Schumer Letter OIG OPR
Schumer Letter OIG OPR
Schumer Letter OIG OPR
WASHINGTON, DC 20510-3203
I write to request that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Inspector General and Office of
Professional Responsibility immediately conduct a joint investigation into the firing of U.S.
Attorney for the Southern District of New York Geoffrey Berman. I ask that you review the
reason for the removal of the U.S. Attorney Berman and whether he was removed for partisan
political purposes, to influence an investigation or prosecution, or to retaliate for his actions in
any specific investigation or prosecution.
Your offices undertook an identical investigation after multiple U.S. Attorneys were told to
resign from their positions at the direction of senior Department of Justice officials starting in
2006. At the conclusion of that investigation, your offices found that the removal of these U.S.
Attorneys and the controversy it created severely damaged the credibility of the Department of
Justice and raised doubts about the integrity of Department prosecutive decisions.
As the Attorney General was not truthful when he initially represented that U.S. Attorney
Berman was “stepping down,” this corrupt firing cannot be explained by cause and gives the
impression that the President interfered in ongoing criminal investigations into himself and his
associates. To help restore confidence in and prevent further abuses to the administration of
justice, the American people deserve to know the truth.
Charles E. Schumer
U.S. Senator