Satellite Communications in The New Space Era: A Survey and Future Challenges
Satellite Communications in The New Space Era: A Survey and Future Challenges
Satellite Communications in The New Space Era: A Survey and Future Challenges
Abstract—Satellite communications (SatComs) have recently This initiative named New Space has spawned a large number
entered a period of renewed interest motivated by technological
arXiv:2002.08811v2 [eess.SP] 2 Mar 2020
1. Satellite Use Cases for eMBB A. New Constellation Types 1. Interface with xG systems
I. Introduction through NTN
2. Satellite Use Cases for mMTC A. 5G NTN B. On-board Capabillities
2. Interface with the Cloud
3. Satellite Use Cases for uRLLC B. VLEO and satcom-assisted aerial C. Non-terrestrial Networks through a Ground Station
D. New Space Network
C. Aeronautical and Maritime Tracking II. Motivation
1. Very Low Earth Orbit
and Communication
2. High Altitude Platforms 1. DVB
D. Earth Observation Data Collection A. Constellation types
3. Low Altitude Platforms 2. 5G NTN
E. Space Communications III. Applications & Use cases B. Communication architecture
C. Interface with other systems
1. ADS-B Protocol Overview
D. Spectrum
2. Maritime Automatic
Identification System (AIS) A. UHTS IV. System Aspects E. Standardization
1. Fixed Satellite
B. MAC Protocols for Satellite IoT
2. Mobile Satellite
1. Forward Link Scheduling
C. System Coexistence V. Air Interface: Enablers &
2. Return Link Scheduling A. Channel Modelling
Topics 1. Passive and focused reflector
3. New Scheduling Techniques B. Antennas antennas
and some have already launched demo satellites. As of January technologies have to be ultra-reliable and robust since there is
2020, SpaceX has deployed 242 satellites to build its Starlink very little chance of repairing/replacing after the asset is put in
constellation, with the goal to reach nearly 12000 satellites by orbit. Nevertheless, recent advances in the efficiency of power
mid-2020 [2]. generation as well as the energy efficiency of radio frequency
Moreover, we turn our focus to Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) and digital processing components have allowed for enhanced
where a constellation of 20 satellites (O3B) has been placed on-board processing which can enable innovative communi-
in a circular orbit along the equator at an altitude of 8063 km. cation technologies, such as flexible routing/channelization,
Each satellite is equipped with twelve mechanically steerable beamforming, free-space optics and even signal regeneration
antennas to allow tracking and handover of terminals. The (see Section V-C). Furthermore, space-hardened software-
next generation of O3B satellites is planned to use an active defined radios can enable on-board waveform-specific process-
antenna (see Section V-B2) which can generate thousands of ing which can be upgraded during the satellite lifetime. Finally,
beams along with an on-board digital transparent processor cheap launching cost and conveyor-belt manufacturing allow
(see Section V-C1). This constellation type is unique since for deploying more risky/innovative approaches while keeping
it manages to hit a trade-off between constellation size and up with the latest evolutions in communication technology.
Finally, the proliferation of new constellation types has
given rise to hybrid constellations which combine assets in C. Non Terrestrial Networks
different orbits. One such example is the combination of MEO
Non Terrestrial Networks (NTN) is a term coined under
and GEO connectivity, where the terminals can seamlessly
5G standardization to designate communication systems that
handover between the two orbits [3]. Another example is
include satellites, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAVs) or High
the backhauling of LEO satellite data through higher orbit
Altitude Platforms (HAPs). The main objective of this initia-
satellites [4], [5].
tive is to seamlessly integrate these assets into the 5G systems
by studying their peculiarities in terms of architecture and air
B. On-board Capabilities interface. More importantly, the relevant stakeholders would
Traditionally, the on-board processing capabilities have been like to valorize unique characteristics of NTNs, such as wide
the limiting factor for advanced SatCom strategies. Firstly, coverage, multicast capabilities and the complementarity with
the majority of satellites operate as a relay which frequency- local terrestrial infrastructure. Furthermore from a deployment
converts, amplifies and forwards and thus the on-board pro- point-of-view, the cost can be largely decreased by using 5G
cessing has to be waveform agnostic. Secondly, there is chipsets/systems and tapping into economies of a larger scale.
usually a large path loss to combat and a limited power In this direction, a number of promising use cases have been
supply which is tightly correlated with the satellite mass put forward (see Section III-A) and specific adaptation points
and launch cost. Thirdly, employed on-board components and of the current 5G standards have been suggested through the
relevant working groups, focusing on air interface compatibil- miniaturization, 3) novel services based on space data. Privati-
ity and architectural integration (see Section IV-C1). zation refers to the manufacturing and especially the launching
of satellites by private companies, such as SpaceX and Rocket
D. New Space Lab, in contrast to the traditional institutional approach. In
New Space does not refer to a specific technology, but it parallel, satellite and component miniaturization allowed easy
rather implies a new mentality towards space. It originated access to space by multiplexing multiple cube/micro/nano-
from three main aspects: 1) space privatization, 2) satellite satellites into a single launcher. The combination of the two
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first aspects has lead to the latter, by allowing quick and enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), massive machine-type
relatively inexpensive access to space. In this direction, a communication (mMTC) and ultra-reliable and low latency
wealth of data collection constellations have made it into communications (uRLLC). The role that the satellites can play
orbit, spanning a wide range of services e.g. earth observation, in the 5G ecosystem is crucial and has been widely recognized.
radio frequency (RF) monitoring, asset tracking, sensor data The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) initiated new
collection etc. Bringing our focus back to communication activities in March 2017 to study the role of the satellites in
aspects, New Space has inspired new opportunities in terms the 5G, and two study items (SI) have already been concluded
of collecting data from ground sensors directly via satellites, [9], [10]. After two years of a study phase, it is now approved
i.e. Satellite Internet of Things. Currently, tens of private that NTN will be a new key feature of 5G and a work item
companies are building demonstrators and competing to launch (WI) will start from January 2020 [11].
a viable commercial service. Almost all such ventures rely Three major groups of use cases for NTN 5G systems have
on low earth orbits and this raises additional communication been defined by the 3GPP [12]. Firstly, NTN can significantly
challenges in efficiently downlinking the collected data back to enhance the 5G network reliability by ensuring service
the ground for processing. Conventionally, each such venture continuity, in cases where it cannot be offered by a single
would require an extensive network of earth stations for high or a combination of terrestrial networks. This is especially
availability. However, cloud-based services (e.g. Amazon Web true in case of moving platforms (e.g. car, train, airplane
Services) have rolled out ground station networks that can be etc.) and mission-critical communications. Secondly, NTN
shared among the various constellations, while providing easy can guarantee the 5G service ubiquity in un-served (e.g.
access to high performance computing for the data processing desert, oceans, forest etc.) or underserved areas (e.g. urban
(see Section IV-C2). areas), where a terrestrial network does not exist or it is too
impractical/cost-ineffective to reach. Last but not least, NTN
III. A PPLICATIONS & U SE C ASES can enable the 5G service scalability due to the efficiency of
the satellites in multicasting or broadcasting over a very wide
The aim of this section is to outline and briefly describe
area. This can be extremely useful to offload the terrestrial
some of the most relevant applications and use cases where
network, by broadcasting popular content to the edge of the
SatComs can play a significant role.
network or directly to the users. A more detailed list of the
satellite use cases for each 5G service group can be found
A. 5G Non Terrestrial Network below and an illustration is shown in Fig. 2.
5G will be more than just an evolution of the previous 1) Satellite use cases for eMBB: The authors in [13] come
standards, embracing a wide new range of applications so as to up with a consolidated list of satellite-based 5G uses cases for
satisfy future important market segments, such as automotive the eMBB service, as listed hereafter.
and transportation sectors, media and entertainment, e-Health, • Backhauling and tower feed (BATF): In this use case the
Industry 4.0, etc., [6], [7]. Three major groups of 5G use satellite provides a complementary role by backhauling
cases are defined by ITU-R for International Mobile Telecom- the traffic load from the edge of the network or broad-
munications (IMT) for 2020 and beyond (IMT2020) [8]: casting the popular content to the edge, hence optimizing
2) High Altitude Platforms: HAPs have the potential to high rate transmissions[24], [25]. The main benefits of UAVs
complement conventional satellite networks. Indeed, they are (and LAPs) are similar to the HAPs ones, but at a cellular
also known as High Altitude Pseudo-Satellites [19], [20]. level: fast and flexible deployment, strong line-of-sight (LoS)
Due to their working altitude, HAPs have the potential to connection links, and additional design degrees of freedom
provide communications services at a regional scale. There with the autonomous and controlled mobility. Moreover, UAV-
are two main ways of cooperation between satellites and HAPs enabled aerial base stations may establish, enhance, and re-
according to [19], [20]: cover cellular coverage in real-time for ground users in remote,
• Backhauling: HAPs can be an intermediate element be- densely populated, and disastrous areas.
tween the satellite and the ground receiver. This two-step Despite the technological maturity of UAVs, UAV-based
downlink communication will have a first hop between communication networks have not been widespread because
satellite and HAPs, and a second hop between HAPS of several limiting factors such as cost constraints, regula-
and ground. The former is prone to the use of high tory frameworks, and public acceptance [15]. The use of
bandwidth optical links, as it suffers little atmospheric autonomous UAVs as 5G aerial base stations or as relays in a
effects, whereas the latter has a much shorter path than multi-layer vertical architecture is also a major research topic
the satellite height, which improves the link budget en- [26]. The technical challenges to be overcome are:
abling smaller antennae (cost-saving) or wider bandwidth • Improve the operation range and safety of the drones.
(revenue increase). • Integrate trustfully beyond-visual-line-of-sight communi-
• Trunking: HAPs have a good balance between regional cation.
coverage and reduced signal degradation. This triggers • Assessing the applicability of all 5G capabilities in UAV
their use as low-cost deployment solution for broadcast or base stations.
multicast services, allowing the users to directly connect Further work related to wireless communications using
within its coverage area and going to the satellite for HAPs and LAPs may be found in [27] and [28].
inter-coverage communications.
Despite their promising applications, HAPs are still facing C. Aeronautical and Maritime Tracking and Communication
some major challenges for their deployment at a global scale,
In addition to the above-mentioned uses cases, satellites can
although they have been successfully deployed in emergency
also play an important role in the aeronautical and maritime
scenarios [21], [22]. One of the main challenges is the limited
tracking systems. These systems share many similarities with
autonomy, especially in higher latitudes due to the reduced
other kinds of Device-to-Device (D2D) communications and
amount of daylight hours. Another is the weather conditions
the IoT. Such similarities are the very low data rates, the
since high wind speeds may drag HAPs away from their
sporadic nature of the communications, and the simplicity of
operating area and low temperatures reduce the lifetime of
the protocols.
the batteries. However, their benefits have been studied in
1) Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast: Air trans-
depth in [15], [19], [20]. The following list highlights the main
portation has been continuously increasing in the last years
advantages of the use of HAPs in communication networks:
up to a number of two billion passengers per year in 2018,
• Geographical coverage: HAPs provide an intermediate and is expected to continue growing to more than eight
coverage range between terrestrial and satellite systems. billion by 2037 [29]. This exponential increase may cause a
• Fast deployment: aerial base-stations can be deployed shortage of the radio resources and collapse the Air Traffic
for operation within hours. They can be a supplement Management (ATM) system, on which will rely the safety of
or complement to the existing terrestrial and satellite billions of future passengers [30]. Next generation air traffic
communications networks when they are overloaded or management systems are increasingly supported on Automatic
in case of failure. Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B). Although ADS-
• Reconfiguration: HAPs can be operated for long periods, B is not mandatory yet in all the regions of the world, it will be
but they can also return to the ground for reconfiguration. operational in most of the flying aircrafts by 2020. The ADS-
• Propagation delay: the propagation delay (∼50-85 µs) B system is based on the capability of the aircraft to navigate
is significantly lower compared to the GEO (∼120 ms), to a destination (typically using Global Navigation Satellite
MEO (∼15-85 ms) and even LEO satellites (∼1.5-3 ms), System (GNSS) data and barometric altitude), communicate
offering important advantages for delay-sensitive appli- to an air traffic controller, and to participate in cooperative
cations. surveillance to air traffic control for separation and situational
• Less infrastructure: a simple aerial platform can serve a awareness services. ADS-B is automatic as it requires no hu-
large number of terrestrial cells, limited by its antenna man intervention, and it is dependent on the data coming from
technology. the aircraft navigation system. The ADS-B signals are received
3) Low Altitude Platforms: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles by the available sensors, which are connected in the ATM
(UAVs) are the most prominent example of LAPs, but other network. These sensors have been usually deployed on ground
systems, such as tethered balloons [23], have been also used in the proximity of the Air Traffic Controller (ATC). However,
for communication purposes. UAVs are expected to be an as the under-the-horizon transmission is not feasible, ground-
important component of the near-future wireless networks. based ADS-B receivers cannot accurately receive signals from
They can potentially facilitate wireless broadcast and support flights passing over areas without ground stations, such as
coverage of a certain area only for a few minutes each several The challenges related to Deep Space Communication and
hours. Hence, to guarantee continuous coverage a large fleet of the available solutions are detailed in V-E3.
satellites is needed. For the same reason, a Gateway (GW) can
stay in contact with the satellite for a very limited amount of IV. S YSTEM A SPECTS
time. To guarantee full-time connectivity between the ground This section covers the system aspects of a satellite com-
and the satellites’ fleet either a large number of GWs must munication system. Some preliminaries regarding SatComs are
be built all around the globe, or inter-satellite link (ISL) included in order to introduce terminology and facilitate the
capabilities must be implemented in the satellites. More details reader to follow the material flow.
on this matter can be found in Section IV-B.
A. Constellation types
E. Space Communications
A fundamental aspect of satellite constellations is the orbit’s
Telecommunications play a fundamental role in space ex- altitude, which severely affects the latency of the communica-
ploration. Seeing Apollo 11 land on the Moon, downloading tion, the signal attenuation and the coverage. As anticipated,
Plutos pictures from New Horizon, receiving scientific data three basic orbit configurations are LEO, MEO, and GEO. The
on 67-p/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet from Rosetta, com- respective altitude ranges are 500 to 900 km for LEO, 5,000
manding Voyager 1 to turn its camera and take a photograph to 25,000 km for MEO, and 36,000 km for GEO [47]. One
of Earth from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers- might notice how extensive altitude ranges are not considered
all these and many other incredible achievements would have for the aforementioned satellite orbits. The reason for this is
been impossible without very efficient communication systems related to the Van Allen belts, which are regions containing
between us and our space explorers. energetic charged particles, most of which originate from the
The Space Exploration age began in 1957 with the launch solar wind, that are captured by and held around the Earth
of the Sputnik, and until now has been carried out mainly by by its magnetic field. The radiation levels of these zones are
either robotics missions, or very short human missions outside deemed to be unsuitable for the typical commercial satellites.
the Earth orbit, as in the case of the Apollo Program. The Therefore, LEO, MEO, and GEO altitudes are such that the
paradigm shift that we see today in space activities is best radiation field is within specific design constraints, consistent
encapsulated by the term Space 4.0, where the different space with achieving operating lifetimes in the range of 10 to 20
agencies are planning to have stable human presence in other years.
celestial bodies of our solar system. One of the most promising A GEO satellite can cover about one third of the Earths
in this sense is the Moon Village concept developed by ESA surface, with the exception of the polar regions. This cov-
[44], which seeks to transform this paradigm shift into a set erage includes more than 99% of the worlds population and
of concrete actions and create an environment, where both economic activity. The LEO and MEO orbits require more
international cooperation and the commercialisation of space satellites to achieve such global coverage, since non-GEO
can thrive. Such an ambitious goal will not be achievable if satellites move in relation to the surface of the Earth, hence
we are not able to guarantee high capacity and very reliable a higher number of satellites must be operating to provide
communication between Earth and these human outposts in continuous service. The fundamental trade-off is that the GEO
the solar system. satellites are farther and therefore are characterized by a longer
Until now, all the space exploration activities have been path length to Earth stations, while the LEO systems promise
carried out by National or Transnational Space Agencies (e.g short paths analogously to terrestrial systems. The path length
NASA, ESA, ROSCOMOS, JAXA, etc.), but this scenario introduces a propagation delay since radio signals travel at
is going to change soon with the private sector entering the the speed of light. Depending on the nature of the service, the
space exploration sector. In particular, there is a huge interest increased latency of LEO, MEO and GEO orbits may impose
from young start-ups to exploit the resource available on some degradation on the quality of the received signals or the
asteroids and on the Moon. Asteroids contain, in fact, a huge delivered data rate. The extent to which this influences the
amount of minerals, including gold, platinum, cobalt, zinc, acceptability of the service depends on several factors, such
tin, lead, indium, silver, copper, iron, and various rare-Earth as the degree of interactivity, the delay of other components
metals. For millennia, these metals have been mined from of the end-to-end system, and the protocols used to coordinate
the Earth’s crust, and they have been essential to economic information transfer and error recovery.
and technological progress. In addition, there are thought Another relevant characteristic of satellite orbits is the
to be many asteroids and comets that are largely composed eccentricity. While for most SatCom services the orbits are
of water ice and other volatiles (ammonia, methane, etc.). circular, there are cases of elliptical orbits with high eccen-
Water ice could be harvested to satisfy a growing demand for tricity, typically referred to as highly elliptical orbits (HEO).
freshwater on Earth, for everything from drinking to irrigation Examples of inclined HEO include Molniya orbits and Tundra
and sanitation. Volatile materials could also be used as a source orbits. Such extremely elongated orbits have the advantage of
of chemical propellant like hydrazine, thus facilitating further long dwell times at a point in the sky during the approach to,
exploration and mining ventures. In fact, in [45] it is indicated and descent from, apogee. Bodies moving through the long
that there are roughly 2 trillion metric tons (2.2 trillion US apogee dwell appear to move slowly, and remain at high alti-
tons) of water ice in the Solar System. tude over high-latitude ground sites for long periods of time.
This makes these elliptical orbits useful for communications Space Segment
towards high latitude regions.
Inter Satellite
Besides the constellations of satellites orbiting around the Links
Earth, it is also worth mentioning the existence of lunar
orbiting satellites, which orbit around the moon. Among the
different types of lunar orbits, low lunar orbit (LLO) are of tro
particular interest for the exploration of the moon. Such orbits
have an altitude below 100 km and a period of about two Forward
hours. Further, highly eccentric orbits are used for the moon Satellite TT&C Ground
Operator Station
exploration, too.
In general, in the design of a satellite constellation for Return
SatCom services, it is important to assess a number of param- Network
eters and to evaluate their respective trade-offs. The principal Operator Gateway/Hub
Transparent Regenerative
Payload Payload ISL
NR Feeder NR Feeder
Interface Link Interface Links
a) b)
Fig. 7. 5G-NTN architecture options with a) transparent payload; b) regenerative payload.
MEO constellations. In contrast, GEO satellites require only of-the-art types of digital payloads can be found in Section
one GW for backhauling due to their fixed position. For more V-C1.
information on ground segment, we refer to [48]. In order to enhance the performance of satellite constella-
The communication topology depends primarily on the tar- tions, ISLs can be created, such that multiple satellites can
get application of the communication system. The two typical cooperatively accomplish complicated missions. Correspond-
topologies are star and mesh. In both cases, the satellite acts ingly, the complexity of each satellite is reduced. Furthermore,
as a relay between each node and the hub (backhaul) or be- ISLs can be employed for data offloading. The implementation
tween multiple peer nodes, respectively. Here, we differentiate of the ISLs can be done using traditional RF antennas or
between point-to-point and point-to-multipoint transmissions. optical wireless technology. The latter is beneficial due to nar-
The point-to-multipoint connectivity as in traditional broadcast rower beams generated by the employed lasers. A distinct ad-
services, internet connections via satellite and data collection vantage of this technique is the substantially reduced antenna
from the sensors deployed on the earth surface, the star size. The link can be established between multiple satellites of
topology is used, where each terminal is connected to the the same orbit (e.g. LEO-LEO) as well as between satellites
hub via satellite on a single-hop basis, see Fig. 6a). The data of different orbits (e.g. GEO-LEO). A typical example for
collection from the sensors deployed on board of the satellite the latter is the use of GEO satellites as relays for the links
(e.g. in earth observation applications), can be viewed as a between LEO satellites and GWs. As mentioned earlier, this
special case of star topology, since the satellite acts both as a technique is employed by specifically designed GEO satellite
relay and as a signal source. For point-to-point connectivity as constellations, such as European Data Relay System (EDRS)
in video conferencing, the star topology would imply two-hop or Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) in order
transmissions, which might be crucial with respect to the end- to improve the connectivity and coverage. Both systems are
to-end latency of packet transmission. Hence, mesh topology is intended to provide the requested on-demand services in nearly
usually preferred, where each peer node can communicate with realtime, especially for emergency applications. However, the
another peer node via satellite relay, see Fig. 6b). However, coexistence of multiple satellites belonging to different orbital
this topology may require intelligent routing of data packets by planes with coordinated and uncoordinated access is very
the satellite. As an example, the mesh topology is employed challenging and therefore plays an important role in the
by AIS (see Section III-C2). In addition, mesh topology has system design/operation. We will discuss the inter-plane access
been recently proposed for various LEO and GEO satellite technology in more detail in Section VI-C.
constellations based on optical ISLs in order to ensure a
sufficient connectivity and cooperation between satellites. C. Interface with other systems
Upon being employed as a relay, the satellite can be 1) Interface with xG systems through NTN: From the
either transparent or regenerative. Transparent satellites do not system level point of view, in order to create an interface
perform any signal processing besides amplification, spatial between the satellite and the 5G network, different architecture
filtering and frequency conversion. Hence, the functionality options have been identified within 3GPP studies for NTN
of the satellite resembles an amplify-and-forward relay struc- [10]. The different architecture options are categorized based
ture from traditional wireless communications. In contrast, on the payload type (e.g. transparent or regenerative) and the
regenerative satellites perform additional signal processing, user access link type (direct or non-direct). They are illustrated
e.g. decoding, interference cancellation, signal regeneration, in Fig. 7. In case of a transparent payload, the satellite provides
etc., similar to decode-and-forward relaying. The payload of connectivity between the users and the base station, which
the satellite is designed accordingly. More details on the state- is on ground. On the other hand, in case of a regenerative
Fig. 10. Areas and Working Groups (topic) that are currently developing new standards in CCSDS.
a) b) c)
Fig. 12. a) : Double layers of Rotman lenses producing pencil beams in two directions; b) Continuous parallel plate waveguide lens-like antenna; c)Prototype
of a QOBF antenna [90]
considered, namely the defocused parabolic reflector (typically assigned value [95]. A drawback of this approach is that the
in an offset configuration) or a combination of two parabolic antenna development is in general bespoke to a mission and
reflectors, often referred to as a confocal reflector config- thereby complexity and costs do not necessarily scale down.
uration, Fig. 11 [89]. Both configurations typically require The realisation of lightweight and efficient reconfigurable
oversized reflectors to minimise spillover losses during beam antennas can also benefit from quasi-optical beamforming
scanning. Defocused reflectors provide pathways for trading (QOBF) networks [96]–[98]. An example of this is the Rotman
off between RF performance and the number of feeds per lens, where beamforming is achieved by virtue of the phasing
beam. They typically suffer from higher aberrations compared propagated waves in a parallel plate waveguide [96]. A single
to confocal systems but are compatible with a reduced number Rotman lens offers beam steering along one axis, whereas
of feeds. Comparatively, they also provide advantages in terms two layers of stacked Rotman lenses offer the possibility to
of complexity and accommodation. generate pencil beams that can be steered along 2 principal
The development of on-board digital processing capability axes (see Fig. 12. a). An example of Rotman lens development
(see Section V-C1) is, together with distributed amplification, for GEO VHTS mission is presented in [97]. In order to
another major underpinning technology towards active arrays remediate the complexities associated with the discrete an-
for telecommunication payloads. It enables control of analogue tenna ports of the Rotman lens as well as the losses from
beamforming networks, direct digital beamforming or their the dielectric substrate, a continuous parallel plate waveguide
hybrids. Reducing the number of active elements in an array lens-like multiple-beam antenna is presented in [98] (see
provides advantages in terms of cost, complexity, thermal Fig. 12. b). A prototype involving this beamformer targeting
management as well as digital demands for the control of the LEO/MEO missions (see Fig. 12. c) is presented in [90] and
phased array. Significant efforts are therefore placed in this an analysis of the performance of this solution in the presence
context. and absence of beam-hopping under varying traffic scenarios
Since the gain of an antenna is strongly linked with the is presented in [99].
size of the illuminating aperture, one technique to reduce the 3) Trends in antennas for LEO/MEO missions and the
number of elements in an array without reducing the overall ground segment: MEO and LEO satellites experience a spatial
surface area is to increase their size. Antenna array theory evolution of the traffic along the satellite orbit. Therefore,
suggests that in this case grating lobes are likely to appear [93]. a reconfigurable antenna is needed to match the satellite
In multibeam satellite systems, grating lobes can be tolerated coverage with the spatial distribution of the traffic. The LEO
as long as they do not compromise the system performance, constellations by Telesat, Starlink and Akash are aligned
primarily due to causing unwanted interference (e.g. typically with this approach [100]. The MEO constellation by O3B is
by being kept outside the field of view of the Earth [84]). also adopting a steerable beam approach [101]. For smaller
Depending on the orbit, this can provide some margin to platforms, such as cubesats, the priorities in terms of the
increase the size of radiating elements and thereby reduce their antenna selection are defined by the mission specifics, such as
number for a fixed size of the illuminating aperture. the limited capacity for on-board accommodation. A review of
An alternative approach for reducing the number of el- antenna solutions for smaller satellite platforms (e.g. cubesats)
ements in an active antenna is based on array thinning can be found in [102].
techniques. The latter relies on sparse and aperiodic arrays, Antennas for ground terminals is also a rapidly evolving
which provide opportunities for a trade-off between side- area of technology development. Of particular commercial
lobe levels and number of elements [94], [95]. Sparse array interest remains the development of flat panel antennas with
design typically targets a suitable combination of the radiating beam steering capability that enables satellite on the move
element positions along an aperiodic lattice with the tapering (SOTM) applications as well as connectivity to non-GEO
of the excitation amplitude across the aperture. The size platforms [103]. A number of mechanical, electronic and
of the radiating elements can also be modulated along the hybrid approaches are reported in the literature and are actively
aperture. Aforementioned techniques enable the control of the being pursued by a vibrant academic and industrial research
beamwidth while maintaining side lobe levels kept under an community. They typically use two narrow-width arrays on
a 2-axis positioner for tracking in azimuth and elevation. A analog front-end receiver processing including antenna sys-
significant disadvantage with this type of antennas is the broad tems, analog beamforming network, Low noise amplifiers,
beamwidth along the narrow plane of the aperture, which can down conversion (mixer, filter) and automatic gain control that
lead to interference problems [104]. A mechanically steerable appear before the digital processing is not detailed. The key
flat panel antenna product that overcomes the aforementioned components in OBP are listed below, the reader can refer to
high skew angle problem [104] and has successfully been de- [112], [107] for further information.
ployed in the avionic industry is provided by [105]. Alternative • High Speed Analog to Digital Converters (ADC) and
approaches that target to maintain performance while reducing Baseband/IF Conversion.
costs include the use of nematic liquid crystals [106]. • Channelizers comprising an analysis filter bank for de-
multiplexing uplink signals and a synthesis filter bank to
regenerate appropriate bands.
C. Ultra High Throughput Satellites (UHTS)
• Processing Block includes processing of individual
1) Digital Payloads: Due to the diversification of markets, streams like (de)modulation, decoding/ encoding as well
satellite communications need to meet enhanced demand for as joint processing using Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
reliable and flexible connectivity at higher throughput. Novel (MIMO) technique. It also includes a Look-up Table
architectures like multibeam systems, migration to higher (LUT) for predistortion, beamforming, precoding and
frequencies and novel techniques such as precoding, predistor- spectrum calculation.
tion, interference and resource management have already been • Switching Block affects routing in spatial (e. g, from one
considered [107]. To fully exploit these developments in the beam to another), temporal (e.g.,store and forward) and
emerging contexts, and impart flexibility in design, additional spectral (e.g., frequency hopping) domains.
resources need to be considered. In this context, space-based As mentioned earlier, on-board processing with digital pay-
assets are considered with on-board processing (OBP) being loads are being considered by satellite manufacturers and
the widely accepted methodology. operators. With the emergence of novel signal processing
Providing digital processing on-board the satellite is not a and digital communications, digital payloads offer an ideal
new concept and has been discussed in the last decades [108], platform to overcome many of the short-comings of traditional
[109], [110]. A perusal of the literature indicates two key OBP on-ground processing. This includes reducing the latency and
paradigms. the inefficient use of resources, as well as enabling additional
1) Digital Transparent Processors (DTPs): These proces- flexibility among others [107]. Some examples of applica-
sors sample the waveform and operate on the result- tion involve on-board predistortion [113] and energy-detection
ing digital samples; neither demodulation nor decoding [114].
is implemented [109]. DTP based processing results The payload is often seen as part of the end-to-end channel
in payload designs agnostic to air-interface evolutions. and its behaviour should be regularly measured. The so-
They have been used in a number of missions including called In-Orbit-Test (IOT) operation of the satellite payload
INMARSAT-4, SES 12 [111] and typical applications consists in transmitting and receiving to and from the satellite
include digital beamforming, broadcasting/multicasting a specifically designed test signal, mainly a spread spectrum
based on single channel copies among others. signal, for the measurement and extraction of some key
2) Regenerative Processing: This methodology operates payload parameters such as, on-board filters responses, high
on the digital baseband data obtained after waveform power amplifier response, G/T, etc. The IOT operation is
digitization, demodulation and decoding. Missions like fundamental in several situations during the life-time of the
Iridium, Spaceway3, HISPASAT-AG1, incorporate re- satellite to verify and monitor the performance and functional
generative processing mainly for multiplexing different requirements of the satellite payload.
streams, switching and routing. While regeneration gen- Allowing customers to continuously monitor the status of
eralizes DTPs and decouples the user and feeder links, the satellite transponder payload while, at the same time,
the additional processing comes at a higher cost. Further, avoiding interference with the traffic (when the satellite is in
regenerative processing limits the flexibility to use newer the operation phase) and with adjacent/nearby satellites (when
transmission modes and can suffer from obsolescence of in re-location phase) represents an important open challenge.
technology unless reprogrammable payloads are consid- In addition, the possibility of performing non-interfering tests
ered [109]. in close or open loop modes, enables the utilization of the
An interesting hybrid processing paradigm involves digitizing equipment in a distributed scenario.
the entire waveform, but regenerating only a part for exploita- Techniques to effectively monitor the on-board amplifiers
tion. In this context, the header packet is regenerated to allow and to identify possible degradation effects are open research
for on-board routing in [109]. This capability would radically topics with no close solution at the moment, in particular when
change satellite networks and the services they can deliver. dealing with wideband applications. In the latter, reducing the
For the sake of exposition, in the following, we briefly testing time and improving the accuracy of existing narrow-
present the structure of a DTP. This develops on the detailed band-based techniques are of key importance.
work in [112] and extends to cover novel processing. Fig. While conventional IOT methods require the interruption of
13 presents a payload transponder employing DTP. Standard the main customer service [115], novel cognitive techniques
based on spread spectrum signals are gaining momentum gateway, is shown in Fig. 14. Then, the satellite payload
[116]–[118]. performs a frequency shift and routes the resulting radio
2) Precoding/MU-MIMO: The state-of-the-art in high signal over an antenna array that transmits the precoded data
throughput SatCom relies on multi-beam architectures, which over a larger geographical area that is served by the multiple
exploit the spatial degrees of freedom offered by antenna beams in the user link. It shall be stressed that the signals
arrays to aggressively reuse the available spectrum, thus transmitted for different beams in the downlink (i.e., from
realizing a space-division multiple access (SDMA) scheme the satellite to the user terminals) use the same bandwidth
[119]. As a matter of fact, aggressive frequency reuse schemes in a full frequency reuse fashion. This is made possible
are possible only if advanced signal processing techniques by the described precoding operation which counteracts the
are developed, with the objective of handling the multi- interference across multiple beams.
user interference (MUI) arising in multi-beam systems and The computational complexity that is required to implement
deteriorating their performance. Such signal processing tech- multibeam satellite precoding techniques can be considerable
niques are commonly referred to as multi-user multiple-input when the dimensions of multibeam satellite systems are high.
multiple-output (MU-MIMO) and, in the satellite context, also This is often the case, as many current systems are char-
as multi-beam joint processing [56]. In this context, linear acterized by several hundreds of beams. This complicates
precoding (or beamforming) techniques have been a prolific the precoding implementation because of the extremely large
recent area in the recent years, showing to be an effective way size of the precoding matrix that must be calculated. In this
to manage the MUI while guaranteeing some specific service regard, low-complexity linear precoding techniques are of
requirements [120]–[124]. The benefits of using precoding great interest, and this is a problem that deserves further
techniques for managing the interference at the gateway in attention and research.
SatCom are also considered in the most recent extensions A different precoding strategy, known as symbol-level pre-
of broadband multi-beam SatCom standards [125]. The con- coding, has been considered more recently in the literature
ventional precoding approach exploits the knowledge of the [127]. In this approach, the transmitted signals are designed
channel state information (CSI) in order to design a precoder based on the knowledge of both the CSI and the data infor-
to be applied to the multiple data streams, thus mitigating mation (DI), constituted by the symbols to be delivered to the
the MUI. With the aid of precoding, a satellite user terminal users. Since the design exploits also the DI, the objective of
can obtain a sufficiently high signal-to-interference-plus-noise symbol-level precoding is not to eliminate the interference, but
ratio (SINR), even though the same bandwidth is reused by rather to control it so to have a constructive interference effect
adjacent beams. This is possible because the precoder uses at each user. This approach has been shown to outperform the
the channel knowledge to mitigate the interference toward conventional precoding schemes, in terms of reduced power
the user terminals, and therefore a certain SINR value can consumption at the gateway side for a given quality of service
be guaranteed for the users. Typically, the precoding matrix at the user terminals in terms of SINR.
is computed at the satellite gateway. After that, the beam A fundamental assumption of conventional precoding
signals are precoded (by multiplying the data streams by schemes is that independent data is addressed to each user, thus
the precoder matrix) and transmitted through the feeder link dealing with multiuser unicast systems. However, the physical
using a frequency-division multiplexing scheme. A schematic layer design of DVB-S2X SatCom standard [125] has been
representation of the precoding operation, taking place at the optimized to cope with the noise limited satellite channel,
Fig. 14. Schematic diagram for conventional linear precoding [126]. The CSI is used to compute the precoding matrix, denoted as W . The precoding matrix
is then used to filter the input data streams.
characterized by excessive propagation delays and intense multiple access (OMA) such that multiple terminals can ac-
fading phenomena. Therefore, long forward error correction cess the same time-frequency resource simultaneously, which
(FEC) codes and fade mitigation techniques that rely on improves the efficiency of spectrum utilization. The resulted
an adaptive link layer design (adaptive coding and modula- co-channel interference can be alleviated by performing multi-
tionACM) have been employed. This implies that each frame user detection and successive interference cancellation (SIC)
accommodates several users, and therefore the communication at the receiver side. In various 5G terrestrial scenarios, NOMA
system becomes a multicast one. Accordingly, the multicast has demonstrated performance improvement over conventional
framing structure hinders the calculation of a precoding matrix OMA schemes [135]–[138]. By observing its advantages in
on a user-by-user basis, and ad-hoc precoding schemes need to aggressive frequency reuse and suppressing interference, it
be employed to address multicast systems. Precoding schemes is natural to further extend the NOMA applications beyond
for physical layer multicasting have been proposed in [128]– the cellular systems. For instance, the advanced television
[131]. systems committee (ATSC) has proposed a new type of mul-
Another relevant challenge for the application of precoding tiplexing scheme, i.e., layered division multiplexing (LDM)
in practical satellite systems is related to non-linearities. In which adopts NOMA principle, in the physical layer protocol
fact, the on-board per-antenna traveling-wave-tube amplifiers standard ATSC 3.0 for terrestrial digital TV broadcasting
(TWTAs) usually introduce non-linear effects, which result in systems [139].
a distortion on the transmitted waveforms. A typical solution In NOMA-based multi-beam satellite systems, [140] an-
to this problem in single-user links relies on predistortion alyzed the applicability of integrating NOMA to satellite
techniques, but their extension to multi-beam systems relying systems from a system-level point of view, and provided
on precoding is not straightforward, because of the mutual general approaches for cooperating NOMA with precoding.
correlation between the data streams induced by the precoding In [141], two suboptimal user-scheduling algorithms were
schemes. In this context, different precoding schemes have proposed to maximize the capacity for over-loaded satellite
been proposed in the literature [127], [132]–[134], having the systems. The numerical results showed that an appropriate
aim of enhancing the dynamic properties of the transmitted user-grouping strategy is to pair the users with high-correlation
signals, such as the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), channels. In [142], a max-min fairness optimization problem
and therefore improving the signals robustness to non-linear was studied to apply NOMA to achieve a good match between
effects. In particular [127], [134] are based on symbol-level the offered and requested capacity among satellite beams. The
precoding. authors in [143] proposed an overlay coding strategy to utilize
Overall, the research on precoding has been developing the cooperative NOMA to mitigate interference in multi-beam
quite fast in the recent years, and a number of practical chal- satellite systems.
lenges [126] have been addressed, with the aim of exploiting In NOMA-enabled 5G terrestrial-satellite networks, [144]
full frequency reuse in current communication systems. In this investigated a joint resource optimization problem for user
direction, besides the pure research, it is particular important pairing, beamforming design, and power allocation. In [145],
the development of ad-hoc testbeds that allow in lab imple- joint beamforming and power allocation for NOMA based
mentation and validation of precoding schemes. Considerable satellite-terrestrial networks were studied. Optimal solutions
advances have been made in this regard, as further discussed of beamforming weight vectors and power coefficients were
in VIII. developed. In both works, the satellite component is viewed
3) Non Orthogonal Multiple Access: As one of the promis- as a supplement part to terrestrial networks. NOMA is ap-
ing 5G new radio techniques, non-orthogonal multiple access plied within the terrestrial component. In [146], a cooperative
(NOMA) has attracted considerable research attention from NOMA scheme was proposed for satellite-terrestrial relay
both industry and academia over the past few years [135]. networks, where the user with better channel gain is viewed
NOMA breaks the orthogonality in conventional orthogonal as a relay to help transmit data to the user with poorer
channel condition. Outage probability and ergodic capacity folded chirp-rate shift keying (FCrSK) modulation with strong
were analyzed mathematically and shown the performance immunity to Doppler effect is proposed. Other works in the
improvement of NOMA over OMA. literature focus on IoT over GEO orbits, where the main issue
In general, the solutions developed for terrestrial NOMA would be the increased round RTT of communication. In [157]
systems might not be simply applied to satellite systems, a new air interface for such a system is proposed while in
mainly due to the following reasons. Firstly, different channel [158] and [159] the authors present a novel waveform called
propagation models may lead to different user grouping strate- Unipolar Coded Chirp Spread Spectrum (UCSS) that enables
gies. Unlike the cellular system, the users located in a beam ultra-narrowband (uNB) communications of IoT nodes using
typically undergo similar path loss towards the satellite [107]. a GEO satellite.
The user paring in terrestrial NOMA is suggested grouping 2) Wideband Downlinks: Commercial applications of satel-
the users with large gaps of their channel gains [135]. How- lite communication, such as observation satellites and LEO
ever, this paring strategy could be challenging to implement sensors, rely on extremely high data rates available during
in satellite scenarios [141]. Secondly, simply applying the a short passage of the satellite. Hence, the recent trend
solutions developed from terrestrial NOMA may result in of developing novel terminal modems capable of efficiently
high complexity for the satellite systems due to the presence operating at very high symbol rates can be clearly observed.
of large amount of beams. Thirdly, compared to cellular One of the main challenges for the modem design results
systems, some distinctive characteristics in satellite systems from the assumed very large signal spectrum, which can
can introduce new constraints and challenges, e.g., on-board be e.g. up to 1.5 GHz, if the whole Ka-band is utilized.
power constraints, limited power supply, longer propagation Currently, the proposed terminal modems support up to 500
delay, signal distortion, and mobility issues. Fourthly, the MHz for commercial high data rates, cf. [160]–[162]. In order
capability of flexibly allocating on-board resources is typically to enhance the symbol rate even further, the following design
limited which introduces new dimensions in NOMA-satellite challenges need to be circumvented:
resource management [142]. • parallel processing with a very high factor of parallelism,
which can lead to access conflicts and performance
D. Data Collection degradation;
• frequent trade-offs between performance, latency and
1) Satellite IoT Air Interface: As mentioned in Section complexity for the selection of signal processing and syn-
III, the satellite can play an important role in the IoT ser- chronization algorithms. In this context, high complexity
vices, more specifically in the so-called long-range IoT or may also lead to processing delays, which negatively
low power wide are networks (LPWANs), by ensuring a affects the performance of the algorithms;
global connectivity and service continuity. The three main • high frequency selectivity of the wideband communi-
technologies in the LPWAN family are the NB-IoT, Long- cation, which may result from the limitations of the
Range (LoRa) and Sigfox [147]. Their PHY layer is quite hardware, in particular cables and transponders. The
different from each other and mostly driven by the need to magnitude of this effect typically increases with signal
satisfy important requirements, such as extended coverage, low bandwidth;
power consumption, high network capacity etc., taking into • additional impairments due to a large difference between
account the technical peculiarities of the terrestrial infrastruc- the minimum and the maximum employed frequencies.
ture. More specifically, the NB-IoT uses a multicarrier mod- In particular, clock frequency offset and drift due to the
ulation (OFDM in downlink and SC-FDM in uplink) for data Doppler effect become substantial in wideband scenarios.
transmission [148], SigFox utilizes an ultra-narrowband signal These challenges have been recently tackled in [163], where
(UNB) with a differential binary phase shift keying (DBPSK) a novel modem architecture for terminal modems with a
modulation [149] and LoRa employs a chirp spread spectrum substantially wider target signal bandwidth of up to 1.5 GHz
signal (CSS) [150]. Since the satellite channel impairments has been proposed. The potential peak symbol rate can reach
are quite different from the terrestrial one, using the same air up to 1.4 Gsps, such that peak data rates of 5 Gbps and higher
interface of the terrestrial IoT over a satellite link in order to seem to be possible in future.
collect the tremendous amount of data generated by the IoT
devices, is not a trivial task. The increased delay in the satellite
channel and the high amount of Doppler effects experienced, E. Others
especially in the LEO orbit, imposes new challenges to the 1) Optical Communications: A potential solution for solv-
PHY interfaces of these technologies. ing the high bandwidth requirement on the feeder link is to
In this context, the authors in [151] stress out the impact of move them to the Q/V-band (40/50 GHz) [164], [165], or even
the Doppler effects on a LEO satellite-based NB-IoT system, to the W-band (70/80 GHz) where bandwidths up to 5 GHz
while in [152] the LoRa CSS signal over a LEO satellite is an- are available. However, given the demand trends, it would be
alyzed. To overcome the Doppler effects in such systems, the a matter of short time before which these bandwidths also
authors in [153] come up with a new air interface for NB-IoT fall short of the requirement. A revolutionary solution is to
based on Turbo-FSK modulation, which was firstly introduced move the feeder link from Radio Frequency (RF) frequencies
in [154]. Regarding LoRA, in [155] a new acquisition method to optical frequencies [166]–[168]. The high frequency RF
under increased Doppler effects is analyzed, while in [156] a and optical approaches are challenging due to the attenuation
by atmospheric phenomena (e.g. rain, clouds) whose severity because of its ability to include a strong Forward Error
increases with the frequency. In either case, a network of mul- Correction (FEC) to enhance the optical link. However, the
tiple gateways with appropriate switching capabilities is thus complexity of such payloads is rather high and would be
envisaged [167], [169]. Although optical communications is considered in later generations of satellites. On the other hand,
highly impaired compared to the RF counterpart, it only needs transparent processing offers a simple, yet effective, solution
a few gateways to achieve very high throughput [169]. This to enable FSO. Two architectures have been considered in the
directly relates to a reduction in the cost of the ground-segment literature for transparent satellites [169]; these are,
motivating the use of optical communications for feeder links. • Analog Transparent: In this architecture, the RF signal is
In addition, Free Space Optics (FSO) communications benefit used (after appropriate biasing) to modulate the intensity
from the absence of frequency regulation constraints, small of the optical source. It offers a very simple modulation
systems with lower power requirements and enhanced security. onto the optical carrier and demodulation on-board the
Optical links are impaired by several atmospheric phenom- satellites. However, it offers no protection to the optical
ena like clouds, aerosols, turbulence etc. [170]. The two main link and can exhibit poor performance.
categories of propagation impairments are • Digital Transparent: Herein, the baseband radio signal
• Blockage Effects: Cloud coverage constitutes the pre- is sufficiently oversampled (both the I/ Q channels),
dominant fading mechanism, resulting in the blockage of quantized and the resulting sequence of bits modulates
the link [170]. This impairment is not localized but spread an optical source digitally, e.g., Pulse position modulation
over a geographical extent. A cloud-blockage typically or On-Off keying. This architecture offers the possibility
introduces significant attenuation on the link, potentially to include FEC to mitigate impairments on the optical
breaking the link. In order to maintain an optical link, channel; however, it suffers from bandwidth expansion,
ground system design involves choosing ground-based additional noise injection and higher complexity
optical stations at places with a high cloud free line of A comprehensive study of optical feeder links has been
sight (CFLOS) joint probability [171], [172]. P pursued in [182]. Herein, the nuances of the optical and RF
• Turbulence and other small-scale fading effects: Even links are modelled and included in an end-to-end simulator
under CFLOS conditions, the optical systems are severely with optical feeder links and RF user links. Both micro
affected by atmospheric turbulence. This phenomenon and macro diversities are considered and performance studied
leads to small-scale fading and impacts the link budget for modelled channels as well as measurements. The results
[173]. The estimation of this phenomenon taking also into provide directions on the development of future FSO systems.
account the beam wander, beam spread and amplitude 2) Satellite swarms and synchronization: Some implemen-
scintillation is of critical importance [174]. In addition tations of distributed space systems such as constellations and
to turbulence, aerosols, cirrus clouds impact the signal satellite trains are relatively well established, whereas satellite
amplitude [175]. swarms containing tens to even thousands of small spacecraft
are still in an active research and development phase [183].
Fade mitigation techniques are considered to mitigate the
The use of very small satellites has been gaining popularity
aforementioned impairments. These are categorized as:
thanks to recent advances in electronics miniaturization and
• Macro-Diversity: For cloud coverage, multiple Optical the decrease of cost promoted by the scale-economy and mass
Ground Stations (OGS) constituting a network are em- production [184], [185].
ployed [171]. These stations are separated by hundreds The revolutionary strength of satellite swarms is in their
of miles, so that a certain desired CFLOS probability enormous size and complete flexibility; they are envisioned to
of the whole network is achieved. Unfortunately, this contain from tens to even thousands of individual spacecraft
requires several ground stations increasing the cost of operating together to achieve their objectives resembling the
ground segment. behaviour of animal swarms. The set of spacecraft can be
• Micro-diversity The mitigation techniques for turbulence nano-satellites and even femto-satellites with a mass of a few
are termed as micro-scopic diversity techniques. For the grams, with restricted capabilities but the complete swarm
optical feeder uplink, multiple apertures are placed in a spacecraft can potentially produce a very capable system
distance higher than the coherence length of turbulence; addressing complex problems that could not be solved with
this configuration, termed as transmitter diversity [176], monolithic missions. As an example, the implementation of
is used to combat turbulence. While several works have Synthetic Aperture Radar missions from higher orbits (MEO
focused on exploiting the diversity gain achievable from or GEO) can only have a realistic power budget using swarm
MIMO optical setups e.g., [177]–[179], they are typi- multi-static configurations [186], [187]. Similarly, many other
cally considered for terrestrial optical networks and have applications can be enabled by satellite swarms missions, such
certain shortcomings for FSO. The Repetition Coding as the characterization planetary atmospheres, the estimate
(RC), considered for example in, [176], [180], [181], the composition of asteroids, the deep-space exploration, the
where identical information is transmitted over multiple investigation on Earths ionosphere [188]. All these applica-
transmitters from different wavelengths. tions, in the remote sensing area, have been evaluated for its
The design of the optical feeder link depends on the on-board implementation in swarms. In these applications the designers
processing capabilities. Fully regenerative payloads offer the can make use of sensor fusion and offline processing. How-
best performance due to their additional processing partly ever, the implementation of data link communications using
Fig. 15. Locations’ of NASA Deep Space Network and ESA ESTRACK sites
code (ModCod) value according to the measured SINR. There- related to buffer management problem. Give priority to
fore, DVB-S2 standard permits the management of different packets allocated in highly congested buffers.
services guaranteeing a certain Quality of Service (QoS). We can distinguish two scheduling cases, which are detailed
in the following sections: achieving more efficient resource utilization via an adaptive
• Unicast Scheduling: One user (per beam) is scheduled service prioritization algorithm. In [208], a novel channel-
within each frame aware scheduler scheme compliant with DVB-S2 is proposed
• Multicast Scheduling: Multiple users (per beam) are which also considers the expedited delivery requirements for
scheduled within each frame delay-sensitive packets.
Previous works have focused in cross-layer scheduling
a) Unicast scheduling: There are two design aspects to
without considering aggressive frequency reuse. Introducing
be taken into account:
precoding techniques, the functionalities of PHY, MAC and
• Demand satisfaction: We do not need to schedule a
NET layers become even more intertwined. The main reason is
user which has an empty queue. We need to schedule that the achieved user rates at PHY are dependent on the packet
users which have large pending data volume first. But scheduling due to the non-orthogonal access of the medium
this depends on the Service-Level Agreement (SLA) each [130], [209]–[212].
user has signed with the satellite operator. SLA can be The works in [130], [209], [210], they all assume that
min rate over time, max rate over time, average rate over the number of users to be grouped into the same frame
time, latency, etc. is fixed and constant across the beams. In addition, [130],
• Interference avoidance: Whenever frequency is reused
[209], [210] follow a two-step approach where first a single
across beams, interference appears. Users scheduled in user is classified in each group, and next the rest of the
adjacent synchronous frames, should be far located one users are classified. In particular, [209], [210] they randomly
from the other to minimize interference. “far distance” chose a user as a reference and then define the remaining
can be translated as “different channels”, or sometime group members associated with that user, while [130] selects
called “channel vectors that are as orthogonal as pos- the first user per group according to the semi-orthogonality
sible”. This means that the users serves simultaneously criteria originally proposed in [200]. The works in [211],
over different beams should have orthogonal (ideally) [212] try to avoid the two-step approach and perform the
channel vectors. This is essentially the basis of the semi- user-per-group classification at once. The work in [211] makes
orthogonality criteria originally proposed in [200]. use of a geographical strategy, by sectorizing the beam. The
b) Multicast scheduling: Serving a single user within a work in [212] considers a graph-based partitioning approach
single frame is not a practical assumption as it rarely happens using conventional spectral clustering. While [212] assumes
in real systems. Before we observed that minimizing the inter- a fix number of users per frame, [211] does not impose
beam interference can be achieved by scheduling users within any constraint on that. On the other hand, [212] proposes a
adjacent synchronous frames according to orthogonal channel second step to orthognalize as much as possible the adjacent
conditions. When considering multiple users within a frame, synchronous beam transmissions.
another design constraint applies. Since all packets in a frame 2) Return Link Scheduling: In current satellite systems,
are served using the MODCOD imposed by the worst user the Network Control Center (NCC) is the entity that collects
contained in that frame, significant performance gains are the traffic demands of the Return Channel Satellite Terminals
expected from a scheduler that groups the terminals according (RCSTs) and distributes the available resources accordingly.
to similar propagation conditions. The return link access is based on the Multi-Frequency Time
Clearly, the combination of throughput requirements (PHY Division Multiple Access (MF-TDMA) scheme, which pro-
layer) and service requirements (NET layer) claim for a vides high bandwidth efficiency for multiple users. Fig. 17
cross-layer scheduling design, where the packets are queued shows the frequency-time distribution of a sample MF-TDMA
according to QoS-class and channel conditions. scheme. MF-TDMA is a system of access control to a set of
The satellite traffic scheduling has been widely addressed digitally modulated carriers whereby the RCSTs are capable of
in the literature [201]–[208]. In [201]–[203], a new scheduling frequency hopping among those carriers for the purposes of
approach suitable for DVB-S2 systems characterized by a transmitting short bursts of data within assigned time slots.
two level architecture is proposed. This structure is able It is noteworthy that the return link can optionally use a
to take into account QoS requirements (i.e. buffer conges- continuous carrier (CC) instead of MF-TDMA. The advantage
tion, buffer size, dropped packets, queue waiting time)and of this scheme is the more efficient adaptation to widely
MODCOD parameters. In [204], a scheduler for DVB-S2 varying transmission requirements, typical of multimedia, at
based on the Weighted Round Robin (WRR) mechanism is the expense of slightly more complex RCSTs. The NCC
proposed, whose weighting takes into account the traffic class periodically broadcasts a signaling frame, the TBTP (Terminal
as well as available capacity. In [205], [206], the capacity Burst Time Plan), which updates the timeslot allocation within
region a multi-beam satellite with N time-varying downlink a super-frame between every competing RCTS.
channels and N on-board output queues is established. In However, the MF-TDMA proposed in DVB standard has
[207], the Satellite Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (SDMB) been shown to not perform optimally for bradband satellite
is investigated. Given the unidirectional nature of the SDMB systems [213]. In situations where the traffic is bursty, fixed
system and the point-to-multipoint services it provides, the assignment mechanisms lead to inefficient use of the resources.
authors in [207] propose a novel adaptive multidimensional Random access protocols are an interesting alternative. In
QoS-based (AMQ) packet scheduling scheme for provisioning random access, data packets are instantly transmitted, indepen-
heterogeneous services to provide better QoS guarantee while dent of other nodes activities. There is no coordination which
plete full frequency reuse, where all beams share the total
spectrum resource. While (i) seems to not provide enough
capacity, (ii) and (iii) have been identified as most promising.
The semi-orthogonal scenario has been considered in [215]–
[219]. In [219], a very simple sub-optimal iterative bandwidth
assignment is considered to deal with the demand-matching
problem. More computationally expensive algorithms have
been proposed in [216]–[218] with similar objective. However,
scenario (ii) and (iii) together with precoding have been
overlooked as the introduction of makes the problem much
more challenging, but at the same time with very high potential
in terms of system performance. While in (iii) precoding is
mandatory, in (ii) one can design which carriers to be precoded
and which not, depending on the requested demand
4) Beamhopping: In conventional broadband multibeam
Fig. 17. MF-TDMA scheme used in satellite uplink HTS system, all satellite beams are constantly illuminated,
even if there is no demand to be satisfied. It is widely accepted
that the beam data demand is not homogenous, shifting from
translated into possible packet collisions. Unlike DVB-RCS, beam to beam over the course of a day or seasonally. Clearly,
DVB-RCS2 optionally supports RA to return link. For more such uneven beam traffic patterns claim for a more efficient
details on uplink scheduling and RA, the reader is referred to resource allocation mechanism. This has given rise to the
Section VI-B. beam hopping concept, a novel beam-illumination technique
3) Resource allocation: Satellite resources are expensive able to flexibly allocate on–board resources over the service
and thus it is necessary to optimize and time-share these coverage [220]. With beam hopping, all the available satellite
precious resources. In this section, we review the current state- resources are employed to provide service to a certain subset
of-the-art of resource management solutions in multi-beam of beams, which is active for some portion of time, dwelling
satellite systems. just long enough to fill the demand in each beam. The set of
a) Power Assignment: Power is a huge concern for the illuminated beams changes in each time–slot based on a time–
satellite, as the available power on-board is limited and should space transmission pattern that is periodically repeated. By
be used wisely. In [215], a power allocation and packet modulating the period and duration that each of the beams is
scheduling technique based on traffic demands and channel illuminated, different offered capacity values can be achieved
conditions is proposed. However, interbeam interference is in different beams.
neglected by assuming non-adjacent active beams. Interbeam The beam hopping procedure on one hand allows higher
interference is also overlooked in [216]. Interbeam interference frequency reuse schemes by placing inactive beams as barriers
is dependent on the power allocated to each beam and there- for the co–channel interference and on the other hand allows
fore, affects the total system performance. If not considered, the use of a reduced number of on–board power amplifiers at
it limits the flexibility of the system and can be a problem each time slot. Beam hopping uncovers entirely new problems
when a hot-spot requires coverage from multiple adjacent that were never considered before in satellite communications:
active beams. The benefits of power allocation are explored the challenge of designing an illumination pattern able to
in [217], where a sub-optimal solution is proposed providing perfectly match the demands [221], [222], acquisition and syn-
some insights about the relation between assigned power and chronization of bursty transmitted data [223], the exploitation
offered capacity. However, the complexity of the solution in of extra degrees of freedom provided by the fact that certain
[217] limits its applicability. regions of the coverage area are inactive.
With the advent of DTP payloads (see Section V-C1) In addition, in certain scenarios (like the high throughput
where each carrier can be independently power controlled full frequency reuses scenario) the performance of Beam Hop-
on board through the digital channelization, power can be ping is heavily degraded by the self–interference generated by
flexible moved from one beam to another. Power assignment the system, particularly when neighboring co–channel beams
is considered the first level of flexibility (and the easiest are activated at the same time [224].
to implement). Sometimes, however, power flexibility is not 5) Carrier Aggregation: Carrier Aggregation (CA) is an
enough and the channelization (e.g. bandwidth and frequency) integral part of current LTE terrestrial networks. Its ability
should also be adapted to provide another degree of flexibility. to enhance the peak data rate, to efficiently utilize the lim-
b) Channelization: Carrier and Bandwidth Assignment: ited available spectrum resources and to satisfy the demand
Dynamic bandwidth allocation techniques can be classified for data-hungry applications has drawn large attention from
into three groups depending on the amount of spectrum that the satellite communications community. In particular, the
is shared: (i) Orthogonal but asymmetric carrier assignment application of CA in satellite communications has received
across beams, with no inter-beam interference, (ii) Semi- interest within [214], where several potential scenarios have
orthogonal asymmetric carrier assignment, where certain over- been discussed and analyzed based on market, business and
lap between spectrum of beams is allowed, and (iii) Com- technical feasibility. The CA architecture is illustrated in Fig.
and the increased Doppler effects, especially in the LEO orbit, of satellite and terrestrial networks [240] or the coexistence
impose a significant challenge from the MAC layer perspective of two satellite networks [241], [242] is challenging due to
of such systems. As a matter of fact, authors in [227] and several aspects such as the underlying interference links and
[151] study the impact of the Doppler effects in a satellite- no prior coordination between primary and secondary systems.
based NB-IoT system and come up with a new resource In spectral coexistence scenarios, there may be multiple sec-
allocation approach to handle this problem, without modifying ondary users trying to access the same portion of the radio
the existing fixed assignment based MAC protocol. spectrum. In this situation, the network access should be
2) Random access based: Random access (RA) based coordinated in a way that multiple cognitive users do not seek
protocols are a natural solution for IoT over satellite com- the same portion of the radio spectrum.
munications since they match well to the traffic demand The effective sharing of available radio spectrum among
characteristics coming from the IoT devices. It is shown by two or more wireless systems can be obtained by utilizing
authors in [228] and [229] that the traditionally used demand suitable Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) techniques, which
assignment multiple access (DAMA) protocol for the satellite can be divided into coordinated or uncoordinated based on
return link does not perform well under sporadic IoT traffic whether the primary and secondary systems exchange the
with low duty-cycles and very short packet length. In the case spectrum usage information, i.e., TV WhiteSpace database,
of RA protocols, the devices transmit the data using the same or they can operate without any coordination between them,
channel without prior coordination. Due to the fact that the i.e., spectrum sensing. Also, the DSS models can be broadly
allocation of resources is random, possibly many devices will classified into three types, namely, commons model, exclusive-
use the same resources for data transmission, hence causing use model and shared-use model [243]. In the first model, i.e.,
packet collisions. The most representative and well-known spectrum commons model, all the unlicensed or secondary
RA protocol is Aloha. Even though it is quite old, leading users can access the spectrum with equal rights while in
IoT technologies such as LoRa and SigFox use a variation the exclusive-user model, the secondary users acquire the
of this protocol [230]. An Aloha based protocol, named time exclusive rights of using the radio spectrum either by providing
frequency ALOHA (TFA) is also proposed for the NB-IoT a cooperation award from the primary system or by purchasing
by the authors in [231]. Basically, when the nodes have some a certain portion of the radio spectrum from spectrum licensees
data to transmit, they do it without prior coordination. In case or primary service providers, also known as spectrum trad-
an acknowledgment (ACK) is not received from the network, ing. On the other hand, the shared-use DSS model utilizes
the device goes to sleep and tries again to retransmit the the underutilized or vacant spectrum either in an underlay
same packet after a random time. Despite being a simple (interference-avoidance) or interweave (opportunistic) manner
protocol and performing well at very modest traffic, the [244]. Furthermore, several advanced mechanisms which can
increased propagation delay in the satellite channel creates be employed to enable the spectrum sharing of heterogeneous
potential network stability issues, making it an unattractive networks include Licensed Shared Access (LSA), Licensed
solution for modern IoT satellite applications [232]. In the Assisted Access (LAA), Carrier Aggregation (CA) and Chan-
last decade, there has been an effort in investigating more nel Bonding (CB) and Spectrum Access System (SAS) [245],
advanced RA schemes for satellite IoT and a survey can [246].
be found in [233]. A comparative study of RA techniques 1) Coordinated: Two multibeam satellites may coexist in
for satellite-IoT [234] shows that the most attractive ones in the same orbital position by utilizing different architectures,
terms of spectral and energy efficiency are Enhanced Spread- namely, conventional frequency splitting, cooperation, coor-
Spectrum ALOHA (E-SSA) [235], Contention Resolution dination and cognition [247]. In the first approach, the total
Diversity ALOHA (CRDSA) [236], and Asynchronous Con- available bandwidth in the forward link is divided into two
tention Resolution Diversity ALOHA (ACRDA) [237]. The equal portions, with each segment assigned to one satellite
above mentioned best-performing techniques adopt iterative system. In the second approach, two satellites having multi-
successive interference cancellation to increase the detection beam communications payloads with the aggressive frequency
probability of the received packets. The authors in [232] reuse are interconnected and synchronized with a high-speed
further investigate the performance of single-frequency and link between the gateways. With the help of advanced signal
multifrequency CRDSA and ACRDA [238] under realistic processing techniques such as precoding, two transmitters
parameters and for a number of system scenarios of practical located in two different satellites will behave like a large
interest. In [239] the phase noise impact on the performance satellite with the equivalent payloads of two satellites. Two
of CRDSA is analyzed. interconnected gateways have to exchange the channel state
information and data reliably to enable the implementation of
precoding techniques. The main challenge in this architecture
C. System Coexistence is to meet the stringent synchronization demand between two
One of the promising solutions to address the spectrum physically separated satellites. To reduce the overhead of data
scarcity problem caused due to spectrum segmentation and exchange and to lower the system complexity, instead of full
the dedicated assignment of available usable radio spectrum coordination, partial cooperation between the two coexisting
is to enable the spectral coexistence of two or more wireless transmitters can be employed. Such coordination will require
systems over the same set radio frequencies. The spectral coex- the exchange of smaller amount of information, i.e., CSI
istence of heterogeneous wireless networks, i.e., coexistence and does not need to perform symbol level synchronization,
thus leading to a reduced system complexity. Although intra- 6) Satellite selection strategies: Interference scenarios can
satellite multiuser interference in the coordinated dual satellite be avoided by selecting a satellite that has the highest
architecture can be completely mitigated by employing the angular discrimination with respect to other GSO and
precoding techniques, interference arising from the adjacent NGSO and GSO satellites.
satellite limits the system performance [247]. 7) Frequency channelization: The carrier-to-interference
2) Uncoordinated: Another approach for the system coex- levels can be enhanced by dividing the frequency band
istence is cognition via high-speed links between the satellite into smaller sub-bands and assigning these sub-bands to
gateways on the Earth. Two satellite systems operating in the a distinct beams.
same or different orbits may operate over the same set of
radio frequencies, with one satellite system being primary and
another as secondary by utilizing various techniques such as
cognitive interference alignment and cognitive beamhopping.
In the cognitive interference alignment approach [241], the The aim of this section is to cover the main technical
secondary terminals can employ precoding in away that the advances related to networking and upper-layer integration of
received secondary signals at the primary receiver becomes SatComs with 5G network.
aligned across the alignment vector, which can then be filtered
by sacrificing some part of the desired received energy at the
primary receiver. Based on the level of coordination between A. Software Defined Networking and Network Function Vir-
primary and secondary systems, the IA techniques can be of tualization
static, uncoordinated and coordinated. During the last decade, the networking community has
In the cognitive beamhopping approach [248], the secondary witnessed a paradigm shift towards more open architectures
satellite having smaller beams can adapt its beamhopping pat- based on Software Defined Networking (SDN) in a quest
tern based on the prior knowledge of the beamhopping pattern for improved agility, flexibility and cost reduction, in the
of the primary satellite in way that the operation of primary deployment and operation of networks. The General refer-
(incumbent) satellite does not gets impacted. To enable this, ence of SDN architectures have been specified by the Open
beamhopping pattern of the primary satellite as well as the Networking Foundation (ONF) and Internet Engineering Task
timing information can be shared to the secondary satellite Force (IETF) in [250], [251] respectively, reflecting the key
via a high-speed signaling link between their gateways. principles of SDN: (1) separation of data plane resources
For the coexistence of NGSO and GSO satellites, inline in- (e.g. data forwarding functions) from control and manage-
terference, which arises when an Non-Geostationary (NGSO) ment functions; (2) centralization of the management-control
satellite passes through a line of sight path between an earth functions and; (3) programmabillity of network functionality
station and a Geostationary (GSO) satellite, may become prob- through device-neutral and vendor-neutral abstractions and
lematic [249]. To this end, ITU-R recommendations ITU-R Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
S.1431 [65] and ITU-R S.1325 [64] provide recommendations The first efforts for implementing the SDN principles on
for various static and uncoordinated solutions to mitigate inline computer networks can go back to more than 2 decades
interference including the following. [252], for example, some works studied the introduction of
1) Satellite diversity: The traffic of the impacted satellite programmability of some network functions [253], [254], the
can be switched to an alternative satellite to avoid the separation of the control and user plane [255], [256], or the
main beam to the main beam interference whenever centralization of management-control functions [257], [258],
inline events occur. nevertheless, these efforts did not have a practical impact
2) Transmission Ceassation: The link budget design can be on the network community. However, in the mid-2000s the
designed to accept some outage without switching to emergence of a series of works such as the definition of
another satellite. the set of architectural, modeling, associated terminology
3) GSO arc avoidance based on the latitude: With this and protocol requirements to logically separate the control
approach, the coupling of the main beam of NGSO and data forwarding planes of an IP networking devices by
satellites and the main beam of GSO earth station can be IETF [259], [260], or the subsequent development of the first
avoided by providing sufficient angular separation with open interface between the control and data planes by the
respect to the equatorial plane. Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES) IETF
4) GSO arc avoidance based on discrimination angle: By group [261], gradually unleashed a greater interest on the part
switching off the beams when the point of interest in of the academy. Subsequently, in the late of 2000s emerged
the Earth observes an angular separation (between an some network designs that included a practical deployment
NGSO satellites main beam and GSO arc) less than a and operation such as the developed by Ethane Project [262]
predefined angle. and the development of the standardized Openflow (OF) API
5) Sidelobe design of NGSO satellite and terminal anten- interface [263], that finally triggered a general interest and
nas: The amount of harmful interference from/to satel- its adoption. Thenceforth, we have witnessed the appearance
lites and GSO terminals can be minimized by designing of several controller platforms, applications as well as a
the low side-lobe antennas on the terminals and NGSO wide variety options of commercial OF switches, promoting a
satellite, respectively. virtuous circle in favor of its development and adoption.
Mobile networks also have been progressively embracing a promising enabler in the evolution of service delivery over
SDN concepts and technologies to decouple the control plane the integrated satellite-terrestrial networks [273], [277]-[278].
from the user plane. In this regard, a variety of proposals for Other works, more aimed at the development of platforms and
adopting SDN concepts in mobile network architectures have architectures have been presented in [272], [276], [279]-[280].
been presented [264], [265], likewise, some standardization For example, in [272], authors presented a generic functional
works as the so called Control and User Plane Separation architecture for satellite ground segment systems embracing
(CUPS) architecture has been developed as an enhancement SDN/NFV technologies, detailing the interaction of the SDN
of the 4G/LTE standards to fully split control and user plane controller with the satellite network control plane functions
functions within the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) [266], or of the satellite network (e.g., network control centre [NCC]
the new 5G Core Network (5CN) specifications that have functions), as well as the characteristics of both externally
consolidated this separation as a key design principle [267]. In exposed and internal interfaces, including a study of the pros
the other hand, while until recently the SDN scope has been and cons of several interfaces and data models that could
focused on the packet-oriented Layers 2 and 3 (e.g. Ethernet, be leveraged. Likewise, other works aimed at investigating
IP/MPLS), different extensions are underway for covering SDN and its integration into satellite networks through several
the abstractions necessary for the applicability of SDN in applications have been presented in [275], [281]-[282]. For
mobile networks [264], for example, for the management example, the applicability of the functional architecture in a
of optical transmission (Transport SDN [268]) or wireless combined satellite-terrestrial backhauling scenario presented
transport devices (Wireless Transport Networks [269]). in [272] was further developed in [281][283] with a focus
Regarding satellite networks, as they are expected to be on the use of SDN technologies for the realization of end-to-
an integral part of 5G service deployment [270]-[271], the end Traffic Engineering (TE) applications across the terrestrial
evolution of satellite technology must also follow the guideline and satellite segments. The benefits of such architecture were
towards more open architectures based on SDN technology assessed in [284] in terms of improved network resource
that are being consolidated within the 5G landscape, not only efficiency achieved through the centralized and more fine-
to bring to satellite technology the SDN benefits, but also to grained control of traffic routing enabled by the SDN-based TE
greatly facilitate the seamless integration for combined satellite applications. In this context, other research works has further
and terrestrial networks [272]-[273]. In this context, satellite progressing in this research area presenting some experimental
networks must also be outfitted with a set of control and proof of concepts (PoC) and testbeds for validations on the use
management functions and interfaces (API and/or network pro- of SDN technologies, as will be discussed in detail below (see
tocols) compatible with the mainstream SDN architectures and section VIII.B). Furtermore, other relevant research projects
technologies in order to realize a full End-to-End (E2E) net- coping with the applicability of SDN/NFV technologies are
working concept where the whole satellite-terrestrial network currently on-going in [70][282]. In this respect, an overview of
behavior can be programmed in a consistent and interoperable the current 5G initiatives and projects followed by a proposed
manner [274]. In this regard, although satellite technology architecture for 5G satellite networks, where the SDN/NFV
has not adopted the SDN concepts at the pace that terrestrial approach facilitates the integration with the 5G terrestrial
communications networks have done, important advances have system is provided in [271] which also analyses a novel
been carried out in the recent years regarding the analysis technique based on network coding for the joint exploitation
of the potential use cases, requirements, and definition of of multiple paths in integrated satellite-terrestrial systems.
functional frameworks for the exploitation of SDN technolo- SDN has managed to establish itself as a powerful tool for
gies in satellite networks. It should be noted that one of the the solution of several networking problems. In the field of
most notable use cases of SDN applied to satellite networks satellite communications the opinion is not different, seen as a
has been Network Function Virtualization (NFV). While the key facilitator to enhance the delivery of satellite communica-
concept of Network Virtualization, that is generaly regarded tions services and to achieve a better integration of the satellite
as an abstraction of the physical network in terms of a logical component within the 5G ecosystem. However, SDN is still
network [252] is independent of SDN, the key principles of an emerging technology and its development and maturity
SDN have positioned it as a technological enabler for network are still in process. In the field of satellite communications,
virtualization [252]. In this regard, some of the first works while important progress has been achieved so far on network
were presented in [275][276]. In [275], authors investigated architectural and functional aspects, as well as on the assess-
the advantages of introducing network programmability and ment of their benefits mainly via mathematical modelling and
virtualization using SDN and/or NFV by analyzing four use more or less sophisticated simulation environments, further
cases as well as their impacts on a typical satellite system research is still warranted towards the practical implementation
architecture while in [276], authors presented a satellite net- of integrated satellite-terrestrial solutions and their assessment
work architecture based on the idea of decoupling data plane under more realistic conditions.
and control plane to gain high efficiency, fine-grained control
and flexibility. Subsequently, a variety of works have been
presented, some aimed at the research of benefits and technical B. Caching over Satellite
challenges brought by introducing SDN/NFV into the satellite One of the challenges in the edge caching is how to effec-
networks, detailing a set of use cases, opportunities, scenarios tively prefetch the popular content to the caches considering
and research challenges, but especially, identifying the SDN as the high volume of data [285]. In order to overcome this
issue, satellite backhauling has attracted much attention as a to the wide coverage, satellite can be used for task off-loading
promising solution for cache placement phase to exploit the from mobile users which are out of range from terrestrial MEC
large coverage of the satellite beams. Satellite systems have servers. It is shown in [299], [300] that with a proper network
the ability to provide high throughput links and to operate in virtualization algorithm, satellite MEC can significantly reduce
multi/broad-cast modes for immense area coverage. latency and improve the energy efficiency compared to the
Due to their multi-hop unicast architecture, the cached stand-alone 5G terrestrial.
content via terrestrial networks has to go through multiple
links and has to be transmitted individually towards each base VIII. T ESTBEDS & P ROTOTYPING
station (BS). On the other hand, with wide area coverage, This section focuses on communication testbeds which have
the satellite backhaul can broadcast content to all BSs or been developed for different communication layers in order
multi-cast contents to multiple groups of BSs. Therefore, to practically demonstrate some of the advanced SatCom
bringing these two technologies together can further off-load concepts.
the network. The main idea is to integrate the satellite and
terrestrial telecommunication systems in order to create a
hybrid federated content delivery network, which can improve A. PHY & MAC: SDR Based
the user experience. The joint deployment of satellite and The phenomenal advances of the electronics industry create
terrestrial networks can be found in [286]–[289]. The appli- a trend toward ever smaller, smarter, cheaper, and more capa-
cation of satellite communications in feeding several network ble devices, from sensors to computers to radios suitable for
caches at the same time using broad/multi-cast is investigated use in spacecraft applications. Their availability has led to the
in [286], [290], [291]. The work of [291] proposes using the ongoing revolution in small and medium sized satellites and
broad/multi-cast ability of the satellite to send the requested also in ground based consumer equipment. The community is
contents to the caches located at the user side. Online satellite- pushing the effort toward re-configurable SDR SoC (System-
assisted caching is studied in [286]. In this work, satellite on-a-Chip) ground receivers and to the ultimate extreme of
broadcast is used to help placing the files in the caches located satellite-on-a-chip. [185]. The SDR technologies have become
in the proxy servers. Each server uses the local and global file popular in the last decade, with plenty of demonstrations for
popularity to update the cache. terrestrial wireless communications [301].
Recent works on caching over satellite are presented in Multi-standard and adaptive communication systems can
[292]–[298]. A two-layer caching algorithm is studied in be implemented in easily using software-defined radio (SDR)
[293] in which cache on the satellite is the first caching techniques. It consists in that must of signal processing is per-
layer and the cache in the ground station is the second one. formed in the digital domain by an appropriate digital signal
The joint cache optimal is carried out via generic algorithm processing (DSP) device [302]. An SDR platform consists
of the original mixed integer linear programming. In [294], of a hardware radio frequency (RF) front-end and a DSP
a service model is proposed for hybrid terrestrial/satellite unit implemented in signal processors, field programmable
networks in order to identify viable alternatives to deploy gate arrays (FPGA), or GPUs. These platforms are designed
converged satellite-terrestrial services. Two caching policies, to be highly flexible, where all the receiver and transmitter
namely pull-based and push-based, are studied. In [295], a functionalities can be updated by a simple modification of the
back-tracing partition directed on-path caching mechanism is software code of the DSP devices [303].
proposed for hybrid LEO constellation and terrestrial network. However, there are still not many testbeds in academic
By reducing intermittent connectivity as much as possible, it papers published on SATCOMs, where the tendency to use
is shown that the redundant transmissions of data access for SDR technologies has only been seen in recent years, partic-
different users can be largely reduced since the requested files ularly in the small satellites community, where a universal
are favorably fetched from intermediate caching nodes, instead programmable hardware is desirable. which intensifies the
of directly from the source. The authors in [296] propose a interest in software-defined radio (SDR) in recent years.
resource allocation strategy for cache filling in hybrid optimal- Few works have been published for SDR testbeds for GEO
satellite networks. It is shown that the placement time can orbits. Those research work focus on interference mitigation
be notably reduced in a hybrid terrestrial-satellite backhaul in multibeam satellite systems. The popularization of the de-
network, particularly in case of bad weather that impacts the facto Cubesat standard fostered the use of SDR platforms. In
data rate of the wireless optical links. The authors in [297] the beginning, those platforms were custom designed by the
propose a novel caching algorithm for optimizing content universities and research centers, and later around the begin-
placement in LEO satellite networks based on many-to-many ning to the decade of 2010 by some specialized companies like
matching game. In [298], the authors investigate the perfor- GomSpace [304], Nanoavionics [305], Alen Space [306], ISIS
mance of hybrid satellite-terrestrial relay network (HSTRN) Space [307], and Tyvak [308], among others. These companies
under different caching policies. Analytical closed-forms are provide SDR based payloads for Cubesat platforms. The
derived for the outage probability under the most popular SDR platforms are mainly based on SoCs (System-on-a-Chip)
uniform content based caching schemes. implementing signal acquisition and signal processing using
By equipped with some computation capabilities in addition programmable logic (PL) fabric (FPGAs, CPLDs, etc) and
to storage capacity, satellite communications have shown po- processing system (PS) units. Most of these SDR platforms use
tential applications in mobile edge computing (MEC). Thanks the popular Zynq 7000 hybrid ARM/FPGA SoCs. There are
a) b)
Fig. 22. High level view of the experimental test bed components a) SDN-based traffic engineering solution PoC [274]; b) SATis5 [329].
5G features/technologies in satcoms; Optimising/harmonising which demand for lighter mass with the capability of handling
key management and authentication methods between cellular higher loads and the requirements of operating with extreme
and satellite access technologies; etc. service conditions over longer duration [342]. To address these
As an important tool in the development and innovation drawbacks, digital twin is expected to play a crucial role
of satellite technology by academia and industry, the de- in integrating historical and fleet data, maintenance history
velopment of satellite systems simulators/emulators as well and sensor data from the satellite on-board integrated health
as the development of PoCs/testbeds have taken on great management system to enhance the safety and reliability of
relevance in the recent years. However, as justified in [338], satellites/space vehicles. By analyzing all the available infor-
the development of such tools must include new and better mation, digital twin helps to forecast different attributes such
capabilities such as a highly configurable real-time network as response to critical events, the health of a satellite/vehicle
(e.g. time-varying topology and link characteristics in satellite system, probability of mission success and remaining useful
constellation networks) and highly accurate models at low- life, and to activate self-healing mechanisms whenever needed.
cost equipment, allowing fast developments and simplicity in
design. Furthermore, as SDN is also seen as a key facilitator to
enhance the delivery of satellite communications services and Another promising future application of digital twin is to
achieve a better integration of the satellite component within enable space-based monitoring and communication services.
the 5G ecosystem (see section VII.A), the new developments The cost and time needed to provide space-based services can
require the introduction of the additional SDN components as be drastically reduced by utilizing software defined compo-
key enabling technologies. nents in the satellites, which can be remotely configured from
the Earth [343]. Also, digital twin can enable the creation
IX. F UTURE & O PEN T OPICS of autonomous swarms in the satellites by incorporating the
intelligent sensing and communication capabilities to the satel-
A. Digital twins for satellite systems lite systems. Furthermore, digital twin at the satellites seems
Digital twin represents the digital replica of physical objects, promising to enable the global sharing of services and skills
places, system, people and devices, which can be utilized for by dynamically creating new services, i.e., supply chain in the
various objectives with the help of sensor/IoT and data analytic space, and generating a sharing-based economy in the space.
technologies. It reflects the involved elements and dynamics
of the process by which IoT devices/sensors gather data from
the environment, operate and live throughout the life cycles of One crucial aspect to be addressed with regard to the
final products [341]. Various technologies including machine- commonly accessible digital twin is to protect the privacy
to-machine interactions, natural language processing, machine of individual entities and to prevent the information misuse
learning, video processing and data analytics can be used without acquiring the permission of concerned entities. In
to extract and understand the dynamics of the environment, this direction, one promising enabler could be block-chain
and the extracted knowledge can be subsequently utilized technology, which can opt out the records that should not
to dynamically recalibrate the environment, leading to the be shared among others. Another issue in digital twin en-
significant impact on the design, build and operational phases abled nanosatellite systems is to properly track, control and
of a particular device/product. decommission nano-satellites in order prevent any threats to
In the domain of satellite systems, the existing methods the ground or other satellites [343]. Other future issues include
utilized for fleet management, system design and certifica- how to manage the space debris and pollution by removing the
tion, which are mainly based on heuristic design principles, failed or inoperative satellites and how to regulate the digital
physical testing and statistical distributions of physical device twin-enabled infrastructure in terms of preventing data misuse
properties, are not suitable for future generation of satellites by the governments, criminals or terrorist bodies.
B. Cooperative satellite swarms and clusters enabled by inter- Tandem-X mission from the German Aerospace Center. This
satellite links mission consists of two SAR satellites following an orbit in
close formation, with a variable distance between them of
In contrast to monolithic conventional satellite missions, few hundreds of meters [348]. The spacecraft in here are
the NewSpace methodology proposes novel distributed archi- not precisely nanosatellites, however this mission pioneered
tectures promising a paradigm shift in the space industry. the formation flying concept. Another good example is the
Distributed Space Systems (DSS), and in spacial, satellite OLFAR project. The objective of this mission in to perform
swarms and clusters will provide improved re-configurability, as a distributed radio telescope with satellites spreading in a
flexibility, upgrade-ability, responsiveness, and adaptability cloud with a diameter of 100 km. The satellites will share their
to structural and functional changes. Large satellite swarms, captured astronomical data of at least 6 Mbit/s/satellite [349]–
based on small spacecraft, can also enlarge the autonomy of [352]. Another example is the ongoing QB50 mission project,
the mission by upgrading or replacing defective units while QB50 is an international network of CubeSats for multi-point,
the mission remain under operation. Clusters and swarms are in-situ measurements in the lower thermosphere and re-entry
implementation of DSS consisting of an array of autonomous research [353], [354].
satellites which share the same mission goals, and require
Going in this direction, for swarms in general, the enabling
communication and cooperation to achieve those goals. In
factor is the capability of performing data exchange and
clusters the satellites fly in close formation, and require an ac-
distributed processing. In order to exchange information be-
curate observability and controllability of the satellite positions
tween satellites, RF and optical and ISLs have been proposed.
and attitudes for coordinate their operations. This accuracy can
Additionally, some LEO and MEO systems use RF links to
be in orders of micrometers, and even, picometers, and is only
improve availability and ensure a good quality of service [355].
achievable with powerful propulsion and actuator systems.
Usually clusters arrays contain a few to tens of satellites. In As an example, the satellites in the Iridium constellation use
contrast, swarms, which may consist of tens to even thousands radio systems around 22 GHz to route traffic via the intra-
of satellites aiming for the same mission goals, but without plane and inter-plane neighboring satellites [356]. However,
keeping a tight relative position in the array formation. This this type of solution, is not feasible, for the nanosatellites
configuration allows the use of cheaper and smaller spacecraft used in swarm missions, for the reasons mentioned before.
and to enlarge the number of array elements. Recently, the The implementation of such ISLs is still an open research
concept of cohesive swarms was coined [189] to describe the topic since his implementation represent an increase in system
swarm implementations that do not require to have an accurate complexity and power consumption to the total system.
controllability of the array relative positions and attitudes but
has an accurate monitoring of these parameters. The cohesive
swarm use the parameters observations to compensate them C. Hierarchical Aerial Networks
in the signals transmitted or received by the whole array.
In general, the implementation of satellite swarms is in an Hierarchical area networks with multiple types of flying lay-
active research and development phase, and is envisioned to ers are promising to provide extended coverage and improve
be applied in different space mission that would be impractical, secured communications to some specific areas and events in
and even impossible, with current monolithic or multi-satellite the new space era. In this architect, multiple types of flying
missions. layers will cooperate to improve the space-to-ground link
The synchronization of the swarm nodes is a very challeng- reliability and capacity [357]. The unmanned aerial vehicle
ing task due to the dynamic characteristic of the transmission (UAV) will serve the ground users at low and medium layer,
channel between the nodes, and the limited accuracy of the while high-altitude-pseudo satellites (HAPS) will serve both
time and frequency references available at the small satellites UAVs and ground users from high altitude and act as relaying
[183], [344]. In order to achieve a proper synchronization, the nodes from the satellites when necessary. However, due to
nodes must implement ISLs [184], [345] (ISL) to obtain an the difference in the height and velocity, link connections
accurate reference from an external source. between the HAPS and UAVs are disconnected frequently.
With the current state of the technology, establishing a direct Therefore, how to harmonize the flight of the UAVs and
data transfer between the flying units in a swarm is regarded HAPS to maintain reliable connections is of great importance
as economically unfeasible due to the high payload costs. as the current routing protocol is not applicable to vertical
The implementation of the ISL requires additional transceivers space networks. One should note that the desired routing
which add to the weight and power consumption in each of protocol for vertical area networks should take into account
the satellites [346], [347]. For this reason, the development of the heterogeneous connects between the links, e.g., free space
space missions from swarms have not been contemplated in optical among the HAPS, hybrid radio frequency/free space
the past for data communications applications, but for science optical between the HAPS and UAVs. Another open problem
missions where the nature of the distributed space system is is how to efficiently deploy the hierarchical area network [20].
crucial or strictly required to fulfil the mission objectives. A joint design of communications and HAPS/UAV flights is
Some examples, from proposed concept to actual missions, can expected to achieve the global performance. This will include
be found in the remote sensing literature [189]. One example not only UAVs and HAPs placement design but also trajectory
of synchronization and formation flying is performed in the optimizations.
GHz (uplink), 18.8 19.3 GHz (downlink), and (ii) 29.1 29.5 reception mode. Moreover, terminal-side beamforming [363]
GHz (uplink), 19.3 19.7 GHz (downlink). In these bands, ITU can be employed at the secondary NGSO terminal to mitigate
RR No. 9.11 A specifies that GSO and NGSO satellites must harmful interference towards/from the primary GSO or NGSO
coordinate with the previously filed GSO and NGSO networks, satellite.
and also with the existing other primary services in these
bands. According to ITU-R footnote 5.523A, in the bands
G. Satellite Network Automation
17.819.3/28.629.1 GHz, such coordination should be based
on the date of filing. In the rest of the frequency bands, the The upcoming integrated 5G-satellite networks will largely
limits on the Effective Power Flux Density (EPFD) mentioned increase in size and complexity due to the wide adoption
in the RR Article 22 must be respected while coordinating of heterogeneous mobile devices and wireless access, which
with the already existing satellite systems. The EPFD specifies poses increased degrees of freedom in the network man-
the maximum permissible interference that the NGSO FSS agement process. In many use cases, optimal solutions for
systems can cause to the GSO FSS systems and there arises terrestrial-satellite network management can be difficult to
no need of coordination with the GSO networks if these limits model due to the complex environment and the presence
are respected but the coordination with other NGSO needs to of too many uncertainties. Developing fast and high-quality
be considered. heuristics or closed-form analytical models are not always
As highlighted earlier, in-line interference, may be challeng- a viable option for such use cases. As a result, network
ing for the coexistence of GSO and NGSO satellites, mainly performance could be degraded, and the capital expenditure
in the equatorial region. In such a scenario, an earth station (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX) overheads can
that is in-line with GEO and NGEO satellites may create increase. With the growing complexity and reliability re-
and receive interference through its main beam. Furthermore, quirements, the conventional test-and-verification methods for
in the uplink, besides the inline interference from the main network management will be challenging. This is because
lobe of the NGSO terminal, the aggregate interference caused network operators are not comfortable deploying live traffic
by the side-lobe gains of the beampatterns of many NGSO on untested/unoptimized configurations. The concepts of self-
terminals in the ground may cause harmful interference to the optimization and self-organization network (synonymous with
GSO satellite. Also, if there exist multiple NGSO satellites in network automation) are highly suited for such complex prob-
different equatorial orbits over the same spectrum, the GSO lems.
terminals located at the equatorial region in the earth may A promising architecture and implementation comes from
receive aggregate interference from the side-lobes of multiple SDN where networks can be dynamically programmed
NGSO satellite beampatterns [249]. through centralized control points and from NFV enabling the
Although the inline interference event can be predetermined cost-efficient deployment and runtime of network functions
and avoided by using proper planning considering the con- as software only. Based on NFV and SDN, network slicing
stellation geometries and utilizing the aforementioned static (NS) is a service-oriented construct providing “Network as
methods suggested by ITU-R recommendation S.1431 [65] a Service” to concurrent applications. The slices will de-
and ITU-R S.1325 [64], the performance of the primary system liver different SLAs based on a unified pool of resources.
(GSO or NGSO depending on the coexistence scenario) may The envisioned satellite-terrestrial network will be capable to
be impacted due to limited dynamicity of these methods. support end-to-end services (and their management) across
Also, the QoS of the secondary NGSO system may not be heterogeneous environments by means of a single (converged)
guaranteed while utilizing these static approaches. In this re- common network. Through this paradigm, the specific services
gard, there arises the need to investigate more dynamic/flexible can be highly customized, enabling the seamless integration
approaches for the real-time mitigation of inline interference of heterogeneous networks in a 5G-satellite ecosystem. Unlike
events, which may occur while operating GSO-NGSO or the conventional one-type-fits-all network, the network slicing
NGSO-NGSO satellites over the same frequency band. presents not just a cutting-edge technique, but opens new
One of the promising flexible approaches for interference horizons for efficient and intelligent resource configuration for
mitigation could be to employ beamhopping principle at integrated terrestrial-satellite systems.
the secondary satellite so that the interference to the pri- In this context, the combination of terrestrial and non-
mary GSO or NGSO satellite can be avoided by adapting terrestrial links, e.g., satellite, in transport networks has intro-
the beamhopping patterns in the real-time by utilizing the duced new dimensions of network heterogeneity and dynam-
principle of cognitive beamhopping framework proposed in icity. Several open issues have to be addressed. Firstly, one of
[248]. Another promising solution could be to employ adaptive the main challenges is to devise network-slicing algorithms,
power control mechanisms [361] at the NGSO terminal to e.g., slicing configuration, virtual resource isolation, that can
mitigate harmful interference towards the GSO satellite in efficiently and autonomously configure the large number of
the uplink coexistence scenario, and at the NGSO satellite parameters present in a virtualized dynamic graph representing
to mitigate harmful interference towards the GSO terminal an integrated satellite-terrestrial transport network. Secondly,
in the downlink coexistence scenario. Furthermore, another most of the works on virtual network embedding (VNE) are
dynamic approach is to incorporate sensing mechanisms with based on a static design, i.e., based on a snapshot of a deter-
the help of intelligent sensors at the NGSO terminals in a ministic network graph. However, a realistic integrated NGSO
way that the inline interference can be detected during the satellite-terrestrial network is highly dynamic, resulting in fast
variations of the virtual network topology over time. Dealing this context, Quantum key distribution (QKD), first proposed
with the graph dynamics in the context of online network- in [364], involves establishing a private encryption key be-
slice management is an essential challenge. Thirdly, the de tween two parties. QKD is inherently an optical technology,
facto standard protocol between the data and control planes, and has the ability to deliver encryption keys between any two
i.e., OpenFlow, in SDN/NFV networks has to be extended points that share an optical link automatically. However, use of
and compatible to satellite-terrestrial networks by considering QKD over the mature optical fibre networks for long-range,
satellite characteristics, e.g., LEO and MEO satellites’ motion, long-scale applications is limited by the transmission losses
available on-board energy, storage capacity, and computational that increase exponentially with distance. In this context, QKD
power. over satellite is being increasingly considered with a project
to develop such a space-based waveform already underway
H. Advanced Satellite Resource Orchestration [365].
Key to the success of QKD over satellite is the ability to set-
As already mentioned, one of the concepts that is revolu-
up stable optical links by overcoming the various impediments
tioning the infrastructure of current communication systems
in transmission. The links should ensure certain minimum
is the so-called SDR technology. In short, SDR refers to a
quantum bit error rate (QBER), which is the QKD counterpart
radio communication system where the major part of its func-
of signal-to-noise ratio, is met. This requires appropriate
tionality is implemented by means of software. The advances
selection of optical frequencies, components and mechanisms
in this software disruptive paradigm is currently reinventing
for pointing, acquisition and tracking. Also of significant
future network architectures, accelerating service deployment,
interest is the transmit and receive processing to ensure high
and facilitating infrastructure management. Satellite commu-
fidelity link while satisfying constraints on size (e.g., on-board
nications are not an exception.
receiving lens cannot be large), power (e.g., constraints im-
The main advantage of SDR is the capacity of adaptation
posed not to harm existing links/ equipment etc) and possibly
which has been identified as a crucial characteristic of the
computational power. Thus, in addition to its consideration for
future broadband satellite systems. By replacing as much hard-
solving spectrum crunch, optical satellite communications will
ware with software, the satellite payload becomes much more
enable the QKD in the coming years; this motivates further
flexible and allows to deliver cost-competitive connectivity in
investigations into optical satellite communications focussing
response to evolving consumer demand and price expectations.
on QKD scenarios in future.
Software defined payloads are less dependent on hardware
and becomes more flexible and automatically reactive, able
to face the dynamicity envisaged in the forthcoming wireless J. Machine Learning Applications
traffic. The ability to reprogram beam pattern, frequency and
Machine Learning (ML) techniques in the literature can
power allocation dynamically in at anytime during the satellite
be broadly categorized into supervised, unsupervised and
mission, makes SDR technology very attractive in the forth-
Reinforcement Learning (RL) [366]. Out of these, supervised
coming day where the data markets are more uncertain. The
learning requires the labelled training data-set while the un-
aforementioned capabilities open a door to advance resource
supervised learning does not require the labelled data-sets. In
management strategies for satellite communications, but at the
contrast to these approaches which require training data-sets,
same time bring new research challenges. In particular, the new
the RL does not need a training data-set and enables a learning
on-board processing capabilities combined with the emerging
agent to learn from the prior experience.
role of active antenna systems, requires advanced resource
In the context of satellite systems, the application of ML
management techniques capable of maximizing the satellite
has been already being explored in several scenarios including
resource utilization while maintaining QoS guarantees, and
opportunistic weather monitoring, earth observation applica-
dynamically matching the distribution of the satellite capacity
tions, satellite operations and sensor fusion for navigation.
on ground to the geographic distribution of the traffic demand
Furthermore, with the growing trend of investigating the
and following its variations in time.
applicability of ML in wireless communications, investigating
SDR-based satellite systems bring important improvements
its applications in the satellite communications has recently
from a network management point of view, by allowing a
received increasing attention from the academia as well as
better orchestration of the satellite resources. Unavoidably,
SatCom industries/agencies. The ML/AI techniques can find
softwarization will expand to the whole satellite ecosystem,
potential applications in addressing various issues in satellite
replacing the custom hardware solutions, resulting in a more
communications including interference mitigation to enable
flexible and dynamic system with overall better performance
the coexistence of satellite systems with terrestrial systems, op-
and efficiency.
timization of radio resources (spectrum, power),optimization
of SatCom network operation, and management of large
I. Quantum Key Distribution through Optical Satcom satellite constellations.
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systems due to computational power needed to break it. gate the applications of ML techniques include: (i) adaptive
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