Power User Guide
Power User Guide
Power User Guide
0 1,464
2 authors, including:
Klaus Riede
Research Museum Alexander Koenig
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Bioacoustics and songs of grasshoppers (Orthoptera) from Southern South America View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Klaus Riede on 14 April 2015.
Adams, Till (2002): Advanced User Guide. Digital publication in: Riede, K. (2004):
Global Register of Migratory Species - from Global to Regional Scales. Münster
(Landwirtschaftsverlag), on enclosed CD-ROM under: /biblio/PowerUserGuide.pdf
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
What is a RDBMS ?
A database is the centralisation of objects, which serve as a solution for special tasks or in other
words, a database is a collection of data that is organized so that its contents can easily be
accessed, managed, and updated.
The coping of these tasks could be reached best, when these tasks are formulated in a brief
manner before designing the database.
Famous database software is Microsoft access, ORACLE, MySQL or PostgreSQL - the last two
mentioned are open source software. This means there are no license costs and the user is able to
see the source code of the software and is totally free in his decisions how to use the software.
Relational databases
A relational database is a collection of data items organized as a set of formally-described tables
from which data can be accessed or reassembled in many different ways, without having to
reorganize the database
tables. In other words a
relational database is a set
of tables containing data
fitted into predefined
categories. Each table
(which is sometimes called
a relation) contains one or
more data categories in
columns and each row
contains a unique instance
of data for the categories
defined by the columns.
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
RDBMS have a standarized query language (SQL) which helps getting the information wanted
out of the database. SQL also allows data exchange between different databases and even
between databases stored in different systems.
Relations: 1:1
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
Allocation of attributes
SQL is used for all types of database activities by all types of users including:
• system administrators
• database administrators
• security administrators
• application programmers
• decision support system personnel
• many other types of end users
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
SQL provides easy-to-learn commands that are both consistent and applicable for all users. The
basic SQL commands can be learned in a few hours and even the most advanced commands can
be mastered in a few days.
In the following single SQL statements are broken down into parts in order to show their
SELECT calls matching attributes from „Tab_Arten“ and column „ID“ , ... and returns data as
a group of datasets. DISTINCT returns only one copy of each set of duplicate rows selected
FROM calls the tables and queries, in which the fields performed in the SELECT statement are
included. Every SELECT statement must have a FROM statement.
INNER JOIN combines datasets from two tables, if a common field contents
the same values ON gives the tables and attributes, on which the combination should be based
= is the operator
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
2. Introduction to ArcExplorer
ArcExplorer is a ....
... free GIS map viewing Software by ESRI which allows to view, browse and
query GIS data and to roganize it in maps - just like those which are
delivered on the GROMS-CD.
“ArcExplorer is a lightweight GIS data viewer developed by ESRI. This freely available software offers an easy
way to perform basic GIS functions. ArcExplorer is used for a variety of display, query, and data retrieval
applications and supports a wide variety of standard data sources. It can be used on its own with local data sets or
as a client to Internet data and map servers. Among its many uses, ArcExplorer is an excellent vehicle for
publishing your data. You can distribute the ArcExplorer setup and your data on CDs. Users can then use the
CD to install ArcExplorer on their machines and view your data easily and effectively.”
There is no possibility to link ArcExplorer directly to data stored in the database, e.g. data
coming from a MS-Access database. Therefore a "real" GIS is required, e.g. ArcView GIS 3.x.
ArcExplorer projects have the ending *.aep and are also saved as ready-to-use projects on the
GROMS-CD. ArcExplorer projects don't store any geodata, but only the reprimonds to the data!
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
Map functions
Legend area
Select Datasource
and add Layers
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
What are the main features of the DORSA Web Map Server Client?
- integrate different types of data sources (grid coverages, ESRI shape files, JDBC/ODBC-
compliant databases) by configuring the capabilities of the WMS
- uses Open GIS Web Map Services Implementation Specification (Version 1.0.0)
conformant Requests: GetMap and GetFeatureInfo
The service can be integrated in any existing WMS architecture and is able to add
layers from any other WMS which serves the same location (in terms of Spatial
Reference System and Bounding Box)
- Legend graphics are produced dynamically
The field of Biodiversity has do deal with heterogenous types of information. The data sources –
as for any other complex information community - are syntactically and semantically
heterogenous, e.g.:
- syntactically: various data formats, databases, operating systems, network technologies
and institutions
- semantically: taxonomy and other thesaurus efforts: same things are named and
organized differently, different concepts and paradigmas have to be harmonized
The Open GIS Consortium (OGC) works on such interoperability issues for the spatial
information community:
“OGC is an international industry consortium of more than 220 companies, government agencies and universities
participating in a consensus process to develop publicly available geoprocessing specifications. Open interfaces and
protocols defined by OpenGIS® Specifications support interoperable solutions that "geo-enable" the Web, wireless
and location-based services, and mainstream IT, and empower technology developers to make complex spatial
information and services accessible and useful with all kinds of applications.”
The OGC cooperates with other important international standardizing institutions e.g. like the
International Standards Organisation (ISO) or the World Wide Web Consortium.
1 some of them are not adopted yet by the OGC, but are soon to come
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
Purpose: Transform geodata from its originally Spatial Refernce System (SRS) to a
dedicated target SRS.
- Catalog Service:
Purpose: A Catalog is a registry for Metadata, both for data and services. The metadata
schemas are specified as ISO standards 19115 and 19119. A Catalog service allows the
discovery, access and management of geospatial data and services.
- Gazetteer Service (Profile/Specialization of WFS)
Purpose: Deals with spatial referencing by geographic identifiers. Query, insert, and update
location instances in a gazetteer database.
Get or Query features based on thesaurus-specific properties (broader term (BT), narrower
term (NT), related term (RT)
Retrieve properties of the gazetteer database, such as the location instance, location type
class definitions and the spatial reference system definitions
The efforts of the Open GIS Consortium, especially the Implementation specifications, should
be considered when to design and deploy architectures for interoperable information systems
that work with spatial data.
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
The first way is the more clever one, because the attributes are always up to date and data
redundancy is avoided. This is a very important point - e.g.: In an administration many users need
to view geodata, which is produced by a special department in this administration. In a database
we can give special access rights on special datasets - e.g. "read" for "viewers" and "write" for
editors of the data. If the geometrie of some objects is changed, and anybody in this
administration loads the data into his GIS project, he will always have the up-to-date data.
Anyhow it must be balanced if the additional expenditure must be made, if the amount of data is
very small. In more complex databases the storage of geometry and attributes, even of raster-data
is possible. Soem database companies offer special extensions, e.g. Oracle Spatial for Oracle
databases which serve as a spatial extension in the database. The ArcSDE (Spatial Database
Engine) from Esri is another solution to make geodatabases accessible through a GIS. The
ArcSDE "sits" on the database and serves for a fast and easy access to the geodata.
Before we can access a database via ArcView GIS we have to set up an ODBC connection. The
Open DataBase Connectivity must be set up in control panel. In an ODBC connection there is
informations stored which informs the GIS, how the datasource is connected. ODBC is a MS-
specification which serves as an interface between datasource and querying program (e.g. GIS).
In our case the geometry is stored on the local file system. In ArcView it is possible to connect
tables, queried from a database with these shapefiles. There are two ways to connect geometry
and attributes:
Write attributes from a source table into another table e.g. table species in table species_country.
Joining is based on 1 : 1 or 1 : n relation.
Associate Attributes from a source table into another table e.g. table species_country to countries
attribute table. Linking is based on 1 : n.
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
-Satellite- and Aerialphotographs,
Photographs and Bitmaps.
-based on a raster
-Data of high accuracy
-Points, lines and areas
-describe the geometry of objects
Components of geodata
Geometry - describes the geographical
object as well as it’s location on the earth-
surface. In contrary to a CAD system such
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
Projections in GIS
Back to our first statement: “Any information has a spatial reference."...
The simplest way to define a spatial reference is a system of three orthogonal axis whose
beginning is in the center of the earth (geocentric system). GPS – measurements may deliver such
In all other cases the shape of the underlying model of the earth is important.
Reference Systems
Reference systems are one of the main important properties of
Questions like:
Where? How far? How big?
Couldn’t be replied without a consistent reference system. In GIS
this is done by coordinate-systems. They apply to three kinds of
reference- surfaces:
• plain area
• globe or rotational spheroid
• geoid
An “ideal earth surface” is constructed by elongating the sea-surface under the continents. But: It
is impossilbe to realize this in a perfect manner. From satellite-measurements two geoids were
WGS (World Geodetic System) / GRS-1980 (Geodetic Reference System)
Normally local/regional spheroids are used. They are adapted to the local shape of the earth and
are the best approximation to the real earth surface in their region. They are named (Rotational-)
• USA: Clarke-1866-Ellipsoid
• Russia: Krasovsky-Ellipsoid
• Germany: Bessel-Ellipsoid
Geodetic datum
The geodetic datum describes the location, orientation and size of the reference surface in relation to
the earths’ center and a therein contained coordinate system. This is normally defined through
the earths’ axis, the equator and the prime meridian (e.g. Greenwich).
Reference Systems
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
ArcView GIS
ArcView GIS is one of the most successfull desktop GIS in the world and ...
• an open system for access, display and query of spatial referenced data (geodata)
• a tool for analyzing geodata, calculating tables and for producing thematic maps
• integration of different components of informatiotechnology in one GIS
ArcView makes it easy to create maps and add your own data to them. Using ArcView software's
powerful visualization tools, you can access records from existing databases and display them on
In the figure you see the hierarchical structure of ArcView GIS. ArcView GIS is object-based,
which means that the objects are in a hierarchical order and every object has it's properties and
behaviour. Once this is understood, it is really easy to learn ArcView GIS.
ArcView GIS functionality could be increased by loading extensions. ArcView 3.x extensions
make it easy to add new features to ArcView 3.x. Extensions are plug-ins that you can load and
unload as you need them.
There are many user-contributed free extensions on the esri-homepage. To use them they must
be copied into the ^directory C:\ESRI\AV_GIS30\ARCVIEW\EXT32.
GROMS * GIS and Databases *
terrestris: http://www.terrestris.de
deegree project: http://www.deegree.org
DorSa: http://www.dorsa.de
lat/lon Fitzke, Fretter, Poth GbR: http://www.lat-lon.de
Open GIS Consortium: http://www.opengis.org
Free geodata: www.gisdatadepot.com
Help on MS Acceess:
Help on SQL:
-- see chapter SQL --
http://www.gisdevelopment.net/tutorials/ (GIS across the board)
http://www.gis-tutor.de/ (in german only)
Free Geodata:
Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams Dipl. Geogr. Klaus Fretter Dr. Klaus Riede
terrestris, Paulsen&Adams GbR lat/lon Fitzke/Fretter/Poth GbR ZEFb (Center for Development
Meckenheimer Allee 166 Meckenheimer Allee 176 Research)
53115 Bonn 53115 Bonn Walter-Flex-Str. 3, D-53113 Bonn
phone ++49 +228 73 9647 phone ++49 +228 73-2831 phone ++49 +228/731872,
fax ++49 +228 73 6538 fax -2153 fax ++49 +228/731869
email: adamsn@terrestris.de email: fretter@lat-lon.de email k.riede.zfmk@uni-bonn.de
http://www.terrestris.de www http://www.lat-lon.de http://www.groms.de/