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The Added Mass Coefficient Computation of Sphere, Ellipsoid and Marine Propellers Using Boundary Element Method

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POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH 1(68) 2011 Vol 18; pp.


The Added Mass Coefficient computation

of sphere, ellipsoid and marine propellers
using Boundary Element Method

Hassan Ghassemi, Assoc. Prof.

Amirkabir University of Technology
Ehsan Yari, M. Sc.
Malekashtar University of Technology

Added mass is an important and effective dynamic coefficient in accelerating, non uniform motion as a result
of fluid accelerating around a body. It plays an important role, especially in vessel roll motion, control
parameters as well as in analyzing the local and global vibration of a vessel and its parts like propellers
and rudders. In this article, calculating the Added Mass Coefficient has been examined for a sphere,
ellipsoid, marine propeller and hydrofoil; using numerical Boundary Element Method. Since an Ellipsoid
and a sphere have simple geometric shapes and the Analytical values of their added mass coefficients
are available, so that the results of added mass matrix are obtained and evaluated, using the boundary
element method. Then the added mass matrix is computed in a given geometrical and flow specifications
for a specific propeller and its results are studied versus experimental results, which it’s current numerical
data In comparison with other numerical methods has a good conformity with experimental results. The
most important advantage of the method in determining the added mass matrix coefficients for the surface
and underwater vessels and the marine propellers is extracting all the added mass coefficients with very
good Accuracy, while in other numerical methods it is impossible to extract all the coefficients with the
Desired Accuracy.

Key words: Added mass coefficient; Boundary element method; Marine propeller; Ellipsoid


In fluid mechanics, added mass or virtual mass, is the added
inertia to the system, owing to that the Increase or decrease in The hydrodynamic forces and moments are determined by
the body acceleration should cause the Fluid to move around the fluid inertia and viscous properties according to the motion of
body in such a way that the object can move through it, because a body in real incompressible fluid. Definitely, the other forces
the body and the fluid cannot simultaneously occupy this and moments can be calculated by obtaining one of the inertia
physical space. For simplicity this can be modeled in such a way or viscous terms. Since the fluid can be assumed as an ideal
that the Volume of fluid moves along the object, While in fact one (Inviscid). Therefore the inertia forces and moments can
all parts of the fluid move with varying degrees. Added mass be calculated with this estimate. The forces and moments of
coefficient matrix usually is expressed as a dimensionless value inertia can be introduced as the body added mass terms, using
which is equal to added mass coefficient divided by the Mass of this method.
displaced fluid. For example the body density can be considered Assume that the body with surface S is moving in an infinite
in the body volume. In general, the added mass coefficient is homogeneous ideal Fluid. Consider two systems of coordinates:
a second order tensor that depends on the fluid acceleration the stationary one (We denote it by XYZ) and the coordinate
vector in order to obtain force vector on the body. system moving together with the body (We denote it by Oxyz).
The added mass was considered as the first time in 1776 by The vortex-free condition implies the existence of a potential
Dubua who did laboratory studies on spherical pendulum in φ(X, Y, Z, t), assuming that the moment of these two systems
low swings. [2] Precise mathematical equations for the added of coordinate are specified. So the components of the fluid
mass of sphere, was obtained by Green (1833) and Stokes velocity are defined as follows:
(1843) respectively. Stokes, also studied on the sphere motions
in a finite volume of fluid. Later, following the efforts of many
researchers, the concept of added mass was generalized for
moving a desired object in different flow regimes. [3]


Using the continuity and incompressibility of fluid and due In the above equation fi, i = 1, 2, 3 are the flow potentials
to the vortex-free condition as mentioned above the Laplace corresponding to the body moving along the axes x, y, z at unit
equation is implied as follows: linear velocities, respectively. On the other hand φi, i = 4, 5, 6
are potentials, corresponding to rotation of the body around the
(2) same axes at unit angular velocities respectively. It is seen that
the body motion in an ideal infinite fluid causes to solve six
The boundary conditions for Eq. (2) look as follows: problems. The first problem can be formulated as follows: the
solution of the Laplace equation Δφ1 = 0 will be found, using
1. The watertight condition, valid on the surface S:
the following boundary conditions:
Where ( ) is a projection of fluid velocity on the
(external) direction n, which is normal to surface S; un is the (11)
velocity projection of a point of the body, normal to surface n.
2. Stationary condition at infinity:
The function is given on the surface S and The last

(4) (sixth) problem, taking (8) into account. To solve the problem,
considering the Laplace equation Δφ6 = 0 using the following
boundary conditions: which is given at the
Where r2 = X2 + Y2 + Z2 (r is the distance from the origin to
surface S, so:
a fluid point). The function φ vanishes at infinity as 1/r2, whereas
its first-order coordinate derivatives vanish as 1/r3 [4, 5]
From the formulation of the problem (1-4) it is seen that
the function φ depends on time t via the boundary condition
It can be seen that the function φi, i = 1, 2,... 6 does not
of right-hand side equation (3), so the boundary condition is
depend on u0 and ω0. These functions are determined only by
investigated specifically. The origin O is chosen to coincide
the shape of the surface S of the body and Choice of coordinate
with an arbitrary point of the body
system Oxyz attached to the body.
The velocity of the point O is Denoted by (components
u0x, u0y, u0z are projections of the vector u0 on coordinate axes
attached to the body).
The angular velocity of the body with respect to the point O
In order to to obtain fluid kinetic energy, considering the
is also donated by (components of in the same coordinate
surface S and the sphere Σ of radius a including the body with
system are denoted by ωx, ωy, ωz). Thus, the velocity of an
surrounding Fluid, the following integral is defined.
arbitrary point of the body, including any point of its surface
S, is determined by the following equation:
Where is the vector, determining the position of the point.
The components of Eq. (5) look as follows:

Where ρ, is the fluid Density
Using Green’s transformation for two functions (φ1, φ2):
On the surface S we have:
Writing: α ≡ cos(n, x); β ≡ cos(n, y); γ ≡ cos(n, z) and (13)
substituting (6) into (7), the following form of the boundary
condition is obtained (3):

And considering φ1 = φ2 = φ, Δφ = 0 and putting words in

(8) the above equation the following expression is gotten:

In the formula (8) the variables α, β, γ, yγ – zβ, zα – xγ,
The Second term in the right hand side of Eq. (14) tends
xβ – yα are determined only based on the shape of the body
to zero as α → ∞ according to the asymptotic behavior of φ
surface. The body motion and the dynamics of the flow
and its first derivatives while r → ∞. Therefore, the following
are determined by the functions u0x, u0y, u0z, ωx, ωy, ωz. The
formula is obtained for the total kinetic energy of the fluid
potential φ is represented as follows, due to the Linearity of
around the surface S:
the problem.
(9) (15)


Substituting the expression (9) in to (15) and writing:

The expression (16) is finally obtained:


Where λik is:

(17) Fig. 1. Application of Green theory for hydrofoils

λik is called the added mass of the body. With these assumptions, the flow field around the body can
According to Eq. (17) it is found that the added mass, do be identified using Perturbation Velocity potential φ, which
not depend on the body velocity and Kinematics of the motion satisfies the Laplace equation:
but is only a function of the body surface geometry. ∇2φ = 0 (21)
Applying Green’s formula to functions φi and φk in the
volume V between the surfaces Σ and S then: To solving the problem, the boundary conditions are
considered as follows:

(18) Kinematic Boundary Condition

Based on the Kinematic boundary condition, the Flow
velocity normal to the body surface must be zero.
Since Δφi = Δφk = 0, so that the left-hand side of the equation
equals zero, and the first term of the right-hand side of the (22)
equation tends to zero at α → ∞. Therefore, the condition for
the infinite fluid surrounding the body is as follows: Where , is the unit vector normal to outside of the boundary
[8] and is changed as follows, considering the unit potential
(19) Kinematic of Boundary Condition:

Since λik = λki. Therefore, only 21 values out of 36 λik (i, k =

= 1, 2… 6) are independent. (23)
This part, in fact proved that the added mass matrix is
To obtain the added mass coefficient matrix using force Where, r is a vertical distance from a fixed origin point
view, ultimately the same formula is achieved. [6] [12].

CALCULATING THE ADDED MASS Kinematic And Dynamic Conditions In Wake

ELEMENT METHOD Based on this condition, there is no velocity jump of flow
on the wake vortex, however there is velocity jump of potential
Boundary element method is based on the Green’s theory. on the surface which is equal to circulation Г around the fin.
Based on the theory solving the fluid flow around the body can The mathematical relations of flow velocity and potential are
be transferred from the volume solving domain around the body expressed as follows:
to the body boundary that is performed on the produced surface
elements in three-dimensional modes. The boundary element
method is used to obtain all six unit potentials corresponding to (24)
the six free degrees. The added mass tensor can be computed,
obtaining the unit potential. The forces and momentum also
can be achieved, having the added mass. [7] Where B and F showing back and face sides of the propeller
TO COMPUTE THE ADDED MASS Hess and Smith have shown that the flow passing along
COEFFICIENT a thin and non lifting body can be described by the distribution
singularities of source. But to describe the flow passing along
Consider the Closed area Ω, the boundary S and unit vector lifting bodies, modeled by the circulation distribution on the
normal to S (Fig. 1). The boundary S is composed of the surface, a boundary condition for the Trailing Edge of the body
body wetted surface SB, the wake surface SW and the external must be satisfied, expressing that the velocity at the trailing
control surface S∞ including surface area SB, SW. edge should be limited and unique. [9, 10]
The Ω encountered the Uniform inflow velocity ,
assuming the flow is Incompressible, Inviscid and Irrotational |∇φ|TE < 0 (25)
in the domain Ω, in the upstream flow.


Surface At Infinity Although the Kutta condition is considered to analyze
the propeller and the hydrofoil, the obtaining results have no
At the boundary surface at infinity S∞, the perturbation significant difference with the ones which are obtained without
velocity due to the body surface must tend to zero. considering the Kutta condition. So, regarding this issue it can
be expressed that only the D and S out of the D, S and W are
∇φ → 0 as S∞ → 0 (26) important for calculating the added mass matrix.
Using Green’s theory, general answers of the Laplace
equation for each point P can be expressed as the following
integral equation: (31)

Which in Reference 12, the integrals are expressed as
follows that in fact are the same general term in Eq (27) and with
extracting the D and S, the formulas in Eq (31) is obtained.
In the above equation ∂φ/∂n is determined, using the
boundary condition of Eq (23). 1/R(p, q), is the distance
between p and q, so that the only remaining unknown for
solving Eq (27) is φ. [8]
In order to solve Eq (27), the equation form must be discrete
and the body boundary surface shall be made of tetragonal
elements. The Flowchart Of The Added Mass Matrix Extraction
Fractional equations lead to linear algebraic equation system Using The Boundary Element Method
for φ and i as follows:


Where Dij, Sij, and Wijl are Dipole coefficients and source
for j element that acts on the arithmetic point i. The coefficients
are defined as follows:


To obtain these coefficients the numerical solution of the

integrals is used. Calculating these coefficients, the following
matrix equation is formed
Solving the equations using the Gauss - Sydl method is done
as a repetitive solving, so that φj are obtained. [11]
[D][φ] = [S] + [W][Δφ] (30)
[D] = dipole Potential effects of induction coefficient matrix
[S] = source Potential effects of induction coefficient matrix
[W] = dipole Potential effects of induction coefficient matrix

For lifting and non-lifting bodies, the above computational

method can be used, but the difference is in the use of Kutta
boundary condition which there is no need to consider it in
non-lifting bodies, so that the results are obtained directly
regarding the kinematic boundary condition.


If the above integrals are formulated based on matrix analytical relations in the mass matrix of sphere, only a11, a22 and
equations, the following relation is obtained: a33 have values and the others are zero. The three coefficients
are equal with each other and should be equal to half of the
[AiK][φK] = [Bi] (33)
sphere mass. In order to evaluate the Mesh independency, the
So that i = K and AiK = 2π. added mass matrix were investigated for three cases of surface
The added mass matrix values with solving matrix equations element (2400, 3360 and 4800 elements), using the boundary
for all six potential unit functions can be defined as follows: element numerical code and the obtained results and errors
were checked.
(34) The obtained values for the added mass of the sphere using
numerical analysis of the boundary element are as follows:
If the above equation is written in the matrix form, which
is the general form of added mass matrix. [12]:

For a sphere with radius of 0.25 m, the analytical values of

a11, a22, a33 are equal to 0.0327245
As it was mentioned, only a11, a22, a33 have non-zero
RESULTS value, which is equal to half of the sphere mass and the
Computing The Added Mass Coefficient other elements of the added mass matrix are zero. So it can
Of Sphere be seen that the obtained values of the numerical boundary
element method have a high conformity with the analytical
The added mass coefficient for a sphere of radius 0.25 m data and the error rate, according to the table (3) is the 10E-2
has been investigated in this part. However, according to the order. [6]
Tab. 1. Geometric and flow data to calculate the added mass coefficient of sphere

Tab. 2. Showing the produced geometry with surface elements to check the mesh independency condition

Tab. 3. The compared Results of the added mass numerical and analytical data of the sphere and the Error percentage Due to the elements numbers

% Error
Number of Numerical result for Analytical Difference between
Element a11 (code result) value of a11 Numerical and Analytical result

2400 0.032814 0.032725 8.95E-05 0.272749

3360 0.032771 0.032725 4.65E-05 0.141894
4800 0.032752 0.032725 2.75E-05 0.083964


Tab. 4. Geometric and flow data of computing the added mass coefficient ellipsoid

Computing The Added Mass Of Ellipsoid Considering that the numerical analysis results of the added
mass were dimensional and the results in the references were
Continue the contex, the coefficient of added mass for an dimensionless, then to validate the results, the data obtained
ellipsoid has been investigated. from the numerical analysis were transformed to dimensionless
Since the added mass coefficients of ellipsoid as well as one and compared with the available data in those references.
the sphere are available in references, so that to validate the To make the added mass matrix of ellipsoid dimensionless a11,
computing results of the boundary element code, this analysis a22 and a33 shall be divided on (4π/3)ab2 and also a44, a55 and a66
is given. The numerical analysis with the mesh independency must be divided on (4π/15)ab2 (a2 + b2).
condition was investigated and the results of the surface element Due to the symmetry of the ellipsoid, then a22 = a33, a55 = a66
with the number of 4600 had very little error in comparison and a44 = 0.
with the existing data. According to data obtained from the Diagram and making
The added mass matrix obtained by numerical analysis for them dimensional, then:
an ellipsoid with the above specification is as follows:

It is found from comparing the boundary element numerical

analysis results with the data available in references for added
mass coefficients of ellipsoid that there is a good conformity
between the numerical data and the ones in the references
[6, 12].

Tab. 5. The added mass coefficient Diagram of an ellipsoid [6]


Tab. 6. the compared Results of the added mass numerical and analytical data of the ellipsoid and the Error percentage Due to the elements numbers

% Error
Matrix Numerical result Analytical Difference between
array (code result) result Numerical and Analytical result

A11 0.009025 0.00902094 4.06E-06 0.044986

A22 0.143401 0.14306174 0.000339 0.236581
A55 0.030467 0.03120399 -0.00074 -2.41898

Computing The Added Mass Matrix For A Sample Propeller

According to the data and results obtained for the added mass matrix of the sphere and ellipsoid it can be found that there
is a very good accuracy between the data obtained from the analytical and the numerical solution, suggestive of the validity of
the boundary element method code in calculating the added mass matrix.The following text is about computing the added mass
matrix for a sample propeller which its experimental and geometrical data is on hand and the results have been validated with
the experimental data.The added mass matrix, considering what was mentioned in the text do not depends on the body velocity
and is only a function of the body geometry.
First of all, the existing Geometric data of the propeller was considered based on the standards and the propeller geometry
modeled with a very high accuracy. Then the propeller surface and the hub were analyzed according to the flow conditions. The
propeller analysis was performed in several different modes of surface element numbers so that the most appropriate numbers
of the elements is achieved in a way that the obtained answers do not depend on the element numbers [14].
Tab. 7. Geometric and flow data related to the propeller and the produced geometry for boundary element numerical analysis [13]

Dimensional Added Mass Matrix Obtained For The Propeller

2.176192 -0.240440 -0.686280 -0.670630 0.015638 -0.196440

-0.240440 0.042111 0.080637 0.006256 0.000156 0.018995
-0.686280 0.080637 0.251128 0.019366 -0.005240 0.059255
Added Mass Matrix =
-0.058640 0.006256 0.019366 0.001617 -0.000450 0.005282
0.015638 0.000156 -0.005240 -0.000450 0.000505 -0.001630
-0.196440 0.018995 0.059255 0.005282 -0.001630 0.018315


Tab. 8. Compared results of the added mass numerical and analytical data of the propeller and the Error percentage Due to the element numbers

Numerical result Diffrence between % Error

Number of Exprimental
Matrix Array A13 Numerical and Exprimental
Element Result
(Addedprop code) result

1800 0.6242060 0.6860000 -0.0617940 -9.0078717

2520 0.6382161 0.6860000 -0.0477839 -6.9655831
3240 0.6451033 0.6860000 -0.0408967 -5.9616181
3960 0.6510313 0.6860000 -0.0349687 -5.0974781
4320 0.6631462 0.6860000 -0.0228538 -3.3314577
5040 0.6691640 0.6860000 -0.0168360 -2.4542274
5760 0.6706359 0.6860000 -0.0153641 -2.2396647

Investigating The Mesh Independency

To investigate that the obtained data for the propeller is independent of the produced surface elements of the propeller and the
hub surface, the added mass matrix was obtained in seven different numbers of surface elements and the results were checked,
as it is identified from the diagram (figure 2) the results do not have any significant change after 3960 elements.

Fig. 2. Changes in the mass added coefficient based on the element numbers at the propeller surface

Comparing The Added Mass Matrix Of The Propeller With The Obtained Data From Other
Numerical And Experimental Methods
Tab. 9. Comparing the data, obtained from the numerical solution, experimental and formulated data

Added Mass Diff

Estimation Method
(kg) [%]

Experiment 0.6860000 0.0

AddedProp (Present method) 0.6706359 -2.24%
Prodas 0.6690000 -2.5%
Schwanecke 0.8240000 +20.1%
Shuster 0.9660000 +40.8%


Computing The Added Mass Matrix Of The Hydrofoil (NACA0012 Section)
Tab. 10. Geometrical data and the element numbers of calculating the added mass coefficient of hydrofoil

Gradual Increase In The Span Length To Validate The Results

To calculate the added mass matrix of the hydrofoil with NACA0012 section, first of all the mesh independency was
investigated in which the obtained data from 2632 elements had very good accuracy, then to validate the obtained data, the span
length was increased gradually from 0.2 to 1 and thus the added mass matrix was computed. Afterward the added mass matrix
element changes were plotted based on the span length increase. All of the coefficients are increased with linear and non-linear
curves of the 2 and 3 order, which is completely ascending. In fact, by increasing the Span length, all coefficients were reasonably
increased as expected. Of course, investigating each of the diagrams whether they should be linear or nonlinear, of the 2 orders
or 3 orders are denied due to that they are Proportional to Dynamic and Simulation topics.

Fig. 3. The added mass coefficient changes of hydrofoil based on the gradually increase along the Span length

The Added Mass Matrix Of Hydrofoil

The added mass matrix of hydrofoil with NACA0012 section for the Span length of 1 m and Chord length of 9/0 m is as
159.3152 31.63824 0 -13.5806 89.37951 58.75352
31.63824 122.4136 0 -63.4481 11.35911 44.82613
Added Mass Matrix = 0 0 0 0 0 0
-13.5806 -63.4481 0 40.92427 -7.51047 -23.5442
89.37951 11.35911 0 -7.51047 56.3155 21.46682
58.75352 44.82613 0 -23.5442 21.46682 22.75078


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examined propeller in a way that the geometry would have CONTACT WITH THE AUTHORS
a high conformity with the existing data so that if the exact Hassan Ghassemi, Assoc. Prof.
geometry is on hand, the error rate with be lower than 10E-2 Faculty of Marine Technology
order. Amirkabir University of Technology
• To put it in a nut shell, extracting a complete and dimensional Hafez Ave.,
add mass matrix with any desired geometry and the accuracy Tehran, IRAN
of obtained data is the difference between this method and e-mail: gasemi@cic.aut.ac.ir
boundary element code with other numerical methods.
Ehsan Yari, M. Sc.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Faculty of Marine Engineering,
Malekashtar University of Technology,
1. Newman, John Nicholas: Marine hydrodynamics. Cambridge,
Massachusetts, MIT Press. ISBN: 0-262-14026-8 §4.13, p. 139, Shahinshar,
1977 Isfahan, IRAN


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