Embankment PDF
Embankment PDF
Embankment PDF
2.6.1 Description
This work shall consist of the construction of embankment and fill by furnishing,
placing, compacting and shaping suitable material of acceptable quality obtained from
approved sources in accordance with these Specifications and to the lines, levels,
grades, dimensions and cross sections shown on the Drawings or as required by the
2.6.2 Materials
All fill materials shall be free from roots, sods or other deleterious material.
Materials for embankments shall be from sources which the Contractor shall propose
and which shall be approved by the Engineer. Approval shall not normally be given to
the use of material which, when compacted to 95% of maximum dry density determined
in accordance with STP 4.3 has a 4 day soaked CBR value of less than 3%.
• Liquid limit of soil fraction passing 0.425 mm sieve not to exceed 50% (STP 3.2)
• Plasticity index of soil fraction passing 0.425 mm sieve not to exceed 25% (STP 3.2)
Prior to placing any embankment upon any area, all clearing and grubbing operations
shall have been completed in accordance with Section 2.1 and excavation under
carriageways shall be carried out in accordance with Section 2.2.
The original ground surface shall be disturbed as little as possible except for levelling
of dikes, terraces and obsolete ditches.
A) General
The placing of fill shall be carried out in successive layers for the full width of fill as
shown on the Drawings with allowance being made for the placement of topsoil if
applicable and in such lengths as are suited to the watering and compaction methods
utilised. Each layer shall not exceed 150 mm in thickness on completion of compaction.
The completed embankment shall have the required form, cross-section, grade and
levels as detailed on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer with a surface
tolerance of ±25mm from the specified levels.
Where new embankment will overlay existing canals, ditches, ponds or other
waterways, these shall be filled in exclusively with sand in accordance with Section Prior to filling, cofferdams shall be made to allow pumping, and the bed shall
be left to dry until approved by the Engineer for filling.
The Works shall be performed in such a manner and at such times as to avoid
interruption of or interference with the free flow of water in the canals.
Where embankment fill is being carried out to widen an existing embankment the new
fill material shall be fully keyed into the old embankment by means of benching which
shall be in steps each not less than 300 mm high and 600 mm wide. Steps shall be cut
in advance of the filling. Material cut in benches may be used as fill if found to be
The moisture content of the fill materials before compaction shall be within ±2% of the
optimum moisture content as determined in accordance with STP 4.3(Standard
Compaction). The achieved dry density of the embankment after compaction shall be
not less than 95% of the maximum dry density determined earlier in accordance with
STP 4.3.
One density test for each 1,000 square metres of a completed layer will be carried out
according to STP 6.2, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. If test results show
that the density is less than the required density, the Contractor shall carry out further
compaction to obtain at least the required density. The compacted layer shall be
approved by the Engineer before the Contractor can commence a new layer.
Alternatively one Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) test for each 500 m2 of a
completed layer may be substituted in place of the density test. In this case the mm /
blow from the DCP test should not exceed a penetration greater than 45 mm / blow.
When necessary, each layer, before being compacted, shall be mixed with dry material
or otherwise processed to bring the moisture content sufficiently close to optimum to
make possible its compaction to the required density. The material shall be so worked
as to have a uniform moisture content through the entire layer.
Hauling equipment shall be operated over the full width of each layer in so far as
2.6.4 Measurement
The cross section to be used will be the area bound by the subgrade (below improved
subgrade or sub-base) the side slopes or edge limits and the original ground line or
the level after excavation of unsuitable material with the net volume being calculated by
the End area method. A deduction of volume will occur when topsoil is placed in
accordance with Section 6.6 of this Specification.
The final volume of embankment fill shall not include the voids for bridges and
box-culverts, but the voids for pipes, manholes, catch basins and the like will however
not be deducted.
Sand backfill to swampy ground shall be measured in cubic metres based on the net
volumes backfilled as directed by the Engineer.
2.6.5 Payment
This work measured as provided above shall be paid for at the Contract unit prices per
cubic metre. Payment shall be full compensation for performing the work, furnishing the
materials and providing all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to
complete the work.
2/6/1 Embankment Fill from Excavation on Site or Borrow Pit Cubic Metre
within the Right-of-Way