Seychelles Kestrel
Seychelles Kestrel
Seychelles Kestrel
Seychelles kestrel
The Seychelles kestrel (Falco araeus) is a small bird of prey belonging
to the genus Falco in the falcon family, Falconidae. It is endemic to the Seychelles kestrel
Seychelles Islands where it is the only breeding bird of prey. It is known in
Seychellois Creole as the katiti after its loud, shrill call.
Conservation Conservation status
External links
The species has a population of about 800 birds and is classified as vulnerable. Lowland nests have a high failure
rate of about 70-80%. It probably bred throughout the granitic central Seychelles in the past but is currently
known to breed only on Mahé, Silhouette, North Island, Praslin and some small adjacent islands. It was
reintroduced to Praslin in 1977.
Threats are thought to include habitat loss due to logging, housing development and fires as well as predation
and competition by introduced species. Rats, cats and barn owls have reduced the lizard population on which the
kestrels depend and they may take eggs and chicks. Barn owls and common mynas have occupied many suitable
nest sites. 1/2
6/20/2020 Seychelles kestrel - Wikipedia
Persecution by humans is now rare. In the past, kestrels were killed because they were thought to take chickens
and because they were considered to be an omen of death.
1. BirdLife International (2012). "Falco araea" ( IUCN Red List
of Threatened Species. 2012. Retrieved 26 November 2013.
BirdLife International (2007) Species factsheet: Falco araea (
tml?action=SpcHTMDetails.asp&sid=3593&m=0). Downloaded from on 30/7/2007.
Barilari, M. 2010. Biologia, conservazione e problemi evolutivi di specie minacciate in ambiente insulare
tropicale: il Gheppio delle Seychelles (Falco araea). PhD dissertation, University of Urbino "Carlo Bo".
download from:
Ferguson-Lees, James & Christie, David A. (2001) Raptors of the World, Christopher Helm, London.
Penny, Malcolm (1974) The Birds of Seychelles and the Outlying Islands, Collins, London.
Skerrett, Adrian; Bullock, Ian & Disley, Tony (2001) Birds of Seychelles, Christopher Helm, London.
External links
Nature Seychelles: Seychelles kestrel (
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