Financial Mathematics: I-Liang Chern
Financial Mathematics: I-Liang Chern
Financial Mathematics: I-Liang Chern
I-Liang Chern
Department of Mathematics
National Taiwan University
Chinese University of Hong Kong
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Financial Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Forwards contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Futures (futures contracts) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.3 Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Payoff functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.1 Premium of an option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Other kinds of options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.5 Types of traders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6 Basic assumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Black-Scholes Analysis 25
3.1 The hypothesis of no-arbitrage-opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Basic properties of option prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.1 The relation between payoff and options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5 Numerical Methods 65
5.1 Monte Carlo method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.2 Binomial Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.2.1 Binomial method for asset price model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.2.2 Binomial method for option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.3 Finite difference methods (for the modified B-S eq.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.3.1 Discretization methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.3.2 Binomial method is a forward Euler finite difference method . . . . . . . . 74
5.3.3 Stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.3.4 Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.3.5 Boundary condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
5.4 Converting the B-S equation to finite domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.5 Fast algorithms for solving linear systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.5.1 Direct methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.5.2 Iterative methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6 American Option 89
6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.2 American options as a free boundary value problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.2.1 American put option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.2.2 American call option on a dividend-paying asset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6.3 American option as a linear complementary problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.4 *Penalty method for linear complementary problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.5 Numerical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.5.1 Binomial method for American puts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
6.5.2 Binomial method for American call on dividend-paying asset . . . . . . . 98
6.5.3 *Implicit method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
6.6 Converting American option to a fixed domain problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.6.1 American call option with dividend paying asset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
6.6.2 American put option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
1.1 Assets
Assets represent value of ownership that can be converted into cash. There are two kinds of assets:
tangible and intangible. Commodity, foreign currency, house, building, equipments are tangible,
while copyright, trademarks, patterns, computer programs and financial assets are intangible.
The financial assets include bank deposits, debt instrument, stocks and derivatives. Debt instru-
ments are issued by anyone who borrows money – firms, governments, and households. They in-
clude corporate bonds, government bonds, residential, commercial mortgages and consumer loans.
These debt instruments are also called fixed-income instruments because they promise to pay fixed
sums of cash in the future.
The stocks, shares and equities are all words used to describe what is essentially the same thing.
They are the claim of the ownership of a firm. When someone buys a share, he is buying ownership
of part of a company and becomes a shareholder in that company.
The prices of assets are settled through trading. Many assets are traded in markets. There are
commodity markets as well as financial markets. Financial markets include bond markets, stock
markets, currency markets, financial derivatives markets, etc. The financial market provides a link
between saving and investment. Savers can earn high returns from their saving and borrowers can
execute their investment plans to earn future profits.
The derivatives are contracts derived from some underlying assets. Usually, the prices of assets
fluctuate time by time. In order to reduce the risk of price fluctuation, a corresponding contract
is introduced to make such uncertainty more certain. For instance, suppose today’s price of corn
is US$3 per bushel. You want to buy 5,000 bushels of corn for delivery two months later. You
can sign an agreement with someone who is willing to sell you this amount at such price at such
future time. This agreement is called a forward contract. It certainly costs you some money but
make your price uncertainty more certain. We call that such forward contact hedges the risk of price
fluctuation. Forward contract is one kind of financial derivative. The corn is the underlying asset.
More financial derivatives will be introduced later.
• the person who write the contract (has the asset) is called in short position,
Example 1. Suppose today’s price of corn is US$3 per bushel. You want to buy 5,000 bushels of
corn for delivery two months later. You can sign an agreement with someone who is willing to sell
you this amount at price, say US$3.05, at such future time. Then you make your uncertain risk of
price fluctuation more certain.
Example 2. (quoted from Chan) Suppose it is May 30 now and you need to pay your tuition
to Oxford University £1,000 pound by September 1. Suppose you can earn HK$15,600 in the
summer. The exchange rate now is £1.00 = HK$15.40. What should you do?
• 1. Try your luck: If the exchange rate is less than HK$15.60 by August 31, you earn some
extra cash besides the registration fee. If the exchange rate is higher than HK$15.60, you ... ?
• 2. Buy a forward on British pounds: Look for a forward contract on British pounds that
entitles you to use HK$15,600 to buy £1,000 on August 31. Then you have eliminated, or
hedged, your risk. Thus, a forward contracts eliminate your risk.
Example Mr. Chan takes a long (buy) position of one contract in corn (5,000 bushels) for March
delivery at a price of US$3.682 per bushel at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). See quotation
at It requires maintenance margin of US$700 with an initial
margin markup of 135%, i.e. the initial margin is US$945 which Mr. Chan and the seller each has
to deposit into the broker’s account on the first day they enter the contract. The next day the price
of this contract drops to US$3.652. This represents a loss of US$0.03 × 5,000 = US$150. The
broker will take this amount from Mr. Chan’s margin account and deposit it to the seller’s margin
account. It leaves Mr. Chan with a balance of US$795. The following day the price drops again to
US$3.552. This represents an additional loss of US$500, which is again deducted from the margin
account. As this point the margin account is US$295, which is below the maintenance level. The
broker calls Mr. Chan and tells him that he must deposit at least US$405 in his margin account,
or his position will be closed out, i.e. both sides agree to settle the contract at this point. Once the
position is closed, Mr. Chan will not be able to earn back any money in the future even if the price
rises above US$3.682.
1.2.3 Options
There are two kinds of options — call options and put options. A call (put) option is a contract
between two parties, in which the holder has the right to buy (sell) and the writer has the obligation
to sell (buy) an asset at certain time in the future at a certain price. The price is called the exercise
price (or strike price). The holder is called in long position, while the writer is called in short
position. The underlying assets of an option can be commodity, stocks, stock indices, foreign
currencies, or future contracts.
There are two kinds of exercise features:
• American options : Options can be exercised any time up to the maturity date.
• t current time
• T maturity date
• E strike price
Examples An investor buys 100 European call options on XYZ stock with strike price $140.
E = 140,
St = 138,
T = 2 months,
c = 5 (the price of one call option).
If at time T , ST > E, then he should exercise this option. The payoff is 100 × (ST − E) =
100 × (146 − 140) = 600. The premium is 5 × 100 = 500. Hence, he earns $100. If ST ≤ T , then
he should not exercise his call contracts. The payoff is 0.
The payoff function for a call option is Λ = max{ST − E, 0}. One needs to pay premium (ct )
to buy the options. Thus the net profit from buying this call is
Λ − ct er(T −t) .
Example Suppose
today is t = 03/09/2016,
expiration is T = 31/12/2016 ,
the strike price E = 250
for some stock. If ST = 270 at expiration, which is bigger than the strike price, we should exercise
this call option, then buy the share for 250, and sell it in the market immediately for 270. The payoff
Λ = 270 − 250 = 20. If ST = 230, we should give up our option, and the payoff is 0. Suppose the
share take 230 or 270 with equal probability. Then the expected profit is
1 1
× 0 + × 20 = 10.
2 2
Ignoring the interest of bank, then a reasonable price for this call option should be 10. If ST = 270,
then the net profit= 20 − 10 = 10. This means that the profits is 100% (He paid 10 for the option).
If ST = 230 the loss is 10 for the premium. The loss is also 100%. On the other hand, if the
investor had instead purchased the share for 250 at t, then the corresponding profit or loss at T is
±20. Which is only ±8% of the original investment. Thus, option is of high risk and with high
Payoff of futures
• Payoff of a future in long position: At the expiration day, the price of the asset is ST . The
holder can buy the asset at price E. He has the obligation to buy it. Thus the payoff of the
holder is ST − E.
• Payoff of a future in short position: at expiration, the writer also has the obligation to sell the
asset at price E. So, he needs to use ST to buy the asset, then sell to the holder at price E.
Thus his payoff is E − ST .
Figure 1.1: Payoff of a future, long position (left) and short position (right)
– If ST > E, then the holder exercise the call at price E then sell at price ST
– If ST ≤ E, then he gives up the call option.
– If ST > E, he has the obligation to sell the asset at price E, thus he needs to buy the
asset at price ST then sell it at price E. He losses ST − E.
– If ST ≤ E, the holder will give up the call option. So the writer losses nothing.
Figure 1.2: Payoff of a call, long position (left) and short position (right)
– If ST < E, the holder has the right to sell the asset at E, then buy it back at ST . Thus
the payoff is E − ST .
– If ST ≥ E, the holder just gives up the option.
– If ST < E, he has the obligation to buy the asset at E. He then sell it at ST . Thus he
losses E − ST .
– If ST ≥ E, the holder will give up the put option, So the writer losses nothing.
Figure 1.3: Payoff of a put, long position (left) and short position (right)
• Asian option: It is a contract giving the holder the right to buy or sell an asset for its average
price over some prescribed period.
• Look-back option: The payoff depends not only on the asset price at expiry but also its
maximum or minimum over some period price to expiry. For example, Λ = max{J − S0 , 0},
J = max0≤τ ≤T S(τ ).
3. Arbitrageurs (Working on more than one markets, p12, p13, p14, Hull).
2600 2650 2700 2750 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050
Figure 1.4: The FT-SE index call option values versus exercise price.
Chapter 2
1. The past history is fully reflected in the present price, which does not hold any future infor-
mation. This means the future price of the asset only depends on its current value and does
not depends on its value one month ago, or one year ago. If this were not true, technical
analysis could make above-average return by interpreting chart of the past history of the asset
price. This contradicts to the hypothesis of no arbitrage opportunities. In fact, there is very
little evidence that they are able to do so.
Here, 0 < d < 1 < u. The information we are looking for is the following transition probability
P (Sn = S|S0 ), the probability that the asset price is S at time step n with initial price S0 . We shall
find this transition probability later.
= µdt.
Here, µ is a measure of the growth rate of the asset. We may think µ is a constant during the
life of an option.
• Random part: this part is a random change in response to external effects, such as unexpected
news. It is modeled by a Brownian motion
the σ is the order of fluctuations or the variance of the return and is called the volatility. The
quantity dz is sampled from a normal distribution which we shall discuss below.
= µdt + σdz. (2.2)
We shall look for the transition probability density function P(S(t) = S|S(0) = S0 ). Or equiva-
lently, the integral
Z b
P(S(t) = S|S(0) = S0 ) dS
is the probability that the asset price S(t) lies in (a, b) at time t and is S0 initially.
A sequence of movements (S0 , S1 , ..., Sn ) is called an n-step path. In such a path, it can consist of
` times up movements and n − ` times down movements, where 0 ≤ ` ≤ n. The corresponding
values of Sn are S0 u` dn−` . Since the probability of each movement is independent, the probability
of an n-step path with ` up movements (and n − ` down movements) is
` n−` n
1 1 1
= .
2 2 2
There are n` paths with ` up movements in n-step paths, we then obtain the transition probability
Such Sn is called a (discrete) random walk. It is hard to deal with the values S0 u` dn−` . Instead, we
take its logarithmic function. Let us denote ln Sn by Xn . This random walk Xn obeyes the rule
ln u with probability 1/2
Xn+1 − Xn =
ln d with probability 1/2.
Let us define
ln u − ln d ln u + ln d
∆x = , ln(1 + r) = .
2 2
Then the rule can be written as
∆x with probability 1/2
Xn+1 − Xn = ln(1 + r) +
−∆x with probability 1/2.
The term ln(1 + r) ≈ r is called a drift term. It measures the growth of Sn . It can be absorpt into
Xn . Indeed, if we define Zn = ln((1 + r)−n Sn ), then Zn satisfies
∆x with probability 1/2
Zn+1 − Zn = (2.4)
−∆x with probability 1/2.
The advantage of this formulation (using Zn now) is that this random walk has equal increment ∆x,
the possible values of the random variable Zn are m∆x, m ∈ Z. This is the random walk with
binomial distribution.
P (Zn = m∆x|Z0 = 0)
This random walk is equivalent to the following binomial trials: flipping a coin n times. Suppose
we have equal probability to get Head or Tail in each toss. We move the particle to the right or left
adjacent grid point according to whether we get Head or Tail. Let Xk be the result of the kth
experiment. Namely,
1 if we get Head
Xk =
−1 if we get tail
Then Zn /∆x = k=1 Xk . The random walk Zn is equivalent to the random walk Yn , the number
of Heads we get in n trials. Namely,
m = ` − (n − `) = 2` − n, or equivalently ` = (n + m).
Notice that m is even (odd), when n is even (odd). There is a one-to-one correspondence between
{` | 0 ≤ ` ≤ n} ↔ {m | − n ≤ m ≤ n, m + n is even}.
Thus, we can also use ` instead m to label our particle. There are n` paths to reach m∆x from 0
Or equivalently,
` n−`
n 1 1
P (Yn = `) = .
` 2 2
It is clear that
n n
X 1 1
P (Yn = `) = + = 1.
2 2
This probability distribution is called the binomial distribution. We denote them by pZn and pYn ,
Properties of the binomial distribution We shall compute the moments of pZn or pYn . They are
defined by
X n X n
< `k >:= `k pYn (`), < mk >:= mk pZn (m)
`=0 m = −n
m + n even
Since m = 2` − n, we can find the moments < mk >=< (2` − n)k > by computing < `k >,
which in turn can be computed through the help of the following moments generating function:
X X 1 n n 1 + s n
G(s) := s pYn (`) = s` = .
2 ` 2
` `
G00 (1) = `(` − 1)pYn (`) =< `2 > − < ` > .
Hence, we obtain the mean
< ` >= G0 (1) = .
The second moment
n(n + 1)
< `2 >= G00 (1)+ < ` >= .
We can also compute the mean and variance of pZn as the follows. From m = 2` − n, we have
The mean of this random walk is < m >= 0, while its variance is < (m− < m >)2 >= n.
1. Find the transition probability, mean and variance for the case
∆x with probability p
Zn+1 − Zn =
−∆x with probability 1 − p
µ+σb b
X −µ
1 −(x−µ)2 /(2σ 2 ) 1 2
P (a ≤ < b) = P (µ+σa ≤ X < µ+σb) = √ e dx = √ e−z /2 dz
σ µ+σa 2πσ 2 a 2π
The moments of Z (i.e. E[Z m ]) can be computed through the helps of moment generating function
∞ ∞
sZ 1 X
G(s) := E[e ] = sm xm pZ (x) dx = E[Z m ].
m! R m!
m=0 m=0
We have
∞ ∞ ∞
1 sx −x2 /2 s2 /2 1 2 /2 2 /2
G(s) = √ e e dx = e √ e−(x−s) dx = es = .
2π −∞ 2π −∞ 2k k!
(c) For any u > 0, s > 0, the increment z(t + s) − z(t), z(t) − z(t − u) are independent.
(d) ∀s > 0, the increment zt+s − zt is normally distributed with mean zero and variance s, i.e.
Z0 = 0,
Zk = Zk−1 + Xk ∆x
1 with probability 1/2
Xk =
−1 with probability 1/2
The location Zn at time step n obeys the binomial distribution pZn (m) = P (Zn = m∆x|Z0 = 0).
We can connect discrete path (Z0 , Z1 , ..., Zn ) by linear function and form a piecewise linear path
Z n (s), 0 ≤ s ≤ t with Z n (k∆t) = Zk . As n → ∞, we expect that these kinds of paths tend to
a class of zig-zag paths z(·), called Brownian motions. They are time-dependent random variable.
Their properties are:
• z(0) = 0;
• z(·) is continuous;
• Any non-overlapping increments z(t4 ) − z(t3 ) and z(t2 ) − z(t1 ) (t1 < t2 < t3 < t4 ) are
Let us denote the collection of these “zig-zag” paths by Ω, the sample space of the Brownian mo-
Next, we find the probability distribution of Brownian motions. The probability mass function
of the random walk is P (Zn = m∆x|Z0 = 0}. Since n + m is even, the corresponding probability
n := P (Z = m∆x|Z = 0)/(2∆x). We claim that
density function on the real line is Pm n 0
Proposition 2.1. The probability density function of the random walk has the limit
n 1 −x2 /(2t)
Pm →√ e
as n → ∞ with m∆x → x and n∆t = t.
This is the probability density of the standard normal distribution N (0, t). Thus, the 4th property
of the Brownian motion is
• The probability distribution of z(t) is z(t) ∼ N (0, t).
We prove this proposition by using the Stirling formula:
√ 1
n! ≈ 2πnn+ 2 e−n .
Recall that the probability
n 1
P (Zn = m∆x|Z0 = 0) = 1 .
2 (m + n) 2
Using the Stirling formula, we have for n, m, n − m >> 1,
n n
n 1 1 n!
1 =
2 (m + n) 2 2 ( 2 (n + m))!( 12 (n − m))!
n √ 1
1 2πnn+ 2 e−n
≈ √ 1 1 √ 1 1
2 2π( 12 (n + m)) 2 (n+m)+ 2 e−(n+m)/2 2π( 12 (n − m)) 2 (n−m)+ 2 e−(n−m)/2
m − 12 (n+m)− 12 m − 12 (n−m)− 12
= 1+ 1−
πn n n
We shall use the formula
x n
→ ex , as n → ∞.
We may treat m as a real number
√ because the functions above are smooth functions. Now, we fix
x, t, define m = x/∆x = Cn, where C = x2 /t. We take n → ∞. Then
m2 C −n/2
m −n/2 m −n/2
1+ 1− = 1− 2 = 1− → eC/2
n n n n
√ !− Cn/2
m −m/2 C
1+ = 1+ √ → e−C/2
n n
√ ! Cn/2
m m/2 C
1− = 1− √ → e−C/2
n n
m2 C −1/2
m −1/2 m −1/2
1+ 1− = 1− 2 = 1− →1
n n n n
Thus, we obtain
m − 21 (n+m)− 21 m − 12 (n−m)− 21 2
1+ 1− → e−C/2 = e−x /(2t) .
n n
We also have q
πn 1 1
=√ √ =√ .
2∆x 2πn ∆t 2πt
Summarizing above, we obtain
n 1 n 1 1 −x2 /(2t)
Pm = 1 →√ e .
2∆x 2 (m + n) 2 2πt
1. We can also show this limiting process as a corollary of the central limit theorem. Recall that
Zn = Xk ∆x,
1 X√
√ tXk → N (0, t).
where Xk ∼ X are i.i.d. The parameter σ, called volatility, measures the variation of Z in
each movement. In this case,
1 X√
Zn = √ tσXk → N (0, σ 2 t).
Let us simplify the notation p(0, 0, t, x) by p(t, x). This transition probability density is the proba-
bility density function for Brownian motions z(t) starting from 0 at time 0. Any function f (z), its
expectation is defined to be
Z ∞
E[f (z(t))] := f (x)p(t, x) dx.
1. E[z(t)] = 0 Z ∞
1 −x2 /(2t)
x√ e dx = 0.
−∞ 2πt
2. E[z(t)2 ] = t Z ∞
1 −x2 /(2t)
x2 √ e dx = t.
−∞ 2πt
3. Let us consider an infinitesimal change dz := z(t + dt) − z(t). Here, dt is an infinitesimal
time increment. Then we have
This formula is very important for the stochastic calculus below. It is interpreted by integrat-
ing the above equation in t: Z t
(dz)2 = t.
The left-hand side is defined to be the limit of the Riemann sum k=1 (z(tk ) − z(tk−1 ))2 .
Proposition 2.2. Let z(·) be the Brownian motion. Then
lim (z(tk ) − z(tk−1 ))2 = t with probability 1
as n → ∞. Here tk := kt/n.
Proof. 1. We shall apply the strong law of large numbers. Let us consider the random variables:
Yk := n(z(tk ) − z(tk−1 ))2 . We see that
n n
X 1X
(z(tk ) − z(tk−1 ))2 = Yk .
k=1 k=1
Y = n(z(t/n) − z(0))2 .
2. The mean of Y is
1 2
E[Y ] = nx2 p e−x /(2t/n) dx = n(t/n) = t.
2π(t/n) 2
where Z ∞
1 2
E[f (Y )] = f (nx2 ) p e−x /(2t/n) dx
−∞ 2π(t/n)
2.7. ITÔ’S LEMMA 19
Yk → t with probability 1.
1. Find E[z(t)m ].
2. Check (2.6).
An important lemma for finding their solution is the following Itô’s lemma.
Lemma 2.1 (Itô). Suppose x(t) satisfies the stochastic differential equation (2.7), and f (x, t) is a
smooth function. Then f (x(t), t) satisfies the following stochastic differential equation:
1 2
df = ft + bfx + σ fxx dt + σfx dz. (2.8)
1 1
df = ft dt + fx dx + ftt (dt)2 + fxt dx dt + fxx (dx)2 + · · · .
2 2
In the Taylor expansion of df , the terms (dt)2 , dt · dz are relative unimportant as comparing with the
dt term and (dz)2 term. Using (2.7) and noting (dz)2 = dt with probability 1, we obtain (2.8).
x(t) := x0 + at + σz(t)
dy = dt + 2z(t)dz(t).
Example 3. Let dx = dz and y = ln x. Then fx = 1/x and fxx = −1/x2 . Thus, we have
1 1
d ln x = dx − 2 (dx)2 .
x 2x
In terms of Brownian motion, it can be written as
dz dt
d ln z = − 2.
z 2z
Thus, ln z solves the above s.d.e.
with initial data S(0) = S0 . We apply Itô’s lemma with x = f (S) = ln S. Then, fS = 1/S and
fSS = −1/S 2 . By Itô’s lemma, x satisfies the s.d.e.
dx = fS dS + fSS (dS)2 = µ− dt + σ dz.
2 2
x(t) = x0 + (µ − )t + σz(t).
Since S = ex , we obtain
S(t) = S0 exp (µ − )t + σz(t) . (2.10)
1 σ2
)t)2 /2σ 2 t
P(x(t) = x|x(0) = x0 ) = √ e−(x−x0 −(µ− 2 .
2πσ 2 t
That is,
x(t) ∼ N (x0 + (µ − )t, σ 2 t).
1 −(ln S
−(µ− σ2 )t)2 /2σ 2 t
P(S(t) = S|S(0) = S0 ) = √ e S0 . (2.11)
2πσ 2 tS
This is called the log-normal distribution. The stochastic process x(t) obeys the normal distribution,
while S(t) = ex(t) is called to obey the geometric Brownian motion.
Remark. Alternatively, we may also use probability distribution function to derive the probability
density function as below. The probability distribution function of S(t) is
FS (S) = P(S(t) = S1 |S(0) = S0 ) dS1
S0 S
Properties of the geometric normal distribution S(t) Let us denote the transition probability
density P(S(t) = s|S(0) = S0 ) by pS(t) (s) for short. That is
1 −(ln s
−(µ− σ2 )t)2 /2σ 2 t
pS(t) (s) = √ e S0
2πσ 2 ts
We compute its mean and variance below.
Proposition 2.3. The mean and variance of the geometric Brownian motion are
(a) E[S(t)] = −∞ spS(t) (s) ds = S0 eµt ,
(b) Var[S(t)] = S02 e2µt [eσ t − 1].
Proof. (a)
Z ∞ Z ∞ 2
1 −(ln s
−(µ− σ2 )t)2 /2σ 2 t
E[S(t)] = spS(t) (s) ds = √ e S0 ds
Z0 ∞ 0 2πσ 2 t
1 σ2
)t)2 /2σ 2 t
= √ ex e−(x−x0 −(µ− 2 dx
2πσ 2 t
1 σ2 2 2
= √ ex+x0 +µt e−(x+ 2 t) /2σ t dx
−∞ 2
2πσ t
Z ∞
1 σ2 2 2
= S0 eµt √ ex−(x+ 2 t) /2σ t dx
2πσ t
1 σ2 2 2
= S0 eµt √ e−(x− 2 t) /2σ t dx
−∞ 2πσ 2 t
= S0 e .
Z ∞ Z ∞ 2
2 2 1 −(ln s
−(µ− σ2 )t)2 /2σ 2 t
E[S(t) ] = s pS(t) (s) ds = s√ e S0 ds
Z0 ∞ 0 2πσ 2 t
1 σ2
)t)2 /2σ 2 t
= √ e2x e−(x−x0 −(µ− 2 dx
2πσ 2 t
1 σ2 2 2
= √ e2(x+x0 +µt) e−(x+ 2 t) /2σ t dx
−∞ 2
2πσ t
Z ∞
1 σ2 2 2
= S02 e2µt √ e2x−(x+ 2 t) /2σ t dx
−∞ 2πσ 2 t
Z ∞
1 3σ 2 2 2 2
= S0 eµt √ e−(x− 2 t) /2σ t+σ t dx
−∞ 2
2πσ t
= S02 e2µt+σ t .
Var[S(t)] = E[S(t)2 ] − E[S(t)]2 = S02 e2µt [eσ t − 1].
x(ti+1 ) − x(ti ). The variables ∆xi are independent random variables with identical distribution:
∆xi ∼ ∆x ∼ N ((µ − )∆t, σ 2 ∆t).
The historical data we collect are Si which is a sample of S(ti ). We define xi = ln Si . We estimate
the mean and variance of ∆x by using these historical data xi :
σ̂ 2
µ̂ − ∆t = (xi+1 − xi ) := m̂,
2 n
1 X
σ̂ 2 ∆t = ((xi+1 − xi ) − m̂)2 .
The variance estimator has n − 1 in denominator instead of n. This is called unbiased estimator because the expec-
tation of this estimator is the correct variance. This is called Bessel’s correction.
Chapter 3
Black-Scholes Analysis
1. There exists a risk-free investment that gives a guaranteed return with interest rate r. ( e.g.
government bond, bank deposit.)
1. In assumption 1, if the annual interest rate is r and the compound interest is counted daily,
then the principal plus the compound interest in one year are
r 365
A 1+ ≈ Aer .
2. Assumption 1 implies that an amount of money A at time t has value Aer(T −t) at time T if it
is deposited into bank. This is called the future value of A. Similarly, a strike price E at time
T should be deducted to Ee−r(T −t) at time t. This is called its present value.
3. The option price c, p, C and P are functions of (St , t). Usually, we only write c, which means
the current value c(St , t). We use the same convention for S, an abbreviation of the current
value St .
For instance, a portfolio I = c − ∆S means that we long a call and short ∆ amount of an asset
Remark. The value of a portfolio depends on time. Suppose a portfolio I has A amount of cash
at time t, its value is Aer(T −t) at time T . On the other hand, a portfolio involves E amount of cash,
its present value is Ee−r(T −t) . We should make such deduction, otherwise there is an arbitrage
Lemma 3.2. Suppose I(t) and J(t) are two portfolios containing no American options. Then under
the hypothesis of no-arbitrage-opportunities, we can conclude that
Proof. Suppose the conclusion is false, i.e., there exists a time t ≤ T such that I(t) > J(t). An
arbitrageur can buy (long) J(t) and short I(t) and immediately gain a profit I(t) − J(t). Its value
at time T is (I(t) − J(t))er(T −t) . Since I and J containing no American options, nothing can
be exercised before T . At time T , since I(T ) ≤ J(T ), he can use J(T ) (what he has) to cover
I(T ) (what he shorts) and gains another profit J(T ) − I(T ). This contradicts to the hypothesis of
The equality case can be proven similarly.
2. Consider I = c and J = 0. At time T , I(T ) = Λ(T ) ≥ 0 = J(T ), hence I(t) ≥ 0 for all
t ≤ T . Similarly, we also get p ≥ 0.
(ii) The optimal exercise time for American put option is as earlier as possible, and we have
P (t) ≥ p(t).
Lemma 3.3. Let I or J be two portfolios that contain American options. Suppose I(τ ) ≤ J(τ ) at
some τ < T . Then I(t) ≤ J(t), for all t ≤ τ .
Proof. Suppose I(t) > J(t) at some t ≤ τ . An arbitrageur can long J(t) and short I(t) at time t to
make profit I(t) − J(t) immediately. At later time τ , he can use J(τ ) to cover I(τ ) with additional
profit J(τ ) − I(τ ), in case the person who owns I exercises his American option.
Remark. The equality also holds , that is, if I(τ ) = J(τ ) for τ < T , then I(t) = J(t) for t ≤ τ .
1. Firstly, we show Ct ≥ ct for all t < T . If not, then c(τ ) > C(τ ) for some time τ < T , we
can buy C and sell c at time τ to make a profit c(τ ) − C(τ ). The right of C is even more than
that of c. This is an arbitrage opportunity which is a contradiction.
Secondly, we show ct ≥ Ct . Consider two portfolios I(t) = Ct + Ee−r(T −t) and J(t) = St .
The portfolio I is an American call plus an amount of cash Ee−r(T −t) . Suppose we exercise
C at some time τ < T , then I(τ ) = Sτ − E + Ee−r(T −τ ) and J(τ ) = Sτ . This implies
I(τ ) < J(τ ). By our lemma, I(t) ≤ J(t) for all t ≤ τ . Since τ ≤ T arbitrary, we conclude
I(t) ≤ J(t) for all t < T . Combine this inequality with the inequality
ct + Ee−r(T −t) ≥ St
in section 3.2,we conclude ct = Ct for all t < T . Further, early exercise results in C(τ ) +
Ee−r(T −τ ) = S(τ ) − E + Ee−r(T −τ ) < S(τ ). But S(τ ) ≤ cτ + Ee−r(T −τ ) . Thus, early
exercise leads to decrease the value of C(τ ), if τ < T . Hence, the optimal exercise time for
American option is T .
2. We show p(t) ≤ P (t). Suppose p(t) > P (t). Then we can make an immediate profit by
selling p and buying P . We earn p − P and gain more right. This is a contradiction.
Next, we show that we should exercise American puts as early as possible (the first time
E > Sτ ). We consider a portfolio I(t) = Pt + St . This is called a covered put. That is,
we use S to cover P when we exercise P . When we exercise P at τ < T , the payoff of I
is E − Sτ + Sτ = E. By the time T , its value is Eer(T −τ ) . Thus, in order to maximize the
profit, we exercise time should be as earlier as possible.
3. The inequality C + Ee−r(T −t) ≤ S + P follows from the put-call parity (3.3) and the facts
that c = C and P ≥ p. To show the inequality S + P < C + E, we consider two portfolios:
I(t) = c(t) + E and J(t) = P (t) + St . Suppose P is not exercised before T . Then
J(T ) = max(E − ST , 0) + ST = max(E, ST ), and
Suppose P is exercised at some time τ , with τ < T . Then we sell Sτ at price E. Thus
J(τ ) = E. On the other hand,
From lemma, we have I(t) > J(t). That is, c(t) + E ≥ P (t) + St . Since c(t) = C(t), we
also have C(t) + E ≥ P (t) + St .
Remark. P − p is called the time value of a put. The maximal time value is E − Ee−r(T −t) .
1. Suppose S(t) = 31, E = 30, r = 10%, T − t = 0.25 year, c = 3, p = 2.25. Consider two
We find J(t) > I(t). It violates the put-call parity. This means that there is an arbitrage
Strategy : long the security in portfolio I and short the security in portfolio J. This results a
cashflow: −3 + 2.25 + 31 = 30.25. Put this cash into a bank. We will get 30.25 × e0.1×0.25 =
31.02 at time T . Suppose at time T , ST > E, we can exercise c, also we should buy a
share for E to close our short position of the stock. Suppose ST < E, the put option will be
exercised. This means that we need to buy the share for E to close our short position. In both
cases, we need to buy a share for E to close the short position. Thus, the net profit is
31.02 − 30 = 1.02.
Theorem 3.3. Suppose a dividend will be paid during the life of an option. Let D denotes its present
value. Then we have for European option
provided the dividend is paid before exercising the put option, or (ii)
I = c + D + Ee−r(T −t) ,
J = S.
Then at time T ,
Hence I(T ) ≥ J(T ). This yields I(t) ≥ J(t) for all t ≤ T . This proves
c ≥ S − D − Ee−r(T −t) .
(1) The asset price follows the log-normal distribution. That is, the asset price S satisfies the
dS = µSdt + σSdz.
Our purpose is to value the price of an option (call or put). Let V (S, t) denotes for the price of an
option. The randomness of V (S(t), t) would be fully correlated to S(t). Thus, we consider a port-
folio which contains only S and V , but in opposite position in order to cancel out the randomness.
Then this portfolio becomes deterministic. To be more precise, let the portfolio be
Π = V − ∆S,
that is, long an option and short ∆ amount of the underlying asset. In a small time step dt, the
change of this portfolio is
dΠ = dV − ∆dS.
Here ∆ is held fixed during the time step. From Itô’s lemma
dΠ = Vt dt + VS dS + VSS σ 2 dt − ∆dS
= σS − ∆ dz
1 2 2 ∂2V
∂V ∂V
+ µS − µS∆ + + σ S dt.
∂S ∂t 2 ∂S 2
∆= (3.10)
at the starting time of each time step. The resulting portfolio
Π = V − VS S
c(S, T ) = max{S − E, 0}
p(S, T ) = max{E − S, 0}.
(ii) On S = 0:
p(0, τ ) = Ee−r(T −τ ) .
This follows from the put-call parity and c(0, t) = 0.
(iii) For call option, at S = ∞:
Since S → ∞, the call option must be exercised, and the price of the option must be
closed to S − Ee−r(T −t) .
(iv) For put option, at S = ∞:
p(S, t) → 0, as S → ∞
As S → ∞, the payoff function Λ = max{E − S, 0} is zero. Thus, the put option is
unlikely to be exercised. Hence p(S, T ) → 0 as S → ∞.
3.4 Exact solution for the B-S equation for European options
3.4.1 Reduction to parabolic equation with constant coefficients
Let us recall the Black-Scholes equation
∂V 1 ∂2V ∂V
+ σ 2 S 2 2 + rS − rV = 0, (0, T ] × (0, ∞). (3.12)
∂t 2 ∂S ∂S
This P.D.E. is a parabolic equation with variable coefficients. Notice that this equation is invariant
under S → λS. That is, it is homogeneous in S with degree 0. We therefore make the following
x = log .
The fraction S/E makes x dimensionless. The domain S ∈ (0, ∞) becomes x ∈ (−∞, ∞) and
∂V ∂S ∂V ∂V
= =S ,
∂x ∂x
∂S ∂S
∂ ∂V
= S
∂x2 ∂x ∂S
∂S ∂V ∂S ∂ 2 V
= +S
∂x ∂S ∂x ∂S 2
∂V ∂2V
= S + S2 2
∂S ∂S
∂V ∂ 2V
= + S2 2 .
∂x ∂S
Next, let us reverse the time by letting
τ = T − t.
1 ∂2V
∂V 1 ∂V
= σ2 2 + r − σ2 − rV.
∂τ 2 ∂x 2 ∂x
1 ∂2v
∂v 1 ∂v
= σ2 2 + r − σ2 − rv. (3.13)
∂τ 2 ∂x 2 ∂x
2 ∂v 2r ∂v 2r
= + −1 − v.
σ ∂τ ∂x2 σ2 ∂x σ 2
Let us make a change of variable and define the following new constants:
s = τ /( σ 2 )
a = 1 − r/( σ 2 )
1 2
b = r/( σ )
Then the equation becomes
vs + avx + bv = vxx . (3.14)
The part, vs + avx is call the advection term. The term bv is called the source term, and the term
vxx is called the diffusion term. The advection part:
y = x − as
s0 = s.
∂s0 = ∂s + a∂x
∂y = ∂x
vs + bv = vyy .
Next, the equation vs + bv suggests that v behaves like ebs along the characteristic curves. Thus, it
is natural to make the following change-of-variable
v = e−bs u.
∂s u = ∂s (ebs v) = ebs ∂s v + bebs v = ebs (∂s + b)v = ebs ∂y2 v = ∂y2 u.
Thus, the equation is reduced to
This is the standard heat equation on the real line. Its solution can be expressed as
Z ∞
1 (y−z)2
u(y, s) = √ e− 4s f (z) dz, s > 0,
−∞ 4πs
where f is the initial data.
In terms of the original variables, with the change of variable S 0 = Eez , we have the following
Black-Scholes formula:
Z ∞ 1 σ 2 )(T −t))2
(ln( S0 )+(r− 2
−r(T −t) 1 − S
V (S, t) = e p e 2
2σ (T −t) Λ(S 0 ) dS 0 (3.16)
2πσ (T − t)S 0
We may express it as
Z ∞
−r(T −t)
V (S, t) = e P(S 0 , T, S, t)Λ(S 0 ) dS 0 . (3.17)
1 [ln( SS )−(r − 21 σ 2 )(T − t)]2
P(S 0 , T, S, t) := p exp − . (3.18)
2πσ 2 (T − t)S 0 2σ 2 (T − t)
This is the transition probability density of an asset price model with growth rate r and volatility
σ. In other words, V is the present value (deducted by e−r(T −t) ) of the expectation of the payoff Λ
under an asset price model with volatility σ and growth rate r. It is important to note that it depends
on r, not on the growth rate of the underlying asset. We shall come back to this point later.
Then Z ∞
−rτ 1 1 2 −r)τ )2 /(2σ 2 τ )
v(x, τ ) = e √ e−(x−z−( 2 σ (ez − 1) dz. (3.19)
0 2πσ 2 τ
This can be integrated. Finally, we get the exact solution for the European call option
Z y
1 z2
N (y) = √ e− 2 dz, (3.21)
2π −∞
log( E ) + (r + 12 σ 2 )(T − t)
d1 = √ , (3.22)
σ T −t
log( E ) + (r − 12 σ 2 )(T − t)
d2 = √ . (3.23)
σ T −t
The calculation is done as below. Let us use the following notations for abbreviation.
√ √
a = r − σ 2 /2, D = σ 2 τ, d1 D = x + aτ + D, d2 D = x + aτ
We have
Z ∞
1 1
u(x, τ ) = √ exp − (z − x − aτ ) (ez − 1) dz = I − II.
0 2πD 2D
Z ∞
1 1
I= √ exp − (z − x − aτ ) ez dz
0 2πD 2D
Z ∞
D2 + 2D(x + aτ )
1 1 2
= √ exp − (z − (x + aτ + D)) + dz
0 2πD 2D 2D
Z ∞ √ √
1 1
= √ exp − (z − d1 D)2 + (d1 + d2 ) D/2 dz
0 2πD 2D
√ Z ∞ √ 2
(d1 +d2 ) D/2 1 1
=e √ exp − (z − d1 D) dz
0 2πD 2D
Z ∞ √ √
S 1 1
= erτ √ exp − (z/ D − d1 )2 dz/ D
E 2π 2
Z0 ∞
S 1 −z 2 /2 S
= erτ e dz = erτ N (d1 ).
E −d1 2π E
Z ∞
1 1
II = √ exp − (z − x − aτ )2 dz
2πD 2D
Z0 ∞
√ 2
1 1
= √ exp − (z − d2 D) dz
0 2πD 2D
Z ∞ √ √
1 1
= √ exp − (z/ D − d2 )2 dz/ D
2π 2
Z0 ∞
1 2
= √ e−z /2 dz = N (d2 ).
−d2 2π
c + Ee−r(T −t) = p + S.
3. Forward contract Recall that a forward contract is an agreement between two parties to buy
or sell an asset at certain time in the future for certain price. Its value V also satisfies the B-S
equation. The payoff function for such a forward contract is
Λ(S) = S − E.
In terms of the rescaled variable, Λ̄(z) := Λ(Eez )/E = ez −1. Let x = ln(S/E), τ = T −t)
and u(x, τ ) = erτ V (Eex , t)/E. Then u satisfies the advect heat equation. Its solution with
initial data Λ̄(x). Its solution is given by
Z ∞
1 (x−z−(r−σ 2 /2)τ )2
u(x, τ ) = √ e− 2σ 2 τ (ez − 1) dz
2πσ 2 τ −∞
= ex+rτ − 1.
V (S, t) = S − Ee−r(T −t) . (3.25)
This means that the current value of a forward contract is nothing but the difference of S and
the discounted E. Notice that this value is independent of the volatility σ of the underlying
Exercise. Show that the payoff function of a portfolio c − p is S − E. From this and the
Black-Scholes formula (3.16), show the formula of the put-call parity.
4. Cash-or-nothing. A contact with cash-or-nothing is just like a bet. If ST > E, then the
reward is B. Otherwise, you get nothing. The payoff function is
B if S > E
Λ(S) =
0 otherwise.
Using the Black-Scholes formula (3.16), we obtain the value of a cash-or-nothing contract to
V (S, t) = Be−r(T −t) N (d2 ). (3.26)
Exercise. Verify this formula.
One can show that the value for this binary option is
Vt + rSVS − rV = 0.
Or in τ, x and u variables:
uτ − rux = 0
with initial data
u(x, 0) = Λ(Eex )/E,
Thus, its solution is given by
V (S, t) = e−r(T −t) Λ(Ser(T −t) ).
This means that when the process is deterministic, the value of the option is the payoff func-
tion evaluated at the future price of S at T (that is Ser(T −t) ), and then discounted by the factor
e−r(T −t) .
This is the transition probability density of an asset price model in a risk-neutral world:
= rdt + σdz. (3.28)
The expected return at time T in this risk-neutral world is
P(S 0 , T, S, t)Λ(S 0 )dS 0 .
We may reinvestigate the function N and the parameters di in the Black-Scholes formula. After
some calculation, we find Z ∞
N (d2 ) = P(S 0 , T, S, t)dS 0 . (3.29)
This is the probability of the event {S̃ ≥ E}, where S̃ obeys the risk-neutral pricing model:
= rdt + σdz.
Similarly, one can show that
E P(S 0 , T, S, t)S 0 dS 0
N (d1 ) = . (3.30)
Ser(T −t)
is the expectation of S̃ at T when S̃ = 1 at t and under the condition that S̃ ≥ E at T .
Exercise. Check formulae (3.29) and (3.30).
3.6 Hedging
Hedging is the reduction of sensitivity of a portfolio to the movement of the underlying of asset
by taking opposite position in different financial instruments. The Black-Scholes analysis is a dy-
namical hedging strategy. The delta hedge is instantaneously risk free. It requires a continuous
rebalancing of the portfolio and the ratio of the holdings in the asset and the derivative product. The
delta (∆) for a whole portfolio is ∆ = ∂Π∂S . This is the sensitivity of Π against the change of S. By
taking dΠ − ∆ · dS = 0, the sensitivity of the portfolio to the asset price change is instantaneously
Besides the delta hedge, there are more sophisticated hedging strategies such as:
Gamma: Γ = ,
∂S 2
Theta: Θ = ,
Vega: = ,
rho: ρ = .
Hedging against any of these dependencies requires the use of another option as well as the asset
itself. With a suitable balance of the underlying asset and other derivatives, hedgers can eliminate
the short-term dependence of the portfolio on the movement in t, S, σ, r.
3.6. HEDGING 43
∆ = N (d1 ).
= N (d1 ) + S · N 0 (d1 ) · d1S − Ee−r(T −t) N 0 (d2 )d2S .
S 2 2
log( E ) + (r + σ2 )(T − t) S
log( E ) + (r − σ2 )(T − t)
d1 = √ , d2 = √ ,
σ T −t σ T −t
we get
1 1 2
d1S = d2S = p , N 0 (di ) = √ e−di /2 .
Sσ (T − t) 2π
∂c √
= N (d1 ) + SN 0 (d1 ) − Ee−r(T −t) N 0 (d2 ) /(Sσ T − t)
∂S √
≡ N (d1 ) + I/(Sσ T − t).
S N 0 (d1 )
= e−rτ
E N 0 (d2 )
S N 0 (d1 ) 2 2
= ex · e−(d1 −d2 )/2 .
E N (d2 )
S N 0 (d1 )
= ex · e−x−rτ = e−rτ .
E N 0 (d2 )
∆ = N (−d1 ).
S = Eex , V = Ev, τ = T − t.
σ 2 (τ ) σ 2 (τ )
vτ = vxx + (r(τ ) − )vx − r(τ )v (3.31)
2 2
We look for a new time variable τ̂ such that
dτ̂ = σ 2 (τ )dτ
where y is an integration constant. The lines with constant y’s are called characteristic curves.
Along the characteristic curves, the derivative ∂τ̂ + a(τ̂ )∂x is just the derivative in time with fixed
y. In fact, we introduce the following change-of-variable:
R τ̂
y = x + 0 a(τ 0 )dτ 0 ≡ x + A(τ̂ )
x y
→ with
τ̂ τ̂1 τ̂1 = τ̂
∂ ∂y ∂ ∂
|τ̂ = |τ̂ = ,
∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y
∂ ∂ τ̂ ∂ ∂x ∂ ∂ ∂
|y = + = − a(τ̂ ) .
∂ τ̂1 ∂ τ̂1 ∂ τ̂ ∂ τ̂1 ∂x ∂ τ̂ ∂x
The equation (3.32)is transformed to
vτ̂1 = vyy − b(τ̂1 )v.
R τ̂1
Let B(τ̂1 ) = 0 b(τ 0 )dτ 0 and u = eB(τ̂1 ) v, then uτ̂1 = 12 uyy . And we can solve this heat equation
b. Π = c − S (reverse of a covered call). Suppose an investor anticipates the stock price will
decrease. So he shorts a share and receive money St at time t. If ST does decrease, he earns
money. If unfortunately, the stock price increases, then he loses ST − St at time T . This risk
is unlimited. Thus, short selling has unlimited risk. However, he can buy a call to limit this
risk. That is, his portfolio Π = −S + c. Since c < S, he still receive some money from Π at
beginning. At expiry, if the price goes beyond E, then he can exercise this call to cover the
shorted share. The payoff now is Λ = − min{S, E} ≥ −E. Thus, his loss is at most E.
d. Π = −p − S (reverse of a protective put). In this portfolio, the investor anticipates the stock
price will decrease. He shorts a share St and also a put. He receives money from shorting
these. At expiry, the payoff is − max{S, E}. This means that he pays E if ST ≤ E. However,
if ST is large, then his risk is unlimited.
Below are the payoff functions for the above four cases.
where CEi is a European call option with exercise price Ei and CE1 , CE2 have the same expiry.
The payoff
Λ = max{ST − E1 , 0} − max{ST − E2 , 0}
0 if ST < E1
= ST − E1 if E1 < ST < E2
E2 − E1 if ST > E2
Since E1 < E2 , we have CE1 > CE2 . A bull spread, when created from CE1 − CE2 , requires an
initial investment. We can describe the strategy by saying that the investor has a call option with a
strike price E1 and has chosen to give up some upside potential by selling a call option with strike
price E2 > E1 . In return, the investor gets E2 − E1 if the price goes up beyond E2 .
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Example: CE1 = 3, CE2 = 1 and E1 = 30, E2 = 35. The cost of the strategy is 2. The payoff is
0 if ST ≤ 30
ST − 30 if 30 < ST < 35
5 if ST ≥ 35
E1 E2 S
S−E E2−S
E E2 E3 S
Example: Suppose a certain stock is currently worth 61. A investor who feels that it is
unlikely that there will be significant price move in the next 6 month. Suppose the market of
6 month calls are
55 10
60 7
65 5
55 60 65 S
Remark 1. Suppose European options were available for every possible strike price E, then any
payoff function could be created theoretically:
Λ(S) = Λi ϕ(S − Ei )
Then Λ(Ei ) = Λi and Λ is linear on every interval (Ei , Ei+1 ) and Λ is continuous. As ∆E → 0,
we can approximate any payoff function by using butterfly spreads.
Remark 2. One can also use cash-or-nothing to create any payoff function:
Λ(S) = Λi ψ(S − Ei ),
1 if 0 ≤ S < ∆E
ψ(S) := H(S) − H(S − ∆E) =
0 otherwise.
and H is called the Heaviside function. The value for such a portfolio is
−r(T −t)
V = e P(S 0 , T, S, t)Λ(S 0 )dS 0 ,
= e−r(T −t) ΣΛi P(Ei ≤ S ≤ Ei+1 ).
This equation models heat propagation on the line. Here, u(·, t) represents the temperature distribu-
tion at time t and f the initial temperature distribution. The derivation of this equation is based on
a physical law – the conservation of energy, and the Fourier law of heat flux. Given a temperature
distribution u(x, t), the Fourier law describes that the temperature flows from high temperature to
low temperature at a rate q called heat flux. It is the energy passing through a point (per unit area)
per unit time. The Fourier law states that
q = −κux .
Here, the constant κ is called thermal conductivity. It is a positive constant. It differs for different
material. For instant, κ of cooper is much larger than that of woods. According to thermal dynamics,
the energy density e is related to temperature by e = cv u. The constant cv is called specific heat (at
constant volume). The conservation of energy states that the change of energy in an interval (a, b)
per unit time is the same as the heat flux flows into (a, b) from boundaries. Mathematically, it is
Z b Z b
∂t e dx = q(a) − q(b) = − qx dx.
a a
This gives
Z b Z b
cv ∂t u dx = (κux )x dx.
a a
This holds for any interval (a, b). Thus, the integrands much be the same. This gives
∂t u = Duxx .
∂t0 u = uxx .
Thus, without loss of generality, we consider the heat equation with D = 1. We shall show that its
solution is given by
Z ∞
1 −x2 /(4t)
u(x, t) = G(x − y, t)f (y) dy, G(x, t) := √ e .
−∞ 4πt
The function G(·, t) is the Gaussian distribution. It corresponds to the temperature distribution
at time t when the initial temperature distribution is a hot spot at x = 0. The derivation of this
formulation is decomposed into the following steps.
1. Superposition principle: If u and v are solutions, so is au + bv, where a and b are constants.
This is called superposition principle for linear partial differential equations.
Now, we imagine f can be approximated by piecewise step function: let h be a small mesh
size, xj = jh and f can be approximated by fh defined by
f ≈ fh , fh (x) := f (xj )δh (x − xj )h.
1 1 for − h/2 < x < h/2
δh (x) := χh (x), χh (x) :=
h 0 otherwise.
Suppose each solution corresponding to f (xj )δh (x) is f (xj )Gh (x − xj ). Because the equa-
tion is linear, then the general solution is just the linear superposition of these solutions:
X Z ∞
u(x, t) ≈ Gh (x − xj , t)f (xj ) · h ≈ G(x − y, t)f (y) dy.
j −∞
Here, Gh (x−xj , t) is the solution of the heat equation corresponding to the initial data δh (x−
xj ). Notice that we have used another important of heat equation, namely, the translation
invariance: if u(x, t) is a solution of the heat equation with initial data u(x, 0), then u(x−a, t)
is a solution of heat equation with initial data u(x − a, 0). This is because the equation is
unchanged under the translation transformation x 7→ x − a. Now if Gh (x, t) is the solution
with initial data δh (x), then Gh (x − xj , t) is the solution corresponding to the initial data
δh (x − xj ).
2. Translational invariance. Because the equation is translationally invariant, we can solve the
equation with initial data to be χh (x)/h. This initial function tends so-called δ-function as
h → 0. Thus, what we need is to solve the case when the initial function is a δ function. A
δ-function is a generalized function having the property:
0 x 6= 0
δ(x) =
∞ x=0
Z ∞
δ(x) dx = 1.
The δ-function is considered to be the limit of δh (x) as h → 0+ in the sense that
Z ∞ Z ∞
1 h/2
f (x)δ(x) dx = lim f (x)δh (x) dx = f (x) dx = f (0),
−∞ h→0 −∞ h −h/2
for any smooth function f .
3. Parabolic scaling. To solve the heat equation with an initial hot spot at x = 0, we use
the parabolic invariance property of the heat equation. Namely, the equation and the initial
condition are both invariant under the transformation
x 7→ λx, t 7→ λ2 t,
λ > 0.
This suggests that the√solution is a function of ξ = x/ t. So, let us look a solution of the
form u(x, t) = U (x/ t). Plug it into the equation, we obtain
1 x 1
ut = U (ξ) − 3/2 , uxx = U 00 (ξ) .
2t t
This leads to
− U 0 (ξ) = U 00 (ξ).
0 ξ
ln U 0 (ξ) = − .
Integrate it,
ξ2 2
ln U 0 (ξ) = − + Const., U 0 (ξ) = Ce−ξ /4 .
Hence Z ξ
U (ξ) = Ce−η /4 dη.
√ a solution has the property: U (−∞) = 0 and U (+∞) = C 4π. We choose C =
1/ 4π for normalization.
√ However, this is still not what we want. But we notice that if
v(x, t) = U (x/ t) is a solution, so is vx . Thus, we let
x 1 x2 /(4t)
G(x, t) = ∂x U √ = √ e
t 4πt
Then G is a solution and satisfies
Z ∞
G(x, t) dx = 1.
To show the first one, we check that Gt = Gxx . This is left to you.
For the second one, the integral
Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞
G(x − y, t)f (y) dy = G(−y, t)f (x + y) dy = G(y, t)f (x + y) dy
−∞ −∞ −∞
Notice that Z ∞
G(x − y, t) dy = 1 for all x ∈ R, t > 0.
Hence Z ∞ Z ∞
G(x − y)f (y) dy − f (x) = G(x − y) (f (y) − f (x)) dy.
−∞ −∞
Therefore, Z ∞
|u(x, t) − f (x)| ≤ G(x − y, t) |f (y) − f (x)| dy.
Here, we have used G(x, t) ≥ 0. To estimate this integral, we break it into two parts
Z ∞ Z Z
G(x−y, t) |f (y) − f (x)| dy = + G(x−y, t) |f (y) − f (x)| dy = I+II,
−∞ |x−y|<δ |x−y|≥δ
where δ > 0 is a small parameter to be chosen later. Since f is continuous, we have for any
> 0, there exists a δ > 0 such that
I= G(x − y, t)|f (y) − f (x)| dy ≤ G(x − y, t) dy < .
|x−y|<δ |x−y|<δ
For II, since we assume f is bounded, there exists a constant M > 0 such that |f (x)−f (y)| ≤
2M . Thus, Z Z
II ≤ 2M G(x − y, t) dy = 2M G(y, t) dy.
|x−y|≥δ |y|≥δ
As t → 0+, this integral goes to 0. Therefore, we can choose a small t1 > 0 such that
Combining I and II, we have for any > 0, there exists t1 > 0 such that for any 0 < t < t1
we have I + II < 2. This shows I + II → 0 as t → 0.
Chapter 4
= (µ − D0 )dt + σdz.
To value the corresponding option V , we consider the portfolio : Π = V − ∆S as before. In one
time step, the change of the portfolio is
where the last term −∆D0 Sdt is the dividend our assets received.1 Thus
∂V 1
= Vt − D0 S + σ2S 2 2 dt,
∂S 2 ∂S
Here, we have chosen ∆ = ∂S to eliminate the random term. From the absence of arbitrage
opportunities, we must have
dΠ = rΠdt.
1 2 2 ∂2V
∂V ∂V
V t − D0 S + σ S =r V −S .
∂S 2 ∂S 2 ∂S
1 ∂2V ∂V
Vt + σ 2 S 2 2 + (r − D0 )S − rV = 0
2 ∂S ∂S
This is the Black-Scholes equation when there is a continuous dividend payment.
The boundary conditions are:
c(0, t) = 0,
c(S, t) ∼ Se−D0 (T −t)
The latter is the asset price S discounted by e−D0 (T −t) from the payment of the dividend. The
payoff function c(S, T ) = Λ(S) = max{S − E, 0}.
To find the solution, let us consider
Then c1 satisfies the original Black-Scholes equation with r replaced by r − D0 and the same final
condition. The boundary conditions for c1 are
c1 (0, t) = 0,
c1 (S, t) ∼ S as S → ∞
c1 (S, t) = SN (d1,0 ) − Ee−(r−D0 )(T −t) N (d2,0 )
ln E + (r − D0 + 12 σ 2 )(T − t)
d1,0 = √ ,
σ T −t
d2,0 = d1,0 − σ T − t.
The original
c(S, t) = Se−D0 (T −t) N (d1,0 ) − Ee−r(T −t) N (d2,0 ).
This means that the call option on a dividend-paying asset is just like a call option in risk-free
environment with rate r − D0 and discounted by e−r(T −t) .
Remark. We notice that c & as D0 %. This is natural because paying dividend will lower the
value of S, hence c. If the dividend is paid more, the value of call becomes lower.
Exercise. Derive the put-call parity for the European options on dividend-paying assets.
Otherwise, there is a net loss or gain from buying V before td then sell it right after td . To find
V (S, t), here is a procedure.
1. Solve the Black-Scholes from T to td + to obtain V (S, td +) (using the payoff function Λ)
2. Adjusting V by
V (S, td −) = V ((1 − dy )S, td +)
3. Solve Black-Scholes equation from td to t with the final condition V ((1 − dy )S, td +).
For the case of call option, we can find its explicit expression. Let cd be the European option for
this dividend-paying asset. Then
cd (S, t) = (1 − dy )c(S, t, (1 − dy )−1 E).
That is, the call option price is reduced to its original value with strike price E replaced by E/(1 −
dy ).
f = S − Ee−r(T −t) .
Definition 4.3. The forward price F for a forward contract is defined to be the delivery price E
which would make that contract have zero value, i.e.,
ft = 0, or F = St er(T −t) .
One can take another point of view. Consider a party who shorts the contract. He can borrow an
amount of money St at time t to buy an asset and use it to close his short position at T . The money
he received at expiry, F , is used to pay the loan. If no arbitrage opportunities, then
F = St er(T −t) .
If the delivery price E of a forward contract is not equal to the forward price F , then the value of
this forward contract is f = St −Ee−r(T −t) . This is the result we obtained in the last chapter. Thus,
in order to have f = 0, we should take the delivery price to be St er(T −t) .
4.2.2 Futures
Futures are very similar to the forward contracts, except they are traded in an exchange, thus, they
are required to be standardized. This includes size, quality, price, expiry, ... etc. Let us explain the
characters of a future by the following example.
• Suppose you call your broker to buy one July corn futures contract (5,000 bushels) on
the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) at current market price.
• The broker send this signal to traders on the floor of the exchange.
• The trader signal this to ask other traders to sell, if no one wants to sell, the trader who
represents you will raise the price and eventually find someone to sell
• Confirmation: Price obtained are sent back to you.
2. Specification of the futures: In the above example, the specification of this future is
• Asset : quality
• Contract size: 5,000 bushel
3. Operation of margins
• Marking to market: Suppose an investor who contacts his or her broker on June 1, 2016,
to buy two December 2016 gold futures contracts on New York Commodity Exchange.
We suppose that the current future price is $400 per ounce. The contract size is $100
ounces, the investor want to buy $200 ounces at this price. The broker will require
the investor to deposit funds in a “margin account”. The initial margin, say is $2,000
per contract. As the futures prices move everyday, the amount of money in the margin
account also changes. Suppose, for example, by the end of June 1, the futures price has
dropped from $400 to $397. The investor has a loss of $200×3=600. This balance in
the margin account would therefore be reduced by $600. Maintaining margin needs to
deposit. Certain account of money to keep that futures contract.
• Maintenance margin: To insure the balance in the margin account never becomes nega-
tive, a maintenance margin, which is usually lower than the initial margin, is set.
We tabulate the futures prices, the main/loss in each day. Suppose there are n days to the
maturity date. Let δ = r(T − t)/n be the riskless interest rate per date. Let Fi be the future
price at the end of day i. Suppose the margin has money M initially. The gain/loss in each
day is the following table.
This account is required to be kept an amount money greater than certain maintenance fee. If
it is lower than this maintenance fee, it will be closed.
Here, the futures prices Fi are the market future prices. What are the futures prices if there is no
arbitrage opportunities? We show below that under the no-arbitrage assumption, the future price at
time t is indeed identical to the forward price. That is Ft = St er(T −t) .
Theorem 4.4. Forward price and futures price are equal when the interest rates are constant.
Proof. Suppose a futures contract lasts for n days. Let the future prices are
F0 , · · · , Fn
at the end of each business day. Let δ be the risk-free interest rate per day. That is, δ = r(T − t)/n.
Consider the following two strategies:
At day n, G0 enδ is used to buy the underlying asset at price ST enδ . The payoff is ST enδ .
At time T , we receive F0 enδ from the initial investment F0 . Thus, the total payoff of strategy 2 is
Since both strategies have the same payoff, we conclude their initial investments must be the same,
i.e., F0 = G0 = ST er(T −t) .
minus the exercise price. Suppose the expiry date of the call is T1 , which is T1 ≤ T , the expiration
of the underlying future. The payoff of the call option on future is thus
Λ = max(FT1 − E, 0).
In addition of this payoff, the holder also receive a future contract, yet it costs zero to enter the long
position of a future.
Example An investor who has a September futures call option on 25,000 pounds of copper
with exercise price E = 70 cents/pound. Suppose the current future price of copper for deliv-
ery in September is 80 cents/pound. If the option is exercised, the investor received 10 cents
×25, 000+long position in futures contract to buy 25,000 pound of copper in September at price
80 cents/pound.
The maturity date of futures option is generally on, or a few days before, the earlist delivery
date of the underlying futures contract.
Futures options are more attractive to investors than options on the underlying assets when it is
cheaper or more convenient to deliver futures contracts rather than the asset itself. Futures options
are usually more liquid and involved lower transaction costs.
1 ∂2F 2 2
∂F ∂F
dF = + 2
σ S dt + dS
∂t 2 ∂S ∂S
= (−rer(T −t) S)dt + Ser(T −t)
= (−rF )dt + F (µdt + σdz)
= ((µ − r)F )dt + F σdz.
= (µ − r)dt + σdz. (4.1)
We conclude this discussion by the following proposition.
Proposition 3. The futures price is the same as a stock paying a dividend yield at rate r.
Next, we study the value V of a futures option. For a call option on a future, it is the right to
buy the future on strike price E. Its value V is a function of F , t and E. We apply Black-Sholes
analysis to value V .
Π = V − ∆F.
As discussed before, we choose ∆ = ∂F to eliminate randomness of dΠ. Then
dΠ = dV − ∆dF
∂V ∂V 1 ∂2V 2 2 ∂V ∂V
= ( µF F + + 2
σ F )dt + σF dz − (µF F dt + σF dz)
∂F ∂t 2 ∂F ∂F ∂F
∂V 1 ∂2V 2 2
= ( + σ F )dt.
∂t 2 ∂F 2
Here, µF := µ − r, is the growth rate of the undelying future. Since it costs nothing to enter into a
future contract, the cost of setting up the above portfolio is just V . 2 Thus, based on the no arbitrage
dΠ = rV dt,
and we obtain
1 ∂2V
Vt + σ 2 F 2 = rV.
2 ∂F 2
The payoff function for a call option is Λ = max{F − E, 0}.
To solve this equation, we recall the option price equation for stock paying dividend is
1 ∂2V ∂V
Vt + σ 2 S 2 2 + (r − D0 )S − rV = 0
2 ∂S ∂S
In our case, D0 = r, so the futures call option
Notice that this option price V (i.e. c in the present case) is the same as Ṽ (S(F, t), t), where Ṽ is
the solution of the option corresponding to the underlying asset S. That is
We can write this Ṽ in terms of F by S = F e−r(T −t) . Plug this into the above equation to obtain
−r(T −t)
ln F e + (r − 12 σ 2 )(T − t)
d˜2 = E √
σ T −t
ln E − 12 σ 2 (T − t)
= √ = d2 ,
σ T −t
Proposition 4. The price for future options is the same as the price for options on the underlying
Proposition 5. Let c and p be the call and put options on a future. Then
A = c + Ee−r(T −t)
B = p + F e−r(T −t) + a futures contract
At time T ,
Hence we obtain A = B.
Chapter 5
Numerical Methods
To evaluate the option price numerically, we need to discretize our option price model. We recall
that there are two equivalent versions of option price models:
• The Black-Scholes equation with initial and boundary conditions:
σ2 2
Vt + S VSS = r(V − SVS ), S > 0, 0 ≤ t ≤ T,
V (S, T ) = Λ(S).
• The exact expression in terms of the transition probability of the risk-free asset price model:
Z ∞
V (S, 0) = e P(S 0 , T, S, 0)Λ(S 0 )dS 0 , (5.1)
where P is the transition probability for the risk-free asset price model
dS̃ = rS̃dt + σ S̃dz, 0≤t≤T
S̃(t) = S.
where Λ is the payoff function, P is the transition probability density function of S̃ which satisfies
= rdt + σdz, ( initial state S(0) = S) (5.3)
i.e., it is the asset price model in the risk-neutral world. The Monte Carlo simulation is a numerical
procedure to evaluate V numerically based on the random simulation of the distribution of S̃(T ).
There are two ways to find an approximation of probability distribution of S̃(T ).
S̃(T ) = S exp (r − )T + σz(T ) , (5.4)
We can simulate the distribution of S̃(T ) by using this formula. We generate M random
numbers i with distribution N (0, 1). We approximate
σ2 √
S̃i (T ) := S exp (r − )T + σ T i .
• Solving the s.d.e. numerically. We simulate M paths (for example, M = 10, 000) from
(5.3) to obtain S̃i (T ), i = 1, ..., M . To sample M paths from (5.3), we divide the interval
[0, T ] into N subintervals with equal length ∆t = N . We sample M N random numbers ik ,
i = 1, ..., M , k = 1, . . . , N with distribution N (0, 1) We then discretize (5.3) by using the
forward Euler method:
S̃i (0) = S.
The option price at time 0 is the expectation of the payoff according the probability distribution of
S̃i (T ), then discounted by e−rT . Thus,
−rT 1 X
V (S, 0) ≈ e Λ(S̃i ).
1. The error from the numerical integration by Monte-Carlo method is O √1M . This can be
proved by the central limit theorem. The error from the numerical integration of the s.d.e.
for a sample path by using forward Euler method is O N . This can be proved by standard
error analysis of numerical ordinary differential equation. Thus, the totalerror for Monte-
Carlo method by using forward Euler integrator for s.d.e. is O √1M + N1 . If there is only
one underlying asset, the Monte Carlo does not have any advantage. However, if there are
many underlying assets, say more than three, the corresponding Black Scholes equation is a
diffusion equation in high dimensions. In this case, finite difference method is very difficult
and the Monte Carlo method wins.
2. The calibration of the volatility σ of an asset from market data has been demonstrated in
Section 2.9.
Below we provide a C code for Monte-Carlo method by using the exact formula of S̃(T ).
double St, sd, R;
double payoff(), randn(); //randn() is the random number generator obeying normal
int i;
R = (r-sigmaˆ2 /2)*T;
sd = sigma * sqrt(T);
V = 0.;
for (i=1; i <= M; i++)
St = S*exp(R+sd*randn(0,1));
V += payoff(St,E);
V *= exp(-r*T)/M;
double payoff(S,E)
return max(S-E,0);
S n+1
u with probability p
= n = 0, ...N − 1
Sn d with probability 1 − p
Sj = Sej∆x , −N ≤ j ≤ N.
These are possible prices in every time step up to N . We start from S 0 = S0 = S. The price goes
up to S1 = Su = Se∆x , or down to S−1 = Sd = Se−∆x . In the second step, the possible prices
Su2 , Sud, Sdu, Sd2 ,
which are
S−2 , S0 , S2 .
After N steps, the possible values of the asset prices are
Each S n is a random variable. Let Pjn be the probability of the event that S n = Sj :
Because the initial position is S0 , we have P00 = 1. After n step random walks, the probability
distribution of S n = Sj is the binomial distribution:
n ` n−` n + j = 2`
P (S = Sj ) = Pj =n ` p (1 − p)
0 otherwise.
pu + (1 − p)d = er∆t
2 )∆t
pu2 + (1 − p)d2 = e(2r+σ .
er∆t − d
e(2r+σ )∆t − d2
p= .
u2 − d2
From these two equations, we get
e(2r+σ )∆t − d2
u+d= .
er∆t − d
1 er∆t − d
d= , p= .
u u−d
Thus, p, u and d can be expressed in terms of r, σ and ∆t.
By Taylor expansion, a simple calculation gives
√ 1 √
u = 1 + σ ∆t + σ 2 ∆t + O((∆t)3/2 ) ≈ eσ ∆t
1 1 r∆t 1 1 ∆t
p= + − ∆x = + r − .
2 2 ∆x 4 2 2 2∆x
We should require ∆t so that 0 ≤ p ≤ 1. This leads to require
r − σ ∆t ≤ 1.
2 ∆x
the expectation of the binomial distribution discounted by e−r∆t . Thus, the binomial method for
option pricing is
(i) Choose N and define ∆t = (T − t)/N . N is chosen such that ∆t ≤ σ 2 /r2 .
(ii) Define ∆x = σ ∆t, and for each n = N, ..., 0, define Sj = S0 ej∆x with |j| ≤ N .
(iv) Output: V00 is the option price at time t for asset price S0 .
We begin to generate a binomial tree from S0 = 50 consisting of Sjn = S0 u` dn−` , where n+j = 2`,
−n ≤ j ≤ n. Then we compute Vjn inductively from n = N − 1 to n = 0 by
Vjn = e−r∆t pVj+1
n+1 n+1
+ (1 − p)Vj−1 .
with VjN being the payoff function Λ(SjN ). The value V00 is our answer.
A C code for European option is given below. In computer code, we use the data structure
• S[n][m], V [n][m], m = 0, ..., n, n = 0, ..., N . Before, we use Sjn , where n + j = even and
|j| ≤ n. The relation between j and m is m = (j + n)/2.
• The relation
Vjn = e−r∆t pVj+1
n+1 n+1
+ (1 − p)Vj−1
is replaced by
Vmn = e−r∆t pVm+1
+ (1 − p)Vmn .
double u,d,p;
double discount, tmp;
int m,n;
discount = exp(-r*dt);
u = exp(sigma*sqrt(dt));
d = 1/u;
p = (1/discount - d)/(u-d);
V[N][m] = payoff(S[N][m],E);
for ( n = N-1; n >= 0; --n)
for (m=0; m < n; ++m)
V[n][m] = discount*(p*V[n+1][m+1] + (1-p)*V[n+1][m]);
1 ∂2V ∂V
Vt + σ 2 S 2 2 = r(V − S ).
2 ∂S ∂S
We set up the initial time is 0 and reserve the symbol t for time parameter. Using dimensionless
variables S = Eex , V = Ev, τ = T − t, we have
1 ∂2v 1 ∂v
vτ = σ 2 2 + (r − σ 2 ) − rv, τ ∈ [0, T ].
2 ∂x 2 ∂x
Let v = e−rτ u, then u satisfies
1 ∂2u 1 ∂u
uτ = σ 2 2 + (r − σ 2 ) , τ ∈ [0, T ]. (5.6)
2 ∂x 2 ∂x
The initial condition for u is
max{ex − 1, 0}
for call option
u(x, 0) =
max{1 − ex , 0} for put option
– ux is approximated by
uj+1 − uj−1
ux ← .
– uxx is approximated by
uj+1 − 2uj + uj−1
uxx ← .
Then the right-hand-side of (5.6) is discretized into
• Temporal discretization. For the temporal discretization, we introduce the following three
For forward Euler method, we find Ujn inductively in n for n = 1, ..., N . We start from n = 0,
which is the initial condition. We are given Uj0 , j = −N, ..., N . From n to n + 1, the boundary
n+1 n+1
values U−N and UN are assigned. For −N < j < N , we find Ujn+1 by
1 ∆t 2 σ 2 ∆t
a= σ + (r − )
2 (∆x)2 2 2∆x
∆t 2 n+1
b = (1 − σ )Vj ,
1 ∆t 2 σ 2 ∆t
c= σ − (r − ) .
2 (∆x)2 2 2∆x
Notice that
a + b + c = 1.
We should require
a, b, c ≥ 0,
for stability reason to be explained later. Thus Vjn is the “average” of Vj−1 , Vjn+1 , Vj+1
weights a, b, c, then discounted by e−r∆t .
The stability condition a, b, c ≥ 0 reads
2 ∆t
r − σ ∆t 2
≤ σ ≤1
2 ∆x (∆x)2
1 (∆x)2
∆x ≤ r
, ∆t ≤ .
− 12 σ2
0 ≤ p ≤ 1. (5.7)
We see that this finite difference is identical to the binomial method in the previous section.
5.3.3 Stability
Definition 5.4. A finite difference method is called consistent to the corresponding P.D.E. if for any
solution of the corresponding P.D.E., it satisfies
and → 0 as ∆t, ∆x → 0
Definition 5.5. The truncation error of a finite difference method is defined to be the function
(∆x, ∆t) in the previous definition.
For instance, the truncation error for central difference is
σ2 σ2
Qu = uxx + (r − )ux + O((∆x)2 ).
2 2
And the truncation for various temporal discretizations are
1. Forward Euler:
u(j∆x, (n + 1)∆t) − u(j∆x, n∆t)
− (Qu)(j∆x, n∆t) = O((∆x)2 ) + O(∆t).
2. Backward Euler:
u(j∆x, (n + 1)∆t) − u(j∆x, n∆t)
− (Qu)(j∆x, (n + 1)∆t) = O((∆x)2 ) + O(∆t).
3. Crank-Nicolson method
u(j∆x, (n + 1)∆t) − u(j∆x, n∆t) 1
− [(Qu)(j∆x, (n + 1)∆t) + (Qu)(j∆x, n∆t)]
∆t 2
= O((∆x)2 ) + O((∆t)2 ).
The true error Ujn − u(j∆x, n∆t) is usually estimated in terms of the truncation error.
Definition 5.6. A finite difference equation is said to be (L2 −)stable if the norm
kU n k2 := |Ujn |2 ∆x
Definition 5.7. A finite difference method for a P.D.E. is convergent if its solution Ujn converges to
the solution u(j∆x, n∆t) of the corresponding P.D.E..
Theorem 5.5 (Lax). For linear partial differential equations, a finite difference method is conver-
gent if and only if it is consistent and stable.
This theorem is standard and its proof can be found in most numerical analysis text book. We
therefore omit it here.
Since the consistency is easily to achieve, we shall focus on the stability issue. A standard
method to analyze stability issue is the von Neumann stability analysis. It works for P.D.E. with
constant coefficients. It also works “locally” and serves as a necessary condition for linear P.D.E.
with variable coefficients and nonlinear P.D.E.. We describe his method below.
We take Fourier transform of {Uj }∞ j=−∞ by defining
Û (ξ) = Uj e−ijξ
≡ kÛ k2
Thus, the boundedness of j |Uj |2 can be estimated by using kÛ k2 . The advantage of using Û is
e − e−iξ X
= Uj e−ijξ
We observe that
Z π Z
cn (ξ)|2 dξ =
|U |G(ξ)|2n U
c0 (ξ)|2 dξ
2n c0 (ξ)|2 dξ
≤ max |G(ξ)| |U
If |G(ξ)| ≤ 1, i∀ξ ∈ (−π, π), then stability condition holds. On the other hand, if |G(ξ)| > 1 at
some point ξ0 , then by the continuity of G, we have that
|G(ξ)| ≥ 1 +
for some small > 0 and for all ξ with |ξ −ξ0 | ≤ δ for some δ > 0. Let consider an initial condition
such that
Uc0 (ξ) = 1 |ξ − ξ0 | ≤ δ
0 otherwise.
cn will have
Then the corresponding U
Z π Z
cn (ξ)|2 dξ
|U = |G(ξ)|2n U
c0 (ξ)|2 dξ
→ ∞
Example: Let apply the forward Euler method for the heat equation: ut = uxx . Then
Ujn+1 − Ujn 1 ∆t
= (U n − 2Ujn + Uj−1
), =⇒ U n+1 = U n + D2 U n
∆t (∆x)2 j+1 (∆x)2
n+1 = [1 +
∆t cn
U[ (2 cos ξ − 2)]U
∆t ξ cn
= (1 − 4 sin2 )U
(∆x)2 2
≡ G(ξ)Ucn .
∆t ξ 1 ∆t 1
|G(ξ)| ≤ 1 =⇒ 2
sin2 ≤ =⇒ 2
≤ (stability condition)
(∆x) 2 2 (∆x) 2
If we rewrite the finite difference scheme by
∆t ∆t ∆t
Ujn+1 = n
Uj+1 + (1 − 2 )Ujn + Un
(∆x)2 (∆x) 2 (∆x)2 j−1
≡ aUj+1 + bUjn + cUj−1
a, b, c ≥ 0.
Since we have a + b + c = 1 from the definition, thus we see that the finite difference scheme is
nothing but saying Ujn+1 is the average of Uj+1
n , U n and U n with weights a, b, c. In particular, if
j j−1
we choose (∆x)2 = 2 , then b = 0. If we rename a = p, c = 1 − p, then Ujn+1 = pUj+1
∆t 1 n + (1 −
p)Uj−1 . This can be related to the random walk as the follows.
Consider a particle move randomly on the grid points j∆x. In one time step, the particle moves
toward right with probability p and left with probability 1 − p. Let Ujn be the probability of the
particle at j∆x at time step n for a random walk.
Ujn+1 = pUj−1
n n
+ (1 − p)Uj+1 .
We can also apply the above stability analysis to backward Euler method and the Crank-Nicolson
method. Let us only demonstrate the analysis for the heat equation. We left the analysis for the
Black-Scholes equations as exercises.
Ujn+1 − Ujn 1
= (U n+1 − 2Ujn+1 + Uj+1
∆t (∆x)2 j−1
ξ ∆t [
(1 + (4 sin2 ) )U n+1 = U
cn i =⇒iU[
n+1 = G(ξ)U
cn ,
2 (∆x)2
G(ξ) = ∆t 2 ξ
1+ 4 (∆x)2 (sin 2 )
We find that |G(ξ)| ≤ 1, for all ξ. Hence, the backward Euler method is always stable.
Ujn+1 − Ujn 1 h
n+1 n+1 n+1 n n n
= (Uj+1 − 2Uj + Uj−1 ) + (Uj+1 − 2Uj + U j−1 ) .
∆t 2(∆x)2
n+1 − U
U[ 1 2 ξ [
n+1 2 ξ cn
= −(4 sin )U − (4 sin )U .
∆t 2(∆x)2 2 2
We have
∆t ξ ∆t ξ cn
(1 + 2 2
(sin2 ))U[
n+1 = (1 − 2
(sin2 ))U
(∆x) 2 (∆x) 2
and hence
∆t 2 ξ
1 − 2 (∆x)2 sin 2 cn
n+1 =
U[ U .
∆t 2 ξ
1+ 2 (∆x)2 sin 2
∆t 2 ξ 1−α
Let α = 2 (∆x) 2 sin 2 , then G(ξ) = 1+α . We find that for all α ≥ 0, |G(ξ)| ≤ 1, hence
Crank-Nicolson method is always stable for all ∆t, ∆x > 0.
Exercise study the stability criterion for the modified Black-Scholes equation
σ2 σ2
uτ = uxx + (r − )ux ,
2 2
for the forward Euler method, back Euler method and Crank-Nicolson method.
5.3.4 Convergence
Let us study the convergence for finite difference schemes for the modified Black-Scholes equation.
Let us take the forward Euler scheme as our example. The method below can also be applied to
other scheme.
The forward Euler scheme is given by:
Ujn+1 − Ujn
= (QU n )j
We have known that it has first-order truncation error, namely, suppose unj := u(j∆x, n∆t), where
u is the solution of the modified Black-Scholes equation, then
j − unj
= (Qun )j + O(∆t) + O((∆x)2 ).
We subtract the above two equations, and let enj denotes for unj −Ujn and nj denotes for the truncation
error. Then we obtain
j − enj
= (Qen )j + nj
Or equivalently,
j = aenj+1 + benj + cenj−1 + ∆tnj (5.8)
G(ξ) = aeiξ + b + ce−iξ .
Recall that the stability |G(ξ)| ≤ 1 is equivalent to a, b, c ≥ 0. Thus, by applying the above
recursive formula, we obtain
kebn k ≤ ked
n−1 k + ∆tkd
n−1 k
n−2 k + ∆t kGd
≤ ked n−2 k + kd
n−1 k
n−2 k + ∆t kd
≤ ked n−2 k + kdn−1 k
≤ keb0 k + ∆t kbk k
≤ O(∆t) + O((∆x)2 ).
and that n∆t = O(1). We conclude the error analysis as the following theorem.
Theorem 5.7. The error enj := u(j∆x, n∆t) − Ujn for the Euler method has the following conver-
gence rate estimate:
( |enj |2 ∆x)1/2 ≤ O(∆t) + O((∆x)2 ), for all n.
It is simpler to ontain the maximum norm estimate. Let E(n) := maxj |enj | be the maximum
error. From (5.8), we have
j | ≤ a|enj+1 | + b|enj | + c|enj−1 | + ∆t|nj |
≤ aE(n) + bE(n) + cE(n) + ∆t
= E(n) + ∆t
:= max |nj | = O(∆t) + O((∆x)2 ).
E(n + 1) ≤ E(n) + ∆t.
Since we take Uj0 = u0j , there is no error initially. Hence, we have
E(n) ≤ ∆t
≤ n∆t
Since n∆t is a fixed number, as we take the limit n → ∞, we obtain the error is bounded by the
truncation error. We summarize the above discussion as the following theorem.
Theorem 5.8. The error enj := u(j∆x, n∆t) − Ujn for the Euler method has the following conver-
gence rate estimate:
max |enj | ≤ O(∆t) + O((∆x)2 ).
Exercise. Prove that the true error of the Crank-Nicolson scheme is O((∆t)2 ) + O((∆x)2 ).
{(j∆x, m∆t) | |j − k| ≤ n − m}
Notice that ξ is dimensionless and important values of ξ are near 1/2. With this, the inverse trans-
formation is
Eξ dξ (1 − ξ)2
S= , =
1 − ξ dS E
We plug this transformation to the B-S equation. We allow σ depend on S. Define σ̄(ξ) = σ(Eξ/1−
ξ). Then the resulting equation is
∂V 1 ∂2V ∂V
= σ̄ 2 (ξ)ξ 2 (1 − ξ)2 2 + rξ(1 − ξ) − r(1 − ξ)V , (5.12)
∂τ 2 ∂ξ ∂ξ
For a call option, the payoff is Λ(S) = max(S − E, 0). The corresponding
We can discretize equation (5.12) by finite difference method. Let ∆ξ and ∆τ are the spatial
and temporal mesh sizes, respectively. Let ξj = j∆ξ, τ n = n∆τ . The boundaries points are ξ0 and
ξM . We use central difference for ∂ 2 V /∂ξ 2 and ∂V /∂ξ. The resulting finite difference equation
We can discretize this equation in the time direction by forward Euler method. The stability con-
straint is
rξj (1 − ξj ) − σj ξj (1 − ξj ) ∆τ ≤ σj2 ξj2 (1 − ξj )2 ∆τ ≤ 1.
2 2 2
2 ∆ξ 2∆ξ 2
Remark. Many options have non-smooth payoff functions. This causes low order accuracy for
finite difference scheme. Fortunately, many simple payoff function has exact solution. For instance,
the European call option. For general payoff function, we may subtract its non-smooth part for
which an exact solution is available. The remainder is smooth, and a finite difference scheme can
yield high-order accuracy.
and n+1
UjnL +1
.. ..
U = . , F = . .
UjnR −1 cUjn+1
AU n+1 = BU n + bn+1/2
where A = diag (− a2 , 1 + a
2 + 2c , − 2c ) B = diag ( a2 , 1 − a
2 − 2c , 2c ), and
Ax = f.
The matrix A is tridiagonal and diagonally dominant. Let us rewrite A = diag (a, b, c). Here, the
constants a, b, c are different from the average weights we had before. We may assume b > 0.
We say that A is diagonally dominant if b > |a| + |c|. More generally, A may takes the form
A = diag (aj , bj , cj ). and |bj | > |a| + |cj |. Without loss of generality, we may normalize the
j − th so that bj = 1.
There are two classes of methods to solve the above linear systems. One is called direct methods,
the other is called iterative methods. For one-dimensional case as we have here, direct method is
usually better. However, for high-dimensional cases, iterative methods are better.
We continue to eliminate the term a in the third equation, and so on. Finally, we arrive
1 c 0 0 ··· 0 xjL +1 bjL +1
0 1 − ac 0 ··· 0
c xjL +2 bjL +2
0 0 1 − c/(1 − ac) c ··· 0
0 xjL +3 = bjL +3
.. .. .
0 0 0 . 0 . .
0 0 0 0 ··· 1 xjR −1 b0jR −1
Then xj can be solved easily. The diagonal dominance condition guarantee that the reduced matrix
is also diagonally dominant. Thus, this scheme is numerical stable.
LU decomposition
We decompose A = LU , where
1 0 0 ··· 0 ujL +1 vjL +1 0 ··· 0
.. .. .. ..
`j +2
L 1 . .
ujL +2 . .
L= 0
. .. . .. ..
, U = 0
.. .. ..
. 0 . . . 0
.. ..
.. .. .. ..
. . .0 . . . vjR −2
0 · · · 0 `jR −1 1 0 ···0 0 ujR −1
It is easy to find a recursion formula to find the coefficients `, u and v’s. Once these are found, we
can find x by solving
Ly = b, U x = y.
These two equations are easy to solve. One can show that both L and U are diagonally dominant if
A is.
If we watch carefully, LU-decomposition is equivalent to the Gaussian elimination.
We can eliminate the odd-index terms x2j−1 and x2j+1 . Namely, −a × (2j − 1)−eq +(2j)-eq
−c × (2j + 1)-eq: After normalization, we obtain
a2 c2
a0 = − , c0 = − ,
1 − 2ac 1 − 2ac
b0j = (b2j − ab2j−1 − cb2j+1 )/(1 − 2ac).
If we rename x0j = x2j . Then we have A0 x0 = b0 , where A0 = diag (a0 , 1, c0 ). Notice that the
system is reduced to half and with the same form. One can show that the iterative mapping
a a
7→ 0
c c
converges to (0, 0)t quadratically fast, provided |a| + |c| < 1 initially. Thus, for few iteration, the
matrix A is almost an identity matrix. We can invert it trivially. Once x2j are found, the odd-index
x + 2j + 1 can be found from the equation:
A careful reader should find that the cyclic reduction is also a version of the Gaussian elimination
Jacob method
In Jacobi method, wer decompose
where D is the diagonal part and B is the off diagonal part. Since A is diagonally dominant, we
may approximate x by the sequence xn , where xn is defined by the following iteration scheme:
Dxn+1 + Bxn = b.
Den = −Ben−1
en = −D−1 Ben−1 .
Let us define the maximum norm
ken k := max |enj |
a n−1 c n−1
|enj | = | − ej−1 − ej+1 |
b b
|a| n−1 |c|
≤ | ke k + ken−1 k
|b| |b|
|a| + |c| n−1
= ke k
ken k ≤ ρken−1 k
where ρ = |a|+|c|
|b| < 1 from the fact that A is diagonally dominant. This yields the convergence of
the sequence xn . The limit x satisfies the equation Ax = b.
Gauss-Seidel method
Then we have
G(ξ) = −
b + ae−iξ
This shows that the Gauss-Seidel method also converges for diagonally dominant matrix.
Exercise. Show the above statement (5.17).
Here, ω is a parameter. In order to speed up, we require ω > 1. We also need to require ω < 2 for
stability. The optimal ω is chosen to minimize the amplification matrix Gω (ξ).
Exercise. Find the amplification matrix Gω and the optimal ω for the matrix A = diag (a, b, c).
Also, determine the rate
ρ := min max |Gω (ξ)|.
ω ξ
Chapter 6
American Option
6.1 Introduction
An American option has the right to exercise any time during the life of the option. We denote the
American call by C and American put by P . The first important thing we should note is that the
value of an American option is greater than or equal to the payoff function: V (S, t) ≥ Λ(S, t).
Otherwise, there is an arbitrage opportunity because we can buy the American option then exercise
it immediately to gain a net profit V − Λ.
We recall that the value of an American call option is equal to that of a European call option,
see Theorem 3.2. However, for other cases like the the American put option or the American call
option on dividend-paying asset, the American options do cost more. We explain why it is so below.
American put First, we notice that there must be some region in 0 < S < E in the S-P plane
where the European put p(S, t) < E − S. In fact, we know that p(0, t) = Ee−r(T −t) < E − 0,
which is below the line p = E − S in a neighborhood of S = 0, see Figure 6.1. On the other hand,
the corresponding American option P (S, t) must satisfy
P (S, t) ≥ Λ(S) = E − S.
Otherwise, we can buy an asset S and a put P (S, t), then exercise it immediately. We have the
right to sell S on E. This gives a risk-free profit: E − P − S > 0. Thus, in the region where
p(S, t) < E − S ≤ P (S, t), we must have p(S, t) < P (S, t).
American call on a dividend-paying asset For an European call on dividend-paying asset, its
value must lie below the payoff function Λ(S) = S − E in some region S > E, see Figure 6.2. In
fact, c(S, t) ∼ Se−D0 (T −t) for large S, which is below the line c = S − E. Therefore, there must
be a region in S > E in (S, t)-plane where c(S, t) < Λ(S) := max{S − E, 0}. In this region, if
we could exercise the corresponding American call option, then based on V (S, t) ≥ Λ(S, t) (i.e.
C(S, t) ≥ S − E), the corresponding American call option C must also satisfy
Ee−r(T−t) x
Figure 6.1: The dash line is the price of an European put option. There is a region where p(S, t) <
max{E − S, 0}. This can be seen from the boundary condition P (0, t) = Ee−r(T −t) , which is
below the payoff function p = E − S.
• for American put option, P (S, t) > p(S, t) in some region where p(S, t) < Λp (S);
• for American call option on dividend-paying asset, C(S, t) > c(S, t) in some region where
c < Λc (S).
Figure 6.2: Dash line is the European call option on a dividend-paying asset. Notice that c(S, t) ∼
Se−D0 (T −t) for S >> 1, hence C(S, t) < Λ(S) = max(S − E, 0) for some Sf (t).
The first statement can be viewed as the definition Sf (t). That is,
The optimal exercise price can also be viewed as the minimal exercise price that one should hold
the put option:
Sf (·) = min{b(·)|P (S, t) is a B-S solution in S > b(t) satisfying P (b(t), t) = E − b(t)}.
This means that, given a exercise price curve b(·), the holder holds the option if S > b(t) and
exercise it if S < b(t). When it is exercised, the payoff is E − b(t). The value of P (b(t), t) must
be equal to E − b(t) by the no-arbitrage assumption, otherwise we can buy or short P then exercise
it right away to gain a net profit. Thus, given an exercise price curve b(·), we can find a solution
P (S, t) with boundary condition P (b(t), t) = E − b(t). The optimal exercise price Sf (·) is the
smallest such exercise price curve.
Notice that
Sf (t) ≤ E.
If S (or Sf (t)) goes up beyond E, then the right of a put to sell a higher price S with a lower price
E is meaningless. Thus, such put P (S, t) has no value at all. This means that the optimal exercise
price cannot exceed E. Furthermore, at time T , we should have
Sf (T ) = E.
However, we don’t know the optimal exercise price Sf (t), t < T in advance. It is a new
unknown, called free boundary. On this free boundary, there will be two boundary conditions for
P . One boundary condition is used to determine the B-S solution PBS uniquely in the region
S > Sf (t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T . The other boundary condition is used to determine the free boundary itself.
The following proposition gives the proper boundary conditions on Sf (t).
Proposition 7. Based on the no-arbitrage hypothesis, the price of an American put should satisfy
the following boundary conditions on the free boundary Sf (t):
Remark. Notice that in the region S < Sf (t), P (S, t) ≡ E − S, where we have ∂P/∂S(S, t) ≡
−1. Therefore, the above boundary conditions are equivalent to
Proof. 1. Given the optimal price Sf (t), it means that it is the price to the holder to excise it,
the return is E − Sf (t). The corresponding option price must equal E − Sf (t). Otherwise,
there is an arbitrage opportunity. Thus, we get P (Sf (t), t) = E − Sf (t) for 0 ≤ t ≤ T .
2. The free boundary S = Sf (t) is an unknown. We want to derive a constraint to determine it.
Suppose we are given a boundary S = b(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T . We solve the B-S equation in the
region S > b(t), 0 ≤ t ≤ T with boundary condition
P (b(t), t) = E − b(t)
and final condition P (S, T ) = max(E − S, 0). Such a solution depends on the path b(·). We
denote it by P (S, t; b(·)). The optimal exercise price Sf (t) is the minimal such curve b(·).
Below Sf (t), then one should exercise the put option. Therefore, a small variation of P with
respective to the change of b(·) is zero at the optimal exercise price Sf (·). This means
The variation of P w.r.t. a path b(·) is defined as below. Consider a small change of the path, say b(·) + r(·). The
function r is called the direction of the variation. Then, just like the definition of gradient in n dimensions, we define the
variation of P w.r.t. b(·) at a path b(·) by
d δP (S, t; b(s))
|=0 P (S, t; b + r) = r(s) ds.
d 0 δb(·)
Thus, we treat the American put option as the following free boundary value problem. There exists
an optimal exercise price Sf (t) such that
1. for S < Sf (t), early exercise is optimal, and P (S, t) = E − S;
2. for S > Sf (t), one should hold the put option and P satisfies the Black-Scholes equation:
∂P 1 ∂2P ∂P
+ σ 2 S 2 2 + rS − rP = 0;
∂t 2 ∂S ∂S
3. across the free boundary (Sf (t), t), both P and ∂S are continuous.
We will solve this free boundary value problem in the next section.
Remark For American put, in the region S < Sf (t), P (S, t) = E − S. We plug it into the
Black-Schole equation
σ 2 2 p2 P
∂P ∂P
+ S +r S − P = −rE < 0.
∂t 2 ∂S 2 ∂S
σ2 σ2
vτ − vxx − (r − )vx + rv ≥ 0.
2 2
σ2 σ2
vτ − vxx − (r − )vx + rv = 0,
2 2
(iii) both v and ∂x are continuous.
(i) v − (1 − ex ) ≥ 0,
σ2 σ2
(ii) vτ − 2 vxx − (r − 2 )vx + rv ≥ 0,
σ2 σ2
(iii) (vτ − 2 vxx − (r − 2 )vx + rv)(v − (1 − ex )) = 0,
σ2 σ2
uτ − uxx − (r − )ux (u − g) = 0
2 2
σ2 σ2
uτ − uxx − (r − )ux ≥ 0
2 2
u − g ≥ 0,
u(x, 0) = g(x, 0),
with u, ux being continuous. Here g(x, τ ) = max{erτ (1 − ex ), 0}. The far field boundary condi-
tions are
u(x, τ ) → 0, as x → ∞, u(x, τ ) → erτ , as x → −∞.
A mathematical theory called parabolic variational inequality gives construction, existence, unique-
ness of the solution. (see reference: A. Friedman,Variational Inequality). Let us demonstrate this
theory briefly. The method we shall use is called the penalty method. Let us consider the following
penalty function:
φN (v) = −e−N v .
It has the properties: (i) φN > 0, (ii) φN (v) → 0 whenever v > 0.. We consider the following
penalized P.D.E.:
1 σ2
uτ − σ 2 uxx − (r − )ux + φN (u − g) = 0
2 2
u(x, 0) = g(x, 0),
uNi → u,
with uNi , u, ∂x uNi , ux being continuous. Moreover,
• Define
n+1 n+1
er∆t Vjn = pVj+1 + qVj−1 ,
er∆t − u √
p= , u = eσ ∆ , d = 1/u, q = 1 − p.
Here, Λnj := E − Sjn . This recursive procedure finding V n from V n+1 for n = N − 1, N − 2, ..., 0
with initial condition
VjN = ΛN j .
This discretized linear complementary problem can be solved by the following projected forward
Euler method:
Vjn = max{e−r∆t (pVj+1
n+1 n+1
+ qVj−1 ), Λnj }. (6.3)
Vjn ≥ Λnj
Vjn ≥ e−r∆t pVj+1
n+1 n+1
+ qVj−1 .
Thus the limiting function V (S, t) also satisfies V (S, t) ≥ Λ(S, t) and the Black-Scholes
n+1 n+1
3. From construction, the projection: Vjn = max{e−r∆t (pVj+1 + qVj−1 ), Λnj } satisfies either
n+1 n+1
Vjn − Λnj = 0, or Vjn − e−r∆t (pVj+1 + qVj−1 ) = 0. Thus, it satisfies the complementary
n+1 n+1
er∆t Vjn − pVj+1 Vjn − Λnj = 0.
− qVj−1
From convergence result, their limiting function also satisfies the continuous complementary
double payoff_put(S,E)
return max(E-S,0);
σ 2 ∆t σ 2 ∆t σ 2 ∆t σ 2 ∆t
p= + (r − D 0 − ) , q= − (r − D 0 − ) ,
2 (∆x)2 2 2∆x 2 (∆x)2 2 2∆x
and p + q = 1. We choose ∆t and ∆x so that p > 0 and q > 0. For American option, V has to be
greater than Λ(S, t), the payoff function at time t. Hence, we should require
or equivalently,
u = A + A2 − 1, d = 1/u,
1 −(r−D0 )∆t 2
A = (e + e(r−D0 +σ )∆t ),
e(r−D0 )∆t − d
p = , iq = 1 − p.
Then the binomial model is given by
n uSj−1 , with probability p
Sj = n−1
dSj+1 , with probability q
S00 = S.
Vjn = max{e−r∆t (pVj+1
n+1 n+1
+ qVj−1 ), Sjn − E}.
Sf (T ) = max(E, rE/D0 )
Before converting the problem, we first remove the singularity of the final data (i.e. non-smoothness
of the payoff function) as the follows. We may substract V by an European call option c with the
same payoff data. Notice that c(S, t) has exact solution. The new variable V − c satisfies the same
equation, yet it has smooth final data.
To convert the free boundary problem to a fixed domain problem, we introduce the following
ξ = S/Sf (t)
τ = T −t
u(ξ, τ ) = (V (S, t) − c(S, t))/E
sf (τ ) = Sf (t)/E
g(sf (τ ), τ ) = sf (τ ) − 1 − c(Esf (τ ), T − τ ),
h(sf (τ ), τ ) = sf (τ ) 1 − (Esf (τ ), T − τ ) .
= −ru.
With the trivial initial condition yields
u(0, τ ) = 0, 0 ≤ τ ≤ T.
In practice, we can solve the modified Black-Sholes equation (6.4) with the boundary conditions
u(0, τ ) = 0 0≤τ ≤T
∂u (6.5)
∂ξ (1, τ ) = h(s f (τ ), τ ), 0≤τ ≤T
We can differentiate the other boundary condition in τ and yield an ODE for the free boundary:
∂u ∂g dsf
(1, τ ) = .
∂τ ∂ξ dτ
b 2 2 ∂2u
∂u ∂u
∂t + f σ η ∂η 2 − rη ∂η = 0, 0 ≤ η ≤ ηf (t),
u(η, T ) = max(η − E, 0), 0 ≤ η ≤ ηf (T ),
u(η f (t), t) = η f (t) − E, 0 ≤ t ≤ T,
0 ≤ t ≤ T,
(ηf (t), t) = 1,
ηf (T ) = max(E, 0)
We can further convert it to a fixed domain problem as that in the last section.
Chapter 7
Exotic Options
Option with more complicated payoff then the standard European or American calls and puts are
called exotic options. They are usually traded over the counter. Their prices are usually not quoted
on an exchange. We list some common exotic options below.
1. Binary options
2. compound options
3. chooser options
4. barrier options
5. Asian options
6. Lookback options
In the last two, the payoff depends on the history of the asset prices, for instance, the averages,
the maximum, etc., we shall call these kinds of options, the path-dependent options, and will be
discussed in the next Chapter.
7.1 Binaries
The payoff function Λ(S) is an arbitrary function. One particular binary option is the cash-or-
nothing call, whose payoff is
Λ(S) = BH(S − E).
This option can be interpreted as a simple bet on an asset price: if S > E at expiry the payoff is B,
otherwise zero. We have seen its value is
Z ∞
−r(T −t)
V =e P(S 0 , T, S, t)Λ(S 0 )dS 0 = e−r(T −t) BN (d2 ),
where 0 2
log( S )−(r− σ2 )(T −t)
0 1 − S
P(S , T, S, t) = p e 2σ (T −t)
2πσ 2 (T − t)
is the transition probability density for asset price in risk-neutral world.
7.2 Compounds
A compound option may be described as an option on an option. We consider the case where
the underlying option is a vanilla put or call and the compound option is vanilla put or call on
the underlying option. The extension to more complicated option on more complicated option is
relatively straightforward. There are four different classes of basic compound options:
1. call-on-call,
2. call-on-put,
3. put-on-call,
4. put-on-put.
Let us investigate the case call-on-call. Other cases can be treated similarly. The underlying option
Expiry : T2 , Strike price : E2 .
The compound option on this option
Expiry : T1 < T2 , Strike price : E1 .
The underlying option has value C(S, t, T2 , E2 ). At time T1 , its value C(S, T1 , T2 , E2 ). The payoff
for the compound call option is max{C(S, T1 , T2 , E2 ) − E1 , 0}. Because the compound options
value is governed only by the randomness of S, according to the Black-Scholes analysis, it also must
satisfy the same Black-Scholes equation. We then solve the Black-Scholes equation with payoff
max{C(S, T1 , T2 , E2 ) − E1 , 0}.
The final condition, V (S, T ) = max{S − E, 0}. For S > X, the option becomes a vanilla call, it
satisfies the Black-Scholes equation.
Let us find its explicit solution. Let S = Eex , t = T − (σ2τ/2) , V = Ev. The Black-Scholes
equation is transformed into
vτ = vxx + (k − 1)vx − kv,
where k = σ 2 /2
. We make another change of variable :
v = eαx+βτ u.
and V = eαx+βτ u(x, T − (σ2τ/2) ), with u(x, 0) = u0 (x) = e−αx max{ex −1, 0} = max{e(−α+1)x −
e−αx , 0}. Notice that because X < E, we have x0 < 0, and
0 for x0 < x < 0,
u0 (x) = (−α+1)x −αx
max{e −e , 0} otherwise.
We use method-of-reflection to solve above heat equation with zero boundary condition. We reflect
the initial condition about x0 as
u0 (x), for x0 < x < ∞
u(x, 0) =
−u0 (2x0 − x), for − ∞ < x < x0 .
The equation and the initial condition are unchanged under the change-of-variable: x → 2x0 − x,
u → −u. From the uniqueness of the solution, the solution has the property:
We may write V = c − V , where c is the value of a vanilla call. Then the boundary condition
for V is V (S, t) = c − V ∼ S − 0 = S as S → ∞. And
We observe that V is indeed a “down-and-out” barrier option. In other words, 1(down-and-in) plus
1(down-and-out) equal to 1 vanilla call. This is because one and only one of the two barrier options
can be active at expiry and whichever it is, its value is the value of a vanilla call.
3. geometric mean, RT
log S(τ )dτ
Λ(S, T ) = max{S − e 0 , 0}.
4. Lookback call,
Λ(S, T ) = max{S − J, 0}, J = max S(τ )
0≤τ ≤T
where f is a smooth function. The payoff function is Λ(S, I). It is important to notice that I(t) is
independent of S(t). The value of an asian option should depend on S, t s well as I. Indeed, we
shall see in the next chapter that dI = f dt. The only randomness is through S, therefore V can be
valued through a delta hedge.
For the lookback option, it will be treated as a limiting case of an asian option. We shall discuss
this in the next chapter.
Chapter 8
Path-Dependent Options
8.1 Introduction
If the payoff depends on the history of the underlying asset price, such an option is called a path-
dependent option. The Asian options and the Russian options (Lookback options) are the typical
examples. The payoff functions for these options are, for example,
1. average strike call option: Λ = max{S − T1 0 S(τ )dτ, 0},
2. average rate call option: Λ = max{ T1 0 S(τ )dτ − E, 0}
1 log(S(τ ))dτ
3. geometric mean: the arithmetic mean T 0 S(τ )dτ above is replaced by e 0 .
In previous examples, f (S(τ ), τ ) = S(τ ) for arithmetic mean and f (S(τ ), τ ) = log S(τ ) for
geometric mean.
Notice that I(t) is a random variable and is independent of S(t). (This is because I(t) is the sum
of increment of functions of S before time t, and each increment of S(τ ), τ < t, is independent
of S(t).) Therefore, we should introduce another independent variable I besides S to value the
derivative V (S, I, t).
Notice that there is no noize term in dI. The only randomness is from dS. Therefore, we can use
delta hedge to eliminate this randomness. Namely, we consider the portfolio
Π = V − ∆S,
as before. We have
1 ∂2S
dΠ = dV − ∆dS = (Vt + σ 2 S 2 )dt + VI dI + VS dS − ∆dS.
2 ∂V 2
We choose ∆ = ∂S to eliminate the randomness in dΠ. From the arbitrage assumption, we arrive
1 ∂2V ∂V ∂V
Vt + σ 2 S 2 2 + f = r(V − S ).
2 ∂S ∂I ∂S
∂V σ2 ∂ 2V ∂V
Vt + S + S 2 2 + rS − rV = 0,
∂I 2 ∂S ∂S
and the initial data for the average strike options are invariant under the transformation: (S, I) →
λ(S, I). Therefore, we expect that its solution is a function of the scale-invariant variable R = I/S.
Notice that this is also reflected in that
dR = (1 + (σ 2 − µ)R)dt − σRdz,
depends on R only. Since the initial data can be expressed as Λ = S max{1 − R/T, 0}, we may
also expect that V = SH(R, t). This reduces one independent variable.
Plug V = SH into the above modified Black-Scholes equation:
1 ∂H ∂2H ∂H ∂
SHt + σ 2 S 2 (2 +S )+S·S + rS (SH) − r(SH) = 0.
2 ∂S ∂S 2 ∂I ∂S
∂ ∂R ∂ R ∂
= , =−
∂S ∂S ∂R S ∂R
∂2 2I ∂ I 2 ∂2 1 ∂ 2 ∂
= + = (2R + R ),
∂S 2 S 3 ∂R S 4 ∂R2 S2 ∂R ∂R2
we obtain
1 R ∂H 1 ∂H ∂2H
SHt + σ 2 S 2 (2(− ) + S · 2 (2R + R2 ))
2 S ∂R S ∂R ∂R2
1 R
+S 2 HR + rSH + rS 2 (− HR − rSH) = 0
Finally, we arrive
σ2 2 ∂ 2H ∂H
Ht + R + (1 − rR) = 0.
2 ∂R2 ∂R
The payoff function
Λ(R, T ) = max{1 − , 0} = H(R, T ), (final condition) .
we should require the boundary conditions.
• H(∞, t) = 0. Since as R → ∞ implies S → 0, then V → 0, then H → 0.
• H(0, t) is finite. When R = 0, we have S(τ ) = 0, for all τ with probability 1. That implies
that Λ = 0, and consequently, H is finte at (0, t).
Next, we expect that the solution is smooth up to R =. This implies that HR , HRR are finite at
(0, t). We have the following two cases: (i) If R2 ∂∂RH2 = O(1) 6= 0 as R → 0 then H = O(log R)
for R → 0. Or (ii) if R ∂H∂R = O(1) 6= 0 as R → 0, then H = O(log R). Both cases contradict
to H(0, t) being finite. Hence, we have RHR (0, t), R2 HRR (0, t) are zeros as R → 0. Hence the
boundary condition H(0, t) is finite is equivalent to Ht (0, t) + HR (0, t) = 0.
This equation with boundary condition can be solved by using the hypergeometric functions.
However, in practice, we solve it by numerical method.
1 ∂2H ∂H
Ht + σ 2 R 2 + (1 − rR) ≤ 0
2 ∂R2 ∂R
H −Λ ≥ 0
1 2
∂ H ∂H
(Ht + σ 2 R2 2
+ (1 − rR) )(H − Λ) = 0,
2 ∂R ∂R
where Λ(R, t) = max{1 − Rt , 0}, R(t) = I(t)/S(t), I(t) = 0 S(τ )dτ.
1 −r(T −t) 1 t
1 −r(T −t)
C −P = S(1 − (1 − e − e S(τ )dτ )
rT T S 0
1 t
= S− (1 − e−r(T −t) ) − e−r(T −t) S(τ )dτ
rT T 0
Such an option is relatively expansive because it gives the holder an extremely advantageous payoff.
As before, let us introduce J(t) = max0≤τ <t S(τ ). Since S(τ ), τ < t are independent of S(t),
we see that J(t) is independent of S(t). This suggest that we should introduce another independent
variable J to value the lookback option in addition to S and t. We can derive a stochastic differential
equation for J as before. Indeed, it is dJ = 0. However, we shall give a more careful approach. We
shall use the fact that for a continuous function S(·),
Z t n1
max |S(τ )| = lim |S(τ )| dτ .
0≤τ ≤t n→∞ 0
Z t n1
lim (S(τ )) dτ = min S(τ ).
n→−∞ 0 0≤τ ≤t
Let us introduce
Z t 1
In = (S(τ ))n dτ, Jn = Inn .
Π = P − ∆S.
From the arbitrage assumption, we can derive the equation for P (S, Jn , t):
1 S n ∂P 1 2 2 ∂2P
dΠ = Pt dt + dt + σ S dt
n Jnn−1 ∂Jn 2 ∂S 2
= r(P − S)dt
Taking n → ∞, using the facts that Jn → J and J ≤ 1, we arrive
1 ∂2P ∂P
Pt + σ 2 S 2 2 + rS − rP = 0.
2 ∂S ∂S
This is the usual Black-Scholes equation. The role of J here is only a parameter. This is consistent
to the fact that
dJ = 0.
Thus, the bond value is the sum of the present face value and the coupon stream.
However, the life span of a bond is long (usually 10 years or longer), it is unrealistic to assume
that the interest rate is deterministic. In the next subsection, we shall provide a stochastic model.
where dz is the standard Wiener process. The drift u and the variance w2 are proposed by many
researchers. We shall discuss these issues later. To find the equation for B with stochastic property
of r, we consider a portfolio containing bonds with different maturity dates:
dΠ = dV1 − ∆dV2 ,
= µi dt + σi dz,
µi = Vi,t + uVi,r + fbw2 Vi,rr
σi = wVi,r .
We we choose ∆ = V1,r /V2,r , then the random term is canceled in dΠ. From the no-arbitrage
argument, dΠ = rΠdt. We obtain
This yields
(µ1 − r)V1 /V1,r = (µ2 − r)V2 /V2,r ,
or equivalently
µ1 − r µ2 − r
= .
σ1 σ2
Since the left-hand side is a function of T1 , while the right-hand side is a function of T2 . Therefore,
it is independent of T . Let us express it as a known function λ(r, t):
= λ(r, t).
Plug µi and σi back to this equation, and drop the index i, we obtain
Vt + w2 Vrr + (u − λw)Vr − rV = 0.
The function λ(r, t) = µ−rσ is called the market price, since it gives the extra increase in expected
instantaneous rate of return on a bond per an additional unit of risk.
This stochastic bond model depends on three parameter functions u(r, t), w(r, t) and λ(r, t). In
the next section, we shall provide some model to determine them.
• mean reversion: r should tends to increase (or to decrease) and toward a mean.
• Vasicek: = 0, η = β, r = x + α.
• Black-Karasinski: = 0, r = exp(g(t, x)), where g = x + 0 a(s) ds, η = b(t).
With the interest rate model, the zero-coupon bond price V is given by
V (x, t) = E e t r(s,x(s)) ds | xt = x , t < T.
The final value of the convertible bond V (r, S, T ) = F , the face value of the bond. Suppose the
bond can be converted to nS at any time priori to T . Then we have
V (r, S, t) ≥ nS.
lim V (r, S, t) = nS
lim V (r, S, t) = 0.
Π = ∆1 V1 + ∆2 V2 + ∆S S.
= µi dt + σr,i dzr + σS,i dzS ,
σ2 2 w2
µi = Vi,t + S Vi,SS + ρSwVi,Sr + Vi,rr + µSVi,S + uVi,r ,
Vi 2 2
σS,i = σSVi,S
σr,i = wVi,r .
This implies
dΠ = (∆1 µ1 V1 + ∆2 µ2 V2 + ∆µS) dt
+ (∆1 σS,1 V1 + ∆2 σS,2 V2 + ∆σS) dzS
+ (∆1 σr,1 V1 + ∆2 σr,2 V2 ) dzr .
We choose ∆1 , ∆2 and ∆S to cancel the randomness terms dzr and dzS . This means that
And it yields
dΠ = (∆1 µ1 V1 + ∆2 µ2 V2 + ∆µS) dt
= r(∆1 V1 + ∆2 V2 + ∆S) dt.
Or equivalently,
∆1 (µ1 − r)V1 + ∆2 (µ2 − r)V2 + ∆(µ − r)S = 0.
This equality together with the previous two give that there exist λr and λS such that
The functions λr and λS are called the market prices of risk with respect to r and S, respectively.
Plug the formulae for µi , σr,i and σS,i , we obtain the Black-Scholes equation for a convertible bond:
σ2 2 ∂ 2 ∂2 w2 ∂ 2
∂ ∂ ∂
+ S + ρSw + + rS + (u − λr w) − r V = 0.
∂t 2 ∂S 2 ∂S∂r 2 ∂r2 ∂S ∂r
Appendix A
and define a path x` which is piecewise linear and its values at grid points are defined to be
x` (t`j ) := x`j .
Each sample ω ∈ Ω` corresponds to a unique piecewise linear path. We may also imagine the
sample space Ω` is the collection of such paths.
The grids G` := {t`j }2j=0 , the path x` , the sample space Ω` and the σ-algebra F ` have the nested
(3) F `−1 ⊂ F ` .
with probability P := P ` on F ` .
The Brownian motion B(t) has the following properties:
1. B(0) = 0 and B(t) is continuous. Indeed, we should expect that B(·) is Hölder continuous
continuous of order 1/2;
2. If t1 < t2 ≤ t3 < t4 , then B(t4 ) − B(t3 ) and B(t2 ) − B(t1 ) are independent;
3. B(s + t) − B(s) ∼ N (0, t). This is mainly due to the central limit theorem.
Ft = σ{X(s), s ≤ t}
F t = σ{X(s), s ≥ t}
P (A | Ft ) = P (A | X(t)), ∀A ∈ F t .
This is equivalent to
Theorem 1.10. If X is a Markov process, then the corresponding transition probability P satisfies
Chapman-Kolmogorov equation:
P (t0 , x0 , t1 , dx1 )P (t1 , x1 , t2 , B) dx1 = P (t0 , x0 , t2 , B).
Two standard Markov processes are the Wiener process and the Poisson process. The Wiener
process has the transition probability density function
1 |x − y|2
p(t, x, s, y) = exp(− ).
(2π(t − s))d/2 2(s − t)
Definition 1.8. Brownian motion: A process is called a Brownian motion(or a Wiener process) if
3. Bt is continuous in t.
1 |x − y|2
p(t, x, s, y) = exp(− ).
(2π(t − s))d/2 s−t
(ii) E(Xu | Xs , 0 ≤ s ≤ t} = Xt .
This means that if we know the value of the process up to time t and Xt = x, then the future
expectation of Xu is x.
2. Bt2 − t is a martingale.
Proof. 1. E(Bt ) = 0. From the fact that Bt+s − Bt is independent of Bt , for all s > 0, we
obtain E(Bt+s − Bt | Bt ) = 0, for all s > 0. Hence,
E(Bt+s | Bt ) = E((Bt+s − Bt ) + Bt | Bt )
= E((Bt+s − Bt ) | Bt ) + E(Bt | Bt )
= Bt
2. E(Bt2 ) = t < ∞.
3. Use
Bt+s = ((Bt+s − Bt ) + Bt )2
= (Bt+s − Bt )2 + 2Bt (Bt+s − Bt ) + Bt2
E(Bt+s − (t + s) | Bt ) = Bt2 − t.
We can show that the Brownian motion has infinite total variation in any interval. This means
that X
lim |B(ti ) − B(ti−1 )| = ∞.
However, its quadratic variation, defined by
[B, B](a, b) := lim |B(ti ) − B(ti−1 )|2
is finite. Here, a = t0 < t1 < · · · < tn = b is a partition of (a, b), and the limit is taken to be
max(ti − ti−1 ) → 0.
V ar(Tn ) = V ar( |B(ti ) − B(ti−1 )|2 )
= V ar((B(ti ) − B(ti−1 ))2 )
= 2 (ti − ti−1 )2
= 2t2 2−n
Hence, n=1 V ar(Tn ) < ∞. From Fubini theorem,
E (Tn − ETn ) < ∞.
2. We use above step functions fn to approximate general function f ∈ H 2 . Using the fact that,
for step functions g ∈ H 2 ,
Z t 2 ! Z t
E g(s) dB(s) = E|g(s)|2 ds,
0 0
almost surely.
An typical example is Z t
1 t
B(s) dB(s) = B(t)2 − .
0 2 2
From the definition, the integral can be approximated by
In = B(ti−1 )(B(ti ) − B(ti−1 ).
We have
1 X 2
B (ti ) − B 2 (ti−1 ) − (B(ti ) − B(ti−1 ))2
In =
1 2 1X
= B (t) − (B(ti ) − B(ti−1 ))2
2 2
We have seen that the second on the right-hand side tends to 12 t almost surely.
Theorem 1.13 (Itô’s formula). If X satisfies the s.d.e. dX = adt + bdB, then
df (X(t)) = (af 0 (X(t)) + b2 f 00 (X(t)))dt + f 0 (X(t))bdB(t).
We shall give a brief idea of the proof. In a small time step (ti−1 , ti ), let ∆B = B(ti )−B(ti−1 ),
∆t = ti − ti−1 . We have
f (X(ti−1 ) + ∆X) − f (X(ti−1 )) = f 0 ∆X + f 00 (∆X)2 + o((∆X)2 ).
We notice that
Plug ∆X and (∆X)2 into the Taylor expansion formula for f . This yields the Itô’s formula.
This can be proven from the Markovian property of X(·). Indeed, in terms of the transition proba-
bility density function p(t, x, s, y),
Tt f = p(t, x, s, y)f (y) dy.
Theorem 1.15 (Feymann-Kac). If X satisfies the s.d.e. (1.1), then the associate
Z s
u(x, t) := Ex,t f (X(s)) exp g(X(τ ), τ ) dτ , s > t (1.2)
ut + Lu + gu = 0,
Here, we have used independence of X in the regions (t − h, t) and (t, s). Now, from Itô’s formula,
we have
Z t
u(x, t − h) − u(x, t) = Ex,t−h u(X(t), t) exp g(X(τ ), τ ) dτ − u(X(t − h), t)
Z t Z s
= Ex,t−h d u(X(s), t) exp g(X(τ ), τ ) dτ
t−h t−h
Z t
= Ex,t−h (Lu(X(s), t) + u(X(s), t)g(X(s), s)) ds.
u(x, t − h) − u(x, t)
lim = Lu(x, t) + g(x, t)u(x, t).
h→0+ h