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Grove - RT 58C - 2

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RT58C 18 TON CAPACITY 24 ft. - 42 ft. BOOM (FULL POWER) 85% OF TIPPING - ON OUTRIGGERS 75% OF TIPPING - ON RUBBER NOTES FOR LIFTING CAPACITIES GENERAL: 1. Rated loads as thown on [itt chart pertain to this machine as originally manufactured and equipped. Modifications to the machine or Use of oplianal equipment ather than that specified can result in a reduction of ca ay. 2. Construction equipment can be hazardous if improperly operated of maintained, Operation and maintenance of this machine shall be in compliance with the information in the operator's, parts, and safety manuals supplied with machine, ff (hese manuals are missing, order aSeMmeAts fram the mMatwfitiveer thraagh the ibutor. 3, The operator and other persannel associated with this machine shail fully acquaint themselves with the latest Ra applicable American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Safety Standards for cranes, SETUP: F 4, The machine shail be feveled on a firm supporting sunface. Depending on the mature of the suppo ace, 1 may be necessary to have structural supp under the outrigger Moatt or tices to ipread ihe load to a jarger bearing surtace, 2. For gulrigger aperation, outrigger shall be fully extended with tires raised free of crane weight before Operating the Boom or lifting loads, 2. ff machine is equipped with frant jack cylinder, the frant jack cylinder shall be set in accordance with written recedur 4 SQUIBBEd with extiadable countenver ht, fhe counterweight shall be fully extended before operation 5. Tires 4 Jobe infiated te ihe recommended presure before lifting on rubber, 6.With certain boom and owt tackle combinations, maximum capacities may not be oblaimable wath siandard cable lengths. OPERATIO 1, Rated loads at rated radius shall not be exceeded. Oo not the machiné to determine allowable loade. For manell or contrete bucket operition, weight of BESaBE and toad mutt not exceed 80% of rated Lif 2. Rated loadido fotexceed O88" of the tippin deter ad oy SAE Ceane Stability Test Code J-TéSa. Ra 4, Rated loads include the weight of hook block, dings and i auxiliary fifting devices; and their weeghts shall be sted from tke listed ratings fo obtau the net load Fi ta be litted, 4. Load ratings are based on freely suspended loads. No attempt ahall be made to move a load horigantally on the ground if any deechan. S. Rated toads do mot account for wind on fiited toad or boom. It isrecammended when win velocity 1 above 20 mph (32 km/h}, sated loads and boom leagths small be Appropriately reduced. &. Rated loads are tor fit crane tervice oniy. 7.00 ot operate af 3 fades of boom lengin where capacities are mot AL these postions, the machine may overturn witha ad on the hook. he maximum toad which can be tetercoped 1 mot definable Because of variations im loadings and crane maintenance, Gut af if safe to alternel retraction and extension within the limits of the capacity chart. 9. When either boom length or radic’ ar both are between values ligted, the imaliest load shown at either the newt larger radius oF Doom beagtih shall Be wied. © operation, the user shali make duc allowances Particular jo Ong, such as: soll of uneven ground, oul of lew ons, High winds, tide Ipods, Pendulum action, jerking ar judden stopping of dads, hazardous conditions, experience of personnel, two machine Wifts, travelng with foods, electric wires, etc, Side Pull on Boom oF jk it extremely di ngercas. 11, Power telescoping boom ‘sections must be extended equally at all times. 12. Handing of personnel fram the boom it not authored except with equipment furnished ind initalied by Grawe Manulacturing Company. 11. Keep load handiing devices a minimum of 12 inches (30 em} below Boom head when lowering or extending boom. 14, Leaded boom angles give an ipproximation af tne Speraling radius al specified boom lengths. The boom angle before foading thauld be greater to account for deflection, 15. Capacities appearing above the bold line are based on ttructural strength and tipping should net be relied upon a8 a capacity limitation, 16. Capacities for the 24 ft. (7.4m) boom fength shall be Ufted with boom fully vi fed. If Boom i not Fully retracted, capacities shali nol excecd thoi shown for the 27 ft. (@.2m) boom iength. 17, Latting loads af ciove radii directly over ine operator's Compartment it not recommenced, BEFINITIONS: . on ting Ragiut: Horizental distance from a projection of the axis of rotation to the twugpporting surface before loading to the center of the vertical hoist line or tackle with toad applied. 2.Loaded Boom Angle (Shown in Parenthesis. on Main Boom Capacity Chart}: is the angle between the boon base section and the horizontal, afier lifting the rated toad af the rated radius. 3, Markie Area: Areas meagured int circular arc about the i center line of rotation as shown on the working area agar 4. Freely Suspended Load: Load hanging tree with no direct external force applied except by the lift cabte. S.5ide Load: Horzontal foree applied to the lifted toad either on the qround ov in the air, | a4 20 | 20,660 (20) 25 NOTE: Boom angles are in degrees. RATED LIFTING CAPACITIES IN POUNDS ON OUTRIGGERS FULLY EXTENDED .- 360° Main Boom Length in Feet Tar [0 [a | 36 | we | a | 66 68.5 70.5) {(72 Min, Boom Angle (deg) for indicated length [No Load] Max. Boom Length (ft.) at 0 degree boom angle [No AGEZ9.00014618 & -OOS6R1C ON OUTRIGGERS FULLY EXTENDED - OVER FRONT 35,800 | 35,800 35,600 | 35,000 | 34,600 5 61.5) |(64.5) | (67) | 29,300 | 29,300 29,300 50 54.5) |1(58.5) | (61.5 20,660 | 20,660 | 20,660 | 20,660 20,660 | 20, , i (33) (41.5) | (47.5) | (52) Load | Main Boom Length in Feet 18,400 (40.5) 14,900 Boom Angle (deg) for indicated length ax. Boom Length (ft.) at O degree boom angle [No Load] [No Load] NOTE: Boom angles are in degrees. AG-829-004142 & -003681C RT 18 TOF 24 ft. - (Ful 85% OF TIPPIN 76% OF TIPE NOTES FOR LIFTIN GENERAL: 1, Rated hnads a4 dhown on lift « as originally manufactured 2 to the machine of use of opt that specified can result in a fF 2. Construction equipment can Opersied or maintained, Ope this machine shall Ge in caer in the operdtor’s, parts, and 4 this machine. if these om replacements from the om distributor 3. The operator and giher per machine shall fully acquaint applicable American Mational Safety Slandards for cranes WP; 1. The machine shall be leve weace, Depending an the surface, «ft may be necessary winder the outrigger floats or larger bearing surtace 2. For outrigger operation, extended with tines raited Sperating the boom or lifting 3. maching ih equipped wilh 1 fick cylinder shall be sets procedure, 4. if machine is equipped with ihe counterweight thall & operation. 5. Tires shall Be inflated to 1 Héfare lifting on rubber 6. With certain boom and h Maximum capacities may wot cable lengths. OPERATION: 1. Rated toads al raied radius th tip the machine to detern clamshell or concrete buckel and load mui nol exceed FO 2. Rated loads do not exceed determined by SAE Crane 5 3, Rated toads include tne wed aumtiiary lifting devices an subtracted from the tated ral ho be lifted 4. Lead ratengs are based on f aitempt shall be made to eo ground if ony direct 3, Rated ioads do mot ace boom, It is recommended whi mph (32 Km/h}, rated loads appropriately reduced 6. Rated loads are for Wit crane 3 7,05 not operate af a radia capacities are mot fisted, AGE may overturn without amy loa 8. The maximum (oad which definable Becauie of vareale maintenance, but it om sate extension within the! %. When either boon le values listed, the tr tanger radius or boom lengih ¢ 10, For tale operation, the user for his particular joo comdilic ground, out of level canditic Pendulum iction, jerking or hazardous condi machine difts, pull on boom o 11, Power telescoping boom equally at all times 12. Handling of permannel trom except with equipment furnes Manufacturing Company. 11. Keep load handling devices a em) below boom head when tr 14. Leaded baom angles give operating radius at speciied angie before ioading thould deflectian, 15, Capacittes appearing above | Structural strength and typpin at a capacity limitation, iG. Capacities for the 24 ft. (7? lifted with boom fully retra retracted, capacities shall nog 27.14. (8.2m) boom Leng 17. Lifting loads at close radu ¢ compartment ig sot recommer DEFINITIONS: 1, Operating Radius: Horzontal OF thé axig Of rotation to th loading to the center of the with load applied, 2. Loaded Boom Angte (Show Boom Capacity Cart): is th base section and the horzo load al the rated radius 3. Working Area: Areas mesuure center fine Of rotation as i diagram, 4. Freety Suspended Load: Load external force applied except | S. Side Load: Horizontal force either on the ground or in the GROVE FULL HYDRAULIC OELF-PROPELLED CRANE ON RUBBER CAPACITIES 20.5x25 (20 ply) TIRES 17.5%25 (20 ply) TIRES Radius Pick & Carey Capacity in ; Up To 2.5 MPH Defined Arc (3)] geg0 Arc Geom Centered (7) Feet Over Front Over Frant “27,520 (a) | 19,100 (a) 14,200 [a) Radius Stationary Capa Pick & Carry Capacity in Defined Ore (3) B ue ae tsb Safa Samer: 28,300 {i 25,800 (a) [14,360 (a) 19.240 (c) | 16,150 (c [17,810 (a) 6.270 (d) [11.810 fb) 4,270 (2) 10,230 [¢} 6,180 (7) 4,800 (9) |_2,370 (9) 46-8 29-004122 AB-B29-004128 En ; 5,060 (9) 14:00x24 (20 ply) TIRES Radius Stationary Capacity Pick & Carry Capacity ] n Def ip To 2.5 MPH i efined Arc (3 Roam c sree i? Over Front : om Centered (7) Feet Over Front — - MAXIMUM PERMISSIGLE 800M LENGTH: __23,150 (a) ja) 24 ft fe) 36. ft. 21,340 (a {b) 27 ft. (fy) 39 ft. 15,640 a ic) 30 ft, tg) 42 Ft. 11,420 (b td} 34 ft. wo (c 6,000 (c} “4,680 (#) AG-829-004144 Main Boom 42.0 f20ft jib 42.0 ft. | 62.0 ft. O° — Q ee Main Boom Minimum boom angle for indicated length (No Load)| Maximum boom léenath at 0° boom angle 360 Minimum boom angle for indicated length (No Load}/Maximum boom length at O° boom angle NOTES FOR ON RUBBER CAPACITIES 1, Capacities are in pounds and da not exceed 75% of tipping loads as determined by test in accordance with SAE J-765. 2, Machines equipped with 20.5x25 (20 ply) tires require 80 psi cold inflation pressure (65 psi for 2.5 mph pick & carry capacities}; 17.5x25 (20 ply) tires require 95 psi cold inflation pressure (2% psi for 2.5 mph pick & carry capacities); 14.00% 24 (20 ply) tires require 115 psi cold inflation pressure (110 psi for 2.5 mph pick & carry capacities). 4. {Defined Arc) - GQver frant includes +6° on either side af longitudinal genterline of machine. 4. Capacities appearing above bold line are based on structural strength and tipping should not be relied upon as a capacity limitation. 5. Capacities are applicable only with machine on a firm level surface, 6. On rubber lifting with jib not permitted. E 7. For pick and carry operation, boom must be centered over front of machine and mechanical swing lock engaged. When frandling loads in the structural range with capacities clase to maximum ratings, travel should be reduced to creep speed. a. Axle lockouts must be functianing before lifting on rubber. {Check automatic lockout system for proper functioning: Refer to “operation and maintenance manual” for deseriptian of a proper functioning axle lockout system). i 9. All litting depends on proper tire inflation, capacity and condition. Capacities must be reduced for lower tire inflation pressures. See lifting capacity chart for tire used. Damaged tires are hazardous to safe operation of crane. 10. Lifting loads at close radii directly over the operator's compartment is not recommended. RT58C 18 TON CAPACITY 24 ft. - 42 ft. BOOM (FULL POWER) 85% OF TIPPING - ON OUTRIGGERS 75% OF TIPPING - ON RUBBER 20 FT. A-FRAME JIB 5 Be Aes 0 4,200 3,870 7,140 | 26.0 | 4,850 | 31.0 | 3,660 6,230 | 32.4] 4,400] 35.2 | 3,500 5,570 | 36.6 | 4,150] 39.0 | 3,330 5,070 | 40.4 | 3,900 | 42.5 | 3,200 ed Pepe 4,680 | 44.0 | 3,750] 45.8 | 3,080 4,390 | 47.2 | 3,600 | 48.5 | 2,580 4,150 | 49.9 | 3,450] 50.9 | 2,890 3,740 | 52.3 | 3,350] 52.9 | 2,800 AG-929-003 813F NOTES FOR JIB CAPACITIES . All capacities are in pounds, 20 ft. jib may be used for double ling lifting service. Capacities are based on structural strength of 20 ff, jib at a given main boom angle regardless of main boom fength. . WARNING: Operation of machine with heavier loads than the capacities Nsted strictly prohibited. Machine tipping with Jib occurs rapidly and without advance warning. . Capacities Usted are with fully extended autriggers only. . WARNING: Lifting on rubber with jib is prohibited. . Reference radii listed are for fully extended main boom only. . Mo load stability on outriggers with 20 ft, jib imstalled. a Minimum boom angle for 42 ft. main boom = 09 Bb Maximum main boom length at 0° main boom angle = 42 ft. LIFTING AREA DIAGRAM conueeeaie Fond No. OC ATEE 4 2F, Pen, RANGE DIAGRAM 42 ft. BOOM 39 ft. BOOM 36 ft. BOOM 33 ft. BOOM d0 ft. BOOM 27 ft. BOOM 24 ft. BOOM HOOK ELEVATION IN FEET OPERATING RADIUS FROM AXIS OF ROTATION IN FEET C6-829-003692 GROVE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Cevaeaon af Kode, Ing KIDDE GROVE Box 21, Shady Grove, Pennsylvania 17256 Phone: (717) 597-8121 Telex: 242308 Cable; GROVE MFG DATE: 286-10M Prieto inf §. A WEIGHT REDUCTIONS FOR LOAD HANDLING DEVICES HOOK BLOCKS: iston, 2 sheave . - 300 Ibs, 22tom, sheave . 2... 12 ton, I sheave .... 12 ton, | sheave... , Aus, Boom Head . 5 tom headache ball 20 Ft. A-Frame JIB 24 ft.- 42 ft. BOOM *STOWED .... *+ERECTED ... . . 238 Ibs. 1,368 Ibs, * Reduction of main boom capacities, NOTE: All Load Handling Gevices and Beom Attachments are Con sidered Part af the Load and Suit- able Allowances MUST BE MADE for Their Combined Weights, Weights are for Grove furnished equipment. AXIS OF ROTATION Distributed by:

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