cable of suitable
size from panel to motors supported on cable trays and suitable earthing
arrangement of pump set and panel


S. No. Description

1 Earthing of VCB, APFC Panel, Sub LT Panels

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metallic cases etc., with
40 mm x 5 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 10 nos. copper
rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made cylindrical)
burried 10 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia.
125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including
fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 13 metre in length
(including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class) should be laid in the
hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level and
having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the pipe.
300mm x 300mm x 300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4
cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x
300mm around the hole of excavation.

2 Earthing for Lightening arrestors.

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metallic cases etc., with
25 mm x 3 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 10 nos. copper
rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made cylindrical)
burried 4 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia.
125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including
fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 7 metre in length
(including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class) should be laid in the
hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level and
having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x300mm x
300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi
covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm around the hole of

Protective Earthing of all instruments, communication system, small

power equipment.

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metallic cases etc., with
25 mm x 3 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 10 nos. copper
rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made cylindrical)
burried 4 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia.
125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20 kg.) including
fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 7 metre in length
(including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class) should be laid in the
hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level and
having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x300mm x
300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and haudi
covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm around the hole of
4 Earthing & Testing of Earth resistence for Earthing of Main LT Panel of
500 MVA Fault level complete in all respects.
Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metallic cases etc., with
75 mm x 10 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 15 nos. copper
rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made cylindrical)
burried 7 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation having bore dia.
200mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (30 kg.) including
fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 10 metre in length
(including bore length). G.I. pipe 50mm dia. (A- class) should be laid in the
hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level and
having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the pipe.
300mm x 300mm x 300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4
cement plaster and haudi covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x
300mm around the hole of excavation.

5 Additional length for earth grid for communication, instrumentation

& small lighting & fan load etc.
Supply and Erection of 40mm x 5mm thick copper tape (As additional
6 Additional length for communication, instrumentation & small lighting,SPD
& fan load etc.
Supply and Erection of 8 SWG 4mm dia copper wire run through 20mm dia.
Heavy gauge welded conduit pipe (As additional length).


Item Particulars

1 Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches, etc. in all kinds of soils,

not exceeding 2 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of
trenches stacking the excavated soil, clear from the edge of excavation and
subsequent filling around masonry, in 15 cm layers with compaction,
including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed within a lead of 30 metres.

for Transformer

2 Cement concrete 1 : 4 : 8 with stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size in

foundation and plinth using concrete mixer
Carriage+ Diffrence of Quary
3 First class brick work laid in cement, sand mortar in 1 : 5 in foundation and
Carriage+ Diffrence of Quary
4 Centering and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, chhajjas, shelves etc. inclination not exceeding 25 degree with

5 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size in

foundation and plinth
Carriage+ Diffrence of Quary
6 Design mix cement concrete of grade M-20 with minimum cement contents
300 Kg/cum in foundation and plinth.

Carriage+ Diffrence of Quary
7 12.5 mm thick 1:4 plaster
Carriage+ Diffrence of Quary
8 Fe-500 EQR TMT steel bars for bars RCC, works, where not including
in the complete rate of RCC including beinding, binding and placing in
position complete

9 Wrought iron and mild steel (using angles, flats, square bard, tee and
channels) ladders grills, gratting frames, window gaurds, iron doors openable
or fixed stair case or parapet or any other type of railing, gates and tree
guards etc., including cost of screws and welding rods or bolts and nuts
complete fixed in position.

Total Weight
10 Providing and fixing link wire mesh 50x50 mm including cutting, wellding and
fixing etc.
11 Providing and fixing MS angle iron gate 4.5m

12 1.2 metre high G.I. barbed wirefencing with 1.8 metre angle iron posts
40x40x6mm placed every 3 metres centre to centre 0.6 metre below ground
level, every 15th post, end post, corner post suitably strutted and provided
with 9 horizontal lines and two diagonals interwoven with horizontal wires
fixed with GI staples, turn buckles etc. including foundation concrete1:2:4 of
size 0.30x0.30x0.75m for each post complete as per technical clause 807 of
MORT&H specifications
13 Providing supply and laying stone bolder 40mm nominal size

14 Applying priming coat with metal primer on new steel or iron work
including preparation of surface with first quality.

15 Painting two coats excluding priming coat with redimixed paint for matalic
surfaces in all shades on new steel or iron work.

16 Distempering with dry distemper of approved manufacture two coats on

old distempetered surface.
17 Sand Filling below plinth including lead

Total Cost

Construction of Inspection Chamber with RCC slab cover (1.2 x 1.6 x 1.1 m depth) Annexu

Item Particulars

Part- A -Foundation

1 Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches etc. in all kinds of soil

where pick jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the edge of excavation and sebsequent filling around
masonery in 15 CM layers with compaction including disposal of surplus soil
as directed with in a lead of 30 meters

2 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 with stone ballast of

size. 20mm gauge
3 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in foundation and

4 Conglomerate floor 50mm thick cement concrete rate 1:2:4 on 100mm thick
cement concrete 1:8:16 and 100 mm sand filling

5 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4

Both sides

6 Centring and shuttering for flat surface such as suspended

floors,roofs, landings,chajjas, shelves, etc

7 Centring and shuttering for face of walls, partitions, retaining walls and the
like vertical or bartering including attached pillaster buttresses etc.

8 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechancially batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth

9 Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/ Tor Steel Bar) Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786- 1985, for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of
RCC including bending and placing in position complete

10 Carriage of fine sand

(i) Carriage of 1:4:8

(ii) Carriage of RCC M20

(iii) Carriage of CC1:2:4

Rate Analysis for Platform of Gen Set- Group 5 Annexure-13

Item Particulars

1 Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches, etc. in all kinds of soils, not
exceeding 2 metres depth including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches
stacking the excavated soil, clear from the edge of excavation and
subsequent filling around masonry, in 15 cm layers with compaction,
including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed within a lead of 30 metres.

for Gen Set

2 Cement concrete 1 : 4 : 8 with stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size in

foundation and plinth using cocrete nixer

(b) Carriage + Diffrence of Quarry
3 First class brick work laid in cement, sand mortar in 1 : 5 in foundation and
(b) Carriage + Diffrence of Quarry
4 Centering and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, chhajjas, shelves etc. inclination not exceeding 25 degree with

5 Design mix cement concrete of grade M-20 with minimum cement

contents 300 Kg/cum in foundation and plinth.

(a) Total
(b) Carriage + Diffrence of Quarry
6 12.5 mm thick 1:4 plaster
(a) Total
(b) Carriage + Diffrence of Quarry
7 Fe-500 EQR TMT steel bars for bars RCC, works, where not including in the
complete rate of RCC including beinding, binding and placing in position
8 Providing and fixing MS pipe 100 X 50mm

9 Providing & fixing powder coated Galvanized Metal roofing sheet including
cost of steel screw and vashers.

10 Providing & fixing MS clamp for 100 X 50mm pipe

11 Painting 2 coats including priming coat with readymixed paint for metalic
surfaces in all shades on new steel or iron work.

12 Sand Filling at base of DG set

Estimate for Boundary Wall

Item Particulars

1 Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches, etc. in all kinds of soils,

where pick jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2 metres depth
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches stacking the excavatd soil,
clear from the edge of excavation and subsequent filling around masonry, in
15cm layers with compaction, including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed
within a lead of 30 metres

2 Cement Concrete 1 :3 : 6 with stone ballast or shingle


(ii) Carriage + Diffrence in Quarry

3 First Class burnt Brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1 : 6 in foundation and

(ii) Carriage + Diffrence in Quarry

4 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth

(ii) Carriage + Diffrence in Quarry

5 Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 100
mm thick AAC blocks in superstrcture above plinth level in cement mortar 1:4
(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) The rate includes providing and placing in position
2 nos. 6mm dia M.S. bars at every third course of masonry work.

6 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth


(ii) Carriage + Diffrence in Quarry

7 Conglomerate floor 50 mm thick cement concrete topping 1:2:4


(ii) Carriage + Diffrence in Quarry

9 cold twisted deformed(ribbed or tor steel) bars Fe 500 grade as per IS 1786-
1985, for RCC works, where not included in the complete rate of RCC
including bending and placing in position complete.

10 Centering and shuttering for columns ( circular or curved in plain)

11 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:5

12 Steel work fixed independantly without connecting plates, including

cutting, hoisting and fixing in position

tees, Angles and channels

45 mm x45 mm x6mm
13 Supplying and fixing of GI warbed wire for fencing the water works

14 Construction of Brick Masonary Guard room (3m x 3m) including aluminium

door,window, kota stone flooring,inside/outside plastering, painting, electrical
wiring etc. complete in all respect.

Total Amount

A Estimate for Road 6m wide (unit 100meter)

Item Particulars

1 Carriage of Earth, surkhi, sand Fly ash, Bajri,Ballast, stone Boulders , Kankar
and building Rubbish,Earth
5.0 km lead
2 Stone (building or pitching) sand earth, fly ash bajri, shingle spalls , Brick
Bats, Brick Ballast and stone metal

3 Loosening, levelling and compacting original ground up to a level of 500 mm

below road crust, mixed with water at OMC levelled, graded and compacted
in layers by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in table
300-2 for sub grade construction as per technical clause 305 of MORT&H


4 Cement Concrete 1 : 4 : 8 with stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size in

foundation and plinth

Precast cement concrete kerb

5 Plain cement concrete M-20 grade precast kerb 250 mm high with bottom
width 165 mm and top width 115 mm fixed in position on earth base including
carriage to site of work complete as per technical clause 408 of MORT&H


6 Pre cast cement concrete channel

Plain cement concrete M-20 grade precast channel 300 mm wide and 75 mm
thick fixed in position on earth base including carriage to site of work
complete as per technical clause 408 of MORT&H specification

Foot Path

7 Plain cement concrete pavement

Construction of unreinforced plain cement concrete pavement in M-30 mix
design over a prepared sub base with cement contents 350 kg per cum and
coarse and fine aggregate cofirming to IS: 383 mixed with concrete mixer
using weigh batch batcher laid in position over 125 micron thick
polythenesheet compacted with needle vibrator, screed vibrateo and plate
vibrator dewatering of free water with vaccum pump finishing the surface with
power floater, including provision of contraction and expansion joints as
required, fishing to required lines and grades as per drawings anf technical
clause 1501 of MORD specifications

8 Extra Carriage of material

(i) Coarse Sand
(ii) Aggregates

Total cost of Road 600sqm area

Cost of Road per sqm
Say Rs.

B Estimate for Road 5m wide (unit 100m)

Item Particulars
1 Carriage of Earth, surkhi, sand Fly ash, Bajri,Ballast, stone Boulders , Kankar
and building Rubbish,Earth
5.0 km lead
2 Stone (building or pitching) sand earth, fly ash bajri, shingle spalls , Brick
Bats, Brick Ballast and stone metal
3 Loosening, levelling and compacting original ground up to a level of 500 mm
below road crust, mixed with water at OMC levelled, graded and compacted
in layers by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in table
300-2 for sub grade construction as per technical clause 305 of MORT&H


4 Cement Concrete 1 : 4 : 8 with stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size in

foundation and plinth

Precast cement concrete kerb

5 Plain cement concrete M-20 grade precast kerb 250 mm high with bottom
width 165 mm and top width 115 mm fixed in position on earth base including
carriage to site of work complete as per technical clause 408 of MORT&H


6 Pre cast cement concrete channel

Plain cement concrete M-20 grade precast channel 300 mm wide and 75 mm
thick fixed in position on earth base including carriage to site of work
complete as per technical clause 408 of MORT&H specification

Foot Path

7 Plain cement concrete pavement

Construction of unreinforced plain cement concrete pavement in M-30 mix
design over a prepared sub base with cement contents 350 kg per cum and
coarse and fine aggregate cofirming to IS: 383 mixed with concrete mixer
using weigh batch batcher laid in position over 125 micron thick
polythenesheet compacted with needle vibrator, screed vibrateo and plate
vibrator dewatering of free water with vaccum pump finishing the surface with
power floater, including provision of contraction and expansion joints as
required, fishing to required lines and grades as per drawings anf technical
clause 1501 of MORD specifications

8 Extra Carriage of material

(i) Course Sand
(ii) Aggregates
Total cost of Road 500 sqm area
Cost of Road per sqm
Say Rs.

Estimation for Drainage of WTP area



1 Earthwork in excavation for storage and sedimentation tanks, high level

tanks, filter beds, clear water reservoirs, pump houses, sumps, screening
chambers and other similar works having straight or open cuttingin
foundations trenches etc. with 3D excavator/JCB including manually
dressingof bed, trimmoing of sides and side slopes to full dimension and
depthas shown on the drawings or as shall be required by engineer in charge
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the excavation and subsequent filling around plinth/ structures
including watering dressing and disposalof surplus soils as directed upto 15
m etre complete in all respect.,


Sub Total

2 Cement conrete CC 1:4:8 with 20mm thk gauge stone aggregate in

foundation and plinth
3 Providing, Lowering in trenches to correct gradient and alignment, jointing
with tytone rubber joint and cutting of reinforced cement concrete spigot and
socketed pipes and specials with rubber ring ISI mark as per is code IS- 458
:2003 into trenches for all depths and laying out the same to correct
alignment, gradients ,levels etc. cutting of concrete beds and joints holes,
supporting the pipes and specials in correct position in a suitable rigid manner
while the same are being jointed and until the surrounding benching
haunches and envelopes are completed the pipes shell rest on beds at all
joints through their lengths and fixing of rubber ring facing testing and the
pipes for leakages and making good the same leakages in all defects to the
entire satisfaction of Engineer-in- charge including all cartages etc.

Providing and fixing of RCC NP-3 pipe 300mm i/d

4 Construction of Brick Masonary Manhole (A-23)

For 200 -300 mm dia. pipe sewer

1.8m deep
5 Constructing brick masonary road gully chambers as per standard drawings
(as per sizes given below) including dressing of beds and sides of chambers
to exact profiles,
15 cm thick line concrete 16:24:100 as per specified in item number 10.3 in
foundation, first class brick work laid in cement sand motor once 1:5, 40 mm
thick cement concrete 1:2:4 topping inside the chamber with floating Court of
1.5 mm thick neat cement laid in one operation to the topping, the entire inner
surface of the chamber rendered with neat cement not less than 12.5 mm in
thickness of 1 : 2 cement stand plaster and finished with the floating Coat of
neat cement 1 mm thick left absolutely smooth polished and correct to
template including cost of precast RCC Road Gali grating and frame including
paint with coal-tar( as specified in item number 29.74) complete and to the
requirement of the engineer-in charge

(i) size 610mm x 457 mm x 800mm

(II) size 610mm x 457 mm x 1105mm

6 Providing, Lowering in trenches to correct gradient and alignment, jointing
with tytone rubber joint and cutting of reinforced cement concrete spigot and
socketed pipes and specials with rubber ring ISI mark as per is code IS- 458
:2003 into trenches for all depths and laying out the same to correct
alignment, gradients ,levels etc. cutting of concrete beds and joints holes,
supporting the pipes and specials in correct position in a suitable rigid manner
while the same are being jointed and until the surrounding benching
haunches and envelopes are completed the pipes shell rest on beds at all
joints through their lengths and fixing of rubber ring facing testing and the
pipes for leakages and making good the same leakages in all defects to the
entire satisfaction of Engineer-in- charge including all cartages etc.

RCC NP-3 pipe line from Road gully to Manhole


Estimation for Rain Water Harvesting well

S.No Description of item

Boring/drilling bore well of required dia for casing/strainer pipe by suitable

method prescribed in IS: 2800 (part -I), including collecting samples from
different strata, perparing and submitting strata chart/ bore log, including hire
& running charges of all equipments, tools, plants & machineries required for
the job, all complete as per direction of Engineer - in - charge, upto 90 metre
depth below ground level.

300 mm dia
Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in verticle position in bore well
unplasticized PVC medium well casing (CM) pipe of required dia, conforming
2 to IS: 12818-2010, including rquired hire and labour charges, fittings &
accessories etc. all complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer-in-

200 mm

Supplying, assembling, lowering and fixing in verticle position in bore well

unplasticized PVC medium well screen (RMS) pipe with ribs, conforming to
IS: 12818, including hire and labour charges, fittings & accessories etc. all
complete, for all depths, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

200 mm

Jointing P.V.C. / H.D.P.E. pipes and specials with PVC coupling and cement
4 solvent excluding the cost of PVC coupling and cement solvent, including
testing etc. complete in all respects.

200 mm

Providing and placing in horizontal layers filtering media
screened,washed and cleaned
(i) Top layer (effective size 0.2 to 0.4 mm with uniformity coefficient 2 to 3

Second layer -coarse sand (effective size 3mm to 6 mm

Third layer -Bajri screened (effective size 6mm to 20 mm

Fourth layer -Bajri screened (effective size 20mm to 25 mm

Bottom layer -Broken stone,screened (effective size 50mm to 75 mm
Earthwork in excavation for storage and sedimentation tanks, high level
tanks, filter beds, clear water reservoirs, pump houses, sumps, screening
chambers and other similar works having straight or open cuttingin
foundations trenches etc. with 3D excavator/JCB including manually
dressingof bed, trimmoing of sides and side slopes to full dimension and
depthas shown on the drawings or as shall be required by engineer in charge
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the excavation and subsequent filling around plinth/ structures
including watering dressing and disposalof surplus soils as directed upto 15
m etre complete in all respect. Where
6 depths of excavation excceeds 2.0 metre below ground levels or total quqntity
of excavation is more than 100 cum. Total quanity will be paid as item no 6.21
and backfilling as per 4.1( a)

Earth work in excavation up to 7.5mt.

Reinforced Cement concrete M-30 mechanically batch mixed using batch

type concrete mixer as per IS: 1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but
excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure for
rain water harvesting well

Tank walls
RCC Slab
Centering and shuttering

Centring and shuttering for faces of walls, partitions, retaining walls an the
8 like (vertical or battering) includingattached pillasters, buttersses etc when

Centring and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, chajjas, shelves etc.

Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/Tor steel bar)Bar Fe 500 grade as per IS

10 1786-1985 for RCC works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC
including bending and placing in position complete
Providing and fixing 560 mm internal dia circular main hole cover & frame ISI
marked as per is: 12592-202 including carriage from the stores of the
Engineer-in-charge to site of work, loading, unloading including stacking and
setting the same to correct lines over manholes including cement concrete
copping (M:20) around the frame etc. Dia of steel for lifting hook is 16 mm .
( for EHD & HD)

12 Providing and fixing PVC steps as ISI - 1786

13 10mm Thick cement plaster 1:4

Estimate for Toilet Block

S. No. Description

Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches etc., in all kind of soils, not
exceeding 2 mtrs. depth where pick jumper work is not involved including
dressing of bottom and sides of trenches stacking the excavated soils, clear
from the edge of excavation & subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm
1 layer with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed within
a lead of 30 meter.

Cement concrete 1:4:8 with brick balast 40mm nominal size in
2 foundation & plinth
First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth
Earth filling under floors with surplus ordinary soil or soil containing gravel or
kankar upto 40% taking outside the premises in 15 cm layers incluidng
4 ramming, watering and consolidated lead upto 1000 metres.

Damp proof course 4cm thick of cement concrete 1:2:4 using stone
5 aggregate with 2 coats of bitumen 20/30 penetration at 1.65 kg/sqm laid hot
and sanded

6 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingle.

Rinforced Cement concrete M-15 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
7 steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

Door/ Ventilator
8 First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in first storey upto 4 M
above plinth level
9 115 mm thick brick wall laid in cement mortar 1:4 without
reinforcement in super structure
Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors windows, ventilators and
partions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/approvpriate Z
sections and other sections of approved make conforming to IS, 733 and IS :
1285of Jindal, Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent make approved by engineer -
in -charge fixed with rawplugs and screws or with fixing clips or with
expansion hold fasterners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions,
at top, bottom and sides with required PVC plug/neoprene felt etc. aluminium
sections shall be smooth, rust f ree straight mitred and jointed mechanically
wherever required including cleat angle. Aluminium snap beading for
C.P. brass/stainless stell screws, etc complete s per architectural drawings
and the direction of engineer - in -charge (b)Shutters of doors,
10 windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/pivots and labour
for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of PVC
plug/neoprene gasket required

(i) For fixed portion and chowkhat

For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing
(ii) hinges/pivots and labour for fixing of fittings whereever required

Providing and fixing 12 mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed

three layer of graded wood particle board confirmring to IS: 12823 grade I
11 type II in panelling fixed in aluminium doors, windows shutters
Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door windows, ventilator shutter and
partions etc. with pvc/neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural
drawings and the directions of engineer - in - charge,(cost of aluminium snap
12 beading shall be paid in basic items)

(b) With float glass panes of 5.5 mm thickness


Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch

type concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but
13 excluding steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

Terracing consisting of tiles 22.86 cm x 11.43 cm x 3.81 cm laid over

87.50mm mud filling on a layer of 25 mm mud plaster and another layer of
mud mortar for laying the tiles, including two coats of bitumen laid hot at 1.65
kg per sqm on top of RCC slab including grounting with cement sand mortar
1:3 and top surface to be left clean etc.

Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola10 cm x10 cm concave quardrant along junction

15 of roofs with parapet wall finished smooth where specially specified.

Providing & Fixing cast iron rain water non pressure pipe, I.S.I. mark with
ears with screw and wooden plugs fixed on wall face including filling joint with
16 spun-yarn and cement mortar 1:2 excluding head and shoe etc.

100 mm dia pipe (4x 2)

Providing and fixing cast iron head for rain water pipe on wooden plugs fixed
17 on wall face including filling the joints with spun yarn and cement mortar 1:2

Providing and fixing cast iron shoe for 100mm dia rain water pipe on wooden
plugs fixed on wall face including filling the joints with spun yarn and cement
18 mortar 1:2

Top Khurra 0.6mx0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete
19 1:2:4 mm over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 with CI spout
Bottom khurra on ground 1.2m x 0.6m consisting of brick on edge laid in
cement mortar 1:3 over 75 mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12mm thick
20 cement plaster 1:3

21(i) 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 .

21(ii) Plastering on underside of cieling10mm thick cement plaster 1:3

22 Cement pointing 1:2 deep variety on brick and tile work.

Kotah stone flooring 34 mm to 40 mm thick in any pattern as specified over

12 mm thick base of cement coarse sand mortar 1:3 laid and jointed with neat
23 cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone including
rubbing and polishing.

Kotah stone 20 mm thick in skirting risersof steps, dados and wall facing
(lining) and pillers laid in 12 mm thick cement coarse sand plaster 1:3 laid and
jointed with neat cement slurry, mixed with pigment to match the shade of
stone including rubbing and polishing including labour for fixing cramps,
dowels and pins etc.

White glazed tiles 20 cm x 20 cm and 5 mm thick in skirting and dado on 12

mm thick cement plaster 1:3 in base an joined with white cement slurry in
joints including bevelled corners.

26 Providing and fixing fan hooks 80 cm long of required shape and size:-

a) 16 mm dia
Cold twisted deformed (ribbed/tor steel) bars for R.C.C. works, where not
included in the complete rate of R.C.C. including bending, binding and placing
27 in position complete.

Preparation of concrete or plastered surfae for painting and oil bond

distemper including sand paperingthe surface applying one coat of linsead oil
28 and filling with approved quality filler

Distempering with dry distemper of approved maufacture two coats over one
29 priming coat to give an even shade.
Finishing walls with acrylic smooth exterior paint of required shade with two
coats applied @ 1.67 litre/10 sqm over and including base coat of water
30 proofing cement paint applied @2.20 kg/10 sqm.

Centring and shuttering for flat surface such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings chhajjas, shelves etc inclination not exceeding 25 degree with
31 horizontal.

Providing and fixing in position chinaware indian orrisa water closet size 580
32 mm of approved make consisting of 10 litre PVC flushing cistern

providing and fixing in position vitreus chinaware white lavatory suites of

approved make(to the approval of Engineer -in-charge) consisting of CP
33 brass waste 32 mm dia with one Cp brass pillar tap complete in all respcet

iii) size 630 mm x 450 mm

providing and fixing in position 32 mm dia GI waste pipe embedded in wall
34 upto floor level including cost of fitting

35 Providing and fixing 15 mm i/d bib cock of approved make

ii) CP brass bib cockwithout flange

36 Providing and fiximg in position stop cock/ angle valve of approved make

Cp brass 15 mm stop cock

37 providing and fixing in position PVC flexible tube connection of
approved make
PVC connection of 15 mmx300 mm with CP brass nut

Providing and fixing in position HCI soil waste vent or antisyphonage pipes to
ISI specification IS:1729 of approved make including cutting jointing wastage,
38 but excluding cost of lead joint

(i) 100 mm i/d HCI pipe laid complete

(ii) 75 mm i/d HCI pipe linr laid complete
Providing and fixing H.C.I. Floor traps conforming to I.S.I. Specification
(IS:1729) of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) of the
self cleaning design with C.P. brass hinged grating with frame with or without
vent arm and including cement concrete 1:2:4 under and around the floor trap
where required upto floor level complete in all respects including cutting and
39 making good the walls and floors,etc. minimum depth of water should be
150mm with a minimum seal 50mm.

With 100mm i/d outlet deep seal

Providing and fixing in position CI gully trap cover weighing
40 approximately 7.26 kg and frame for gullytrap

41 Providing and fixing in position grating of approved make(to the

approval of engineer -in - charge)
Providing and fixing in position on terrace (at all floors) HDPE water storage
42 tanks pf approved make with cover with suitable locking arrangement

Double layer Tanks

Providing and fixing in position GI tank nipple of approved make in PVC
43 storage tanks complete in all respect

GI tank Nipple 20 mm i/d

44 Providing and fixing in position automatic brass ball cock in tank

Brass ball cock with rod and plastic ball

20 mm i/d
Providing, Laying Jointing, fixing and testing ISI marked GI pipe 9 as per
45 IS:1239) B-class premium make

(i) 15 mm i/d
(ii) 20 mm i/d
Providing and fixing in position vitreous Chinaware white large flat back or
angular lipped front urinal 610 mm high of approved make (to the approval of
46 the Engineer-in-charge) (610 mm x 410 mm x 380mm) consisting of C.P.
waste 32 mm dia and C.P. brass spreader, complete.

47 Extra for providing and fixing 10 litres capacity Chinaware low level flushing
cistern with PVC internal fitting, instead of 10 litres capacity PVC flushing
48 Extra for providing and fixing G.I. 32mm waste pipe for urinal including elbow,
reducer etc complete in all respect.
49 Providing and fixing partition for different type of urinals.
15 to 20 mm thick Granite stone partition size 375mm x 750mm
Providing and fixing in position C.P. brass soap dish of approved make (to the
approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed into wall with rawl plugs and C.P brass
screws complete in all respect.

Providing & Fixing in position 5mm thick bevelled edge mirror of superior
glass (of approved make) complete with 4mm thick hard board backing fixed
51 in with rawl plugs 50mm, C.P. brass screws and washers complete in all
respect (as required by the Engineer-in- Charge)

Size 550mmx400mm
52 Recessed PVC conduit pipe wiring system with flush piano type
Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cables ( ISI
marked) 1100 volts grade to be laid in heavy guage PVC conduit pipe
20mm/25 mm ISI marked

(i) Wiring fan point without fan box insulatted copper conductor single core 1.5
sq mm
(ii) Wiring light point in PVC insulated copper 1.5 sqmm
(iii) wiring 3 pin 6 amp wall socket
(iv) Wiring 3 pin 16/20 amp. Power plug control shuttered

Construction of brick masonry inspection chambers size as given below upto

0.60 metre average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar, lime concrete with 40
per cent lime mortar 2:3 in foundation, cement concrete 1:2:4 benching
12.50mm thick cement plaster 1:2 with a floating coat of 1mm thick of neat
cement, R.C.C. 1:2:4 slabs 100mm thick cement concrete topping 50mm
53 thick with 455mm x 455mm, 455mm x 610mm inside light duty C.I. inspection
chamber cover and frame (Weight as per I.S.I specifications) painted with 3
coats of black bitumastic paint conforming to I.S.I complete as per standard

450mm x 600mm inside with 455mm x 610mm cover and frame light duty
double seal
54 Construction of Septic tank
55 Providing,fixing and installation of 9" exhaust fan 3 blades


Estimate for Staff Quarter

S. No. Description
Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches etc., in all kind of soils, not
exceeding 2 mtrs. depth where pick jumper work is not involved including
dressing of bottom and sides of trenches stacking the excavated soils, clear
from the edge of excavation & subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm
1 layer with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed within
a lead of 30 meter.

2 Cement concrete 1:4:8 with brick balast 40mm nominal size in foundation &

3 First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth

Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation & plinthe

Long wall
Short wall
5 DPC 5 cm thick of cement concrete 1:2:4 with two coats of bitumen 20/30
pene tration @ 1.65 kg per sqm

Front court yard

6 Centring and shuttering for sides of beams and soffits of beams, girders etc

Long wall
Short wall
Rinforced Cement concrete M-15 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
7 steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

8 First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in first storey upto 4 M
above plinth level
9 115 mm thick brick wall laid in cement mortar 1:4 without reinforcement
in super structure

10(i) First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in 2 nd storey above 4 M
above first storey
(ii) First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in 3rd storey above 4 M
above 2nd storey
Chowkats of commercial hard wood such as Hollock confirming to ISI
specification no 1003 m kiln seasoned of doors and windows including iron
11(i) hold fasts, corner straps cleats, stops, bolts for hold fasts etc, complete fixed
in position (Section 60mm x 150mm)

Double Rebate (60mm x 150mm) (60mm x 150mm)

Kiln seasoned Hollock wood doors shutter with 12mm thick phenol Bonded
BWP ply ISI Marked anchor, Kit ply, Nova Teak, National Or equivalent
(ii) including Chowkats iron Hold fasts, Corner straps, Hinges, Screws, Shocks
Cleats, Stops and Cords etc. complete fixed in position (Single Leaf)

Phenol Bonded B.W.P. ply panel

40mm thick

(iii) Wire gauge Hollock wood door shutter without springs housed in chowkhat.

35mm thick
Kail wood doors shutter and window shutter panelled, glazed or glazed and
(iv) panelled including hinges screws chokes cleats and cords etc. complete flied
in position (Single Leaf)

12 Window wire Gauge 35mm thick

Providing and fixing glass panes with nales and putty or wooden strip
13 complete in all respect

(b) With glass panes of 4 mm thickness

Cost of Aluminium fittings complete for dorrs, windows such as tower bolts,
14 handles and screw etc for these fittings

For shutter area up to 0.50 sqm

For shutter area above 0.50 sqm
Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
15 A steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
15 B
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

Slab 2nd Storey

Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
15 C
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

3rd Storey Mumty Slab

Terracing consisting of tiles 22.86 cm x 11.43 cm x 3.81 cm laid over

87.50mm mud filling on a layer of 25 mm mud plaster and another layer of
mud mortar for laying the tiles, including two coats of bitumen laid hot at 1.65
kg per sqm on top of RCC slab including grounting with cement sand mortar
1:3 and top surface to be left clean etc.

Cenent concrete 1:2:4 gola10 cm x10 cm concave quardrant along junction of

17 roofs with parapet wall finished smooth where specially specified.

Providing & Fixing 110.mm dia SWR UPVC I.S.I. mark rain water pipe as per
18 IS:13596 including jointing materia;l during masonary complet e as per
Roof slab
19 Providing and fixing 110mm dia SWR UPVC rain water pipe bend as per
IS:14735 o
20 Top Khurra 0.6mx0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 mm over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 with CI spout

Bottom khurra on ground 1.2m x 0.6m consisting of brick on edge laid in

21 cement mortar 1:3 over 75 mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12mm thick
cement plaster 1:3
Centring and shuttering for staircase with sloping with soffits including
22 risersa and stringers
Reinforced cement concrete M-25 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure
for stairs
First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:4 in first storey up to 4 m
24 height in first storey up to 4m height
First floor
First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:4 in first storey up to 4 m
height in first storey up to 4m height

second floor (for steps)

26 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:5

27 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 .
28 Plastering on underside of ceiling 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3

29 Cement pointing 1:2 deep variety on brick and tile work.

30 Conglomerate floor 40 mm thick cement concrete topping1:2:4

31 Screed of 40 mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 to be laid below the topping

32 Earth Filling
Earth filling under floors with surplus soil including ramming watering
and consolidating lead up to 30 meter

33 base course of floor consisting of 100 mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 and
100 mm sand filling
Kotah stone flooring 20 mm to 30 mm thick in any pattern as specified over
12.5 mm thick base of cement coarse sand mortar 1:3 laid and jointed with
34 neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone including
rubbing and polishing.
Kotah stone 20 mm thick in skirting risersof steps, dados and wall facing
(lining) and pillers laid in 12 mm thick cement coarse sand plaster 1:3 laid and
35 jointed with neat cement slurry, mixed with pigment to match the shade of
stone including rubbing and polishing including labour for fixing cramps,
dowels and pins etc.

Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed tiles confirming to IS : 15622
of approved make in all colours of size 300 x 600 mm as approved by
engineer in charge

36A Baroda green marbel on Kitchen Slab

37 Wrought iron and mild steel (using angles, flats, square bars, tees and
channels)ladders, grills gratting frames, window guards iron doors openable
or fixed stair case or parapet or any other type of railing, gates and tree
guards etc. including cost of scres and welding rods or bolts and nuts
complete fixed in position.
38 Providing and fixing fan hooks 80 cm long of required shape and size:-

a) 16 mm dia
Cold twisted deformed (ribbed/tor steel) bars for R.C.C. works, where not
39 included in the complete rate of R.C.C. including bending, binding and placing
in position complete.
Hollock wood cup board shutter with ply wood panels or faced on both sides
excluding the cost of handles but including the cost of labour for fixing them

30 mm thick

41 Providing and fixing decorative ply wood 4 mm thick three ply teak faced on
one side

on both sides
Preparation of concrete or plastered surfae for painting and oil bond
distemper including sand paperingthe surface applying one coat of linsead oil
42 and filling with approved quality filler

43 Distempering with acrylic washable oil bound distemper (of approved

manufacturer) two coats over one priming coat to give an even shade.

44 Colour washing two coats

Finishing walls with acrylic smooth exterior paint of required shade with two
45 coats applied @ 1.67 litre/10 sqm over and including base coat of water
proofing cement paint applied @2.20 kg/10 sqm.

Preparation of plywood surface for painting including sand papering the

surface and applying filling with approved quality fillers consisting of white
46 lead, linseed oil, Varnish, and Chalk Mitti including finishing the surface to
required finish complete.

47 Applying pink primer or aluminum priming coat on wood work including

preparation of surface knotting and stopping etc.

Painting two coats excluding priming coat with synthetic enamel paint in all
48 shades on wood work, metallic or plastered, concrete surface to give an even
Centring and shuttering for flat surface such as suspended floors, roofs,
46 landings chhajjas, shelves etc inclination not exceeding 25 degree with
Providing and fixing in position chinaware european type water closet P or S
rrap of approvd make size 580 mm of approved make consisting of 10 litre
47 PVC flushing cistern pvc short bend 32 mm dia including cost of seat cover
complete inall respect and to the entire satisfaction of engineer -in -charge

providing and fixing in position vitreus chinaware white lavatory suites of

approved make(to the approval of Engineer -in-charge) consisting of CP
brass waste 32 mm dia with one Cp brass pillar tap complete in all respcet

iii) size 630 mm x 450 mm
providing and fixing in position 32 mm dia GI waste pipe embedded in wall
49 upto floor level including cost of fitting
Providing and fixing in position stain less sink of approved make tot the
50 approval of engineer -in - charge
Size 600 mm x 450 mm x 225 mm
51 Providing and fixing 15 mm i/d bib cock of approved make
ii) CP brass bib cockwithout flange
Providing and fiximg in position stop cock/ angle valve of approved make

Cp brass 15 mm concealed stop cock with flange

providing and fixing in position PVC flexible tube connection of approved
53 make
PVC connection of 15 mmx300 mm with CP brass nut

Providing and fixing in positionSWR UPVC soil waste vent or antisyphonage

pipes to ISI specification IS:13592 of approved make including cutting jointing
wastage, but excluding cost of lead joint
110 mm o/d SWR UPVC pipe line laid complete

75 mm o/d SWR UPVC I pipe linr laid complete

Providing and fixing HCI floor trap confirmng to ISI specifications(IS: 1729) of
55 approved make to the approval of engineer incharge

with 75 mm i/d out let deep seal


with 75 mm i/d out let shallow seal

Providing and fixing in position S.S grating with frame of approved make
56 complete in all respect

Providing and fixing in position CI gully trap cover weighing
57 approximately 7.26 kg and frame for gullytrap

Providing and fixing in position grating of approved make(to the approval of

58 engineer -in - charge)
Construction of brick masonary inspection chamber size as given below up to
0.60 meter average depth in 1:5 cement sand mortar, cement concrete 1:2:4
benching 12.50 mm thick cement plaster
Size 450 mm x 600 mm inside with RCC 455 mm x610 m mm cover and
frame medium duty double seal/

Providing and fixing in position on terrace (at all floors) HDPE water storage
tanks pf approved make with cover with suitable locking arrangement
Double layer Tanks
Providing and fixing in position GI tank nipple of approved make in PVC
61 storage tanks complete in all respect
GI tank Nipple 20 mm i/d
62 Providing and fixing in position automatic brass ball cock in tank
Brass ball cock with rod and plastic ball
20 mm i/d
Concealed in wallProviding,& fixing chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)
pipes as per IS 15778 ISI marked with the prior approval of engineer - in
-charge including all CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings i/c fixing the pipe
with clamps at 1.00 m spacing testing complete as direction of engineer - in -
(i) CPVC SDR 11 pipes fittings 16 mm o/d

(ii) CPVC SDR 25 mm o/d pipe & fittings

64 Recessed PVC conduit pipe wiring system with flush piano type switches

Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cables ( ISI

marked) 1100 volts grade to be laid in heavy guage PVC conduit pipe
20mm/25 mm ISI marked
Wiring fan point without fan box insulatted copper conductor single core 1.5
(i) sq mm
(ii) Wiring light point in PVC insulated copper 1.5 sqmm
(iii) Wiring call bell point
(iv) wiring 3 pin 6 amp wall socket
(v) Wiring 3 pin 16/20 amp. Power plug control shuttered
65 PVC insulated Single core FR copper conductor cable
PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable (ISI ) marked over all 1.5
sq mm

66 GI Earthing
Earthing of sheet metal. Iron clad switches and metallic cases etc. with no. 8
GI wire in 15 mm dia GI pipe partly recessed and partly on surface complete
with borinf\g and refilling.
Supply and erection of earth rod 20 mm dia for providing earth connection up
67 to line earth
GI earth rod 20 mm dia. 30 mtr long
Miniature circuit breaker four pole 6 to 32 amp (breaking capacity 10 KA
68 suitable for 240/415 volts 50 cycles

MCB single pole 6 to 32 amp suitable for 240/415 volts

69 Sheet Metal double door distribution Board for MCB/RCBO/RCCB

Sheet metal double door SP &N distribution board provided with bus bar
neutral link

Providing and fixing in position MS or heavy flat ron clamps made out of MS
70 flat iron not less than 5 mm

Supplying and fixing of ceiling fan 48 " complete in all respect with regulator
72 Construction of septic tank and soakage pitas per annexure

73 Supplying and erection of ezhaust fan 9" dia complete in all respect
Carriage of Materials
74 Extra for carriage of materials
(i) Coarse aggregate
(ii) Coarse sand
(iii) Stone aggregar

Construction of Admin Building at WTP Campus

Sl No. Particulars
Part- A -Foundation

1 Earth work in excavation in foundations, trenches etc. in all kinds of soil

where pick jumper work is not involved and not exceeding 2.0 metres depth
including dressing of bottom and sides of trenches, stacking the excavated
soil clear from the edge of excavation and sebsequent filling around
masonery in 15 CM layers with compaction including disposal of surplus soil
as directed with in a lead of 30 meters

2 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 with stone ballast of size.

20mm gauge

3 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and

4 Reinforced cement concrete M-25 mechancially batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth
In Plinth Beam Outer Wall
5 Reinforced cement concrete M-30 mechancially batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth.
6 Shuttering for faces of concrete foundations and foundation beam & plinth
beam (vertical or battering)
7 Centring and shuttering for columns (Square or rectangular or poly gonal in
8 Reinforced cement concrete M-30 mechancially batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in super structure.
9 Reinforced cement concrete M-30 mechancially batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in super structure.
10 Extra for R.C.C. work done in subsequent storey above the first storey up to
height of 4 metres or part thereof up to the roof top level of that storey.

11 Reinforced cement concrete M-30 mechancially batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in super structure.

waist slab for stairs

12 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechancially batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth

13 Centring and shuttering for flat surfaces such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, chajjas, shelves etc.
for porch

Waist slab


14 Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/ Tor Steel Bar) Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786-1985, for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC
including bending and placing in position complete
15 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in first storey upto
4 metres above plinth level.
16 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 inSecond storey
upto 4 metres above plinth level.
17 Plastering on underside of ceiling 10 mm thick cement plaster 1:3
for porch
18 20mm thick cement plaster 1:5 in two coat work

19 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4

outer side
20 Base course of floor consisting of 100mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 and
100mm sand filling.
21 Screed of 40mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16 to be laid below the topping.
22 Kota stone tiles 20mm thick in skirting risers of steps, dado walls and pillars
laid in 12.5mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) and jointed
with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone,
including rubbing and polishing.
23 Providing and laying Rectified Porcelain floor tiles 400x400mm or more
(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) of premium quality
conforming to IS:15622 of approved make in all colours laid on 20mm thick
bed of Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Fine sand) for new flooring
complete Rectified tiles have finished edges allowing them to be placed
closer together for a narrower grout joint as opposed to other tiles and are
more expensive. Unlike typical factory-edged tile, rectified tile is cut to size
after the firing process. This process creates a precise, 90 degree angle edge
and, as a result, can be laid with a tighter grout joint than un rectified tile. It
gives a smooth, sophisticated and continuous look to the floor. Using a
rectified tile allows you to place the tiles much closer together using tighter
joint spacing. This makes the grout less visible as there is actually less grout
used. When a wide space is used between tiles, the grout becomes a distinct
part of the design and if the grout does not blend well with the tiles it can
create a less than professional looking finish. In addition, the grout can easily
become soiled and discoloured over time and will detract from the look of the
tile itself.

24 Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS :
15622 (thickness to be specified by the manufacture of approved make in all
colours, shades except burgundy, bottle green, black of size 200 x 300 mm
as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over
12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand) and jointing
with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white cement
mixed with pigment of matching shade complete.
25 White washing (two coat)
26 Finishing walls with exterior decorative cement based paint such as
snowcem, robbiacem etc. two coats to give an even shade.

27 Terracing consiting of tiles 22.86x11.43x3.83cm laid over 25 mm mud plaster

7.5 cm mud filling on another laver of 25mm mud plaster including two coats
of bitumen laid hot at 1.65 Kg/sqm top of RCC slab including grouting with
cement sand mortar 1:4 and top surface to be left clean after wire brushing


28 Top khurra 0.6m x 0.6m for rain water pipe in 25mm thick cement concrete
1:2:4 over 50mm thick cement concrete 1:8:16.

29 Bottom Khurra on ground 1.2m x 0.6m consisting of brick on-edge laid in

cement mortar 1:3 over 75mm cement concrete 1:8:16 including 12.5mm
thick cement plaster 1:3

30 Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C Rain water pipe (ring fitted
type-A) as per IS:13592 including jointing during masonary complete as per
specifications and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in- charge. (If fixed on
wall face clamp to be paid separatly as per respective item)
31 Providing and fixing 110 mm dia SWR U.P.V.C bend for Rain water pipe as
per IS:14735 including jointing complete as per specifications and to the
entire satisfaction of Engineer- in- charge.

32 Cement concrete 1:2:4 gola 10cm x 10cm concave quadrant along junction of
roofs with parapet wall finished smooth, where specially specified.
Door/Window for Ground and First floor
33 Providing and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and
partitions with extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriate z
sections and other sections conforming to Is: 733 and IS : 1285 of Jindal,
Hindalco, Mahavir or equivalent make approved by Engineer in Charge , fixed
with rawl plugs and screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold
fasteners including necessary filling up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom
and sides with required PVC Plug/neoprene felt etc. Aluminium sections shall
be smooth, rust free, straight, mitered and jointed mechanically wherever
required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/paneling,
C.P.brass/stainless steel screws, all complete as per architectural drawings
and the directions of Engineer-In-Charge. (Glazing and paneling to be paid
for separately) :

(i) For fixed portion and chaukhats

(ii) For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing
hinges/pivots and labour for fixing of fittings wherever required including the
cost of PVC Plug / neoprene gasket required
34 Providing and fixing 12mm thick prelaminated particle board flat pressed
three layer or graded wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade l
Type ll, in paneling fixed in aluminium doors, windows shutters and partition
frames with C.P. brass / stainless steel screws etc. complete as per
architectural drawings and directions of Engineer-In-Charge. Pre-laminated
particle board with decorative lamination on one side.

35 Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand
and manufacture IS : 6315 marked, for doors including cost of cutting floors
as required, embedding in floors and cover plates with brass pivot and single
piece MS sheet outer box with slide plate and with stainless steel cover plate
etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

36 Providing and fixing aluminium sliding door bolts ISI marked anodized (anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to
required colour or shade with nuts and screws etc. complete :
300mm x 16mm

37 Cost of Aluminium fittings complete for doors, windows such as tower bolts,
handless and screw etc. for these fittings (Excluding sliding bolt)
For shutter area above 0.50 sqm
38 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door, window, ventilator shutters
and partitions etc. with PVC Plug/ neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the
architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge . (Cost of
aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item)

39 Earth filling under floors with surplus ordinary soil or soil containing gravel or
kankar upto 40% excavated from foundation and taken only from outside the
building plinth in 15 cm layers including ramming, watering and consolidating
lead upto 30 metres
Surplus excavated earth
40 Earth filling under floors with surplus soil containing more than 40% taking
outside the premises in 15 cm layers including ramming watering and
consolidated lead upto 1000 metres
Brought from within the complex
41 Providing and fixing False ceiling at all heights of 600 x 600 x 0.5mm metal
ceiling perforated tiles with fleece powder coated of 60-70micron type OREO
Gi laid of in grid system. The frame comprise of made GI 120 GSM coating
with minimum 0.3 mm thickness main runner spaced at 1200 mm C/C
securely fix to the structural soffits by approved hanger sets at 1200 mm
maximum centers. Hangers a (GI wire of 4 mm dia) to be fixed by approved
route plug, level adjustor and screw etc. The last hanger at the end of each
main runner should be not greated than 450 mm from adjacnt wall. Flush
fitting 1200 mm long cross Tees (with double stitching) to be interlock
between main runners at 600 mm centres to form 1200 x 600 mm modules.
Cut across Tees longer than 600 mm to be supported independently. 600 x
600 mm nodules to be formed by fitting 600 mm long flush fitting cross Tees
centerly between the 1200 mm cross Tees. Parameter trim to be wall angle
secured to walls at 450 mm maximum centres. Wall height of cross toe 24
mm x 26 mm x 32 mm and main runner 24 mm x 38 mm x 32 mm complete
in all respect as per specifications.

Part- D - Sanitary installations for ground & first floor.

42 Providing ,laying, jointing, fixing and testing ISI Marked G.I. Pipe (as per IS
1239) B-Class Premium make such as (Jindal Hisar) including cost of
specials (such as tees, bends, sockets, elbows etc.) ,painting with anti
corrosive bitumastic paint, testing, cutting, threading Inside building complete.

(i) 15mm i/d

(ii) 20mm i/d
(iii) 25mmi/d
43 Providing and fixing in position Chinaware European type water closet P trap
or S trap of approved make (to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge)
consisting of 10 ltr. PVC flushing cistern, PVC short bend 32 mm dia including
cost of seat cover complete in all respect and to the entire satisfaction of
44 Providing and fixing in position vitreous Chinaware white large flat back or
angular lipped front urinal 610 mm high of approved make (to the approval of
the Engineer-in-charge) (610 mm x 410 mm x 380mm) consisting of C.P.
waste 32 mm dia and C.P. brass spreader, complete.

45 Providing and fixing in position vitreous chinaware white lavatory suites of

approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) consisting of C.P.
brass waste 32mm dia with one C.P. brass pillar tap complete in all respect.
Size 630 mm x 450 mm

46 Providing and fixing in position 15mm C.P. Brass Pillar Cock of approved
make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge)

47 Providing and fixing in position paper holders of approved make (to the
approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed in to wall with C.P brass screws
complete in all respect.
C.P. brass toilet paper holder

48 Providing and fixing in position towel rails / ring of approved make (to the
approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed in with rawl plugs embedded in walls
with brass screws complete in all respect.
C.P. brass towel Rails size 15mm dia 600mm long

49 Providing and fixing in position C.P. Acrylic shelf with C.P.bracket and guard
rails of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed in with
rawl plugs and C.P brass screws complete in all respect.
CP Acrylic Corner Shelf size 300mmx300mm

50 Providing and fixing in position C.P. brass soap dish of approved make (to
the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) fixed into wall with rawl plugs and C.P
brass screws complete in all respect.

51 Providing & Fixing in position 5mm thick bevelled edge mirror of superior
glass (of approved make) complete with 4mm thick hard board backing fixed
in with rawl plugs 50mm, C.P. brass screws and washers complete in all
respect (as required by the Engineer-in- Charge)
Size 600mmx450mm

52 Providing & Fixing in postion 15 mm i/d bib cock of approved make (to the
approval of Engineer-in-charge )complete in all respect.
C.P. brass Bib cock long nose/ long body without flange

53 Providing & Fixing in postion stop cock / Angle valve of approved make (to
the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all respect.
C.P.brass 15mm stop cock Male and female end
54 Providing & fixing in position PVC flexible tube connection of approved make
(to the approval of Engineer-in-charge ) complete in all respect.
PVC tube connection of size 15 mm x 300 mm with C.P. Brass nut

55 Providing and fixing in position H.C.I. soil waste vent or antisyphonage pipes
to I.S.I. specification (IS:1729) of approved make (to the approval of
Engineer-in-charge ) including cutting, jointing, wastage, but excluding cost of
lead jointing.
100mm i/d H.C.I. pipe line laid complete
75mm i/d H.C.I. pipe line laid complete

56 Providing and fixing in position C.I. gully trap cover weighing approximately
7.26 kg and frame for gully trap chamber clear opening size 300mm x 300mm
and out side size 330mmx330mm including painting the exposed surface with
3 coats of black bitumastic superior paint of approved make (to the approval
of Engineer-in-charge )

57 Providing and fixing in position grating of approved make (to the approval of
Engineer-in-charge ) size 150mm x 150mm for gully trap.
H.C.I. grating including painting with black bitumastic superior paint of
approved manufacture three coats.

58 Providing and fixing H.C.I. Floor traps conforming to I.S.I. Specification

(IS:1729) of approved make (to the approval of Engineer-in-charge) of the
self cleaning design with C.P. brass hinged grating with frame with or without
vent arm and including cement concrete 1:2:4 under and around the floor trap
where required upto floor level complete in all respects including cutting and
making good the walls and floors,etc. minimum depth of water should be
150mm with a minimum seal 50mm.
With 75mm i/d outlet deep seal

59 Providing and fixing in position H.C.I. specials for soil waste vent or anti
syphonage pipes to I.S.I specifications (IS:1729) of approved make(to the
approval of engineer in charge) including cutting and wastage etc. cutting
holes in walls roofs or floors etc. and making good to its original condition but
excluding cost of lead joining.
for 100 mm i/d pipes
Heal rest bend
Single juction with door
for 75 mm i/d pipes
Single juction with door
60 Providing and fixing in position automatic brass Ball Cock in tanks.
Brass Ball Cock with rod and Plastic Ball
20mm i/d
61 Providing & placing in position on terrace (at all floor levels) HDPE water
storage tanks of approved make (to the approval of Engineer -in-charge) with
cover with suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet,
outlet and over flo pipes but without fittings and base support for tank.
Triple Layer Tanks
62 Providing and fixing in position G.I. Tank Nipple of approved make (to the
approval of Engineer-in-charge) in PVC Water storage tanks complete in all
G.I. tank nipple 20mm i/d

63 Septic tank as per Annexure A -21

64 Miscellaneos items such as furniture, computers along with their
accessories , lab equipments,air conditioners ,mattress, curtains etc as per
specifications mentioned in DNIT

65 Carriage of Materials
Extra for carriage of materials
(i) Coarse aggregate
(ii) Coarse sand
(iii) Stone aggregate

Total (A)

B: Electrical Items

66 Providing and fixing Split AC 1.5 ton inverter type

Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked),
1100volts grade to be laid in heavy gauge welded conduit pipe 20 mm/25 mm
dia (1.6mm thick) ISI Marked, recessed in wall etc., complete with powder
coated/anodized concealed metal boxes required for suitable number of
modules, for having electronic fan regulators (two module), bell push,
electronic buzzer, 3pin 6Amp., 3pin 16/20
67 Amp. Sockets and 6 Amp./16/20Amp. Swithces etc., and covered with
Frame Plate etc., & including the cost of required number of modular
switches/sockets, step type electronic fan regulator 100 watts, PVC connector
(For Fan Box and Electronic Buzzer), PVC Bush, Steel Hooks, Circular
Inspection Box (Recessed Type and Deep Type) conduit pipe & copper wire
and other petty material etc. including the cost of cutting and filling up of
Wiring TV sockets and Telephone socket points in powder coated/anadozied
concealed metal boxes ressed in wall required for suitable number of
module,for having TV Sockets Telephone sockets RJ11 & RJ 45 (one
68 module etc., and covered with Frame Plate etc., & including the cost of
required number of modulat TV sockets, Telephone sockets RJ11 & RJ 45
(One module )and other petty material etc. Including the cost of cutting and
filling up chases:-
(i) Wiring TV sockets point (one module)
(ii) Wiring Telephone sockets point RJ 11 (one module)
(iii) Wiring Telephone sockets point RJ 45 (one module)

69 Providing and Fixing of Exhaust fan

(i) 6" 150 mm plastic ventilation fan

(ii) 9" 225 mm with aluminium louvers


Supply and erection of PVC PIPES & hdpe PIPES (FIRE retardant ) for wiring
purpose including bends, inspection boxes etc., where necesary including
other petty material as per PWD Genral Specifications 2010:
(i) Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 25mm dia. (ISI marked) On Surface
(ii) Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 40mm dia. (ISI marked
2mm thick) Flushed
(iii) Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 50mm dia. (ISI marked) On Surface

71 Providing and Fixing of Ceiling fan

(i) Ceiling fan 48"
(ii) Ceiling fan 52"

72 Providing and Fixing of FLEXITRON neo-LED Batton 40W (1200 mm)

73 WAFFLE LED recess mounting low glare LED 2*2 Lumimaire

Decorative LED Globe Post Spherical shape polycarbonate diffuser and IP 65

74 Protection

75 Batten Holder

76 Recessed PVC conduit pipe wiring system with flush modular type
Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI
marked),1100 volts grade to be laid in heavy gauge. PVC, fire retardant
conduit pipe 20mm/25 mm dia ISI marked, recessed in wall etc. complete
with powder coated/anodized concealed meta boxes required for having
electronic fan regulators ( socket size), bell push, electronic buzzer, 3 pin 6
Amp 16/20 Amp. socket and 6 Amo. 16/20 Amp. switches ( flush modular
type accessories) etc.and covered with brown bakelite white glazed
translucent backside painted sheet 3 mm thick etc. including the cost of flush
modular type switchs/sockets step type electronics fan regulator 100 watts,
PvC connector( for fan box and electronics buzzer), PVC bush,steel hookes,
circular inspection box (recessed type or deep type)conduit pipe and copper
wire and other petty material.including the cost of cutting and filling up of
Wiring fan point with sheet metal fan box (shape hexagonal) in PVC insulated
(i) copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq.mm 1100
volts grade with step type electronic fan regulator 100 watts.
(ii) Wiring light point in PVC insulated coper conductor single core FR cable (ISI
marked) overall 1.5 sq.mm 1100 volts orade.
Wiring call-bell point in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable
(ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq.mm, 1100 volts grade with bell push and
(iii) electronic buzzer 230 volts AC (including the cost of bell push, electronic
buzzer & powder coated concealed metal box for electronic buzzer).

Wiring 3 pin 6 amp. Wall socket Plug point in PVC insulated copper conductor
single core FR cable(ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq.mm 1100 volts grade
(iv) complete with bonding to existing earth with PVC insulated copper conductor
Single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1 sq mm 1100 volts grade

(v) Wiring 3 Pin 6 Amp. Plug control comprising wall socket (shuttered) and
switch including bonding to existing earth with PVC insulated copper
conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq.mm 1100 volts
grade complete without control switch.

(vi) Wiring 3 Pin 16/20 amp Power Plug control (shuttered) and switch. (for Power
point and Ac points)
(vii) Wiring light point in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI
marked) overall 1.5 sq. mm, 1100 volts grade complete with double control
77 Supply, etection, Testing & Commissioning of Smoke detector, Heat detector
as applicable Alarm System with battery backup


Supply and erection of sheet metal double door distribution boards of
suitable size and of required no. of ways for mounting miniature circuit
breakers/ RCBO's/ RCCB's in the existing MCB distribution board as per
PWD General Specifications 2010 including connections with suitable size of
thimbles and bonding to existing earth etc.
Sheet metal double door T.P. & N. (vertical design) distribution board (dust
protected) provided with bus bar, neutral link and din bar, suitable for
incorporating FP/ TPN MCB's/ isolators for incoming and DP/ SP & N/ Single
Pole MCB's/ RCBO/ RCCB's for outgoing 12 way each


Supply and erection of Miniature Circuit Breakers/ RCBO's/ RCCB's in the
existing MCB distribution board as per PWD General Specifications 2010
including connections with suitable size of thimbles/lugs.
GROUP-A: (Siemens (Beta Guard), Legrand (Lexic) & Schneider (Neo
Break), L&T (Hager)
(i) Miniature circuit breaker double pole 6 to 32amp. (Breaking
capacity 10kA, Curve-C) suitable for 240/ 415 volts 50cycles AC supply

Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB for earth leakage protection) four
(ii) pole 63 amp, sensituvity 100mA (as per standard IEC 61008) suitable for
240/415 volts 50 cycles AC supply.
Wiring in PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked),
1100volts grade to be laid in heavy gauge welded conduit pipe 20 mm/25 mm
dia (1.6mm thick) ISI Marked, recessed in wall etc., complete with powder
coated/anodized concealed metal boxes required for suitable number of
modules, for having electronic fan regulators (two module), bell push,
electronic buzzer, 3pin 6Amp., 3pin 16/20Amp. Sockets and 6
Amp./16/20Amp. Swithces etc., and covered with Frame Plate etc., &
including the cost of required number of modular switches/sockets, step type
electronic fan regulator 100 watts, PVC connector (For Fan Box and
Electronic Buzzer), PVC Bush, Steel Hooks, Circular Inspection Box
(Recessed Type and Deep Type) conduit pipe & copper wire and other petty
material etc. including the cost of cutting and filling up of chases:-

Wiring call-bell point in PVC insulated copper conductor

single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5 sq. mm, 1100volts
grade with bell push and electronic buzzer 230 volts AC (including the
cost of bell push, electronic buzzer
& powder coated concealed metal box for electronic buzzer).

Earthing of Sheet metal/ iron clad switches and metallic cases
etc., with 20 mm x 3 mm thick electrolytic copper tape rivetted (with 10 nos.
copper rivets) to 30 cm x 120 cm x 3 mm thick tinned copper plate (made
cylindrical) burried 4 metre below ground level in the hole of excavation
having bore dia. 125mm and surrounded by salt & charcoal dust mixture (20
kg.) including fixing the copper tape on wall and in floor etc., up to 7 metre in
length (including bore length). G.I. pipe 20mm dia. (A- class) should be laid
in the hole of excavation from bore surface level to 1 feet below ground level
and having wire mesh funnel fixed on the top level of the pipe. 300mm x
300mm x 300mm deep haudi of bricks finished with 1:4 cement plaster and
haudi covered with cast iron lid having size 300mm x 300mm around the hole
of excavation.
82 Supply and Erection of 8 SWG 4mm dia copper wire run through 20mm dia.
Heavy gauge welded conduit pipe (As additional length).
83 Supply and Erection of 20mm x 3mm thick copper tape (As additional length).
Supply and erection of PVC insulated single core FR copper conductor cable
84 ISI marked left bare in pipe or casing of suitable size excluding the cost of
supply and erection of pipe or casing.
(i) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 1.5
sq.mm, 1100 volts grade
(ii) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 2.5
sq.mm, 1100volts grade
(iii) PVC insulated copper conductor single core FR cable (ISI marked) overall 4
sq.mm, 1100volts grade
Total (B)

Graand Total (A+B)

Estimate for septic tank and Soakage pit

S. No. Description

Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches etc., in all kind of soils, not
exceeding 2 mtrs. depth where pick jumper work is not involved including
dressing of bottom and sides of trenches stacking the excavated soils, clear
1 from the edge of excavation & subsequent filling around masonry in 15 cm
layer with compaction including disposal of all surplus soil, as directed within
a lead of 30 meter.
Cement concrete 1:4:8 with brick balast 40mm nominal size in foundation &
2 plinth
First class brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth
4 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingle.
5 115 mm thick brick wall laid in cement mortar 1:4 without reinforcement in
super structure

6 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 mechanically batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in superstructure

7 Providing & Fixing cast iron rain water non pressure pipe, I.S.I. mark with
ears with screw and wooden plugs fixed on wall face including filling joint with
spun-yarn and cement mortar 1:2 excluding head and shoe etc.

Providing and fixing in position H.C.I specials for soil waste vent or anti
syphonage pipes to I.S.I specifications (IS:1729) of approved make (to the
8 approval of Engineer-in-charge) including cutting and wastage etc. cutting
holes in walls roofs or floors etc. and making good to its original condition but
excluding cost of lead joining.
For 100 mm i/d pipes
Bend Plain

9 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 .

Cold twisted deformed (ribbed/tor steel) bars for R.C.C. works, where not
included in the complete rate of R.C.C. including bending, binding and placing
10 in position complete.
Quantity same as item No.
@ 90 kg per cum
11 Centring and shuttering for flat surface such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings chhajjas, shelves etc inclination not exceeding 25 degree with

12 Providing & Laying ballast from Brick bats in Soak pit

Providing & fixing 560 mm, 500 mm and 450 mm internal diametre circular or
450 mm x 600 mm clear inside opening rectangular RCC manhole cover and
frame ISI marked as per IS:12592-2002 including carriage from the stores of
13 the Engineer-in-charge to site of work, loading, unloading including stacking
and setting the same to correct lines over manholes including cement
concrete copping (M:20) around the frame etc. Dia of steel for lifting hook is
16mm. (for EHD and HD).
560 mm id R.C.C. Manhole cover with frame

Rate of cable Trench of Size 0.30 x 0.30 mtr. Unit = 1 Mtr.

S. No. Description
Excavation in Soil (any type) using Hydraulic Excavator CK 90 and Tippers
with Disposal up to 450 metres. Excavation for roadwork in soil with hydraulic
1 excavator of
0.9 cum bucket capacity including cutting and loading in tippers, trimming
bottom and side slopes, in accordance with requirements of lines, grades and
2 cross
Cement sections,
Concrete and1:4:8
transporting to ballast
with stone the embankment
of size. location within all lifts
3 and lead up to 450m
First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:6 in foundation and
4 plinth.
12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:4
5 Reinforced cement concrete M-30 mechancially batch mixed using batch type
concrete mixer as per IS:1791 and vibrated by needle vibrator but excluding
steel reinforcement centring and shuttering in foundation and plinth
6 Structural steel work in angles, tees and flats, riveted or welded including
cutting fixing all gusset plates, bolts, nuts, rivets, welding rod, etc. with
hoisting and erecting in position :-
angle 50 x 50 x6 mm - 2 x 1 = 2
Hold fast - 4 x 0.2 =
0.8 mtr
Weight =
2.8 x 4.5
= 12.6 Kg
Angle 40 x 40 x 5 mm - 2.90
Weight -
2.90 x 3.5
- 10.8 Kg
Chequed plate 6 mm =
8.17 Kg Total Weight
= 31.57 Kg
Annexure - 23 say = 0.32 Qtl
Costing of Brick M.H Chambers inner size 1200 mm x 900 mm with depth 1.2 m
S. No. Description of items
1 First class flat brick 7.50 cm thick laid in reimbursement in and on 1:5 cement
sand mortar
2 Cement Concrete 1:4:8 with stone ballast of size
40 mm gauge
3 Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with stone ballast or shingle.

4 Reinforced cement concrete M-20 but excluding steel reinforcement centering

and shuttering in foundation and plinth

Providing & fixing 560mm, 500mm and 450mm internal Diametre circular or
455 mm x 610mm clear inside opening rectangular cast iron manhole cover
and frame ISI marked as per IS12592-2002 including carriage from the stores
of the Engineer-in-charge to site of work, loading, unloading including
stacking and setting the same to correct lines and levels in 1:2 cement sand
mortar over manholes including cement concrete copping (1:2:4)around the
frame etc.Dia of steel for lifting hook is 16mm.

560mm id RCC Manhole cover with frame

Providing orange colour safety footrest ofminimum 6mm thick plastic
encapsulated as per IS:10910 on 12mm dia steel bar confirming to IS: 1786
having minimun cross section as 23mm x 25mm and over all minimum length
263mm and width as 165mm with minimum 112mm space between protruted
6 legs having 2mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides
necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138 mm as
per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical
resistance test as per specification and having manufacturer's permanent
identification mark
to be visible even after fixing, including fixing in manholes with 30x15x11.5cm
cement concrete block 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone aggragate) complete
as per design.

7 Cold twisted deformed (Ribbed/ Tor Steel Bar) Bars Fe 500 grade as per IS
1786, for R.C.C works, where not including in the complete rate of RCC
including bending and placing in position complete
8 Shuttering for faces of concrete foundations and foundation beam & plinth
beam (vertical or battering)
9 First class burnt brick work laid in cement sand mortar 1:5 in foundation and
10 12.5 mm thick cement plaster 1:2
Cement rendering on plaster 1mm thick
11 16mm thick cement plaster 1:4 in two coat work
Extra over the rate laid down in schedule for cement concrete work for
making and finishing, benching and complicated floor work in manholes
including formation of channels and bulldozing and smooth finishing the
surface accurately to template
will be made as per the actual

Unit Quantity RATE 2018 D.S.R ITEM NO Amount

Metre 200

Metre 25

each 2
each 1

job 3

each 2
each 1

job 1

each 1

Job 1

kg 1168

each 1

job 1
job 1

Job 1

Each 3

kg 1189.836
each 3

each 3

each 3

each 3

kg 1105.372
each 3

each 3

each 3
each 3

kg 2933.096
each 1
each 1

each 1

Kg 2100

Job 1

each 1

Job 1

Job 1

kg 2335.211
each 2

each 2

job 1

job 1

Each 6

kg 4663.28
each 6

each 6

each 6

each 6
kg 4750
each 6

each 6

each 6

each 6

kg 22770

each 1

each 1

Kg 1900

Kg 2570

Job 1
metre 500

each 1

job 1

each 6

Job 1

Job 1

job 1
no. 2

job 1

set 1

job 1

job 1

meter 50

metre 550

metre 1000

metre 1390

metre 1540

metre 2600

No. 1
No. 30

No. 210

Metre 6
Metre 6

Metre 6

No. 1

Job 1

meter 25

metre 2150
Qtls 15

sq. metre 4660

sq. metre 4500

job 1

job 3
job 1

each 220

each 11

each 6
Metre 5000

Metre 24

job 1

job 1

Sqm 10000

each 2000

cum 500

Job 1
00 mm id) with 0.75m high railing in 3

Unit Qty

cum 113.755 181.850 2.6.1 20686

cum 4.3525 5789.600 4.1.8

6788.600 4.1.3
cum 1.08

cum 15.059 7210.550 4.1.2

Sqm 160.4 609.300 5.9.2

Sqm 6.3

83.500 5.22A.6

Qtl 15.059

cum 4.3525
cum 1.08

cum 15.059

Kg 50

nos. 10 431.50 19.16

Qtl 0.72

mtr 57

mtr 14.25

mtr 14.25
o 1100 mm id)

Unit Oty

cum 55.005 181.850 2.6.1

cum 3.25 5789.600 4.1.8

6788.600 4.1.3

cum 0.41772

cum 13.526 7210.550 4.1.2

Sqm 104.905 609.300 5.9.2

693.05 5.9.3
Sqm 14

Sqm 9.375
83.500 5.22A.6

Qtl 13.526
cum 3.25

cum 0.41772
cum 13.526

Kg 50

431.50 19.16

nos. 8

800 mm id)

Unit Oty

cum 27.3425 181.850 2.6.1

cum 2.2975 5789.600 4.1.8

6788.600 4.1.3

cum 0.4875

cum 9.4335 7210.550 4.1.2

Sqm 63.84 609.300 5.9.3

Sqm 9 693.05 5.9.3

Sqm 15.12
83.500 5.22A.6

Qtl 9.4335

cum 2.2975

cum 0.4875

cum 9.4335

Kg 50
431.50 19.16

nos. 6

d to 500 mm id)

Unit Oty

cum 21.6032 181.850 2.6.1

cum 1.75 5789.600 4.1.8

6788.600 4.1.3

cum 0.27
cum 7.0265 7210.550 4.1.2

Sqm 53.84 609.300 5.9.3

Sqm 6.25 693.05 5.9.3

Sqm 7.78
83.500 5.22A.6

Qtl 7.0265

cum 1.75

cum 0.27

cum 7.0265

Kg 50

nos. 6 431.50 19.16

Unit Quantity
cum 246.07 181.850 2.6.1

6788.600 4.1.3
cum 9.73

cum 68.67 8067.05 5.33.1 & 5.34.1

Qtl 96.15 83.500 5.22A.6

Sqm 23.71

Sqm 137.70 609.300 5.9.3

No. 1.00

Cum 41.09
Cum 82.13

Unit Quantity
181.850 2.6.1
cum 513.18
6788.600 4.1.3

cum 18.47

cum 144.24 8067.050 5.33.1 & 5.34.1

Qtl 150.94

Sqm 38.97
Sqm 298.10

Sqm 61.00

No. 1.00

No. 1.00

Cum 69.93
Cum 138.26

exure- 4

Unit Qty.

Cum 18075.00

cum 1074.43
cum 1074.43
cum 3422.48
cum 3422.48

Sqm 195.98

Sqm 2768.00

Sqm 629.42
Sqm 57.60

Qtls 3422.5

Sq. m 1384

Sq. m 1384

Annexure- 5

Unit Qty
cum 398.97

cum 10.5894

cum 46.22928

cum 55.49028
Sqm 0.805

Sqm 1.1845

cum 95.84561


sqm 183.1215

sqm 241.062

sqm 277.8

Sqm 136.8096
Sqm 655.67

cum 61.57

cum 29.56

Sqm 8.925

qtl 142.0749
sqm 364.815

sqm 26.64925

sqm 737.7533

sqm 737.7533

sqm 521.1465

sqm 147.9051

mtr 72

mtr 78.65
nos 19

nos 19

nos 19

nos 11

nos 19

mtr 80

mtr 137.2

sqm 144

sqm 207.4

sqm 26.4

sqm 96

sqm 138.25
sqm 5.8

sqm 12.53

kg 343.79

kg 211.73

sqm 4.5
sqm 22.98

nos. 4

nos. 4

sqm 20.44

sqm 42

each 1

each 1

cum 81.6

mtr 32.4
Sqm 66.8
cum 220.06
cum 153.56

each 1

each 1
each 1

each 1

each 2

each 2

Metre 10.5

Metre 14

each 2
Each 1

each 2

Litre 500

each 2

each 1

Metre 30
Metre 20

Nos. 1

Nos. 1

each 1
Lump sum 1

each 2

each 1


mtr 25

nos 60

nos 9

nos 5
nos 10

Mtr. 440

Mtr. 156

Mtr. 100

Nos. 6

Nos. 8

Nos. 6

Nos. 3

Nos. 19

Nos. 2

Nos. 7

Mtr. 50

Mtr. 30

Mtr. 30
Nos. 6

Nos. 6

Nos. 2

Nos. 1
Nos. 2

Nos. 12

Nos. 2

job 1

Mtr. 20
Mtr. 240

Mtr. 150
Mtr. 150

nos. 1

nos. 30

Nos. 2

Nos. 2

Total Part
Unit Qty

Cum 34940.5849

Sq. m 235.935
Sq. m 11974.88

Sq. m 8081.64

Sq. m 4406.4

Sq. m 3596.4

cum 1838.67

cum 1838.67

Cum 8309.9

Cum 8309.9

Qlt 8309.9

sqm 11883.04

sqm 2061.45

sqm 2061.45

m 255
no. 180

no. 510


kg 200

No. 8

kg 4288

each 2

m 2
kg 723.26
each 4

each 1

cum 0.33

cum 0.33

cum 0.3

cum 0.3

Sq. m 1.23

m 456

No. 90

No. 90

Unit Qty

cum 739.73

cum 43.74

cum 88.12
cum 81.98

cum 156.21

cum 92.57

sqm 342.15

sqm 414.80

sqm 435.90

Sqm 153.13

sqm 866.48

cum 171.6

cum 86.52

qtl 243.50

sqm 536.27
sqm 46.12

sqm 1154.04

sqm 1154.04

sqm 720.85

sqm 249.15

mtr 145.25

nos 40.00

nos 20

nos 20

nos 20

nos 20

mtr 217.90
sqm 243.84

sqm 59.40

sqm 216.00

sqm 115.50

sqm 8.10

kg 803.52
kg 312.48
kg 32.24
kg 1148.24
kg 595.2
kg 31
kg 626.2

sqm 2.25

sqm 2.25
sqm 18.48
sqm 18.48
sqm 39.21

nos. 2

nos. 2
sqm 5.6
sqm 18.48
sqm 24.08

sqm 42

each 1

each 1


sqm 91.8

mtr 50

mtr 32.40

cum 279.75
cum 278.63

Total (Part
nos 90

nos 15

nos 15

nos 10

Mtr. 400

Mtr. 100

Mtr. 400

Nos. 12

Nos. 12
Nos. 3
Nos. 48
Nos. 7
Nos. 18

Nos. 3

Nos. 3

Mtr. 230
Mtr. 110

Nos. 6

Nos. 7

Nos. 2
Mtr. 70

Nos. 250
Nos. 250

Nos. 9700 15

Nos. 20

job 1

job 1
job 1

job 1

No. 2

No. 1

Unit Qty
cum 17.63

cum 3.87

cum 13.76

sqm 4.05

cum 7.58

sqm 14.63

cum 1.89

QTL 2.11
sqm 9.75

sqm 9.75

sqm 15.41

sqm 9.75

sqm 1.93

qtl 1
sqm 3.15

Kg. 100

Sqm 1.44

Sqm 1.44

cum 1.84

sqm 82.35
sqm 82.35

sqm 82.35

sqm 13.77

rmt 9.7

mtr 6

each 4

each 2

each 4
each 1

each 1

metre 50
metre 50

each 4

Unit Qty

cum 373.76

cum 27.83

cum 21.07
cum 135.49

cum 6.57

sqm 57.16

cum 1.07
cum 93.80

Sqm 8.33

kg 137.21

Kg 161.70
Sqm 10.58

Sqm 7.48
Sqm 7.48

Sqm 18.06

cum 89.55

Sqm 325.94

Sqm 155.09

Sqm 72.93

sqm 318.85

meter 92.12
mtr 41.4

Each 18

Each 9

Each 9

cum 15.89
Sqm 485.37

Sqm 310.64

Sqm 224.00
Sqm 168.00
Sqm 51.69
Sqm 443.69

Sqm 146.16

cum 607.32

Sqm 580.35

sqm 40.9346

sqm 4.956
Sqm 30.576

Qtl. 4.00

Each 8.00

qtl 87.47

Sqm 310.64

sqm 485.37

Sqm 485.37

sqm 310.64

Sqm 443.69

each 1
each 1

each 1

each 3

each 1

each 1

Metre 7.5
Meter 7.5
Metre 5
Metre 5

each 2
each 2

each 2
each 2

Each 1

each 1
each 1

Litre 500

each 4

each 1

Metre 12
Metre 12
Metre 20
Metre 20

Each 27

cum 22.73

Qtl 17.395

cum 110.21
cum 120.08
cum 26.71
nos 12

nos 30

nos 12

nos 60

Mtr. 1200

Mtr. 350

Mtr. 200

Nos. 12
Nos. 12

Nos. 6

Nos. 4

Nos. 14

Nos. 2

Unit Qty
job 6

job 2

job 4
job 2

Metre 230

Metre 110

Unit Qty

cum 133.38

cum 2.78
cum 2.78

cum 115.35

sqm 9.47
cum 0.21


cum 5.92
cum 5.92

sqm 185.21
sqm 185.21
100Kg 533.18

kg 436.10
sqm 72.77

LS 1.00

m 47.90
cum 9.51

sqm 72.77

sqm 72.77



epth) Annexure-12

Unit Qty

Cum 5.24

Cum 0.39
Cum 1.82

sqm 1.92

sqm 6.16

sqm 2.409

sqm 1.206

Cum 0.24

kg 22

cum 1.92

cum 0.32

cum 0.24
cum 0.072

Unit Qty

cum 47.94

cum 6.31
cum 6.31

cum 14.83
cum 14.83

sqm 4.35

cum 7.65
cum 7.65

sqm 36.27
sqm 36.27
qtls 688.50
kg 765.37

kg 807.69

nos. 20.00

LS 1.00

cum 95.88

Length = 2150
Unit Qty

Cum 2062.03

Cum 343.56

Cum 343.56

Cum 1293.74

Cum 1293.74

cum 601.10
cum 601.10

cum 1127.87

cum 206.53

cum 206.53

Sqm 815.09

cum 40.75

qlt 565.34

sqm 3197.26

sqm. 2303.66

sqm. 2303.66

Qtl. 20.71
metre 8600.00

sqm. 9.00

Unit Qty

Cum 550

Cum 550

cum 510.00

Cum 60.00
m 200.00

m 200.00

cum 108

Cum 75
Cum 150

Unit Qty

Cum 450

Cum 450
cum 550.00

Cum 50.00

m 200.00

m 200.00

cum 90

Cum 75
Cum 150

Unit Qty.

Cum 2430.00

Cum 2430.00

Cum 153.00
m 1800.00

each 57

m 285.00

Unit Quantity

m 125.00
m 100.00

m 25.00

No. 21.00

Cum. 8.61

Cum. 4.31

Cum. 4.31

Cum. 4.31

Cum. 4.31
Cum. 288.49

Cum. 39.56
Cum. 4.24

sqm 263.76

sqm 28.26

qtl. 43.38
No. 1.00

No. 10.00

sqm 75.36

Unit Qty

cum 19.97

cum 9.09

cum 11.67

cum 8.42

Sqm 4.50
cum 20.34

cum 0.18
cum 0.18
cum 13.66

Sqm 10.47

kg 65.10

Kg 72.54

Sqm 3.71
Sqm 0.80
Sqm 0.80

cum 3.23

sqm 16.84

sqm 17.16

mtr 3

Each 1

Each 1

Each 1
Each 1

Sqm 31.68

Sqm 16.84
Sqm 16.84
Sqm 67.72

sqm 16.8416

sqm 2.339

sqm 49.12

Each 2

qtl 3.06

sqm 48.52

Sqm 48.52
Sqm 67.72

Sqm 23.57

each 2

each 2

each 2

each 2

each 7

each 7

Metre 13.5
Metre 20
each 3

Each 2

each 4

Litre 1000

each 2

each 1

Metre 40
Metre 25

Nos. 2

Nos. 1

Nos. 2

Nos. 2
Nos. 2

Nos. 2

each 2

each 7
each 3
each 1

each 2

each 1
each 4

Unit Qty
cum 153.54

cum 19.113

cum 142.83

cum 6.65

sqm 14.86

sqm 57.864

cum 2.65

cum 110.54

Sqm 173.28

cum 44.88
Cum 10.79

meter 228.68

Sqm 53.56

Sqm 16.80

Sqm 11.96

Sqm 11.96

Sqm 11.96

sqm 23.92
Sqm 70.36

cum 16.05

cum 16.05
cum 3.00

sqm 107.99

meter 71.26

mtr 32
mtr 4.2
mtr 36.2
Each 10

Each 5

Each 5

Sqm 9.6

cum 6.192

cum 1.06

cum 1.06

Sqm 38.4
Sqm 19.2
sqm 57.60
Sqm 858.57
Sqm 210.31

Sqm 610.78
Sqm 14.86

sqm 101.18

cum 121.28

Sqm 97.02

sqm 198.21

sqm 7.956

Sqm 106.968

Sqm 1.12

Qtl. 14.40

Each 16.00

qtl 45.44
Sqm 29.40
Sqm 9.49

Sqm 38.89

sqm 77.78

sqm 858.57

Sqm 858.57

sqm 210.31

Sqm 610.78

Sqm 224.67

Sqm 267.75

Sqm 267.75

Sqm 190.56
each 4

each 4

each 4

each 24

each 20

each 20

Metre 10.8
meter 22
Meter 32.8
Metre 20.4
Metre 32.4
Metre 52.8

each 16

each 16

each 16
each 16

each 16

each 16

Each 8

each 8

each 6

Litre 4000

each 16

each 4

Metre 96
Metre 78
Metre 174
Metre 120
Metre 120
Metre 240

each 16
each 56
each 4
each 16
each 12

meter 1200

each 4

meter 12

each 4
each 24

each 4

Each 8

each 8
each 1

each 4

cum 39.67
cum 127.86
cum 19.4

Unit Qty
Cum 94.87

Cum 13.20

Cum 78.45


Cum 9.58

Sqm 142.13

Sqm 344.9651

Cum 10.20

Cum 68.00

cum 75.23

Cum 2.35
cum 1.34



Sqm 188.15

Qtl 96.84

Cum 66.94

Cum 74.04

Sqm 297.01
Sqm 16.00
Sqm 857.36

Sqm 491.92

Sqm 176.857

Sqm 152.33

Sqm 54.735
Sqm 293.19

Sqm 114.90
Sqm 1179.37

Sqm 515.32


Sqm 161.85

Each 5

Each 5

m 40
Each 5

mt 68.00

Kg 339.30

Kg 532.27

Sqm 34.44

Each 7.00

Each 12.00

Sqm 54.24
Sqm 19.80

Cum 22.09

Cum 188.6

Sqm 264.9

m 40
m 45
m 20

Each 5
Each 3

Each 7

Each 7

each 5

each 5

Each 5

Each 6

Each 7

Each 7

Each 13
Each 5

m 40
m 20

Each 4

Each 7

Each 9

Each 6
Each 4
Each 4
Each 8

Each 2
Each 2
Each 2

Each 2
ltr 2000

Each 8

Job 1

Job 1

cum 115
cum 65
cum 15

job 7
Nos. 6
Nos. 14
Nos. 13

Nos. 5

Nos. 4

Nos. 550
Nos. 150

Nos. 2

Nos. 9
Nos. 4

Nos. 6

Nos. 35

Nos. 10

Nos. 28
Nos. 13

Nos. 110

Nos. 6

Nos. 66

Nos. 66

nos 26

Nos. 1

Job 1
Nos. 2

Nos. 12

Nos. 2

Nos. 12
Nos. 7

Mtr. 25

Mtr. 18

Mtr. 1000

Mtr. 600

Mtr. 450

Unit Qty

cum 27.85

cum 1.29

cum 23.51
cum 6.75
Sqm 6.00

cum 1.87

mtr 9.6

Each 3
Each 2

Sqm 43.20

qtl 2.025

Sqm 10.26
cum 5

each 2

Unit Qty
mtr 0.57

cum 0.076
cum 0.184
sqm 0.8
cum 0.03

qtl 0.32

Unit Qty
cum 5.86

cum 0.49

cum 0.45

cum 0.36
cum 0.36

nos. 1
nos. 1

Qtl 0.36

sqm 1.4

cum 1.53

sqm 5.46
sqm 7.86

sqm 1.08
Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6 mm thick plastic encapsulated as per IS : 109
12mm dia steel bar conforming to IS : 1786 having minimum cross section as 23 mmx25mm and ov
minimum length 263 mm and width as 165mm with minimum 112 mm space between protruded legs h
mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides necessary and adequate anchoring projecti
tail length on 138 mm as per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical re
test as per specifications and having manufacture’s permanent identification mark to be visible even aft
including fixing in manholes with 30x20x15 cm cement concrete block 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse san
19.16 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) complete as per design.

Code Description Unit

Details of cost for one no.
7354 Plastic encapsulated M.S. foot rest 30x20x15 each
9999 Carriage and other sundries L.S.
Cement concrete 1:2:4 (0.30x0.15x115 = 0.005175)
Rate as per item no 4.2.3 of SH : Concrete work cum
123 Mason 1st class Day
124 Mason 2nd class Day
114 Beldar Day
Add 1% for water charges on all except ‘A’ 1%
Add GST on "X-A" (multiplying factor 0.1405) 14%
Add 15% Y-A for contractor’s profit and overheads on all except ‘A’ 15%
Cost for 1 no.
astic encapsulated as per IS : 10910 on
s section as 23 mmx25mm and over all
m space between protruded legs having 2
y and adequate anchoring projections on
and the bend test and chemical resistance
ication mark to be visible even after fixing,
ock 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand : 6
mplete as per design.

Quantity Rate Amount

1.00 110.00 110.00

1.82 2.00 3.64

0.0052 8554.50 44.27 (A)

0.02 738.00 14.76

0.20 679.00 135.80
0.05 558.00 27.90
339.29 X
380.74 Y

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