Risk Mitigation Matrix
Risk Mitigation Matrix
Risk Mitigation Matrix
List Key findings Recommendations Mitigation Responsible Target Date Date Comments/
Plan Achieved Remarks
1 GRANTEE 1 does not The GRANTEE 1 We have it. CEO MARCH 5,
have a corporate Council should ensure We have had a 2018
governance manual to that a governance reviewed one
guide how the Executive manual is developed to since 2014.
Council conduct its guide the activities or We will make
business. The lack of functioning of the sure we share
formal guidance makes it council. The manual a copy with
difficult to assess the should at the minimum FUNDER
performance of the include guidance on (PRIME).
council and members or selection, appointment,
monitor compliances assessment, resignation,
with standards. composition, tenure,
removal of member(s)
from the council,
replacement, meeting
times, quorum,
2 GRANTEE 1 has a Conflict of Interest is section l of CEO &
policy on managing one of the portents of that manual FUNDER
conflict of interest (COI) prohibitive practices explains (PRIME)
cases that may arise. such as fraud, bribery conflict of FGM
However, it would be and corruption. interest and
important to develop GRANTEE 1 should how it should
COI policy as well as therefore develop COI be dealt with.
COI disclosure and policy and disclosure FUNDER
reporting forms that forms to improve (PRIME) will
Risk Mitigation/Compliance Schedule - Sample Work 1
next board
meeting in
April 2018.
4 Although GRANTEE 1 GRANTEE 1 should We discussed FUNDER MARCH 5,
has a team of qualified employ an M&E officer this with (PRIME) 2018
staff to ensure successful to support the FUNDER MEL/PIMU
implementation of the implementation of the (PRIME) to
project. The existing project recruit an
skills set of the team is appropriate
primarily dominated by support staff.
research, and analysis of Such staff will
oil and gas analysis. The work with our
team does not have accounts
anyone with strong officer and
expertise in project research
results tracking and director to
reporting. GRANTEE 1 ensure
therefore will require the compliance
services of an M&E
Officer to enable them
properly to capture and
report on project
progress and results
5 GRANTEE 1 does not GRANTEE 1 should We are
have standardized, develop a standardised grateful to
entreprise-wide project risk register to ensure FUNDER
Risk Mitigation/Compliance Schedule - Sample Work 1