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2012 06 June CL4K

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June 2012 uschess.



A USCF Publication $3.00

Three Little Pigs!


0 74470 27842 9
June 2012
Chess Life for Kids!
Vol. 7, No. 3

USCF Executive Director: Bill Hall
Scholastic Editor: Glenn Petersen
Art Director: Cat Connor Spradlin
Editorial Asst./Copy Editor: Alan Kantor
Editorial Assistants:
Jo Anne Fatherly
Jennifer Pearson
Advertising Manager: Joan DuBois
Tournament Life: Joan DuBois
Director of Publications: Daniel Lucas
CONTRIBUTORS: Send your contributions and
articles to Chess Life for KIDS, PO Box 3967,
Crossville, Tennessee 38557 or better yet, e-mail to
Chess Life for KIDS (USPS 023-567, ISSN:
1932-5894) is published in February, April, June, Au-
Table of Contents
gust, October, and December of every year by the 5 TALES OF THE ARABIAN KNIGHTS
United States Chess Federation, 137 Obrien Drive,
Crossville, Tennessee 38555. Periodic postage paid 6 WHAT’S THE QUESTION?
at Crossville, Tennessee.
at once of any change of address. Please include
your old address and your new address, along 8 WIN OR DRAW?
with your USCF I.D. number.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
USCF, PO Box 3967, Crossville, Tennessee 38557. 9 BOOK IT!
Annual Scholastic Membership
Regular Scholastic Membership (online version 10 YOU CAN DO IT!: THE THREE LITTLE PIGS
of Chess Life for Kids), age 12 or younger, is just
$17 per year. Premium Scholastic Membership 12 THE OTHER MARSHALL ATTACK
(receives Chess Life for Kids by mail) is $24 per
year. $13 of every premium membership goes 16 2012 JUNIOR GRAND PRIX STANDINGS
towards providing Chess Life for Kids. Annual
subscription rate is $18. Entire contents copy- 19 ANSWERS, WE’VE GOT ANSWERS.
right 2012, United States Chess Federation.
Teachers may photocopy instructional articles 20 TOURNAMENT LIFE ANNOUNCEMENTS
for classroom use, but republication or wide-
spread copying without the written consent of
the USCF is forbidden.

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 3

Read & Write Chess
There are many different ways to write chess moves.
The most popular method (described below) is called
algebraic notation:
Each square has a name,
taken from the intersection
of the file (vertical or up- 7 ++++ d7
and-down rows of squares,
which are lettered) and 6 ++++
rank (horizontal or side-by- 5 ++++
side rows of squares,
which are numbered) the 4 ++++
square is on. In the diagram 3
the square on the intersec-
tion of the 7th rank and the 2 ++++
d-file is called d7. Like in 1
The pieces are abbreviated a b c d e f g h
by a capital letter, like this:
K: King; Q: Queen; R: Rook; B: Bishop; N: Knight.
Notice that the Knight is N, since K is reserved for the King. No-
tice also that pawns have no abbreviation.
A move is written by using the abbreviation for the piece that
moves, followed by the square the piece moves to (1. ... Nf6).
A pawn move is written as the square the pawn has moved to
(1. d4). A capture by a piece is written as the abbreviation for the
piece that moved, followed by an x, and finally the square the
capture takes place on (8. Bxe5). A pawn capture is written as the
file the capturing pawn stands on, followed by an x, and

finally the square the capture takes place
on (3. dxe5). 8 r+lqk+r
Other moves are castling kingside, 7 pppp+ppp
which is written 0-0, and castling queen- 6 +n+++
side, which is written 0-0-0. An en pas- 5 ++P+ The Gremlins were working overtime last
sant capture is indicated by e.p. after the 4 lP+Ln+ month. We neglected to print the solution to the
move. A check is indicated by + after the 3 +++N+ first position of WIN OR DRAW. If you weren’t
move, and pawn promotion is 2 PP+PPPP able to come up with the right answer, we give
indicated by adding ( ) and the abbrevi- RN+QKL+R it here.
ation for the piece the pawn promotes Position One: White to Play
a b c d e f g h
to. Ambiguous moves (where more diagram A • 5. … Bb4+
than one piece or pawn can move to
the destination square) are taken care of 8 r+l+k+r
by putting an extra rank or file in to make 7 ppppqppp 8 ++++ WIN OR DRAW!
Position One Solution:
it clear which piece or pawn moved. 6 +n+++ 7 ++k++p DRAWN!! 1. Kf2!! (1.
Here is a sample, using the famous 5 ++P+
Kd2 [or Ke2]?? Kc6 2.
smothered mate trap from the 4 lP+Ln+ 6 ++p+ P Ke3 Kd5 3. Kf4 Kd4 4.
Kg4 Ke4 5. Kh5 Kf5 6.
Budapest Defense. 3 P++N+ 5 ++ P + Kh4 Kg6 7. Kg4 Kxh6
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ng4
1 R+QKL+R 4 ++++ 8. Kf4 Kg6 Black wins.)
1. ... Kc6 2. Kg3 Kd5 3.
4. Bf4 Nc6 5. Nf3 Bb4+ (diagram
A) a b c d e f g h
diagram B • 7. a3
3 ++++ Kh4 Kxe5 4. Kg5 Kd4
5. Kf6 e5 6. Kg7 e4 7.
6. Nbd2 Qe7 7. a3 (diagram B) 2 ++++ Kxh7 e3 8. Kg7 e2 9.
8 r+l+k+r h7 e1=Q 10. h8=Q
7. ... Ncxe5 8. Bxe5 Nxe5 9. axb4
ppppqppp 1 ++ K + Drawn!
Nd3 checkmate. (diagram C) 7
6 ++++ a b c d e f g h
x: take or capture #: checkmate 5 ++++
0-0: kingside castle ( ): promotion 4 PP+++ Congratulations to William Nowak of Crossville, Tennessee. He cor-
0-0-0: queenside castle !: good move 3 ++n+N+ rectly surmised there were 74 eggs in the April issue of CL4K. There
was some dissent amongst the Gnomes from Outer Mongolia as to
+: check ?: bad move 2 PNPPPP whether or not to count the undecorated egg in the ChessNYC.com ad
??: blunder 1 R+QKL+R on page 3. So they decided to accept either 73 eggs or 74 eggs as a
a b c d e f g h correct answer.

diagram C • 8. … Nd3
Please turn to page 17
4 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012
T AL ian K N
ra b IGHTS
E D Y Il l u st r a ti o ns b
y Pa
a Ke

The King sat at the chessboard.
“So,” said his brother, “You’re still playing with
little wooden men, eh? I would have thought you
would have outgrown that by now.”

a noble knight, or even royalty itself

—a queen? It kind of undermines 8 ++++
the natural order of things, would- 7 kP+r
n’t you say?” 6 p++r++
The King leaned forward, moved 5 n+++
a piece, and announced “Check-
4 ++Lp
“Ooooooh, I hate when you talk
3 +++pP
The King smiled.
“Odd,” said the brother again, “I to me that way.” said his brother. 2 +++L+
always thought that you and Father
1 R++K
got on quite well. Yet, here you WHITE TO MOVE AND a b c d e f g h

are, chasing after him, as it were— CHECKMATE BLACK

symbolically, of course. Trying to
defeat the King on the board.”
The King raised an eyebrow in
“Still, it probably is a whole lot
better that you take your aggres-
sions out on the board, instead of
rounding up your armies and
attacking some neighboring state
or country.”
The King silently raised a second
“Tell me, though,” the brother
continued, “doesn’t it secretly
bother you that something as lowly
as a pawn can, through its own
efforts, mind you, rise to become

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 5

What’s the Question?
by National Master Daniel Gurevich

Q: Marietta,
Ilyusha Belegradek that the element of surprise, it’s clear
Georgia why Moriarty might have played this. 8 +rrk+
In the movie Sherlock Holmes: A
Game of Shadows, Sherlock and evil
2. ... Nf6 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5.
7 pp+qlppp
Dr. Moriarty play a game of chess White (yes, White!) has played the 6 ++l++
before their final fight. Accelerated Dragon. 5 +pp+
Is this game known? 5. ... Be6 6. Bg2 c5 7. Nf3 Nc6 8. 4 +n++
Ng5! 3 +LPNP
A: Yes and no. The movie closely—
but incompletely—follows an old,
This is a famous trick for the “black
side” (now the white side!) of the
instructive tournament game. That Maroczy. White gains control of the
a b c d e f g h
game is one of Bent Larsen’s brilliant central light squares through this
wins against Tigran Petrosian in 1966. exchange of knights.
In the movie, Sherlock/Larsen was 8. ... Qxg5 White’s first error of the game.
Black. Now here’s where it gets com- 8. ... Nxc3, hoping to win the knight White should have played 15. Nc4
plicated. Larsen’s win against Petrosian on g5, just gets into more trouble immediately.
with black was a positional master- after 9. Nxe6 Nxd1 10. Nxd8 Nxd8 15. ... f5!
piece; however, it is clear from the 11. Kxd1 and White has the two bish- There’s trouble ahead.
movie that Sherlock’s game was quick ops along with the advantage. 16. Nc2?!
and exciting, ending in checkmate. In 9. Nxd5 Of course, it’s still not too late to play
fact, the game in the movie features the 9. Bxd5?! is a standard positional 16. Nc4 here. Instead, Moriarty/Pet-
game where Larsen, with white, mistake. In fact, White should not rosian’s knight goes for a detour.
showed his tactical strength against trade the light-squared bishops 16. ... f4 17. Na3 Bg5 18. Nc4 fxg3
Petrosian. because the trade weakens the light 19. hxg3 Qf7 20. Rf1
To recap our Holmesian deduction squares around the king. Here, most players would be
so far, the game is Larsen-Petrosian, 9. ... Qd8 10. Ne3 Qd7 11. d3 Be7 tempted to take the knight and win a
Santa Monica 1966, with colors 12. Bd2 0-0 13. 0-0 pawn or a queen for a rook and piece.
reversed. However, there are more The game is now past the opening, Larsen, however, saw through it all.
problems ahead. Sherlock Holmes, as with a slight advantage for Black given 20. ... e4!
Black, was missing the vital tempo his well-developed pieces. However, Attack above all! 20. ... Bxc4?! 21.
that Bent Larsen had as White. Just White has very good control of the dxc4 Qxc4 (21. ... Nf3+ 22. Bxf3
where did Professor Moriarty lose that light squares, giving him some play as Rxd1 23. Raxd1 Only White can have
tempo? I cannot tell for sure. How- well. By the way, the game continues an advantage here! Let’s count up the
ever, I do have a hypothesis. Let’s to exactly follow Larsen-Petrosian points: bishop+rook=3+5=8, while
begin analyzing the game from the with colors reversed until move 25. queen=9, right? However, White’s
movie and try to find a solution to the We’ll see why the two games diverge pieces are extremely active here. His
mystery of Moriarty-Holmes: after that. two bishops and two rooks are ripping
13. ... Rad8 14. Bc3 Nd4 15. Re1?! through the position, so there’s no
1. c3!? e5 2. c4!? reason to worry just because of the
Why did White “waste” a tempo? I GET YOUR RED HOTS HERE! material. Remember: often, material
Or at least get your chess questions
imagine that Moriarty went with this answered! doesn’t really matter at all. In the short-
unusual start to surprise his opponent. Send your questions for Daniel to:
term, it’s the quality of your pieces, not
This move isn’t all that bad: the Sicil- Or write to: What’s the Answer!, c/o the quantity.) 22. Bxd4 Rxd4 23. Qb3

Glenn Petersen,
ian is a very good opening when 44-D Manchester Court, Freehold,

played with black, and if you add to

NJ 07728.
Please turn to page 19

6 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

Chess Detective by NM Todd Bardw ick


I often get asked the question, to invade. endgame.
“Are masters always looking for Here is an example from Here is a position between Ana-
checkmates?” Leningrad, Russia, in 1934, toly Karpov and Eldis Arteaga from
In positions where the king is between Max Euwe and Peter Skopje, Republic of Macedonia,
safely tucked away, the answer is Romanovsky. 1972.
But when a king is even a little bit 8 r++rk+ 8 rqr++k+
exposed, you absolutely must look 7 +pqpp 7 ++nlp+p
for possible mate threats. 6 p+p+++ 6 p+l+p+p+
Usually the king has some form of +Ppn+l
protection in front of him. The
5 5 Pp+pP+
secret to a successful attack is by 4 +PQ+p 4 nLPL+
clearing a path to him by trading 3 ++P+ 3 +NN++
away the pieces protecting him or 2 PL+NPPP 2 PPQ+PP
sacrificing your pieces to eliminate 1 R++RK 1 ++RR+K
these defenders. Sometimes you a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h
can force his pieces to different Arteaga-Karpov
squares, giving your pieces a path Position after 18. … Bh5 Position after 19. … Rc8

Black has several pieces hover-

Todd ing around White’s king and there One of the most common ways
is a possibly crushing knight fork to clear a path to the king is by
Bardwick on f3. Black’s knight is pinned to a moving and exchanging pawns.
is the author of checkmate on g7. In the actual Karpov played 20. f5! gxf5 21.
game, White defended his knight Bxf5! Nf8 22. Qh6 Ng6 (Black tries
Teaching with 19. Rfe1 and eventually the to cover up his king with the knight,
Chess game ended in a draw. but it is now exchanged.) 23. Bxg6
But what if White had played the hxg6 24. Re3 (The rook-lift theme
in the 21st Century natural 19. Nf4? is a common way to bring the rook
Black could respond 19. … into the attack.) 24. … Bf8 25.
Nf3+!! 20. gxf3 Qg5+ 21. Ng2 Qh4 Bg7 26. Rh3 Be8 27. Qh7+
Chess Workbook h3 22. Qxg7+ Qxg7 23. Bxg7 Kf8 28. Qxg6 f6 29. Rxf6+!, Black
hxg2 24. Kxg2 Kxg7 leaving Black resigned.
for Children. ahead in material. In this case, Karpov eliminated three pawns
He can be reached at Black’s knight would have cleared and a knight on his way to Black’s
the path for a sequence of moves king!
www.ColoradoMasterChess.com that would lead to a winning

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 7

WIN OR DRAW? by Pete Tamburro

You know the drill. No matter whose move it is, you decide whether it’s a win or draw and for whom! You
should also write down what you think the winning or drawing moves are. By the way if you like
middlegame puzzles you can check out my column under games and chess at www.arcamax.com.

Position One: Black to Play Position Three: White to Play Position Five: White to Play

8 ++++ 8 +++k+ 8 ++++

7 ++k+ 7 ++++ 7 ++KpkPp
6 +p+++ 6 +pPp+ 6 +++L
5 ++Pp 5 ++++ 5 ++++
4 +K+p+Pp 4 ++K+ 4 ++++
3 +P++P 3 ++++ 3 ++++
2 ++++ 2 ++++ 2 ++++
1 ++++ 1 ++++ 1 ++++
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

Position Two: White to Play Position Four: White to Play Position Six: White to Play

k++++ 8 ++++ 8 ++++
7 +K++ 7 ++++ 7 pk+p
6 P+++p 6 ++++ 6 +++p
5 Pp+p+P 5 ++++ 5 lPP++
4 ++P+P 4 p++p+ 4 P+K+L+P+
3 ++P+ 3 +++P+ 3 ++++
2 ++++ 2 Pk+++ 2 +++P
1 ++++ 1 K+++ 1 ++++
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

Answers on page 19

8 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

BOOK IT! By NM Daniel Gurevich

++n+r+ The book is probably best used by
parents and coaches to illustrate key
7 ++lkrnR tactical ideas and examples in small
6 +ppRQ chunks. However, the background
5 +pPppN storyline, never dull and always filled
4 +P+P+P+ with humor, makes it the rare chess
book kids will want to read on their
A chess book about computers 3 +++P+ own.
and dinosaurs? Power Chess for 2 ++LK+ Readers need to not only know the
Kids is just that! Charles Hertan mas- 1 +q++L+ rules but also to be quick in seeing
terfully weaves Zort, the teenage a b c d e f g h the basic checkmates and hanging
computer from planet Zugzwang, and pieces to really benefit from this
the “dinosaurs,” players from more book. However, I don’t think there is
Okay, now here’s the quick count
than 150 years ago, into a story-like any upper limit; even some very
rule: In order to win his piece, you
tactics book for kids, as well as their must have at least one more attacker strong players can enjoy solving the
parents and coaches. It’s all about than he has defenders. So if it were puzzles and reading the instructional
how forcing moves such as checks material.
your move here, you would win the
and captures can make longer tactics
Ng7 because you have one more at-
easier to see. All of the chess examples within
tacker—four against three.”
The book begins with an illustration

of basic chess notation and ends
A really simple way of putting it,
with a helpful list of chess terms and Please turn to page 23
their definitions. The first chapters
cover the importance of forcing
moves, also known as “Checks
Moves Bang!” and “Takes Takes 2012 U.S. OPEN
Bang.” In later chapters, you can see AUGUST 4-12, 7-12 or 9-12, 2012
patterns of forcing moves for forks,
Hilton Vancouver Washington
pins, skewers, and interference
301 West 6th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
moves. Tricks to make finding tactics
See TLA for details!
quicker and less exhausting can be
found throughout the book. Here is SIDE EVENTS May register online except for the Bughouse which is on-site only.
an illuminating excerpt showing one
of those tricks: 4 – 5 August: U.S. Open Weekend Swiss. GPP:6. 5-SS, G/60. $$1,000 guaran-
teed prizes. $200-100-50, U2200/Unr $160, U1800 $140, U1600 $120, U1400
$100, U1200 $80, Unr $50. Entry fee $40, Unr free if paying USCF dues. On-Site
“How to See Far Ahead and Figure Registration 8:30-9:30 am 8/4, Rds: Sat 10-1-3:30, Sun 10-1.
Out If You (or Your Opponent) Can
5 August: U.S. Open Bughouse. G/5. Entry fee $20 per team. 80% of entry fees in
Win A Piece cash prizes. Registration ends at 6:30 pm, first round begins at 7:00 pm.

Here’s another key tool pros use all 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 August: U.S. Open Quads. G/30. Entry fee $20. Registration 9 am-
11:30 am, Rds. 12-1:30-2:30. $50 to first in each quad.
the time to figure out combinations.
There are many situations in chess 8 August: U.S. Open G/15 Championship. 5-SS, G/15. Quick rated, higher of reg-
where you attack a piece a whole ular or quick rating. Entry fee $40. Registration 9 am-11:30 am. Rds: noon, 1:00, 2:00,
3:00, 4:00. 80% of entries returned as cash prizes. First 30%, second 15%, U2100
bunch of times, and he defends it a 12%, U1800 10%, U1500/Unr 8%, U1200 5%.
bunch. How can you figure out who’s
winning, without having to calculate 11 August: U.S. Open Blitz Championship. GPP: 15. 7-SS (double round, 14
games), 1 section, G/5. Quick rated, higher of regular or quick rating. Entry fee $40, free
in your head, ‘I take him, he takes me, to Unrated if paying USCF dues. Registration 9 am-11:30 am, first round begins at noon.
then I take him, he takes me, takes, $2000 guaranteed prizes! $$400-200-150, Expert $200-100, U2000 $200-100,
takes, takes …’ It can get confusing U1800 $180-90, U1600/Unr $140-70, U1400 $100, U1200 $70.
pretty fast!

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 9

ca n do it !
Yo u
T he T hree Little Pigs
by Jonathan Edwards
Once upon a time there were three The moral of the story?
little pigs: Horace, Henry, and Her- 8 ++rk+ Don’t go to Harvard or Yale. Make
man. All three went off to college and, 7 +++pp sure you go to Princeton!
after they graduated, each built a 6 +++p No seriously, the moral of the story
house. is that it’s dangerous to advance the
When Horace
5 ++++ pawns in front of your king. Every time
graduated a b c d e f g h you do so, you create weaknesses
from Harvard, that your opponents can use to blow
he built a house Again came the big bad wolf, this apart your king’s house.
that looked like time the rook on g1, and blew the
this. house in with g2-g4-g5. Attacking a fianchetto
Of course, attacking such pawn
++rk+ weaknesses is a bit harder than just
7 +++pp advancing a pawn with a rook behind
8 ++rk+ 6 +++p it. In this position, Black has a king-
7 +++p+p 5 ++++
side fianchetto, and White’s forces
are very well organized for the king-
6 +++p+ 4 ++++ side attack.
5 ++++ 3 ++++
a b c d e f g h
2 +++P+ 8 ++rk+
1 +++R 7 +++plp
Along came the big bad wolf, the a b c d e f g h 6 +++p+
rook on h1, and blew the house in 5 ++++
with h2-h4-h5.
And then there was 4 ++P+P+
++rk+ Herman. After he 3 +L+LP+
graduated from
7 +++p+p Princeton, he

6 +++p+ built a house

1 +K+R++R
5 ++++ that looked a b c d e f g h

4 ++++ like this.

The bishop on e3 and the queen on
3 ++++ d2 are preparing Bh6, the h-pawn is
2 +++P aiming for h4-h5 with support from
1 ++++R
a b c d e f g h
8 ++rk+
7 +++ppp
When Henry
6 ++++
graduated 5 ++++
from Yale, he a b c d e f g h
built a house that
looked like
The big bad wolf huffed and
puffed, and huffed and puffed, but
could not blow Herman’s house in.

10 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

the pawn on g4, and even the light- #3 with g4 to open both the h-file and
squared bishop on b3 helps by pin- White has already played Bh6 and the c1-h6 diagonal.
ning Black’s f7-pawn. h5. Should White now sacrifice the
World Champion Bobby Fischer Exchange on h5?
described the winning method here 8 +rqrk+
as sac, sac, sac, mate. Here are 8 r+q+rk+ 7 +p+lpplp
some positions to test you. 7 +p+lpplp 6 p+pnp+
6 p+p+pL 5 ++n+
5 ++++n 4 +NP+P+
8 r+l+rk+ 4 +NP++ 3 +LNLP+
7 p  p+n+plp 3 +PN+P+ 2 PPPQ++
6 +ppnpL 2 PPQ+P+ 1 +KR++R
5 q
 +p+ 1 R
 +K+R a b c d e f g h
4 +PP+P a b c d e f g h

3 +NL++ White to move

White to move
Solution #5
1 R +K+R Solution #3 Nicholas Arsenault - Michel Gagnon
a b c d e f g h Nicolas Rossolimo - Siegfried (2033)
Langer Montreal, 2003
White to move U.S. Open Atlanta, 1967 15. Nd5! e6 16. Nxf6+ Qxf6 17. g5
15. Rxh5 Bxd4 16. Qxd4 e5 17. Qe7 18. Qh2+-
Solution #1 Qxd6 gxh5 18. Qf6 1-0
Pavel Hase (2133) - Zdenek Havluj, #6
(2044) #4
Czechia, 2007 8 r+lqrk+
10. h5 Nxh5 11. Rxh5 gxh5 12. Qg5 8 r++rk+ 7 p
1-0 7 p p++plp 6 p+np+
6 +pp+p+ 5 +pp++
5 q
 +++n 4 +PLP
8 r+q+rk+ 4 ++P++ 3 +PLPN+
7 p
 p+pplp 3 +LNLQ+ 2 PPNPP+
6 +p+p+ 2 PPP+++ 1 R +QK+R
5 ++++n 1 +K+RR a b c d e f g h
4 +NP++ a b c d e f g h

3 +NL+ White to move

White to move
2 PPPQ++
Solution #6
1 +KR++R Solution #4 A. Tanguay - Ignas Zalys
a b c d e f g h Sergio Montes Vazquez - Heather Montreal, 1952
Bleazard 9. h5 Nxh5 10. Rxh5 gxh5 11. Bxh7+
White to move San Agustin, 2003 Kxh7 12. Ng5+ Kg6 13. Ndf3 Rh8
19. Rxh5 Qxh5 20. Qxh5 gxh5 21. 14. Nh4+ Kf6 15. Qf3 1-0
Solution #2 Bh6 Rac8 22. Bxg7 Rfe8 23. Be5+
V. Wilson - T. Burke Kf8 24. Bxd6+ 1-0
Detroit, 1991
16. Rxh5 gxh5 17. Nf5 Re8 18. Qg2 #5
1-0 Here too, White has already played
h4-h5 and, after … Nxh5, continued

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 11

The OTHER Marshall Attack by Pete Tamburro
The legendary U.S. champion of
the first three decades of the 20th
century has many openings named
8 rnqr+k+
after him. His most famous is the
Marshall Attack in the Ruy Lopez (1. 7 p
e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 a6 4. Ba4 6 p++p+
Nf6 5. 0-0 Be7 6. Re1 b5 7. Bb3 0- 5 ++p++
0 8. c3 d5!). 4 +P++
When your writer was a young boy
he bought a book, My Fifty Years of
3 +NLPN+
Chess. It had the best games of 2 PPQ+PP+
Now, here, I set to wondering.
Frank Marshall, and each game Wasn’t swapping a bishop for a
1 R +K+R
seemed more thrilling than the previ- knight not such a hot idea? Now a b c d e f g h
ous one. Black has the two bishops.
Two of the early games in the book 10. h4 … OH! 13. Qc2 was much better!
showed Marshall winning with a very Whoa! You can do this?? You Now even I could see the Bxg6
instructive attack in the first game haven’t castled and you’re moving threat. It would completely wipe out
and then winning with the very same your h-pawn! What’s going on here? his kingside pawns for a piece. But,
attack from the same tournament in 10. … g6 how do you follow it up?
the next game! And the way he did it! Burn was making a target with that 14. Bxg6 fxg6 15. Qxg6 Nd7 16.
Here’s the game that started every- pawn on g6. It was my first lesson in Ng5 Qf6
thing and ended up being the basis using the h-pawn to attack that tar-
for many attacks I played later in get. Later, I found out that Black 8 r++r+k+
chess. should have countered the White 7 p
Marshall-Burn, Paris, 1900
flank attack with one of his own with
10. ... c5.
6 p+qQ+
11. h5 Re8 12. hxg6 hxg6 5 ++p+N
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. 4 +P++
Bg5 Be7 5. e3 0-0 6. Nf3 b6 7. Bd3
8 rnqr+k+ 3 +NP+
To be honest, I wasn’t all that inter- 7 p
 lp+p+ 2 PP+PP+
ested in the Queen’s Gambit. I loved 6 p+lp+ 1 R +K+R
the Vienna Gambit at the time, BUT I 5 ++p++ a b c d e f g h
was about to learn a lesson!
4 +P++
8. cxd5 exd5 9. Bxf6 Bxf6
3 +NLPN+ Black seemed to think he had it

8 rnqrk+ 2 PP+PP+ covered as the king could scoot out

through f8 and e7, but I was to learn
7 p
 lp+ppp 1 R +QK+R my last lesson of the game and a
6 p+l+ a b c d e f g h great sacrifice to know!
5 ++p++ 17. Rh8+, Black resigned.
I could understand the h-pawn at- The king is drawn back to h8 and
4 +P++ tack now. Look at that rook file! At he is mated next move.
3 +NLPN+ this point, I figured he would play 13.
2 PP+PPP Qe2 and 14. 0-0-0 and double the Now, what was really funny is that
1 R +QK+R rooks on that file. Marshall had some- two days later in this tournament an-
a b c d e f g h thing else in mind. other great master Georg Marco
13. Qc2 Bg7 played into the same line, but with

12 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

what he thought was an improve- This was exciting to me because I
ment! Let’s look: 8 r++r+ learned an attacking idea. As more
7 p
 l++pk and more people began playing “fi-
Marshall-Marco, Paris, 1900 pn+q+p+ anchetto” defenses, I always remem-
bered what Marshall did with that
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. 5 +pp+Q h-pawn.
Bg5 Be7 5. e3 b6 6. Nf3 Bb7 7. 4 ++P+ I also learned another couple of les-
Bd3 0-0 8. cxd5 exd5 9. Bxf6 Bxf6 3 +NLP+ sons. It doesn’t always work. When it
10. h4 g6 11. h5 c5 2 PP++P+ doesn’t work, sometimes it works!!
The “c5” idea mentioned earlier, A few years after the Marshall
and Marshall adapts!
1 +KR++R games, the famous attacking grand-
12. hxg6 hxg6 a b c d e f g h
master Rudolf Spielmann went after
Notice that he still opened the h- the similarly legendary Akiba Rubin-
file, and now he was going to castle A very different position from the stein. Rubinstein finds a winning de-
queenside and double on the open first game, but I learned that the fense and loses!! Why? Because
file. ideas were similar in certain ways. Spielmann just keeps attacking. It’s
13. Ne5 Bxe5 14. dxe5 Qg5 15. Black had an open file to defend. His hard to defend:
Qf3 Qxe5 16. 0-0-0 Kg7 17. Qh3 g6-pawn was a target. White was
Nc6 18. f4 Qe6 19. Qh6+ Kf6 20. about to use another can-opener on Rudolf Spielmann
Qg5+ Kg7 the black pawn shield. Instead of h5 Simon Rubinstein (D55)
(been there, done that), we have an- Trebitsch Memorial, 16th Vienna, 1933
other way to pry open the positon: 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 d5 4.
Nf3 Be7 5. Bg5 0-0 6. e3 b6 7. Bd3
21. f5 Qe5 22. f6+ Qxf6 23. Bb7 8. Bxf6 Bxf6 9. cxd5 exd5 10.
Qh6+ and mate to follow. h4 c5 (that c5 move again!)

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 13

8 rnqrk+ 8
rnqr+ 8 r+qr+
7 p l++ppp 7 p
 l+kp+R 7 p
6 p+l+ 6 p+lP+ 6 p+lp+
5 +pp++ 5 ++p++ 5 +pp++P
4 +P+P 4 +pPP+ 4 +P++
3 +NLPN+ 3 +NP+ 3 +NLPN+
2 PP+PP+ 2 PP+Q+P+ 2 PPQ+PP+
1 R
 +QK+R 1 +KR++ 1 +KR++R
a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h a b c d e f g h

Over the years, here in Chess Life Another great lesson for me at the It seems that Black has learned as
for Kids, the Bxh7+ sacrifice has time. Spielmann is losing. He is down well! He’s a little smarter about his
been shown to you. If you remember a piece. Black can get away. He defense and about counter-attack-
Jon Edwards’ recent article, a familiar doesn’t resign. He uses the pawns to ing. White is following the Marshall
pattern has arisen here. Remember, pry open the black position. Hope- idea of queenside castling and pry-
Spielmann is a grandmaster, and HE fully, Black won’t find the best de- ing open the h-file. He also takes a
thinks it works here. It doesn’t. Can fense. He doesn’t! page out of Spielmann’s attacking
you see why? Sometimes it’s good 20. e4 dxe4 21. Nxe4 Kd7 22. d5 idea with f4 and e4.
to know when NOT to play a move! Na6 23. g7 Rg8 24. Rh6 Bxg7 25. 14. Rh2 c4 15. Be2 Re8 16. Qd2
11. Bxh7+ Kxh7 12. Ng5+ Kh6 Rd6+ Kc7 26. Qxc4+ Kb8 27. 16. Rdh1 would also be good here.
White wins if Black goes back: 12. Rxd8+ Rxd8 28. Kb1 Nc7 29. d6 16. ... Nf8 17. Ne5 a6 18. f4 b5
... Kg8 13. Qh5 Re8 14. Qxf7+ Kh8 Ne6 30. f5 Bxe4+ 31. Qxe4 Nc5 32.
15. Qxb7 Qd7 16. Qxd7 Nxd7 17. Qc6 Rc8 33. Qd5 Rd8 34. Qxf7 8
Nxd5 cxd4 18. Nc7 dxe3 19. Nxa8 Rd7 35. Qg8+ Kb7 36. Qd5+ Kb8
7 +l++pkp
37. Qc6 a5 38. Qxb6+ Nb7 39.
exf2+ 20. Kxf2 Rxa8 21. Rad1.
13. Qd3 g6 14. h5 Qc6 Rd8 40. Qc7+ Ka7, Black re- 6 p++lp+
signed. 5 +p+pN+P
8 rnqr+ 4 +pPP+
7 p l++p+ Would you believe that in 1975 3 +NP+
6 p+lpk and 2004 the same Bxh7+ sacrifice
was played and both times Black
5 +pp+NP lost! 1 +KR++
4 +P++ Of course, I wondered if the old a b c d e f g h

3 +NQP+ Marshall attacking idea was still

2 PP+PP+ played, and, sure enough, I found this 19. a3
game from 2007! Over one hundred There is room for a variety of styles.
1 R
 +K+R years later! Here, White is careful with 19. a3
a b c d e f g h One gets the impression Marshall
Petra Schuurman (2295) - would have played 19. hxg6 fxg6 20.
14. … Bxg5 Talitha Munnik (D55) a3 Kg8 21. g4 Rb8 22. g5 Bg7 23.
Even better was the brave 14. ... Vlissingen HZ Open, 11th Vlissingen Bg4 Think about this position,
Kxg5 15. hxg6 Bg7 16. gxf7 Kf6 17. (2), 05.08.2007 though. Black has improved the de-
dxc5 Kxf7 18. 0-0-0 bxc5, but how 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 fense on what Burn played back in
many of us have that kind of courage Be7 5. Nf3 b6 6. cxd5 exd5 7. e3 1900. Chess grows up just like
if a grandmaster doesn’t? Bb7 8. Bd3 0-0 9. Bxf6 Bxf6 10. h4 chessplayers.
15. hxg6+ Kg7 16. Rh7+ Kf6 17. Nd7 11. Qc2 g6 12. h5 Kg7 13. 0- 19. … Qd6 20. Bf3 Red8 21. e4
0-0-0 c4 18. Qe2 Ke7 19. f4 Bf6 0-0 c5 Using Spielmann’s idea. Marshall’s
hxg6 is good as well: 21. hxg6 fxg6

14 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

Please turn to page 24

2012 Junior Grand Prix Standings
This unofficial list is based on USCF records and TD reports as of Thursday, May
10, 2012. There are 3,402 players with JGP points and 169 JGP-eligible events
have resulted in points earned. For a complete list of overall leaders, go to

Top 25 Overall Standings State Leaders


YU, NATHAN Q OK 1000 1
BUZEK, JAN WA 2954 1

Chess is all about having fun and ZACHARY CHEN TANEN-

BAUM, 11, is doing that as he climbs to fourth place in the
Junior Grand Prix standings.

16 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

The Spring Nationals, as they are called (High
School, Junior High School, Elementary) are indi-
vidual-team events. That means students are
paired as individuals and the top four scorers from
the same school can win the team title. The top four
Continued from pg. 4 scorers from I.S. 318 were Justus Williams, Isaac
Barayev, Matthew Kluska, and James Black. They
scored 20 points out of a possible 28, and just
edged out another fine group of students from
Manhattan’s Hunter College Campus School, by a
single median tiebreak point. Playing for Hunter
were Alec Getz, Aleksandr Ostrovskiy, Aaron Lan-
desman, and Lilia Poteat.
The overall winner with 61/2 points out of 7, was I.S. 318 Squad
Ben Gershenov from Solomon Schlechter HS in New
York. He finished half a point ahead of Eric Rosen, tied for first place with William Santos (FL) and
Dipro Chakraborty, Jason Altschuler, Atulya Shetty, Abubakarr Kamara (DE). Other members of the I.S.
Bryan Hu, Michael Vilenchuk, and Andrew Ng. 318 squad were Austin Tang, Isaiah Lewis, and
Class winners were Maximilian Zinski, Darcy Linde, Stefek Yurgel.
Brandon Nydick
Bryan Kapke, Jack Heublum, Haik Der Manuelian,
Also, we wish to apologize to Brandon Nydick, a Peter Hansel, Anthony Wong, Michael Izaguirre,
member of the 2012 Trophies Plus All-America Jonah Butler, and Albert Tarczon.
team. It turns out he isn’t camera-shy. His photo
was misfiled. In the K-12 Under 1600 section, it was a local
boy who triumphed: Donald Hooker of Minneapo-
Brandon, who lives in New York City, learned to lis South HS scored a perfect 7-0. Team honors
play in kindergarten and credits his first coach, went to Miami Senior High (FL): Orestes Ordonez,
Marcus Mairena, for developing his love for the Raul Rodriguez, Jossie Calderon, Matthew Solis.
game. He now takes lessons from (“He is amaz- They just squeaked by—you guessed it—I.S. 318:
ing!”) Varuzhan Akobian, who lives in Los Angeles. Otto Schatz, Jack Wen, Vaughn Soso and Mariah
He was first grade champion in New York City, and McGreen.
New York State, and then national third grade In the K-12 Under 1200 section, Kaustubh
champion. He was also a member of the U.S. team Sanja Nimkar scored a clean 7-0 for top honors.
at the 2011 World Youth Chess Championships in The team title went to Abington HS of Pennsylva- Tracy Shaffer
the Under 10 section. nia: Eric Goldsborough, Ben Kruger, Ryan Klasky,
Other than that, he seems to be a normal kid! and Andrew Weinrich. Stars of tomorrow?
His interests include tennis, football, skiing, math, The K-12 Under 800 section also had an unde-
social studies and science. Tracy Shaffer (MN) and Wun-Shen Chen (HI) may
feated winner: Brock Morris of Sibley HS in Min- qualify.
But judging from the photo, we still think he is a neapolis. Team honors went to M.S. 118 of the
little camera-shy! Bronx, New York City: Mohinur Miah, Abdullah Rid- They won the K-9 Unrated section. Team honors
wan, Darron McMorries and Kevin Singh. went to Florida’s Aspira RAM Charter School, rep-
BROOKLYN CASTLE The K-12 Unrated section was won by Andrew
This isn’t an oops or an owey. It’s a wowser! If resented by Eddy Gedeon, Stephon Sawyer, Edgar
Hanson and David Ma, both from Minnesota. Hins- Gonzalez, and Ricardo Gaspari.
you have been following Chess Life Online at dale Central HS from Illinois, won the team prize:
www.uschess.org, you know that Brooklyn Castle The Junior High K-8 section was the largest of all
Arthar Qureshi, Naveen Balaji, Michael Ren, and the sections, with over 170 players. Christopher
is the name of a movie which traces the progress Alan Chen.
of Brooklyn’s I.S. 318 and its very successful chess Wu of New Jersey and Kapil Chandran of Con-
All the individual and team winners can be found necticut traveled all the way to San Diego to tie for
program, beginning in 2009 and going through at www.uschess.org.
2011. There have been screenings in Texas, Min- the title.
nesota, Georgia, Tennessee and New Jersey. At NATIONAL JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL
the Montclair Film Festival in New Jersey, the show CHAMPIONSHIPS
was sold out! From Brooklyn to Minneapolis to San Diego—the
Plans are now being made for general distribu- odyssey continues for I.S. 318. James Black tied for
tion in the fall. So check your local movie listings first place with Michael Brown (CA) and Bryan Hu
when you go back to school. Brooklyn Castle (AZ), and led the I.S. 318 squad to team honors.
could be showing at a movie theater near you!
And if it is, don’t be afraid to ask your teachers
and principals and school board members to go
see it. Afterschool programs are being cut back all
across the country, and this film will show how im-
portant such programs are. Kapil Chandran
Christopher Wu
The old Rolling Stones hit “You can’t always get
what you want,” is certainly true in life. And the kids The Kennedy Middle School of Cupertino, Cali-
at I.S. 318 certainly had their share of disappoint- fornia, ran away with the team honors—41/2 points
ments as well as successes. How they handled ahead of their closest competitor. Teammates were
those setbacks is a testimony to good parenting Udit Iyengar, Kesav Viswanadha, Cameron
and to a fine staff of teachers and administrators at Wheeler, and Neel Apte.
I.S. 318. The K-8 Under 1000 section had a three way tie
But let’s concentrate on their successes! for first place between Desi Hutson (MI), Matthew
Helke (MN), and Nicholas Kinzel (AZ). The Wash-
NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL CHAMPIONSHIPS ington Parks Academy of Michigan just squeaked
From left to right, Bryan Hu, Michael Brown, by Rockway MS (FL) and Sparta MS (NJ). Team
Let’s start with the National High School Champi- and James Black
onships, which were held in Minneapolis, Min- members were Branden Davis, Alanna Munson,
nesota in April. For the first time ever, a junior high Other team members were Justus Williams, Robert Lewis, Joshua Harper and Lauren Bradford.
school team won the K-12 title. You guessed it: Isaac Barayev, Kenneth Martin, Brian Arthur, and There was also a K-8 Under 750 section, won
I.S. 318!! The school’s achievement received na- Matthew Kluska. by Hao-Rui Xia with a perfect 7-0 score.
tional coverage through Fox News and The New But it didn’t end there! In the K-9 Under 1250 See photo top of next column
York Times. section, teammates Jamye Moya and William Yu

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 17

Alex Bian Ronald Feng Danial Asaria Advait Patel
From left to right, Hao-Rui Xia (first), Luis David Moy, Michael Wang,
Piedad (second), and Dariel Frias (third) Anthony Zhou, Steven
Bordering on perfect were his teammates from Li), the NYC Lab Mid-
Mott Hall (NY): Dariel Frias, Nicole Zukowski, and dle School (Adrian
Jailine Grullon. All together they scored 24-4. Durkin, Sean Chung,
In the K-9 Blitz, Justus Williams and James Spencer Ha, Jonathan
Black had to share the spotlight with Sean Vibbert Chan) and New York’s
of Indiana. All finished 11-1. With Williams and Dalton School (Reddy
Black leading the way, it is no surprise that I.S. 318
Lee, Jacob Ehrenkranz,
won team honors in the ever-popular blitz event.
Joining Williams and Black were Kenneth Martin Oliver Neubauer, Ben
and Isaac Barayev. Goldstein).
Kevin Moy Dex Webster Andrew Zheng
We started our little recap with I.S. 318, and we Each team scored 181/2-
end with I.S. 318. We hope New York City restores 91/2, just edging out the Churchill Road School (VA)
the budget cuts which threaten this excellent at 171/2-101/2.
school program.
In the K-6 Under 1000 section, Justin Braswell
2,234 PLAYERS JAM OPRYLAND! of Detroit, Michigan made it to the top of the heap
It was a sad weekend in Nashville. No Grand Ol’ with a perfect 7-0 score, edging out Marc Metcalf
Opry on the radio. Guitars were being pawned all (GA) and Kyle Kras (IL), both just a half a point be-
over town. Banjos were being used for firewood. hind Justin.
Actually, that didn’t happen. But it could have Team honors went to New York’s P.S. 503
and 2,234 kids with accompanying parents and (Brooklyn). They finished half a point up on Rock-
coaches probably wouldn’t have noticed. They way Middle School of Miami, Florida. Playing for P.S. Thomas Knoff Zachary Tanenbaum
were in Nashville to play chess! The 2012 National 503 were Li Heng Wang, Nancy Wang, Joshen
Elementary (K-6) Championships were held May Zhang, Wang Chen, Steven Xue, and Helen Xue. Ranadheer Tripuraneni
11-13 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Con- (IL), Adrian Gellert (TN),
vention Center. There was a clear winner in the K-6 Unrated sec- Zachary Zhang (WA),
And play they did, from the moment they arrived tion—Sean Innes of Scottsdale, Arizona. And four Andrew Oliver (CT), and
on Friday until the awards ceremony on Sunday. If New York teams finished at the top of the team Harrison Lewis (GA).
the music had died in Nashville, they wouldn’t have competition, with P.S.-I.S. 180 (Hugo Newman) Those who tied on
noticed! outdistancing Success Academy (Harlem), Com- tiebreaks who are not
munity Partnership Charter School, and a second listed here, can be found
The top section, the K-6 Championship saw a team from Success Academy. Playing for Hugo at www.uschess.org.
five way tie for first place at 6-1. Amir Moazami Newman were Juliana Lopez, Jeffrey Santana, The team title in the K-
(NY) led the pack on tiebreaks, but also going Dante Mason, and Derrell Keys. Luke Bohua Xie 5 section went to the
home with the hardware (trophies from Trophies Greenbriar West Ele-
Plus) were Vignesh Panchanatham (CA), Alex Bian Also hotly contested was the K-5 Championship mentary School (VA). Representing Greenbriar
section, with no less than nine (!) kids tying for first were Pranav Karthik, Vivian Cao-Dao, Ryan Xu, and
place at 6-1. In tiebreak order, they were Bryce Revanth Vejju. They finished just ahead of two New
Tiglon (WA), Marcell Szabo (WA), Danial Asaria York schools, Browning and Hunter College.
(CA), Advait Patel (WV), Dex Webster (LA), An-
drew Zheng (MD), Thomas Knoff (NY), Zachary In the K-5 Under 900 section, there was another
Tanenbaum (CT), and Luke Xie (OH). Nine kids log jam of winners. Five finished just a half point shy
of perfection. They were Patrick Barner (IN), Steve
Silverberg (WA), Joshua Werth (WI), Nithik Bal-
achandran (GA), and Jeremy Rodriguez (NY).
The top team was P.S. 139—from Brooklyn,
New York. They outdistanced three other teams
Amir Moazami Vignesh Panchanatham from New York—P.S. 160 (Brooklyn), Bronxville
(IL), Roland Feng (WA), and Kevin Moy (CA). School, and P.S. 6 (Manhattan). Playing on the win-
Winning class prizes were Sailesh Sitaram, Milton ning team were Ishmael Bento-Simon, Jayvon Bul-
Lee, Rahul Reddy, Anjali Toly, Phillip Silva, Ethan lock, Kian Fallon, and Aaron Idemudia.
Solomon, Chloe Wong, Chirag Jain. For a complete
list of trophy winners, you can check it out at The K-3 Championship section also had a tie for
Bryce Tiglon Marcell Szabo first place, but this time, only two were involved: Tan

The hotly contested team title saw a three-way from eight states!
tie for first place. Listed in tiebreak order are the On tiebreaks, the class prize winners were
Weibel Elementary School of California (Kevin Reece Iriye (NV), Nicholas Miklauccic (NC), Please turn to page 23

18 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

Answers, We’ve got Answers.
Win or Draw (page 8)
Kf4?? Kd3!] 16. ... Kd5) 5. Kb5 Nd2 6. Kc5 it takes Black seven moves to capture and
Kxa7 7. Kd5 Nf3 8. Ke6 Ka6 9. Kf5 Nh2 10. queen and White, too, but there’s a trick at
Kxe5 Kxa5 11. Kd6 Ng4 12. e5 Nxe3 13. e6 the end … 1. Ka2 Kd3 2. Ka3 Ke2 3. Kxa4
Diagram One Solution: BLACK WINS!! From Kb6 14. Kd7 (14. e7 Nf5+ 15. Kd7 Nxe7 16. Kxf3 4. b4 Ke4 5. b5 f3 6. b6 f2 7. b7 f1=Q
a game, Adolf Olland-Paul Leonhardt, Carls- Kxe7 Kc6 17. Kf6 Kd5 18. Kg6 Ke6 19. Kxh6 8. b8=Q Qa1+ 9. Kb5 Qb1+ and Black
bad, 1907. Black played the astonishing 43. Kf6) 14. ... Nf5 15. Kd8 Ng7 16. e7 Kc6 17. wins!).
… c5!! And White resigned as he realized he e8=Q+ Nxe8 18. Kxe8 Kd6 19. Kf7 Kd7 20.
could not capture or advance because the e- Kg6 Ke6 21. Kxh6 Kf6. Diagram Five Solution: (An old favorite!)
pawn would advance to e1 and promote. WHITE WINS!! In fact, he mates! 1. g8=Q+!!
Then, the black king just waltzes up, snatches Diagram Three Solution: DRAWN!! 1. Kf5 Kxg8 2. Ke6 Kh8 3. Kf7 e5 4. Bg7#.
the white e-pawn and wins. Kg7 2. e7 Kf7 3. e8=Q+ Kxe8 4. Ke6 f5 5.
Kxf5 Kd7 6. Ke4 Kc6 7. Kd4 d5 8. Kd3 Kc5 Diagram Six Solution: WHITE WINS!! Bish-
Diagram Two Solution: DRAWN!! Thought 9. Kc3 d4+ 10. Kd3 Kd5 11. Kd2 Kc4 12. ops of opposite colors aren’t always a draw.
that b-pawn would promote and win, huh? Kc2 d3+ 13. Kd2 Kd4 14. Kd1 Kc3 15. Kc1 1. b6+ axb6 2. Kb5! wins. Either the bishop
Watch! 1. Kc6 b4 2. Kb6 b3 3. a7 b2 4. Ka6 d2+ 16. Kd1 Kd3 Stalemate. goes or the white pawn or pawns break
b1=N (4. ... b1=B 5. Kb6 Bxe4 6. Kc7 Bf3 7. through: 1. b6+ axb6 (1. ... Bxb6 2. cxb6+
Kd6 e4 8. Ke5 Kxa7 9. Kf6 Bxh5 10. Kg7 Diagram Four Solution: DRAWN!! 1. b4! Kxb6 3. Kb4 a6 4. a5+ Ka7 5. Kc5 Kb8 6.
Ka6 11. Kxh6 Bf3 12. h5 Kxa5 13. Kg5 Bxh5 axb3 Stalemate! 1. Ka2 doesn’t work be- Kb6) 2. Kb5 Bd2 3. cxb6+ Kb8 4. a5.
14. Kxh5 Kb5 15. Kg4 Kc4 16. Kf5 [16. cause Black heads for the f3-pawn (Count:

What’s the Question?

Black’s mating threats are basically
8 +++k+ unstoppable. 0-1
7 p p++pp
Continued from pg. 6 6 ++lr+ Now here is Moriarty-Holmes again.

5 +p+l (b)
with a drawish opposite-colored 4 +r++ 26. fxg3 Bxe3+ 27. Kh2 Rh6+ 28.
bishop position. 3 ++PNPq Bh3 Bxh3
21. Bxe4 Qh5 22. Bxd4 Rxd4 2 PP+PPL+ White can sacrifice as much mate-
White’s up a pawn, but what matters rial as he wants, but it’s now too late
most now is that his king is about to
1 R
 +Q+RK to defend the king.
be in trouble; the white pieces are a b c d e f g h 29. Rf4!
barely developed and the king’s posi- White has found the very last fight-
tion is already opening. 25. ... Qxg3!! ing chance. There is just one winning
23. Ne3? Who needs queens, anyway? Black move for Black here. Can you find it?
Moriarty/Petrosian is losing the has checkmate coming! 29. ... Rxf4! 30. gxf4 Bf2!
thread of the game now. The power of Now, Moriarty and Petrosian chose Now Black is threatening check-
Black’s attack is not to be underesti- different moves. First, let’s look at the mate, and there’s no way to stop it.
mated. White should have played 23. continuation from Petrosian’s game. 31. Qb3+
e3! Qxd1 24. Rfxd1 Rxe4 25. dxe4 Now Sherlock Holmes could win
Bxc4 26. Rac1, with an approximately (a) back the queen with 31. ... Be6+, but
even position. 26. Nf5 do you think he did? No, of course
23. ... Rf6! Everything is hanging! Now watch not! Black has sacrificed almost
Black brings the rook into the attack. Black’s “ultra-high-quality” pieces fin- everything for the initiative, so why
24. Bf3? ish off the white king. turn back now?
Now White just loses. There was 26. ... Rxf5 27. fxg3 Be3+ 28. Rf2 31. ... Kh8 32. Qxb7 Bf1#
just one last chance of survival. 24. f4! What would have happened if White A great finish for a great game. 0-1
Rh6 25. Ng2! White can still hide for a had moved the king? Something simi-
while, and possibly survive the whole lar to the line in Moriarty’s game, which We have reconstructed the game
thing. we will see just a bit later. between Sherlock Holmes and Pro-
24. ... Qh3 25. Bg2 28. ... Rxf2 29. Kh1 Rg4 fessor Moriarty, but more importantly,
This was White’s idea when he White’s queen and rook are simply we have seen the importance of the
played 24. Bf3. However, Petrosian powerless: it’s over. quality of your pieces, the power of
was not prepared for Black’s incredi- 30. b4 Rg6 the initiative. In chess as in life, qual-
ble response. Can you see it? Petrosian resigned here, since ity almost always trumps quantity.

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids 19

or double ($89 Friday and Saturday nights). 1-800-634-6753 or (702) to FIDE or FQE, 200+ added to most foreign national ratings, no points
734-5110. Don't be shut out; make your reservations early and be added to CFC. Highest of multiple ratings generally used. Entries: USCF,
sure to ask for the chess rates; The Riviera sells out most weekends. ATTN: 2012 U.S. Open, PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. Online entry:
Tournament Life Cutoff for special hotel rate is May 28th. Rates may be as high as $150
a night later. RESERVE NOW! Credit card or one night room deposit will
USOPEN. Phone entry: 800-903-8723. FIDE rated, No cell phones. Bring
Announcements be required to hold reservation, may be canceled 72 hours in advance for
nominal fee. Tournament Registration: National Open, PO Box 90925,
a clock -- none supplied. Sets/boards supplied for tournament but not for
skittles. Many meetings, workshops and seminars, including: USCF Com-
JUNE 14 THROUGH AUGUST 14 Henderson, NV 89009-0925, on line at www.VegasChessFestival.com mittee Meetings 8/8-10, USCF Awards Luncheon 8/11 noon, USCF
or by fax at (702) 933-9112. Info: (702) 560-0955 and leave a message. Delegates Meeting 8/11-12. Many side events and other championships,
NS. W. FIDE. Chess Magnet School JGP. including: Women’s US Open (see separate TLA for the Women’s event),
Scholastic Members: July 13-15, Texas U.S. Open Blitz Championship 7SS, Double, 12noon 8/11; Weekend
Swiss 5SS, G/60, 10-1-3:30 Sat 8/4, 10 & 1 Sun 8/5; U.S. Open Scholas-
As a service to you, we are listing upcoming Na- 2012 U.S. Junior Open
tic (see separate TLA for the Scholastic event); U.S. Open Quads G/30
tional USCF rated events, and requested events of 6SS, G/120,d5. Marriott Houston South at Hobby Airport, 9100 Gulf Free-
way, Houston, TX 77017. www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/houhh-hous- 12-1:30-2:30 Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri; U.S. Open G/15 Championship 12-1-
possible interest to you. You can always log in to ton-hobby-airport-marriott/. Free parking! $79 HR valid until 6/30 2-3-4 Wed 8/8; U.S. Open Bughouse Sun. 7:00 pm 8/6. 16th Annual
(includes free hot breakfast buffet!), Reserve early! 713-943-7979, Group Golf Tournament for the U.S. Open Chess Players, (see tournament
www.uschess.org, and click on “Clubs and Tour- website for details). U.S. Open Tennis Tournament (see tournament
Code: CHESS. 4 Sections based on age as of 1/1/2012: Under 21,
neys.” Then click on “Upcoming Tourneys” for a Under 15, Under 11 and Under 8. July Rating Supplement. U21: website for details). In addition, three other championships will also take
complete listing of upcoming rated events and de- $500+entry to 2013 US Junior Closed - $250-$125-$75-$50. Individual place: the 2012 Denker Tournament of HS Champions, the 2012 Bar-
plaques to top five overall, plaques for best player age 18, 17, 16, 15, ber Tournament of K-8 Champions, and the 2012 Trophies Plus U.S.
tails. As always, you can check out the TLA section Girls Junior Open (see separate TLA for the Girls event). Please check
Under 15, and for ratings U1600, U1400, U1200. U21 is also FIDE rated.
of Chess Life. U15: Individual trophies to top ten overall, trophies for best player age the U.S. Open website often for updates, new information and cor-
14, 13, 12, 11, Under 11, and for ratings U1400, U1200, U1000. U11: In- rections! www.uschess.org/tournaments/2012/usopen/. FIDE.
Chess Magnet School JGP for U.S. Open.
Organizers and Tournament Directors: dividual trophies to top ten overall, trophies to best player age 10, 9, 8,
7, Under 7, and for ratings U1200, U1000, U800. U8: Individual trophies Aug. 8-12, Washington
If you would like your tournament listed here in to top ten overall, best player age 7, 6 & Under, and for ratings U1000, 2012 Women's U.S. Open
Chess Life for KIDS for August (events to be held U800, U600; honorable mention trophies for all others U8. Commemora- 5SS, Game 90 + 30 Seconds. Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W. 6th
after August 14), the deadline for submitting your an- tive medals for all participants. Teams:Trophies to top three school teams St., Vancouver, WA 98660. Self Parking $13.00, valet $17.00 per night.
and top club team in each of the four sections. Top four scores, minimum HR: $110 single/quad, 360-993-4500, reserve by July 12 or rate may in-
nouncements is June 10th. The deadline for the Oc- of three, count towards team score in each section. Byes: One half-point crease. $2000 Guaranteed. EF: $50. One section with class prizes. Prizes:
tober 2012 issue is August 10th. The processing fee bye, any round except Rd. 6, if requested before Rd 1. EF: $35 postmarked $500 (+ trophy), $300, $200. Class Prizes: U2000, U1800, U1600, U1400,
or on line by 7/2, $50 after 7/2; no checks on site. Schedule: Onsite reg- U1200: $200 each. Rounds: 8/8 to 8/11, 11:00 AM, 8/12, 10:00 AM. Half
is $1.00 per line for the first eight lines, $2.00 for istration, Fri 8:30 – 11:00am. Opening Ceremony, Fri 12:45pm. Rounds, Fri point byes: Limit 1, must commit before Round 2. Entry Fee: Online, $50
every line thereafter. Send your announcements to 1pm & 6pm; Sat 9:30am & 2:15pm; Sun 9am & 1:30pm. Awards Cere- by August 7th. By mail, $50 postmarked by 7/29; do not mail after 7/29!
Joan DuBois, tla@uschess.org. mony 6:00pm (approx). Side Events: Blitz, U21 & U11. Sat 6:30pm, EF: By phone, $50 by 8/7. No phone entries after 8/7 (close of business at the
$15 by 7/2, $20 on site. Bughouse: One section, Sat ASAP after Blitz, Office)! At site, all $50. Registration At site closes August 8 at 10:00 AM.
Display advertising is also available. Advertising EF: $25 per team, on site only. Parents and Friends Tournament (not August official ratings used; unofficial ratings used if otherwise un-
rates are posted on the USCF website, www. rated): 3SS, G/30, Sat, Rds. 10:30, 2:30 & 4:00pm. EF: $20, on site only. rated. CCA ratings used if above USCF. Foreign player ratings: usually 100
Prizes: Trophies to top three plus one USCF Premium membership for points added to FIDE or FQE, 200+ added to most foreign national rat-
uschess.org, or you may email: tla@uschess.org for each five participants. ENTRIES: Mail to Francisco L. Guadalupe, 305 Wil- ings, no points added to CFC. Highest of multiple ratings generally used.
complete details. low Pointe Dr., League City, TX 77573. Info: flguadalupe@aol.com. Enter Entries: USCF, ATTN: 2012 U.S. Women's Open, PO Box 3967, Crossville,
online at: www.active.com/event_detail.cfm?event_id=2015371. Note: TN 38557. Online entry: www.uschess.org/tournaments/2012/wom-
Active.com charges a small fee. Phone entries: (713) 530-7820. Add $3 ens/. Phone entry: 800-903-8723. No cell phones. Bring a clock -- none
(per player) for phone entries. Tournament website link at http://main.us supplied. Sets/boards supplied for tournament but not for skittles. Please
NATIONALS chess.org/content/view/10014/95. Chess Magnet School JGP.
Aug. 4-8, Washington
see the US Open TLA for side events, committee meetings, dele-
gate meetings and other events held during the Open. Please check
June 14, Nevada 2012 Trophies Plus U.S. Girls Junior Open Championship the U.S. Open website often for updates, new information and cor-
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80 (Enhanced) 6SS, G/90+30 seconds. Hilton Vancouver Washington (see U.S. Open). rections! www.uschess.org/tournaments/2012/womens/. Chess
2012 U.S. Game/10 Championship (QC) Open to all females born after 08/04/91. Must be US resident to qualify Magnet School JGP.
6SS, G/10. FIDE Rated. Riviera Hotel and Casino, 2901 Las Vegas Boule- for Scholarship money. EF: Free if playing in U.S. Open (must play in 6-Day Sept. 21-23 or 22-23, Texas
vard South, Las Vegas 89109. $$G 5,000. 1500-800-500, U2300 450, or 4-Day Schedule), otherwise $50 mailed by 7/29 or on line by 7/29, $60 Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 50 (Enhanced)
U2100 400, U1900 350, U1700 300, U1500 250, U1300 200, U1100 150, at site. Prizes: 1st Place: $500 Scholarship and Plaque; 2nd Place: $350 2012 U.S. Class Championships
unrated 100. There must be 3 players eligible for each prize to be award- Scholarship and Plaque; 3rd Place: $150 Scholarship and Plaque; Plaques 5SS, G/120, d5 (2-Day Option, Rd 1, G/60, d5), $11,000 b/200 full paid en-
ed. EF: $69 by 5/28, $79 by 6/13 $100 on site. REG.: 2-4 p.m. Rds.: 5- to Top A, B, C, D, E, Unr. Registration ends Sat 6 pm, Rds. Sat 7 pm, Sun/ tries, 70% Guaranteed. Junior entries in Class C and D, all Class E, and Un-
5:30-6-6:30-7-7:30. Higher of regular or quick rating used. Bring clocks. Mon 12 noon & 7 pm, Tue 11 am. Ent: USCF (Girls Junior Open), PO Box rated Section count as 2/3. Free entry for GMs. Free entry for IMs,
1/2 point bye available in any round (limit 2). HR: $59 single or double 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. Online entry: https://secure.uschess.org/ deducted from winnings. July Rating Supplement used. Houston Marriott
($89 Friday and Saturday nights). 1-800-634-6753 or (702) 734-5110. ENT: webstore/tournaments.php?wkevent=2012GirlsJrOpen. Chess Mag- South at Hobby Airport, 9100 Gulf Freeway, Houston, TX 77017, www.mar-
National Open, PO Box 90925, Henderson, NV 89009-0925, on line www. net School JGP. riott.com/hotels/travel/houhh-houston-hobby-airport-marriott/. Free
VegasChessFestival.com or fax at (702) 933-9112. NS. NC. W. parking! $87 HR! 713-943-7979, Group Code: CHESS. 8 Sections, Rated
A Heritage Event!
A Heritage Event! Aug. 4-12, 7-12 or 9-12, Washington players may play up one class only. MASTER (2200/up), FIDE Rated,
An American Classic! Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 300 $1,250-650-400 (U2400: 400-200-100), EXPERT (2000-2199), $800-400-
June 15-17 or 16-17, Nevada 113th annual U.S. Open 200, CLASS A (1800-1999), $800-400-200, CLASS B (1600-1799), $800-
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 200 (Enhanced) Includes traditional one game per day schedule (9 days), also 6-day slow 400-200, CLASS C (1400-1599), $800-400-200, CLASS D (1200-1399),
2012 National Open time control option, and 4-day option requiring only 3 nights hotel stay for $800-400-200, CLASS E (U1200), $300-200-100, Unrated, $300-100. Na-
6-SS, 40/2, SD/1 (2 day option rds 1-3 G/45). Riviera Hotel and Casino, most players. 9SS, 40/2, SD/1, D5 (4 day option, Rds. 1-6, G/60, D5). tional Class Champion title and plaques to each Class winner. Tie-breaks:
2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas 89109. $80,000 Guaranteed Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W. 6th St., Vancouver, WA 98660. Self MSCO. EF: $75 postmarked or on line by 9/14, $85 after. Special EF: $45
Prize Fund will not be reduced. Championship. $$: 6400-3200-1600- Parking $13.00, valet $17.00 per night. HR: $110 single/quad, 360-993- by 9/14 ($55 after) for all players in Class E, Unrated Section, and Jun-
800-500-300-300-300-300-300-200-200-200-200-200, under 2500 1600, 4500, reserve by July 12 or rate may increase. $50,000 in prizes based iors U18 in Class C or D. 3-Day Schedule: Registration Fri (10/1) 5-7pm.
under 2400 1200, under 2300 1000. $2,000 EXTRA for perfect score. The on 500 paid entries, else proportional, $40,000 (80% of each prize) min- Rds. Fri 8pm, Sat 1pm & 6:30pm, Sun 9:30am & 2:30pm. 2-Day Sched-
winner of the Championship section also receives a replica of the Edmond- imum guaranteed. A one section tournament with Class prizes. Top US ule: Registration Sat (10/2) 8-9am. Rds. Sat 10am, 1pm (merges with 3-
son Cup. Under 2200. $$: 3200-1600-800-500-400-250-250-250-250-250- player not otherwise qualified qualifies for 2013 US Championship. Day Schedule) & 6:30pm, Sun 9:30am & 2:30pm. Byes for all rounds, must
200-200-200-200-200. Under 2000. $$: 3200-1600-800-500-400-250-250- Choice of three schedules: Traditional: 40/2, SD/1, D5. One round commit before end of Rd 2. SIDE EVENTS: 5-min BLITZ, Sat after Rd 3,
250-250-250-200-200-200-200-200. Under 1800. $$: 3200-1600-800-500- daily at 7 pm, except Rd 9, 3 pm 8/12. 6-Day Option: 7 pm 8/7, 12 noon 2 sections, Open and U1800 (uses Regular USCF ratings). $10 EF on site,
400-250-250-250-250-250-200-200-200-200-200. Under 1600. $$: 3200- & 7 pm 8/8-10, 7 pm 8/11, 3 pm 8/12. 4-Day Option: 1 pm, 4 pm & 7 pm 75% returned in prizes; SCHOLASTIC TOURNAMENT, 5SS, G/30, d5, One
1600-800-500-400-250-250-250-250-250-200-200-200-200-200. Under 8/9; 10 am, 1 pm, 3:30 pm & 7 pm 8/10, 7 pm 8/11, 3 pm 8/12. All sched- day only, Sat 10/2, $20 by 9/24, $25 after. Sections: K-3, K-6, K-9, K-12.
1400. $$: 2000-1000-700-400-300-250-250-250-250-250. Under 1200. ules merge after Round 6 & compete for same prizes. Projected prizes: Prizes: Trophies to top 15 individuals and plaques to top 3 teams in each
$$: 1200-600-400-300-250-200-200-200-200. Unrated, $$: 500-300-200. Top places $8000-4000-2000-1500-1000-700-500-400, clear winner or division, top four players from one school count for team score, minimum
Plus Score Bonus ($14,000 guaranteed) in addition to any other prizes, playoff $200 bonus. If tie for first, top two on tiebreak play speed game of two. Scholastic players will receive a commemorative medal. ENTRIES:
every player who finishes with 3-1/2 points or better wins a $50 gift cer- (White 5 minutes, Black 3 minutes and gets draw odds, 5 second delay) Check payable to Francisco L. Guadalupe and mail to 305 Willow Pointe
tificate. Plus score certificates will be awarded on site only. Players under for bonus and title. Class Prizes: Top Master (2200-2399) $2400-1200- Dr., League City, TX 77573. On line: www.active.com/more-sports-tour-
age 15 are eligible for best game prizes including the Freddie award plus 600-300, Expert (2000-2199) $2400-1200-600-300, Class A (1800-1999) nament/houston-tx/us-class-chess-championships-2012. Tournament
$200 (donated by Fred Gruenberg). Top 2 sections FIDE rated. EF: $169 $2400-1200-600-300, Class B (1600-1799) $2400-1200-600-300, Class C website link at http://main.uschess.org/content/view/10014/95. Info:
by 2/29, $199 by 5/28, $219 by 6/13, $240 on site. $40 discount for sen- (1400-1599) $2000-1000-500-300, Class D (1200-1399) $1500-700-400- flguadalupe@aol.com. Phone Entries (713) 530-7820. Chess Magnet
iors 65 and over. Add $120 for adults rated under 2100 or juniors under 200, Class E or below (under 1200) $1200-600-400-200, Unrated $700- School JGP.
2000 playing in the Championship Section. This is an open tournament - 400-200. Special prizes for Life Titles: Top Life Senior Master Under 2500:
you may play in any section at or above your rating level; unrated play-
ers may play only in Unrated or Championship Section. Provisionally rated
$600. Top Life Master, (or Original Life Master) Under 2300: $600. Top
Candidate Master (or higher title) Under 2100: $500. Top First Category Grand Prix
players may not win more than 3rd prize in any section except Champi- (or higher title) Under 1900: $500. Top Second Category (or higher title) June 9-10, Texas
onship. CCA minimum ratings or other ratings may be used if higher than Under 1700: $500. Top Third Category (or higher) Under 1500: $400. Top Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 (Enhanced)
USCF June Supplement. Reg.: 3 p.m.-10 p.m. Thursday, 8-9:30 a.m. Friday. Fourth Category (or higher) Under 1300: $300. Life Titles must be estab- 2012 DCC Fide Open IV
Rds.: 11-6, 10-5, 10-5. 2-day schedule: Reg.: 8-9 a.m. Saturday. Rds.: 10- lished by August 1, 2012. Special life title prizes will be calculated and 5SS, G/90 with 30 sec inc. Dallas Chess Club, 200 S. Cottonwood Dr. #C,
12-2-5: merge with 3-day in round 4. Half point byes available in any awarded August 24, 2012. Half Point Byes: must commit before Round Richardson, TX 75080. Two sections: Open and Reserve. Open Section
round, but round 5 or 6 byes must be requested before the start of round 4; up to 3 byes allowed for 2000/up, 2 byes for 1400-1999, one bye for $$750G. This section is FIDE rated but uses USCF Rules. $500-$250. EF:
2. Chess sets and boards provided for tournament play only, not for skit- Under 1400/Unr. Limit 1 bye in last two rounds. Zero point byes are al- $75, Senior/Hcap/Additional Family Member $50, plus $5 non-DCC mem-
tles. Please bring chess clocks! The LAS VEGAS INTERNATIONAL CHESS ways available in any round. Entry Fee: Online, $145 by 6/17, $165 by bership fee if applicable. Small appearance fee to the First two GM/IM
FESTIVAL features the National Open, the U.S Game/10 Championship, 7/29, $185 after 7/29. By mail, $147 postmarked by 6/17, $167 post- who apply. GM/IM must play all rounds to get appearance fee. Reserve
the International Youth Championship and other events. Many free ex- marked by 7/29; do not mail after 7/29! By phone, $150 by 6/17, $170 by section: Open to players rated below 1800 USCF. This section is not Fide
tras and surprises! Free parking. Free raffle with great prizes. Free 7/29, $185 after. No phone entries after 8/2 (close of business at the Of- Rated but is USCF rated. EF for U1800: $30 plus $5 non Dallas Chess Club
GM Lectures. Free GM analysis of your games. Grandmaster Chess fice)! At site, all $190; GMs free. All entries must be made at least 2 hours membership fee if applicable. The U1800 give back 10% in prizes and if
Camp for all ages on Thursday. U.S. Game/10 and Grandmaster Simuls prior to your first game. Current USCF membership required. August of- there is a clear winner, then that winner receives free entry to next DCC
Thursday afternoon. Youth Tournaments Friday, Saturday & Sunday. ficial ratings used; unofficial ratings used if otherwise unrated. CCA rat- Fide Open. Both: Registration: 9:45 -10:15 am. Rds.: Sat 10:45-3:10-
Poker Tournament Monday morning. LOW room rates! HR: $59 single ings used if above USCF. Foreign player ratings: usually 100 points added 7:16, Sun 10:45-3:10. One Bye allowed if requested before rd 2, with-

20 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

drawals and zero point last round byes are not eligible for prizes. Ent: 7:16, Sun 10:45-3:10. One Bye allowed if requested before rd 2, with- Sept. 21-23 or 22-23, Texas
Dallas Chess Club, see address above. Info: 214-632-9000, info@dal- drawals and zero point last round byes are not eligible for prizes. Ent: Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 50 (Enhanced)
laschess.com. NS. NC. FIDE. Chess Magnet School JGP. Dallas Chess Club, see address above. Info: 214-632-9000, info@dal 2012 U.S. Class Championships
laschess.com. NS. NC. FIDE. Chess Magnet School JGP. See Nationals.
June 14, Nevada
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 80 (Enhanced) July 28-29, Texas
2012 U.S. Game/10 Championship (QC)
See Nationals.
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6
DCC Summer Insanity Regional
10 Rd. 2-SS, G/30, d/5 (Play white and black against each opponent), Dal-
A Heritage Event!
las Chess Club, 200 S. Cottonwood Dr., #C, Richardson, TX 75080. EF:
California, Northern
An American Classic!
June 15-17 or 16-17, Nevada $50. $30 Junior/Senior/Hcapp. Limited number of House players wel- Capital City C. C. Sundays Chess for Kids
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 200 (Enhanced) come for $1 per game. Dallas Chess Club membership required or pay Round Table Pizza, 3005 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento. FREE CHESS CLASS:
2012 National Open $5 non member fee. $$GTD: $300-150. Class prizes (if any) depends on 11am (Kids & Families). EVENTS: Quads: (3/RR) &/or Swisses (3 Rds.).
See Nationals. entries. Reg.: 7/28 at 11:45 am - 12:10 pm. Rds.: Round 1 at 12:30 pm T/C: G/30 w/5 Second Delay. RDS.: 1pm/Ongoing. PRIZES: 1st - Trophy
rest ASAP with hour breaks at around 6:30 pm, 12:30 am and 7:30 am. 4 or Inscribed Digital Delay Clock & Chess Medals or Pins for all. TIE-
A State Championship Event! points of 1/2 point Byes allowed. Byes for round 9 and 10 must be re- BREAK: G/7 w/3 Second Delay. EF: $15. REG.: Site & Noon. DIRECTOR:
June 16, Pennsylvania quested before round 6. ENT: Dallas Chess Club, C/O Barbara Swafford, John C. Barnard 209-450-6133. JohnCharlesBarnard@gmail.com, capi-
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 2709 Longhorn Trail, Crowley, TX 76036. INFO: Barbara Swafford, 214- talcitychessclub.com.
2012 PA State Game/45 Championship 632-9000 info@dallaschess.com. www.dallaschess.com. NS. NC.
4SS, G/45d5. Wm. Pitt Union, Univ. of Pitt., 5th & Bigelow, Pittsburgh, PA Apr. 29, June 3, July 8, Aug. 5, Seasons MarketPlace Quads
15213. 3 Sections, $$ (695G): Championship: EF: $30 by 6/8, $40 later. Aug. 4-5, Washington 1535 Landess Ave., Milpitas, CA 95035. Trophies: Players w/winning
$200-100, U2000 $75, U1800 $50. Premier: U1600. EF: $25 by 6/8, $35 Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 record. Sched: Check-in 4p. Games: 4:30-6:30p. G/30. EF: $25, Onsite
later. $90-60, U1400 $50, U1200 $40, U1000 $30; Trophies to Top 2, Top 2 2012 U.S. Open Weekend Swiss +15. Big Trophies to top 10 players in Apr-Aug tourneys. Info: BayArea
U1400, Top 2 U1200, Top 2 U1000. Scholastic: Grades K-12 U900. EF: 5-SS, G/60. $$1,000 guaranteed prizes. $200-100-50, U2200/Unr $160, Chess.com/seasons12. NS. NC. W.
$15 by 6/8, $25 later. Trophies to Top 7, 1-3 U600. ALL: Teams of 4 to 7 U1800 $140, U1600 $120, U1400 $100, U1200 $80, Unr $50. Entry fee May 12, June 9, July 21, Pleasanton Grand Prix Quads
combined from all sections, Trophies 1st-2nd schools, clubs. PSCF $5, OSA. $40, Unr free if paying USCF dues. On-Site Registration 8:30-9:30am Hilton, 7050 Johnson Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94588. Trophies: Players
Reg ends: Noon. Rds.: 12:30-2:15-4-6. Ent/Info: PSCF, c/o Tom Martinak, 8/4. Rds.: Sat 10-1-3:30, Sun 10-1. See U.S. Open Side Events display w/winning record. Sched: Check-in 4p, Games: 4:30-6:30p. 3xG/30. EF:
25 Freeport St., Pittsburgh, PA 15223, 412-908-0286, martinak_tom_ ad for more details on all 2012 U.S. Open Side Events. $25, Onsite +$15. Big Trophies to top 10 players in May-July tourneys.
m@hotmail.com. W. A Heritage Event! More Info: BayAreaChess.com/tacobell12. NS. NC. W.
June 22-24 or 23-24, California, Northern Aug. 4-12, 7-12 or 9-12, Washington
May 12, June 9, July 21, Pleasanton Grand Prix Swiss
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15 (Enhanced) Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 300
113th annual U.S. Open Hilton, 7050 Johnson Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94588. Trophies: Players
Summer Open w/winning record, teams w/2+ players. Sched: Reg. 9-9:30a. Games:
6SS, G/90 (2 day rds 1-2 G/40). 1639A S. Main St., Milpitas, CA 95035. See Nationals.
10a-2p. EF: $33, Onsite +$15. Big Trophies to top 10 players in May-July
Park free. Prize $2,400b/55. 3 sects. 1900+: guar 85% $300 200 100 Aug. 11, Washington tourneys. More Info: BayAreaChess.com/tacobell12. NS. NC.
u2100: 100 80. 1500-1899: $300 200 70 u1700:100 70 70. U1500: $300 Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 15
200 70 u1300: 100 70 70. Unr max $100 exc Open. EF: $67 by 6/20, On- 2012 U.S. Open Blitz Championship (QC) June 22-24 or 23-24, Summer Open
site +15 Playup +20. Econ: EF-20, 1/2 prize. GMs/IMs free: prize-EF. 7-SS (double round, 14 games), 1 section, G/5. Quick rated, higher of reg- See Grand Prix.
Jun 12 Supp, CCA min & TD discr. Sched: Reg. F 6-6:30p, Rds. F 7, Sa 9 ular or quick rating. Entry fee $40, free to Unrated if paying USCF dues. July 20-22 or 21-22, People's Tournament
12:15 3:30, Su 9 12:15 (2 day Reg. Sa 8-8:30am rds Sa 9 10:35 merge Registration: 9am-11:30am, first round begins at noon. $2000 guaran- See Grand Prix.
rd3). Max 2 1/2pt byes by rd 3. Info: BayAreaChess.com/summer12. E: teed prizes! $$400-200-150, Expert $200-100, U2000 $200-100, U1800
ask@BayAreaChess.com, NS, NC. Chess Magnet School JGP. Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 4th annual Central California Open
$180-90, U1600/Unr $140-70, U1400 $100, U1200 $70. See U.S. Open
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.
A Heritage Event! Side Events display ad for more details on 2012 U.S. Open Side
June 28, New York
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 (Enhanced)
California, Southern
Aug. 25-26, Texas
25th Annual Thursday Night Action Championship - Join Us In Cel- Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 (Enhanced) Beverly Hills Chess Club
ebrating 25 Years Of The USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament, 2012 DCC Fide Open VI Join the elite group of chess enthusiasts! Curriculum based instruction
Now At The New Yorker Hotel!! 5SS, G/90 with 30 sec inc. Dallas Chess Club, 200 S. Cottonwood Dr. #C, from ages 3 and above, Privates, Lectures, Blitz, Simuls, Open & Scholas-
The June 28 Thursday Night Championship has been rescheduled Richardson, TX 75080. Two sections: Open and Reserve. Open Section tic tournaments, Camps, Adult events, Member-only events and more...
for two weeks later, July 12 at the same New Yorker Hotel: with a $$750G. This section is FIDE rated but uses USCF Rules. $500-$250. EF: Open T, TH, F, Sat, Sun (hours vary). 8950 W. Olympic Blvd., #210, Beverly
much bigger $4,000 Guaranteed Prize Fund! $75, Senior/Hcap/Additional Family Member $50, plus $5 non-DCC mem- Hills, CA 90211. In the Beverly Hills Plaza (Corner of Lapeer Dr. & Olympic)
bership fee if applicable. Small appearance fee to the First two GM/IM 310-274-7873, email us at info@bhchessclub.com, website www.bhchess
A Heritage Event! club.com.
July 12, New York who apply. GM/IM must play all rounds to get appearance fee. Reserve
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 10 (Enhanced) section: Open to players rated below 1800 USCF. This section is not Fide June 3, 10, 17, 24, LACC - Every Sunday Chess 4 Jrs.
10 Grand Prix Points Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel-USCF's Rated but is USCF rated. EF for U1800: $30 plus $5 non Dallas Chess Club 4 separate events – 3 Sections: K-1, K-3, K-6, 5SS, G/30. 11514 Santa
Longest-Running Action Tournament!! membership fee if applicable. The U1800 gives back 10% in prizes and if Monica Blvd., LA, 90025, 2nd fl. 4 blocks W 405. EF: $30 ($20 LACC memb,
The “10 Grand Prix Points Tonight!” tournament originally sched- there is a clear winner, then that winner receives free entry to next DCC $10 off siblings, Free new LACC memb). Reg.: 12-1 pm. Rds.: 1pm & asap;
uled for July 12 has been replaced with the 25th Annual Thursday Fide Open. Both: Registration: 9:45 -10:15 am. Rds.: Sat 10:45-3:10- Prizes: Trophies (Top 3) & medals; each player receives a prize! Parking:
Night Action Championship at the same New Yorker Hotel with a 7:16, Sun 10:45-3:10. One Bye allowed if requested before rd 2, with- Free at BoA and streets or building basement ($5). Free snacks & free
much bigger $4,000 Guaranteed Prize Fund! drawals and zero point last round byes are not eligible for prizes. Ent: class (12-1). Info: (310) 795-5710 or www.LAChessClub.com or Mick@
Dallas Chess Club, see address above. Info: 214-632-9000, info@dal- LAChessClub.com.
A State Championship Event! laschess.com. NS. NC. FIDE. Chess Magnet School JGP.
July 14, Pennsylvania June 16, Tournament of Kings & Queens 2012
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 6 A Heritage Event! STAR Education Convention Center, 10117 Jefferson Blvd., Culver City, CA
2012 PA State Action Championship Aug. 31-Sept. 3 or Sept. 1-3, Texas 90232. 5SS, G/30. Rated & Unrated Sections - Unrated is untimed. Rds.:
5SS, G/30d5. Wm. Pitt Union, Univ. of Pitt., 5th & Bigelow, Pittsburgh PA Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 (Enhanced) 10, 11, 12, 1:45 & 2:45 - Awards at 3:45. Trophies for winners & gift for
15213. 2 Sections: Championship: EF: $25 by 7/6, $35 later. $$ (690G): 78th Annual Southwest Open all players. Food, drinks and fun activities! Grades K-6 (must be 12 and
$200-100, U2000 $90, U1800 $80, U1600 $70, U1400 $60, U1200 $50, 7SS. Sheraton Dallas North Hotel, 4801 Lyndon B. Johnson Fwy, Dallas, TX under by event.) EF: $27 by 6/13 & $35 after. Limited space so register
U1000 $40. Trophies: 1-3 U1400, 1-3 U1200, 1-3 U1000. Scholastic: 75244. $$ 8,950 b/175 full entries, 75% Gtd. 3 Sections and scholastic early! Online Reg.: chesstourney.starinc.org. Info: chess@starinc.org
Grades K-12 U900. EF: $15 by 7/6, $25 later. Trophies to Top 7, 1-3 U600. side events: Open: (This section is FIDE rated but uses USCF rules. G/90 or 310.736.8577.
ALL: Trophies: 1-2 Schools, 1-2 Clubs. PSCF $5, OSA. Reg ends: Noon. with 30 sec. increment: $$ 1,000-500-250, 2200-2399 $700, U2200 $700-
350. Reserve: U2000. Rds. 1-7 30/90 SD/1, rd. 1 of three day is G/115, June 16, July 14, Aug. 25, Bay Area Chess4Less Quads
Rds.: 12:30-1:45-3-4:15-5:45. Ent/Info: PSCF, c/o Tom Martinak, 25 1639A S. Main St., Milpitas, 95035. Trophies for winning record. Sched:
Freeport St., Pittsburgh, PA 15223. 412-908-0286. martinak_tom_m@ d/5. $$ 800-400-200. B $$ 600-300-150, U1600 500-250-125. Novice:
U1400 and Unrated. Rds. 1-7 30/90 SD/1, d/5, rd. 1 of three day is G/115, Check-in by: 3:15p, 3xG/30. Games: 3:45-6. EF: $19 by Wed before tour-
hotmail.com. W. ney. Info/flyer: BayAreaChess.com/chess4less. NS. NC.
d/5. $$ 500-250-125, E $$ 400-200, U1000 $$ 300-150 Unrated $200. All
July 20-22 or 21-22, California, Northern 3: TCA membership required. Other states accepted. EF: $88 if received July 1, PSW Scholastics
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 40 (Enhanced) by 8/22, else $99. $80 Junior(U19) if received by 8/22 else $90 (juniors 5-SS, G/30. Warner Center Marriott, 21850 Oxnard St., Woodland Hills, CA
People's Tournament count as 90% toward base), Senior(over 65)/Handicapped/additional 91367. Open to gr. 12/below. In two sections: Open: Trophies to top 5,
5SS, 30/90 sd60, 2-day rds 1-2 g/90 merge rd3. Hilton, 7050 Johnson family participant $52 if receive by 8/22 else $65 (Senior/Handicap/Ad- top 3 U1200, top 2 Unrated. Grade 6/below U1000:Trophies to top 5, top
Dr., Pleasanton. Hotel $79. Free parking. Prizes: $8,000 b/133 (75% ditional family participant counts 60% toward base). Add $5 for CC phone 3 U700, top 2 Unrated. Reg.: 8:30-9:15. Rds.: 9:30-11-12:15-1:45-3. EF:
guar). 5 sections. MX (2000+ FIDE rated): 1000-500-200, top u2300 300, entries; pre-reg requires pre-payment. After 8/29/12 all registration and $16 if received by 6/29, $20 door. Inf: (626) 282-7412 or randallhough@
u2100 100. A/B/C: 800-400-200-100 ea. DE: 600-300-100, top u1200 300- changes on site only; all changes including withdrawals, $10 after yahoo.com. Ent: SCCF, PO Box 205, Monterey Park, CA 91754, online at
100. Unr max $300 exc in Open. EF by 7/17: $99. Onsite +25, Play-up 8/29/12. 4 day: Reg. Friday 8/31, 6:15 pm-7:15. Rds. Fri.: 7:45, Sat: 2:30 www.scchess.com.
+20. r/e 40. Econ Opt: EF-20 & 2/3 calc prize (not avail in Open). GMs/ pm - 8:00, Sun.: 12:00 pm - 6:15 pm, Mon.: 9:30 am - 3:15 pm. 3 day:
IMs free: prize-EF. Jul 12 Supp,CCA min, TD disc to place players. Sched: Reg. Sat. 9/1, 9-9:30 am, Rd. 1 at 10 am then merge with 4 day. Foreign July 19-22, 20-22 or 21-22, 17th annual Pacific Coast Open
3-day Reg. F 6-6:30, Rds. F 7, Sa 11:30 5:15, Su 10 3:30; 2-day Reg. Sa Unrated must play in Open section. Registrations that do not indicate 4 or See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.
9-9:30, Rds. Sa 10 1:30 5:15, Su 10 3:30. Max two 1/2-pt byes, commit bef 3 day schedule will be put in the 3 day. HR: $75/75/75/75, 972-661-3600 July 21, Young People's Quads
rd 3. Ent: BAC, 1639A S. Main St., Milpitas, CA 95035. Rfnd fee 20. E: or 888-627-8436 reserve by 8/17 and ask for Dallas Chess Club rate. $75 Hilton, 7050 Johnson Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94588. Trophies: Players w/win
ask@BayAreaChess.com. Info: BayAreaChess.com/peoples. NS, NC, W. rate includes full breakfast buffet. Free Parking. Up to two 1/2 pt byes rec. Sched: Checkin 4p, Games: 4:30-6:30p. 3xG30. EF: $25, Onsite
Chess Magnet School JGP. available if requested before end of rd. 2, but byes for both rd. 6 AND 7 +$15. More Info: BayAreaChess.com/youngppl. NS. NC. W.
July 21-22, Texas not permitted. Texas Chess Association meeting on Sunday 9/2 at 9:30
July 21, Young People's Swiss
Trophies Plus Grand Prix Points: 20 (Enhanced) am. K-12 Scholastic on Saturday, 9/1. 5-SS, Rds. 1-3 G/30, d/5, rds.
Hilton, 7050 Johnson Dr., Pleasanton, CA 94588. Trophies: Players w/win
2012 DCC Fide Open V 4-5 G/45, d/5, EF: $29 by 8/22, $43 after; Pre-reg. requires pre-payment.
rec & teams. Sched: Reg. 9-9:30a. Games: 10a-2p. EF: $33, Onsite
5SS, G/90 with 30 sec inc. Dallas Chess Club, 200 S. Cottonwood Dr. #C, After 8/29/12 all registration and changes on site only; all changes $10
+$15. More Info: BayAreaChess.com/youngppl. NS. NC. W.
Richardson, TX 75080. Two sections: Open and Reserve. Open Section after 8/29/12. No refunds after 8/29/12, $10 handling fee for refunds be-
$$750G. This section is FIDE rated but uses USCF Rules. $500-$250. EF: fore 8/29/12. Entries do not count toward base in Open, Reserve and Oct. 5-7 or 6-7, 9th annual Los Angeles Open
$75, Senior/Hcap/Additional Family Member $50, plus $5 non-DCC mem- Novice. Registration: 8:00-8:30 am, Rd. 1 pairings at 9:15 am, rest ASAP See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.
bership fee if applicable. Small appearance fee to the First two GM/IM with small lunch break. Sections: K-12 Championship and K-12 U800.
who apply. GM/IM must play all rounds to get appearance fee. Reserve Prizes: Trophies to top 12 individuals, five teams in each section. K-12 Connecticut
section: Open to players rated below 1800 USCF. This section is not Fide U800 also top three unrateds. Medals to those who do not win a trophy.
Rated but is USCF rated. EF for U1800: $30 plus $5 non Dallas Chess Club Ent: Dallas Chess Club, C/O Barbara Swafford, 2709 Longhorn Trail, Crow- June 8-10 or 9-10, 18th Annual Northeast Open
membership fee if applicable. The U1800 gives back 10% in prizes and if ley, TX 76036. Info: Barb Swafford, 214-632-9000, info@dallaschess.com, See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.
there is a clear winner, then that winner receives free entry to next DCC www.dallaschess.com. NS. NC. W. FIDE. Chess Magnet School JGP for July 27-29 or 28-29, 17th Annual Bradley Open
Fide Open. Both: Registration: 9:45 -10:15 am. Rds.: Sat 10:45-3:10- all but side events. See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 21

Tournament Life
Sept. 14-16 or 15-16, 3rd annual Hartford Open & Scholastics Friday and Saturday nights). 1-800-634-6753 or (702) 734-5110. ENT: Na- ings avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. tional Open, PO Box 90925, Henderson, NV 89009-0925, on line www.Ve- schedules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule,
Nov. 2-4 or 3-4 (Open), Nov. 3-4 (Booster), 3rd annual Eastern Team gasChessFestival.com or fax at (702) 933-9112. NS. NC. W. rd. 1 (G/15 + td/3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00
Championship A Heritage Event! schedule at 8:15 pm. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. An American Classic! entry $15, counts half. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. CCA Minimum Rat-
June 15-17 or 16-17, 2012 National Open ings may be used.
District of Columbia See Nationals. June 24, 2nd annual Schenectady Open
Aug. 24-26 or 25-26, 44th annual Atlantic Open June 16-17, International Youth Championship See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. 5SS, Game/60. Riviera Hotel and Casino, 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard South, A Heritage Event!
Las Vegas 89109. In 4 Sections by age: 14 and Under, 14 and Under Re- June 28, 25th Annual Thursday Night Action Championship - Join Us
Florida serve (rated below 1100), 9 and Under, 9 and Under Reserve (rated below In Celebrating 25 Years Of The USCF's Longest-Running Action Tourna-
Boca Raton Chess Club 900). Trophies to top 10 in each section plus class trophies and team tro- ment, Now At The New Yorker Hotel!!
Friday nights, Game 90 Tournament, one game a week for 4 weeks. phies. 1st Place in each section wins a Computer loaded with Chess Soft- The June 28 Thursday Night Championship has been rescheduled
www.bocachess.com, 561-479-0351. Chess Magnet School JGP. ware, 2nd-4th win chess prizes valued at 250-150-100. Unrated players for two weeks later, July 12 at the same New Yorker Hotel: with a
may not win 1st in Reserve sections. EF: $59 by 5/27, $69 by 6/13, $80 much bigger $4,000 Guaranteed Prize Fund!
June 23, Central FL Tornado on site. 1/2 point bye in any round (limit 2) if requested in advance. REG.: See Grand Prix.
4SS, G/75. Casselberry CC, Wirz Park, 806 Mark David Blvd., Casselberry, 8-9 a.m. RDS.: 10-1-4, 10-1. Blitz 6/15 at 6:30 p.m. ($15 by 5/28 $20 on
FL 32707. EF: $30, CFCC/CCC mbr $25, Masters free (EF deducted from A Heritage Event!
site) HR: $59 single or double ($89 Friday and Saturday nights). 1-800- June 28 (NOTE CHANGES in this NEW TLA), The Original “4 Rated
any prize). $$480 b/25, 160-80-60, U1800, U1600, U1400 $60 ea. Reg.: 634-6753 or (702) 734-5110. ENT: National Open, PO Box 90925, Hen-
9:30am. Rds.: 10, 1, 3:30, 6. Info: (407) 629-6946 or www.centralfl Games Tonight!” Now At The New Yorker Hotel - USCF's Longest-
derson, NV 89009-0925, on line www.VegasChessFestival.com or fax at Running Action Tournament!
chess.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. (702) 933-9112. NS. NC. W. 4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at the historic New Yorker
July 14, Central FL Tornado Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569-
4SS, G/75. Casselberry CC, Wirz Park, 806 Mark David Blvd., Casselberry, New Jersey 9969 (www.chesscenter.cc). EF: $30, GMs $25 from prize, free to speci-
FL 32707. EF: $30, CFCC/CCC mbr $25, Masters free (EF deducted from June 16, King's Chess Club Quads fied Greater NY Scholastic Prizewinners! Good Customer Loyalty
any prize). $$480 b/25, 160-80-60, U1800, U1600, U1400 $60 ea. Reg.: Morning quads and afternoon quads, G/30, Kindergarten-undergraduate Discounts: $5 less to those who played in at least 4 “4 Rated Games
9:30am. Rds.: 10, 1, 3:30, 6. Info: (407) 629-6946 or www.centralfl (scholastic, youth, and young adult memberships). Bethlehem Church, 758 Tonight!” Thursday Night Actions since Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who
chess.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. Route 10, Randolph, NJ 07869. EF: None. Reg.: 9-9:20 am., 1st rd. 9:40. played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987—Thank You So Much For Your
July 27-29 or 28-29, 20th Annual Southern Open Arr. by noon to reg. only for afternoon quads. Medal to each quad winner. Support Of This Tournament These Past 25 Years! $$ (480 b/32 paid):
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. Info: Bethlehem Church 973-366-3434 or Bob McAdams 973-694-3988, 150-100-50, Top U2200/unr $95, U2000 $85. NEW!! $150 GUARANTEED
rwm@fambright.com. In Mixed Doubles Bonus Prizes! Best male/female 2-player team com-
Georgia July 22, Westfield Summer Scholastic
bined score: $100-50 (teammates’ average rating must be Under 2200;
teammate pairings avoided but possible, teams must declare by 8:15).
June 30, North Georgia Chess Center Scholastic Tournament Westfield Y, 220 Clark St., Westfield, NJ 07090. K-12 3 Sections: Open, Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00 Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30
5-SS, G/30. Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 870 Buford Hwy (Ga Hwy 20), Under 1250, Under 750. Open: 3 SS G/40 t/d 5s, G/45 Trophies to top 5 schedule, rd. 1 only is Quick-rated (G/15 + td/3) at 7:30 pm, score car-
Cumming, GA 30041. Exit 14 off Ga 400 Next to Lowes On Market in each section. EF: $20, $15 members at site $30, $25 members. Reg.:2- ries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if
Place Blvd. 678-845-7100, For Directions Only! Sections: Open and 2:30 p.m. Rds.: 2:45-4:25-6:05. Under 1250: 4 SS G/25 t/d 5s, G/30 Tro- U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, counts half. Reg. ends 10 min. be-
U800. EF: $22.00 (NGCC Members) $24.00 (Online Registration). $27.00 phies to top 5 in each section. EF $20, $15 members at site $30, $25 fore game. Help with NYC street parking: www.primospot.com.
(Non NGCC Members) $29.00 (Online Registration). Entry For Late Reg- members. Reg.: 2-2:30 p.m. Rds.: 2:45-4:00-5:15-6:30 p.m. Under 750:
istration: $27.00 (NGCC Members). $32.00 (Non NGCC Members). Reg.: 4 SS G/25 t/d 5s, G/30 Trophies to top 5 in each section. EF $20, $15 June 30, Marshall Saturday U1600!
Sat. 8:30am - 9:30am. Rounds: 1st-10am, 2nd-11:30am, 3rd-1pm, 4th- members at site $30, $25 members. Reg.: 2-2:30 p.m. Rds.: 2:45-4:00- 4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300
2:30pm, 5th-4pm. Tnmt. Info: 770-844-9204, northgachesscenter@gmail. 5:15-6:30 p.m. Tiebreaks for trophies. Info: Todd Lunna 732-726-7163, b/20): $160-80, U1300 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45.
com, northgachesscenter.com. lunnaco@aol.com, www.westfieldchesslclub.com. Send advance en- Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar-
tries to: Todd Lunna, 36 Maple Dr., Colts Neck, NJ 07722 by July 19, 2012. shallchessclub.org.
July 28, North Georgia Chess Center Scholastic Tournament
Make checks payable to Westfield Chess Club. July 4, Independence Day Madness:
5-SS, G/30. Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 870 Buford Hwy (Ga Hwy 20),
Cumming, GA 30041. Exit 14 off Ga 400 Next to Lowes On Market Aug. 12, Westfield Swiss #73 (QC) 6-SS, G/25d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $45,
Place Blvd. 678-845-7100, For Directions Only! Sections: Open and 5SS, G/15 (QC). Westfield Y, 220 Clark St., Westfield, NJ 07090. $425 members $25. ($480/24): $200-100, U2000 $70, U1700 $60, U1400 $50.
U800. EF: $22.00 (NGCC Members) $24.00 (Online Registration). $27.00 Guaranteed: $125, $60, under 2150, under 1800, under 1550, under 1300 Reg.: 10:15-10:45. Rds.: 11-12:15-1:30-3:00-4:15-5:30. Two byes avail-
(Non NGCC Members) $29.00 (Online Registration). Entry For Late Reg- $60 each. Entrance Fee: $35, $25 Members. Reg.: 2-2:30 p.m. Rds.: able, request at entry. www.marshallchessclub.org.
istration: $27.00 (NGCC Members). $32.00 (Non NGCC Members). Reg.: 2:45- 3:25-4:05-4:45-5:30 p.m. Info: Todd Lunna 732-526-7163, lun- A Heritage Event!
Sat. 8:30am - 9:30am. Rounds: 1st-10am, 2nd-11:30am, 3rd-1pm, 4th- naco@aol.com, www.westfieldchessclub.com. July 5, 4 Rated Games Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel -
2:30pm, 5th-4pm. Tnmt. Info: 770-844-9204, northgachesscenter@gmail. USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament!
com, northgachesscenter.com. New York 4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0, Chess Center at the historic New Yorker
Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569-
Illinois A Heritage Event!
June 14, 4 Rated Games Tonight At The New Yorker Hotel- USCF's 9969. EF: $30, GMs $25 from prize, free to specified Greater NY Scholas-
June 23, Chicago All Stars Longest-Running Action Tournament! tic Prizewinners! Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to those who
Team up with your friends and play in our new 4-player school & club 4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at the New Yorker Hotel!, played in at least 4 “4 Rated Games Tonight!” Thursday Night Actions since
team tournament; minimum 3 players to form a team. Hilton Hotel, 2855 481 Eighth Ave at 34th St, across from Penn Station, NYC: 845-569-9969. Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987—
N. Milwaukee Ave., Northbrook, IL. Presented by Renaissance Knights EF $30, GMs $25 from prize, free to specified Greater NY Scholastic Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These
Chess Foundation. Sections: Open - 3 rd G/40, d5, K-8, K-6 & K-3 4 rd Prizewinners! Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to those who Past 25 Years! $$ (480 b/32 paid): 150-100-50, Top U2200/unr $95,
G/25, d5. Awards: Trophies top player each board, Medals top 3 teams played in at least 4 “4 Rated Games Tonight!” Thursday Night Actions since U2000 $85. NEW!! $150 GUARANTEED In Mixed Doubles Bonus
(Gold, Silver & Bronze). Reg.: 12:00-12:30 pm. Rds.: 1 at 1:00 pm, rest Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs since 1987— Prizes! Best male/female 2-player team combined score: $100-50 (team-
ASAP. EF: $25 per player by 6/18, $30 after, $35 on-site. Registration/ Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tournament These mates' average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings avoided
Info: www.rknights.org. Past 25 Years! $$ (480 b/32 paid): 150-100-50, Top U2200/unr $95, but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00
U2000 $85. NEW!! $150 GUARANTEED In Mixed Doubles Bonus Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 (G/15 +
July 8, 79th Knights Quest td/3) at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15
4ss, Game/30. Hilton Hotel, 2855 N. Milwaukee Ave., Northbrook, IL. Pre- Prizes! Best male/female 2-player team combined score: $100-50 (team-
mates' average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pairings avoided pm. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, counts
sented by Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation. USCF Rated Sections: half. Reg. ends 10 min. before game. CCA Minimum Ratings may be used.
Open (K-12 & Adults), U1400 (K-12 & Adults), U1000 (K-8) & U600 (K-8). but possible, teams must declare by 8:15). Choice of 2 schedules! 7:00
Awards: Top 5 each section, Top 2 teams (except open), medals all oth- Schedule, rds. 7-8:15-9:30-10:45 pm. 7:30 schedule, rd. 1 (G/15 + td/3) July 7, Marshall Saturday G/60!
ers. Reg.: 12:00-12:30 pm. Rds.: 1 at 1:00 pm, rest ASAP. EF: $30 by 7/2, at 7:30 pm, score carries over into round 2 of 7:00 schedule at 8:15 pm. 4-SS, G/55d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. ($360/24):
$35 after, $40 on-site. Registration/Info: www.rknights.org. Limit 2 byes (1 bye if U2000), commit by 8:15. Re-entry $15, counts half. $160-80, U2000 $65, U1700 $55. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 11:15-
Reg. ends 10 min. before game. 11:45 am. Rds.: 12-2:30-4:45-7. One bye available, request at entry.
July 20-22 or 21-22, 5th annual Chicago Class www.marshallchessclub.org.
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. June 16, Marshall Saturday U1800!
4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300 July 8, Marshall Open & U1500 Sunday G/45!
Oct. 12-14 or 13-14, 21st annual Midwest Class Championships b/20): $160-80, U1500 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45. 4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. Two sec-
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar tions-you play only those in your section: A. Open ($360/24): $160-80,
shallchessclub.org. U2100 $65, U1800 $55. B. U1500 ($240/16): $120-65, U1200 $55. EF:
Indiana June 20-July 18, Marshall Wednesday U1400! $40, members $20. Reg.: 11:15-11:45 pm. Rds.: 12-1:45-4:00-5:45. One
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 7th annual Indianapolis Open 5-SS, G/85d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $50, bye available, request at entry. www.marshallchessclub.org.
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. members $30. ($450/20): $240-120, U1100 $90. Reg.: 6:15-6:45pm. A Heritage Event!
Rds.: 7 pm each Wednesday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd 3. www.mar July 12, 10 Grand Prix Points Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel-
Kentucky shallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP. USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament!!
Sept. 21-23 or 22-23, 5th Annual Louisville Open The “10 Grand Prix Points Tonight!” tournament originally sched-
June 20-July 18, Marshall Wednesday U2000! uled for July 12 has been replaced with the 25th Annual Thursday
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. 5-SS, 30/85d5, SD/1d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. Night Action Championship at the same New Yorker Hotel with a
EF: $50, members $30. ($450/20): $240-120, U1700 $90. Reg.: 6:15-6:45
Massachusetts pm. Rds.: 7 pm each Wednesday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd 3. www.mar
much bigger $4,000 Guaranteed Prize Fund!
See Grand Prix.
Aug. 9-12, 10-12 or 11-12, 42nd annual Continental Open shallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. July 14, Marshall Saturday U1400!
A Heritage Event! 4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300
June 21, 4 Rated Games Tonight, Now At The New Yorker Hotel -
Nevada USCF's Longest-Running Action Tournament! b/20): $160-80, U1100 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45.
Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar-
June 14, 2012 U.S. Game/10 Championship (QC) 4-SS, G/25 + d/5 or G/30 + d/0. Chess Center at the historic New
Yorker Hotel!, 481 8th Ave at 34th St., across from Penn Station, NYC: shallchessclub.org.
See Nationals.
845-569-9969. EF: $30, GMs $25 from prize, free to specified Greater NY July 14-15 or 15, CANCELLED - Marshall June U2100!
June 15, National Open Scholastic Trophy Tournament Scholastic Prizewinners! Good Customer Loyalty Discounts: $5 less to
5-SS, Game/30. Riviera Hotel and Casino, 2901 Las Vegas Boulevard July 16-Aug. 13, Marshall Monday U1600!
those who played in at least 4 “4 Rated Games Tonight!” Thursday Night 5-SS, G/85d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $50,
South, Las Vegas 89109. Open to players 18 and under. In 3 sections: Actions since Jan. 2011, $10 less to those who played in at least 10 4RGTs
U1800, U1200, and U800. Unrateds in the U1200 section and all players members $30. ($675/30): $250-150-100, U1400 $100, U1200 $75. Reg.:
since 1987—Thank You So Much For Your Support Of This Tourna-
in the U800 section must be age 11 or under. Trophies to top 5 in each 6:15-6:45pm. Rds. 7 pm each Monday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd 3.
ment These Past 25 Years! $$ (480 b/32 paid): 150-100-50, Top
section, top 2 in each odd 200 point rating group and unrated. EF: $33 by www.marshallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
U2200/unr $95, U2000 $85. NEW!! $150 GUARANTEED In Mixed Dou-
5/28, $39 by 6/13, $45 on site. REG.: 9-9:30 a.m. RDS.: 10-11:30-1-2:30- bles Bonus Prizes! Best male/female 2-player team combined score: July 21, Marshall Saturday U1800!
4. Blitz 6:30 p.m. ($15 by 5/28 $20 on site) HR: $59 single or double ($89 $100-50 (teammates’ average rating must be Under 2200; teammate pair- 4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300

22 Chess Life for Kids! June 2012

b/20): $160-80, U1500 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45. Open: 5SS, Game/30, Prizes: Trophies Top 3 Individuals ONLY--No Team $25 postmarked by 7/29; do not mail after 7/29! By phone, $25 by 7/29,
Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar- Trophies This Section. ALL: $ 25.00 After 10.08.2012 and On-Site. USCF $35 by 8/3. No phone entries after 8/3 (close of business at the Office)!
shallchessclub.org. Membership Required for Elementary, Middle School, and High School Registration At site closes August 4 at 8:30 AM. August official ratings
Sections, Will Be Provided with Paid EF for HS section ONLY. Reg.: used; unofficial ratings used if otherwise unrated. CCA ratings used if
July 25-Aug. 22, Marshall Wednesday U1400!
10.013.2012, 8-8:30 AM. $15.00 B/4 10.08.2012, Thereafter and On-Site above USCF. Foreign player ratings: usually 100 points added to FIDE or
5-SS, G/85d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. EF: $50,
$25.00. Rds.: Round 1, 9:00 AM, All others ASAP. 1/2 Point for any round FQE, 200+ added to most foreign national ratings, no points added to
members $30. ($450/20): $240-120, U1100 $90. Reg.: 6:15-6:45pm.
if requested at registration, HS Section NO 5th Round Byes. ENT: Nancy H. CFC. Highest of multiple ratings generally used. Entries: USCF, ATTN: 2012
Rds. 7 pm each Wednesday. Limit 2 byes, request by Rd 3. www.mar-
Bauer, 1807 Pueblo Pl. Irving, Texas 75061-2243. INFO: nancybauer223@ US Open Scholastic, PO Box 3967, Crossville, TN 38557. Online entry:
shallchessclub.org. Chess Magnet School JGP.
tx.rr.com, jonessoc@juno.com. NS. NC. W. www.uschess.org/tournaments/2012/scholastic/. Phone entry: 800-
July 28, Marshall Saturday U1600! 903-8723. No cell phones. Bring a clock -- none supplied. Sets/boards
4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. ($300 Virginia supplied for tournament but not for skittles. Please see the US Open TLA
b/20): $160-80, U1300 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45. Oct. 4-8, 5-8, 6-8 or 6-7, 3rd annual Continental Class Champi- for side events, committee meetings, delegate meetings and other events
Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar- onships held during the Open. Please check the U.S. Open website often for
shallchessclub.org. See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. updates, new information and corrections! www.uschess.org/tour-
Aug. 4, Marshall Saturday G/60! naments/2012/scholastic/. Chess Magnet School JGP for U.S. Open
4-SS, G/55d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. Washington Scholastic Championship section.
($540/32): $240-120, U2000 $95, U1700 $85. EF: $40, members $20. Aug. 4-5, 2012 U.S. Open Weekend Swiss Aug. 4-8, 2012 Trophies Plus U.S. Girls Junior Open Championship
Reg.: 11:15-11:45 am. Rds. 12-2:30-4:45-7. One bye available, request See Grand Prix. See Nationals.
at entry. www.marshallchessclub.org.
Aug. 4-5, 2012 U.S. Open Scholastic Tournament A Heritage Event!
Aug. 5, Marshall Open & U1500 Sunday Game/45! 5SS, Game 90, d/5 in Championship Sections, Game 30, d/5 in under sec- Aug. 4-12, 7-12 or 9-12, 113th annual U.S. Open
4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212-477-3716. Two sec- tions. Hilton Vancouver Washington, 301 W 6th St., Vancouver, WA 98660. See Nationals.
tions-you play only those in your section: A. Open ($360/24): $160-80, Self Parking $13.00, valet $17.00 per night. HR: $110 single/quad, 360- Aug. 8-12, 2012 Women’s U.S. Open
U2100 $65, U1800 $55. B. U1500 ($240/16): $120-65, U1200 $55. EF: 993-4500, reserve by July 12 or rate may increase. Four sections: High See Nationals.
$40, members $20. Reg.: 11:15-11:45 pm. Rds. 12-1:45-4:00-5:45. One School/Junior High Championship Section and U1200 Section, Elemen-
bye available, request at entry. www.marshallchessclub.org. tary Championship Section and U1000 Section. Elementary is considered Aug. 11, 2012 U.S. Open Blitz Championship (QC)
Grade 6 or under, Junior High, grades 7 to 9 and High School grades 10 See Grand Prix.
Aug. 11, Marshall Saturday U1400!
4-SS, G/40d5. Marshall CC, 23 W. 10th St., NYC. 212 477-3716. ($300 to 12. Your grade is considered as of the school year just completed.
Please note: If High School/Junior High section are larger than expected, PHOTO CREDITS:
b/20): $160-80, U1100 $60. EF: $40, members $20. Reg.: 12:15-12:45.
Rds.: 1-2:45-4:30-6:15PM. One bye available, request at entry. www.mar- sections may be split to make two sections instead of one. EF: $25 before NATIONAL JUNIOR HIGH PHOTOS BY: JANELLE LOSOFF
shallchessclub.org. 7/29, $35 after or on site. Prizes: At least 5 trophies in each section:
High School Championship, High School Under 1200, Junior High Cham-
Aug. 17-19 or 18-19, 11th annual Manhattan Open pionship, Junior High Under 1200, Elementary Championship, Elementary NATIONAL ELEMENTARY PHOTOS BY:
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. Under 1000, Elementary top grade 4 to 6, Elementary top grades 3 and CHRISTOPHER OQUENDO / MYCHESSPHOTOS.COM
Aug. 31-Sept. 3, Sept. 1-3 or 2-3, 134th annual NY State Champi- under. Trophies may increase based on entries. Rounds: Please note that
onship the Championship sections play both the 4th and 5th and the under sec- PHOTO OF PANCHANATHAM BY: SUBJECT
Out of state welcome. See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. tions play only on the 4th. Championship Sections: 8/4 at 9:30 AM, 2:30
PM and 7:00 PM, 8/5 at 9:00 AM and 1:30 PM. Awards 8/5 at 5:30 PM.
Ohio Under sections: 8/4 at 9:30 and 11:00 AM, 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00 PM.
Power Chess for Kids 2 to come
Aug. 3-5 or 4-5, Cleveland Open Awards: 8/4 at 6:00 PM. Half point byes: Limit 1, must commit before
Round 2. Entry Fee: Online, $25 by July 29th, $35 after or on site. By mail,
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com. out soon, with the same approach
Nov. 9-11 or 10-11, 21st annual Kings Island Open
and further tactical ideas. Charles
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.

Pennsylvania Hertan’s earlier book for more ad-

A State Championship Event!
Continued from pg. 9 vanced players, Forcing Chess
June 16, 2012 PA State Game/45 Championship
See Grand Prix. Moves, could be a good continua-
July 4-8, 5-8, 6-8, 2-8, 1-3 or 4-5, 40th Annual World Open
See Chess Life or www.chesstour.com.
the book are short and clear; almost tion for kids (and adults!) who mas-
A State Championship Event! all of the longer variations are given ter the Power Chess for Kids
July 14, 2012 PA State Action Championship
See Grand Prix. extra diagrams, provided by Zort’s books. Once you get started, it’s
Aug. 5, 10th Holly Heisman Memorial Fundraiser
JCC Kaiserman Branch, Haverford Rd. & City Ave., Wynnewood. FREE
unique visualization skills, referred to hard to stop, which I think makes
entry! Advance entry strongly suggested. Optional tax-deductible dona-
tion to the Holly Heisman Memorial Fund at the Philadelphia Foundation
as his “computer vision.” This book Power Chess for Kids the ideal tac-
to benefit women in need, $25+ per entry encouraged. Reg.: 9:15-10.
All: G/30 Rds. 10:30-11:45-1:30-2:45-4 or earlier. 3 Sections: Open
can be used as a great introduction tics book for beginning players itch-
5SS & U1500 5SS (both open to all ages) and K-8 U900 4SS. Many do-
nated prizes ($1,000+/yr!) Prize sponsors encouraged & honored at
to learning chess tactics. Expect ing to improve.
event: email Dr. Ramachandra, pramachandra@mercyhealth.org. Ent:
click “tournaments” at www.silverknightschesspa.com. Inf: 484-948-

5692, Joshua Anderson: joshuamiltonanderson@gmail.com, W.
June 9-10, 2012 DCC Fide Open IV
See Grand Prix.
Continued from pg. 18
July 13-15, 2012 U.S. Junior Open
See Nationals. Nguyen (VA) and Marcus Miyasaka (NY). First on The Dalton School of New York won the K-3
July 21-22, 2012 DCC Fide Open V tiebreaks for the class prizes, or in clear first, were team title, just edging out another New York entry,
See Grand Prix.
July 28-29, DCC Summer Insanity
Estella Song (GA), Nathyn Fine (MN), Andreas the NEST+m School. Playing for Dalton were Hud-
See Grand Prix. Farny (WA), Robin Patel (TX), Franklin Zhang (TN), son Beaudoin, Mateos Haile-Manas, Nicolas
Aug. 25-26, 2012 DCC Fide Open VI Brian Chen (WA), Alexander Pierson (NY), and Civantos, Atticus Lee, and Sam Pozner.
See Grand Prix. Gokul Premkumar (GA).
A Heritage Event!
Aug. 31-Sept. 3 or Sept. 1-3, 78th Annual Southwest Open Don’t give up yet! We’re almost done! The K-3
See Grand Prix. Under 800 section had two clear winners, both
Sept. 21-23 or 22-23, 2012 U.S. Class Championships with 7-0 scores. Krish Kumar (OK) and Jeffrey
See Nationals.
Tiglon (WA) never got a chance to play each other.
Oct. 13, 3rd Annual Scott Watson Memorial Chess Classic
A Major USCF Rated College Scholarship Chess Tournament Lively Youth They ran out of rounds!
Center, 909 North O'Connor, Irving, TX 75063. In 8 Sections K-3 Primary The NEST+m School (NY) took team honors.
U400: 5SS, Game/30, Open to 399 & under. Trophies Top 3 Individuals
per Section, Top 3 Teams per Section. K-3 Primary Open: 5SS, Game/30, Playing for them were Jonathan Waldorf, Jordan
Trophies Top 3 Individuals per Section, Top 3 Teams per Section. Ele- Leung, David Wu, and Charles Hua.
mentary U600: 5SS, Game/30, Open to 599 & under. Trophies Top 3 In-
dividuals per Section, Top 3 Teams per Section. Elementary Open: 5SS,
Game/30, Trophies Top 3 Individuals per Section, Top 3 Teams per Section. Five tied for 1st place in the K-3 Unrated section:
Middle School U700: 5SS, Game/30, Open to 699 & under. Trophies Top
3 Individuals per Section, Top 3 Teams per Section. Middle School Open:

5SS, Game/30, Trophies Top 3 Individuals per Section, Top 3 Teams per
Section. High School Open: 5SS, Game/30, Prizes: Trophies Top 3 Indi-
viduals per Section, Top 3 Teams per Section. $1,000 Top Finishing Player
attending HS within Irving City Limits, $1,000 Top Finishing Player at- Please turn to page 24
tending HS outside of Irving City Limits. Not To Be Rated 4th-8th Grade Tan Nguyen in deep thought

June 2012 Chess Life for Kids! 23

Continued from pg. 23

Aiden Lawler (WA), Ruthvik Ayyagari (WA), Jeremy Team honors were shared by Mission San Jose
Minikes (NY), Alex Wei (WA), and Advaith Bulusu Elementary (CA) and Hunter College Campus
(WA). Lawler, Wei and Bulusu all play for Spiritridge School (NY), both with 191/2 points, but with Mission
Elementary School. Add Nandini Daga to the mix San Jose ahead on tiebreaks. Both finished just
and you’ve got the winning team. ahead of a team from Dalton, and the Avery Coon-
ley School from Downer’s Grove, Illinois.

The K-6 Blitz was won by Kyle Haining of Wash-

ington. Kyle was on the cover of CL4K back in
October of 2011. The team title went to the Churchill
Road School (VA). Representing their school were
Maxwell Ward, Akhil Goel, Sean Senft, and Arman
Moon Parastaran.

NOW we’re done … no, wait! The K-3 Blitz was

won by Trung Nguyen of Leesburg, Virginia. And
team honors went to New Mexico’s Aspen Elemen-
tary. Playing for Aspen were Andrew Corliss, Phillip
Ionkov, Maximilian Corliss, and Ming-Yuan Lo.

Logan Wu NOW we’re done. Until next year. And remember,

Finally, (maybe), we have the 2012 National K- you can always check www.uschess.org for com-
1 Championship section. Anthony Bi He (WA) plete standings and results for all three of the Spring
and Logan Wu (TN) were both perfect through Nationals.
Anthony Bi He seven rounds.

The OTHER Marshall Attack

onto the seventh rank and the hole at
+rrk+ f6 created by the fianchetto (that’s
7 ++++R why you try to get rid of the Bg7) gives
Continued from pg. 14 6 pn+PNp+ a nice nesting place for the knight.
The connected passed and protected
22. g4 Kg8 23. g5 Bg7 24. Rdh1 5 ++P+P pawns are from the breakthrough in
Rac8 25. Qg2. 4 +p+++ the center.
21. ... dxe4 22. Bxe4 Qb6 23. hxg6 3 ++++ It is hoped you remember the ideas
fxg6 24. Qe3 Rac8 25. g4 b4 26. 2 P+++ that came up in these games because
axb4 Qxb4 27. Bxb7 Qxb7 28. g5 they will come in handy in all sorts of
Bxe5 29. Qxe5+ Kg8 30. Ne4 Qb8
1 +KR++ positions: opening h-files, sacrificing
a b c d e f g h
31. d5 Qxe5 32. fxe5 Nd7 33. e6 on g6, not sacrificing on h7 (!), prying
Nb6 34. Nf6+ Kf8 35. Rxh7, Black open the position with f5 or e4 moves,
Resigned. Despite the better Black defense, and, never, ever, giving up!
This game is over: that open h-file allows the rook to get

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