CAO IAT 2 QP 2019 Set 2
CAO IAT 2 QP 2019 Set 2
CAO IAT 2 QP 2019 Set 2
Mohamed Sathak A J College of Engineering
Siruseri IT Park, OMR, Chennai - 603103.
Assessment – II Exam(Set B)
Date /Time Max. Marks 50 Marks
Subject with Code EC 8552 - Computer Architecture And Time 90 minutes
Branch ECE Year/Semester III/V
Course Objectives
The Student should be able
S. No. Course Objective
1 To make students understand the basic structure and operation of digital computer
2 To familiarize with implementation of fixed point and floating-point arithmetic operations
3 To study the design of data path unit and control unit for processor
4 To understand the concept of various memories and interfacing
5 To introduce the parallel processing technique
Course Outcomes:
On Completion of the course the students will be able to
CO No. Course Outcome
1 Describe data representation, instruction formats and the operation of a digital computer
2 Illustrate the fixed point and floating-point arithmetic for ALU operation
3 Discuss about implementation schemes of control unit and pipeline performance
4 Explain the concept of various memories, interfacing and organization of multiple processors
5 Discuss parallel processing technique and unconventional architectures
3 What is guard bit? What are the ways to truncate the guard bits? 2 K2 Nov16
(b) Explain how floating point addition is carried out in a 2 K3 Apr 2017 13
computer system. Give an example for a binary floating
point addition.
9 (a) What is data hazard? Explain the ways and means of 3 K3 Apr2018 13
handing it in pipelined datapath.
(b) Draw a simple MIPS data path with the control unit and 3 K3 Dec 2018 13
explain the execution of ALU instructions.