Dita Topic 12 Syntax PDF
Dita Topic 12 Syntax PDF
Dita Topic 12 Syntax PDF
NIM : 0304182104
Course : SYNTAX
1. Examples (34a, b) above demonstrated the difference in meaning between planting a
garden with roses and planting roses in the garden. Read the discussion of those examples
and consider the examples below. Do they signal the same differences of meaning? Are
there examples where the differences in meaning are cancelled by entities in the situation
or by the type of action?
1, 2 different in meaning
3, 4 different in meaning
5, 6 different in meaning, but note that the interpretation may be affected by a property of
points - they are usually quite small and, no matter the syntax, the spray from a can may
well cover them all.
7, 8 different in meaning
9, 10 no difference in meaning; supply does not have to do with covering a particular area.
11, 12 no difference in meaning, thanks to the use of cram in both examples. cram is
appropriate only where a container is full or becomes full.
15, 16 potentially different in meaning in context. Where two or three strips of bark are
hanging off, the deer could be described as ripping the bark of the tree, but just these strips.
Example (16) can only be used if the deer removed all the bark; that is its action affected
the entire tree.
2. Which of the following examples do you find acceptable? (In speech, in writing?) The
examples in exercise 1 have the 'same' lexical verb in two different syntactic construction.
Are the following examples similar?
1. Claudia poured water into the bath.
2. Claudia poured the bath with water.
3. Claudia filled water into the bath.
4. Claudia filled the bath with water.
5. The gang stole a million pounds from the bank.
6. The gang stole the bank of a million pounds.
7. The gang robbed a million pounds from the bank.
8. The gang robbed the bank of a million pounds.
Examples (1) and (4) are acceptable, (2) and (3) are not. Pour can only be applied to
what is to be contained in a container, and fill can only be applied to the container.
The standard analysis is that (5) and (8) are unacceptable but (6) and (7) are not. Steal
is applied to whatever is removed from its owner, and rob is applied to the owner. Note that
examples like (7) are becoming frequent in British English, at least in the spoken language.
3. Assign roles to the nouns in the following extract adapted from William Dalrymple, From
the Holy Mountain.
I recorded several version of this story in Urfa (Edessa). Father Abraham was born in a
cave on the citadel mount, where he lay hidden from its castellan, Nimrod the Hunter.
Nimrod nevertheless tracked down Abraham's cradle and used two pagan pillars on the
acropolis as a catapult to propel the baby into a furnace at the bottom of the hill. The
almighty realised that his divine plan for Mankind was in danger, intervened and turned
the furnace into a pool full of carp. The carp caught the baby and carried him to the
poolside. Abraham promised that anyone who ate the carp would go blind.
Agent : I, Nimrod, Almighty, Abraham, anyone, carp and who.
Patient : versions, Father Abraham, he, Nimrod, pillars, catapult, baby, furnace, him
and carp.
Source : story, castellan, and hill.
Place : urva, cave, citadel mount, acropolis, bottom and danger.
Goal : furnace, mankind, pool and poolside.
Neutral : plan