Research Paper. Mun
Research Paper. Mun
Research Paper. Mun
Description of Issue:
Trafficking of children is a form of human trafficking and is defined as the "recruitment, transportation,
transfer, harbouring, and/or receipt" of a child for the purpose of slavery, forced labour and exploitation.
This is a significant problem taking place in most parts of the world. Children are bought and sold to do
manual labour or work in illegal sex-industries, where they receive little to no payment. Changes should be
made to combat these traffickings, as this is a cross-boarder issue affecting most countries.
Background Information
The International Labour Office in Geneva estimates that 1.2 million children are at any given moment
affected by child trafficking, about 300.000 of these are taken from all over the world and sold as slaves. In
2012 it was estimated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime that the percentage of child victims
in trafficking had risen from 20% to 27% over a 3-year span. Reports have been made by anti-trafficking
organisation Thorn1, showing that sites like “Craigslist” are often used as a means of conducting business,
these reports also showed that 70% of child sex trafficking victims was at one point sold online.
A high percentage of people being trafficked are children, this is either due to parents selling them in hopes
of giving them a better life, or because there is higher profit in children as they are easier to intimidate, and
influence and they can be “used” for longer. It is important to note, once a child or person is trafficked, they
will most likely continue being trafficked for the rest of their life.
Key Terms:
Child: a person under the age of 18
Trafficking: recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt, whether by force or not, of persons,
by third person or group.
Useful sources:
Protocol by UN – Prevention of Human trafficking