The Three Cities: Glorious Bastions of Civilization
The Three Cities: Glorious Bastions of Civilization
The Three Cities: Glorious Bastions of Civilization
The contents of this supplement for the Mazes & Minotaurs RPG were originally published
in the Minotaur webzine and were updated in 2012 for the Silver Jubilee Edition of M&M.
“ (…) this rich and civilized coastal country is divided into three independent (and
rival) city-states: Thena, Heraklia and Argos. Each of these city-states is a major
political power with its own culture, economy and armed forces. In the past, the strong
rivalry of the Three Cities has caused several wars but they have been in peace for
more than 100 years now, thanks to the efforts of the Thenan monarchs…”
Maze Masters Guide (p 8)
Each City is a major political, commercial and
The Three Cities cultural center, with an intra muros population of
approximately 50,000 citizens (counting women, but
This issue, we take a closer look at the glorious
excluding children and slaves). As an element of
Three Cities: Argos, Heraklia and Thena, homes of
comparison, fourth century BC Athens had a
many Mazes & Minotaurs heroes (well, at least the
population of around 30.000 male citizens.
civilized ones). But fear not, gentle reader! We shall
not inflict on you lengthy, pseudo-scholarly exposés
Over the centuries, each of the Three Cities has
full of superfluous facts, this article presents each
also established various colonies outside its original
city-state in a practical, no-nonsense, player-friendly
territory. Most of these colonies are located on small
manner, using the following format:
islands of the Middle Sea ; the farthest ones can be
found on the northern Charybdian shores. Such
settlements (which are beyond the scope of this
Cultural Overview article) are a testimony of the Cities’ cultural,
A short presentation of the city’s cultural economic and military vigor.
identity, including its patron deities.
Current Affairs Culture & Religion
The present-day political situation (including, of
course, the current monarch) ; for the purposes The Three Cities share a common language
of this article, ‘present-day’ means circa the (Minean) and cultural heritage, which is very similar
year 340 of the Age of Heroes. to that of legendary Greece as shown in movies like
Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans
Founding Myth (as if you didn’t know that…).
How the city came to be.
While all Olympian deities are worshipped and
Places of Interest honored in the Three Cities, each city-state has two
The city’s most famous sites. or three divine protectors, who are especially
revered by the local population and nobility.
Notable Personages
The local celebrities. These gods or goddesses usually played an
important part in the ancient history of the city, or
even in its foundation. The high priests of these
Before we detail each city’s specific profile, let us deities usually wield great political influence, often
examine a few common, basic facts about the acting as the king’s advisors. In the Three Cities,
culture and society of the Three Cities: temples are places of spiritual and temporal power.
The Athenon, the greatest temple ever built for Athena, on the Thenan Akropolis
The Akademia of Thena, probably the greatest library and place of learning in all Mythika
Under the protection and command of Letos, the Olympus itself, where the great king joined the
Thurian survivors eventually managed to defeat and goddess’ personal honor guard. His old friend Cleos
exterminate Thulsos’ reptilian minions and build a the Lyrist composed his last song, the Eulogy for
new city on the ruins of Old Thuria. Letos, which he performed at the King’s funeral and
died peacefully the following day, just before dawn.
Letos named the new city Thena in homage to his
patron deity, the goddess Athena, whose divine
intervention had played a decisive part in the final Places of Interest
defeat of Thulsos. In return, Athena placed a special
blessing upon the city, granting « wisdom in peace The Akropolis is the name of the hill where the
and war » to all its future rulers. most important buildings of the city are located,
including the palace and the temples of Athena,
So far, all Thenan kings have lived up to the Apollo and Zeus. This majestic site is one of the
reputation of this divine prophecy… but King great architectural wonders of the Three Cities.
Theseos’ bold political reforms have given a new,
controversial dimension to this old story: while The two most impressive buildings on the Akropolis
Theseos’ fervent supporters take Athena’s blessing are the Royal Palace, with its magnificent statues,
as a guarantee and proof of their king’s wisdom mosaics and frescoes, and the temple of Athena,
(some of them even think that the goddess herself called the Athenon, the greatest (in every sense of
inspired Theseos’ decisions as a way of testing the the term) temple ever dedicated to this goddess.
possibility of a “new society”, built on wisdom and
freedom), some of his detractors are using Athena’s The Poets’ Plaza is a special agora located near
prophecy as a propaganda tool, implying that the temple of Apollo, on the Akropolis: here, Lyrists
Theseos’ “unwise” rulership will soon attract and poets from the Three Cities congregate to swap
Athena’s divine anger on the city… unless someone stories, recite their latest compositions or even take
stops this nonsense right now. part in oratory jousts, musical contests and poetic
duels – before one of the most attentive and
But let’s get back to the distant, legendary past. demanding audience of the known world.
During his reign, King Letos the Just was often
advised by Cleos the Lyrist, who proved to be the The Akademia is a unique place of learning and
wisest of counselors and helped to make Apollo knowledge where young men study literature, law,
one of the three tutelary deities of Thena. philosophy and other liberal arts under the tuition of
some of Mythika’s wisest scholars. In other words, it
King Letos died at the very venerable age of 110, is the University of Thena – as well as the only
after more than half a century of peace. It is said university in Mythika. Its great white buildings are
that Athena herself descended from the heavens to located at the foot of the Akropolis, overlooked by
escort his soul not to the Elysian Fields but to the majestic temples of Athena and Apollo.
King Theseos does have a legitimate heir: his son
Prince Hippolytos (now in his mid-teens), born to
his first wife, the Amazon princess Antiope, who
died giving him birth a few years before Theseos
met Phaedra (and Ariadne!) on Seriphos.
Prince Hippolytos
Notable Personages
King Theseos is the current ruler of Thena – a
great hero, a superb warrior…and a somewhat
controversial ruler (see above for more details about
Theseos’ democratic reforms and next page for his
full description and game stats, plus a summary of
his adventuring career).
Theseos has a weakness for women and wagers
and seems to have a really hard time resisting one
or the other. These days, the love of strong wines
seems to have become another problem of his. With
all these Nobles in the surroundings plotting against
him and Phaedra looking so much like her older
sister, beautiful Ariadne, whom he stupidly and
cruelly abandoned so long ago, the hero nowadays
indulges in drinking more and more often (which
may eventually lead to many problems, like, say,
accepting the wager of entering Hell to abduct
Persephone herself because "she's a smasher"...
King Theseos
Level 5 Noble, age 38, King of Thena
Theseos slaying the Minotaur of Minea
Personality: Fearless and self-assured (to the
Theseos of Thena point of overconfidence); loves to take risks and
accept crazy wagers; loves beautiful women
The present king of Thena, Theseos is a tall, and strong wines; may have an unconscious
athletic, handsome man in his late thirties, with curly death wish; truly heroic and immensely popular.
blond hair and a short beard. His career as monarch
of Thena is detailed in this issue’s Mythika Attributes: Might 19, Skill 21, Luck 20, Wits 15,
Gazetteer, which also contains information about his Will 15, Grace 15.
wife, Queen Phaedra and his son Prince Hippolytos.
Combat: Initiative 21, Melee +13, Missile +11,
The son of King Aegeus of Thena and princess Basic Defense Class 16, Hits Total 32.
Aethra (daughter of Pittheus, lord of Sphaeros),
Weapon of Choice: Sword.
Theseos was rumored to be the child of Poseidon
himself – something which his mother has always Saving Rolls: Athletic Prowess +13, Danger
refused to discuss with anybody. To this day, the Evasion +11 (+13 with Aegis shield), Mystic Fort
true identity of the hero’s father remains uncertain, +8 (+10 with Aegis shield), Phys Vigor +10.
even to Theseos himself.
Personal Charisma: +8 (+13 to Thenans).
During the course of his adventures, Theseos has
defeated an impressive number of enemies, Background Talents: Tactician, Wrestler.
including hordes of beastmen, evil lords, giants,
dark sorceresses, giant boars, magical bulls and Mythic Items: Aegis, Sword of Aegeus (Sword
many others. He also waged war against the of Ruse with a hilt wrought like a serpent),
Amazons and abducted one of their princesses, the Spear of the Pallantides (Spear of Athena),
proud Antiope… whom he married shortly Crown of the Nereids (same powers as the
afterwards. Antiope then died in childbirth (perhaps Amulet of the same name, worn as a diadem-
as a result of some terrible curse bestowed upon like headband), Ariadne’s ball of twine, Spear of
her for having forsaken her Amazon heritage), Conquest, pair of Magical Horses (see Creature
giving the hero his only son, Hippolytos. Compendium, p 58). Theseos also owns the
Mace of Perphestes, a non-magical, enormous
But his most famous adventure remains his journey bronze mace (see Players Manual, p 22).
to Minea on the island of Seriphos, where he
His breastplate, helmet and Aegis shield give
defeated the huge minotaur Asterion (also rumored
Theseos a total EDC of 24. His Sword of Ruse
to be a child of Poseidon) and managed to come out
gives him a total Melee mod of +15, while his
alive of the gigantic Maze of Minea. This he could
Spear of Athena adds +4 to his damage rolls.
accomplish only with the help of Ariadne (and her
famous ball of twine), princess of Minea and During his training years, Theseos developed two
priestess of Demeter, whom he later abandoned on unique unarmed combat styles: the Crane, a patient,
an island during his flight from Minea (since then, fast strike-to vital-spots technique, and the Dancer, a
she has reportedly been taken as a bride by swirling and unbalancing sweeps-and-throws
Dyonisos, but this may be just another wild rumor). technique. They work like Pugilism, with the same
restrictions but with different effects: a Crane attack
He later married Ariadne’s younger sister, princess
does 1d6+Might mod subdual Hits instead of the
Phaedra of Minea, now queen of Thena. usual d3+Might mod, while a Dancer attack works like
a Bashing attack (M&M Companion). As their
Recently, King Theseos, along with mighty Tharsus inventor, Theseos is advantaged when using these
of Heraklia, has led a difficult yet victorious battle in techniques. They can only be learned by Wrestlers
the mountains against a savage tribe of Centaurs. with 13+ in Skill, Will and Grace under the tuition of
To this day, both Amazons and Centaurs still feel a someone who already masters them (and Theseos is
bitter grudge toward Theseos, whom they tend to unlikely to share such secrets).
see as an enemy of their respective kins.
aristocracy has been the theatre of a constant
Heraklia the Red political struggle between two rival factions,
respectively known as the Sword and the Shield.
Cultural Overview Members of the Sword faction are Hegemonists,
who think that Heraklia should conquer Argos,
According to Heraklians, Heraklia is the mightiest of Thena and unite the whole Land of the Three Cities
the Three Cities. It is certainly the most martial. into a single Heraklian monarchy, while members of
the Shield faction think that the Three Cities should
The favorite color of Heraklian Nobles is crimson, stay united against outside enemies (such as
the color of blood and strength. Their favorite patron warlike Umbria) but that the Thenan Peace should
deities are Zeus and Ares, the god of war. be replaced by a more militant coalition. Each
faction is (more or less officially) supported by one
of the two great cults of Heraklia: the cult of Ares for
Current Affairs the Sword and the cult of Zeus for the Shield.
The current king of Heraklia is Thalos the Strong, Both sides are now turning a very curious eye
(see the next pages for more details about this towards the unprecedented political changes that
character, including his complete stats). have recently occurred in Thena – a situation which
could well be used by the more warlike Heraklian
As most of his predecessors, King Thalos dreams of nobles to persuade their King of taking military
uniting the Land of the Three Cities into a single action against the current Thenan monarchy “for the
nation, but that nation would (of course) be Heraklia, greater good” of the Three Cities. Even in times of
with his own dynasty as the only royal family. These peace, Heraklia is always preparing for war…
dreams will probably remain just that, since King
Thalos lacks the political shrewdness and diplomatic
patience that such a formidable endeavour would Founding Myth
require… unless Heraklia decides to go to war
(once again) with Argos, but this would shatter the The founding myth of Heraklia is quite simple and
Thenan Peace which has guaranteed economic reflects the no-nonsense, martial culture of its proud
prosperity and political stability in the Land of the nobility. According to this tale, Heraklia was founded
Three Cities for more than 60 years - see the Maze at the dawn of the Age of Heroes – just like Thena
Masters Guide, p 13, for more details about the and Argos, but (of course) before them – by a great
diplomatic tensions between Argos and Heraklia. warrior hero called Heraklion. Blessed with
superhuman strength of body and mind, Heraklion
For the last six decades (ie since the end of the war was a champion of Ares as well as the general of an
against Argos and the establishment of the Thenan invincible army who had won many victories against
Peace, see Maze Masters Guide p 13), Heraklian the sorcerous Autarchs and their monstrous hordes.
When Heraklion saw that he had defeated and
conquered all his foes and there were no enemies
left to fight, he decided to settle down with his army
and build a great fortress in the honor of Ares… but
Heraklion proved (quite unsurprisingly) a very
warlike ruler, as befits to all true devotees of Ares,
and found himself unable (or unwilling) to maintain a
lasting peace with his neighbors - including the
fledgling cities of Thena and Argos. This greatly
upset Athena (patron goddess of Thena) and
Hermes (patron god of Argos), who eventually
called for the arbitration of Zeus himself. After
hearing their pleas, Zeus admonished Ares for his
constant warmongering and ordered Heraklion and
his followers to take a solemn oath.
King Thalos the Strong Prince Herion of Heraklia
Tharsus of Heraklia
One of the mightiest living heroes (perhaps THE
mightiest living hero) of Mythika, Tharsus of Heraklia
is also known as “Herakleos”, a nickname which can
directly be translated as “the Lion of Heraklia”.
The young monarch took five of his most valorous On more than one occasion, his friendship for
companions with him and went in search of his lost Centaurs (as well as his short temper and loud
nephew; thus began seven long years of travels, mouth) has caused Tharsus to publicly express his
adventures and perils... brutish contempt for King Theseos of Thena, who
has led several campaigns against some Centaur
Then, one day, King Thalos and his men eventually tribes during the last few years… In return, King
stumbled upon the Centaurs who had adopted the Theseos himself has expressed his own disdain for
young boy as one of their own, teaching him the arts “the Boar of Heraklia”. Surely the two great heroes
of combat and archery. will square it out one day or another…
The Ten Tasks of Tharsus
Tharsus of Heraklia
The most glorious episodes of Tharsus’ impressive
heroic career are known collectively as “the Ten
Tasks of Tharsus”. Even though Tharsus is still alive
and his heroic career seems to be far from over,
many Heraklian Lyrists are already celebrating their
national champion’s Ten Tasks as the most glorious
and spectacular deeds every accomplished during
the entire Age of Heroes – an assertion which is, of
course, regularly refuted by Thenan Lyrists and
scholars (who like to point out that, like Tharsus’
own career, the Age of Heroes is far from over –
and will probably last longer anyway).
Personality: Immensely proud and utterly fearless; 1) Slaying a magical, reputedly invincible lion
brutish and uncouth, Tharsus behaves more like an known as the Nemean Lion.
uneducated Barbarian than a royal-blooded Noble;
his personal hygiene could also be improved. 2) Slaying the dreaded nine-headed Hydra of
the Helicon Mountains.
Attributes: Might 21, Skill 16, Luck 20, Wits 9, Will
21, Grace 8. 3) Capturing a magical, reputedly uncatchable
stag known as the Artemisian Stag.
Combat: Initiative 17*, Melee +14*, Missile +7*,
Basic Defense Class 17*, Hits Total 39*.
4) Slaying a giant, magical and reputedly
Weapon of Choice: Club. unkillable boar known as the Boar of Doom.
Saving Rolls: Athletic Prowess +14*, Danger 5) Capturing a magical, reputedly indomitable
Evasion +7*, Mystic Fort +10*, Phys Vigor +17*. bull known as the Bull of Death.
* Include the effects of Tharsus’ Tunic of Fortune (which he 6) Slaying the entire Minotaur Clan of Brutos.
never takes off) and Girdle of Strength (+2 to Melee,
Athletic Prowess, Phys. Vigor and Hits Total).
7) Slaying of the Twin Chimeras of Traxos.
Personal Charisma: +9* (+15* to Heraklians).
8) Uprooting all the Stichios trees of the Forest
Background Talents: Sailor, Wrestler. of Terror (which was subsequently known as
the Vale of Tranquility or “the Big Clearing”).
Mythic Items: Big Club, Nemean Lion Pelt, Bow of
Herakles, Girdle of Strength, Tunic of Fortune. 9) Slaying the Great Royal Manticore of the
Thanatari Mountain (and some of its offspring).
Tharsus’ Nemean Lion Pelt (which he usually
wears as a cloak / headdress, encumbrance 1) 10) Slaying the two Two-Headed Gigantic
allows him to add his Might mod to his Defense Cyclops of Magon (for a total of four heads).
Class, for an EDC of 22. Tharsus never uses shields
or breastplates because “it’s no fun”.
Some Thenan satirists have found nothing better to
Tharsus’ Big Club looks like a huge, crude wooden
do than coining cheap, offensive parodies of the
club better suited for a Large being than for a man.
Dekathlon, which include highly ludicrous Tasks like
It is actually a mythic item, which Tharsus gained
wooing the Queen of the Amazons, stealing some
during an early quest. It is indestructible and allows
apples in a garden, killing non-magical livestock,
Tharsus to add his Might mod of +7 (+5 from his
honoring twenty Centauride brides in a single night,
natural Might and +2 from his Girdle of Strength) to
carrying the whole world of Mythika on his shoulders
his damage rolls when he wields it single-handed.
for a whole day or single-handedly cleaning the
Using his Club as a two-handed weapon gets him
royal stables of his uncle King Thalos of Heraklia.
an extra damage die, for a monstrous damage roll
of 2d6+7 but striking at half-normal Initiative (8).
According to some rumors, Tharsus would currently
That being said, Tharsus can also be very be contemplating the completion of two more titanic
dangerous in missile combat, using his Bow of tasks, feeling that twelve would make a more iconic
Herakles (who he?) with a Missile mod of +12 and (and impressive) total. Who knows what mighty
for a damage roll of 1d6+7. deeds still await the Heraklian living legend?
Argos has two great loves: commerce (which, as shown above, does include slave trade) and, of course, the Sea
Argos the Blue Since then, Argon’s other son, the (very) ambitious
Prince Kyros has been playing the part of the heir
Cultural Overview apparent and has gained growing political support
from some of the most prominent members of the
It is often said that every Argosean has two Argosean aristocracy.
mistresses: the sea and commerce. Argos is the
wealthiest of the Three Cities and takes great pride Yet, despite his absence and his obvious lack of
in her material riches. It also has the best navy of interest for rulership, the valorous Prince Argan still
the Middle Sea ; every noble or soldier from Argos has staunch supporters among the local nobles and
is a seasoned sailor. The favorite color of Argosean has always been immensely popular with the
Nobles is blue – the color of the sea and the open common people of Argos…
sky ; their favorite patron deities are Hermes, god of
trade, and (of course) Poseidon, king of the sea. Given his ambition and love of power, Kyros could
well persuade his declining father that Argan is
dead, which would logically make him the legitimate
Current Affairs heir to the crown of Argos. But what would happen if
Argan did return to Argos to find his dear brother
The current king of Argos is Argon the Proud, a sitting on the throne?
very old (and slightly senile) monarch who has sired
more than twenty daughters in his life – but only two In the meantime, Argos continues to busy itself with
sons: the reckless and romantic Prince Argan and its two great passions: trade and the sea. Under
the more practically-minded Prince Kyros. Argon’s long reign, Argos has established several
overseas colonies on the shores of Midia and has
King Argon’s rulership is now purely symbolic ; the become the first commercial power of the Middle
affairs of the realm are firmly in the hands of his Sea. Under the joint protection of Hermes and
various advisers and ministers. Argon’s eldest son Poseidon, Argosean merchants even manage to
and heir apparent, Prince Argan became an trade with the isolationist Sea Princes of Tritonis
adventurer some ten years ago, gaining glory in and have become a common sight in the fabled city
various heroic quests and ventures. Nobody has of Kandaria, cosmopolitan gateway to the Land of
heard from Prince Argan since he sailed away two the Sun… Meanwhile, bold Argosean explorers
years ago, on yet another heroic expedition to the venture into the Typhon Sea and the great Western
faraway shores of Charybdis … Ocean in search glory, wonder and gold.
Places of Interest
The soul of the city, the Great Market of Argos is
found on the city’s southern edge, just inland from
the docks. It is here that business reigns, and
anything that can be bought or sold can be found in
at least three of the market stalls.
Prince Kyros of Argos Princess Niobe
Personality: Ambitious and cunning ; thinks he Personality: Resolute and clever; has a deep
is “destined for greatness” (ie become King of love for Argos, the Sea and Argan; dislikes
Argos). Despises adventurers, so-called heroes toadying courtiers as well as reckless hotheads.
and other “romantic fools”. Hides a deep hatred
Attributes: Might 12, Skill 17, Luck 17, Wits 16,
for his elder brother Argan, who has always
eclipsed him in the eyes of their father (who, like Will 16, Grace 14.
most Argoseans, think there is only “friendly Combat: Initiative 18, Melee +6, Missile +8,
brotherly rivalry” between the two princes). Basic Defense Class 16*, Hits Total 16.
Attributes: Might 12, Skill 15, Luck 18, Wits 18, Weapon of Choice: Sword.
Will 16, Grace 13.
Saving Rolls: Athletic Prowess +6, Danger
Combat: Initiative 14, Melee +7*, Missile +8, Evasion +9*, Mystic Fort +8*, Physical Vigor +5.
Basic Defense Class 15, Hits Total 18*.
Personal Charisma: +6 (+8 to Argoseans).
Weapon of Choice: Sword.
* Includes the bonus from her Amulet of Protection.
Saving Rolls: Athletic Prowess +7*, Danger
Evasion +8, Mystic Fort +8, Physical Vigor +7*. Background Talents: Sailor, Tactician.