Book of Proceedings: 3Rd International Conference On Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings: 3Rd International Conference On Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings: 3Rd International Conference On Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Organized by:
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Scientific Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Aladin Tumuzliu, MA
AAB College
There is a wide range of information and communications
technologies (ICT) available to translators today, including both
general-purpose software applications and special purpose
software, such as terminology management and translation
memory systems. Background of the paper is to analyse potential
time saving in translating documents with repetitions; ease in
finding reference words and expressions; maintaining consistency
throughout the text, experience of translators using the CATs
compared to previous traditional methods. Objective of the
analysis is to show benefits of using CATs in written translation,
benefits and drawbacks of using CATs, and ultimately is it worth
it. Paper analyses the effect of CATs in the quality and consistency
of translations and the effect of CATs in the duration of translation
process, and ultimately the worth over money and effort.
Computer-assisted Translation, also known as CAT, is a form of
language translation in which a human translator uses computer software
to support, facilitate and streamline the translation process. Its unique
operation principles help translators, among others, recycle previously
translated segments, memorize expressions/terms specialized for different
fields, provide a report of expected load and effort to be put in by the
translator, which helps anticipating the time required to complete the
translation. There is a number of CATs available in the market on
commercial basis.
Kosovo has had a translation market since decades, which intensified
after 1999 when an additional languages ha been introduced in the
Book of Proceedings
translation market – English. Due to the wide range of assistance and aids
provided to Kosovo and the need for translation and interpreting in
various fields, translators/interpreters have to develop a terminology
database for each field of expertise.
Also if one wants to organize more translators and finish the tasks on
time and with high quality, one must rely on computer technology to
manage the translation process. Larger organizations increasingly require
their translators to master some translation software, such as TRADOS.
Literature review
This section provides a brief description of the activities a translator
typically undertakes, tools used and how CAT tools are involved in these
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
(and our clients) a lot of money. The larger savings, however, is in the
form of project time scales. Tools and workflow can save at least as much
in reductions of real-time use of project managers and engineers. The
client benefits from the reduction in time-to-market - which is probably
more relevant‖ (quoted by Hedley Rees-Evans in Shadbolt, 2003:6);
―TM software can reduce the length of the translation process by 50%.
Additionally, reductions in total translation costs of between 15% and
30% can be realized‖ (Tunick, 2003:14).
These quotes highlight a number of benefits of using CAT tools,
especially with regard to reutilizing a significant portion of the translation
output, and reducing the length of the translation process.
My hypothesis is that ‗Using CATs helps streamline translation process,
making it more efficient and effective, and maintains consistency in using
The research questions for this paper are:
1. How can Computer Assisted Translation Software help in
maintaining consistency throughout the text?
2. Can Computer Assisted Translation Software affect the quality of
Research Methodology
The research shall follow qualitative method of desk research, analysing
the Kosovo Law no. 2009/03-L-154 on Property and other Real Rights,
and Criminal Procedure Code No. 04/L-123, official documents and laws
in effect, in terms of consistency in terminology that could be easily
provided using CATs.
Results – Findings
Qualitative research looked at (in)consistency of a number of terms in the
Kosovo Law no. 2009/03-L-154 on Property and other Real Rights,
which has around 26 thousand words (English version), 62 pages and 297
articles, and found the following:
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Table 1. Assets
Assets Reference
(Article and §)
Assets are movable Sende konsiderohen sendet e (Art. 5§1; Art.
property, immovable luajtshme, paluajtshmeritë 8; Art. 250§3)
property, and intangible dhe të drejtat jotrupore
Article 24 Return of Neni 24 Kthimi i të mirave (Art. 24§Title
National Cultural Assets të kulturës kombëtare and§2)
asset pasuri (Art. 6§2; Art.
12 Title; Art.
17§1; Art. 247
Title and§1)
asset vlera pasurore (Art. 1§5; Art. 8
Title; Art. 12§2;
Art. 19§1; Art.
24§1, 3; Art.
127§1.1, 1.2;
Art. 130§1)
Book of Proceedings
Table 4. Property
English Albanian Reference
and §)
other property vlerat tjera pasurore (Art. 10§3)
Intellectual property Pronësia intelektuale (Art. 17)
Moveable Property Sendi i luajtshëm (Art. 9)
movable property pasurinë e luajtshme (Art. 20§1)
transfer of ownership in fitimin e pronësisë në një send (Art. 21§
movable property të luajtshëm 1)
If the transferee is in Nëse fituesi e ka në posedim (Art. 21§
possession of the movable sendin e luajtshëm 2)
If the owner is in possession Në qoftë se tjetërsuesi ka në (Art. 21§
of the movable property posedim sendin e luajtshëm 3)
If a third party is in Në qoftë se një person i tretë (Art. 21§
possession of the movable ka në posedim pronën e 4)
property luajtshme
The owner of the new Pronari i pronës së re (Art. 31§5)
Acquisition of Immovable Fitimi i pronësisë në Article 36
Property paluajtshmëri (Chapter
property prona (Art.
Table 6. Ownership
ownership Reference (Article and §)
pronësia (Art. 1§ 1, 2, 5; Art. 12§ 1, Part III, Art. 18 Title,
Chapter II Title, Art. 42, Art. 272§1; Art. 61§1, Art.
102§1, Art. 174§2.6
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Table 8. Motion
Art. 6; Art. 19; Art. 35; Art. 36 § 3; Art. 49; Art.
64; Art. 79; Art. 94; Art. 183; Art. 191; Art. 193;
Art. 196; Art. 211; Art. 224; Art. 241; Art. 245; Art.
254; Art. 255; Art. 288; Art. 291; Art. 294; Art.
299; Art. 316; Art. 317; Art. 317; Art. 318; Art.
322; Art. 329; Art. 342; Art. 348; Art. 348; Art.
motion propozimit 350; Art. 350; Art. 358; Art. 360; Art. 370; Art.
371; Art. 382; Art. 384; Art. 390; Art. 392; Art.
393; Art. 412; Art. 413; Art. 420; Art. 442; Art.
454; Art. 458; Art. 459; Art. 460; Art. 461; Art.
462; Art. 463; Art. 467; Art. 469; Art. 495; Art.
504; Art. 508; Art. 509; Art. 510; Art. 512; Art.
513; Art. 514; Art. 519; Art. 523; Art. 525; Art. 535
Table 9. Jurisdiction
Art. 5; Art. 19; Art. 20; Art. 21; Art. 29; Art.
30; Art. 31; Art. 32; Art. 33; Art. 34; Art.
35; Art. 36; Art. 37; Art. 38; Art. 46; Art.
jurisdiction juridiksionin
50; Art. 51; Art. 62; Art. 222; Art. 242; Art.
265; Art. 266; Art. 313; Art. 343; Art. 384;
Art. 402; Art. 416; Art. 420
The qualitative analysis exploring the consistency in using terms in the
Kosovo Law no. 2009/03-L-154 on Property and other Real Rights shows
that terms ―Assets‖ were translated in a myriad of expressions in
Albanian such as ‗Sende’, ‗e mira‘, ‗pasuritë’, ‗vlera pasurore‘;
‗Consumable property‘ was translated into ‗Sende të konsumueshme‘;
‗movable property‘ into ‗Sende të luajtshme‘; ‗Property’ was
translated into ‗Vlera pasurore‘, ‗Pronësi’, ‗Send’, ‗Immovable
Property’ was translated into ‗Send i paluajtshëm’ or ‗Paluajtshmëri’;
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
SDL Trados 2017
Book of Proceedings
3. Make sure to follow the terms from the source segment into target
I would like to note here that the discretion of the translator is not
affected by this procedure, as the software points out the expressions
stored in the TermBase, while the translator may opt not to use the
suggested expression.
SDL Trados 2017
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Austermühl, F. (2001). Electronic Tools for Translators. Manchester: St.
Jerome Publishing.
Hatim, B. and Mason, I. (1990). Discourse and the Translator. New York:
Heyn, M. (1998). ―Translation Memories: Insights and Prospects‖.
Bowker, L., Cronin, M., Kenny, D. and Pearson, J. (Eds) (1998).
Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies.
Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing, pp. 123-136
Holmes, J. S. (1988). Translated! - Papers on Literary Translation and
Translation Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Hutchins, J. (2005). Computer-based translation systems and tools.
Joscelyne, A. (2003). ―Europe‘s Language Industry in 2003.‖ The LISA
Newsletter: Globalization Insider XII (l. 1).
Kosovo Law no. 2009/03-L-154 on Property and other Real Rights
Langewis, C. (2002). ―What Is Language Technology?‖ Multilingual
Computing & Technology Language Technology (#51
Supplement), pp. 4-10.
Shadbolt, D. (2003). ―Translation Processes and Tools‖. Multilingual
Computing & Technology #53 Supplement Guide to Translation
2003, pp. 4-8.
Somers, H. (2003b). ―Translation memory systems‖. Somers, H. (Ed)
(2003b). Computers and translation: a translator‘s guide.
Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 31-47.
SDL Trados Studio 2015 Intermediate
Tunick, L. (2003). ―Finding a Cost-effective Translation Solution.‖
Multilingual Computing & Technology #53 Supplement Guide to
Translation 2003, pp. 13-15.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Terminologjia është sistem termash që i përkasin një fushe të
veçantë të dijes, shkencës, kulturës, artit etj. Kjo do të thotë se
leksiku terminologjik, duke qenë pjesë e leksikut të përgjithshëm të
gjuhës, përmban terma që janë në shërbim të çdo fushe të dijes.
Pjesë e rëndësishme e leksikut terminologjik është edhe
terminologjia gjuhësore. Historia e lindjes dhe zhvillimit të saj
shfaqet qysh në hapat e parë që ka bërë shqipja si gjuhë e shkruar,
për të vazhduar më tej me punën dhe përpjekjet e rilindësve për
ndërtimin e sistemeve të mirëfillta terminologjike në disiplina të
ndryshme, përfshi edhe gjuhën. Në këtë kumtesë do të trajtojmë
zhvillimet kryesore të terminologjisë gjuhësore pas gjysmës së dytë
të shekullit XX, si dhe veprat kodifikuese të kësaj periudhe. Duhet
thënë se rregullimi i terminologjisë shqipe si veprimtari e mirëfilltë
shkencore e organizuar, nisi pas gjysmës së dytë të shekullit XX
dhe kjo veprimtari nuk mund të kuptohet pa fjalorët terminologjikë
dhe vepra të tjera të kësaj natyre. Pas viteve ‘50 zhvillimi i
terminologjisë u vendos mbi baza institucionale dhe të organizuara,
duke i dhënë asaj karakter të shëndoshë kombëtar e shkencor.
Book of Proceedings
Book of Proceedings
bëhet sipas rendit alfabetik dhe përbri fjalës term vendosen edhe shënimet
për fushën terminologjike përkatëse si, gjeol, gjuh, mjek, gjeogr, ek, let,
mat etj. (AShSh, 1980, p. 21).
Hartuesit e këtij fjalori i kanë kushtuar një vend të veçantë shpjegimit të
termave, e në terësinë e fjalëve që përfshin ky fjalor, termat përbëjnë
mesatarisht 21%. (Kostallari., 1989, p. 23).
Pjesë e kësaj terminologjie është sigurisht edhe terminologjia gjuhësore.
Në fjalor, termat gjuhësore dhe gramatikore nuk janë trajtuar në mënyrë
të veçantë, por shpjegimi kuptimor e konceptor i tyre është bërë sipas
rendit alfabetik. Këto shpjegime, ashtu si për terma të fushave të tjera
janë të shkurtra, pa përshkrime të hollësishme, duke dhënë vetëm tiparet
kryesore që shënon termi.
bashkëtingëllor/e~ja f. sh.~e, ~et gjuh. Tingull i të folurit, që përftohet
kur ajri
kalon një pengesë në organet e të folurit, zakonisht i shoqëruar me
zhurmë dhe pa lëvizur tejzat e zërit; shkronja që shënon këtë tingull.
Bashkëtingëllore e zëshme, (e zhurmët e shurdhët) Bashkëtingëllore
hundore. Bashkëtingëllore paragjuhore (mesgjuhore, prapagjuhore).
Bashkëtingëllore buzore, etj për të vijuar me llojet e tjera të
bashkëtingëlloreve (AShSh, Fjalori i gjuhës së sotme shqipe, 1980).
zanor/e,~ja f. sh.~et gjuh. Tingull që përftohet kur ajri kalon pa pengesë
nëpër organet e të folurit, duke vënë në lëvizje tejzat e zërit; shkronja që
shënon këtë tingull. Zanore gojore (hundore). Zanore e gjatë ( e
shkurtër). Zanore e hapur ( e mbyllur). Zanore e përparme ( e prapme).
Zanore fundore ( nistore). Zanore lidhëse (bashkuese). Zanore e
theksuar ( e patheksuar). Grup ( tog) zanoresh. (Ibidem, p. 2209).
Shpjegime të tilla të termave të gjuhës i gjejmë sipas rendit alfabetik, pra
sipas shkronjave të renditura në këtë fjalor, çka do të thotë se në të termat
e gjuhës nuk janë ndarë sipas disiplinave, por sipas renditjes alfabetike,
kriter bazë i hartimit të fjalorëve në përgjithësi. Pavarësisht kësaj, Fjalori
i Gjuhës së Sotme Shqipe është jo vetëm një arritje e shënuar e
leksikografisë shqiptare, por edhe një ndihmesë konkrete në lëmin e
terminologjisë së shkencave të ligjërimit, të gjuhësisë e gramatikës.
Kështu, fjalët e leksikut terminologjik në përgjithësi e të terminologjisë
gjuhësore në veçanti, kanë zënë më tepër vend në këtë fjalor krahasuar
me fjalorët e mëparshëm. Për shumë vjet Fjalori i Gjuhës së Sotme
Shqipe shërbeu si një vepër unike kodifikuese, duke përmbushur nevojat
e duke shërbyer si një mjet i përdorshëm nga shtresa të ndryshme të
shoqërisë, veçanërisht studiues, pedagogë, nxënës e studentë.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
e krijuara qysh atëherë duke u dhënë atyre një vend të rëndësishëm për
shkak të ngulitjes në përdorim në tekstet e atëhershme mësimore. Një
mënyrë tjetër e përdorur në këtë fjalor është edhe shqipërimi dhe krijimi i
termave të rinj të gjuhës, pa lënë mënjanë edhe vendosjen e termave të
huaja, të cilat janë ngulitur tashmë në tekstet dhe studimet gjuhësore duke
u bërë pronë e shqipes.
Shqipërimi i termave në këtë fjalor nuk ka për qëllim vetëm të pasurojë
gjuhën me fjalë të reja shkencore, por ka edhe një qëllim praktik: Termat
e shqipëruar, të cilët nxënësit i përdorin përmes teksteve mësimore të
lëndës së gjuhës shqipe, qysh nga arsimi fillor e deri në shkollën e
mesme, i ndihmojnë ata për të kuptuar më mirë e më qartë, për të pasur
një ide mbi përmbajtjen e termit dhe për ta mbajtur mend më lehtë
(AShSh, Fjalor i termave të gjuhësisë, 1975, pp. 4-5).
Fjalori është ndërtuar mbi bazën e parimeve dhe kritereve leksikografike
që përdoren zakonisht për hartimin e fjalorëve, rreshtimi i termave është
bërë sipa rendit alfabetik me shpjegimet e duhura. Fjalori i termave të
gjuhësisë është ndarë në 4 pjesë; pjesa e parë fillon me terminologjinë e
gjuhësisë nga shqipja drejt gjuhëve të tjera, pjesa e dytë vijon me
treguesin e termave rusisht, pjesa e tretë me treguesin e termave
frëngjisht, pjesa e katërt me treguesin e termave anglisht, për të vijuar me
pjesën e pestë me treguesin e termave gjermanisht e për ta mbyllur me
pjesën e gjashtë, terguesi i termave italisht. Pavarësisht rradhitjes së
termave sipas alfabetit, në këtë fjalor janë përfshirë terma nga disiplina të
ndryshme gjuhësore duke filluar nga fonetika, morfologjia, fjalëformimi,
sintaksa, stilistika, tropet gjuhësore, etj. Ky fjalor përmbushi një nevojë të
ngutshme të shkencës së gjuhësisë shqiptare dhe përdoruesve të gjuhës.
Ai nuk mbeti thjesht një fjalor arkivor por një vepër e mirëfilltë
shkencore dhe mjaft e dobishme (Rrokaj & Bello, 2009, p. 169).
Mjaft prej termave gjuhësore të cilat janë në gjuhën shqipe, kanë zënë
vend në këtë fjalor si, fjalëformim, fjalëformues, njëkuptimësi,
thjeshtligjërim, fjalës, gjuhë bisedore, kallëzues, kallëzuesor, këpujor,
ndërdialektor, shquarsi, pashquarësi, pyetësor, etj. Njëkohësish zenë
vend edhe disa terma gjuhësore të cilat vijnë nga disa fjalë të leksikut të
përgjithshëm, të cilave u është dhënë kuptim special si: drejtim, zgjerim,
thënie, vjelje, zvogëlues, etj. Në fjalor janë shfrytëzuar disa terma që
përdoren edhe në fusha të tjera, por që në kontekstin e terminologjisë
gjuhësore marrin një kuptim tjetër, të veçantë si, bashkërenditje,
nënrenditje, emërtesë, përthithje, etj.
Ky fjalor e pasqyroi terminologjinë gjuhësore jo si një tërësi fjalësh të
veçanta, por si një sistem terminologjik të caktuar duke e ngritur
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Në përfundim të këtij punimi mund të themi se, zhvillimi i terminologjisë
në përgjithësi dhe i asaj gjuhësore në veçanti, në gjysmën e dytë të
shekullit të njëzetë në Shqipëri u vu mbi baza të shëndosha institucionale
dhe të organizuara.
Krijimi dhe botimi i veprave të mësipërme kodifikuese në fushën e
terminologjisë gjuhësore si dhe të mjaft ndihmesave të tjera teorike
shërbeu si bazë e shëndoshë dhe si shkollë e vyer për hartimin e teksteve
mësimore të shkollës sonë.
Fjalorët terminologjikë të hartuar në fushën e terminologjisë gjuhësore
kanë përfshirë jo vetëm traditën e shëndoshë të rilindësve tanë, por edhe
përvojën më të mirë botërore në këtë fushë. Ato vazhdojnë të shërbejnë si
Book of Proceedings
një bazë e shëndoshë për fjalorë e vepra të tjera, për studiuesit më të rinj
në fushën e terminologjisë gjuhësore dhe leksikografisë shqiptare.
Veprat terminologjike gjuhësore të përmendura më lart i kanë sjellë një
dobi të vyer gjuhës shqipe në drejtim të shqipërimit të termave gjuhësorë,
pastimit nga fjalët e huaja të panevojshme duke bërë të mundur krijimin e
sistemeve terminoligjike të shqipëruara në të gjitha nënsistemet e gjuhës.
Terminologjia e unifikuar gjuhësore dhe sistemet terminologjike të
shpjeguara në këto fjalorë dhe studime të tjera të kësaj fushe shërbejnë
më së miri si bazë e shëndoshë për hartimin më tej të gramatikave të
shqipes dhe veçanërisht të teksteve mësimore në shkollat tona.
AShSh. (1975). Fjalor i termave të gjuhësisë. Tiranë: Akademia e
Shkencave të RPSH.
AShSh. (1980). Fjalori i gjuhës së sotme shqipe. Tiranë: AShSh.
Belluscio, G., & Rrokaj, S. (2011). Fjalori krahasues i termave të
gjuhësisë. Tiranë: Arbëria.
Domi., M. (1989). Fjalori i gjuhës së sotme shqipe- ngjarje e shënuar në
jetën kulturore e shkencore. In Studime mbi leksikun dhe formimin
e fjalëve në gjuhën shqipe III (p. 636). Tiranë: AShSh.
Grup autorësh. (2006). Fjalori i gjuhës shqipe. Tiranë: AShSh.
Kostallari., A. (1989). Gjuha letrare kombëtare shqipe dhe epoka jonë. In
Studime mbi leksikun dhe mbi formimin e fjalëve në gjuhën shqipe
III (p. 23). Tranë : AShSh.
Lafe, E., Caka, N., Duro, A., & Rizaj, M. (2014). Terminologjia
profesionale si veprimtari ndërdisiplinore dhe detyrat e Alb-
Shkencës. ANAS, pp. 5-10.
Lafe., E. (2014). Profesor Lirak Dodbiba (1912- 1982) dhe ndihmesa e tij
themelvënëse në terminologjinë shqipe. Terminologjia në shkencat
e ligjërimit, (p. 24). Elbasan.
Leka, F., & Morcka, S. (1969). Zhvillimi dhe pasurimi i terminologjisë
pas çlirimit . Studime filologjike 4, p. 85.
Leka, F., Podgorica, F., & Hoxha, S. (1972). Fjalor Shpjegues i Termave
të Letërsisë. Tiranë: Instituti i Gjuhësisë dhe i Historisë, Sektori
Memisha., V. (2014). Terminologjia e gjuhësisë dhe fjalori.
Terminologjia në shkencat e ligjërimit, (p. 40). Elbasan .
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Teachers always try to do their best to educate all students that
have been entrusted to them, but since education in Kosova has
implemented the inclusive education, teachers are facing different
challenges while trying to teach students with specific learning
disabilities together with those who have mild or don‘t have
learning difficulties. Kosova children with dyslexia, due to this
learning disability struggle with learning in accessing general
knowledge but in English Language Learning, they specifically
struggle with developing four essential learning skills such as
reading, listening, speaking and writing as the phonological and
linguistic articulation in reading material aims to enhance student‘s
sound recognition and reproduction skills and at the same time
seek to develop the ability to discover some regular patterns in
English orthography. Through this paper we will discuss some of
the specific learning disabilities particularly dyslexia and the
difficulties that teachers in Kosova face in order to teach English as
a second language. The study has been assessed with a
questionnaire in Albanian Language which has helped to identify
difficulties that students face in inclusive education while learning
English as a second language. Research shows that students learn
best when they see or listen what they can‘t read. Students with
dyslexia are able to learn if teachers and schools help them develop
thinking skills and promote creativity and other activities that
encourages autonomy in the learning process.
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
English orthography
The word ‗orthography‘ refers to the rules for writing a language related
to spelling and punctuation. English Orthography is an English writing
system which refers to the rules of writing the English Language.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
The plan was conducted to record data that answered questions in several
areas. This research is designed to see the effect that inclusive practice
has on students who encounter specific learning difficulties in learning
English as a second language in primary and secondary schools. For this
research, there were 800 (eight hundred) students who participated. 400
(four-hundred) students were from primary school education and 400
(four hundred) students were from high school education.
In order to complete this research in the most accurate way, the research
took place in five Kosova centers so far including Gjakova, Prishtina,
Mitrovica, Prizren, and Peja. In each center, two schools were chosen to
conduct the research with a total of 800 students. Instruments that were
used to conduct this research were face-to-face questionnaires which are
presented in the current study through tables and charts.
Data collection
Below the reader can find the described data in a bar chart for specific
difficulties that students of Kosova face in primary and secondary school.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Arkell H. (2015) Helen Arkell Dyslexia Centre
British Dyslexia Association, B. (2018). British Dyslexia Association.
Retrieved from
Decoding Dyslexia Oregon
Susan Barton. 2018. The Barton reading and spelling system since 1998.
[ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27
August 2018].
Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development, N. (2016). What causes learning disabilities?
Retrieved from
FutureLearn, D. (2018). Free Online Courses. Retrieved from Dyslexia and Foreign Language
Lavery, S., Chambers, D., & Cain, G. (2017). Service-learning (1st ed., p. Bingley: Emerald
Group Publishing.
Levinson Medical Center for Learning Disabilities 2016
Retrieved 27 August 2018
Mariga, L., McConkey, Roy and Myezwa, Helen. (2014) Inclusive
Education in Low-Income Countries, A resource book for teacher‘s
educators, parent trainers and community development workers.
Understood for learning attention issues.
2018. [ONLINE] Available at:
adhd-and-dyscalculia?view=slideview. [Accessed 27 August 2018]
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
This paper explores the confessional verse and the confessional
genre of poetry in literature; it also showcases the author, Anne
Sexton as a female writer of the Confessional Movement and her
confessional poem ―Wanting to Die‖. Confessional Poetry is very
self-indulgent poetry; it is the poetry of the ―I‖ and expresses a
variety of explicit themes and taboo topics, particularly suicide and
death. The research paper has relied on literature review and
scholarly articles, primarily; then the research was carried out
through qualitative research methods, branching out to the other
sources as well, particularly the poet‘s body of work, Anne
Sexton‘s ―Wanting to Die‖ in her Complete Poems. These research
questions will be answered: what is Confessional Poetry in
Literature and how is it exercised? What is the significance of
Anne Sexton as a woman author of the Confessional Movement?
How is her poem confessional and how does it compare to others?
And what is the role of suicidal tendencies and/or mental illness in
the poem?
Book of Proceedings
1 (Retrieved 14/03/2018)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Lowell. She also suffered from mental illness, and her therapist
encouraged her to write poetry. Her poem ―Wanting to Die,‖ from the
collection Live or Die is an intense and heartbreaking look inside a
suicidal mind. For those who may find that a difficult read, ―You, Dr.
Martin,‖ from her first collection to Bedlam and Part Way Back, is
another example of Sexton‘s confessional writing, and takes place in a
mental hospital.‖ (Nichols, 2018)
In the broad spectrum, the movement of Confessionalism, was mainly
used for expression and for breaking the taboo in 21st Century America;
the love child of the Beat Generation and Hippies, confessional poetry
fixed itself up to be a fascinating and yet very disturbing and
controversial way of writing; exposing yourself to your very core and
bleeding words out of yourself. Honesty and truthfulness were the name
of the game in this genre of poetry in literature, the subjects were vast and
notorious; after the Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg reign, the workshop
of Robert Lowell, alongside his students Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton,
created a movement that shocked America and created a body of work so
stunning and candid that it even made them celebrities.
Confessional Poetry was used as a form of bloodletting, but it seems as
though a couple of them just shed too much blood and it turned out to be
fatal. Poetry is always what its creator needs it to be, thus the
confessional genre came to be a salvation to many struggling writers.
Often cited as Post-Modernism, the school of Confessional Poetry is a
style of poetry that emerged in the United States during the 1950s. It has
been described as poetry "of the personal", focusing on extreme moments
of individual experience, the psyche, and personal trauma, including
previously and occasionally still taboo matters such as mental illness,
sexuality, and suicide, often set in relation to broader social themes.
The confessional poetry of the mid-twentieth century dealt with subject
matter that previously had not been openly discussed in American poetry.
Private experiences with and feelings about death, trauma, depression and
relationships were addressed in this type of poetry, often in an
autobiographical manner. ―This style of writing is associated with poets
such as Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath, Anne Sexton, and W. D.
Snodgrass.‖ Sexton in particular was interested in the psychological
aspect of poetry, having started writing at the suggestion of her therapist.
The confessional poets were not merely recording their emotions on
paper; craft and construction were extremely important to their work.
―While their treatment of the poetic self may have been groundbreaking
Book of Proceedings
―Death is there—well, I never lied to you… You see, I can explain sex in
a minute, but death… I can‘t explain.‖
– Anne Sexton, Anne Sexton at Home: A Documentary, around the poem:
―Wanting to Die‖
Maxine Kumin admired Anne Sexton; she described her as ―a little
flower child, the ex-fashion model…totally chic‖, but she also found her
terrifying. Sexton‘s more flamboyant style certainly was reflective of her
fiery nature; chic and terrifying are also her poems; all her printed words
in the river of poetry that she stated flows through everyone.
Anne Gray Harvey was born in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1928. She
attended Garland Junior College for one year and married Alfred Muller
Sexton II at age nineteen. She enrolled in a modeling course at the Hart
Agency and lived in San Francisco and Baltimore. In 1953 she gave birth
to a daughter. In 1954 she was diagnosed with postpartum depression,
suffered her first mental breakdown, and was admitted to Westwood
Lodge, a neuropsychiatric hospital she would repeatedly return to for
help. In 1955, following the birth of her second daughter, Sexton suffered
another breakdown and was hospitalized again; her children were sent to
live with her husband's parents. That same year, on her birthday, she
attempted suicide. She was encouraged by her doctor to pursue an interest
in writing poetry she had developed in high school, and in the fall of 1957
she enrolled in a poetry workshop at the Boston Center for Adult
Education. In her introduction to Anne Sexton's Complete Poems, the
poet Maxine Kumin, who was enrolled with Sexton in the 1957 workshop
and became her close friend, describes her belief that it was the writing of
poetry that gave Sexton something to work towards and develop and thus
enabled her to endure life for as long as she did. In 1974 at the age of 46,
despite a successful writing career--she won the Pulitzer Prize for poetry
in 1967 for Live or Die--she lost her battle with mental illness and
committed suicide. (Confessional Poetry, 2014)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Anne Sexton was a loaded gun of a woman; she is perhaps one of the
most explicit figures in Literature in the 21st Century and she is one of the
many women authors who deserve more recognition for what they have
done; for the creative liberties they took and as well as for the tremendous
lives they have lived. Anne Sexton was not a perfect human being, but
nobody really is. Her controversial relationship with her family, her
husband and children needn‘t shed a shadow on her work, which is, one
of the most important pillars of Confessional Poetry after Robert
Lowell‘s ―Life Studies”.
Anne Sexton was a heavily influential woman; she devoured both Sylvia
Plath and her teacher Robert Lowell when it came to creative captivation;
she was a natural at poetry. She is far superior because she seemed to be
in a race against life almost every day of her life and in a competition
with her fellow writers and colleagues; maybe after the death of Sylvia
Plath, her competition died, and so her passions became annulled. Once
your motivation withers, it‘s hard to find something new to hang on to;
and being mentally unstable, but exploding with voices in your head, it
couldn‘t have been easy for her; it wouldn‘t have been easy for anyone.
Though her last name is Harvey, it is quite peculiar why she chose a grim
and yet controversial last name to use in her work: Sexton is a caretaker
of a church or a graveyard, often also a gravedigger; but given Anne‘s
blunt and bold personality, it could also hint on her sexual liberation as a
contemporary woman of her time.
Spacey (2016) states that like ―Robert Lowell, Sylvia Plath, W. D.
Snodgrass (who exerted a great influence on her work), and other
"confessional" poets, Sexton offers the reader an intimate view of the
emotional anguish that characterized her life. She made the experience of
being a woman a central issue in her poetry, and though she endured
criticism for bringing subjects such as menstruation, abortion, and drug
addiction into her work, her skill as a poet transcended the controversy
over her subject matter.‖
Spacey (2016) mentions that ―Anne Sexton was encouraged to write
poetry by her psychiatrist, a Dr Martin Orne, who she consulted
following bouts of mental illness - depression and a suicide attempt in
1956. Already a mother of two daughters, the former fashion model
gradually began to write poetry following her 'rebirth at 29.‖
By Christmas 1956 she had created 37 poems, learning as she went along,
pouring her experiences into a variety of poetic forms.‖
It took only three years for her to publish her first book ―To Bedlam and
Part Way Back” (1960), poems that contain some of the most personally
Book of Proceedings
direct lines ever written, on topics that at the time of publication, were
seldom exposed. This was a remarkable debut because it dealt in the main
with her experiences of mental illness and life in an asylum.
Basically what Anne Sexton tried to achieve through writing poetry was a
form of self healing, a way of expressing deeply repressed emotion based
on her experiences in her private and for a time institutionalized life.
(Spacey, 2016)
By looking at some of her poems within the context of her life and
illness, I hope I can shed some light on her struggle to come to terms with
such challenges; especially death and suicide.
Anne Sexton's work will always be judged in the shadow of the fact that
she took her own life, by asphyxiation in her garage at home. It's not for
us to try to understand why she did this—it was a seemingly rational act
following a routine lunch with her old friend, poet Maxine Kumin; the
only option to comprehend her actions is to simply read her work.
Spacey (2016) continues with ―Anne Sexton‘s poetry was pioneering
poetry at the time. Although many poets had written so called
'confessional' poems in the early to late 1960s, Anne Sexton brought a
new dynamic edge to the genre by publishing poems on all kinds of
previously taboo topics. Abortion, menstruation, drug addiction,
medication, sex, erotic fantasy, religion, suicide, family abuse and death -
she wrote about it all with a brave, some would say, excessively manic
voice. No woman had pushed the boundaries of taste so far. It was as if
Anne Sexton was exposing her whole life through her art, warts and all:
dark stories and all.‖ (Spacey, 2016) 2
You only have to read the poem ―Wanting to Die”, written in 1964, to
know that here is an author unafraid of the open road that leads partly out
of the darkness and wholly back into the same source of black.
Illness (Retrieved 20/12/2017)
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3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Beam (2001) states that ―Plath was one of three major American poets
who exploited their McLean experiences in their work. And although she
was the first of the trio to check into McLean, she wasn't the first to write
about it. That distinction fell to Robert Lowell, who wrote an exquisite
poem about a 1958 stay in McLean's Bowditch Hall, "Waking in the
Blue." A copy of it was still pasted on the wall at the Bowditch nurses'
station in the late 1980s.‖ (Beam, 2001)3
Robert Lowell, winner of two Pulitzer Prizes, one for The Dolphin in
1974 and the other for Lord Weary‟s Castle in 1947, was known after
going in and out of many mental institutions, he too stayed over at
McLean over four times in the span of over eight years.
As for Anne Sexton, Conrad (2013) confirms that ―Much to her chagrin,
Sexton started her life at McLean as a teacher, not a patient. She told
friends she wanted to ―enroll‖ at McLean, in part to have the same
experience fellow poets Sylvia Plath and Robert Lowell (see #7) did. She
taught weekly poetry seminars in 1968, then moved on to become a
creative writing lecturer at Boston University in 1969. Sexton finally got
her enrollment at McLean in 1973 for a five-day examination period. She
committed suicide a year later.‖ (Conradt, 2013).
The poem was written on February 3rd 1964 and describes Anne
Sexton‘s approach to suicide and death. One could argue that this is one
of her many suicide notes, the one that made it into the published Literary
realm. The fact that it was written a year after Sylvia Plath's suicide on
February 11th 1963, also by asphyxiation, is perhaps no coincidence.
It speaks of a woman, most likely Anne Sexton herself due to
confessional poetry being the poetry of the personal, the ―I‖; a woman,
drained and devoured of life, of motivation, even of will to live. She is
described as amnesiac and absentminded; she writes: ―Since you ask,
most days I cannot remember.‖ It‘s safe to assume that Anne Sexton was
being medicated during the time when this poem was written thus it is
believed that and proven that one of the biggest side effects to
prescription drugs, specifically those for treating depression and/or
anxiety will cause forgetfulness. The poem details something similar to
inertia, a sense of someone being alive in the world but not necessarily a
society/302257/ (Retrieved 14/05/2018)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
part of it, an apparition of your own self: looking at the world and the
warm sun, but devoured by some strange lust.
She confesses that: ―Suicides have a special language‖ and makes a witty
simile and use of metaphor with carpenters by saying that suicides: ―Like
carpenters they want to know which tools. They never ask why build.‖
Anne Sexton: the smoking poet, was a sharp, humorous and naturally-
born wild woman who was never meant for this world—Gia Carangi,
fashion model and drug addict and one of the first women to be
diagnosed with HIV/Aids, is the closest we‘ve ever gotten to a
resurrection of her.
She progresses with her confession by mentioning that twice she has
declared herself to death, to suicide. Knowing well that it‘s the enemy,
she ate it and learnt his craft and magic, but to no avail: it seems as
though that death is Anne Sexton‘s Stockholm syndrome; she states that:
―Then the almost unnameable lust returns.‖
Anne Sexton uses a far shorter and more forward approach with her
words in her poem than Sylvia Plath does in ―Lady Lazarus‖; Sexton will
use metaphors and similes and myths later in her work but here she is
bare and beaten by death and tired from living. She comes to her senses
in the next few lines by saying that what is happening to her, the way
things are unfolding, she knows of her demise, she is aware and
conscious about it, but heavy from the drugs, she drools at her mouth,
inertia creeps into her body again. ―In this way‖, she writes, she‘s ―heavy
and thoughtful‖.
She mentions that death betrays the body, because the body is betrayed
by death she doesn‘t want to be in her carcass, she doesn‘t think about it,
she confesses further that death is as sweet as a drug, most likely
referring to an addiction in the making, she compares suicides as
stillborns, meeting somewhere in the ether; it‘s so easy for her to imagine
suicide as something good because once you glorify it and obsess about
it, of course you will see it that way. Even the worst things in life can
mask themselves into something good if you see them in a certain way.
Anne Sexton announces that suicide and death have become her passion,
as she writes: ―To thrust all that life under your tongue!‖ She insists on it
waiting for her year after year, ―to undo an old wound‖, she says, to free
her from the prison of life.
Amidst everything in her life, the only thing that seems balanced and
makes sense to her is suicide and its result which is death; she carries on
further with some vivid images of metaphor a simile device usage about
moons symbolizing pregnant women and kisses representing love and
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Spacey, Andrew (2016, September 23) Anne Sexton and the Poetry of
Mental Illness
Retrieved from
Trinidad, David (2006), “Two Sweet Ladies”: Sexton and Plath‟s
Friendship and Mutual Influence, The American Poetry Review,
Vol. 35, No. 6 (November/December)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Artesa Osmanaj-Phd-cand
Universiteti ―Hasan Prishtina‖
Kur flasim për Eqrem Cabejn dhe veprën e tij, kemi parasysh që po
merremi me një studiues, gjuhëtar dhe albanolog të shquar
shqiptar, kontributdhënës në fushën e studimeve gjuhësore, letrare
shqipe, albanologjike. Interesimi për studimin e veprës së tij
monografike është interesim për hulumtimin e çështjeve historiko-
letrare, gjenezës së gjuhës shqipe, periodizimit të saj. Cabej mbetet
figurë e pakrahasueshme e gjuhësisë shqiptare, rëndësia studiuese
―e betonuar ― mund të themi, shihet në dijën e brumosur
gjithëpërfshirëse letrare, me parimet e kërkimit shkencor dhe në
zbatimin e metodës moderne të kërkimit shkencor. Juri Tinjanov,
një nga formalistët e mëdhenj, historinë e konceptonte si përshkrim
të evolucionit letrar, të ndryshueshmisë së serisë letrare, përballë
kërkimit të gjenezës së veprës. Me një mbështetje të pastër
shkencore, studimi i Eqrem Cabejt vjen për lexuesin shqiptar me
njohuri, të dhëna, periodizime, konkretizime të letërsisë shqipe,
poezisë popullore dhe literaturës. Duke lexuar dhe rilexuar këtë
vepër, me semanikën e saj të gjerë, mendja jonë pasurohet dhe të
njëjtën kohë sfidohet para një kontributi të çmuar dhe rëndësie që i
ka dhënë ky gjuhëtar i përmasave evropiane çështjeve historiko –
gjuhësore shqiptare. Ne do merremi me librin në fjalë të srukturuar
në dhjetë kapituj ku autori në fjalë përmbledh përfundime
shkencore për çështje të ndryshme nga fusha e gjuhësisë dhe , siç
thekson Akademik Sabri Hamiti, ―kërkon të gjejë rrënjët e lindjes,
gjenezën e literaturës shqipe‖. Ai jep një interpretim të dimensionit
të gjerë dhe të argumentuar .
Book of Proceedings
Kur flasim për Eqrem Cabejn dhe veprën e tij, kemi parasysh që po
merremi me një studiues, gjuhëtar dhe albanolog të shquar shqiptar,
kontributdhënës në fushën e studimeve gjuhësore, letrare shqipe,
albanalogjike. Interesimi për studimin e veprës së tij monografike është
interesim për hulumtimin e çështjeve historiko-letrare, gjenezës së gjuhës
shqipe, periodizimit të saj. Çabej mbetet figurë e pakrahasueshme e
gjuhësisë shqiptare, rëndësia studiuese‖ e betonuar‖ mund të themi,
shihet në dijën e brumosur gjithëpërfshirëse letrare, me parimet e
kërkimit shkencor dhe në zbatimin e metodës moderne të kërkimit
shkencor. ―Juri Tinjanov, një nga formalistët e mëdhenj, Historinë e
konceptonte si përshkrim të evolucionit letrar, të ndryshueshmisë së
serisë letrare, përballë kërkimit të gjenezës së veprës” (Hamiti, S. :145)
Me emrin e Eqrem Çabejt gjithashtu, lidhet historia e letërisisë shqipe, ku
një të tillë në vitin 1936 Çabej e paraqet në librin “Elemente të gjuhësisë
e të literaturës shqipe‖, duke treguar një shembull të përsosur, të
intelektualit dinjitoz, në njohuritë mbi gjuhën, mbi ato të botës, mbi
gjuhët evropiane, njohuri mbi shkrimtarët e vjetër arbëreshë, poezinë
popullore shqiptare, arbëreshe, e çështje të tjera të rëndësishme.
Enciklopedist i dijes albanologjike, nxënës i albanologut më të njohur të
kohës, Norbert Joklit, Eqrem Çabej, ―në formë tjetër e vazhdon idenë e
librit të sipërpërmendur duke u ndalur në gjenezën e kësaj letërsie‖
(Rugova.I:132), në studimin, veprën – monografi “Për gjenezën e
literaturës shqipe‖, 1938-39 ―studim i cili ishte botuar pjesërisht para
tridhjetë vjetësh në të përkohshmen shkodrane “Hylli I Dritës”, dhe
menjëherë pastaj doli më vete” (Ajeti. I:5). Duke filluar nga vetë titulli,
padyshim që kjo është vepra më e plotë dhe më e rëndësishme e tij.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Struktura e librit
Monografia studiuese (kërkimi kulturor-historik), në fjalë niset nga Çabej
me një vështrim kujdesor për gjeografinë dhe karakterin e vendit duke
theksuar lidhjen e prodhimt letrar të popullit me historinë, kulturën dhe
krahas saj edhe gjeografinë. Në Kapitullin e dytë te librit “Emri i
popullit” shtjellon çështje të rëndësishme që kanë të bëjnë me emrin e
popullit dhe atë të gjuhës shqipe.” Ai i jep vend të hapët këtij problemi aq
të diskutuar duke vëzhguar teoritë e ndryshme që albanologët rrokin në
fushën e këtyre hetimeve” (Hamiti:5) Pjesa e tretë e librit ka objekt arsyet
dhe shtytjet që kishin shkaktuar largimin e shqiptarëve në drejtime të
ndryshme jashtë vendit. Në ―Fuqi centrifugale në historinë dhe në
karakterin e popullit shqiptar‖, Çabej qysh në fillim sheh se thatësia,
varfëria ishin problem banues për njerëzit. Në “Rryma centripetale të
huaja‖, autori tregon që në kontrast me lëvizjet centrifugale mbi Shqipëri
janë derdhur rryma centripetale të popujve të huaj. Shqipëria si një vend
me pozitë të lakmueshme gjeografike, ka qenë gjithmonë vendkalimi dhe
pikëtakim pushtuesish të huaj, me hyerje çoftë permes detit, luginash ose
dyersh të mëdha si Fusha e Korçës. ―Shqipëria midis perëndimit dhe
lindjes ―është pjesa e pestë me radhë e librit ―Për gjenezën e literatuës
shqipe‖ në të cilën autori ―tregon shkurtimisht se si dyndjet Veri –Jug
ishin shtyerje fisesh, kurse rrymat shtegtare të të huajve shkonin në
drejtim Perëndim-Lindje, të organizuara prej shtetesh” (Ajeti, I: 8). Tash
po ndalemi të përmendim diçka sa i përket kapitullit të gjashtë “Fiset.
“Fisi është një grumbull etnik kompakt, një grup njerëzish, të cilët, të
ngjitur fort nëpërmjet tyre, e dinë veten të rrjedhur prej një burimi të
përbashkët: njomza të fundit të nji druri vigan që rritet gjihmonë, rrënja e
të cilit lidhet me emërin e një të pari të fisit që është bërë gojdhënë‖
(Cabej, E: 25). Si elemente karakterizuese të një fisi Çabej përmend me
radhë: Mënyra e banimit, kostumi e flokët, dukja e jashtme, mënyra e
jetesës, doke e zakone, institucione sociale e juridike, dialektet e
gojdhënat, dhe mënyra e ushqimit, kultura materjale dhe jeta shpirtërore.
Në kapitullin e shtatë, ―Karakteri konzervativ i zonave malësore të
anëve” shohim një gjurmim të Çabejt në trajtat e moçme të mënyrës së
jetesës si dhe të kulturës lëndore dhe shpirtërore të popullit shqiptar.
Karakteri konzervativ i zonave malësore të anëve dëshmohet në bazë të
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Libri studimor i Eqrem Cabejt “Për gjenezën e literaturës shqipe ―, që
është mund të themi vazhdim i studimit ―Elemente të gjuhësisë e
literaturës shqipe‖, cilësohet si përpjekje me peshë të madhe për të na
dhënë informacione prëgjithësuese mbi gjuhësinë, historinë, krijimtarinë
popullore shqiptare. Karshi çështjeve gjuhësore, historike, gjeografike,
vendin kryesor në vepër e zë pjesa për poezinë popullore dhe pjesa e
literaturës shqipe.
Me një qasje studimore kulturore, dhe premisa të një kërkimi shkencor ,
pandalshëm në vepër hetojmë përpjekjen e Çabejt të shqiptojë të
veçantat e vendit shqiptarë, prejardhjen e emrit të tij, karakteristikat e
poezisë popullore, ndarjen e literaturës shqipe, rrethanat e krijimit të
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
fiseve dhe siç thekson edhe prof.dr. Zejnullah Rrahmani ―ky studim i
Çabejt vlen të theksohet edhe për përfundimet e çmueshme mbi lidhjet e
letërsive të popujve të Ballkanit me poezinë popullore , varshmëria e tyre
reciproke , si dhe për anagzhimin e saj shoqëror-politik . Që të dyja këto
përfundime vlejnë edhe sot” (Rrahmani.Z:194).
Eqrem Çabej për dallim nga historitë e tjera letrare shqiptare, bën një
monografi historiko-kulturore-gjuhësore, me një sistem teorik mbi
historinë e letërsisë, duke u fokusuar në gjenezën e fenomenit letrar. Me
plot gojën mund të themi që thelbin e brendshëm të zhvillimit të letërsisë,
Çabej e trajton me logjikën e një shkenctari të vërtetë. Sipas studiuesve
teorik të letërsisë Rene Velek dhe Ostin Voren në librin ―Teoria e
letërsisë‖, ―vlera e përgjithshme e një vepre letrare nuk mund të definohet
vetëm me anë të kuptimit të cilin ajo e ka pasur për krijuesin dhe
bashkëkohësit e tij. Vepra e përgjithshme më parë është rezultat i një
procesi të rritjes –do të thotë të historisë së teksteve kritike të cilat për atë
vepër i kanë shkruar shumë lexues të saj në kohëra të ndryshme”
(Wellek-Warren:1982). Trajtimet, mendimet e konstatimet e këtij
studiuesi, siç është Çabej janë tejet të rëndësishme për studimet tona
letrare, bazë e mirëfilltë teorike –historike. Eqrem Cabej është cilësuar si
gjuhëtar me përmasa evropiane, ku studimet e interpretimet e veprës së tij
nuk do të përmbyllen edhe më tutje. Cdo lexim i ri i veprës së tij do të
riprodhojë pyetje të shumta të ndryshme, dhe mendoj do të shtrojë
probleme të patrajtuara më parë. Vepra e tij do të na obligojë edhe më
tutje, t‘i qasemi e të shpalojmë pasurinë letrare gjuhësore të tij.
Gjatë kundrimit të kësaj vepre si nga ana tematike, motivore apo e
shtjellimit të çështjeve gjuhësore, konstatojmë që Fjalë kyç të librit ―Për
gjenezën e literaturës shqipe‖, janë: qytetërimi, albanologjia, historia,
etnologjia, folklori, dhe letërsia shqipe, njësia letrare dhe siç thekson
Akademik S. Hamiti këto janë nyja të kërkimit dhe nocione themelore të
metodës së tij për të zgjidhur gjenezën e literaturës shqipe.
Book of Proceedings
Ajeti, Idriz, Parathënie e librit ―Për gjenezën e literaturës shqipe‖,
Rilindja, Prishtinë,1970, fq.5
Cabej ,Eqrem ―Për gjenezën e literaturës shqipe‖, Rilindja, Prishtinë,
1970, fq. 2
COMPAGNON: Antonie ―Literature, theory and common sense‖,
translated by Carol Cosman, Princeton University Press, Princeton,
2004, f. 2
Rugova, Ibrahim, ―Kahe dhe premisa të kritikës letrare shqiptare 1504-
1983‖, Shtëpia Botuese, Faik Konica, Prishtinë, 2005, fq. 132
Rrahmani, Zejnullah ―Nga teoria e letërsisë shqipe‖, Eqrem Cabej ―Për
gjenezën e litraturës shqipe‖, Rilindja, Prishtinë,1986, fq.194-195
Hamiti, Sabri ―Histroia e letërsisë shqipe ―- (materjalet e konferencës
shkencore për historinë e letërsisë shqiptare, të organizuar nga
Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve të Kosovës më 30-31 tetor
2009, në Prishtinë) Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve të
Kosovës, Prishtinë, 2010, fq 145
Hamiti, Sabri ―Teksti i dramatizuar‖ (Sprova e një poetike), Redaksia e
botimeve, Rilindja, Prishtinë,1978, fq 226
Shala, Kujtim ―Prolepsa‖, pjesa e dytë Epistema, fq 287
Wellek Rene and Warren, Austin Theory of literature, 1956. Botimi
shqip: Rene Velek, Ostin Voren, Teoria e letërsisë (përktheu
Zejnullah Rrahmani), Rilindja, Prishtinë, 1982
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
The present paper focuses on the role of strategies in learning the
pronunciation of the English (British) language. First, an outline of
various general classifications of language learning strategies is
provided. Next, pronunciation learning strategies are defined and
their various taxonomies are presented. This is followed by the
description of the study which investigated the influence of
pronunciation learning strategies on the perception and production
of English pure vowels and consonants by first-year students of an
English department. The results of the study indicate that students
of English, who on average use pronunciation learning strategies
rather occasionally, should receive some strategy-based instruction
as there exists a significant relationship between the investigated
phenomena, especially between the use of pronunciation learning
strategies and the production of English vowels and consonants.
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
ZH ‗measure‘- ZH ‗‘ zhurmoj
DG ‗judge‘- XH ‗xhem‘ 2
R ‗rate‘- R ‗risi‘, in Albanian it is a voiceles sound
W ‗work‘ Not applicable in Albanian
Y (YOD) ‗yes‘- J ‗java,‘ in Albanian it is a voiceles sound
L ‗low‘- L ‗lexoj,‘ in Albanian it is a voiceles sound
M ‗mine‘- M ‗mali‘
N ‗no‘- N ‗nisem‘
NG ‗song‘ Not applicable in standard Albanian, so a voiced consonant
is made by bringing your vocal falls together to create vibration and you
can feel that either by putting your hand on your larynx or by putting
your fingers in your ears.
And using a voiced consonant in the right way and the right words can
make a big difference in terms of people understanding in English.
Voiceless Consonants in both British and Albanian with examples
A voiceless consonant is made without any vibration passing through
your throat. In other words, if you had your hands on your larynx, you
should not feel any vibration. With some of those other voiceless sounds
like ‗p‘, ‘t‘ and ‗k‘, if you held a little piece of paper in front of your
mouth then you should see the little piece of paper flickering as you make
that sound because of the air that passes out.
These are the VOICELESS sounds in both English and Albanian /p/ /t/
/k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /∫/ /t∫/
Examples /p/ pen /pen/ cap /kæp/, cape /keɪp/ /t/ two /tuː/ street /striːt/,
omelette /ˈɒmlɪt/, late /leɪt/ /k/ kitchen /ˈkɪ t∫ən/, key /kiː/ chicken /ˈt∫ɪkən,
book /bʊk/ /f/ five /fʌɪv/, photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ rough /rʌf/ /θ/ three /θriː/ tooth
/tuːθ/ /s/ ceiling /ˈsiːlɪŋ/, sister /ˈsɪstə/ science /ˈsʌɪəns/, this /ðɪs/ /∫/ shop
/ʃɒp/, sure /ʃɔː/ nation /ˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ /t∫/ chicken /ˈt∫ɪkən nature /ˈneɪtʃə/,
match /matʃ/ Voiceless. 3
While you may think that the English language consonants are similar to
the Albanian sounds in terms of their pronunciation, in fact, most of them
are not.
I have already prepared e list of voiceless sounds and some words in both
English and Albanian, which. So have a look and a listen
P Pat-P ‗pranoj‘
Ladd, D. R. Intonational Phonology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1972, pp. 96
Ladd, D. R. Intonational Phonology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1972, pp. 96
Book of Proceedings
T toe – T ‗tingull‘
K coat- K ‗koha‘
F fat- F ‗festa‘
TH thing-TH ‗thika‘
S Sue- S ‗syri‘
SH mesh-SH ‗shiu‘
CH church- ç ‗çaj‘
H hot- H ‗hena‘ 4
These are the VOICELESS sounds /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /∫/ /t∫/
5. Examples /p/ pen /pen/ cap /kæp/, cape /keɪp/ /t/ two /tuː/ street /striːt/,
omelette /ˈɒmlɪt/, late /leɪt/ /k/ kitchen /ˈkɪ t∫ən/, key /kiː/ chicken /ˈt∫ɪkən,
book /bʊk/ /f/ five /fʌɪv/, photo /ˈfəʊtəʊ/ rough /rʌf/ /θ/ three /θriː/ tooth
/tuːθ/ /s/ ceiling /ˈsiːlɪŋ/, sister /ˈsɪstə/ science /ˈsʌɪəns/, this /ðɪs/ /∫/ shop
/ʃɒp/, sure /ʃɔː/ nation /ˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ /t∫/ chicken /ˈt∫ɪkən nature /ˈneɪtʃə/,
match /matʃ/ Voiceless.
When the Albanian consonants, we have to curl the tip of the tongue a bit
back up the alveolar ridge whereas the British production of consonants
involves the tip of the tongue mostly touching the upper teeth ridge, that
is about 1 cm distance from the place where the Albanian consonants are
How to pronounce the R sound?
Problems for Non-native speakers.
Although nearly all students who manage to pronounce /r/easily are
rhotic in their own language and therefore normally rhotic in English, it is
normally something that students can improve quite quickly. In fact, the <
r > spelling tells us a lot about which vowel sound to
pronounce. On strong syllables, the < r > after a vowel sound always
indicates a long vowel
/ɑ / for car, /ɔ / for four, /ɜ / for bird, /eə/ for where, or /ɪə/ for ‗near‘. On
a weak syllable it nearly always indicates /ə/ for mother.
How to pronounce the T and D sounds.
The voiceless (unvoiced) T sound can be found in English words such as
it, got, hat, toy, top, late, and butter.
The voiced D sound can be found in English words such as dad, do, did,
sad, said, and made.
The T and D sounds should be studied together because they are both
stop consonants made in the same part of the mouth. Stop consonants are
Hirst, D. and di Cristo, A. (eds.) Intonation Systems, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2004, pp. 83.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
made when the flow of air through your mouth is stopped by either your
tongue or lips. This causes a build-up of air. When the air is released, it
makes a small, explosive sound.
How to pronounce the L sound?
The sound L is the most difficult to be pronounced. Most of the Albanian
native speakers who study English either as a foreign or second language
think that all British consonants are the same compared to the Albanians
ones in terms of pronunciation. In fact, there is a slight difference in
pronunciation, particularly of the following consonants P, T, Th, B, D, R,
W, L and that of the cluster NG. On the other hand, the rest of the British
consonants do not differ at all from the Albanian ones. 5
L is light if it is followed by a vowel; otherwise it is dark
lip (light); pill, milk, people (dark)
One type of word-final /l/ is always dark
Syllabic /l/ the /l/ is found in a syllable that lacks a vowel
The /l/ is considered to take up the role of the vowel
e.g. cycle /saɪkɫ/; channel /ʧænɫ/
Example I love language lessons said the tall girl at school.
Sagittal section diagrams for English consonants
/p/ (pan), /b/ (boy) /t/ (time) and /d/ (dime) /k/ (cap) and /ɡ/ (gap)
/f/ (fan) and /v/ (van) /θ/ (thick) and /ð/ (the) /s/ (sue) and /z/ (zoo)
/∫/ (ship) and /ᴣ/ beige /h/ (house) /ʧ/ (chip) and /ʤ/ (jam)
/m/ (man) /n/ (no) /ŋ/ (sing)
/l/ (land) one way to pronounce /r/ (road)
/w/ (win) /y/ (yes)
Aspirate, the sound h as in English ―hat.‖ Consonant sounds such as the
English voiceless stops p, t, and k at the beginning of words (e.g., ―pat,‖
―top,‖ ―keel‖) are also aspirated because they are pronounced with an
accompanying forceful expulsion of air. Such sounds are not aspirated at
the end of words or in combination with certain consonants (e.g., in
―spot,‖ ―stop‖). 6
The Albanian language phonetics does not recognize aspirated
consonants. In fact, they exist in very rare cases. Compared to the English
h consonant, the Albanian one is more powerful in terms of
Some Albanian words having the aspirated consonant h
Katamba, F. An Introduction to Phonology, London: Longman, 2008, pp. 112
Kreidler, C. The Pronunciation of English, 7nd edn., Oxford: Blackwell, 2004,
pp. 98.
Book of Proceedings
1. meshollë
2. i herëpashershëm
3. Ethem
4. brezhumbur
5. gazhedhës
6. shtathedhur
7. moshyrje
8. moshapje
Almost 40% of the British consonants differ from the Albanian ones in
terms of pronunciation. The only way to master this challengeable task is
an everlasting and persistent work on pronunciation, which includes the
following oral exercise, listening to the British TV Channels, exercising
in front of a mirror, living for some times in an English speaking country,
respectively in the UK. Speaking English on daily bases is a powerful
asset alongside internet surfing, particularly in the field of British
phonetics and phonology-online programs with eminent teachers on this
subject. All of these elements help one master the Received
Pronunciation (RP). RP is used only by 3% of the whole British nation at
home among family members, whereas everybody uses it at work, like
school, institutions, etc.
Finally, it is obvious that few foreigners use RP. My advice is to be clear
while speaking the language, be understandable and convey any message
Hewings, M. Pronunciation Practice Activities, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2002.
Hirst, D. and di Cristo, A. (eds.) Intonation Systems, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Katamba, F. An Introduction to Phonology, London: Longman, 2008.
Kreidler, C. The Pronunciation of English, 7nd edn., Oxford: Blackwell,
Ladd, D. R. Intonational Phonology, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1972.
Ladd, D. R. Intonational Phonology, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1972.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Në kuadër reformimit kurrikular në Shqipëri, mësimi dhe
përdorimi i gjuhës së huaj ka fituar vemendje të konsiderueshme në
formimin e kompetencave të të nxënit. Gjuha dhe komunikimi, si
aftësi bazë të formimit profesional, janë kthyer tashmë në pika të
forta diskutimi akademik. Nisma për hartimin e dokumentacionit
bazë për krijimin e hapësirave kurrikulare dhe trajnuese janë
ndërmarrë, në mënyrë që gjuha e huaj të mësohet si mjet
komunikimi në jetën e përditshme dhe në veprimtarinë
profesionale dhe shoqërore të individit në të ardhmen. \r\nNë këtë
këndvështrim kurrikula që mundëson kualifikimin bazë të
mësuesve të gjuhës së huaj kërkon që hartuesit e saj të kenë
parasysh standardet e profilit të një mësimdhënësi të gjuhës së huaj
dhe mbi bazën e tyre të hartojnë kompetencat që ky i findit duhet të
përftojë në përfundim të studimeve të tij universitare. Kjo kurrikul
duhet gjithashtu të krijojë hapësirë për aftësimin e mësuesit si një
kërkues në fushën e metodikës, zbatimit të saj praktikë dhe
shkëmbimit të përvojës mësimdhënese në rrjete kombëtare dhe
ndërkombëtare. Punimi synon të përqasë disa fusha të studimit mbi
të cilat po punohet aktualisht në kurrikulën që përgatit mësues të
gjuhës angleze në ciklin e dytë të studimeve, me standardet
profesionale të mësuesit të gjuhës së huaj të publikuara tashmë në
nivel kombëtar dhe ndërkombëtar. Analiza nxjerr paralelisht në
pah edhe kompetencat kryesore në formën e rezualtateve të të
nxënit në rang programi dhe disiplinat përkatëse në të cilat ato
mund të detajohen më tej në kurrikul.
Book of Proceedings
Në kuadër të reformimit kurrikular në Shqipëri, mësimi dhe përdorimi i
gjuhës së huaj ka fituar vëmendje të konsiderueshme në formimin e
kompetencave të të nxënit. Gjuha dhe komunikimi, si aftësi bazë të
formimit profesional, janë kthyer tashmë në pika të forta diskutimi
akademik. Në mënyrë që gjuha e huaj të mësohet si mjet komunikimi në
jetën e përditshme dhe në veprimtarinë profesionale dhe shoqërore të
individit në të ardhmen janë ndërmarrë nisma për hartimin e
dokumentacionit bazë për krijimin e hapësirave kurrikulare dhe trajnuese.
Aktualisht në Shqipëri, institucionet e arsimit të lartë janë përfshirë në një
diskutim të përbashkët në lidhje me mundësitë e unifikimit të kurrikulave
që përgatitin profesionalisht mësues të gjuhëve të huaja në nivelin e
arsimit bazë dhe atij të mesëm. Ky është patjetër një diskutim që përfshin
më tepër sesa marrjen parasysh të përvojës shumëvjeçare mësimdhënëse
të një institucioni të vetëm të arsimit të lartë, të ekspertizës së ofruar nga
institucione qeveritare që mbulojnë kurrikulën e arsimit parauniversitar
apo të teksteve mësimore që vihen në dispozicion të mësimdhënësve. Në
fakt, ky diskutim shtrohet në një rang më të gjerë: ai niset nga prirjet e
zhvillimit të arsimit në nivel ndërkombëtar, shqyrton standardet e
mësuesve të gjuhëve të huaja në përputhje me profilin evropian të
gjuhëve të huaja, harton kompetencat bazë të mësimdhënësit shqiptar
sipas niveleve të arsimit parauniversitar dhe në fund përqas një bazë të
përbashkët të kurrikulave të arsimit universitar që përgatitin mësues të
gjuhës së huaj. E tërë kjo, kryhet pa shkelur në asnjë rast lirinë akademike
të insitucioneve të arsimit të lartë dhe duke marrë gjithmonë në
konsideratë veçantitë e tregut rajonal të punës që mbulon secili
Në këtë këndvështrim, kurrikula që mundëson kualifikimin bazë të
mësuesve të gjuhës së huaj kërkon që hartuesit e saj të kenë parasysh
standardet e punës së një mësimdhënësi të gjuhës së huaj dhe mbi bazën e
tyre të hartojnë kompetencat që ky i fundit duhet të përfitojë në
përfundim të studimeve të tij universitare. Kjo kurrikul duhet gjithashtu,
të krijojë hapësirë për aftësimin e mësuesit si një kërkues në fushën e
metodikës, zbatimit të saj praktik dhe shkëmbimit të përvojës
mësimdhënëse në rrjete kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare.
Gjuha dhe komunikimi është një ndër shtatë fushat e studimit të arsimit të
mesëm të ulët dhe të lartë në Shqipëri (MAS, 2014, fq. 35) që synon
zhvillimin e më shumë se një kompetence kyçe: komunikimin dhe të
shprehurit, të mësuarit, kompetencën për jetën, si dhe kompetencën
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Formimi i mësuesve të gjuhës së huaj është një sfidë që nxit diskutim të
vazhdueshëm. Baza e këtij diskutimi shtrohet në mënyrën se si duhen
hartuar kurrikulat që ofrojnë formimin bazë profesional të këtyre
mësuesve dhe sa përgatitin ato të diplomuarin me aftësi konkrete
mësimdhënëse. Çështja më e mprehtë është, jo thjesht njohja e
kompetencave që duhet të zotërojë një mësues, sa është aftësia për t‘i
bërë ato të zbatueshme, të prekshme dhe konkrete. Në këtë drejtim
kurrikula universitare duhet të hartohet që të përfshijë sa vijon:
Njohuri rreth dokumentacionit evropian në përgatitjen e
mësuesve të ardhshëm të gjuhëve të huaja si dhe njohje të
legjislacionit vendas dhe dokumentacionit bazë në dispozicion të
arsimit parauniversitar.
Njohuri rreth kurrikulës së gjuhëve të huaja në arsimin
parauniversitar, niveleve të përcaktuara sipas Kuadrit të
përbashkët të referencave për gjuhën.
Aftësimin e mësmidhënësit në përzgjedhjen e tekstit mësimor, i
cili duhet të përfshijë një bazë të shëndetshme gjuhësore,
formime kompetencash gjuhësore, krijimin e hapësirave për të
mësuarin e pavarur dhe komunikimim ndërkulturor.
Në hartimin e kurrikulës duhet gjithashtu të merren parasysh
formati dhe përmbajtja e testeve kombëtare dhe provimit të
licencimit për mësuesin e gjuhës së huaj dhe profilizimi i tyre në
mësues të gjuhës së huaj në nivelin e arsimit bazë dhe atij të
Kurrikulat duhet gjithashtu të përfshijnë lëndë që e trajtojnë
gjuhën e huaj për qëllime specifike, si një formë e mësimit të
integruar të gjuhës me përmbajtjen që përgatisin mësues të
gjuhëve të huaja të aftë të japin mësim në disa lëndë në gjuhë të
Kurrikula duhet të ktijojë hapësirën e nevojshme për orët e
praktikës mësimore dhe të gjejë mekanizma që e shndërrojnë atë
nga një përvojë formale, në një përvojë aktive nga e cila studenti
nxjerr mësime në lidhje me mësimdhënien e gjuhës së huaj dhe
kontekstin aktual në të cilin ai do të japë mësim. Praktika
mësimore duhet të shtrihet në dy vitet akademike të studimit, në
mënyrë që studenti të ketë mundësi t‘i kushtojë vëmendjen e
Book of Proceedings
Beacco, J., Byram, M., Cavalli, M., Coste, D., Cuenat, M., Goullier, F.,
Panthier, J. (2016). Guide for the Development and
Implementaition of Curricula for Pluricultural and Intercultural
Education. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.
Language Policy Division, Council of Europe. (2009). Relating Language
Examinations to the Common European Framework of reference
for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR): A
Manual. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sportit. (2014) Korniza kurrikulare e arsimit
parauniversitar të Republikës së Shqipërisë. Tiranë.
Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sportit, Seksioni i politikës arsimore/
Departamenti i Arsimit, Këshilli i Evropës. (2017). Profili i
Politikës Arsimore Gjuhësore: Shqipëria 2015 – 2017. Strasburg.
Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sportit, Instituti i Zhvillimit të Arsimit. (2016).
Standardet profesionale të mësuesit fillestar. Tiranë.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Një numër shkrimtarësh, në kritikat e botuara pas rrëzimit të
sistemit komunist, janë trajtuar të ndaluar gjatë periudhës së viteve
të këtij sundimi. Në këto shkrime, dhe jo vetëm, Gjergj Fishta, Faik
Konica, Zef Skiroi, Vinçenc Prennushi dhe Crispi Glaviano kanë
hyrë në grupin e shkrimtarëve, të cilët i ndaloi recensura e sistemit
komunist. U mendua se veprat e këtyre shkrimtarëve u ndaluan për
shkak të pikëpamjeve politike të shprehura në to. Mirëpo,
dorëshkrimi i Historisë së letërsisë shqipe 1912 – 1939 jo vetëm që
hedh poshtë një pikëpamje të tillë, por edhe luhat bazat e cilësimit
të censurës gjatë periudhës komuniste. Dorëshkrimi, i cili është
ndaluar në vitin 1968, pasi ka hyrë në botim dhe ku i kemi disa
shkrimtarë të ndaluar të paraqitur denjësisht, kërkon trajtim nga një
këndvështrim tjetër. Aq më tepër, mospërmendja e këtij
dorëshkrimi të rëndësishëm, në njërën anë, dhe mungesa e
dokumentacionit mbështetës të lejimit, gjegjësisht themelimt të
grupit punues, dhe materiali i mangët arkivor i rrjedhës së punës,
na ballafaqojnë edhe me një element tjetër të pashpjeguar. Qasja
ndaj autorëve ―të ndaluar‖ në dorëshkrimin e pabotuar; censurë apo
vetëcensurë në antologjitë dhe monografitë e periudhës që nga
ndryshimi i sistemi e deri më 1968; heshtja mbi ekzistimin e
dorëshkrimit janë çështjet e shqyrtuara në këtë punim shkencor.
Book of Proceedings
(Zamputi, 1993)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
(Sinani, Kritika e historishkrimit të letërsisë: çështje të hapura, 2011)
Book of Proceedings
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
(Beqiri, Potretizimi i Fishtës nga Bala në periudha të ndryshme kohore, 2016)
(Grup autorësh, 2011)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
Book of Proceedings
shkrimet e tjera të tij vlerësohen lartë, qysh nga fillimet e paraqitjes së tij
si shkrimtar me talent, njeri i pajisur me një shije të hollë të gjuhës. Aq
më tepër, tek analiza e prozave potike të tij, vlerësohet lartë njohja e
pasurive gjuhësore nga ana e shkrimtaritë me dorën e mjeshtrit, i cili me
sens të hollë përdorë fjalët13. Kompleksiteti i krijimtarisë së Konicës
është analizuar dhe paraqitur në tërësi, duke mos anashkaluar as fillet e
kritikës letrare, duke u vlerësuar si jokoherente dhe shkencore, edhe pse
shkruhet se çmonte lart rolin e kritikës në shkencë, pasi, sipas vlerësimit
të bërë në dorëshkrim, kujdesi për formën u bë për të qëllim kryesor, në
vehte, gjë që pa dyshim në raste edhe dëmtoi punën14. Megjithatë, sa i
përket kritikës letrare, Konica kritikohet për të dhënit e një skice shumë të
përgjithshme dhe subjektive, ku vihet në pah edhe moskuptimi i motiveve
të tij në këtë veprim. Nga tërë këto, duket qartë se vihet në pah gjurma e
lënë në fushën e kritikës letrare dhe ndikimi i tij në trasimin e filleve të
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
(N/A & Raport)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Grup autorësh, N/A)
(Beqiri, Një histori letërsie e ndaluar, 2016)
Book of Proceedings
Puna e bërë në dorëshkrim tregon për përkushtim dhe profesionalizëm.
Me shumë pak nuanca të frymës së sistemit të kohës, analiza e shkrimeve
të autorëve është pothuajse gjithëpërfshirëse, sa i përket krijimtarisë së
tyre, dhe është dukshëm në nivel më të lartë se Historia e 83-shit. Tek
shkrimtarët nuk janë anashkaluar as librat fetarë (si ata të Gjergj Fishtës)
dhe janë dhënë edhe elementet kombëtare të punës së tyre, elemente këto
që nuk janë errësuar. Analiza e krijimtarisë së tyre është mjaft e detajuar
dhe e thellë si strukturore ashtu edhe e përmbajtjes dhe vlerave artistike.
Gjithashtu, është arritur që të ndërthuret veprimtaria me krijimtarinë, por
duke mos e dëmtuar këtë të dytën edhe atëherë kur paraqiten elemente, jo
(Sinani, Letërsia në totalitarizëm, 2011)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
të pëlqyeshme për kohën, të asaj të parës. Nga e tërë kjo kuptohet se,
edhe pse kemi një nuancë të ndikimit të frymës së sistemit të asaj kohe,
sërish është arritur që të dominojnë vlerat dhe analiza profesionale e
shkrimtarëve. Po të mbështetemi në elementin se në bazë të
dokumentacionit të gjetur, vërejtjet përfundimtare për këtë vëllim, janë
bërë në vitin 1965 dhe në ato vërejtje, përveç në rastin e paraqitur të
dokumentit me daktiloshkrim ku kemi propozimin e largimit të
shkrimtarëve reaksionar, propozim ky i cili nuk figuron në versionin e
shtypur (shih dokumentet më poshtë në shtojcën 1, ndërsa shtojcën 2 për
krahasim), nuk kemi ndonjë reagim për mënyrën e paraqitjes së vlerave të
autorëve, për të cilën po shkruajmë. Pikërisht, ky fakt të sjell tek dilema e
forcës së censurës në periudhën kohore deri në vitin e hyrjes në botim të
Derisa kapitulli për Gjergj Fishtën është punuar nga Vehbi Bala, sa i
përket kapitullit për Faik Konicën, edhe pse mund të jetë shkruar nga Jup
Kastrati (nisur nga studimi dhe interesimi i tij i mëvonshëm për këtë
shkrimtar, si dhe monografia e tij vuliminoze), krahasimi i bërë mes dy
shkrimeve, nuk na ka sjellë në këtë përfundim. Gjithashtu, deri më sot,
nuk është hasur në elemente të mjaftueshme për të sjell përfundim për
autorin e kapitullit për Zef Skirojin.
Po të mos kishim mangësi tek kritika jonë, si dhe mospërmendje të
dorëshkrimit nga ata që kishin punuar në te, apo kishin informatë rreth
ekzistenës së dorëshkrimit edhe pas rrëzimit të diktaturës në Shqipëri
botimi i dorëshkrimit në kohën kur hyri në boca do të sillte një
rrjedh tjetër në letërsi dhe kritikën letrare, si dhe ndryshim të
qasjes ndaj vetë censurës e vetëcensurës;
ndikimi i shkrimeve dhe pikëpamjeve në fusha të ndryshme të
shkrimtarëve ―të ndaluar‖ do të ishte më i madh tek shkrimtarët e
mëvonshëm, por edhe vetë fusha e historishkrimit do të merrte
kahje tjetër (mbështetur në profesionalizmin e dorëshkrimit);
shkrimet kritike akuzuese të pas rrëzimit të Sistemit Socialist në
Shqipëri do të ishin më të matura dhe do të hulumtohej më tepër
në arkiva para shkrimit të tyre. Duke u nisur nga mendimi, por
edhe bindja, se censura kishte ndaluar shkrimtarët, si: Fishtën,
Konicën e Skiroin, kurdo që kritikët kanë shkruar për periudhën e
Realizmit Socialist, kanë përmendur edhe censurën, që sipas tyre
kishte vepruar qysh në fillim të vendosjes së sistemit.
Book of Proceedings
Shtojca 1:
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Shtojca 2:
Besa Hoxha Beqiri, Një histori letërsie e ndaluar; Si u ripërjashtua
Fishta, Konica dhe Skiroi nga “Historia e letërsisë shqipe”, SHB
Naimi, Tiranë
Besa Hoxha Beqiri, Portretizmi Diskutimet mbi maketin e “Historisë së
letërsisë shqipe”; Vërejtje të përgjithshme, Arkivi i Institutit të
Gjuhësisë dhe Letërsisë, Tiranë.
Besa Hoxha Beqiri, Censorship and self censorship reflected into the
History of Albanian Literature (Ndikimi i censurës dhe
vetëcensurën në Historinë e Letërsisë Shqipe), published Jurnal of
Modern Education Review, Volume 5, Number 8, New York,
August 2015, pg. 812 -819
Dokument arkivor; Dosja, titulli Gj. Fishta (kapitulli i tekstit të letërsisë),
Arkivi i Institutit të Gjuhës dhe Letërsisë, Tiranë
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Love and hatred, honesty and jealousy, have always represented
universal themes in Shakespeare. My aim in this paper shall be to
raise significant scholarly discussions in relation to the characters
of Othello and Iago in Shakespeare‘s tragedy. The focus shall be
on the semiotic relations according to A.J. Greimas, which further
develop themselves into passions. Deducing a passion taxonomy in
semiotics, means providing for the transformation of meaning in
concrete ―actors‘ actions‖, which would in this case intend empiric
results of passions such as ―honesty‖ vs. dishonesty‖ and ―love‖
vs. jealousy. If the issue is intended in its semiotic comprehension,
then, such gained passions would belong to the semiotics of
passions as an intersubjective sort of inter-human communication.
This, accordingly, entails the characters ―existence‖ and ―being‖,
as a proof of their relatedness to all ―semiotic roles‖ concerned. To
my opinion, the semiotics of passions, as well as existential
semiotics as provided by Greimas and Fontanille (1993) and
Tarasti (2015) can provide for such mentioned meaningful units as
a result.
Treating a theatrical work of art from the semiotic prospective entails in
itself a double discourse; i.e., such a work of art can either be read as a
text, or be seen as performed by actors on a stage or screen. Although
seen methodologically, it represents an integral part of Saussure‘s
semiology (Saussure 1959) [], both sorts of viewing, in the sense
mentioned above, include core semiotic processes. My intention in this
paper is to present some of the performed ―actions‖ which can either be
seen in the text given by the author himself, or can be visible to an
audience, such as is the case when a play is performed live. Naturally, a
Book of Proceedings
Methodological remarks
The method that I have chosen to elaborate in this paper, as I attempt to
show, belongs to the structural and post-structural approaches to
semiotics. In terms of artistic creativities however, I would like to
emphasize, such an analysis has been initiated by the Russian Formalists
[ see (Beker, 1986)]. The intention was to make a clear-cut distinction
between form and content, story and discourse [as shown, among other
related issues, in (Chatman, 1978)], in an attempt to be able to
distinguish narration components which, differing from artistic contexts,
can also be applied in other social or realistically lived contexts. Thus,
besides demonstrating a basic semiotic function, (which can also be
exemplified through linguistically based semiotics), narrative units
enabled the narrative structures [in the sense that can be exemplified in
(Greimas, 1973)], which are able to show a multitude of meaning(s)
components an element which is specifically characteristic in terms of
elaborating artistic contexts. It is well worth mentioning that,
comprehending such authors as Shakespeare requires in itself decoding
such complex messages, as for instance, metaphoric expressivities.
Semiotically speaking, therefore, the term ―metaphor‖ holds a wider
semantic significance, which makes it exceed the limits of the
conventional conceptualization of the linguistics of science, and/or its
specific units under discussion. What I intend to suggest, as a matter of
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
insists on rejecting such a love. Despite this fact, Othello gets married to
Cassio and Iago however are a part of Othello‘s hierarchical organization
in his army. As already stated above, Iago is the one who is jealous of
Othello‘s private life among other related issues, because Iago thinks that
he is the one who should have possessed higher army ranks (rather than
Othello himself). Owing to this fact, and other matters which gradually
disclose themselves during the flow of the tragedy, Iago does everything
to ruin Othello‘s life (either in private or professional matters), and is the
reason for everything that occurs later in the tragedy. Iago reaches his
goal, imposing upon Othello the sinister ―fact‖ that Desdemona has a
secret love affair with Cassio. Iago‘s argument is that Desdemona‘s
handkerchief, which was Othello‘s gift to his wife when they had got
married, is now in the hands of Emilia (Iago‘s wife) she found it in the
place where Desdemona had left it. The conclusion is therefore obvious
— Iago finds the handkerchief and shows it to Othello, as an argument
for Desdemona‘s ―betrayal‖. Othello, on the other hand, trusts Iago
blindly, so it is logical to conclude therefore that he believes the
―argument‖ to be a truth (among other related issues, the word ―honest‖
has a special significance in Othello‘s vocabulary). Consequently, after
many other intrigues initiated by Iago, Othello kills Desdemona. Finally,
when everything becomes obvious (at the beginning of Act IV), Othello
injures himself, because of the fact that he is not able to reconcile with
the fatal error he committed. Iago remains a ―negative character‖ until the
end of the tragedy, and does not change character or humor. This is an
intriguing argument regarding Shakespeare‘s universal topic of the
―battle‖ between the good and the evil; some evil people, such as Iago,
never change.
As he, himself, thinks of his ―abilities‖.
Book of Proceedings
Greimas‘ semiotics (1973). This would then mean the following out of a
beloved woman to him as an ―honest‖ warrior, the feeling of love
transforms itself into hatred and/or, later into a passion of jealousy.
Consequently, a wish to destroy her appears. Such sorts of feeling and
passion in Othello emerge out of his believing that almost all of Iago‘s
actions against him are ―honest.‖ Thus the state of affairs within Othello
himself (in terms of his being satisfied as a warrior, general etc.),
transforms itself into a state of feelings, through the events happening in
the play.
Iago, as mentioned above, is the one who ―tricks‖ the other major
characters of the play, and thus finds himself in a relation of disjunction
with Othello on the one hand, and on the other he is in a relation of
conjunction with Cassio. Iago succeeds at finding a ―proof‖ for his
jealousy or, as explained in the play, Othello‘s jealousy towards
Desdemona. The handkerchief provides a (perhaps theatrically
convenient) physicalization and proof of this suspicion. The component
of ―tensitivity‖ (to quote Greimas) is noticed among the characters of the
All such relations obtain determined passions, in the Greimasian sense of
the word, towards the tragic events of the play. There are naturally
significant reasons which contribute to the conclusion. First, there exists a
contrariness as a relation between Othello and Desdemona; second, there
are seemingly ―excellent‖ relations between Iago and Othello; finally,
there is false proof aimed at documenting a passion of jealousy. These
relations, in conclusion, develop themselves in two axes (paradigmatic
and syntagmatic) in the Greimasian sense of the word, either in terms of
disjunction and contrariness (such as in the case of Othello-Desdemona,
and Iago - Othello‘s relations), or in terms of conjunction (such as in the
case of Emilia-Iago relations, and Iago - Cassio‘s relations). The tragic
solution of the play is a proof of the semantic units as deduced, expressed
as passional configuration in the Greimasian sense of the word.
Shakespeare‘s ―Othello‖ shows us that human relations can be spoiled
because of an intriguing matter (and/or dishonest relationship), which can
in turn bring about jealousy (a passion which is crucial for the tragic
events in the play). The state of affairs is that the hierarchical
establishment of Othello‘s warriors, friends, and colleagues (the
seemingly good relations among his own army) transforms itself into a
Book of Proceedings
Beker, M. (1986). Suvremene književne teorije. Zagreb Sveučilišna
Naklada Liber.
Chatman, S. (1978). Story and Discourse. Ithaca Cornell University
Deely, J. (2009). Purely Objective Reality. Berlin, New York. Mouton,
de Gruyter.
Eco, U. (1962). Opera aperta ( Forma e indeterminazione delle poetihe
contemporanee). Milano Bompiani.
Eco, U. (1968). La struttura asente(la ricerca semiotica e il metodo
strutturale). Milano Bompiani.
Eco, U. (1976). A Theory of Semiotics. (T. A.Sebeok, Ed.). Bloomington,
USA Indiana University Press.
Eco, U. (1994a). Lector in fabula(la cooperazione interpretativa nei testi
narrativi). Milano Bompiani.
Eco, U. (1994b). Sei passeggiate nei boschi narrativi (Haravard
University Norton Lectures 1992-3). Milano Bompiani.
Eco, U. (1994c). Six Walks in the Fictional Woods. Cambridge Harvard
University Press.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Communication is the process of acceptance/transmission of
information between two or more people, it is a skill that can be
inherited but it can also be developed or improved.
The aim of this action research is to see if pair-work activities in
English teaching facilitate developing communication skills. The
objective of this research is identifying the best pair-work activities
that students like in order to develop communication skills and
analyzing the impact of pair-work activities in English language
This quasi-experimental study is conducted with sixth-grade
students, during the 2017/2018 school year; the class is of average
success and contains 18 students. The research was conducted in
two phases; in the first phase necessary changes were applied in
teaching, different work activities were used in pairs all the while
students were observed. In the second phase, students were
interviewed and had to answer a questionnaire.
The results show that the use of pair-work activities has many
advantages, but there are some problems that need to be addressed.
An advantage of pair-work is that students use the skills they have
learned in everyday activities, which also help them improving
communication and socialization. Pairing students who have equal
knowledge of languages have helped build self-confidence and
facilitate communication. A recognizable problem, on the other
hand, is that students prefer not to cooperate with a peer who has
either more or less language knowledge due to mutual
misunderstanding that inevitably arise during the discussion.
Therefore, the students prefer to choose their pair themselves and
decide with whom they want to work.
Book of Proceedings
The education system in Kosovo is in a transitional phase in all sectors,
the Kosovo Curriculum Framework (hereafter KCF) is being
implemented in all schools, the legislative framework is changing and
new schools and facilities are being built. Considering recent changes and
investments, our education system is facing a lot of problems and
teachers have to do their best to help students learn and move forward.
According to Merriam-Webster (2018) communication is a process by
which information is exchanged between individuals through a common
system of symbols, signs or behavior. The KCF has given great
importance to the development of communication at all levels of pre-
university education, focusing on the development of six competencies
among students The competence of communication and expression, the
competence of thinking, the competence of learning, the competence for
work and environment, personal competence and civic competence.
At each level of the curriculum as in in each field of learning, the learning
outcomes begin with the competence of communication and expression in
order for students to develop themselves as personalities, to learn to
participate actively in society, to understand the messages conveyed and
express them properly using the languages, symbols, marks, codes, and
other artistic forms (MEST, 2011).
One of the main tasks of teachers is to teach students to communicate, to
show what they know and what they can do. The best way to encourage
students to communicate is by promoting class discussions, by working in
groups or working in pairs(Spungin 1996). As Phipps (1999), pair work is
any student-student interaction without the teacher's intervention. So
work notes, pair work is when students work independently, face each
other and communicate with each other without or with very little
involvement of the teacher. (p.1).
The aim of this action research is to see if pair-work activities in English
teaching facilitate developing communication skills. The objective of
this research is to identify the best pair-work activities that students like
so as to develop communication skills and analyze the impact of pair-
work activities in English language teaching.
Literature review
Pair work is one of the most convenient and easy methods to apply in
foreign language classes (in our case, English). Moon (2000) says that the
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
use of pair work activities has many advantages, one of which is that it
allows students more time to discuss in the foreign language, with this
pupil feeling freer in communication and can continue with it easily with
a colleague at the end of classroom and out-of-school activities (p.53).
Despite working in groups or discussions in front of the classroom,
working in pairs is very effective as each student is able to express
himself; especially students who are shy and do not feel comfortable
when classroom discussions are required. In this regard, Reid, Forrestal,
and Cook (1989) confirm that students who are more silent in the
classroom tend to talk more easily during the interaction of working in
Cooperation during pair work in case the students do not have equal
knowledge of foreign languages is very useful for both students involved,
but only if it is done carefully and with the purpose of learning. However,
these activities also have their shortcomings. McDonough and Shaw
(1993) show a flaw that can negatively affect the quality of this strategy.
In particular, they say that classes in which English is taught as a foreign
language can easily "slip" and with or without being aware, students can
say what they have in mind in their mother tongue. Harmer (2001) says
that while working in pairs, students can leave the discussion topic and
talk about something else (p.116), a question that has also been raised in
Moon (2000), who claims that work in pairs could result even in
misbehavior and may deconcentrate the learner from learning. (P.54)
By knowing the advantages and disadvantages as well as
recommendations from experts in the field of education, we can support
the idea that if the teacher knows the subject, is willing to control (but not
intervene with) the work and student discussions, the implementation of
pair work activities as a teaching method is very effective and very easy
to apply even in classrooms with large numbers of students and in cases
where there are not enough teaching and learning resources
The aim of this action research is to see if pair-work activities in English
teaching facilitate developing communication skills. The objective of
this research is identifying the best pair-work activities that students like
in order to develop communication skills as well as analyzing the impact
of pair-work activities in English language teaching.
This small-scale classroom-based action research is conducted with sixth-
grade students, during the 2017/2018 school year, the class is of average
Book of Proceedings
success and it has 18 students. The research was conducted in two phases.
In the first phase, necessary changes in teaching were applied, different
work activities were used in pairs all the while students were observed. In
the second phase, students were interviewed and answered a
Five teaching and learning hours were observed. During the activities,
notes were kept about the performance of work by the majority of pairs.
After the implementation of changes in teaching, students responded to
the questionnaire, which was used as an instrument to see their attitudes
regarding work in pairs. And at the end, an interview with four students
was carried out; all students were interviewed separately. The selections
of the students for the interview were done after the data collected from
the questionnaire was analyzed. Two pupils who were most active during
the realization working in pairs were selected, and 2 students who have
been more reluctant to answer and cooperate. The interview was mainly
focused on student interest, and provided verbal answers in which their
opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of working in pairs
were stated.
Research questions
Can oral communication skills be enhanced by using pair work in
the EFL classroom?
What are some advantages and the disadvantages of using pair
work strategies?
What effect does the use of oral tasks during pair work have on
students‘ interest and attitude?
Data Analysis
After analyzing the data, from the observation, we came to the conclusion
that most of the students were very engaged and were satisfied with the
work in pairs. This is also evidenced by the answer to the first question of
the questionnaire that was'During the discussion in pairs, I give the
answers easier when responding to the whole class.' For this question,16
out of a total of 18 students have completely agreed, while only 2 have
said they partially agree with this assertion. This is also observed during
the survey when students gave the most complete answer when working
in pairs when responding to the classroom.
During the observation, it was noticed that students 1 and 2 (both with
'very good' success) showed self-confidence during the discussion of the
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
During the interview, in the question "Do you prefer to work with better
or less successful students than you?" students answered
Student 1 I like to work with students who know English as good as I do
because we can understand more easily each other and we can also help
each other.
Student 2 I think it's better to communicate with someone who knows
English better than I do because we can learn new things
Student 3 When I work with a student who knows English better than me,
I have difficulty answering questions, because sometimes I do not
understand well, sometimes I am afraid that I am not answering properly.
Pair work is seen to improve students‘ self-confidence in communication,
they also said that while working in pairs they have been able to learn a
lot, and if we have a question to ask, we better prefer to ask our friend
than our teacher.
Book of Proceedings
During the observation process, it was seen that pair work activities
besides helping students to learn, strengthen communication skills
between students and helps them with socialization. This was also seen
after the activities students that were paired in the classroom tended to be
closer even after the class ended.
During the interview, I saw that students are able to use the language
taught outside the classroom. This is shown by their answers to the
Teacher Do you think classroom discussion helps improve
communication skills outside the classroom?
Student 1 Yes, I try to use some sentences I have learned with my
relatives living in England. For example, use the adverbs of frequency
we've learned right now, or even the present continuous tense "I am
eating lunch" or "What are you doing now?"
Student 2 I try to talk to my friends in English even when I'm out of
school because I think I remember it easier when I repeat it more often.
Student 3 One day when I went to the market, I said to the seller "Good
afternoon" in English.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
This research has been conducted in order to find ways of improving
communication skills by using pair work activities. With the realization
of this action research, we have seen that the use of pair work activities in
Book of Proceedings
After conducting this research, it is recommended that language teachers
(Albanian, English or other languages) use the pair work activities since
research results suggest that its use positively influences the improvement
of communication skills among students. However, before starting to use
this method of work, the teacher should consider the material to be
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language teaching. London
McDonough, J. and C. Shaw (1993), Materials and Methods in ELT.
Blackwell Publishers.
MEST (2011). Kosovo Curriculum Framework. Retrieved from http
Moon, J. (2000). Children learning English. Oxford Macmillan
Heinemann, Publishers.
Phipps, W. (1999). Pairwork Interaction in the Modern Languages
Classroom. London Centre for Information on Language Teaching
and Research.
Reid, J., Forrestal, P., & Cook, J. (1989). Small Group Learning in the
Classroom. Scarborough Chalkface Press.
Richards, J. C. (2006). Communicative Language Teaching Today.
Cambridge Cambridge University Press
Spungin, R. (1996). First- and Second-Grade Students Communication in
Mathematics. Teaching Children Mathematics, December, v 3, n 4,
―Communication.‖ Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, 15 July 2018,
Dockrell, J. E., et al. (2012). Communication Supporting Classroom
Observation Tool. Retrieved on 15 May 2017, from https
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Eldorina Brahaj, MA
AAB College
Teaching in a mixed ability or a heterogenous class is a very
stressful and hard job. The world is growing day by day and the
classrooms are filled with pupils who have different skills and
needs. This diploma thesis focuses on the challenges of teaching in
a mixed ability classroom. The thesis concentrates on the methods
the teachers use in their classroom and the pupils‘ opinions of
learning in a mixed ability class. In the diploma thesis, there are
described the benefits and limitations of classes with diverse
language level and possible teaching strategies and methods to be
used in such a classroom.
Nowadays all teachers are faced with the challenge of working with many
different types of students who have specific skills in specific subjects.
Being an English teacher is even more challenging. The teacher has to
deal with the world in only one room- the CLASSROOM. In the 21st
century, this challenge has become even more difficult. Classrooms are
growing more and more diverse, containing students with a wide range of
ability levels and intelligenceNowadays in every classroom there are
students who hardly know how to count to 10 and also students who are
able to write a research paper in a matter of only one week. There are
many methods in teaching which help the teacher and students to reach
their objective. It is very hard to teach in a class with students who have
different learning styles, interests, cultures, backgrounds etc. However, it
is the teacher‘s job to find the best possible way to engage all the students
and make the lessons more effective. The main aim of this research is to
draw a logical conclusion about teaching in a mixed ability class, the
advantages and difficulties, methods of implementation, strategies and
techniques teachers use in their classroom and it will also give
Book of Proceedings
Literature review
There are many articles dealing with mixed ability classes. Many authors
have made a considerable contribution to this field. Many studies and
researches have been done in different countries. Those researches and
analyses were mostly done by teachers of foreign languages.
Learner differences-When it comes to learning a language, most authors
agree that there are different kinds of learners. What makes these learners
different or homogenous are many features. Some of the most important
ones according to Henderson, B., & Strahan, D. (2014). are age, gender,
language aptitude, motivation, learning style, and language level and
learner autonomy.
Defining the mixed ability class-The concept of so-called mixed-ability
classes was not originally connected with teaching English as a second or
foreign language. The term first referred to what was seen as a contrast to
classes in which streaming had been performed. As Harlen and Malcolm
(1997) explain in their research, streaming is a term that describes the
method of dividing pupils to classes based on the assessment of their
general ability. Streaming was popular in Britain in the 1960s. Further
studies showed that it had negative effects on the students‘ performance
in the secondary schools. Consequently, it became less and less popular
in the primary schools and eventually disappeared during the 1970s and
1980s. Apart from streaming, the term setting appears in the same period.
Setting refers to the regrouping of pupils based on their ability in the
particular subject. Mixed-ability means gathering randomly chosen
students in the same context or class regardless of their abilities or
achievements in the subject concerned.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Students who do not catch up with the rest of the class feel that they are
not working enough and may resultantly lose confidence. They often
believe that it is too late for them to catch up with the rest of the students,
and therefore lose motivated to go further.
Discussion of findings
The methods teachers use to teach less able\ advanced pupils
This research question is answered by some of the interview questions
and also the class observations.
The method that most of the teachers use to teach slow learners is
differentiation. Using this method helps the teacher to be more flexible in
the classroom and meet the pupils‘ needs. The use of differentiation by
task involves setting different tasks for students of different abilities. One
way to achieve this may be to produce different sets of worksheets or
exercises depending on students‘ abilities. In the traditional classroom,
activities are completed within a single time frame, irrespective of the
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
level of difficulty for some students. The result is that more advanced
learners can be held back to the speed of the less able ones, and at the
other end of the scale, some may simply find it impossible to keep up.
When differentiation is used in lesson planning, the available time is used
flexibly in order to meet all students‘ needs.
Also based on the class observation, it was obvious that most of the
teachers use differentiation by task, where pupils had to do the tasks
based on their abilities.
The most used activity the teachers use in their classroom to keep their
pupils on task and not making the classes boring was grouping the pupils.
The less able pupils sit in a group with advanced pupils. The advanced
learners explained the topics to the slow learners and the slow learners
learned from their classmates.
The table below shows the teachers background information
Book of Proceedings
The challenges of teaching in a mixed ability class and the strategies used
by teachers to overcome them
This research question is answered by the interview questions and the
class observations.
There are many challenges that teachers face in their everyday teaching
but most of the teachers say that the most challenging fact about teaching
in a mixed ability class is discipline as closely related to classroom
management. This challenge usually occurs when the students in the class
feel frustrated; the advanced pupils may feel that they are not being
challenged enough and are not learning as much as they can, while the
weaker pupils feel that the tasks and learning materials are too difficult or
the teacher does not assist them enough.
Another challenge is participation. In a mixed-ability class, the teacher
will find that the stronger students generally participate more than the less
advanced students. This may be due to the shy nature of the less
advanced students or because they are very aware that they are not the top
students in the class and are scared of getting the answer wrong. Lack of
participation can also lead to the less advanced students performing even
less (or worse) in class. Ideally, you want all students to participate
equally in class; however, this is almost never the case.
The third challenge stems from individual awareness in that the teacher
may not be able to follow and track the progress of all the students as
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
closely, and further to this, the teacher might not be able to devote the
time and attention needed to less advanced students. In a mixed-ability
class, the teacher might find that they spend too much time on the
stronger students; an effort should be made to spend more time assisting
the less advanced students.
The strategies that the teachers use to overcome the challenges mentioned
above are motivating their pupils further and giving slow learners more
time to accomplish their tasks. Another strategy that is used in the
classroom is through constant dialogue. Talking to the pupils and
explaining them that they are all different and have different abilities. It is
alright if they understand something immediately and sometimes need
more time to get the point.
The learner‘s opinions on learning in a mixed ability class
This research question is answered by the questionnaire that the pupils
had to complete. Based on the pupils‘ answers, it is clear that they are
aware that what a mixed ability class. The pupils have different opinions
regarding learning in a mixed ability class. A very positive fact is that all
of the pupils enjoy learning English and like their English teacher. There
are pupils who think that they are not engaged enough but at least they
admit that their teacher tries to activate them somehow. Some others
believe that the textbooks are not for their level and that they need to be
changed. However, most of the pupils agree that there are benefits and
limitation in learning in a mixed ability class. None of them can imagine
learning in a class where all the pupils have the same abilities and same
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Being an English language teacher is a great job. The thought that you are
teaching tomorrows‘ doctors, lawyers or leaders makes this job even
more inspiring.
There are many things to consider when entering the classroom. The most
important issue is teaching the world in one class- the mixed ability class.
This paper addressed the methods teachers use to teach less able\
advanced pupils ina single classroom setting, the advantages and
disadvantages of teaching in a mixed ability class, the challenges in
teaching a mixed ability class and what strategies teachers use to
overcome such difficulties. It also addressed the learner‘s opinion on
Book of Proceedings
participating in the activities, and there are also the very quiet pupils who
do not want to be part of any activity in the classroom.
The pupils‘ opinion about learning in a mixed ability class was that all of
the pupils agreed that there are different learners in one classroom who
have different abilities. They also believe that learning in a mixed ability
class has its advantages. The content analysis of contributions by 59
pupils suggests that more students were consistently ‗positive‘ than
‗negative‘ about learning in a mixed ability class, but there was also a
minority of those who highlighted both ‗positive‘ and ‗negative‘ aspects
of being in a mixed ability class.
Some of the recommendations that can be useful when it comes to
teaching in a mixed ability class are Adapting materials- adapting the
course books based on the pupils abilities, supportive learning
environment – making the classroom a place where the pupils feel
comfortable to learn in ,Variety- having different tasks for different
pupils, not using the same activities all the time ,interest – encouraging
pupils to be more active in the classes and finding a way to engage them,
grouping – grouping the pupils carefully and not letting them choose their
groups by themselves.
Eva, E. (2012). On the involvement of cognitive processes in the
acquisition of English grammar by Slovak learners. Retrieved from
https //
Harlen, W.& Malcolm, H (1997). Setting and Streaming A Research
Review. Retrieved from https //
Henderson, B., & Strahan, D. (2014). Motivation Understanding and
Responding to Individual Differences. Journal of Association for
Middle Level Education. Retrieved fromhttps //
Walters, D. (n.d) Tips and Strategies for Mixed-Ability Classes. Retrieved
from http //
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Tema e cila studiohet në këtë punim ka të bëjë me vlerësimin,
testet individuale përballë testeve të gatshme, në mësimdhënien e
gjuhës angleze, përfitimet dhe rekomandime. Qëllimi i këtij
studimi është të analizojë çështje që kanë të bëjnë me parimet,
bindjet dhe praktikat e zakonshme që ndërmarrin në përgjithësi
mësuesit e gjuhës angleze në pjesën më të madhe të shkollave 9-
vjeçare në rrethin e Korçës. Qëllimi ynë është që të analizohet
marrëdhënia ndërmjet testeve të gatshme dhe testeve të hartuara
nga mësuesit, të para në marrëdhënie me mësimdhënien, kurrikulën
dhe mësimnxënien. Nëpërmjet një qasjeje analitike sasiore e
cilësore, ne synojmë të tregojmë se kur hartohen me përkushtim
dhe në përputhje me atë çka nxënësit kërkojnë, testet e organizuara
nga mësuesit janë më me vlerë si në procesin e mësimdhënies dhe
në atë të mësimnxënies. Përzgjedhja e temës së studimit mbështetet
në nevojën për të analizuar proceset e testimit në klasë në mënyrë
që të përftohet një i kuptuar i qartë i mënyrës se si dhe çfarë
përcakton zgjedhjen e një testi individual apo të gatshëm. Teknikat
dhe tipet e testimit kanë evoluar dhe janë përmirësuar nëpërmjet
studimeve të mëparshme por edhe duke eksperimentuar mënyra të
reja për rritjen e frytshmërisë së mësimnxënies. Rrjedhimisht,
punimi synon të sjellë një kontribut të vlefshëm në fushën e
vlerësimit ku studimet në kontekstin shqiptar janë tejet të
Book of Proceedings
Debati mbi zgjedhjen e mjeteve të duhura të vlerësimit të testimit është
duke u zhvilluar me shumë zhurmë kudo në botë, ku synohet të
ndryshohen e përmirësohen si teknikat vlerësuese të një mësuesi të
vetëm, ashtu edhe vetë politikat e vlerësimit të një shteti të tërë.
Fatkeqësisht, jehona e kësaj force ndryshimi në Shqipëri vjen paksa duhe
u zbehur. Kjo shpërfillje ndaj kësaj çështjeje jetike në mësimdhënien e
gjuhës angleze përbën dhe arsyen fillestare të këtij hulumtimi në lidhje
me vlerësimin në realitetin shqiptar.
Në mungesë të standardeve të mirëpërcaktuara, të cilat do të mund të
vlerësojnë arritjet e nxënësve, mësuesit e gjuhës angleze në ciklin e lartë
të shkollave 9-vjeçare, sot gjenden përballë dilemës së vazhdueshme se
cilin test duhet të përdorin në klasat e tyre testin e gatshëm që gjendet
rëndom në librin e mësuesit, apo duhet të marrin vetë përgjegjësi dhe të
hartojnë një test në përputhje me nevojat dhe kushtet e të nxënit. Praktika
bashkëkohore propozon se mësuesit janë të ndërgjegjshëm për rëndësinë
e vendosjes së vlerësimit mbi baza të përbashkëta formale.
Vlerësimi është procesi i matjes së performancës dhe i përparimit apo
progresit të bërë, i nxjerrjes në pah të vlerave të punës sonë, të dijeve apo
aftësive njerëzore dhe intelektuale, nga i cili secili prej nesh ndihet më
mirë apo më keq, jo vetëm në funksion të kërkimit të këtij vlerësimi për
efekte shkollimi apo pune, por edhe në funksion të rritjes së vlerësimit
për veten, qëndrimit mes një grupi shoqëror të caktuar dhe pozicionimit
brenda këtij grupi. Si i tillë, ai është mjaft kompleks dhe mbi të gjitha i
rëndësishëm duke merituar vëmendjen më të veçantë të të gjithëve ne.
Termi vlerësim ka filluar të përdoret gjerësisht në rrethet e edukimit kudo
në botë ashtu si edhe në Shqipëri, por shpeshherë vihet re se fjalët testim
dhe vlerësim përdoren në mënyrë sinonimike, gjë e cila nuk është aspak e
drejtë. ―Testi është metodë e matjes së njohurive apo aftësive të një
individi në një fushë të caktuar, duke theksuar në këtë përkufizim
konceptet e metodës dhe matjes.‖1 Testet janë instrumente specifike, të
cilat hartohen me mjaft kujdes dhe që nevojitet të kenë një rubrikë të
detajuar pikësimi. Testet janë procedura administrative të cilat zënë një
periudhë kohe të caktuar në një plan mësimor dhe përbëjnë momente në
të cilat nxënësi përpiqet me të gjithë kapacitetin e tij mendor të japë
H.D. Brown, ―Teaching by Principles‖, An interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy, London: Pearson, Longman, 2007, p. 445.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
T D, Erwin, dhe P Knight, ―A transatlantic view of assessment and quality in
higher education‖, Quality in Higher Education, 1 (2), 1995, pp. 179 - 188.
D. Boud, Enhancing Learning Through Self-assessment. London: Kogan, 1995,
p. 15.
Book of Proceedings
Shkollat që u morën si kampion ishin, dy shkolla qyteti shkolla 9-vjeçare
―Pandeli Cale‖, si dhe shkolla 9-vjeçare e fshatit Çiflig. Në eksperiment u
përfshinë 24 nxënës të klasës së nëntë të shkollës 9-vjecare ―Pandeli
Cale‖, si dhe 15 nxënës të klasës së nëntë të shkollës Mborje.
Eksperimenti u krye tek nxënës, familjet e të cilëve njiheshin nga mësuesi
dhe në klasë ku mësuesi nuk kishte njohje paraprake të tyre.
Kështu nxënësit e klasës së nëntë, ku jepte mësim vetë hartuesti i testit
vijnë nga familje ku 50% e nënave janë me arsim të lartë,42 % janë me
arsim të mesëm dhe 8% me arsim tetëvjeҫar, kurse 42% e baballarëve
janë me arsim të lartë, 50 % me arsim të mesëm dhe 8% me arsim
arsim 8 vjecar
arsim i mesëm
arsim i lartë
50% 42%
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
0% 8%
arsim 8
42% arsim i
arsim i
Testi individual ishte i tipit diagnostikues dhe u zhvillua për kapitujt 1&2.
Njohuritë që kontrolloheshin ishin mbi kohën e tashme të vazhduar
(Present Continuous tense) dhe kohën e ardhme (Simple future). Në test
kishte pyetje të tipit, përshkrues ku nxënësi përshkruan veprimtari të
planifikuara për të ardhmen, sillnin shembuj për PCT dhe SF, përcaktonin
veprimtari të sigurta për t‘u realizuar në të ardhmen ose jo. Në këtë test
nuk mungonin as ushtrime të tipit me alternativa, plotësim të fjalive me
fjalë mungesore si dhe plotësim tabelash mbi fjalë dhe mjete të tjera
shprehëse. I njëjti test u aplikua si me nxënësit e fshatit, të cilët hartuesi i
njihte dhe me nxënësit e qytetit, për të cilët mësuesi nuk kishte asnjë të
dhënë. Qëllimi është të eksperimentohet në lidhje me atë se a ndikon
njohja e backgroundit të fëmijës në llojin e testit të aplikuar.
Analiza e të dhënave
Nga testimi që u zhvillua me nxënësit e shkollës 9-vjeçare Mborje u
arritën këto rezultate
Book of Proceedings
40% Shk. Mborje
20% Shk. P. Cale
Nota Nota 9 Nota 8 Nota 7 Nota 6 Nota 5 Nota 4
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Eksperimenti 2
I njëjti kampion iu nënështrua një testi të gatshëm. Synimi është po ai, pra
të shihet se sa ndikon njohja paraprake e background-it të nxënësit në
hartimin e testit.
Testi i gatshëm përfshinte kapitujt 1&2. Edhe këtu njohuritë që
kontrolloheshin ishin mbi mbi kohën e tashme të vazhduar (Present
Continuous tense) dhe kohën e ardhme (Simple future). Testi kishte
ushtrime për plotësimin e tabelave mbi formën e dy kohëve të studiuara,
riformulim të fjalisë duke përdorur një nga kohët e dhëna, qarkime të
alternativave mbi dy kohët si dhe pyetje ku përgjigjja ishte po ashtu
Analiza e të dhënave.
Në testimin që u zhvillua me nxënësit e shkollës 9-vjeçare ―Pandeli
Cale‖ u arritën këto rezultate
Tab. 1.1 Shkolla “P. Cale”
Nr Pikët 0-8 9-16 17-24 25-29 30-33 34-36 37-40
1 Vlerësimi 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Nr. i 0 2 4 6 8 2 2
Book of Proceedings
Eksperimenti tregoi se nxënësit punonin mirë në ato tipe ushtrimesh të
cilat ishin të tipit zbatues, por gabonin aty ku futej logjika. Nxënësit që
kishin ndihmë edhe nga prindërit në familje e kishin më të lehtë dhe
punonin pa vështirësi në plotësimin e testit. Ndërsa tek pjesa tjetër e
nxënësve, mangësitë në kushtet familjare i pengonin të punonin si shokët.
Prandaj duhet që mësuesi në hartimin e testit duhet të mbajë parasysh
Nivelin e nxënësve në klasë (frekuentimi ose jo i kopshtit,
backgroundi i nxënësit, etj).
Të përzgjedhë tipe ushtrimesh që i përgjigjet nivelit të nxënësve.
Të përzgjedhë tipe ushtrimesh që të nxitë vëmendjen e dëshirën e
nxënësit për të punuar.
Të parapërgatisë situatën duke shmangur gjendjen e ankthit dhe
të mendohet që testi synon të masë atë që nxënësit dinë dhe jo t‘i
kapë ata ―mat‖.
Boud, D (1995) Enhancing Learning through Self-assessment. London
Kogan Page.
Broën H.D. (1991) Breaking the language barrier. Yarmouth, ME
Intercultural Press.
Broën, H.D. (2004). Language assessment. Principles and classroom
practices. Ëhite Plains, NY. Pearson Ed.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Due to political situation in Kosova, Serb and Albanian youth are
still distanced from each other and do not learn the language of
each other though they are both official languages in Kosova. This
situation is leading to misunderstandings, uncertainty and feeling
unsafe in many aspects of everyday life. Furthermore, it is leading
to social separation of ethnicities what is making a large gap in
joint efforts to develop Kosovo and improve existing deficiencies,
in order for Kosova to become a prosperous multicultural society.
Albanian and Serb‘s youth communicate in English language so
that English Language in these regions has expanded from its
previous function as a sign of prestige and necessity for people
who want to get educated or work abroad, to the main tool of
communication between the two ethnicities. In this study, the
results determine students‘ preferences, their level of intercultural
competence and English language proficiency. This study also
proof hypothesis that all students from particular communities have
low level of intercultural competence, they have similar
preferences, but focusing on their ethnicity, furthermore, their level
of English language proficiency is similar. The findings of this
research determine Kosova high school students‘ intercultural
competences and also proof hypothesis that most all students from
particular ethnicity have low level of intercultural competences and
that they are not ready to speak language of each other. This study
covers high school students from various cities in Kosova. The
participants were 316 Albanian and 171 Serb high school students.
Book of Proceedings
In order to understand the contemporary situation in Kosova‘s education
system, the brief recent history of education in Kosova is presented
Isolation of ethnicities who live in Kosova due the war, political
and social crisis
During the 1990s, ―Albanians rejected the Serbian curriculum that had
been adopted by the Serbian Educational Council. This was the pretext
for the regime to use Serbian police forces to forbid Albanian access to
their schools. Thousands of Albanian professors and students from
primary to university level were dismissed, only Serbs were allowed to
have access to the public schools.‖ (Kastrati, 2016, p 149). Kastrati
continues arguing ―After the Albanians were forced into a completely
separate social life, walls of division appeared between the two
communities, and Kosova developed two extremely segregated systems
of education, which have remained almost the same into the present.‖
(2016, p 149).
Parallel living of both ethnicities
Serbs and Albanians again live in parallel ‗worlds‘. They have parallel
governing; parallel education systems and parallel healthcare though
officially both communities accepted the Kosova government and
participated in elections held in Kosova, accordingly choosing their own
representatives. ―Parallel system of education for Albanians on one side
and Serbia‘s state curriculums imposed for Kosova Serbs on the other
side during the 1990‘s have had a direct impact in establishing a
completely segregated and divisive education system in Kosova after the
war of 1998-1999,‖ as noted in Kastrati (2016).
Lack of readiness to cooperate between each other
―In both Kosova Albanian and Kosova Serb majority areas, the Kosova
and the Serbian educational systems seclude Kosova Serb and Kosova
Albanian students from the surrounding social environment of the
majority community, as much as they ensure education in the mother
tongue. In this way, education perpetrates and reinforces separation.‖
(OSCE, 2009).
Lack of possibility for children to communicate with children of
other ethnicities
According to a recent OSCE report (2009) ―Even in the isolated cases in
which students of these communities attend education under the same
roof, separate educational shifts are in place, and with few exceptions,
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Literature review
The view and definition of interculturalism have widely been contested
by different scholars depending on their various standpoints of what this
approach to the larger issue of cultural diversity really is (Knowles, 2010,
p.2). Despite being greatly visible and relatively credible, interculturalism
is largely aligned to a number of issues mostly political and sociological;
though others may be philosophical and aesthetic in nature (Chin, 1989,
p.163). As a philosophical and aesthetic issue, interculturalism seems to
be continuing the agenda set forth by other approaches to diversity such
as postmodernity, pluralism and marginalism. In the continuity of the
postmodernism agenda, interculturalism has been a rubric to cultural
inclusiveness (Chin, 1989, p.166). Therefore, interculturalism according
to Chin (1989) is ―simply a way of joining disparate cultural artefacts
together has a hidden agenda of imperialism‖ (p.167). Sure enough, as
per the argument of Chin (1989), the line of difference can never be told
when interculturalism expresses postmodernity in information overload
and when it is used just as a mere statement expressing the ability to buy
and sell from different cultures (Chin, 1989, p.167). Therefore,
interculturalism is exposed to ambiguity for the failure to categorically
distinguish the selfish approach of fronting the selling and buying of one
culture from the noble idea of embracing cultural diversity. According to
Bennett (1993), ―Intercultural competence refers to the knowledge and
skills that enable people to make increasingly more complex perceptual
distinctions about their experience with cultural differences and to behave
and interact appropriately with others from backgrounds different from
one‘s own.‖ It requires more than just knowledge to be able to
distinctively acknowledge other people‘s cultural practices without
discriminating against them and thus committing prejudice against them.
It is therefore fundamental that one acquires intercultural skills. As
Crushner (2015) puts it, intercultural skills are necessary for creating a
good rapport between a teacher and his/her students. It needs to be
considered that students, as young people, will be very much in need of a
wide array of background knowledge and experiences from different
cultures. This is especially so because they will be expected to use the
different cultural experiences to solve global problems that they might be
confronted with in the future (Crushner, 2015). Moreover,
interculturalism incorporates a wider range of cultural diversity. It is
therefore fundamentally important to address the local and global
concerns and concepts pertaining to the coexistence of multiple cultures
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
The study was completed by using quantitative research approaches, the
data were collected from high school students‘ questionnaire and tests.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Research questions
Research hypothesis
Book of Proceedings
In this research, the participants were high school students from
Kosova towns Ferizaj, Firaja, Shterpce, Kamenica, Gjilani, Shillove,
Prizren and Peja.
Questionnaire Part 1 was used in order to gather information about
students‘ age, gender as well as preferences toward various aspects of
life. There were 10 questions, the students wrote answers according to
their opinion and beliefs.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
As it can be seen in the table T1, Albanian students were on the stage
presented below
Grade 10 stage of ACCEPTANCE (20.97)
Grade 11 stage of ACCEPTANCE (21.10)
Grade 12 stage of ACCEPTANCE (20.69)
Furthermore, in the table T2, it can be seen that Serb students were on the
stage presented below
1st Year stage of MINIMIZING (16.72)
2nd Year stage of DEFENSE (15.96)
3rd Year stage of DEFENSE (15.27)
4th Year stage of MINIMIZING (17.45)
Book of Proceedings
Test results
From the answers of the Questionnaire Part One, it can be understood that
students of both ethnicities prefer various professions that mirror their
individuality, but there were also mutual professions preferred by the
majority of students in the fields of education, in health care and
construction. These answers were understandable if we take into
consideration the socioeconomic situation in Kosova. These 3
professions, teachers, doctors and architects have very good salaries and
were respected from other community members. The majority of Serbs
showed uncertainty towards their future in Kosova society as the majority
of participants answered that they want to continue studying but failed to
specify in what faculty or what profession. It seemed they were not
certain about their plans for the future since they did not see what
opportunities Kosova can offer them. This fact can be used to design
English language classes which will cover many interesting professions
which are needed for developing Kosova‘s economy, but are also made
attractive for students. The mutual hobbies they practice as listening to
music, playing football, drawing, and reading can be used to design
similar discussion, topics but also presenting other possible hobbies
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
applicable in their homes and made quite attractive for students taking in
consideration the economic situation of most families. Music the students
listen to was from their own ethnic group or translated in their own
language. This fact can be used in lessons as presentation of their own
music to other ethnic groups. Students‘ favourite sports were the same as
football, volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming. The English language
lessons can cover biographies of famous athletes from the disciplines,
description of game rules and their variation according to different
ethnicities. As a travel destination, the vast majority of students chose
developed, wealthy places with a multinational atmosphere. This fact can
be used in lessons for comparative purposes with Kosovo‘s society. The
students‘ respective attitudes toward contemporary Kosova showed that
they are not satisfied and that they feel the need for change in its
education system, human rights, economy. Serb students answered that
they would like Kosova to join Serbia. These facts can be used in lessons
as tasks which the students would accomplish in groups creating
programs which can help changing defects in education system, health
system, laws, and also to give opportunity to Serb students, to design a
plan which will advance Kosova so that there would not be need for the
country to join any other political territory. The majority of students
would like to live in the past, which indicates their hesitation and
uncertainty towards the future. By improving living conditions and
enforcing the legal system in order to provide citizens with comfort and
safety, the students would be more certain and open toward a better
future. These facts will be used in English language lessons so that they
will be asked, from a point in the past, to imagine how they would like
the present and future to be. How would they create historical events and
new history of Kosova? Based on the answers, preferences for TV
programs were mixed with TV channels that did not give accurate
statistic data. However, the answers actually gave clear information that
students of all ethnicities watched mostly TV programs and TV channels
of their own ethnic groups or they were translated in their own respective
languages. Concerning the use of different social networks, Kosova
students from both ethnicities use the same, so actual information from
these networks can be used in lessons by creating discussions about
contemporary information from these networks.
Answers from Questionnaire Part 2 gave clear picture of intercultural
sensitivity of the students. From the findings, it can be seen that Albanian
(39%) students from 11th grade speak more than 2 foreign languages as
well as Albanian (52%) students from 12th grade. Albanian 10th grade
Book of Proceedings
(38%) and as Serb 4th year students (60%) speak one foreign language, in
particular English, while other students speak only their language. The
majority of Albanian (72%) and Serb (92%) students would live among
their ethnic groups. Both ethnicities, except Serb 2nd (92%) year students,
would work together with other ethnicities. While most Albanian (42%)
students would have diner in another ethnicity‘s restaurants, most Serb
(54%) students prefer restaurants of their own ethnic groups. Even if they
knew the language of others, Serb 2nd (42%) and 3rd (63%) year students
would not greet others with that language, other students would greet
other with their language, and the results show that all students were
more open if they would work together. The majority of Serb students
(77%) from all school years would not attend the school with the other
ethnic groups. Students from other ethnic groups, on the other hand,
would not mind. Also, the majority of students claim there are no cultural
features of their ethnic groups in current textbooks. Only Serb (64%)
students were not interested in learning from textbooks where cultural
features of other communities residing in Kosova are included. The
majority of students refuse the idea that English language becomes an
official language in Kosova. Answers of Albanian students showed that
they were in the stage of ―acceptance‖ in all three grades. They were
aware of cultural differences but they accepted them and were of the
opinion that no culture was better or worse than the other and they were
aware that there were other systems of values and beliefs which should be
respected by other ethnicities. Answers of Serb students showed that
students of the first and fourth year are in the stages of ―minimizing of
differences‖. The students from the second and third year were in the
stage of ―defence‖. They are aware of cultural differences, but they
consider them as a threat to their identity so that they fight against them.
Furthermore, they emphasize and exaggerate the positive characteristics
of their own culture; they also believe that their culture should be a model
for the rest of the world.
The test results showed that English language proficiency from all grades
and all schools was average; most students were assessed with 2 and 3.
From the test results it can be concluded that although a great number of
students (76.4%) passed the tests, the average grade was quite low for
both ethnicities and all school years. Taking this fact into consideration,
the additional ESL textbooks should be designed by using language one
grade lower than current ESL textbooks in order to fit to the English
language proficiency of the majority of students. On the other hand, they
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Information from this study to be used in Kosova and Serbian Curricula
in order to fill communication gap between the ethnicities that live in
Kosova. The Serbian and Kosova ministries of education should create a
joint group of English language teachers, psychologists and sociologists
from Serb and Albanian communities who will design the new English
Language Textbooks that contain many features of cultures of ethnicities
that live in Kosova, in order to increase their intercultural level.
Additional ESL textbooks can be designed using the facts from this
study. Since the school year contains 9 months and Improving English,
English Language for 1st year, English Language for the 3rd and 4th year
contained 9 units; ESL textbooks should contain 9 Units. The average
number of reading and listening tasks per unit should be around 6. The
category of the culture should be source culture, but texts should be
written in EL. Type of the culture and themes should be justified to
current types of the culture and themes, but with elements of source
cultures. Moreover, the joint themes should be matters of discussion, but
other themes presented in only one of the EL textbooks should be used
for presentation. In addition, at the end of the Unit a quiz or questionnaire
should be presented, which would stimulate students to learn about
source cultures presented in that unit.
Book of Proceedings
Abdalah-Pretceille, M. (2006). Interculturalism as a paradigm for
thinking about diversity. Intercultural Education, Vol. 17 No.5,
Bennett, M.J. 1993. Towards ethnorelativism A developmental model of
intercultural sensitivity (revised). In R. M. Paige (Ed.), Education
for the Intercultural Experience. Intercultural Press. Yarmouth,
Byram, M. (2008). From foreign language education to education for
intercultural citizenship. Cromwell Press, Great Britain
Chin, D. (1989). Interculturalism, postmodernism, pluralism. Performing
Arts Journal. Vol.11, no. 3. DOI 10.2307/3245434. Retrieved from
https //
Crushner, K. (2015). Comments on Developing Intercultural Sensitivity
and Competence through Overseas Student Teaching. Kent State
University. Retrieved from https
Fantini, A. E. (2010). Exploring multicultural competence defining,
developing, and monitoring. SIT Graduate Institute, Brattleboro,
VT. Retrivied from
Fantini, A., E. (2012). Multiple strategies for assessing intercultural
communicative competence. In J. Jackson (Ed.). Handbook of
language and intercultural communication. 390-405. Taylor &
Francis New York, NY
Gagnon Jr. V. P. (1999) The myth of ethnic war Serbia and Croatia in the
1990s. Ithaca Cornell University Press.
Kastrati, A. (2016). The role of education for identity formation among
Albanians and Serbs of Kosovo the application of the difference-
blinded approach for establishing citizenship regime in a multi-
cultural society. European Journal of Social Sciences Education
and Research. Vol.6, 1, p 150-152.
Kavazovic, H., (2012). Interkulturalno obrazovanje kao imperative za
razvoj interkulturalnih kompetencija i interkulturalne osjetljivosti. 2012 4. Retrieved from
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Introduction and aim most of the ESL and EFL learners find it
difficult to understand the grammatical forms and to apply them in
their day to day interaction. Similarly, teaching the adjectives can
be challenging from the beginning because students can easily get
confused about the differences between the –ED and –ING
endings. This confusion often results in humorous mistakes such as
―I am exciting.‖ or ―The movie was excited.‖ The reason for the
difficulty in forming the –ed and –ing adjectives could be
attributed to the learners‘ lack of understanding of the forms of
English verb. Research methodology judging by the experience we
can assume that problems are mainly caused by the lack of
substantial knowledge of lexical and grammatical structures and
aspects of the target language. To reach the aims of our research
we use the methods of hypothesis, as well as the methods of
description and generalization. The errors have been gathered from
a corpus of written tests produced by students studying English as
a foreign language at the English Department, Faculty of Foreign
Languages, and ―AAB University ―in Prishtina. Clear
understanding of the problem enables us to speak about the
differences between acquisition and learning and makes it possible
to investigate their interrelationship as well as the implications for
the teaching of languages. The findings revealed that most of the
students faced some problems in their English as a Foreign
Language class regarding perception and formation of –ed and -ing
adjective sentences.
Book of Proceedings
Second language acquisition can be viewed as the acquisition of a
complex skill. This means that in the process of acquisition the target
language code should be learned consciously and systematically learners
become familiar with explicit L2 grammar rules, which they are supposed
to use in spontaneous communication.1
Concerning learning of English as a second language, there are many
grammatical forms that lead to difficulties on learning this language. The
inflections –ed, -ing, -es/s, forms of verbs used as nouns, forms of verbs
used as adjectives, identical forms with different uses, etc. contribute to
the difficulties that make students produce humorous structures.
Therefore, this paper aims to report some of the problems in acquiring
and producing the –ed and –ing adjectives, respectively the present and
past participles by second language learners.
A better understanding of participles will enable students to differentiate
between verbal that act as adjectives, to understand regular and irregular
verbs and tenses.
DeKeyser, R. M. (1998). Beyond focus on form: Cognitive perspectives on
learning and practicing second language grammar. In Doughty C. J. and J.
Williams (eds.), Focus on Form in Classroom Second Language Acquisition.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cliff N. The fastest way to learn http/ are –
participle-id (2003)
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Both present and past participles are used with the verbs to be and to have
to create common verb tenses, but they can also be used as adjectives.
Since there is a slight difference in meaning between the present and the
past participles when they are used as adjectives, it is very important to
choose the appropriate form.
Present participles are formed by adding –ing to the verb stem. As an
adjective, a present participle modifies a noun that affects someone or
something else.
The new song is interesting.
The new song was interesting.
The –ing form is called the present participle which can also be called
variously the active participle, imperfect participle, or progressive
participle. In present-day English, gerund and present participle are
derived from one and the same linguistic form---the -ing. In principle,
there is nothing surprising about this form being able to perform the same
grammatical functions as a noun or an adjective in some of its uses, nor is
it surprising that it should be able to perform other functions as well.3
According to John M. Lawler4, the form of -ing is used in the following
English constructions
1. as the next verb form after the ―be of the continuous or
progressive aspect.
2. In adjectival clauses modifying noun phrases, which is equivalent
to relative clause constructions.
3. As the head of an adverbial clause, often introduced by a
subordinating conjunction, and usually without a subject; it can
take have to indicate it happened in the past.
4. as the main verb in a gerund complement, i.e, a subordinate noun
clause functioning as subject, direct object or predicative of a
higher clause. The complement clause is a noun phrase, but the
gerund itself is a verb phrase. In other words, the gerund form is a
real (though non-finite) verb, and it can take a subject (in the
possessive case) and an object (in the objective), and can be
modified by adverbs, etc.
Duffley, P. J. (2006).The English Gerund-Participle: A Comparison with the
Infinitive. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
John M. Lawler/ (accessed
Book of Proceedings
The other variety of English participles is called the past participle which
does not have a consistent ending, and it is usually identical to the regular
past tense form of the verb which ends in -ed, and the past participles of
irregular verbs, however, vary considerably. The past participle is used in
forming the perfective aspect and the passive voice. It can also be called
variously the passive participle or perfect participle.
The past participle which can be used in both active and passive voices is
often used in the following English constructions
1. Forming the perfect tense.
2. Forming the passive voice.
3. Modifying a noun, with active sense The fallen leaves.
4. Modifying a noun, with passive sense The injured worker.
5. Modifying a verb or sentence, with passive sense Given more
time, we could have done it better.
Participles generally come before the noun they modify. They may
also be linked to the subject of the sentence by a linking verb such as
to be or to feel.
The park is a frightening place at night.
Steve felt frightened as he walked alone in the park at night.
Dangling Participles
The term participle is generally restricted to non-finite forms of a verb
other than the infinitive; in English, it is often classified into present and
past forms, or into -ing and -ed forms.
Participles or participial clauses may always appear at the beginning or
the end of a sentence, and a participial clause is usually attached to its
subject, as in ―Absorbed in computer games (participial clause), Tony
(subject) did not notice my arriving (object). However, when the
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
participial clause attaches itself to a word other than the one intended, or
with no particular word at all, the clause is seemingly hanging on nothing
or on an entirely inappropriate noun, and dangles in mid-air, attaching to
a no named person or thing. It thus becomes a dangling participle, which
is an error in sentence structure. E.g. ―Absorbed in computer games, the
computer crashed. In the sentence, the past participle ―absorbed has not
its own subject, and the participial phrase ―absorbed in computer games
seems to connect to ―the computer. Actually, the computer is not itself
absorbed in computer games. Upon reflection, there is another
unmentioned subject, a person who was playing the computer games, to
which the participle really should connect. Grammarians say that such a
sentence contains a dangling participle.5
Research Methodology
a) Research Questions
Crystal, D. (1992). International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Book of Proceedings
b) Participants
The instrument used in this research was the students‘ evaluation as the
result of a test conducted after a series of lectures on the English Present
and Past Participles. The data in this study were analyzed to find out the
errors and perception of the students in forming the Participles. Participle
test, which was designed to test the essential use of –ed and –ing
adjectives in particular and English participles in general, consisted of
three parts choice test, sentence rearrangement and blank filling. All the
English participles in general and –ed and –ing adjectives in particular
were involved.
In order to guarantee the validity of the test, all words used in the
participle test are from high school vocabulary list, and there was no
difficulty for all the participants in terms of vocabulary in the test.
Therefore, the students could not be distracted by the words they do not
know and could therefore focus their attention on the participle test items.
All the participants were required to finish the participle test in 50
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
The findings revealed that the students made 97 errors out of 540
responses they provided across English Participles position and order.
The findings reported in this study revealed that despite learning English
as a second language for ten years, students still show deficiencies in
using English Participles. In the process of repositioning or reordering the
–ed and –ing adjectives, the students face difficulties in knowing their
correct order, especially when there are more than one –ing forms in the
sentence. Some of the respondents do not apply English Participles rules
in repositioning or reordering them.
Through the analysis of the data collected, a conclusion can be drawn that
the English participle, as a unique English grammatical item, is a difficult
grammatical item for the students to acquire. The four main types of
errors committed by the students include (1) overlooking the logical
subject of participles, (2) failure in the correct implementation of –ed and
–ing adjectives, (3) wrong use of absolute construction, and (4) wrong
use of gerunds.
With the aid of a test, it is discovered that for this study‘s participants,
English proficiency does not seem to be a determining factor concerning
the correct use of the –ed and –ing adjectives. This is revealed due to the
fact that a considerable number of students have a good mastery of –ed
and –ing adjectives and of Participles in general.
The results show that the correct rate of using present participles is the
highest, and this implies that the participants mistake the –ed and –ing
adjectives for present progressive and past tense aspects, and have some
trouble in discriminating the usage of –ed and –ing adjectives from that
of the gerund.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
These findings are in line with what Broughton et al. claim when citing
the following6, ‗‘However good the teaching and however effective the
learning, there will always be a place for remedial work of one kind or
another because it is beyond the capacity of human being to absorb
perfectly and retain indefinitely everything he is presented with. Hence,
from one point of view, every learner needs remedial teaching after the
first teaching‘‘ (page number)
Therefore, a proposal is put forward that the English teachers should
encourage more frequent and practical use of participles by means of
writing and speaking as well as exercises on specific rules of the
Broughton et al (1980) Broughton et al (1980) G. Broughton, C. Brumfit,
R. Flavell, P. Hill, A. PincasTeaching English as a foreign
language. Rutledge, London (1980).
308 19 Dec 2014
Cliff N. The fastest way to learn http/ are –
participle-id (2003)
Duffley, P. J. (2006). The English Gerund-Participle A Comparison with
the Infinitive. New York Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
DeKeyser, R. M. (1998). Beyond focus on form Cognitive perspectives
on learning and practicing second language grammar. In Doughty
C. J. and J. Williams (eds.), Focus on Form in Classroom Second
Language Acquisition. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
John M. Lawler/ http // (accessed
Crystal, D. (1992). International Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Oxford
Oxford University Press.
Martin Arndt/Karl Sassenberg, Australia and New Zealand ‐ Down
Under On Top, Viewfinder Topics (München Langenscheidt,
2011), pp. 44f.
Broughton et al (1980) G. Broughton, C. Brumfit, R. Flavell, P. Hill, A.
PincasTeaching English as a foreign language. Rutledge, London (1980)., 19 Dec
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Nuk është e lehtë të përcaktohet çfarë duhet të nxënë fëmijët, çfarë
do të nxënë të gjithë ata dhe çfarë mund të nxënë disa prej tyre,
varësisht interesave dhe rrethanave. Sikundër është e vështirë
përpjekja për të harmonizuar traditën tonë pedagogjike dhe nevojat
e sistemit arsimor me risinë e zhvillimit bashkëkohor: kurrikulën
që bazohet në kompetenca. Sidoqoftë, duhet zgjedhur çfarë është
më e rëndësishme për zhvillimin e fëmijëve, për të ardhmen dhe
mirëqenien e shoqërisë, duke pranuar se në botë që ndryshon
shpejt, zgjedhja e përmbajtjeve dhe mënyra e ndërtimit të procesit
të nxënies janë sfida që duhet përballuar. Hulumtimi synon të
hedhë dritë mbi problematikat, nevojat dhe vështirësitë e
mësimdhënësve të gjuhës shqipe në zbatimin e kërkesave të
Kurrikulës së re të Kosovës. Në rrafshin teorik, do të analizohet
Kurrikula së re e Kosovës, e cila përqendrimin e ka në zhvillimin e
kompetencave te nxënësit e jo në përmbajtje, ndërsa në rrafshin
praktik, hulumtimi empirik do të realizohet përmes diskutimit në 4
grupe fokusi me mësimdhënës, udhëheqës të shkollave dhe prindër,
gjithsej 28 pjesëmarrës, si dhe 3 intervista gjysmë të strukturuara të
realizuara me hartuesen e planeve dhe programeve mësimore të
gjuhës shqipe, autorin e teksteve shkollore të gjuhës shqipe dhe
koordinatorin për zbatim të kurrikulës së re. Rezultatet nga
hulumtimi tregojnë se mësimdhënësit hasin në vështirësi të shumta
në implementimin e Kurrikulës së re, vështirësi në hartimin e
planeve dhe programeve mësimore, tekstet shkollore të gjuhës
shqipe që përmbajnë materie të tepërta dhe gabime të ndryshme,
infrastrukturë dhe kushte jo të duhura mësimi dhe në anën tjetër
mësimdhënës të interesuar për ngritje të vazhdueshme profesionale
dhe vlerësim të performancës së tyre.
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Tabela nr. 1
Tabela nr. 2
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Arsimimi, të nxënit dhe mësimdhënia ndodhin në mjedise të ndryshme
dhe pjesa dërmuese e shoqërive e kanë të qartë se arsimimi është shumë i
rëndësishëm. Shkollat hapen për të dhënë një lloj përvoje arsimore, mbi
bazën e synimeve apo qëllimeve të qarta dhe një plani të caktuar, i cili
quhet program. Mësuesit përgatiten dhe punësohen nga shoqëria për të
ndihmuar në realizimin e qëllimeve, objektivave dhe rezultateve që presin
në përfundim nga zbatimi i programit. Për të vendosur një bazë të
qëndrueshme të zbatimit të Kornizës së Kurrikulës duhet: të hartohen
Book of Proceedings
Të hartohen tekste shkollore të cilat i përmbushin kërkesat e
Kurrikulës së re të Kosovës.
Planet dhe programet për çdo lëndë mund të ofrohen edhe nga
shtëpitë botuese, nga të cilat sigurohen tekstet shkollore.
Të ofrohen tekste alternative dhe të vendosin mësimdhënësit për
përzgjedhjen e tyre.
Të bëhet vlerësimi i performancës së mësimdhënësve, sepse
ndikon në përmirësimin e cilësisë së mësimdhënësies dhe të
nxënësit nga ana e nxënësve.
Trajnimet duhet të jenë të vazhdueshëm për nevojat e
Të bëhet harmonizimi i programeve të studimit të Fakultetit të
Edukimit, Fakultetit Filologjik dhe Fakultetit të Shkencave
Sociale me dokumentet e dala nga MASHT-i, me kërkesat e
kurrikulës së re, në mënyrë që studentët - mësimdhënësit e
ardhshëm të kenë njohuri të mjaftuar për zbatimin e tyre në
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Devetaku-Gojani, H. (qershor 2010). Tekstet shkollore të gjuhës shqipe
në funksion të përmbushjes së rezultateve të pritura; Mësuesi, nr. 4
(2550). Marrë nga: +2010
Karameta, P. (2014). Arsimi i gjeneratës tjetër. Tiranë: SARA
MASHT (2011). Korniza e Kurrikulës e Arsimit Parauniversitar të
Republikës së Kosovës. Prishtinë.
MASHT (2012). Kurrikula Bërthamë për klasën parafillore dhe arsimin
fillor (klasa parafillore, I-V). Prishtinë.
MASHT (2012). Kurrikula Bërthamë për arsimin e mesëm të ulët (klasa
VI-IX). Prishtinë.
MASHT (2012), Udhëzues për përmirësimi e praktikave në klasë.
Mialaret, G. (1995). Pedagogjia e përgjithshme. Tiranë: Faik Konica.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Iva Pendavinji
University Fan. S. Noli – Korçë
Informimi mbi legjislacionin, të drejtat dhe liritë themelore të
njeriut eshtë detyrim ligjor për organet shtetërore që kanë si
funksion edhe edukimin qytetar në një shoqëri demokratike.
Edukimi ligjor përfshin të gjithë studentet dhe jo vetëm ata
tëdrejtësisë, sepse mos zbatimi i ligjeve për shkak të padijenisë së
hyrjes së tyre në fuqi, nuk përjashton askënd nga përgjegjësia.
Njohuritë e kufizuara mbi ligjin apo mungesa e njohurive
vështirësojnë procesin e të kuptuarit të vetë të drejtave dhe mjeteve
ligjore ne dispozicion për mbrojtjen e tyre. Edukimi me frymen e
respektimit të ligjeve, përbën një nga aspektet më të rëndësishme të
shtetit të së drejtës. Pikërisht, edukimi ligjor i studentëve synon
rritjen e ndërgjegjes juridike, kultivon bindjen ndaj parimeve
themelore të shtetit të së drejtës dhe respektimin e ligjit. Ky punim
synon të paraqesë një panoramw të koncepteve bazë të edukimit
ligjor të studentëve, problematikat që rrjedhin nga mospajisja me
kulturën juridike në mënyrë që të aftësohen për adresimin e
çështjeve që lidhen me mbrojtjen e të drejtave të tyre. Nëpërmjet
shqyrtimit të problematikave përkatëse që lindin, do të paraqesim
disa rekomandime modeste, për të mundësuar ofrimin e edukimit
ligjor si një kurrikul jo vetëm në universitete por edhe në arsimin
Sundimi i së drejtës në një shoqëri demokratike jo vetëm siguron
mbrojtjen e të drejtave të njeriut, por frenon organet shtetërore të
veprojnë në mënyrë arbitrare.
Edukimi ligjor i publikut është tepër i rëndësishëm për zgjerimin e
njohurive ligjore dhe njohjen e të drejtave dhe detyrimeve që kanë
qytetarët mbi ligjin. Për rrjedhojë, njohuritë dhe informacioni lidhur me
Book of Proceedings
Metodologjia e punimit
Metodologjia e përdorur është në përputhje me qëllimin e studimit, duke
pasur parasysh mundësinë e mbledhjes së informacionit në terren, kohën
e zhvillimit të punimit dhe treguesit e dëshiruar. Në këtë punim jemi
mbështetur te kjo metodologji:
Qëllimi i këtij punimi është evidentimi i rëndësisë së edukimit ligjor për
studentët e të gjitha profileve, problematikat që lindin nga niveli i ulët i
njohurive juridike duke i ndërgjegjësuar të zbatojnë ligjin.
Zgjedhja e temës: Për të zgjedhur këtë temë jemi nisur nga interesi që ajo
ka për studentët e të gjitha profileve, si pjesëtarë të një shoqërie
demokratike, të cilët duhet të pajisen me njohuri bazë nga fusha e së
drejtës. Gjithashtu, zgjedhja e kësaj teme është bërë duke marrë parasysh
studimet e mëparshme që janë bërë nga studiuesit e kësaj fushe, shqiptarë
apo të huaj, interpretime të akteve kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare,
përgjithësisht raporte të hartuara nga organizata kombëtare dhe
ndërkombëtare, studime të cilat përmbajnë shumë aspekte të dobishme
për analizën e këtij punimi. Po ashtu, kam shfrytëzuar edhe ekzistencën e
burimeve te informacioneve, të disponueshme dhe të përdorshme.
Formulimi i problemit të kërkimit. Nga vëzhgimi i fenomenit në terren
konstatohet një nivel i ulët i njohurive bazë juridike të studentëve. Ky ka
qenë shqetesimi apo preokupimi im si studiuese ku shohim një hapje
midis një situate reale të papranueshme me mjaft mangësi dhe një situate
tjetër të dëshiruar ku edukimi ligjor i studentëve do t‘i ndërgjegjësojë ata
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
1 ―Edukimi ligjor dhe edukimi për të drejtat e njeriut në arsimin bazë dhe atë të
mesëm‖, Astrit Dautaj, Instituti per Zhvillimin e Arsimit.
Book of Proceedings
Projekt Strategjia për Edukimin Ligjor të Publikut 2018-2022, Tiranë, Dhjetor
Aurela Anastasi, Luan Omari, E drejta Kushtetuese, Tiranë 2010.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Konventa e OKB-se për të Drejtat e Fëmijës është ratifikuar ne 27 shkurt te vitit
1992 nga Parlamenti shqiptar.
Miratuar nga Asambleja e Përgjithshme e Organizatës së Kombeve të
Bashkuara, në 10 Dhjetor 1948.
Projekt Strategjia për Edukimin Ligjor të Publikut 2018-2022, Tiranë, Dhjetor
Neni 81, Kushtetuta e Republikës së Shqipërisë.
Book of Proceedings
Sundimi i ligjit është themeli i një shoqërie demokratike, sepse mbështet
fillimin e progresit të saj. Përvetësimi i njohurive mbi ligjin, i rolit të tij
në shoqëri, u ofrojnë studentëve një mori aftësish për orientimin në
zgjidhjen e problemeve që mund të hasen në jetën e përditshme. Një
shoqëri demokratike e konsoliduar mund të promovohet lehtësisht duke
edukuar qytetarët të respektojnë të drejtat dhe liritë themelore të njeriut,
dinjitetin njerëzor dhe parandalimin e çdo forme dhune.
Të drejtat e njeriut u përkasin si individëve, ashtu edhe shoqërisë në
tërësi, prandaj përgjegjësia për të respektuar, për të mbrojtur dhe për të
promovuar të drejtat e njeriut është sa individuale, aq edhe kolektive.
Preambula e DUDNJ-së, për shembull, bën thirrje jo vetëm për qeveritë
për të promovuar të drejtat e njeriut, por edhe për "çdo individ dhe çdo
organ të shoqërisë". Edukimi për të drejtat e njeriut siguron njohuritë dhe
ndërgjegjësimin e nevojshëm për të përmbushur këtë përgjegjësi.9
Deans Steering Committee of the Association of American Law Schools.
Statement on the Value of a Legal Education.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Njohja e ligjit dhe e të drejtave mund t'i pajisë studentët me aftësi për të
menaxhuar më mirë problemet e tyre. Publikimi i legjislacionit, duke
prezumuar dijeninë e ekzistencës së ligjit, është praktikë që duhet
ndryshuar. Mekanizmat shtetërore duhet të fokusohen në metoda të tjera
të edukimit ligjor jo vetëm të studentëve, por të gjithë shoqërisë. Për këtë
arsye, duhet të ndërmerren iniciativa konkrete për ofrimin e njohurive
ligjore. Për ofrimin e edukimit ligjor të studentëve është e nevojshme dhe
përgatitja e stafit pedagogjik me nivelin e domosdoshëm të njohurive
juridike përmes përfshirjes së lëndëve të detyrueshme të edukimit ligjor,
si e drejta penale, administrative, fiskale, civile dhe familjare, në
kurrikulat universitare të programeve të mësuesisë, si edhe përmes
programeve të trajnimit vazhdues.10
Njohja me alternativat e zgjidhjes së konflikteve, larg vetëgjyqësisë dhe
hakmarrjes, me qëllim parandalimin e kriminalitetit dhe të sjelljeve të
Projekt Strategjia për Edukimin Ligjor të Publikut 2018-2022, Tiranë, Dhjetor
Book of Proceedings
Marrëveshjet ndërkombëtare të ratifikuara nga parlamenti shqiptar.
Konventa Europiane për të Drejtat e Njeriut
Konventa e OKB-se për të Drejtat e Fëmijës është ratifikuar më 27 shkurt
të vitit 1992 nga Parlamenti shqiptar.
Pakti i OKB-së për të Drejtat Civile dhe Politike, ratifikuar me ligjin nr.
7510 datë 8.8.1991.
Astrit Dautaj, Adnor Shameti, Edukimi Ligjor, Manual për mësuesit e
shkollave të mësme, Tiranë 2003.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Aurela Anastasi, Luan Omari, E drejta Kushtetuese, Tiranë, 2010.
Astrit Dautaj, Adnor Shameti, Edukimi Ligjor, Manual për mësuesit e
shkollave të mesme, Tiranë, 2003.
Astrit Dautaj, Edukimi ligjor dhe edukimi për të drejtat e njeriut në
arsimin bazë dhe atë të mesëm, Instituti per Zhvillimin e Arsimit.
Të tjera
Projekt Strategjia për Edukimin Ligjor të Publikut 2018-2022, Tiranë,
Dhjetor 2017.
Deans Steering Committee of the Association of American Law Schools
.Statement on the Value of a Legal Education.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Lela Ivanovska
Senior lecturer, Faculty of Information and Communication
Language learners are often faced with difficulties when they listen
to the target language. Research has shown that these difficulties
include how fast a person is speaking, phonological features and
background knowledge. Listening difficulties are also related to the
levels of cognitive demands made by the content of the texts.
Although listening has been taught in many language programmes,
experts still believe that much research needs to be done to enable
a more effective classroom teaching of the skill. With the rapid
development of computer and media aided methodology, more
experts are beginning to view listening as an important language
skill to be developed. This has resulted in increasingly more
research on listening skills and its processes. There are new
approaches to teaching listening in the field of cognitive
psychology. One of them is the metacognitive approach which
aims to train learners to apply effective strategies to cope with the
demands of listening. This paper investigates the effects of
metacognitive strategy training on lecture listening comprehension
abilities of undergraduate students.
Book of Proceedings
Unfortunately, most often, it is supposed that listening comprehension is
a passive activity, but contrarily, it is an "active process" because the
listeners must recognize the differences among sounds, understand
vocabularies and the grammatical structures, get the meaning of language
input and other prosodic proof from the text, and they must save the
information gathered long enough in their mind to interpret the context in
which the communication takes place. Shortly, listening is a complicated
activity and difficult to understand, and thus requires a lot of mental
exertion (Holden, 2004, p. 257). A mixed number of skills compose
listening comprehension, and all of these skills according to Holden
(2004) "play an important role in the process of language acquisition and
the development of related language skills". So, having knowledge and
the use of effective strategies in listening comprehension can help
learners understand most of the language input, which they listen to.
Listening comprehension is important for language learning in general
and FL learning in particular because it allows learners to internalize
language items through exposure to the target language (Brown, 2001).
Scholars agree that effective language learning cannot occur without
receiving sufficient language input (Krashen, 1985; Peterson, 2001). The
metacognitive strategies refer to the actions that learners use consciously
while listening to a spoken text attentively. Metacognitive strategies deal
with knowing about learning. It means that learners learn how to learn
with metacognitive strategies. With the help of this language learning
strategy, learners are involved in thinking about the process of learning
while they are planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own learning,
exactly like pre tasks activities (Holden, 2004).
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Research methodology
The present study employs a descriptive research method. Data were
obtained from listening tests and a questionnaire. The participants in this
study are first year students from the Faculty of Information and
Communication Technologies, Bitola, Macedonia.
To establish whether the students had benefitted significantly from the 3-
week metacognitive lecture listening strategy instruction they were asked
to listen to 7 listening texts about technology. The programme included
examples and demonstrations so that students would view the strategy in
action. Each lesson consisted of three stages: pre-, while and post-
listening including different techniques which help students to reflect on
what they had done, how they did it and how well they did. The pre-
listening activities included revision and planning for an activity. During
the ―while‖ stage, students did activities aimed at practicing the strategies
and developing listening skills. Each lesson consisted of audio exercises.
Finally, at the post-listening stage, the students had further practice to
extend and review language, or to produce an outcome such as a
completed worksheet during the post listening stage. To increase
students‘ awareness of strategies used at each stage, prompting, and
questioning techniques and strategies were consistently employed by the
instructor. After three weeks of attending
lectures in English at the Faculty of Information and Communication
Technologies, the students were asked to answer a questionnaire on
metacognitive listening strategies. The Metacognitive Awareness
Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) was adapted from Vandergrift et al.
(2006). The MALQ has been used as a tool to raised students‘ awareness
of listening processes and to increase self-regulated use of comprehension
strategies. The questionnaire items were related to five metacognitive
factors that are related to listening strategies: the subjects‘ personal
knowledge on listening, planning-evaluation metacognitive strategies,
mental translation strategies, directed attention and problem-solving
strategies. Each item is rated on a six-point Likert scale rating from 1
(strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree) without a neutral point so that
students could not hedge.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Table 1 below describes the findings on the subjects‘ personal
knowledge. The findings reveal that close to 47% of the respondents
found listening as the most difficult language skill compared to reading,
writing and speaking. A majority of the students (61%) also viewed
listening as challenging.
Item Percentage
I find that listening to English is more difficult than 45
reading, speaking, or writing in English.
Item Percentage
Before I start to listen to a lecture, I have a plan 53
in my head on how I am going to listen.
Book of Proceedings
The analysis shows that only 53% of the students plan ahead on how they
are going to listen to a lecture which means that they are not aware of the
importance of preparing for a lecture. The above findings corroborated
with the next finding that only a minority of the students (31%) said that
they thought of similar texts before a lecture while (60%) of the students
agreed that they had a goal in mind while listening to a lecture.
Meanwhile, (57%) of the students claimed that after listening to a lecture,
they reflected on how they had listened, and how they might do
differently next time. However, only 42% of the students said that they
periodically ask themselves if they were satisfied with their level of
comprehension throughout the lecture.
The reason why students did not reflect or check their comprehension
could be due to the fact that students were unaware of this strategy.
Item Percentage
I translate word by word, as I listen to a lecture. 47
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Directed attention
Directed attention is an essential strategy to enable students‘
comprehension especially in long lectures. Analysis of the questionnaire
demonstrates that the students were able to utilize this strategy. Results of
directed attention strategies used by the students are described in Table 4
Item Percentage
Problem-solving Strategies
Problem solving as a method of enquiry is an important approach to find
solutions to a problem. Analysis of the questionnaire reveals that the
students frequently used problem-solving strategies in overcoming
Book of Proceedings
Item Percentage
I use words I understand to guess the meaning 82
of the words I do not understand.
The table above shows that the most used problem-solving strategy is
using words that the subjects know to guess the meaning of unknown
words (82%). This strategy is also the most used of all the items listed in
the questionnaire. Another problem-solving strategy that the students
utilized was to depend on their previous experience and knowledge to
help them understand a lecture (81%) as well as using the general idea of
the text to help them infer the meaning of words that they did not
understand (77%).
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
present study revealed that students regularly employ the problem solving
strategy (73.3%) first; then they use the directed attention strategy
(56.3%), the mental translation strategy (54%), personal knowledge
(53%), and rarely utilize planning – evaluation strategies (48.6). The
results also revealed that students who more frequently used
metacognitive listening strategies when listening to lectures in English
scored higher in the listening test. Therefore, the frequent use of
metacognitive listening strategies leads to better performance in general
and in listening skills in particular. It follows that students could benefit
from instructions in listening strategies and they should be more familiar
with different strategies and to know which one is more useful in
listening comprehension. In other words, the results of this study have
some implications for students, teachers and text book designers. In
conclusion, teachers are advised to encourage their students to identify
the strategies they use while engaged in listening activities.
Birjandi, P. & Rahimi, A. H. (2011). The effect of metacognitive strategy
instruction on the listening performance of EFL Students.
International Journal of Linguistics, 4(2), 495-517.
Bozorgian, H., & Pillay, H. (2013). Enhancing Foreign Language
Learning through Listening Strategies Delivered in L1: An
Experimental Study. International Journal of Instruction, 6(1), 105-
Brown, H. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to
language pedagogy (2nd ed.). New York: Longman.
Chamot, A. U., & O'Malley, J. M. (1994). The CALLA handbook:
Implementing the cognitive academic language learning approach.
White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman.
Holden, W.R. (2004). Facilitating Listening Comprehension: Acquiring
Successful Strategies. Bulletin of Hokuriku University, 28, 257-
Krashen, S. (1985). The input hypothesis: Issues and implications.
London: Longman.
Richards, J. (1990). The language teaching matrix. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press.
Rost, M. (2002). Teaching and researching listening. London: Longman.
Smidt, E. and Hegelheimer, V. (2004).Effects of online academic lectures
on ESL listening comprehension, incidental vocabulary
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of the
Communicative Language Teaching method in improving
students‘ communicative competence. The methodology of this
research is quasi experimental research. A pre-test, post-test was
used to measure students‘ achievement. We also have realized a
survey with students in order to investigate students‘ attitude
towards this approach. The respondents of this research were
students of the ninth grade in the primary and low secondary
school ―Rilindja‖ in Dritan, in the municipality of Drenas, Kosovo.
The data shows the success achieved by students in the pre-test and
post-test. In the post-test all students have achieved better success
than in the pre-test. And the results of the survey show that
students have positive attitudes towards the CLT approach. This
study shows that the use of the Communicative Language
Teaching in teaching English as a Foreign Language has improved
students‘ communicative competence. The data were collected in
the first semester during the school year 2017/2018.
Nowadays English speaking ability is very important because this
language is used almost everywhere in every field. In this global era,
where we live in an interdependent world, many people use English in
their communication because in this way the communication becomes
easier between people from different countries.
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Literature review
Book of Proceedings
The experimental study included in this research proved the fact that, if
provided with suitable conditions, Pakistani learners can increase their
communicative ability. The use of the CLT approach has shown to
increase motivation for learning.
Akram & Mehmood (2011) report an experimental study conducted to
know the importance of introducing the communicative approach in ELT
in teacher training programs in Pakistan. According to Akram &
Mehmood (2011) CLT enhances the learners‘ confidence and it gives a
sense of satisfaction to the teacher as well in the sense that she/ he is
successful in making the students use the foreign language in their
conversation. CLT gives clarity to the expression. Communicative
approach is better than all the other methods of language teaching in
general and Grammar Translation Method (GTM) in particular because
the GTM is more concerned with teaching about language rather than
language itself whereas communicative approach establishes a direct
bond between the experience and the expression (Akram & Mehmood,
Some other studies show teachers‘ attitudes towards CLT and barriers
that teachers face by implementing CLT.
A study conducted in Vietnam identified class size, grammar-based
examinations, and the instructors‘ lack of exposure to authentic language
as constraints on using CLT. Another study on English teachers‘
perceived difficulties in adopting CLT in South Korea suggested that
EFL countries like South Korea need to change their fundamental
approach to education before CLT can be adopted, because the
predominance of text-centered and grammar-centered practices in Korea
does not provide a basis for the student-centered, fluency-focused, and
problem-solving activities required by CLT (Li, 1998).
The methodology of this research has been quasi experimental research.
A pre-test, post-test was used to measure students‘ achievement. We also
have realized a survey with students in order to investigate students‘
attitude towards this approach.
Research questions
The main question of this research was
Will students be able to produce a greater amount of language by using
the communicative approach?
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Research hypotheses
The study aimed to prove the following hypotheses
1. By using the Communicative Language Teaching approach all
the students will make progress in written and spoken production.
2. Students have a positive attitude towards the Communicative
Approach to language teaching.
The Participants
This study was conducted in the ―Rilindja‖ primary and low secondary
school in Dritan. The participants of the study have been students of the
ninth grade. The age of the students ranges from 14-15 years old. The
number of the participants was 23, out of whom, 14 were female and 9 of
The Study Instruments
Three instruments were used in the study. The first instrument was the
pre-test, the second concerned the post-test and the third instrument was
the questionnaire with students. Initially, as a pre-test project that had the
aim to reveal student progress, students were asked to describe a picture
in a written form. Similarly, for the spoken production, they had to talk
about their daily routine and were recorded. After that, as part of the post
test, students were given the same task in order to analyze their progress
in spoken and written production. Afterwards, questionnaires with
students were conducted in order to find out their ideas regarding the
The procedure
The procedure that was followed consisted of four steps. First, we held
the pre-test, then we implemented the CLT, afterwards we held the post-
test and in the final step, we realized a survey with students.
Teaching activities that have been used in the study
In the fillowing few paragraphs, some of the activities that have been
used after the pre-test are described. A great deal of pair work and group
work has been implemented and a lot of creative activities have been
used, such as making crosswords or picture-stories where pupils had to
speak to one another. We also adopted a large number of matching and
gap-filling exercises, as well as performing dialogues and games. We also
Book of Proceedings
The pre-test was held in the beginning of September 2017. As mentioned
above, the students were given a written task and a spoken task. In the
written task, they had to describe a picture and as part of the spoken task,
they were required to talk about their daily routines. Subsequently, the
post-test was held in the beginning of December 2017. In order to
observe students‘ progress, students were given the same task as in the
pre-test. The same criteria as in the pre-test were evaluated for the
analysis of the post-test.
Written task results
Firstly, we analyzed the results of the written task. We counted the
number of words that students wrote, and separated their mistakes into
several categories, such as
Spelling and I thing they are having…
Wrong word …a man it’s relaxing…
Word order They are playing football American...
Grammar I can see a women and a men….
Tense He play football.
Punctuation Shes preparing lunch…
Word missing Some boys __ playing football…
Preposition They went in Prizren on holiday.
As we can see from the table below students achieved a better success in
the post-test than in the pre-test. Each student made less mistakes in the
post-test and almost all of them wrote more words in the post-test than in
the pre-test. In general students made 223 mistakes in the pre-test while
in the post-test they made 140 mistakes. The most surprising results are
the results of the word missing category. In the pre-test students made 36
mistakes that belong to the word missing category. Although in the post-
test students were supposed to make less mistakes than in the pre-test,
actually they made more mistakes in the post-test than in the pre-test.
Some students forgot to write the verb to be. Instead of ―Some boys are
playing football‖; or ―She is preparing lunch‖ they wrote ―Some boys
playing football‖ or ―She preparing lunch‖. In general students have
made 45 mistakes that belong to the word missing category. It means 11
more mistakes than in the pre-test. The results of the written task are
gathered in the table below.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Wrong word
Word order
Pre- 1286
57 52 37 36 1 2 36 2 223
Post- 1388
23 44 16 10 0 1 45 1 140
Book of Proceedings
Missing word
Wrong Word
Word order
Pre-test 1075 36 3 46 47 132
Post-test 1223 23 2 24 30 79
Students' perceptions
As stated above, in order to find out students‘ attitudes towards the CLT
approach we realized a survey with students. Since they do not know
what CLT is and it is not their work to know, we prepared a questionnaire
with just two questions
1.“What ways of learning do you like?” and 2. “What ways of learning
do you not like?”
Their replies were very similar, so we are presenting them together. Here
is a summary of students‘ replies. In the first question ―What ways of
learning do you like?‖, students mentioned some activities, such as
online dictation, competitions, crosswords, games, projects, role play,
singing songs, etc.
And, in second question ―What ways of learning do you not like?‖, they
wrote that they do not like writing letters, reading, tests, dictations,
learning by heart, etc.
The results of the first question expressed by percentages are gathered in
the figure nr. 1.
What ways of learning do you like?
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Based on the conclusions drawn above we strongly encourage all teachers
engaged in teaching languages, especially foreign languages, to apply the
communicative approach to language teaching since it improves the
communicative competence of the learners. Furthermore, it motivates
students to participating in classes and finishing the given tasks. In this
section below, further recommendations are formulated for teachers and
for those engaged in curriculum design and academic planning. These
recommendations apply not only to teachers but to school administration
and the Ministry of Education in Kosovo.
Further recommendations that derived from this study are
Teachers should apply the CLT approach because this approach
is very useful. First of all by using this approach students are able
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Even though data were collected and analyzed carefully, with the main
purpose of having a reliable and valid study, some limitations need to be
considered. The first is the fact that the study was conducted at only one
school so that context-specific results should not be excluded, and
therefore, generalizations are difficult to be made. Secondly, the
relatively small number of participants is also another limitation. Further,
the questionnaire is based on individual student responses. Hence,
students‘ honesty, ability and willingness to respond accurately to each
question is difficult. Finally, the relative small sample of students (23)
could also be an indicator of the difficulty of generalizing results. Studies
including a larger sample of teachers and students, as well as a larger
number of schools from Kosova, could lead to more generalizable results.
Adair-Hauck, B., Donato, R., & Cumo, P. (1994). Using a Whole
Language Approach to Teach Grammar. In J. Scbrum, & E. Clisan
(Eds.), Contextualized foreign language instruction K-12 (pp. 90-
111). Boston Heinle.
Ahmad, S. & Rao, C. (2013). Applying Communicative Approach in
Teaching English as a Foreign Language A Case Study of
Pakistan, Porta Linguarum, January 2013, pp. 187-203.
Akram, M. & Mehmood, A. (2011). ―The need of communicative
approach (in ELT) in teacher training program in Pakistan‖, in
Language in India, 11, 5 172-178.
Celce-Murcia, M. (2001). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign
Language (3rd Ed.). Boston Heinle & Heinle ELT.
Harmer, J. (1998). How to teach English an introduction to the practice of
English language teaching. New York Logman.
Hughes, R. (2006). Spoken English, TESOL, and applied Linguistics
Challenges for Theory and Practice. Great Britain CPI Antony
Hymes, D. H. (1972). On Communicative Competence. In J.B. Pride & J.
Holmes (Eds.), Sociolinguistics (pp. 269-293). Harmondsworth
Larsen-Freeman, D. (1986). Techniques and Principles in Language
Teaching. New York Oxford University Press.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Li, D. (1998). ―It‘s always more difficult than you plan and imagine
teachers‘ perceived difficulties in introducing the communicative
approach in South Korea‖, in TESOL Quarterly, 3, 4 677-703.
Nunan, D. (1989). Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom.
Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
Razmjoo, S. A., & Riazi, A. M. (2006). Do high schools or private
institutes practice communicative language teaching? A case study
of Shiraz teachers in high schools and institutes, The Reading
Matrix, Vol. 6, No. 3, December 2006, pp. 340 – 363
Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (1999). Approaches and Methods in
Language Teaching Communicative Language Teaching. New
York Cambridge University Press.
Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and Methods in
Language Teaching (2nd Ed.). New York Cambridge University
Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2003). Approaches and Methods in
Language Teaching (3rd Ed.). Cambridge Cambridge University
Richards, J. C. (2006). Communicative Language Teaching Today.
Cambridge Cambridge University Press
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Kultura në aspektin semiotik paraqitet si një fushë me interes
studimor. Ky aspekt semiotik i kulturës është studiuar sidomos nga
Lotmani, i cili e përcakton kulturën si kujtesë apo si regjistrim i
kujtimit të diçkaje që është përjetuar nga komuniteti dhe jo si
"kujtim‖ i trashëguar i tij (komunitetit). E parë nga perspektiva
semiotike, kultura shihet si një lloj veprimtarie simbolike njerëzore
për krijimin e shenjave dhe një mënyrë për t‘i dhënë kuptim çdo
gjëje përreth. Në këtë këndvështrim, kultura është kuptuar si një
sistem i simboleve apo shenjave të rëndësishme. Meqenëse sistemi
kryesor shenjor është sistemi gjuhësor, fusha që zakonisht bëhet
pikë referimi është semiotika e kulturës dhe e gjuhës. Në këtë fushë
të studimit të simboleve janë analizuar dhe kategorizuar klasa të
caktuara brenda sistemit hierarkik. Në këtë punim do të përpiqemi
të sjellim disa interpretime të natyrës semiotike të zbatuara në
kulturë, për të konkluduar se marrëdhëniet midis semiotikës,
gjuhës dhe kulturës janë në fakt lidhje përfshirëse, sepse semiotika
gjuhësore dhe ajo kulturore, si degë të teorisë së komunikimit,
hetojnë sisteme dhe mënyra të përfaqësimit, të cilat njerëzit i
përdorin për të përcjellë ndjenjat, mendimet, idetë dhe ideologjitë e
Sfondi teorik
Etimologjikisht termi semiotikë lidhet me fjalën greke ―sēmẽíon,―shenjë‖
dhe ―semeiotikós”, ―që lidhet me shenjat‖ (Saussure, 2002, p. 43). Nga
tërësia e pikëpamjeve të ndryshme për semiotikën si teori, si shkencë apo
edhe si lëvizje në modë, tipari më i përgjithshëm që i përmbledh është se
ajo ka të bëjë me studimin e shenjës. Termi "semiotikë" përcakton
shkencën (epistemē) e shenjave (sēmẽíon, sēma), pra shenjat në lidhje me
funksionimin e tyre në proceset e nënshkruara brenda sistemeve të
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Një numër i madh i shprehjeve kulturore arrihen nëpërmjet përshëndetjes
dhe takimit të duarve. Në kulturën amerikane një shtrëngim duarsh i fortë
konsiderohet i përshtatshëm për të përshëndetur një të huaj ose një
profesionist tjetër të së njëjtës fushë. Megjithatë, në Francë, është e
zakonshme të puthësh dikë që përshëndetesh në të dyja faqet. Prekja e
fëmijëve në kokë interpretohet si diçka e mirë në Amerikën e Veriut.
Megjithatë, në Azi, kjo konsiderohet shumë e papërshtatshme, pasi koka
konsiderohet si një pjesë e shenjtë e trupit. Në Lindjen e Mesme, dora e
majtë zakonisht përdoret për të trajtuar higjienën trupore. Prandaj, duke
përdorur atë dorë, për të pranuar një dhuratë ose për të shtrënguar duart,
konsiderohet jashtëzakonisht një gjest i vrazhdë. Ekziston gjithashtu një
gamë e gjerë pikëpamjesh kulturore mbi rregullat e përshtatshme lidhur
me kontaktin fizik midis dy gjinive të njëjta dhe të kundërta.
Përgjithësisht, në kulturën tradicionale shqiptare, përshëndetja apo
protokolli i këtij ceremoniali ka qenë i ndërlikuar në varësi edhe të
situatës dhe personave që përshëndeteshin, duke u shoqëruar me
përqafime, takim koke, puthje, kohëzgjatja e këtij akti etj. Siç thekson
sociologu Dervishi, veçanërisht shtrëngimi i fortë i duarve dhe përlotja pa
zë tregonin simbolikisht se mikpritësi e priste me gëzim padurues mikun
ose një anëtar të familjes që kthehej pas shumë kohësh (Dervishi, 2008,
pp. 350-351).
Në kohët më të lashta, para se të kristalizohej dhënia e dorës, shtrihej
përpara dora e djathtë, me gishtërinjtë e hapur, si shenjë e të qenit pa
armë. Sot dhënia e dorës së djathtë është zhveshur nga ky mesazh, duke u
bërë një veprim thjesht mekanik përshëndetjeje. Po kështu, puthja e dorës
së gruas nga burrat nuk ka ekzistuar dhe nuk ushtrohej deri vonë. Nëse
kjo ndodhte mund të interpretohej si diçka qesharake. Ky veprim, në
kulturën evropiane perëndimore, shprehte mesazhin e respektit dhe ishte
një gjest i zakonshëm dhe formal. Gjithsesi, ―puthja e dorës‖, si akt
social, gjendet në kulturën shqiptare, por në një kontekst tjetër. Kështu, ai
ndeshet në sferën fetare, në shenjë respekti dhe përuljeje të besimtarëve
ndaj klerikëve, si nga burrat dhe nga gratë (Shkurtaj, 2004, pp. 114-115).
Gjestet mund të përcjellin kuptime të ndryshme. Nëse analizojmë një
ndër gjestet më klasike që përdoret rëndom nga pjesa më e madhe e
individëve, do të shohim se interpretimet e tij në kultura të ndryshme janë
Book of Proceedings
"Paragjuha" u referohet faktorëve të fjalës, të tilla si: theksi, timbri,
volumi ose artikulimi. Në Britani, për shembull, njerëzit përdorin
volumin për të përçuar zemërimin, ndërsa në Indi ata e përdorin atë për të
urdhëruar dhe për të tërhequr vëmendjen. Gratë japoneze bëjnë një
përpjekje më shumë për ngritjen e zërit të tyre për t'u dalluar nga burrat.
Në Amerikë, zëri midis gjinive mbetet i krahasueshëm.
Theksi është një element i veçantë për të nxjerrë kuptimin e frazës. Bëhet
fjalë për atë lloj theksi që në gjuhësi njihet si theksi logjik.
Përdorimi dhe qëndrimi ndaj heshtjes gjithashtu mund të konsiderohen
një lloj i paragjuhës. Grekët përdorin heshtjen si një mënyrë për të
refuzuar gjërat, ndërsa egjiptianët e përdorin atë për të dhënë pëlqimin.
Në disa kultura, si në Azi, janë përgjithësisht më të kënaqur me
periudhat e gjata të heshtjes sesa të tjerët.
Pra, shumë elemente të zërit, si: toni, shpejtësia, pauzat, lloji i
rrjedhshmërisë etj., përforcojnë ose zbehin mesazhet që përcillen
nëpërmjet fjalëve dhe funksionojnë si mjete komunikimi.
Edhe në kulturën shqiptare zëri ka kuptime simbolike të ndryshme.
Kështu nëpërmjet tonit të zërit simbolikisht shenjohet autoriteti apo
pushteti i folësit; spërdredhja e zërit shenjon karakterin e folësit: i
lëkundur, hileqar, dinak. Një domethënie e rëndësishme për kulturën
shqiptare lidhur me spërdredhjen e zërit te burrat lidhet me kuotat e
nevojshme të burrërisë ose me atë që sociologu Dervishi (2008) e
thekson:... mendësia se vetëm burracaku e përdredh zërin si gratë e liga:,
se ―burri me dy pará mend nuk i zë besë fjalës që thuhet me zë të
Hapësira fizike është një element tjetër i rëndësishëm në rrafshin
semiotik, e cila ka domethënie të ndryshme në kultura të ndryshme.
Vendet që janë të populluara dendur, përgjithësisht, kanë më pak nevojë
për hapësirë personale sesa ato që nuk janë. Japonezët, për shembull,
kanë më pak gjasa të reagojnë fort për një prekje aksidentale nga një i
huaj krahasuar me amerikanët. Sipas Eduart Hall (1990, pp.7-15; 114-
125), proksemika, brenda së cilës shihet hapësira fizike në rafshin
semiotik, shënon mënyrën me të cilën njeriu, në mënyrë të
Book of Proceedings
Në vitet e fundit, vështrimi i semiotikës është zhvendosur fuqishëm në
dukuritë sociale, kulturore dhe etnografike, ndoshta pa e problematizuar
shumë përkufizimin e "kulturës", specifikimin semiotik në vëzhgimin e
këtij lloji të objekteve analitike apo mjetet metodologjike në dispozicion.
Në çdo kulturë disa gjeste përcjellin mesazhe simbolike, të tjera mesazhe
të dykuptimta apo të shumëfishta. Në këndvështrim ritual të komunikimit,
që ka të bëjë me idenë e kulturës që po zhvillohet me kalimin e kohës,
shihen si qarkullojnë idetë në një kulturë përmes përdorimit të shenjave
për të lehtësuar shkëmbimin e kuptimit. Se çfarë do të thotë një ―shenjë‖
ky është një element që shpesh përcaktohet dhe rafinohet nga kultura.
Cilat kuptime janë mbizotëruese, cilat simbole lidhen me ato ide, kjo
ndërtohet nga kultura. Në këtë kontekst shenjat nuk paraqiten veç e veç,
një nga një. Mund të provojmë edhe t'i izolojmë për t'i studiuar ato, por
nuk mund ta bëjmë plotësisht këtë, pa marrë parasysh kontekstin ku ato
veprojnë, kulturat në të cilat ato interpretohen.
Baylon, Ch. & Mignot, X. (2004). (La communication, Publié par
Editions Nathan- Université, 3 Edition). Shkup: Logos – A
(përkthyer në shqip nga Xh. Lloshi, Komunikimi)
Dervishi, Z. (2008). Lente të ndërveprimit simbolik. Tiranë: EMAL.
Hall, E. (1990). The hidden dimension, Anchor Books Edition. New York:
Random House, Inc. New York, USA.
Ruben, B. & Stewart, L. (2016). Communication & Human Behavior.
Kendall Hunt Publishing.
E, Hall. (1968). Proxemics and Comments and Replies. Chicago: The
University of Chicago Press.
Eco, U. (1976). Theory of Semiotics. Bloomington: Indiana University
Ismajli, R. (1980). Shumësia e tekstit. Prishtinë: Rilindja.
Lotman, J & Uspenskij, B. (2006). Ricerche semiotiche. In Tesi per una
semiotica delle culture. Roma: Meltemi editore.
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Viteve të fundit numri i njerëzve që e mësojnë gjuhën angleze
është rritur shumë. Pragu i moshës së mësimti të gjuhës angleze ka
zbritur deri në moshën parasghkollore. Tashmë dihet që mosha më
e përshtatshme për mësimin e gjuhës së huaj (angleze) është
periudha prej 4 deri 8-9 vjeç. Lidhur me këtë lind nevoja e
shoqërisë për mësimdhënës të kualfikuar, pasi që deri më tani
metodika e mësimdhënies së gjuhëve të huaja është orientuar tek
fëmijët e moshës shkollore (nga klasa e gjashtë). Kurse me rastin e
mësimit të gjuhës së huaj (angleze) patjetër duhet pasur parasysh
karakteristikat e moshës së fëmijeve. Predispozitat unike për të
mësuar, elasticiteti i mekanizmit natyror të përvetësimit të gjuhës,
si dhe pavarësia relative ndaj mekanizmit të faktoreve
trashëgimorë, të lidhur me përkatësinë ndaj një kombi a një kombi
tjetër, - krejt këto i japin mundësi fëmijës që në kondita të caktuara
ta mësojë një gjuhë të huaj. Me kohë kjo aftësi gradualisht humbet.
Prandaj përpjekjet për t‘ua mësuar një gjuhë të dytë të huaj, simdos
në shkëputje nga mjedisi gjuhësor, fëmijëve të moshës më të
madhe janë të lidhur me një mori vështirësish.
Book of Proceedings
Silić Andreja, Krijimi i ambientit motivues ne kopshtet e femijeve per
komunikim ne gjuhe te huaj. Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje, Zagreb, 2011.
Nimesh Chandra: ―DailyVocab: Easy way to learn English”, 2014: Memory
aid for each word help student learn words faster and effectively.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Tabors, P. O. (2008). One child, two languages: A guide for early childhood
educators of children learning English as a second language (2nd ed.).
Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Vëmendje të madhe gjatë mësimit të leksikut duhet kushtuar lojërave me karta
me vizatime.
Book of Proceedings
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Sylejmani, S., Koncepti i teorise se Vigotskit lidhur me te mesuarit e femijeve
parashkollore, Shkathtesia e komunikimit, 2013.
Book of Proceedings
2. Fëmijët nxjerrin lodra nga thesi magjik e kutia magjike dhe i emërtojnë
Mësuesi: ―What is this?‖
Me rastin e mësimit fëmijëve të moshës parashkollore të gjuhës angleze rëndësi
të madhe ka përdorimi i mjeteve me ngjyra të forta...
Sandra Hulec, Dječja igra i rano učenje engleskog jezika - Diplomski rad,
Zadar, 2018
Lojerat jane marre nga App për fëmijë “Koha për të Luajtur”- të dizenjuara
nga ekspertë të Këshillit Britanik të mësimit të gjuhës.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3. Tema: ―Animals‖
Loja ―Pussy cat‖
Fëmijët – minj ecin majë gishtave rreth maces, duke deklaruar:
Pussy cat, pussy cat
You are sleeping on a mat
Mice look out she can rice.
Macja: I will catch you little mice. (i ndjek fëmijët).
Qëllimi i këtij punimi është identifikimi i karakteristikave të formimit të
leksikut në fazën fillestare të të mësuarit të gjuhës së huaj te fëmijët
parashkollorë. Fëmija është i gatshëm për mësimin e gjuhës së huaj që në
moshën 5 vjeç, sipas studiuesve.
Andaj, metodika e mësimdhënies së gjuhëve të huaja duhet të ndërtohet
duke marrë në konsideratë vetitë e moshës dhe ato individuale të fëmijëve
dhe të orientohet në zhvillimin e tyre. Të mësuarit e gjuhës së huaj duhet
dizajnuar nga mësimdhënësi si pjesë e zhvillimit të përgjithshëm të
personalitetit të fëmijës dhe të lidhet me edukimin e tij shqisor, fizik e
Goldberg, S., Razvojne igre za predškolsko dijete, Lekenik, Ostvarenje, 2003.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Lokucionet në gjuhën shqipe trajtohen si togje ose shprehje me
vlera leksiko-gramatikore të përcaktuara, por që qëndrojnë në
kufirin e takimit të njësisë leksikore me atë sintaksore. Këto lloj
togjesh paraqesin probleme të rëndësishme studimi nga më të
ndryshmet, teorike dhe praktike, fjala vjen, që nga termi
―lokucion‖, shpjegimi në fjalorë terminologjikë, zëvendësimi dhe
përkthimi i tyre etj. Problemi teorik që shtrohet për diskutim në
këtë punim është mënyra si trajtohen lokucionet në fjalorë të
ndryshëm ku rëndësi të veçantë për trajtimin leksikografik të tyre
ka edhe çështja e strukturës si edhe ajo e vendit se ku duhet të
pasqyrohen ato në fjalor.
Me vlerën e një pjese të ligjëratës mund të përdoret edhe një grup fjalësh
që kanë një lidhje të qëndrueshme midis tyre dhe që, si kuptimisht ashtu
edhe gramatikisht, janë të barasvlershme me një fjalë të vetme, por jo të
njëjta me to. Grupe të tilla fjalësh quhen lokucione.1 Në gramatikat e
shqipes së sotme bëhen përpjekje për të arritur në një përcaktim sa më të
drejtë e të saktë të kësaj njësie gjuhësore, duke dhënë përkufizime të plota
për llojet e ndryshme të lokucioneve. Njëkohësisht, aty thuhet se
lokucionet zënë një vend të ndërmjetëm midis togjeve a togfjalëshave të
lirë dhe fjalëve të përngjitura dhe këto të fundit janë formuar rregullisht
nga përngjitja e lokucioneve. Lokucioni dallohet kuptimisht e
gramatikisht si nga fjala, ashtu edhe nga togfjalëshi i lirë. Në togfjalëshin
Fonetika dhe gramatika e gjuhës së sotme letrare shqipe II, IGjL, Tiranë, 1976,
f. 18-19.
Book of Proceedings
Po aty, f. 19.
Gramatika e gjuhës shqipe 1, Tiranë: Botimi i Akademisë së Shkencave, 2002,
f. 41.
I. Kadare, Kronikë në gur, Tiranë: Onufri, Seria e veprave të zgjedhura; vëllimi
i katërt, f. 43.
Po aty, f. 83.
D. Agolli, Komisari Memo, Tiranë: Shtëpia botuese ―Naim Frashëri‖, f. 49.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Po aty, f. 254.
M. Domi, Disa çështje të lokucioneve, SF, Nr. 1, 1985, f. 216.
M. Samara, Mbi trajtimin leksikografik të lokucioneve në gjuhën e sotme
shqipe, SF, Nr. 1-4, 1992, f. 132.
M. Çeliku, Parafjalët emërore të thjeshta në gjuhën letrare shqipe, SF, Nr. 1,
1972, f. 93.
Fjalori i gjuhës së sotme shqipe, Tiranë, 1980, f. 34.
Book of Proceedings
në rasën gjinore), për shkak…(me një emër ose me një përemër pronor të
vetës së tretë në rasën gjinore)12 etj.
Edhe në fjalorë të mëvonshëm të shqipes problemi i paraqitjes së
lokucioneve dhe strukturës së tyre nuk është zgjidhur aspak. Kështu në
FShS (2002) lokucionet parafjalore, si: me anën (e dikujt) – me ndihmën
e dikujt, nëpërmjet dikujt apo me anë (të diçkaje) – me një mënyrë a me
një rrugë, me ndihmën e diçkaje,13 nuk shoqërohen me shënime sqaruese,
por jepen vetëm shpjegimet e tyre. Nga ana tjetër, po në këtë fjalor,
lokucione të tjera parafjalore shënohen njësoj si njësitë e tjera
frazeologjike, të paraprira nga një yll dhe me shkronja të zeza: me
ndihmën e … - me anën e, nëpërmjet, me; si edhe në ndihmë të … - për
të ndihmuar; po kështu edhe: me përjashtim të … - përveç…, pa
përfshirë…, duke përjashtuar.14 Po kështu, jepen edhe shumë të tjera, si:
në bashkëveprim me…, në bazë të … (mbi bazën e…), në lidhje me…
etj., ku krahas emrit bazë të këtyre lokucioneve jepen edhe nyjet apo
parafjalët nga të cilat ndiqen këta emra. Edhe lokucionet lidhëzore jepen
po njësoj, të paraprira nga një yll dhe me shkronja të zeza, nga
shkaku i … - për arsye…, si pasojë…, për faj…; për shkak të … -
nga…, për arsye…, si pasojë, për faj…; nga shkaku që… (se…) –
ngaqë, sepse, duke qenë se…; për shkak se… - sepse, ngaqë, duke qenë
se…15 etj. Edhe këto ndiqen nga pjesë plotësuese të lokucionit për të
shënuar drejtimin e lidhjeve sintaksore të gjymtyrës emërore me emra të
tjerë që përdoren pas tyre. Këta janë vetëm disa nga shembujt e shumtë.
Pak a shumë, të njëjtin trajtim apo paraqitje të këtyre lokucioneve gjejmë
edhe në FGjSh (2006): me anën e…, me ndihmën e…, me përjashtim të…,
në bashkëveprim me…, në bazë të…, në lidhje me…, nga shkaku i…, nga
shkaku që… (se…), për shkak të…, për shkak se… etj., ku edhe këtu na
jepen pjesët plotësuese të lokucioneve.
Problem tjetër, që lidhet me trajtimin leksikografik të lokucioneve, është
edhe çështja e vendit se ku duhet të pasqyrohen ato në fjalor. Siç do ta
shohim, ky problem nuk është aspak i lehtë. Për vendin e pasqyrimit të
tyre në fjalorin e shqipes ka shkruar edhe A. Kostallari, i cili shprehet se
―bashkëlidhjet gramatikore që kryejnë funksionin e parafjalëve ose të
lidhëzave‖ të përfshihen në ―frazeologjizmat gjuhësore që janë
ekuivalente me fjalët joshënuese (me fjalët shërbyese, ndihmëse) e që
Po aty, f. 1845.
Fjalor i shqipes së sotme, Tiranë: Toena, 2002, f. 43.
Po aty, f. 976.
Po aty, f. 1245.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
A. Kostallari, Parimet themelore për hartimin e “Fjalorit të gjuhës së sotme
shqipe” në Studime mbi leksikun dhe mbi formimin e fjalëve në gjuhën shqipe
II, Tiranë, 1972, f. 38.
M. Samara, Mbi trajtimin…, artikull i cituar, 1992, f. 133.
Book of Proceedings
Po aty, f. 134.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
FShS, 2002, f. 845-846
Po aty, f. 524.
Fonetika…, vepër e cituar, 1976, f. 330-332.
FShS, 2002, f. 207.
FGjSh, 2006, f. 256.
FShS, 2002, f. 78 dhe f. 897.
Book of Proceedings
Agolli, D. Komisari Memo. Tiranë: Shtëpia botuese ―Naim Frashëri‖.
Çeliku, M. (1972). Parafjalët emërore të thjeshta në gjuhën letrare
shqipe. SF. Nr. 1.
Domi, M. (1985). Disa çështje të lokucioneve. SF. Nr. 1.
Grup autorësh. (1976). Fonetika dhe gramatika e gjuhës së sotme letrare
shqipe II. IGjL. Tiranë.
Grup autorësh. (1980). Fjalor i gjuhës së sotme shqipe. Tiranë.
Grup autorësh. (2006). Fjalor i gjuhës shqipe. Tiranë.
Grup autorësh. (2002). Fjalor i shqipes së sotme. Tiranë: Toena.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Translation is the connection of the meaning of a source-language
text by means of an equivalent target-language text. All poetical
translations from the ancient classical languages are difficult
because the ‗tools of the translation‘ for reading such texts usually
are bound up with the using of a dictionary, knowledge the
inflection and syntax, creating a set of commentaries and cetera.
Actually, this is necessary for being able to read the language
because the Greek and Latin sentence are constructed upon a plan
entirely different from that of the sentence in modern languages. In
this article we will focus on thematically-linked reading of the
poetry of Greek and Latin authors from different periods in order
to have encountered the classical world through the translations
techniques and to gain knowledge how poetry was read,
interpreted, and perceived in the antiquity. In that line, we aspire to
attain a deeper understanding about the languages in which these
works were composed and contribute to a discourse of poetics.
Needless to say, no single one of us can know all the languages of the
world, not even the major languages, and if believe - though not all
cultures have believed it - that the people who speak other languages
have things to say or ways of saying them that we don't know, them
translation is an evident necessity.
(Eliot Weinberger)
Early on, ancient Greek and Roman cultures have developed remarkable
poetic-aesthetic taste. At the public festivities in the Greek poleis,
Homer's epics were recited, choral songs were performed, and
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translators who are often left feeling undervalued, have tended to take
refuge in silence (Weissbort, 2016). All the ancient routes that have
witnessed encounters and exchanges in all the dialects of the "umbrella
language" show that the translation of poetry is more than grammar, it is
a listening. So, according to Gansel (2017, p. 17) ―it is with the
transhumance routes of translation, the slow and patient crossing of
countries, all borders eradicated, the movement of huge floks of words
through all the vernaculars of the umbrella language of poetry‖.
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A poetic line is written in metrical feet – a unit between oral pauses. It is
important to know and understand two sets of measures when analyzing
and interpreting poetry the combination of stressed and unstressed
syllables in a metrical foot, called iambs; and the number of metrical feet
per line, which are noted in Ancient Greek terms. For instance, the most
common meter of classic poetic forms, iambic pentameter, constitutes
five metrical feet per line, with each metrical foot combining an
unstressed and stressed syllable. The elegy began as an ancient Greek
literary genre with specific metrical form. The sad poem that mourns the
death of a hero has the lines length of five feet (– U U – U U – – U U – U
U – U U –). In order to understand iambic pentameter, we must first
understand what an iamb is. Simply put, an iamb (or iambus) is a unit of
stressed and unstressed syllables that are used in a line of poetry.
Sometimes called an iambic foot, this unit can be a single word of two
syllables or two words of one syllable each. Iambic pentameter refers to
the number of total syllables in a line of poetry—in this case, 10,
composed of five pairs of alternating unstressed and stressed syllables.
Elegy - pentameter – example
Hic licet occultos proferre impune dolores,
Si modo sola queant saxa tenere fidem.
(Here, without reproof, I can to wear down the secret pain,
only the stone alone will know the words to keep my words.)
(Propertius, 1.18)
Through the lens of elegy, Propertius defines the individual experience
and the passions as an embattled individual, captive of love and
struggling against the pressures of the world around him, on the one
hand, and writes about Roman topics and concerns, for instance about the
ideology of Roman marriage and other public subjects, on the other hand
(Deutsch, 1995).
Epos is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily involving a time beyond
living memory in which the extraordinary doings of the extraordinary
men and women occurred. Usually, in the epic poem heroic deeds and
events significant to the culture of the poet are glorified. Many ancient
writers used epic poetry to tell tales of intense adventures and heroic
feats. Тhe lines of the epos have the length of six feet (– U U | – U U | –
U U | – U U | – U U | – U). The most important classical meter is the
dactylic hexameter, the meter of Homer and Virgil. This form uses verses
of six feet. The word dactyl comes from the Greek word daktylos
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
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poetry. Often, the literal translations of these epithets seem strange and
unusual to the readership among other nations.
Βοῶπιρ Hera - Cow-Eyed Hera
Εὐκνήμιδερ Ἀσαιοῖ - Achaeans with beautiful gaiters
Also, descriptive translation is usually carried out with more words than
the original text. In this case, the metric cannot be preserved.
Commentaries offer a more varied and multiple subject, especially when
they include translations (Harison, 2012). In this context, the translator
must be familiar with the terminology, be it in consultation with field
experts, or use one of the translation procedures in case of non-existence
of equivalence transcription, phonetic adaptation or creation of
neologism. For the translation of poems, several scientists have stated
that the translation should have the same artistic influence as the original,
even at the cost of achieving it with artistic instruments different than
those of the original.
The question of the translatability and untranslatability of the texts is
especially evident in the translation of poetry. This type of literature is
specific in many ways. Also, there are many dilemmas regarding the
translation. For example, should the translation be read as a contemporary
to the author or should the translation be read as contemporary to the
translator, or can the verses be translated with prose or should they be
translated with verses? It is clear that the metric structure of the verse
depends on the accentual structure of the language, and different
languages have different accenting systems. The rhythm also is also a
significant tool for poetry, because in the language of poetry there are
twice as many breaks as in the language of prose. At the same time, the
metric is recognized in the length of the verse, i.e. it indicates the number
of syllables in one verse. In the verse there are also common breaks
called censorship, which can be found in longer verses. Finally, the music
accent is also crucial for the translation of poetry because it so happens
that it may not coincide with the usual emphasis on the words.
Ancient Greeks poetry was sometimes a vehicle for philosophy. Roman
writers were schooled in the Greek language and in Greek thought, and
philosophy came to them along with the models for their literary genres
and sense of style (Garani & Konstan, 2014). The tradition of translation
and versioning traces all the way back to antiquity, so does that of a
poet/translator‘s self-commentary on their work. Nevertheless, the
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Book of Proceedings
Balmer, J. (2013). Piecing Together the Fragments Creating Classical
Verse, Creating Contemporary Poetry, Oxford Oxford University
Deutsch, E. H. (1995). ―Propertius‖ in D. J. Rayor, W. W. Batstone, Latin
Lyric and Elegiac Poetry An Anthology of New Translations, New
York Garland Publishing.
Diddle Uzzi, J. & Thomson, J. (2015). The Poems of Catullus an
Annotated Translation, Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
Gansel, M. (2017). Translation as Transhumance, New York Feminist
Press at the City University of New York.
Garani, M. & Konstan, D. (2014). The Philosophizing Muse The
Influence of Greek Philosophy on Roman Poetry, Cambridge
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Harison, S. & Stray, Ch. (2012). Expugnating the Classics Editing Out in
Greek and Latin, London Bristol Classical Press.
McElduff, S. (2013). Roman Teories of Translation Surpassing the
Source, New York Routledge.
Shrayer, D. M. (2015). An Anthology of Jewish-Russian Literature Two
Centuries of Dual Identity in Prose and Poetry, New York
Weinberger, E. (2013). ―Anonymous Sources (On Translators and
Translation)‖ in E. Allen & S. Bernofsky, In Translation
Translators on Their Work and What It Means, New York
Columbia University Press.
Weissbort, D. (2016). Translating Poetry the Double Labyrinth, Berlin
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Translating idiomatic expressions is always a challenge for a
translator, inter alia, due to the differences of languages in terms of
system of culture. The focus of this paper is to identify and
describe strategies used in translation of idioms and idiomatic
expressions. More specifically, this paper examines the idiomatic
expressions in the original version of Dan Brown‘s novel ―The Da
Vinci Code‖ and how they have been translated in the two
Albanian versions of the novel, ―Kodi Da Vinçi‖, translated by
Perikli Jorgoni and ―Kodi i Da Vinçit‖, translated by Amik
Kasoruho. For the sake of comparison, the present research
examines translation of the idiomatic expressions in the Serbian
version of the same novel, ―Da Vinčijev kod‖, translated by Aljoša
Molnar. The present paper first deals with definition and
classification of idioms, to continue with the review of translation
strategies suggested by Mona Baker (1992) & (2011). The findings
show that in the translation of the novel five translation strategies
are used; (a) translation by using an idiom of similar meaning and
form, b) translation by using an idiom of similar meaning but
dissimilar form, c) translation by paraphrase, d) translation by
omission, and e) borrowing the source language idiom. The
strategy used the most is the translation by paraphrase that, as an
average for both Albanian translations is at 55.5%. While both
translation strategies implying preservation of an idiom, together
reach the average total of 28.5 % for both Albanian translators.
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Background of the study
Communication between people speaking different languages has always
been a significant form of linguistic performance. There are
approximately 6,500 languages spoken around the world, therefore the
need for translation between languages has existed and will exist as long
as there are different languages. Thus, the activity of linguistic translation
can be regarded as an important means of communication. According to
Nida and Taber (1969, p. 12), ―translating consists in reproducing in the
receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language
message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style‖.
Translating any elements of a text that have a certain intended effect and
function in the source language (SL) is a challenge for a translator, inter
alia, due to differences of the two languages in terms of system of culture.
This also applies to the translation of idiomatic expressions. It is a fact
that in translating idiomatic expressions, translators face problems in
relation to the semantic structure of the source text, and often idiomatic
expressions cannot be translated literally.
The present study focuses on the topic of idioms and their translation.
More specifically, it represents an attempt to examine the issue of
translatability of idioms by reviewing strategies used, and problems
encountered when translating idiomatic expressions from English into
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Research Questions
Some of the questions that the present research will try to answer are
a) Which are the translation strategies used in translating idioms and
idiomatic expressions?
b) Which translation strategies are more commonly used by both
translators of the novel?
c) What are the key issues in translating idioms between English
and Albanian in the novel?
Research Benefits
The findings of this study aim at making a contribution to the translation
sector by indicating, inter alia, the translation strategies that may be used
by translators when dealing with idiomatic expressions. Whereas, the
study in general is expected to be beneficial to students and other
researchers, providing them information and knowledge on idiomatic
expressions, respectively serving as an inspiration and reference for
further research on idioms and idiomatic expressions and their
Literature review
General Translation Concepts and Theories
The term translation can be defined in several different ways. The
Merriam-Webster Dictionary (1974, p. 725), defines translation as
changing from one place, state or form to another, or to turn into one‘s
own or another‘s language, while according to the Collins English
Dictionary (1991, p. 1635) to translate means to express or be capable of
being expressed in another language or dialect.
Translation has been widely studied by many scholars and different
definitions have been proposed. Larson states that translation consists of
transferring the meaning of the source language into the receptor
language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the
form of a second language by way of semantic structure. (Larson, 1998,
p. 3). While, according to Nida and Taber (1969, p. 12), translating is
reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the
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Previous Research
Strategies used in translation of idioms from English into Albanian are
not an entirely unexplored topic. There is a research paper of Poshi and
Lacka (2016), on translation and idioms and fixed expressions from
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
English into Albanian. Poshi and Lacka (2016) have utilized the analytic-
comparative methodology, and a selective exploitation of examples taken
from various books and internet to conduct their research. Their
conclusion is that idioms may be translated based on the four translation
strategies proposed by Baker (1992), and only in some very isolated cases
the procedure of borrowing or literal translation may be used.
Even though there are no studies or research papers on translation of
idioms from English into Albanian, having used the same case study of
―The Da Vinci Code‖, such studies are available for some other
languages (e.g. Finnish, Indonesian, and Slovenian).
Keränen (2006) has dealt with translation of idioms in her master thesis
―Translation of idioms in the Finnish version of Dan Brown's ―The Da
Vinci Code‖. She has based her study mainly on the translation strategies
suggested by Ingo, and her results have found that the most frequently
used translation strategy is ―Translating an idiom by a non-idiomatic
Purwaningsih (2006) in her thesis ―An analysis of translation of idiomatic
expressions in Dan Brown‘s the Da Vinci Code‖ has analysed translation
of English Idioms into Indonesian. She has based her study on translation
strategies suggested by Baker (1992), and results have shown that
―Translation by paraphrase” is used in 92.6% of cases.
Based on the literary review and researches presented above, it is
becoming obvious that translation strategies suggested by Baker (1992 &
2011) are providing a good ground to further analyse translation of
concrete examples of idiomatic expressions.
Book of Proceedings
the Dan Brown‘s novel ―The Da Vinci Code‖ and its translations into
Albanian and Serbian.
The novel
The Da Vinci Code is a 2003 mystery thriller novel by the American
author Dan Brown. Brown‘s books have been translated into 56
languages, and as of 2012, sold over 200 million copies. (Wikipedia). The
novel is translated also into Albanian and Serbian. Moreover, in Albanian
language there are two different translations ―Kodi Da Vinçi”, translated
by Perikli Jorgoni and “Kodi i Da Vinçit”, translated by Amik Kasoruho.
Also, in the Serbian language there are more translations of the novel, but
for the needs of the present researchis used “Da Vinčijev kod”, translated
by Aljoša Molnar.
The fact that ―The Da Vinci Code‖ is quite a long novel with more
139,000 words, written by a renowned contemporary writer, having a
language, which is full of colourful idiomatic expressions that are often
very colloquial representing a challenge for a translator, make it a
suitable book for the needs of the present study. In addition, the
opportunity to analyse its two translations in Albanian, enables
acquisition of more reliable results.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Results – Findings
Translation strategies
Analysis of the research sample concentrated on the translation strategies
used by each translator (Jorgoni, Kasoruho and Molnar). For most of the
100 sentences/idiomatic expressions composing the sample, the
translation strategies used are the four strategies proposed by Baker
(1992) in her book ―In the Other Words‖ a) translation by using an idiom
of similar meaning and form, b) translation by using an idiom of similar
meaning but dissimilar form, c) translation by paraphrase, and d)
translation by omission. Nevertheless, it is identified that for quite a
significant number of idiomatic expressions, translators have used the
literal translation. The literal translation actually may fall under the
strategy ‗Borrowing the source language idiom‘, which has been
suggested by Baker in the second edition (2011) of same book as an
additional strategy in translating idiomatic expressions.
It is found that in the case of the borrowed French idiom used in English
‗laissez-faire‟ (Brown, 2004, p.335), that has the meaning of ‗desire not
to control‘ (O‘Dell & McCarthy, 2010, p. 32), the original is kept (the
idiom is not translated) by all translators.
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3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
On the other hand, in the Serbian translation this strategy has been used
by Molnar in 26% of cases examined, as presented in the table below
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20. seemed to be back on track dukej se kish hyrë dukej se
(p.376) në një binar të ishte futur
drejtë (p.311) përsëri në
binarin e
21. in cold blood (p.412) me gjakftohtësi
22. join the ranks (p.412) bëhesh një
23. with the police on your heels me policinë në meqë ju
(413) gjurmët tuaja (341) ishte qepur
24. a dead end (p.437) në një rreth vicioz
Table 3. Translation by using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar
form – Jorgoni & Kasoruho
This strategy has been utilised less in the Serbian translation, only in 7%
of cases examined, as presented in the table below
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Translation by paraphrase
This includes cases in which the source language idiom has been
translated using words and phrases that are considered to be part of
everyday non-idiomatic language. The target language expressions of this
type are not idiomatic.
The first Albanian translator (Jorgoni) has used this translation strategy
in 52 % of cases examined, while the second (Kasoruho) in 59% of cases,
as presented in the table below
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3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
(p.239) (p.295)
38. to carry on (p.253) ta drejtojë (p.208) t‟i prijë (p.314)
39. under cover (p.267) në strehën e vet sekrete në vendin e tyre të
(p.215) fshehtë (p.326)
40. making a bold move bëri një lëvizje të hodhën një hap të
(p.267) guximshme (215) guximshëm (326)
41. ahead of their times larg bashkëkohësve të para bashkëkohësve të
(p.271) vet (p.218) tyre (p.331)
fell [fall] from grace humbte pasuritë (p.219)
42. in the face of death përpara një kërcënimi po t‟u kërcënohet
(p.275) me vdekje (p.222) vdekja (p.336)
43. gone out on a limb ndodhej në një situatë kishte rrezikuar
(p.281) shumë të vështirë shumë (p.344)
44. pitch black (p.293) errësirë e plotë (p.237) terr i plotë (p.359)
45. change of heart ndryshimi (p.238) ndryshimi i qëndrimit
(p.294) (p.360)
46. pulling his strings e urdhëron (p.238)
47. a Queen’s ransom më shumë se arturinat e më shumë se ç
(p.294) mbretëreshës (p.239) „kushtojnë xhevahiret
e Mbretëreshës
48. million-dollar një pyetjeje
question (p.299) jashtëzakonisht të
rëndësishme (p.368)
49. loud and clear për mrekulli (p.368)
50. game of cat and dredhat (p.371)
mouse (p.300)
51. what is at stake për se bëhet fjalë
(p.302) (p.372)
52. when the dust me t‟u rralluar pak
settled (p.304) tërë ai pluhur (p.375)
53. light-years out of i pakapshëm për shumë e shumë larg
her league (p.308) aftësitë e [saj] (p.251) nga kompetencat e
[saj] (p.380)
54. [be] at odds with armike (p.254) armike (p.384)
55. by a split second një çast (p.259) një çast (p.391)
56. has taken us a bit na gjeti pak të na ka gjetur pak të
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Translation by omission
Leaving out a source language idiomatic expression from the target
language text simply means that there is no idiomatic element in the
translation, and the idea of the source language idiom has been left out
completely. This strategy has been used by Jorgoni in 7% of cases, and
by Kasoruho in 5% of cases, as presented in the table below
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
In the Serbian translation, only two idioms (2%) are left out of translation
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(p.73) i ja…“(p.71)
2. And Vernet had turned on them rather A i Verne je iznenada
suddenly, although considering okrenuo protiv njih, mada je,
Langdon was being charged with four uzimajući u obzir činjenicu
murders, the banker's change of heart da je Langdon bio optužen
seemed understandable. (p.294) za četiri ubistva, to bilo i za
očekivati. (p.261)
Table 8. Translation by omission – Translator Molnar
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
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3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Translation Strategy Jorgoni Kasoruho Mol
1. Translation by using an idiom of similar 14% 11% 26%
meaning and form
2. Translation by using an idiom of similar 16% 16% 7%
meaning but dissimilar form
3. Translation by paraphrase 52% 59% 41%
4. Translation by omission 7% 5% 2%
5. Borrowing the source language idiom 10% 8% 23%
Table 11. Use of translation strategies (%)
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Primary Source
Brown, D. (2004). The Da Vinci Code. New York Doubleday.
Brown, D. (2004). Kodi Da Vinçi. Tiranë Shtëpia Botuese ―Bota
Brown, D. (2006). Kodi i Da Vinçit. Tiranë Shtëpia Botuese ―Dudaj‖.
Braun, D. (2014). 2. izd. Da Vinčijev kod. Novi Sad Solaris.
Secondary Source
Baker, Mona (1992). In other words A Course Book on Translation.
London Routledge.
Baker, Mona (2011). 2nd edition. In other words A Course Book on
Translation. London Routledge.
Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner‟s English Dictionary. 2003. Glasgow
Collins English Dictionary. (1991). 3rd edition. Makins, M. Glasgow
Dan Brown. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved June 10, 2015, from https
Fernando, C. (1996). Idioms and Idiomaticity. Oxford University Press.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Zana Nura, MA
AAB College
This paper explores the historical context in Anne Frank‘s and
Frida Kahlo‘s diary. Anne is the most famous diarist in the world,
whereas Frida a Mexican painter known for auto portraits but who
also dared to pour her thoughts on paper not only on canvas.
Comparing the aforementioned diaries will illustrate the influence
of social circumstances on the lives and diaries of these two
women. The research paper is carried out by qualitative research
methods; therefore, it relies on literature review, scholarly articles
and the primary sources being the two diaries. Research questions
will be answered, starting from how did social circumstances
influence the lives and diaries of these authors? What is the
language used in regards to politics in the two different settings?
How is Anne compared to Frida when talking about politics and
social issues in their respective countries, and how do they portray
this in their diaries?
Living in two distant and different places of the world, the respective
lives of Frida Kahlo and Anne Frank as well as their diaries were
influenced and shaped by different social circumstances. The Second
World War changed millions of people‘s lives; among them it
transformed the life of the young girl called Anne Frank. The war is
inevitably one of the themes in Anne‘s diary; however, she didn‘t start
writing in it with the intention of publication nor for documenting the
war. Rather, it began as a friendship and ended as one. However, the
circumstances in which she lived during her crucial forming years of
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3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
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This is a heart breaking description of how the Germans tricked the Jews
in order to locate them, resulting in having the exact number and names
of Jews in Holland. The restriction that was placed upon them led to
poverty and isolation, in other words they lost all means of income.
Germans imposed anti-Jewish measures; and begun the deportation of
Jewish people to extermination camps. On July 5, 1942 Anne Frank‘s
sister Margot was called for deportation, she was only sixteen years old at
that time. Otto Frank‘s intuition and what he foresaw would happen had
finally turned into reality. Next morning, they went to hide in the “Secret
Annexe”. The Frank family shared the place with Otto‘s business
associate Mr. Van Daan and his family, which consisted of his wife and
his fifteen –year- old son Peter. Albert Dussel, an old dentist, would also
joined them later. In other words, the Frank‘s family was not alone, but
were part of the eight people who occupied the Secret Annexe under
extraordinary conditions. They lived with the hope that one day the
Germans would be driven out of Holland and they could leave the Secret
Annexe and live freely and happily as they once used to. Unfortunately,
except for Otto Frank, all members of the Secret Annexe would
eventually die without experiencing this freedom. Anne Frank died in
1945, Bergen-Belsen in a concentration camp.
World War II
Most people know about Anne Frank‘s diary and consider it just a diary,
including Wahlstrom (2012) who says that it was not until one day when
he read it that his ―eyes were opened to his earlier ignorance‖
(Wahlstrom,2012). Therefore, he decided to explore war diaries,
particularly female writers. Traditionally, diaries have always been y seen
as a female practice, and as such they are more personal, expressive and
poetic compared to men‘s. The diary of Anne Frank is not just adolescent
scribbling, but far more significant than that. As Wahlstrom (2012)
mentions several female diarists, he explains that girls and women have
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
found within the diary ―a vehicle for expression, growth, rebellion, and
creation‖ (Wahlstrom, 2012, p.44).
As a result of the Hitler‘s anti-Jewish laws Anne described their life as
“filled with anxiety” (Frank, 1993). The restrictions that were placed
upon Jews made them feel as Anne explains “so we could not do this and
were forbidden to do that, but life went on in spite of it all” (Frank, 1993,
p.4). Life in hiding came with certain rules, as Anne stated that those
were called “Secret Annex Rules”, such as “speak softly at all times, by
order!” as well as “all civilized languages are permitted, therefore no
German!” (Frank, 1993, p.51.52). One of the most valuable rules was
about lessons and reading which helped them to keep their mind busy and
make the time fly. In spite of their effort to make their life as ordinary as
possible, the twenty-five months they spent in hiding resulted in mental,
physical, as well as emotional changes. However, all of them considered
themselves lucky to have a place to hide. She declared to not have been
interested in politics, but it was an unavoidable topic or as Anne calls it a
“very big chapter” of their history in hiding. She talks about what is
happening to Jews and how it feels to be one, “without any rights, but
with a thousand duties” (Frank, 1993, p.207). The young girl identified
herself as a Jew and in spite of everything that was happening she never
expressed any wish to be different from what she was unlike her friend
Peter who at one point says that “it would be easier if he‟d been a
Christian” (Frank, 1993, p.155).
She writes about world leaders such as Churchill, Gandhi and Roosevelt.
Hitler‘s name is also in her diary pages. Before the war Anne was just a
normal child who enjoyed the simplest things in life without considering
them great luxury. However, after the war broke out, Anne writes “I long
for a home of our own, to be able to move freely and to have some help
with my work again at last, in other words – school” (Frank, 1993, p.90).
Even though the people who were hiding in the attic were more fortunate
than others who were tortured by the enemies, at some point life in hiding
became too difficult to bear, Anne sadly writes “all goes well with me on
the whole, except that I have no appetite” (Frank, 1993, p.113). While
Anne speaks of the war and discusses the current situation, she makes a
remark on Germans, she writes “the Germans have a means of making
people talk”, implying that they are capable of forcing someone talk
whether they like it or not, an illustration of their power and brutality
(Frank, 1993, p.238). At times the members of the Annexe felt hopeful, at
times hopeless. Nevertheless, despite all the evil in the world Anne Frank
writes about her ideals, she says “I keep them, because in spite of
Book of Proceedings
everything I still believe that people are really good at heart”, and that
regardless of the world “being turned into a wilderness” Anne believes
that “peace and tranquility will return again” (Frank, 1993, pp. 263-
264). These are powerful lines written by this remarkably high spirited
girl who did not stop believing and hoping that good will conquer evil.
These words have been shared by millions of people who still in times of
turmoil and evil can find solace in Anne‘s quote.
3rd International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Didactics
Upon Mexican‘s government approval, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera
offered a sanctuary for the Marxist revolutionary and theorist Leon
Trotsky who then was a political refugee along with his wife. The
Trotsky couple remained in the Blue House for two years, where they
were safe and sound under the protection of the Mexican couple.
However, the Marxist revolutionary could not resist the charm of the
unique Frida Kahlo with whom he had an affair during that period. The
couples grew apart, and Trotsky left the Blue House and soon after was
killed. Fuentes (1995) states that ―Frida saw politics through Rivera‖ and
describes him as ―an anarchist, a mythomaniac, a compulsive liar, and a
fantastic storyteller‖ (Fuentes, 1995, p.19). Frida explains that “since
Trotsky came to Mexico I have understood his error” and she clarifies
that she was never “a Trotskyist” but in those days her only alliance was
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Frida Kahlo joined the Communist Party at the age of thirteen, (due to
Frida‘s altered calendar it could have been either thirteen or sixteen),
Anne Frank received her diary at the same age. Both female authors were
influenced by the social circumstances; it led them to discuss major
political figures by inscribing their names in their diaries. While Frida
willingly got involved in politics and wanted to contribute in that matter,
politics got involved in Anne‘s life by changing every aspect of it. Frida
spent a huge amount of time in her room, her house served as a studio, as
a hospital, as a safe place for political refugee. Frida was free to move but
had as she said “broken wings”. Frank was perfectly healthy, but the fact
that she was a Jew locked her in the Secret Annexe where she had to live
in hiding in order to stay alive. She was imposed to share a space with
seven people, to live her crucial teenage years in the Secret Annexe,
judged and hurt by others‘ remarks, admired by a young boy, but still, in
the end her sanctuary was her Diary. All the aforementioned facts
illustrate the influence of the social circumstances that had on the lives of
these two diarists. Frida and Anne have more in common that one could
have ever thought. Both women were proud of their heritage and they
celebrated it in their own way. They used diaries as a form of escapism,
as a means to express their most intimate thoughts. It is the diary that
enabled Anne to live beyond her death as she always wished, and Frida to
experience another form of art and allow others to know through her
Book of Proceedings
Frank, A. (1993). Anne Frank The Diary of a Young Girl (Bantam
Edition ed.). Bantam Books.
Kahlo, F. (1995). The Diary of Frida Kahlo An Intimate Self-Portrait
(2005 ed.). Abrams.
Knight, A. (2016). The Mexican Revolution A Very Short Introduction.
Oxford, United Kingdom Oxford University Press.
Kopf, H. R. (1997). Understanding Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young
Girl A Student's Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical
Miller, R. R. (1985). Mexico A History. University of Oklahoma Press
Wahlstrom, Ralph L. ―Be Here Now Young Women‘s War Diaries and
the Practice of Intentionality.‖ The English Journal (National
Council of Teachers of English) 102, no.2 (November 2012) 44-50.
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Biblioteka Kombëtare e Kosovës ―Pjetër Bogdani‖
ISBN 978-9951-494-85-4