Trumpet Audition 2019 BABC v1 - 1
Trumpet Audition 2019 BABC v1 - 1
Trumpet Audition 2019 BABC v1 - 1
20 May 2019
Preliminary Requirements:
Bugle Call- To the Color
Charlier: 36 Etudes Transcendantes for Trumpet, No. 6 - as printed
Prepared Solo
Bugle Calls
To the Color-quarter note = 144
America's Airmen
Marching Portion of Audition
usaftrumpetaudition20 l
Electronic resumes must be received as a pdf or word doc (no cloud storage/file sharing links such as Google Docs
or Dropbox).
Resume file names should be labeled last name, first name and resume content must include name, street address,
phone number, and email address.
Preliminary through Final rounds of the audition will be held on August 281h 2019 at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling,
Washington, DC.
** Prior Service and Active Duty members-please contact the USAF Band Auditions team for additional
information prior to submitting materials.