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Frequency of Mental Health Problems in School Students at Secondary Level in Tehsil Raiwind B.ed (1.5 Years) Research Project

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Frequency of Mental Health Problems in School Students at

Secondary Level in Tehsil Raiwind

B.ed (1.5 years) Research Project

Tanzeela Arif


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for B.Ed. (1.5 year)

program in Science Education at
Department of Early Childhood Education and The elementary Teacher
©Tanzeela Arif, 2018


The research project attached hereto, titled “The frequency of common Mental
Health Problems in high school students of secondary level” proposed and
submitted by Tanzeela Arif Roll No. BK 635420 in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of B.Ed. (1.5 year) (Science Education) is hereby

(Supervisor Name Here)

Evaluator: ___________________________(Signature)
(Evaluator Name Here)

Date: ___________________________(Signature)

2 2

I Tanzeela Arif Daughter of Mohammaad Arif Roll No. BK 635420 Registration #

16PLE. A student of B.Ed. (1.5 year) programmer (Science Education) at Allama Iqbal
Open University do hereby solemnly declare that the research project entitled “The
Frequency of common Mental Health Problem in students of high school at
secondary level” submitted by me in partial fulfillment of B.Ed. (1.5 year) programmer,
is my original work, and has not been submitted or published earlier. I also solemnly
declare that it shall not, in future, be submitted by me for obtaining any other degree from
this or any other university or institution.
I also understand that if evidence of plagiarism is found in my thesis/dissertation at
any stage, even after the award of a degree, the work may be cancelled and the degree

Date: Signature of Candidate


Name of Candidate

Research Project Submission Approval Form

Research Project entitled “The Frequency of common Mental Health Problems in

students of high school at secondary level”. Submitted by Tanzeela Arif Roll
No:BK635420 Registration No: 16PLE Programme B.Ed. (1.5 year) has been read by me
and has been found to be satisfactory regarding its quality, content, language, format,
citations, bibliographic style, and consistency, and thus fulfills the qualitative requirements
of this study. It is ready for submission to Allama Iqbal Open University for evaluation.

Name of Supervisor

Date: __________________ ______________________________

(Day-Month-Year) Signature of Supervisor


Good Mental Health in young people and their key helpers lead to better learning outcomes than
those with mental disorders so the purpose of this study is to find the frequency of mental health
problems in school students at secondary level in order to make intervention which would be
school-based to achieve learning goals, aims and objectives. The population of the study was
government schools of district Raiwind. From the population, two schools were selected for
study which include one is boys high school and second is girls high school. The sample size of
the study was 50.Questionnaire was used as tool for getting data. The questionnaires have the
questions which are the indications of most common mental disorders which are depressive
disorder and hyperkinetic disorder which mostly occur in school students at secondary level.
Interviews was also done in order to collect data to find the frequency of common mental health
problems in students of high school at secondary level.

The results of the study was that only 1 student show the severe level of depression which
is the 2% of sample study which effect the learning outcomes . It is twice as prevalent in girls as
in boys.

Prevalence of hyperkinetic disorder is 1%-6% its main manifestation are motor

hyperkinetic as attention deficit and impulsive behavior .frequency of different symptoms are
found in students of high school with different percentages so school-based interventions should
be made in order to minimize these symptoms also awareness program should be held in school
to improve mental health of school students.


Chapter 1

1.1. Background of Study 10

1.2. Statement of Problem 10

1.3. Research Objectives 10
1.4. Research Questions 11
1.5. Significance of Study 11
1.6. Scope and Limitations of Study 11
1.7. Delimitation of Study 11
1.8. Research Methodology 11
1.8.1 Population 12
1.8.2 Sampling Technique 12

1.8.3 Sample 12
1.8.4 Research Instrument 12
1.8.5 Data Collection 13
1.8.6 Data Analysis 13
1.9. Operational Definitions 13
2.1 Theoretical Framework 15
2.2 Mental Health Problems 16
2.3 Depressive Disorder 18
2.4 Challenges and Solution: 18
2.5 Screening: 18
2.6 School-base intervention and prevention: 19
2.6 Hyperkinetic disorders 19
2.7 Literacy about mental illness: 20
2.8 Improving the knowledge and beliefs of young people: 21

2.9 Effective components in improving mental health 21
2.10 Causes of Mental Health Problems 22
3.1 Research Design 23
3.2 Population 23
3.3 Sample and Sampling Technique 24
3.4 Instrumentation 24
3.5 Validity and Reliability of Instrument 25
3.6 Data Collection 25
3.7 Data Analysis 26
4.1 Statistical Analysis: 29
4.1.1 Age of respondents: 29
4.2 Gender 30
4.3 Depression Level 1: 31
4.4 Mild mood disturbance 32
4.5 Borderline Clinical Depression 33
4.6 Severe Depression 34
4.7 Extreme depression 34
4.8 Frequency of depressive disorders: 35
4.9 Hyperkinetic Disorder 36
4.10 Frequency of Hyperkinetic disorder: 36
5.1 Findings 46
5.2 Conclusion 46
5.3 Recommendation 48
5.4 Bibliography 48

Table Name Page No.
Table 3.1.1 Population of the study 23
Table 3.2.1 Sample of the study 24
Table-4.1.1 Age of respondents 29
Table-4.2 Gender 30
Table-4.3 Depression Level 1 31
Table-4.4 Mild mood disturbance 32
Table -4.5 Borderline Clinical Depression 33
Table -4.6 Severe Depression 34
Table-4.7 Extreme Depression 34
Table-4.8 Frequency of depressive disorders: 35
Table-4.10 Frequency of Hyperkinetic disorder: 36

Table Name Page No.
Appendix 1: Questionnaire for depressive disorder 50

Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Hyperkinetic Disorder 53



Mental Health is the well-being of a person’s emotional and psychological status. It is the way,
how we think, feel, and act. Mental Health is important in order to handle stress, relation with
others and to make choices. Mental Health is just like physical health every person should care
of it. Mental Health problems include depression, anxieties are mostly common among young
generation but attention is not paid to this in our society. Mental disorders mostly arises first time
in young age, but they are not easily recognized and treated early because professional help is
not sought at all in our society.(1) Recognition of mental disorders will be possible only if
affected person i-e young people and their concern and supporting persons which are family,
teachers etc. They have knowledge about the early changes produced by mental disorders, their
treatment and what to do further. Knowledge and skills of this sort is termed as “Mental Health
Literacy”. (2)

As the school is the central institution in the education system, as it also the support systems in
psychosocial area so it can take central role in this area by following these measures i-e
screening of students, preventive measure should be applied, changes in class and school climate
and advanced training of teachers. In this way, school plays important role not only for providing
social and learning environment but also have impact on present and future health and well-being
of young people especially.(3) Negative school experiences making young people becomes
mentally disturbed and alienated. For example, being bullied, feeling of not belonging, not doing
well at school, will let young students under stress. (4) The World Health Report 2001 estimated
that almost 10% to 20% of young students experience 1 or more mental health problems.
Studies have revealed importance and link of student’s emotional behavior with their
performance at school. Students with mental health problem will be at risk of developing
psychopathological conditions later. Mental health problems are divided into two categories i.e.
Internalized and Externalized behavioral problems. Internalized behavioral problems include
depression, anxiety and somatic problems while externalized behavioral problems include
aggression and anti-social behavior.(6) A recent large study from the united states reported that
half of all mental disorders mostly starts at age of 14years and above and three quarters at the age

of 24 and above. In Australia, the National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being
(NSMHWB) found a prevalence of mental disorder of 27% in the age of almost 18-24 years.(7)

Good Mental Health literacy in young people and their supporters which may be family, teacher
etc. will lead to better outcomes for young people who have developed mental disorders by
facilitating help seeking by them or by caretakers or guardians. Health problems are most
common among those of having lower socioeconomic status. Different studies have shown that
young people are more likely to have mental health problems. (8) Among the tasks of schools is
also to support students mental health development because school is the place where children
spend a large part of their time and also experiences social problems and challenges, mental
overload, learning demands and psychological stress.(9)

1.1 Background of study:

Mental health is most important aspect of health of a person and mental health disorders are
often arising for the first time in adolescents or young adults. Approximately, 10-20% of children
and adolescents have a mental health problem of some type, common of which is depressive
disorders.(10)Others include which are becoming common are attention deficits, cognitive
disturbances, lack of motivation, and negative mood all of these adversely affect the scholastic
development and causes hindrances in achieving learning goals and achievements. Background
of the study related to mental health problem shows that mostly it is unclear that which are the
factors that affect student’s development and also the preventive measures which should be taken
to minimize these disorders.(11)

1.2 Statement of problem

To determine the frequency of mental health problems over a period of six months in high school
of tehsil Raiwind.

1.3 Research Objectives

There are many objectives of this research the main objectives can be stated as:
 To find out the frequency of Mental Health Problems in school students.
 To improve mental health literacy among school students.

1.4 Research Questions

For this study basic research questions will be following:

 What is Mental Health?

 What are the common Mental Health Problems in high school students?
 How Mental Health can be improved?

1.5 Significance of study

This study has significance as mental health has direct relation with performance of students at
school. Having good mental health is associated with the best outcomes. This study is very
significant in order to know the ways to achieve better learning outcomes. (12) Young people who
have disturbed mental health will show disruptive behavior, report anxiety and depressive
systems. Improving and recognition of mental health problems brings about better educational
and health outcomes. Less attention has been paid to the mental health of young adults. This
study will find the frequency of mental health problems in young adults of high school so great
attention can be paid to this aspect of health. Yet it has importance but scant attention has paid to
this aspect of health. (13)

1.6 Delimitations of the study

This study will provide data from a group of representative sample of secondary school students,
examining their behavior, and attention in class also find the factors which influence the student’s mental
health and also find the school-based interventions which would help to improve the mental health of

1.7 Research Methodology

The study will be descriptive in nature. A descriptive research Methodology will be used for this research.
In this thesis the researcher aiming to describe the frequency of mental health problems in high school
students and improving mental health literacy. This study is simply descriptive study which will describe
the frequency of mental health problems among high school students at the end of research. The
researcher has aims to highlight the aspects the factors those are responsible for mental health problems
specifically in school setting so these can be removed and learning objectives can be achieved. In this

regard information will be collected from teachers, parents, and classroom observation will be done in
order to check status of mental health. The observations, study and analytical skills of the researcher will
also be utilized to analyze the data.

1.7.1 Population

Population is the group of people living in a place and sharing or having one or more
characteristics common in them. This research is conducted in order to find the frequency of
mental health which is common for example depression and hyperkinetic disorders among young
adults of high school in tehsil Raiwind. It is descriptive study in nature and suitable research
design for this study. The population for this study would be high school of tehsil Raiwind.

1.7.2 Sampling technique

Sampling technique means the technique which is used in order to collect sample for study
purpose and to find the frequency of mental health problem among students of high school of
tehsil Raiwind. Simple random sampling technique is used in this study. Because simple random
sample technique is easy to use and also it gives equal and independent chance to every member
of population to be selected in sample. It gives best representative of the study and also helps in
finding significant results because generalization of research results to whole population is not
possible in non-probability sampling.

1.7.3 Sample

The sample is the subgroup or representative part of the population which is under study in this
project. Sample should be such that it can generalize the result of research on whole population
which is under study and also should give significant results. The young adults were on average
15-16 years old. Family and other characteristics were mostly similar among adults included in
study sample in order to achieve significant results. Sample was chosen from the population
using a proper sampling technique which would give representative sample of the population.

1.7.4 Research Instrument

Research instrument is used to collect data in research project. There are different types of
research instruments such as close-ended questionnaire, close ended questionnaire, rating scale,

checklists, attitude scale, achievement test, interviews and observation scales etc. close ended
questionnaire was used in this study as problem have to diagnosed by asking symptoms of
disease in just yes or no.

1.7.5 Data collection procedure

After preparation of the research instrument that is close ended questionnaire, data was collected
from high schools of tehsil Raiwind which were involved in this study. All year twenty students
in two schools were invited to participate in this study. First of all permission were taken from
the principals of the school and consent form were assigned that they give permission of
participation to their students to take part in this study. After their permission questionnaire was
given to the students which were taking part in this study. Students completed a questionnaire
using pen which was supervised by the researcher. Absent students were surveyed at school at a
later date. Students give consent on the day of the survey just orally only that students were
involved in studies which want to participate.

1.7.6 Data Analysis

Statistical analysis of the data which was collected during research was analyzed using SPSS
(statistical package for social sciences). As this was only descriptive study so descriptive statistic
such as frequency and percentage was computed only. All answers were checked clearly in order
to diagnose the mental health problem of students and then their frequency was found.

1.8 Operation definitions:


Adolescent is the process of developing a child into adult.

Learning Outcomes:

Learning ability is the capacity to take actions, it is the ability to realize and to
understand and profit from experience.


An intervention is the act of inserting one thing between others, like a person trying to help.
Is the ability to understand or in other words ability to read and write.

Chapter 2:

Review of related literature

2.1 Theoretical Framework

This aspect of health has great importance in research purposes. Previous studies related to this
reviewed completely in order to minimize the chance of repetition. Studies related to mental
health disorders were searched using Google Scholar and then only studies related to young
students of secondary level were included in this study.

Mental Health describes the mental state of a person as education is the about mental progress of
a person so mental health of students is very important in order to achieve learning outcomes.
The global prevalence of mental health problems occurring almost 10-20% in children and
young adults of school. (Schulte G 2014)This figure is according to German Health Interview
and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KIGGS). There are many types of
mental disorders for example anxiety disorders, depression, conduct disorders and hyperkinetic
disorder but literature is review and framework of this study is most common mental disorders
which can be present in young adults of secondary school that may be males or females. There
can be many reasons for this but most important is the uptake of healthcare services provided by
families and especially illiteracy and negligence are the most important causes for this. Reasons
can be following according to article published in journal of medicine(prof. Brite Twisselmann,

 Mental health is not accessible by specialist healthcare

 fear of being stigmatized in a society, in case of having a mental disorder
 Illiteracy and having no knowledge about the condition that behavioral or mood changes
are actually require changes. In Pakistan especially this thing is not taken as serious or
noticeable thing
 cultural obstacles can also because of increased mental disorders

as above mentioned reasons can be one of major reason of mental health disorder in adults
especially of secondary school level so now it become more important task of schools is to

support children’s mental health development along with other aspects of growing up
(Wilson A, 2009) because school is the place where children spent a lot of time fulfilling their
learning demands, facing challenges bearing mental load and psychological stress.

Our search review is based on whenever available randomized articles, reviews and meta-
analyses etc included. We searched the databases PubMed, Google Scholar for the time period of
six months. The search terms or wordings were related to the specialized and common disorders
of mental health and mental disorders, school related factors which causes mental problems and
also their preventions, treatment related to children and adolescents. The review article published
in (journal of medicine, 2016) explain the factors that causes mental health problems in school
setting and also describe the importance of mental health problems for students and school
development. On the basis of this we will review examples of empirical findings in common
mental health problems (depression and hyperkinetic disorders only). We will explain the further
options of diagnostic evaluation, prevention and interventions in the schools.

The prevalence of mental health problems in children’s and adults of secondary school level is
between 6% and 11% based on studies using dimensional scales by the researcher (Yange Xue,
Tama Leventhal, 2005)

According to World Health Organization: Classification of mental and behavioral disorder

(1992), There are many kinds of mental disorders such as depression, dyslexia, dyscalculia and
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The most common of these is to find is purpose of this
research project. Following are described the important and common mental disorders in
students of secondary school

2.2Mental Health Problems

There are many types of mental problems found in school students the most common of which is

2.3 Depressive Disorder

The prevalence of depressive disorders in adolescence and school students is about 4-5%. The
main symptoms of depressive disorders include lack of concentration while studying, lack of
self-worth, low mood, joylessness, a loss of interest in activities, withdrawal from social

activities, giving up leisure, change in appetite, sleep disruption etc. Depression affects the
psychosocial and school-related development of adolescent. School based factors which
influence the mental health of students mainly includes the school climate and connectedness of
students to school. Mental Health problems increase the risk of repeating a grade, dropping out
of school etc. (Green j, Algeria M, 2013) there are lot of reason behind this disorder which may
be reduced attention, impaired ability to organize one’s work which is may be due to
neurocognitive impairments. (Owens M, Stevenson J, 2011) that often cause of depression such
as decrease the attention, change in mood and effect the memory functions. These reinforce the
changed self-perception regarding one’s own capability that accompanies the depression .The
students who are effected to this disorder has experience of inability to perform as a personal
failure and as a result they fail and repeat the class. And repeating of class increase the level of
depression. Because of their stress such students cannot focus to this learning impairment . This
fact proved that adolescent are less likely to find the help and support from their schools when it
is too late .

School based factors the define the difference between the depressive disorder and institutions
including academic climates and school connectedness. If both factors are weak in expressing
then the risk of depression increased. Study from U.S.A which include 11852 students significant
association were seen between a poor attachment to the school. A poor attachment to a teachers
and more pronounced depressive symptoms. Systematic review. Global school concepts that
includes the changes in the life of academic institutions including atmosphere, architecture and
extracurricular and acceptance in the city in spite of their increasing popularity .shown hardly
any effect or none at all. Possible unclear and unfocused objectives and absence of clear
guideline for implementation. A lack of instructions manual , in sufficient instructions and
training of those in position of responsibility for undertaking the program and lacking
implementation and quality control . The effect size of school size prevention and intervention
program in term of strength mental health. Universal program reduce bulling mobbing and
promotion prosocial behavior are low to moderate universal program to reduce violence and
conflict resolution. Such as anxiety or depression of students who display violent behavior.it
should be emphasized that only sustain implementation of program with quality assurance.
A summarized overview of German language program for preventing mental health problems
and behavior problems of students.

2.3 Challenges and Solution:

Mental health problems in children’s and adolescents and their importance for young people and
scholar development and in view of low uptake of the relevant services provided by the health
care system. The risk of mental health problems should be identify at an early stage and reduce
by means of preventive measurement. Children, adolescents and their families should inform to
health care system. The school as a central institution in the education system with its support
system in the psychological area can take a central role in this, in cooperation with services
provided but health care system. Psychotherapeutic and medical services for the children’s and
adolescent by youth welfare services by implementation the following measures:

 Screening
 Preventive measures
 Changes in environment of class
 Training for teachers

2.4 Screening:

The diagnostic of screening methods for psychological stress, for example emotional problems,
attention deficit, problems and dealing with peers has been repeatedly studied in school (31.32)
the strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) is a popular screaming instruments (34.36)
that is used in previously mentioned setting of teachers, parents and professional in the health
care sector (37) of 7984 students age 5-15 years. 70 % of students were conduct of this disorder,
hyperactivity. Depressive symptoms and anxiety disorder correctly diagnosed with (SDQ) the
best seeming result was reached combing the teachers and students rating.

2.5 School-base intervention and prevention:

Under the title of “Mental Health program or promotion” prevention and intervention. Measures
have been made in schools, worldwide at different levels in order to improve the general health
of students in various classes and at various levels in school setting. Weare K, Nind M, (2011)
summarize the review of almost 52 in number, described that main reasons of common mental
health problems are unfold and not explained very well. Lack of instructions manuals and
improper training and lacking implementations etc can be the major causes of mental health
problems in students of secondary level.(Durlak J, Weisberg R, 2011) School based interventions
and preventions plays important role in stretching mental health. It also reduces psychological
pressures and reduce bullying etc.

2.6 Hyperkinetic disorders

Hyperkinetic disorder is one of the most common mental health problems which have a
prevalence of about 1-6%.(willcutt E, Polanczyk G, 2014) The symptoms of this disorder include
hyperactivity, attention deficit, and increased impulsivity. Students with this disorder are
distracted, jump up in class, and shout out, are able to focus their attention for a short time period
only. (Lehmkuhl G, 2010)

Due to this disorder students miss important information in class and also cause disruption in
class to other class fellows. To remain adhere to school discipline for this long span of time
during school hours are too much for students having hyperkinetic disorder. Teachers can find
these students as showing pupils disruptive and stressful behavior. Students with hyperkinetic
feel themselves as different from others and the persons which have no control on behavior of
themselves. Persistence of these symptoms can lead to the isolation of students. (schuber I, 2000)
They would not invited by their fellows and adults will punish them because of their behavior.
So if indications of hyperkinetic disorders would found by teachers then they should be given
advice for diagnosis of hyperkinetic disorder and therapy should be advised for proper diagnosis.

According to Telford C, in his article, estimating the cost of ongoing care for adolescents with
attention-deficit hyperkinetic disorders, told that school career of children’s with hyperkinetic
disorder will impaired. The support and preventive measure can cure it especially when in school
setting rather than in healthcare sectors.(Robb J, 2011)

According to study done by Young storm E, 2007 which was a type of meta-analyses and focus
on school success of students of secondary level which suffers from hyperkinetic disorder and
found significant performance impairments especially related to reading, arithmetical skills and
spellings. This would be cause of dropouts of students from school and then further
complications which can be development of further mental health problems. So, it is necessary to
have diagnostic steps for students which show indications of hyperkinetic disorder and then

treatment from a medical specialists. (Kuperminc G, Leadbetter B, 2011) The disorder
complexity should be taken into account for evaluation and treatment.

According to Dopfner M, studies in his article For mender Child Behavior checklist in 2014
teacher diagnostic report and school assessment report plays special role in the medical field for
the diagnostic purpose of hyperkinetic disorder. Symptoms may be in more than one case so
International classification of disease should be paid much attention for diagnosis purpose.
Qualitative and quantitative both analysis should be done in order to diagnose. For this purpose
child behavior checklist (CBC) can be used.

Mostly teachers found it uncertain to diagnose and deal with hyperkinetic disorder because of
behavior associated with this disorder and lesson breaks. Students of hyperkinetic disorder also
require treatment which is associated with school especially. A recently published systematic
reviews of 54 studies shows the methods which can be used at school and that would have
effectiveness on treatment of hyperkinetic disorder of students of secondary level. (Richardson
M, Moore D, 2015) This study investigated the effectiveness of school in relation with the
symptoms of hyperkinetic disorder these includes social skills, self-awareness of students and
also include teacher’s perceptions of school success.

Different analysis have been done in order to find the different effects of environment on
behavior of students. This include behavior modifications by means of reward or punishment in
order to check whether its mental disorder or any temporary condition related to behavior and
attitude of students. During childhood social competence would have great effectiveness over
students behavior. In students of secondary level structuring work strategies, learning strategies
are found to deliver best results in order to improve behavioral attitudes. Methods of direct
modification of behavior designed by teacher that is daily report card etc can be used for
effectiveness on the whole.( Fabiono G, Pehlam W, 2010)

2.7 Literacy about mental illness:

Mostly people especially young adults are illiterate about mental health and give no much
importance to this aspect of health. Due to lack of recognition adults fails to have access to
medical specialists related to mental health which are psychologists and psychiatrist. Young
people should know about mental health, less attention has given to this aspect of health. One

study found that 68% of parents have knowledge about depression symptoms in young adults
especially at secondary level students but only one third of these approaches to professional help
seeking or have involvement in study related to mental health.(Jorm AF, Wright A, 2007)

According to Claire M Kelly, studies young people have slightly more attitude toward
professional help that is approaching medical specialists i-e psychologists, practitioner and
psychiatrist. Mostly young people prefer to speak to a friend or family member if they would
experience a mental health problem. (Howard K, 1991) according to Claire M Kell, studies about
13-16% years students and young adults found difficult to engage in appropriate help. Similar
results are found in adults who are suicidal. Parents should play their role for providing help to
young adults.

2.8 Improving the knowledge and beliefs of young people:

Researches related to improving the knowledge and beliefs of young peoples are today scare and
are poorly evaluated at this time. In order to decrease the frequency of common mental health
problems among students especially of secondary level some interventions related to improving
knowledge and belief of young peoples should be made. There should be programs to train the
people especially who can support young adults. One of the underdevelopment area is peer
training.(Pearce K, Rickwood D, 2003)

2.9 Effective components in improving mental health

According to Noar S, in a 10 year retrospective of research in health mass media campaigns in

journal of Health Common 2006 there are seven components of successful campaign for
improving mental health. These are,

 Ensuring focus-group research and other qualitative research that ensure messages are
tailored successfully.
 Theory of planned behavior model (Prochaska JO, 1983), the compass strategy, the
compass strategy plays important role as it involves the designing, implementation and
evaluation is informed.
 Messages should be ensured that these are tailored to specific group or not.

 Style of message should be such that according to age group of persons which are to
addressed that is adults or students of secondary level.
 Types of media by which messages have to conveyed should be chosen carefully.
 Evaluation should be made carefully in order to check whether the messages are
conveyed to audience properly or not.
 Ensure that resources are not wasted evaluation should be done in this way.

2.10 Causes of Mental Health Problems

There are many causes of mental health problems in school students, important of which are

i. Lack of recognition of mental illness

ii. Inappropriate professional help

iii. Many young people do not have positive attitude towards medication. (12)

iv. Uncertainty among students and parents about whether the behavior or mood changes
actually require treatment

v. Little or no awareness of healthcare services

vi. Language barriers or cultural obstacles in families from a migration background (13)

Chapter 3:

Research Methodology

Methodology is the most important aspect of any research study. Methods are of utmost
importance in a research process. Henning (2004) describes methodology as coherent group of
methods that complement one another and that have the ability to fit to deliver data and findings
that will reflect the research question and suit the researcher purpose. According to Holloway
(2005), methodology means a framework of theories and principles on which methods and
procedures are based. This study aims to study is to find out the frequency rate in the students of
secondary level which influences the academic performance of the students in the higher
secondary school.

3.1 Research Design

In the current study the researcher is using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The
study is descriptive in nature.

Table 3.1.1 shows the number of schools and number of students selected for that cover the
population of the study.

No of Schools Names of Schools Students

1 Govt. High School for girls 200

2 Govt. High School for Boys 170

3.2 Sample of the study

Sample is a small unit of a large whole or smaller representation of a whole population. For the
present study the researcher has adapted the simple random sampling technique for collecting the
data. The investigator selected a sample of 1145 adolescents studying in rural areas of
primary schools of tehsil raiwind. The list of schools and students selected as the sample
of the study in the present study is given in the following table:

Table 3.2.1 shows the numbers of students from the selected school as a sample:

No of schools Names of schools Students

1 Govt. High School for girls 25
2 Govt. High School for Boys 25
Total 50

3.3 Ethical Consideration and confidentiality

As this study concerned with most personal and confidential information of person’s life because
mental state of a person would suggest the person’s position in any organization and schools etc
so, ethical constrain in this study is very high. This point has given the most importance in this
study and respondents are encouraged to participate willingly by getting informed cosent. Each
and everything was explained to respondents so they would be able to understand what kind of
information is expected being taken from them. The name of institution and respondent also kept
confidential and hidden. The confidentiality was assured in order the respondent provide
information wholeheartedly without fear of having exposure to anyone.

3.4 Instrumentation

The aim of the study is to find the frequency of mental health problems in students of high
school at secondary level so for the collection of the data for the study, the investigator
used self-made questionnaires for the the students. The questionnaire is close-ended. The
investigator also used and informal interview with students.

3.4.1 Questionnaire, the response of the students was measured along rating scale having rating
from 0,1,2…..onwards depending upon the behavior students feels which would be the indication
of disease and help in diagnosis of mental disorder. This scale is used to found the symptoms of
mental disorder in respondent. Questionnaire method is used because this is easy method of
diagnosis of mental disorder and also easy to fill out, less time taking and also applicable on
large population. The statement of the questionnaire was clear, simple and easy to understand.
The basic information about question and symptom of the disease was given to respondent for
their guidance and to choose the best statement and have correct diagnosis.

The questionnaire was selected because it is very practical, easy to use and get results in short
time and variety of questions can be asked at a time from many respondents, less time taking and
also applicable on large population. The questionnaire are self-administered and it gives the
researcher to explain the clear aim of the study and meaning of items which may not clear to the
respondents. (Best and Kahn, 1996)

3.4.2 Analysis of Questionnaire:

Structured questionnaire designed by psychologist was used to collect data and then spas is used
to analyses data collected through questionnaire and then pie and frequency charts are used to
express and then their explanation would be given with charts and figures. The results and
interpretations are explained below the charts.

3.4.3 Interview:

Interview was also conducted in order to get open ended questions and to get maximum or free
responses from the students. Interview-based are asked to get cluster of responses from the
respondents.(Merton, Fiske, and Kendall, 1956)

3.5 Validity and Reliability of Instrument

The questionnaire is a very concise, pre-planned set of question. The investigator used a self-
made questionnaire. The investigator prepared two sets of questionnaire for the students.

3.6 Data Collection

After the preparation of the tool, the investigator visited the selected schools of mandi
area, of Tehsil Raiwind. For the purpose of the study the investigator first of all sought the
permission from the Principal of each school and consigns to them the permission letter
to undertake the study. With their consent, the investigator administered the questionnaire
for the students of higher secondary school. Before giving the set of the questionnaire,
proper rapport was established with the respondents, and then they were informed about the
purpose of the questionnaire. To make the investigation successful, efforts were also made to
impress on the students that their cooperation was most necessary in this regard and were

assured that the responses will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for research
purposes only.

3.7 Data Analysis

The data collected for the study were analyzed using of SPSS (Statistical package for the social
sciences). Descriptive statistics such as frequency and percentages was computed.

3.8 Methods

3.8.1 Sample:

We use data of school collected by the students of 2 schools. The population of study is
370 people but we get data from 50 students as a sample.

3.8.2 Procedure:

We use data collected from students of secondary school (year 9, average 14year)
prior intervention being implemented, at the end of year 10. Average age 16, and 1 year post-
secondary school.

Students completed questionnaire using laptop and computers at the school supervised by the
research team. Absent students were surveyed at the school at a later date or by telephone.
Telephone interviews were completed with students who had left project school for the final
survey, computer assisted telephone interviews were conducted. Ethics approval was obtained
from the students of Govt. high school for girls. Students gave consent on the day of the survey.

3.8.3 Measures:

Mental health status was evaluated using a structured questionnaire made for this purpose and
have scores related to the symptoms and indications of mental disorder and also a structure
psychiatric interview for nonclinical population. Participants were found worth the symptoms of
anxiety and depression if they score >12, reflecting a level of minor psychiatry morbidly at witch
a physicians might be concerned.

3.8.4 Substance use:

Substance use was measured by self-report participants who identified. Themselves as a smoker
or drinker completed a retrospective 7-days diary. Regular smoking was defined as smoking on 6
or more days in the wellbeing. Young people who are not engaged with learning or who have
poor relationship with peers and teachers are more likely to misbehave and engaged with socially
disrupted behavior. Report anxiety symptoms, have poor relationship and fail to complete
secondary school (Resnick MD, Bearman PS, 1997) therefore the potential consistencies for
young people becoming disconnected from school are far reaching. Negative school experiences
largely account for young people becoming alienated or disconnected from school (Glover S,
Burns J, 1998) Research focusing on connectedness to school emphasis on the importance of the
quality of the of relationship on engagement in learning and on health and wellbeing (Oysterman
KF, 2000) such experiences highlight different social experiences such as being bullied , not
getting along with teachers ,feeling of not belonging , not well doing at school and feeling under
stress. (14)

Schools are accessible and relatively stable sites with in which to locate intervention to promote
adolescent connectedness at the time of multiple transition during which identity and relationship
with family, peers and school change (Williams JD, 2000). Doing so many about better health
and educational outcomes (Bond L, Patton GC, 2004). While substantial research has been
conducted both from health and educational perspectives there is clearly a need of better
understand what effects connectedness to school how we can effectively measures this ,and how
and when we can intervene.

The temporal relationship between school connectedness and substance use have been examined
in a several studies (Catalano RF, 1996). Attachment theory (Bowlby J, 1980) and model such as
the social development model, have been use to explain this relationship .attachment theory
proposes that a sense of secure emotional to key individual provide a base for psychological and
social development (15)the social development models build on this, proposing that connectedness
to family ,school .pets and community, combined with experiences of positive socialization is
protective against substance use and antisocial behavior (Catalano RF, 2004).

While the contemporaneous association between these factors and mental health has been
established less is known about the association between social connectedness and school
connectedness in earlier adolescent and emotional wellbeing in latore adolescents, nor has the

relationship between school and social connectedness has been examined. (Bond L, Carlin JB,

The aim of this paper is to examine the extent to which common mental disorders are present in
schools students in early secondary school is.



In the previous chapter dealt with the design and procedure adopted to carry out the
present study. The analysis and interpretations of the data are the main steps in the
research process. Analysis of the data means studying the tabulated material in order to
determine inherent facts or meanings. It involves splitting down the existing complex factors
into simpler parts and putting the parts together in new arrangements for the purpose of
interpretation. As it is of much importance to get a sum correctly solved. It is also equally
important to interpret it correctly interpretation is the most important step in total research
process. It calls for a critical examination of results of one's analysis in the light of all the
limitations of the data gathered. The information provided by the respondents was analyzed
according to the objectives of the study. The data were analyzed both qualitative and
quantitatively. This chapter presents the detailed information regarding the position of the
responses. Interpretation of the data’s is done purely on the basis of objective approach of
the investigator in terms of frequency and percentage and graphical representation.

4.1 Statistical Analysis:

4.1.1 Age of respondents:

4.1.2 Table

Age Frequency Percent

12-13yr 08 16%
13-14yr 10 20%
14-15yr 25 50%
15-16yr 07 14%
Total 50 100%


13-14 years
20% 14-15years


4.1.3 Analysis:

The table and figure clearly shows that respondent were 16% that has age of 13-14 years while
50% respondents were age of 14-15 years. So we conclude that the average age of respondent is
14 years.

Table-4.2: Gender

Gender Frequency Percent

Male 25 50%
Female 25 50%
Total 50 100%

4.2.1 Graph:


50% 50%

4.2.3 Analysis :

Table and figure clearly shows that the female and male made 50% of respondents

4.3 Depression Level 1:

Ups and downs considered normal

4.3.1 Table
Scores gained Frequency Percentage
04 02 7%
02 10 33%
05 03 10%
01 08 27%
08 02 7%
02 05 16%
Total 30 100%
4.3.2 Graph:

Depression Level 1

7% 2
16% 5
7% 8
33% 2


4.3.3 Analysis:

Table and figure clearly shows that 33% of students gain 2 scores while 10% of students gain 5
scores and 27% of students gain 01 score and 7% of students gain 8 scores while 16% gain 2

scores again. As these all scores are of normal scores so these ups and downs of behaviors are
considered as Normal.

4.4 Mild mood disturbance

4.4.1 Table

Scores Frequency Percentage

12 07 47%
15 05 33%
16 03 20%
Total 15 100%

4.4.2 Graph:

Mild Mood Disturbance




4.4.3 Analysis:

The table and chart clearly shows that 47% of respondents gain the 12 scores and 33% gain the
15 scores while 20% of respondents gain the 16 scores these scores are significant in reference to
diagnosis of Mild Mood Disturbance which is the level of depression.

4.5 Borderline Clinical Depression

4.5.1 Table

Scores gained Frequency Percentage

18 02 50%
19 01 25%
20 01 25%
Total 04 100%

4.5.2 Graph:

Borderline clinical depression


50% 20


4.5.3 Analysis:

The table and graph clearly shows that 50% students gained 18 scores and 25% students gained
19 scores and 25% students gained 20 scores these are significant scores for indications of
borderline clinical depression level in students.

4.6 Severe Depression

4.6.1 Table

Scores gained Frequency Percentage

32 00 00%
35 01 100%
Total 01 100%

4.6.2 Graph:

Severe Depression


4.6.3 Analysis:

The table and graph clearly shows that only one percent of students gained 35 score which is
significant for the indication of severe depression. So, above analysis shows that frequency of
common mental disorder which is depression is only 1% in students of high school.

4.7 Extreme depression

4.7.1 Table

Scores gained Frequency Percentage

Over 40 00 0%
Over 40 00 0%
Total 00 0%

4.7.2 Analysis:

The table clearly shows that there is no presence of extreme depression level among students of
high school. So, it cannot presented graphically.

4.8 Frequency of depressive disorders:

4.8.1 Table:

Depressive disorders Frequency Percentage

Depression level 1 30 60%

Mild Mood Disturbances 15 30%
Borderline clinical Depression 04 8%
Severe depression 01 2%
Extreme depression 00 0%
Total 50 100%

4.8.2 Graph:

Frequency of Depressive disorders

4 Males

4.8.3 Analysis:

The above drawn table and graph clearly shows the frequency of different levels of depressive
disorders in school students at secondary level. Mostly students show depression level 1 which
are slight ups and downs of mood and these are considered as normal in psychiatry field. Some
students show mild mood disturbances and some students show borderline clinical depression
but these are very less.

4.9 Hyperkinetic Disorder

Following statements will evaluate and analyze the data collected during research and told us
frequency of hyperkinetic disorder in students of high school.

4.9.1 Symptom #1

How often do you have trouble wrapping up the final details of a project, once the challenging
parts have been done? Graph:





8 Male

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

The graph clearly shows that most of the respondents which are the students of secondary level
answered that they never have trouble wrapping up the final details of a project, once the
challenging parts have done.

4.9.2 Symptom #2

How often do you have difficulty getting things in order when you have to do a task that requires
organization? Graph:






Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often

36 Analysis:

The answer of second statement was that students sometimes and rarely have difficulty in getting
things to ordered which has less significance in clinical interpertations of hyperkinetic disorder
in students of high school.

4.9.3 Symptoms#3

How often do you have problems remembering appointments and obligations? Graph:



6 Male

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

The above graph shows that answers related to statement #3 that is having problems in
remembering appointments and obligations, male students have more frequency that they very
often found it difficult while females have less frequency related to this.

4.9.4 Symptom#4

When you have a task that requires a lot of thought, how often do you avoid or delay getting
started? Graph:


4 Male Analysis:


The analysis of graph reveled
that mostly male students
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often

finds difficult for work to be

started which have a lot of
thoughts in relation to female students and also often students find it difficult for work to be
started which is the indication of hyperkinetic disorder.

4.9.5 Symptoms#5

How often do fidget or squirm with your hands or feet when you have to sit down for a long
time? Graph:

6 female
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

Analysis and evaluation of the answer of the statement #5 clearly shows that most of male
students do not squirm with their hands when they have to sit for long period of time only 2% of
students that they often squirm their hands while sitting long time.

4.9.6 Symptoms#6

How often do you feel overly active and compelled to do things, like you were driven by a
motor? Graph:



6 male

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

Analysis about the statement that how often you feel overly active and compelled to do things
clearly shown by graph that very often students find it as overly active especially in time of
exams and submission of assignments few students find it difficult to feel them like driven by

4.9.7 Symptoms#7

How often do you make careless mistakes when you have to work on a boring or difficult
project? Graph:



6 Male

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often

39 Analysis:

Very often students do careless mistakes while doing boring projects this is because of attention
deficits problem. Some students never found difficulty remaining attentive even while doing
boring projects. So they do not make careless mistakes.

4.9.8 Symptoms#8

How often do you have difficulty keeping your attention when you are doing boring or repetitive
work? Graph:



6 Male

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

The analysis related to statement that finding difficulty in keeping attention while doing boring
or repetitive work is as that male students very often found it difficulty in keeping attention for
doing repetitive work while most of female students never find difficulty in keeping attention
while doing boring or repetitive work.

4.9.9 Symptoms#9

How often do you have concentrating on what people say to you, even when they are speaking to
you directly? Graph:





Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

The data collected during studies clearly shown by graph and represent that most of the male
students never concentrate on the things done by other people and also never give attention on
what others are saying while female students very often concentrate on saying of others.

4.9.10 Symptom#10

How often do you misplace or have difficulty finding things at home or at work? Graph:




6 Female

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

The graph clearly shows that ratio of the female is high to remembering things as compare to
male. Most of the male students suffer from difficulty while findings things at home or work.
The frequency of having difficulty in finding things at home or work place is less than other

4.9.11 Symptom#11

How often are you distracted by activity or noise around you? Graph:



6 Male

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often

42 Analysis:

This graph shows frequency of distracting by things around is very often found in males then in
females. Most of the females never distracted by noise around them and they remained focus on
tasks they are doing etc.

4.9.12 Symptom#12

How often do you leave seat in meeting or other situations in which you are expected to remain
seated? Graph:



6 Male

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

Frequency of male students is high in remaining seated at one place where they have to sit for a
long time. Because very often male students found it difficulty while remain on seat while in
meetings and the place where they have to sit for a long period of time while most of the female
students never found it difficult to remain seated on one place.

4.9.13 Statement#13

How often do you restless or fidgety? Graph:





8 Male

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often Analysis:

Frequency of restlessness is high in female students as compared to male students as it is clearly

shown by the graph. So, females students very often are restless while most of the male students
are not restless or figy even in stressful circumstances.

4.10 Frequency of Hyperkinetic disorder:

4.10.1 Table:

Symptoms Frequency percentage

#1 4 8%
#2 5 10%
#3 8 16%
#4 6 12%
#5 2 4%
#6 5 10%
#7 4 8%
#8 2 4%
#9 4 8%
#10 5 10%
#11 2 4%
#12 2 4%
#13 1 2%
Total 50 100%


Frequency of Hyperkinetic Disorders
4% 8% Symptoms
4% #1
5 #2
10% 10% #3
8% #7
16% #8
8% #12
12% #13

Chapter 5

Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1 Findings related to Depressive disorders:

Following are the major findings which we find during our research, finding the frequency of
common mental health problems, Depressive Disorder is one of which, in school students of
secondary level. These are

 Most common mental health disorders found among school students of secondary level
are Depressive Disorders and Hyperkinetic Disorders.
 Different levels of depressive disorder are found in school students of secondary level.
 Frequency of level 1 depression is 30 which made the 60% of the study sample means
60% of students have Depression level 1.
 Frequency of Mild Mood Disturbances is 15 which made the 30% of the study sample
means 30% of the students which were included in study have Mild Mood Disturbances.
 Frequency of Borderline clinical depression is 04 which made the 8% of the study sample
means 8% of the students which were included in study have Borderline Clinical
 Frequency of Severe Depression is 01 which made only 2% of the study sample which
means that only 2% of the students which were included in study have severe depression.
 Frequency of Extreme depression is 0 which means absence of extreme depression is
absent in school students of secondary level.

5.2 Findings related to Hyperkinetic Disorder:

Following are the findings which found during our study to find frequency of common mental
disorders, Hyperkinetic Disorder is one of which, we found that

 Frequency of symptom#1 is 04 in high school students of secondary level which made

the 8% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 4 students show the
symptom#1 of hyperkinetic disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#2 is 05 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 10% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 5 students show the
symptom#2 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#3 is 08 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 16% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 8 students show the
symptom#3 of Hyperkinetic Disorder
 Frequency of symptom#4 is 06 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 12% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 6 students show the
symptom#4 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#5 is 02 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 4% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 2 students show the
symptom#5 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#6 is 05 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 10% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 5 students show the
symptom#6 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#7 is 04 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 8% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 4 students show the
symptom#7 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#8 is 02 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 4% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 2 students show the
symptom#8 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#9 is 04 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 8% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 4 students show the
symptom#9 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#10 is 05 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 12% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 5 students show the
symptom#10of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#11 is 02 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 4% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 2 students show the
symptom#11 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#12 is 02 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 4% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 2 students show the
symptom#12 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.
 Frequency of symptom#13 is 01 in high school students of secondary level which made
the 2% of the total sample which was under study it means that only 1 students show the
symptom#13 of Hyperkinetic Disorder.

5.3 Conclusion:

It can be easily concluded from the above findings that frequency of mental health problem is not
so much high but it is increasing day by day when compared with history of mental health with
today so, physician in collaboration with school teachers and psychologists should help teachers
recognize and apply school based-interventions to improve mental health of students especially
at adolescents age. Timely detection of stress factors at school and initial-action of the necessary
measures and aids. Particular school entrance examination and screening tests can make a
positive contributions towards the improving mental health of school students of secondary level

Evidence based preventive programs should be implemented in schools and beneficial changes
of the school environment should be a further goal.

5.4 Recommendations:

Following are some of the recommendation based on the findings and conclusion of the study

 Improve mental health literacy of young peoples and their helpers in order to lessend the
risk of prevalence of mental health problems in school students.
 School based factors which would be risky and lead to disturbance of mood and mind.
So, these factors should be clearly checked and should be minimized.
 The risk of developing a mental health problem in school students of secondary level can
be lessened by changes in school environment by implementations of evidence based
school programs.
 To improve effectiveness of interventions related to mental health use specific health
promotion models to guide their development.

5.5 Bibliography

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Appendix 1: Questionnaire for depressive disorder

This depression inventory can be self-scored. The scoring scale is at the end of the
questionnaire. 1.

1 I do not feel sad.
2 I feel sad
3 I am sad all the time and I can't snap out of it.
4 I am so sad and unhappy that I can't stand it.
1 I am not particularly discouraged about the future.
2 I feel discouraged about the future.
3 I feel I have nothing to look forward to.
4 I feel the future is hopeless and that things cannot improve.
1 I do not feel like a failure.
2 I feel I have failed more than the average person.
3 As I look back on my life, all I can see is a lot of failures.
4 I feel I am a complete failure as a person.
1 I get as much satisfaction out of things as I used to.
2 I don't enjoy things the way I used to.
3 I don't get real satisfaction out of anything anymore.
4 I am dissatisfied or bored with everything.
1 I don't feel particularly guilty
2 I feel guilty a good part of the time.
3 I feel quite guilty most of the time.
4 I feel guilty all of the time.
1 I don't feel I am being punished.
2 I feel I may be punished.
3 I expect to be punished.
4 I feel I am being punished.
1 I don't feel disappointed in myself.
2 I am disappointed in myself.
3 I am disgusted with myself.
4 I hate myself.
1 I don't feel I am any worse than anybody else.
2 I am critical of myself for my weaknesses or mistakes.
3 I blame myself all the time for my faults.
4 I blame myself for everything bad that happens.
1 I don't have any thoughts of killing myself.
2 I have thoughts of killing myself, but I would not carry them out.
3 I would like to kill myself.
4 I would kill myself if I had the chance.
1 I don't cry any more than usual.

2 I cry more now than I used to.
3 I cry all the time now.
4 I used to be able to cry, but now I can't cry even though I want to.
1 I am no more irritated by things than I ever was.
2 I am slightly more irritated now than usual.
3 I am quite annoyed or irritated a good deal of the time.
4 I feel irritated all the time.
1 I have not lost interest in other people.
2 I am less interested in other people than I used to be.
3 I have lost most of my interest in other people.
4 I have lost all of my interest in other people.
5 I am no more irritated by things than I ever was.
6 I am slightly more irritated now than usual.
7 I am quite annoyed or irritated a good deal of the time.
8 I feel irritated all the time.
5 I have not lost interest in other people.
6 I am less interested in other people than I used to be.
7 I have lost most of my interest in other people.
8 I have lost all of my interest in other people.
1 I make decisions about as well as I ever could.
2 I put off making decisions more than I used to.
3 I have greater difficulty in making decisions more than I used to.
4 I can't make decisions at all anymore.
1 I don't feel that I look any worse than I used to.
2 I am worried that I am looking old or unattractive.
3 I feel there are permanent changes in my appearance that make me
look unattractive
4 I believe that I look ugly.
1 I can work about as well as before.
2 It takes an extra effort to get started at doing something.
3 I have to push myself very hard to do anything.
4 I can't do any work at all.
1 I can sleep as well as usual.
2 I don't sleep as well as I used to.
3 I wake up 1-2 hours earlier than usual and find it hard to get back to sleep.
4 I wake up several hours earlier than I used to and cannot get back to sleep.
1 I don't get more tired than usual.
2 I get tired more easily than I used to.
3 I get tired from doing almost anything.
4 I am too tired to do anything.
1 My appetite is no worse than usual.
2 My appetite is not as good as it used to be.
3 My appetite is much worse now.
4 I have no appetite at all anymore.
1 I haven't lost much weight, if any, lately.
2 I have lost more than five pounds.
3 I have lost more than ten pounds.
4 I have lost more than fifteen pounds.

Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Hyperkinetic Disorder

Name of School…………………………………..Name of Student………………………
Instructions: Put a tick where you think is correct:

Very Often



How often do you have difficulty getting things

1 in order when you have to do a task that requires
How often do you have difficulty getting things
2 in order when you have to do a task that requires
How often do you have problems remembering
appointments or obligations?
When you have a task that requires a lot of
4 thought, how often do you avoid or delay getting
How often do you fidget or squirm with your
5 hands or feet when you have to sit down for a
long time?
How often do you feel overly active and
6 compelled to do things, like you were driven by
a motor?
How often do you make careless mistakes when
7 you have to work on a boring or difficult
How often do you have difficulty keeping your
8 attention when you are doing boring or repetitive
How often do you have difficulty concentrating
9 on what people say to you, even when they are
speaking to you directly?
How often do you misplace or have difficulty
10 finding things at home or at work?

How often are you distracted by activity or noise

around you?
How often do you leave your seat in meetings or
12 other situations in which you are expected to
remain seated
13 How often do you feel restless or fidgety?
How often do you have difficulty unwinding and
relaxing when you have time to yourself?
How often do you find yourself talking too
much when you are in social situations?
16 When you’re in a conversation, how often do
you find yourself finishing the sentences of the

people you are talking to, before they can finish
them themselves?
How often do you have difficulty waiting your
turn in situations when turn taking is required?
How often do you interrupt others when they are


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