CFJ Morrison Fitness2
CFJ Morrison Fitness2
CFJ Morrison Fitness2
Fitness Is … Character and Failure
Greg Glassman asked the question, “What is fitness?” Blair Morrison
offers some of his own thoughts to help you discover what fitness means to you.
What is fitness?
The question is one of the foundations of the CrossFit program, and asking it will make you reconsider just about
everything you know about training. In answering the question, Greg Glassman created a new way of training and a
new way of thinking about health and human performance. He also got people thinking and answering the question
for themselves.
In this series, two-time CrossFit Games competitor Blair Morrison talks about what fitness is to him.
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Fitness is ... (continued)
Defining Character I may not be able to get my head all the way around it, but
Character. I know three things about character for certain:
The way a person deals with the difficulty of a CrossFit workout says a lot about his or her character.
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Fitness is ... (continued)
The same can be said for toughness. Most times it means it, giving her credit for a repetition she did not complete.
gritting your teeth and training through pain. But other Now, only a few points separated the first four positions
times it means swallowing your pride and taking time off in an event where only three people would qualify for the
to lick your wounds. Mastering this flexibility takes a lot CrossFit Games. If there was ever a moment when getting
more than a single trait. through a workout fast meant everything, this was it.
Further, it was obvious Thorisdottir was capable of doing
Having character is the ability to get this fluid equation
the work. She just came up half a centimeter short one
right in every situation, even when it’s not necessarily
time. Annie told the judge that she had missed, got back
personally advantageous.
on the bar and did another one. Obviously.
Seeing this type of thing in an event of such magnitude
had an interesting effect. First, it made me respect her
tremendously. It wasn’t even that she did the extra rep that
impressed me; it was the fact that not re-doing it literally
never crossed her mind. That she didn’t hesitate says a lot
about what Annie’s made of.
Second, it motivated me to perform on a level worthy of
the standard she had set. This is the more important point.
The presence of one person in the room who never misses
a repetition imposes an implicit expectation on everyone
else to do the same. If an athlete finishes first and stays
to support those finishing last, everyone in between will
also feel responsible to do so. In this sense, character has
gravity. It becomes much more than a quality subsumed in
a single individual and begins to snowball into something
far greater.
CrossFit is an avalanche. It takes a lot of mettle to throw
your hat in the ring and risk failure in front of your peers,
but the example of one or two willing to lay it on the line
eases that burden considerably. Those are the people
I respect most. They don’t apologize for wanting to be
the best, and they expect the same from everyone else.
Staff/CrossFit Journal
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Fitness is ... (continued)
Fail Your Way to Success The same can be said for more extreme athletes like
Failure. Crossfitters, just in a more obvious way. WODs are designed
to test limits in a wide range of physical and mental capac-
Get comfortable with it. If you’re not failing, you’re not ities. So test them! The people who get the most out of
getting better. And if you’re not getting better, you’re workouts are not the ones who complete them easily or
getting worse. those who zone out halfway through in an effort to “just
The basis of this idea is sometimes referred to as the SAID get through it.” If you ever find this to be the case during a
principle: specific adaptation to imposed demand. It workout, you’re missing the point.
means your body will only adapt to the exact demands
you place upon it, and it will only do so until it can meet
those demands comfortably. As soon as the work can be
done with ease, your body will stop adapting. Therefore,
the only way to keep improving is to continue to fail.
Staff/CrossFit Journal
you’re working deadlifts, yoga or distance running, the
intensity has to be consistent.
This is not to say every workout must put you on the floor.
Intensity isn’t necessarily about exhaustion. It’s about
focus, will and the commitment to a full effort, regardless
Failing will teach a good athlete a great many lessons.
of the challenge. For example, my grandmother is training
to lose weight through a combination of cardiovascular One inarguable beauty of exercise is that, regardless of
training, group strength classes and Pilates. Needless to ability, every workout can be met with the same level of
say, her ideal post-workout position is not sprawled on the effort and focus and thus can produce the same physical
floor next to a trashcan. Her approach to fitness should, and mental adaptations. The biggest beneficiaries are the
however, mirror that level of physical intensity in her people who maintain their intensity and fail over and over
concentration and dedication to completing her routine and over during the course of a workout, and then get up
with maximum effort. This attitude will force her to test to fail some more.
her limits on hikes, with weights and on the Pilates mat,
ultimately pushing her to the point of failure in many
respects. This is a good thing.
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Fitness is ... (continued)
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