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Cagayan State University - College of Medicine and Surgery Clinical Neurology Oral Revalida, May 4, 2016

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The patient is BL, 29/F, admitted November 5, 2012 for the chief complaint of increase
in sleeping time.

2 wks PTA, Pt complained of generalized holocranial throbbing headache VAS
10/10 with projectile vomiting, low grade fever, and nape pain. There was no report of
nausea, dizziness, sinus tenderness, blurring of vision, nor loss of consciousness. She
sought consult at a local hospital and given pain reliever which offered temporary relief.

5 days PTA, still with generalized headache VAS 10/10 and nape pain, several
bouts of vomiting, now associated with sudden onset right sided weakness. She was also
noted to be irritable and disoriented. However, there was no consult done during this
time. She self medicated with Paracetamol which offered temporary relief. No associated
seizures, decrease in sensorium and blurring of vision.

1 day PTA, still with above complaints, now associated with increase sleeping
time and decreased verbal output.

Review of Systems
(-) anorexia, (-) significant weight loss
(-) cough, (-) colds, (-)nasal/aural discharge, (-) sore throat
(-) chest pain, (-) palpitations, (-) dyspnea
(-) abdominal pain, (-) recent bowel movement changes
(-) dysuria, (-) oliguria
(-) hematuria, (-) hematochezia, (-) hematemesis, (-) melena
(-) cyanosis, (-) bipedal edema
(-) muscle and joint pains
(-) jaundice
(-) easy bruisability

Past Medical History

(-) BA, HPN, DM, CA, TB, Goiter, allergies

Family Medical History

(-) Similar illness/complaints in the family
(-) Hypertension, DM, CVD, pulmonary tuberculosis, Seizures

Personal and Social History

She is the 2nd among 7 children. She lives with her family and works as a seamstress at a
small garment shop. She is single, catholic, Right-handed, non-smoker, non-alcoholic,
and non-illicit drug user.

Physical Examination Findings

On admission, the patient was drowsy, disoriented to time, place and person, able
to follow one-step commands with prodding, and had delayed and inappropriate
responses to question. The following were noted on examination:

BP: 110/80, HR: 80s, RR: 18, Temp: 37.1C

Pink conjunctivae, anicteric sclera, (-) sinus tenderness, (-) nasal discharge (-) cervical
lymphadenopathy, (-)Neck vein engorgement, (-) anterior neck masses, (-) mastoid
tenderness, (-) tonsillopharyngeal congestion, (+) dental caries
Equal chest expansion, clear breath sounds, (-) rales, (-) rhonchi, (-) wheezes
(-) Heaves/thrills, apex beat at the 5th intercostal space and 2 cm medial to the left
midclavicular line, normal heart rate and regular rhythm, (-) murmurs
Flat abdomen, normoactive bowel sounds, soft, liver edge is non-palpable, (-) spider
angioma, umbilicus non-protruding, spleen non-palpable
Full and equal pulses, pink nailbeds, (-) pallor, (-) edema, (-) cyanosis, (-) jaundice

Neurologic Examination
Drowsy, disoriented to time, place and person, able to follow one step commands with
prodding, and had delayed and inappropriate responses to question.
Pupils 4mm equal, briskly reactive; (-) visual field cut
Funduscopy, OU: (+) ROR, clear media, distinct disc borders, Cup-disk ratio 0.3; AV
ratio 2:3; (-) hemorrhages/exudates, (+) papilledema, grade 1 right OU
Primary gaze midline, full horizontal and vertical Doll’s
Brisk corneals, OU
(-) Facial asymmetry
(+) good gag reflex
Unable to protrude tongue on command
On motor examination, normotonic extremities with purposeful non-preferential
movement on all extremities left more than the right
hyperreflexic on the right, normoreflexic on the left
(-) extensor toe signs, bilateral; (-) clonus
(-) nystagmus
(+) nuchal rigidity, (-) Brudzinski sign, (-) Kernig sign
(-) abnormal sweat patterns

1. Give a 3-sentence summary of the pertinent features of the case.

2. What neural structures are involved? What is your localization?
3. What is the etiology of the illness? What are the differential diagnoses?
4. Based on your main working diagnosis, what is the pathophysiology of the signs
and symptoms seen in this patient?
5. What is the value of each of the diagnostic tests done on this patient?
6. What are the initial approaches to therapy?
7. What is the prognosis for this patient

Pertinent laboratory workups included

Blood Type: A positive
PT 11.8/10.9/>1.0/1.0 PTT 35.2/34.4
Clinical Chemistry:
BUN 1.74 Crea 53 AST 36 ALT 42 Na 147 K 3.2 Cl 110

WBC 13.67 RBC 3.66 HGB 108 HCT .330 MCV 89.1 MCH 29.5 MCHC 331
RDW 13.3 Plt 383 Neut .720 Lymph .18 Mono .090 Eos .010

U/A light yellow, clear, sg: 1.005 pH 6.0 (-) sugar, protein; RBC 0-1, WBC 0-1, (-) cast,
epith: few, Bacteria: occasional, (-) mucus, crystals

2-D Echo:
Normal sized L ventricle with good wall motion and contractility; preserved overall
systolic function.

Cranial CT scan

Cranial imaging was done which showed contrast-enhancing 3x4 mm mass with
prominent perilesional edema on the L mesial frontal cortex. There was no hydrocephalus
or midline shift.

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