PR in LIC-265
PR in LIC-265
PR in LIC-265
What Is Public?
Public is a group of similar ideas, an assortment of persons having the same
interests, problems, circumstances & goals. They vary in their forms & sizes they
have a multitude of wants & desires. Each group has its own likes & dislikes. Group
can be classified as:- Employees form a group/public, employers form another group,
etc. Other members of the public can be dealers, wholesalers, investors, etc. Each of
these group is a public & everyone tries to attract a district audience with its varied
tools & techniques. A public may also be made up of a no. of individual’s who are
unorganized & hard to identify but who for widely varied reasons have a common
interest in the matter at issue.
communication. The impersonal but powerful publics are numerous in today’s high
complex society.
But finally the public is any group of people who share common interest.
It is the outcome of mutual understanding derived from the process of sharing of
common interest where as relationship is the definite type of relation or interaction
taking place between two individuals, group or departments. To understand any
relationship, therefore it is necessary that one understands the wants of those
The term PR is also applied to the profession responsible for handling such
assignments. Corporations, govt. agencies, politicians & entertainers are among these
who use public relations. Their publics vary from employees & shareholders to an
entire community or members of the news media. The communication between an
organization & its public ranges a simple news release to a sophisticated campaign
featuring films, ad’s speeches & television appearances. Such communication is
aimed at gaining the goodwill of the public. The basis of any effective PR campaign
is public benefit. If an organization does not serve the needs of public, the public will
not support it. PR experts help an organization learn what the public wants & then
establish policies that reflect concern for public’s interests.
Elements of Public Relations:
1. Human relations:
It is getting along well with the word public both internally or
externally. No person can work independently & everyone who works in an
organization directly or indirectly depends on one another.
2. Empathy:
Empathy means feeling with the other person to analyse others point of
view & is regarded as primary pre-requisite for a satisfying experience in a
relationship where a certain degree of depth of understanding is expected.
3. Persuasion:
There are 2 forms of interaction between individuals or groups
a) Force or compulsion b) persuasion.
If one party compels another to do something instead of persuing him this is
called Depotism. It is against the principle of proper conduct sanctioned by
society. A sense of human interest on the person who is being persuaded will
understand & appreciate the cause & effect of this action.
4. Dialogue:
It is a conversation with purpose. It is not a bargain basement
transaction but it is a low form of negotiation. Dialogue is a reasonable
exchange of ideas bringing into view a new form of knowledge, the use of
dialogue is for influencing behaviour like selling goods or inspiring innovative
19. To ascertain public opinion, conduct opinion research, and under-
1. Stockholders Relations
The owners of the company are the shareholders with whom the company
always has to communicate about various matters. Most companies use personal
visits, telephone calls, mailing and supplementary reports to keep shareholders
informed, interested and satisfied. Communication with them may include reports,
matters on corporate meetings,
dividend enclosures, magazines, special mailing, notices, resolutions,
minutes, periodic correspondence, financial matters, press releases etc.
Communication with the shareholders may cover many subject matters
such as :
1. Issue of share certificate;
2. Share transfer application and procedure;
3. Certificate of transfer;
4. To mobilise funds, pay dividend, interest on fixed deposits received;
5.To issue dividend warrant, proxy form, dividend coupon;
6. To issue notices, agenda of the various meetings;
7. To respond to correspondence received from them;
8. Correspondence relating to calls, forfeiture, transmission;
9. Communication on matters relating to statutory requirements etc.
10. Describing organisational problems and objectives of the company in
terms of special current developments in the company' s folder and other
stockholder communication.
11. Drafting and circulating to all stockholders a transcript of highlights of the
annual progress at the company's annual meetings.
12. Giving reponse to each stockholder's inquiry which must be prompt to
create goodwill.
13. Informing by way of circulating or distributing to all shareholders
occasional reprints dealing with developments vital to them.
2. General Public Relations
It is with effective communication and through appropriate media that a
company maintains contacts with the public. It is the means to create and build
goodwill. It also helps as a driving force to reach the public, and brings the company
and the public together, linking with society in general. Maintaining external
communication facilities through several media of verbal and written contacts with
the public in general.
It is not possible to build a satisfactory public image for the company. The
public should be informed about various products of the company and their uses;
comparative advantages, price differentials, product, after sale services and changes
must be communicated promptly. Qualitative communication ensure the promotion of
a positive favourable atmosphere, develops friendly and confident feelings towards
the company and its product.
(a) Preparing and distributing new releases concerning the company to create
public interest.
(b) Public meetings, press conferences between the company and ~
representatives of the press, radio and television. '
(c) To have a regular and prompt press information service and to
answer enquiries from the press and radio.
(d) Releasing periodic advertisements in the mass media circulating
throughout the country, and also in respect of certain commodities
and information to customers directly.
(e) General public communication covers personalised mass mailings to
the editors of newspaper, magazines, radio and television directors,
educational institutions, religious institutions, public relations offices,
officials and other local opinion leaders.
(t) Motion pictures are other important media for public communication
which portrays the company's operations highlighting the economic
advantages of the company's area of operations.
Mass media are the gateway of the company for communication with
the public. The public relations department of the company is mainly
responsible for promoting goodwill among the outside public.
3. Customer Relations
An effective system of communication should provide opportunities for
customer information. The customer is the ultimate object whose satisfaction and
goodwill are of the utmost importance for the success of an organisation. In carrying
out the sales function of planning, the management must communicate with
customers. There were times when the customer was not the central figure. But today
the customer is the kingpin and sovereign of the market whose needs and satisfaction,
and the winning of whose goodwill, is of prime importance in these days of
competitive setup. These must be communicated promptly. It is the communication
which establishes the contacts with the customers. Customercomn1unication helps to
establish a relationship with customers who buy and are the sources of products. The
media used for advertisements can also be used effectively to reach the customers. It
is the responsibility of communication:
5. Prompt response to all enquiries made by the customer promotes and builds
confidence and goodwill. Effective written communication promotes a
friendly understanding of company policies.
6. Preparing brochures and other informative folders directed to specific
customer groups like fanners, small business, women, and other special users.
4. Government Relations
Communication with the government and its departments is another important
dimension of external communication. Business communication with the government
covers several dealings touching many government departments. A corporate
enterprise has to communicate with the Registrar of Companies, Controller of Capital
Issues, finance department, industrial department and labour department. The
relations of a company with the government are many sided. Correspondence with the
government may cover export-import matters, foreign exchange dealings, listening,
registration, taxation matters also. A company has to file a number of documents to
various departments of the goverment. Filing of annual returns and tax returns are
regular activities.
5. Dealer Relations
Conferences and meetings with dealers are the usual media of oral
communication. Written communication through letters is often the common method.
Another medium of maintaining close contact with the dealers is by providing all the
dealers with regular copies of an external house journal or news sheet. This carries
relevant infonnation from the business house to the dealers, wholesalers, stockists,
agents etc. The journal generally contains messages on display, promotions, uses,
benefits, and comparative superiority of the product. It also covers all such matters
calculate to improve the dealer's turnover, and as a consequence, mutual profits.
Direct mail is also used to maintain direct contact with the dealers.
The public relations officer of the company gives guidance and help to
promote sales. He is a liaison between external parties and the company.
6. Inter-organisation Relations
particular industry may have links, direct or indirect. Inter-corporate loans, inter-
company investment, inter-locking directorship, inter-corporate dividends, inter-
corporate holdings and inter-corporate transactions etc., are all examples of the
existence of inter-corporate communications. Information exchange between
companies may take place on many matters like cost, process of production, methods
of production, new methods of production etc.
It has been observed that a firm simply cannot exist or survive unless
it is related with other firms in the industry. Inter-industry and intra-industry
information exchange is necessary to make comparison and to run on smooth and
competitive lines. Business houses undertake much inter-company communication to
bridge the communication gap between the organisation and outside entities. Very
often one notices that companies resort to inter-corporate and inter-institutional
communication. Companies are also involved in information exchange to know the
various sophisticated techniques adopted, the handling of production, appraising
people about the organisation's march, social responsibilities discharged and getting
their employees informed about the movement of employees in comparable
7. Complaints
The need for public relations is clearly explained n the points below –
1. Communication :
3. Information Load:
Also called message load or quantity, The sceptic will, of course, draw our
attention to the flood of information to which we are all exposed today. The
proper reply to this is that this flood is largely without direction and that it is
incomplete or inaccurate. Information must be prepared. Essential information
must be separated from trivial matter, and the interest of the receiver must be
aroused in the right direction. In the organization that ignorance, the inability
to appreciate or organization , superficial knowledge is extremely likely to
result in dislikes, dissatisfaction and outright rejection with all their disastrous
concequences. What we require is a fair means of information which
eliminates existing or awakened suspicions, which builds up understanding,
and creates confidence. This is what we call Public Relations.
From all these facts, it is clear what the purpose of this ‘Activity in,
for, and with. The public' is : To act and not to react; to create an
atmosphere of confidence by an active information policy, the passive part
of which consists in answering queries ; to inform the public and exert
influence towards the inside as a form of corporate and social counter control to
establish direct or indirect connections with the public, to fulfill a kind of
interpreters’s function towards the public and to control communicative reaction.
1. Corporate Advertising
3. Public Service Advertising
Promotion describes commercialisation of publicity, and publicity
and advertising jointly, usually on a grand and co-ordinated scale, to the
end of selling a product or products.
Campaigns consist of concerted, single-purpose publicity programmes,
usually on a more or less elaborate scale, employing co-ordinated publicity
through a variety of media, aimed at a number of targets, but focussed
on specific objectives. A campaign objective may be the election of a
candidate, the promulgation of a political issue or cause, the reaching of
a sales goal, or the raising of a quota of funds.
Public Affairs
Acceptance of a product
Acceptance of a product goes through five stages:
1. Awareness :
The individual learns about the existence of a new idea or practice but
has little knowledge of it.
2. Interest:
The individual then develops interest in this idea and then gets more
information about it.
3. Evaluation
The individual makes mental application of the idea and weighs its
merits for his own situation. He obtains more information about it and then
decides to try it.
4. Trial:
The individual actually tries the idea of practice usually on a small
scale. He is interested in how to apply practice, techniques ,conditions for
5. Adoption :
If the individual likes the idea he accepts it for a fall-scale and then
adopts it.
Planning Process of PR
Public relations is not merely a process of getting stories and pictures into
newspapers. It is much more. It has to be properly planned, orderly executed, and a
number of details need careful attention. Public relations costs money, requires
manpower, needs expertise, and consumes time and resources. So it should be
well planned and executed in an orderly manner.
PR Objectives
The next step is to decide who is the audience to be reached i.e. local,
regional, national, or international. And apart from geographical
area, it should be considered if any specialized audience or a
section of the community or professional people is also to be
After deciding the public the company has to decide what message they want
to pass through the campaign, what is it they want the people to know about them or
what they want to tell or inform the public about.
A strategy is a long term planning or the methods that a company adopts to
make itself a successful company. For a PR campaign also strategies are required to
be formed to so that they can create an impact or impression in the minds of the
people; as well as they can build a fair and favourable image in the market.
Along with a good strategy a company also needs to use some very good
tactics for it’s campaign because there are competitors in the market and the company
has to stand on top of all of them.
Time Scale
The public has to decide the time scale in which they will complete the
campaign. They have to set a specific time. Also the decision about the
commencement of campaign, duration, repetition, etc. is to be made well in time.
The publicist has also to think about the resources in terms
of money and staff available to him. The campaign has to be
planned keeping in view the resources which the publicist would
be able to mobilize.
Selection of Media/Resources
Another point that requires a decision is about the media to be
employed for the campaign: whether publicity is to be conduct-
ed with one medium or more than one or through multi-
After deciding upon the above things the publicist should evaluate the whole
process to check whether everything is properly being done or not or whether they
have to add anything else or not, etc.
After evaluation again there should be a review of the entire thing to give it a
final check.
After the campaign there should be an analysis of the entire process sp that
they will come to know whether the campaign was successful or not and if not then
where it went wrong. If any draw back’s are pointed out then again the whole process
is repeated from the point of identifying the public’s.
Profile Of LIC
"Explore and enhance the quality of life of people through financial security
by providing products and services of inspired attributes with competitive
returns, and by rendering resources for economic development.”
Objectives Of LIC:
1. Spread of Life Insurance widely an in particular to the rural areas an to the
socially an economically backward classes with a view to reaching all
insurable persons in the country and providing them adequate financial cover
against death at reasonable cost.
2. Maximise mobilisation of people’s savings by making insurance-linked
savings adequately attractive.
3. Conduct business with utmost economy and with the full realisation that the
money’s belong to the policy holders.
4. Act as trustee’s of the insured public in their individual as well as collective
5. Meet the various Life Insurance needs of the community that would arise in
the changing social and economics environment.
6. Involve all people working in the corporation to the best of their capability in
furthering the interest of the insured public by providing efficient service with
7. Bear in mind, in the investment of funds, the primary obligation to its policy
holders, whose money it holds in trust, without losing sight of the interest of
the community as a whole; the funds to be deployed to the best of advantage
of the investors as well as the community as a whole, keeping in view the
national priorities and obligations of attractive returns.
8. Promote amongst all employees and agents of the corporation, pride and job
satisfaction through discharge of their duties with dedication
Products Of LIC
of that organisation.
LIC has a variety of insurance plans to choose from. These plans cater to all
categories of people and to their diverse needs. The plans are simply unmatched in
reliability, benefits and in providing happiness and security.
Social Security Scheme
The Lic mutual fund was set up in june 1989 as separate trust by LIC of India
with a view to providing accessibility of various investment media including
the stock markets to all sections of investors, particularly the small investors in
rural and semi-urban areas. For LIC Mutual Fund schemes, Jeevan Bima
Sahayou Asset Management Company Ltd (JBS AMC) incorporated on 20th
April 1994, acts as Investment Manager.
The company was established in 1989 at Bahrain with the following broad
through loans from LIC Housing Finance Limited.
B. Customers.
E. Citizens at large.
A clearly laid down Public Relations Policy, therefore, is essential to set the
goals, indicate the strategies and give proper direction to all levels in the area of
Public Relations.
Establish understanding and develop awareness of mutual aspirations of LIC
and the Public.
1. Promote within the Corporation greater awareness of the changing environment and
the need to align the corporate policy to the emerging situation.
2. Help fashioning, within the constraints, its policies, programmes, practices and
products to meet the expectations of the Public. Help the public to appreciate the
performance and the limitations of LIC.
1. Develop excellent relations with the totality of the media-print, electronic and
agency owners and reporters by regular exchange of information with them.
2. Establish relations-and develop understanding with the Govt. - Central, State &
Local bodies through legislators and Govt. officials.
3. Develop full understanding with the workers-employees at all levels and agents on
organizational goals, policies, practices and programmes.
6. Help to evolve an effective machinery for quick and satisfactory redressal of grie-
vances of the public.
Action Plan
1. Keeping the objectives, philosophy and the strategies in view, drawing-up annual
PR plans by Branches, Divisions, Zones & Corporate Office.
6. Organize events like inauguration of new B.O., D.O., Z.O. or any arm of the
Corporation (diversification) etc. as public functions to project corporate image.
7. Actively participate in at least one important scheme in each of the States and in
two or three national level schemes to help improve the quality of social life and
establish the social relevance of LIC.
8. Develop a task-plan in respect of the above strategies.
Publicity should be cost-efficient and of high quality and should bring about
money's worth through a system of integrated communication.
1. Promote the Corporation's products, the whole line of products, including the
pricing mix.
2. Educate the customers to facilitate more efficient service and appreciation of Cor-
poration's limitations.
1. Organizing Publicity Department in the C.O., Z.O. and D.O., for realisation of the
goals. Develop a nucleus in Branches also.
2. Developing a system of co-ordinating the publicity programmes with marketing
Action Plan
1. Keeping the objectives, philosophy and the strategies in view, drawing-up annual
PR plans by Branches, Divisions, Zones & Corporate Office.
6. Organize events like inauguration of new B.O., D.O., Z.O. or any arm of the
Corporation (diversification) etc. as public functions to project corporate image.
7. Actively participate in at least one important scheme in each of the States and in
two or three national level schemes to help improve the quality of social life and
establish the social relevance of LIC.
8. Develop a task-plan in respect of the above strategies.
Press conference & interview are arranged periodically by
all L.I.C. offices - ie , Central, Zonal, Divisional and Branch offices at the
time of launching any new scheme and to inform about the policies ,
programmes and activities to the press so that it can be publicised.
LIC has organised a massive rally to pay homage martyrs of Kargil to provide
moral support to the Indian army.
Press Releases
Press releases regarding important news are released from time to time so that
people are kept informed and they know about them.
Customer Meets
Periodical customer meets are organised at Divisional and Branch level to
facilitate greater interaction with policyholders.
Publicity Pavilion
Publicity Pavilion are arranged to display information about PR and Publicity
activities of LIC.
LIC arranges its various schemes and exhibitions so that it can display its
various schemes and plans .
Citizens Charter
The corporation has adopted a Citizens Charter wherein commitments have
been made to its customers for higher standards in servicing.
Seminars are also arranged by LIC so that they can display their policies and
plans .
LIC sponsors man y events like chess tournaments table tennis tournaments
for the employees and also for the general public. It has also sponsored a health camp
organised by ‘Masoom’ – an organisation of understanding and fraternity.
Publicity Stalls
Publicity stalls are been put up by LIC at different fairs and melas to publicise
the corporation and its schemes and plans.
Public Functions
Inauguration of new offices helps in communication as well as in enhancing
the image of the corporation.
Insurance Week
An insurance week was arranged by LIC through which people were exposed
to various insurance schemes of LIC.
Training Programmes
Training programmes are arranged by LIC for its employees so that they can
be trained for the purpose of public relation activities.
Meetings of Development officers are arranged by LIC to train their
employees for public relation activities.
Public Relation came into existence by the belief that if we do something good for
people then only the people Will say good about the organisation. Today's is a age of
competition. And to remain firm in the competition depends on how efficiently the
Organisation manage its PR & project the company's image .
Public Relation will not sell goods and Services but it is bound to create an
atmosphere which will make the free enterprise , a reponsible enterprise . Public
Relations , in fact Will prove to be the most effective tool for communicating with the
People who are still remote from industry for convincing them that
Corporate objectives are ultimately in the interest of the public .
The PR Mantra has now became pervasive. Neither a individual nor the
organisation & not even the government Or a UN body can thrive or sustain in this
age without effectively strategising PR.
Principles of Public Relations.
- C.S. Rayudu.
- K.R. Balan.