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The Big Artist Opportunities List

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The Big Artist Opportunities List - Assembled and maintained by Everest Pipkin

Please share with your communities!

Mostly residencies, some grant funding & galleries. International, but with a US-lens (where I'm from so it leans that way)
(Please note I haven't done most of these and dunno if they're all great or not.)

Questions / concerns / comments ? everest . pipkin @ gmail or @everestpipkin on twitter Any chance for a
locations being filled in & my notes cleaned up slowly! Do you want to add something? Add it here --> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PpgYI8MfjZuIFv4Z1SESgVFAIY3l1-ZrqTYtFppLOnE/edit?usp=sharing location column?
(please bear with as i make some free time to do so) General questions about art stuff? Heres some Hot Tips 🔥 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aB4gpjPYdu-Czjz4zqsTHu4nnWYQID09MunhF6i6YOc/edit?usp=sharing Axon

Location Name Link About

USA->TX->Corsicana 100W Corsicana http://www.100westcorsicana.com/apply/ beautiful building in town south of dallas, sometimes funded
USA->CA->LA 18th St http://18thstreet.org/residency/ funding is case-by-case but it seems like a pretty sweet deal, in LA
USA->CA->Bay Area 2727 residency https://2727.today/tags/residency bay area, 1 month
Italy->Sabina 33oc Toffia https://33oc.org/ costs some- $250 a month- in a medieval church in italy
USA->MA->North Adam36 Chase Barns http://artistcommunities.org/residencies/36-chase-barns-residency costs, but most get stipends, free to apply, 3-6 months in north adams, mass, probably about $600/month
Mexico->Lake Chapala 360 Xochiquetzal https://360xochiquetzal.com/ costs, about $600 month, central mexico
USA A Blade of Grass Fellowship http://www.abladeofgrass.org/fellowship-program/#how-to-applsocial change/better future focused, comes with $20k
USA->LA->New OrleanA Studio in the Woods http://www.astudiointhewoods.org/artist_residencies.html New orleans! on a theme, comes with stipdend
USA->Florida->OrlandoA&H Maitland http://artandhistory.org/education/residencies 3-9 weeks, small stipend, traditional focus, florida
Global a6 books http://www.a6books.org/about options for artist book publication
Austria -> Salzburg AAF http://www.aaf-online.org/index.php/how-to-apply.92.html funding for salzburg summer institute - grads and recent grads of american universities - needs 2 ref letters
Italy -> Rome Abbey Awards http://abbey.org.uk/ painting scholarships for US & UK citizens / residents
Japan - > Aomori City ACAC http://www.acac-aomori.jp/public/?lang=en japan, comes with funding
Canada -> Montreal Access Galley https://accessgallery.ca/submissions montreal gallery space with regular submissions
Online Adobe Creative Residents https://www.adobe.com/about-adobe/creative-residency/faq.html one year of serious funding for those that use adobe products, designer focused
USA->NY->NYC AIM http://www.bronxmuseum.org/aim/ new york only
USA->CA->LA AIR City of Los Angeles http://dcaredesign.org/air/dca-grants-program/ $8k grant, LA artists only
USA->CA->Bay Area AIR recology sf https://www.recology.com/recology-san-francisco/artist-in-residence-program/
residency at san francisco dump!
Germany->Stuttgart Akademie Schloss Solitude http://www.akademie-solitude.de/en/fellowship/residency/ 6 months in castle basically, funding, germany
Online Akademie Schloss Solitude Web https://schloss-post.com/overview/web-residencies/ a curator selects four project proposals, a four-week web residency and 500 USD.
Switzerland -> Uster AKKU http://www.akkuuster.ch/index.php?id=63 6 months, studios only
USA->NY->Montauk Albee Foundation http://www.albeefoundation.org montauk ny
Japan -> Tokyo Almost Perfect https://www.almostperfect.jp/ costs - about $90/day in tokyo
France -> Paris American Library in Paris https://americanlibraryinparis.org/visiting-fellowship/ for writing. fancy! paris!
Scandinavia Amscan http://www.amscan.org/fellowships-and-grants/fellowshipsgrants-to-study-in-scandinavia/
cultural exchange grants to Scandinavia for US residents
The Netherlands->Ams Amsterdam Lights Festival https://amsterdamlightfestival.com/en/light-art/call-for-concepts/about-the-call-for-concepts/
yearly festival around light at night
USA->CO->Snowmass A Vnderson Ranch https://www.andersonranch.org/programs/artists-in-residence-program/
lovely, but also costs real money (1.5k)
USA Andrew W. Mellon Postgraduate https://mellon.org/programs/higher-education-and-scholarship-humanities/regranting-programs/
different fellowships each year, generally some focused on the arts
Global Apexart itnernational call https://apexart.org/ Yearly group show funding
USA->Tennesee->ChatArce Chattanooga https://www.arcresidency.org/take-action In tennesee, one month
Japan->Ibaraki ArCUS http://www.arcus-project.com/en/residence/ Japan, with funding
Stockholm->Sweden Ark Des https://arkdes.se/en/fellowships/ Fellowship with space and salaried funding
USA-> Washington DC Arlington Arts Cener Residency https://arlingtonartscenter.org/residents/ Subsidized studio space, locals only
USA-> Washington DC Arlington Arts Cener Solos https://arlingtonartscenter.org/exhibitions/call-for-artist/ Small solo shows from artists in the mid-atlantic region
Germany-> Arnis Arnis Residency http://ramosluebbert.com/forthcoming/ live and work on a half-island in Northern Germany
USA->TN->Gatlinburg Arrowmont https://www.arrowmont.org/artist-in-residence/how-to-apply/
USA Art Adia https://artadia.org/ grants in 7 large american citites
UK/Global art angel https://www.artangel.org.uk/about_us/open/ big time funding on an occasional cycle
USA Art Curators https://www.artcurators.org/page/TravelGrants travel grants for american curators
USA->NE->Marquette Art Farm http://www.artfarmnebraska.org/ free, 12 hours week work, farm, nebraska, invites couples
USA->NY->Columbia CArt OMI http://www.artomi.org/residencies 30 artists w meals and stuff- nice but shared room
France->Clermont-Ferr artistes en residence http://www.artistesenresidence.fr/ Residencies in france, exchanges with other organizations
Switzerland -> Geneva Artists at CERN https://arts.cern/ regular opportunities for artists at the the European Organization for Nuclear Research
USA->GA->Athens Artists-In-ATHICA Residency Pr http://athica.org/updates/artists-in-athica-residency-program/ project-based in athens, ga, funding
USA->TX->San AntonioArtpace http://www.artpace.org/ texas-based artists
Global Arts Writers Grant https://www.artswriters.org/ grants for writing about contemporary visual art
USA->NC->Raleigh Artspace http://artspacenc.org/artists/opportunities/ some for southeastern artists but also some not + gallery
Lebanon->Beirut Ashka Lalwan https://ashkalalwan.org/ 11 months in beirut, funded, on pause at the moment
USA->MA->Boston Assembly http://bkmla.org/apply.html 2.5k and in-person attendance requested, cambridge, The Berkman Klein Center and the MIT Media Lab
Italy ->Spoleto Astra https://www.aboutastra.com/apply italy- funding, but not international travel
Iceland Baer https://www.baer.is/ iceland, generally fees but not too high.
South Africa->JohannesBag Factory http://www.bagfactoryart.org.za/artists/opportunities/ rolling opportunities
France->Cassis BAU Institute http://www.bauinstitute.org/index.php?page=cassis-france On an island in france
Italy->Bellagio Bellagio Center https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/our-work/bellagio-center/residency-program/
Social issues focused - "mission of promoting the well-being of humankind and whose work is inspired by or relates to global or social issues"
USA->NE->Omaha Bemis http://www.bemiscenter.org/residency/current_opportunities.html Omaha, some funding provided
USA->KY->Clermont Bernheim https://bernheim.org/program-and-events/air/ Six weeks to three months, housing, studio space and an honorarium of $2,500.00 USD.
Switzerland->Oberegg SBibliothek Andreas Züst http://bibliothekandreaszuest.net/en/residency/ Lovely studio grant in Switzerland, focus on libaries
Australia -> Wollemi NaBig Ci https://bigci.org/artist-residency/ Environmental focus, residencies are fee-based, sometimes there are also awards.
Germany->Munich Biotopia Festival https://biotopia.net/en/event/biotopiafestival-en Regular open calls for festival participants, biosciences
USA->NY->Albany Blue Mountain http://www.bluemountaincenter.org/dates-and-guidelines/ no internet! no cell! new york, near albany
USA->IL->Chicago Bolt Residency http://chicagoartistscoalition.org/programs/bolt-residency 1 year for chicago artists
USA->TX/NM/Mexico boBorder Art Residency http://www.borderartresidency.com/apply-1 NM & texas on the border
USA->MA->Boston Boston Center for the Arts http://www.bcaonline.org/visualarts/artist-residency-program/artist-residency-call.html
Boston artists
USA->CO->BreckenridgBreckenridge Creative Arts http://www.breckcreate.org/opportunities/artist-residence-application/
4-8 weeks, with stipend
USA->WV->Charleston Brickscape https://brickscape.squarespace.com/guidelines/ Charleston, WV
USA->Wyoming Brush Creek https://www.brushcreekarts.org/ wyoming
Australia->Nowra Bundanon https://bundanon.com.au/residencies/ austrailia
USA->PA->Pittsburgh Bunker Projects http://www.bunkerprojects.org/apply.html costs, but cheap in Pittsburgh, with solo show
USA->CA->LA Caltech Art + Research Residen http://hss.divisions.caltech.edu/about/job-opportunities/art-research-residence
30k, 10 weeks, w huntington. LA
France->Toulouse MataCamp https://www.campfr.com/ france, might cost
Mulitple Cecartslink http://www.cecartslink.org/ lots of listings
USA->SC->Hartsville Cecelia Coker Bell Gallery at Cokhttps://www.ceceliacokerbellgallery.com/apply-for-show apply for free, solo exhibition opps
USA->CA->HealdsburgChalk Hill https://www.chalkhillresidency.com/ they fund 3/year. otherwise costs. california
USA->NY->Pine Plains Chanorth https://www.chanorth.com/apply-for-residency paid res in upstate NY, $950 for a month, includes food
USA Chenven Foundation http://chenvenfoundation.org/how-to-apply/ grants
USA->UT->Wendover CLUI Wendover http://clui.org/section/regional-research-programming no formal application, but accept projects related to onsite region of wendover, utah
Estonia Copper Leg http://copperleg.rae.ee/ Estonia, sculpture focus
USA->TX->Houston Core program https://www.mfah.org/fellowships/core-program/core-how-apply/Houston
USA->NY->Corning Corning Museum of Glass https://www.cmog.org/glassmaking/studio/residencies glass artists and researchers, new york
USA creative capital https://creative-capital.org/ regular funding for large projects
USA->GA->Atlanta Creatives Project http://www.thecreativesproject.org/programs/ atlanta, stays of various lenghs including some 2+ years
Online Critical Code Studies http://haccslab.com/ Working Groups about critical code
USA->NM->Santa Fe Currents New Media Festival https://currentsnewmedia.org/ new media festival in santa fe
USA->NM->Elephant BuDamsite https://damsitefallartsresidencies.wordpress.com/ costs but cheap, new mexico
USA->NY->NYC Data & Society fellows https://datasociety.net/ NY, funded fellowships about, well, data in society
The Netherlands->Ams De Ateliers https://www.de-ateliers.nl/ year long in the netherlands
Online/Many Digitcult http://digicult.it/calls/ lots of little options
USA->CA->Santa Cruz Djerassi http://djerassi.org/ rural and nice residency in california
USA->TX->Austin Dougherty Arts Center https://doughertyartscenter.submittable.com/submit texas municipal gallery for solo shows
USA->NY->Hudson Drop Forge and Tool http://www.dropforgeandtool.com/#/creative-residencies/ blacksmithy, etc. costs a bit but some funding, hudson ny.
USA->Maine Eastern Frontier http://www.easternfrontier.com costs, but cheap- like $125. island in maine, july.
USA->PA->Lewsiburg Ekard Artist Residency https://www.bucknell.edu/academics/arts-and-sciences-college-of/academic-departments-and-programs/art-and-art-history/ekard-artist-residency
10k, at university, 6 weeks
Global Elizabeth Greenshields Foundati https://www.elizabethgreenshieldsfoundation.org/ funding for representational artists
USA->NY->NYC Engaging Artists http://moreart.org/projects/engaging-artists/ nyc only, stipends
USA->IL->Springfield Enos http://enosparkresidency.org/apply/ springfield, $50 week/or teaching
USA->UT->Green RiverEpicenter/frontier fellowship http://www.frontierfellowship.org/about/ green river, utah.
USA->FL->Seaside Escape to Create http://www.escape2create.org/page-r/ small stipend, florida
Canada -> Montreal Est-Nord-Est https://estnordest.org/ montreal, w honorarium
USA->NY->NYC Eyebeam www.eyebeam.org/ yearly residency with technology focus, themed, new york
Buenos Aires/Global Faena Prize http://www.faenaart.org/faena-prize/ proposal-based funding for production, links among art, technology, and design
USA FCA emergency grants https://www.foundationforcontemporaryarts.org/grants/emergency-grants
art only, $500 - $2500, like for last minute exhibition support
USA->IL->Chicago Field Projects http://www.fieldprojectsgallery.com Costs to submit- open submissions gallery, chicago
Brazil -> São Paulo city File Festival https://file.org.br/highlight/opencall_file2020/ regular fesitval of new media work, travels
USA->MA->Provinceto Fine Arts Work Center http://web.fawc.org/program Provincetown, MA, 7 months winter res, funding
USA First Peoples Fund https://www.firstpeoplesfund.org/fellowships fellowships with to Native Americans, Native Alaskan and Native Hawaiin artists who are expanding their arts business or passing on ancestral knowledge
USA->NY->Fire Island Fire Island http://www.fireislandartistresidency.org/apply/ queer folks summer residency on fire island, ny
Belgium -> Genk FLACC http://www.flacc.info/en/opencall 3 months funded in Genk, belgium
USA->NY->Rochester Flower City Ars Center https://www.rochesterarts.org/residencies/ rochester, ny
The Fogo Islands Fogo Islands http://fogoislandarts.ca/programs/residencies/ the fogo islands
France->Paris region FONDATION FIMINCO http://www.fondationfiminco.com 11 months near paris
Global Foundation for Landscape Studiehttps://www.foundationforlandscapestudies.org/awards/index.php some grants for garden/landscape publications , etc
USA->MN->Shafer Franconia http://www.franconia.org/casketartists.html municipal-kinda arts space in MN
Global/Online Full Bleed www.full-bleed.org print journal of art and design w honorarium. they publish criticism, belle lettres, artwork, design, illustration, fiction, poetry, and graphic essays
USA Fullbright http://us.fulbrightonline.org/about/types-of-awards big ol application big ol fancy fundin
USA->TN->Galesburg Galesburg Civic Art Center http://www.galesburgarts.org/web-pages/studios-midwest.html galesburg TN
USA->TX->Galveston Galveston Residency http://galvestonartistresidency.org/residency/apply 11 months in galveston, texas
USA->TX Glasstire classifieds http://glasstire.com/classifieds/browse-listings/3/calls-for-entries/
TX opportunities lists, many calls
Global/Online Gluon http://gluon.be/open-calls/ Various shifting open calls
USA->PA->Reading Goggleworks AIR https://goggleworks.org/artist-opportunities/summer-artist-residence/
Reading, PA
USA->MI->Harbor SprinGood Hart Artist Residency https://goodhartartistresidency.org/ 2-3 week residencies to dedicated visual artists and writers. Michigan
Global Gottlieb Foundation https://www.gottliebfoundation.org/grants/ Grants, including emergency grants
Global Graham Foundation http://www.grahamfoundation.org/grant_programs/?mode=individual Mostly architecture, grants
USA->Iowa Grant Wood Art Colony https://grantwood.uiowa.edu/fellowship University of Iowa, paid & teaching, 1 year, rotating focus
South Africa->CT Greatmore Studios Trust https://greatmoreart.org/ Various length residencies for African and International artists, Exhibition space, artist workshops and outreach programme participation.
Slovenia -> Maribor Guestroom Maribor http://www.guestroommaribor.si/news Stipend and in slovenia
Global/rotating Guggenheim Foundation https://www.gf.org/applicants/ Big grants for big projects
USA->NJ->Guttenberg Guttenberg Arts http://www.guttenbergarts.org/starprogram/ Guttenberg new jersey
USA->DC Halcyon House http://halcyonhouse.org/arts-lab/apply Fellowship in washington DC, funding on art and social impact
USA->Georgia Hambidge http://www.hambidge.org/application.html Costs sometimes but sometimes there is support. north georgia
USA->Maine Haystack https://www.haystack-mtn.org/programs/open-studio-residency/More craft oriented, but digital fab too. Maine
USA->CA->Bay Area Headlands http://www.headlands.org/program/air/ California, great support but not an easy get
Iceland Heima http://www.h-e-i-m-a.com/ iceland, /beautiful/ and long (50-90 days) but expensive, like 1.5k
USA->NM->Taos Helene Wurlizter Foundation https://wurlitzerfoundation.org/apply 10-12 weeks casitas in NM
Online Het Nieuwe Instituut https://research-development.hetnieuweinstituut.nl/en/fellows/call-fellows-2018
regular calls, web
USA->Maine Hewnoaks http://hewnoaks.org/ maine, summer, focus on locals
Finland->Helsinki HIAP http://www.hiap.fi/opencall/upcoming-hiap-open-calls suomellina in helsinki
USA->MN->Saint Paul Hinge Arts https://springboardforthearts.org/jobs-opportunities/hinge-residency/
Minnesota, small funding
Spain->Barcelona HodderSession
Home Fellowship http://arts.princeton.edu/fellowships/hodder-fellowship/
http://www.homesession.org/wordpress/apply-to-the-residency/ 1-2 years
spain- at princeton,
costs- not much atho
little more proper
USA->NY->LeonardsvillHorned Dorset http://www.horneddorsetcolony.org/ new york, costs maybe (hard to tell from site)
The Netherlands->HoorHotel Maria Kapel http://hotelmariakapel.nl/wp/residency/ 4-8 weeks in the netherlands
China->Shanghai HOW International Curatorial Re http://www.howartmuseum.org/article/index/id/298/cid/71 no travel but free staying in shanghai and food, kind of structured
USA->SC->SpartanburgHubBub http://hub-bub.com/ south carolina
USA->NY->Hudson Hudson Valley Center for Contemhttp://www.hvcca.org/artist-in-residence-2/ hudson ny
USA->CT->East HaddaI-park Foundation http://www.i-park.org/ conneticut
USA->NY->Alfred IAE at Alfred University http://iea.alfred.edu/ Residencies in new media at Alfred University
Sweden Iaspis https://www.konstnarsnamnden.se/default.aspx?id=11330 Swedish funding program for international exchange, travel abroad, and cooperative projects.
USA->NY->NYC IDM Low Key Artist Residency https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_lO5jkw_i7JLfSfIelguycaUF0X86nJihCUZx2udf1c/edit
Mellow 3 week at NYU with tech focus
Ireland->Dublin IMMA http://www.imma.ie/en/nav_11.htm 2-6 months in Ireland
Greece->Athens Interfaces http://www.interfacesnetwork.eu/activities.php?cid=33-residenciesResidency w sound art/music. greece
UK->Oxford Internet Doctoral Summer Residehttps://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/study/summer-doctoral-programme/about/ phd students only, uk
USA->NY->NYC ISCP https://iscp-nyc.org/apply funding through partner organizations
Latvia->Riga ISSP https://issp.lv/en/residencies photography, limited funding unless from Baltic
Online isthisit (online residency) http://www.isthisitisthisit.com/residency online residencies, 1 month
USA->WA->Seattle Jack Straw Cultural Center http://www.jackstraw.org/programs/asp/ASP_main.shtml#ASP northwest sound artist
USA->ID->Boise JAMES CASTLE HOUSE ARTIST https://www.boiseartsandhistory.org/opportunities/calls-opportunities/james-castle-house-artist-in-residence-2018-2019/
3 months, solo, boise
USA->Wyoming Jentel http://jentelarts.org/ month long residencies, May 15th – December 13th, wyoming
USA->LA->New OrleanJoan Mitchell Center http://joanmitchellfoundation.org/center/artist-in-residence new orleans artists, or by invite
USA->CA->Joshua Tre Joshua Tree Highlands Artist Reshttps://www.jthar.com/residency.html 6 weeks in joshua tree
Japan->Kamiyama KAIR https://www.in-kamiyama.jp/en/art/ japan
USA->CA->Bay Area Kala http://www.kala.org/studio/kalas-media-arts-artist-residence-exhibition-award/
oakland CA
Many KHOJ http://khojworkshop.org/opportunity/ various opportunities
USA->NE->Omaha Kimmel Harding Nelson http://www.khncenterforthearts.org/ stipend of $100/week, special consideration for recent grads, nebraska
Japan->Kinosaki Kinosaki International Arts Centerhttp://kiac.jp/jp/post/4688 japan, rotating fields
Canada->New BrunswicKIRA http://www.kingsbraegarden.com/kira-2/ fifteen artists with one month residencies in St. Andrews, New Brunswick Canada. Artists will be provided with an individual studio space, comfortable housing, up to two prepared meals each day and a stipend.
USA->WI->Sheboygan Kohler CO https://www.jmkac.org/explore-discover/arts-industry-program.htmlceramics focus, Sheboygan, WI
Germany->Chemnitz Krach https://krach-chemnitz.eu/en/ 3 year rent free space? in germany
India->Uttar Pradesh Kriti Gallery http://www.kritigallery.com/ResidencyProgram.aspx In india, limited info, mellow application
Germany->Muenster Künstlerdorf Schöppingen Founda http://www.stiftung-kuenstlerdorf.de/english/ 6 months of funding /space for new media, germany
Japan->Kyoto Kyoto Art Center’s Artist-in-Res http://www.kac.or.jp/eng/news/23194/ very good 3 month application in kyoto
Canada->Quebec La Bande Vidéo https://labandevideo.com/fr/ artists working in media arts, Quebec
Switzerland->Zurich La Becque http://labecque.ch/en/ new, zurich, opened in fall 2018
Portugal->Lisbon La Junqueria http://www.lajunqueira.org/residency/ portugal, 3 months
Moves around La Wayaka Current https://www.lawayakacurrent.com/ 1 funded, rainforest + coastal marine ecology, nomadic
Mexico->Mexico City Lab Program https://www.thelabprogram.com/ mexico city, costs a little, its kinda school
USA->WA->Spokane Labratory http://residency.laboratoryspokane.com/ $200 stipend/month + free space in spokane
USA->PA->Scranton Lacawac station http://www.lacawac.org/lacawac-artists-residency.html costs $150/week, central pa glacial lake in old lodge
USA->CA->LA LACMA Art + Technology Lab http://www.lacma.org/sites/default/files/RFP_2018_Fin.pdf?utm_source=LACMA+Patrons&utm_campaign=84b8de6f76-Mobile+Info+Top+Image&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d2c49a36c0-84b8de6f76-98961489
project funding in LA
Norway->Trondheim Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder http://www.lkv.no/artist-residency/ Norway
Austria->Klagenfurt Lakeside Kunstraum http://www.lakeside-kunstraum.at/ artwork submission in form of statement. austria
Mongolia Land Art Mongolia http://www.landartmongolia.com/ mongolia
printmaking and
USA->TN->Lanesboro Lanesboro Arts https://lanesboroarts.org/artist-residency-program/ activate' the people & places of Lanesboro, TN ceramics
USA->IL->Chicago Latitude https://www.latitudechicago.org/artist-residency Chicago only, studio residency -Mal
USA->TX->Houston Lawndale studio res https://lawndaleartcenter.submittable.com/submit/110841/2018-2019-artist-studio-program
no housing, but studio and 3k a month, texas artists
USA->KS->Lawrence Lawrence Art Center Project-basehttps://lawrenceartscenter.org/artist-resources/residencies/#project-based-residencies
lawrence kansas
USA->NY->NYC LES Studio Program http://artistsallianceinc.org/programs/les-studio-program 3-6 months for under represented working artists, new york
Global LIAEP http://www.liaep.org/howtoapply/ travel grants
USA->NY->Fisher's IslaLighthouse works https://www.thelighthouseworks.com/ fisher's island, new york
USA->NY->Syracuse Lightwork http://www.lightwork.org/air/ photographers only, funding. syracuse, ny
China->Yunnan Lijiang Studio (yunnan, china) http://www.lijiangstudio.org/about/ no airfare, but free house and food in yunnan
USA->GA->Demorest Lillian E. Smith Center of Piedmohttps://www.piedmont.edu/artist-retreat one funded one - otherwise $175/week. georgia
France -> Cannes LNAF http://www.lnaf.org/residencies/ group residency, some funding, france
USA->FL->Miami Locust Projects (project space) http://www.locustprojects.org/for-artists/submissions/exhibition-open-call.html
375 square feet, calls for new work, miami
USA->MA->Cambridge Loeb at Harvard https://loebfellowship.gsd.harvard.edu/apply-nominate/ not exactly an artist residency - 1 year design fellowship, post-school, mid-career
USA->NY->NYC Lower Manhattan Cultural Councihttps://lmcc.net/resources/artist-residencies/ generally ny only, many
USA->NH Macdowell Colony http://www.macdowellcolony.org/apply new hampshire
USA->VT->Dorset Marble House Project http://www.marblehouseproject.org/ April Through October, food, specific sessions, dorset VT
USA->PA->Pittsburgh Mattress Factory open call https://mattressfactory.submittable.com/submit/102944/2019-call-for-submissions
regular open calls for installation work in pittsburgh
Costa Rica Mauser Foundation http://mauserfoundation.org/mauser-ecohouse-artist-residency-costa-rica
paid but not a ton: 16-30/night in costa rica
USA->NC->Charlotte McColl http://mccollcenter.org/artists-in-residence/residency-programs kinda fancy but great support, charlotte, NC
USA->CO->Boulder Media Archeology Lab https://mediaarchaeologylab.com/residencies/ denver, usually 2 weeks, old computers
USA->NY->NYC Meercat Media http://www.residencyunlimited.org/opportunities/2018-2019-meerkat-media-interdisciplinary-residency/
$1000 and studio, 1 year in ny
Global sumissions Melbourne Queer Games Festivalhttp://mqgf.com.au/#nominate games about/by queer folks
USA->TX->Houston MFAH Dora Maar House https://www.mfah.org/fellowships/doramaarhouse/ mid-career artists, per-diem. houston
France-> Brittany The Alfred and Trafford Klots Intehttps://www.mica.edu/forms/artist-residency-in-brittany/ free but no travel money. summer thing. june + july. brittany
USA->MI->Novi Michigan Legacy Art Park Residehttps://michlegacyartpark.org/get-involved/opportunities-for-artists/artist-in-residence/david-barr-legacy-artist-residency/artist-residencies-michigan-legacy-art-park/
USA->NY->NYC Midnight Moment call http://arts.timessquarenyc.org/times-square-arts/projects/submit-a-midnight-moment-proposal/index.aspx
Times square 130 second video, opens regularly
USA->NY->Austerlitz Millay Colony https://www.millaycolony.org/programs/residencies-artists-millay-colony-arts/apply/
1 funded virtual res, a few on site. upstate ny
USA->NY->NYC Mise-en-place https://place.mise-en.org/bushwick/ bronx, mostly music
USA->NV->Montello Montello Foundation http://montellofoundation.org/ rural nevada, beautiful
USA->TX->Austin Museum of Human Achievement https://themuseumofhumanachievement.com/calls-for-artists/ 1 month residencies in an on-site airstream in austin, tx. (don't notify for nonacceptance)
USA->NY->NYC Nars Foundation https://www.narsfoundation.org/international-residency-programbrooklyn
USA->TX->Navasota Navasota AIR https://navasotaair.wordpress.com tx, 3 months, no dates rn
Various Immersive Scholar calls https://www.immersivescholar.org/ Visualizing Digital Scholarship in Libraries and Learning Spaces Creative Residencies
Online NEH digital publication scholarshhttps://www.neh.gov/grants/research/neh-mellon-fellowships-digital-publication
USA->NV->Las Vegas Neon Museum National Artist Re http://www.neonmuseum.org/community/education/youth-family-programs/artist-in-residence
artists or a group of artists, las vegas, 8 weeks
USA->NY->NYC New York Public Library https://www.nypl.org/help/about-nypl/fellowships-institutes/short-term-research-fellowships
NYPL 1 week residencies w private collections, 1k - also some longer ones
USA->DC NGA https://www.nga.gov/research/casva/fellowships.html pre and post doctoral fellowships in nga washington dc
Norway->Fjaler NK DALE http://www.nkdale.no/ some funding, norway
USA->WV North Mountain http://northmountainresidency.org/program costs $100/week, 3 weeks, free to apply, West Virginia
USA->CA->Wilits North Street Collective http://northstreetcollective.org/ $300/week stipend, variable length, northern california (willits)
UK->London Now Play This 2019 nowplaythis.net/ games festival in london, calls usually open early in the year
USA->CT->Newhaven nxthvn https://www.nxthvn.com/#! 6 months newhaven
USA->NY->NYC NYU Game center incubator https://gamecenter.nyu.edu/about/incubator/ funding for commercially viable games (to be completed)
USA->VA->Upperville Oak spring garden / Eliza Moore https://www.osgf.org/opportunities/ 10k fellowship for plant-related practice + 2 month res, Virginia
USA->TX->Hill Country Oatmeal Creek https://www.oatmealcreek.org/apply writing-focused residency near austin, comes w $750
USA->MA->Boston Olin College creative in residencehttp://www.olin.edu/collaborate/sketch-model/sketch-model-creative-residency/
essay questions, 3 references. $75k for the year, in residence w engineers, suburb of boston.
Greece->Athens Onassis AIR http://www.sgt.gr/eng/SPG2301/ new but decent stipend. in greece.
USA->NY->NYC Openings NY summer https://www.openingsny.com/residency-applicaton summer res in ny, short, some funding
USA->MI->Saugatuck Oxbow http://www.ox-bow.org/apply-for-a-residency/ fall residents, michigan
Thailand->Songkhla Oxlaey http://www.oxlaey.com/2018/03/songkhla-art-residency/ thailand, some money (but not a ton- maybe $800 for the month), nov-jan
Canada->BC Oxygen Arts Center https://oxygenartcentre.org/exhibitions-residencies/submissions/ residency and exhibition opportunities in BC, particularly for rural artists
USA->LA->New OrleanPaper Machine https://www.antenna.works/paper-machine-publication-residency/ print-focused (broadly), in NOLA
USA->OR->Sisters Pine Woods https://roundhousefoundation.org/artist-in-residency/ in sisters Oregon
USA->NY->NYC Pioneerworks https://pioneerworks.org/residency/ Studio residency, lovely but only if you're in new york (no housing)
USA->CO->Denver Platte Forum http://platteforum.org/programs/artist-residency/ denver, k-12 component, $250/week stipend
USA->OR->Summer LaPlaya Summer Lake http://playasummerlake.org/apply-for-residency/ rural cabins in the oregon desert
USA->NY->NYC Plexus Projects 'vitrine' http://www.plexusprojects.org/open-calls video work (including generative work) for their window in brooklyn
USA->MI->Hamtramck Popps Packing http://www.poppspacking.org/accommodations/ cool but $700/month. Hamtramck MI
USA->IL->Peoria Prairie Center of the arts http://prairiecenterofthearts.blogspot.com/p/application_29.htmlsome funding, kinda low-key, Peoria
USA->MI->Vicksburg Prairie Ronde http://prairierondeartistresidency.com/artist-application/ 4-7 weeks, chill, invites pets and families, Vicksburg, Michigan
USA->KS->Matfield GrePrairie Side Cottage http://www.prairiesidecottage.com/application mellow in kansas
Norway->Oslo Praksis https://www.praksisoslo.org/residencies-programme oslo
USA->NY->NYC printed matter emerging artist ser https://www.printedmatter.org/programs/events/723 nyc only
Global Prix Ars Electronica https://www.aec.at/prix/en/ big ol new media splash
Global Project Anywhere http://www.projectanywhere.net/about/ New School online curation of projects happening outside of the traditional geographic lens
USA Puffin Foundaton http://www.puffinfoundation.org/grants-info/prospective-applicants.html
USA->MD->Hyattsville Pyramid Atlantic Arts Center http://www.pyramidatlanticartcenter.org/fellowship $500, more printmaking than anything, Hyattsville, MD
USA->Lake Superior Rabbit Island http://rabbitisland.org/ Island res in Lake Superior
USA->MA->Cambridge Radcliffe Institute at Harvard https://www.radcliffe.harvard.edu/fellowship-program/how-applyyear long fellowships at harvard, including arts, some limits on focus
USA->IL->Lake Forest Ragdale http://ragdale.org/residency/fellowship/ some fellowships, otherwise fee, Lake Forest, IL
USA->CA->Bay Area Real time and space http://www.realtimeandspace.org/residency-2/ funding, oakland, may be on pause
USA->NY->NYC Recess http://www.recessart.org/apply-1/ funding, brooklyn
USA->NY->NYC recurse center fellowships https://www.recurse.com/blog regular funding opportunities, coding in new york
USA->MI->Detroit Red Bull Arts Detroit http://redbullarts.com/detroit/artist-residency/ i mean, its redbulllll,, but also 3 months and 12k in funding. detroit
China->Beijing Red Gate http://redgategallery.com/residency/introduction-and-history
USA->CA->LA Research at the Getty http://www.getty.edu/foundation/initiatives/residential/getty_pre_postdoctoral_fellowships.html
USA->NY->GermantowResidency 108 http://www.residency108.org/ Germantown, NY. 2 four week-long residencies are offered each year, October and May.
Georgia->Kachreti Riake Buria Resdiency http://riakeburia.com/residency Kachreti, Georgia (the country not the state)
The Netherlands->Ams Rijksakademie https://www.rijksakademie.nl/ENG/residency/aanmelden/ dutch one year program with stipend
USA->MA->Gloucester Rocky Neck Artists Colony http://rockyneckartcolony.org/residency/ 1 month, June through October, MA, Gloucester, MA
Norway->Stavanger Rogaland Kunstsenter http://www.rogalandkunstsenter.no/ rolling open calls, norway
Italy->Rome Rome Prize http://www.aarome.org/apply rome, fancy
USA->IL->Chicago Roots and Culture http://www.rootsandculturecac.org/proposals.php open calls sometimes, chicago
USA->NM->Roswell Roswell AIR http://www.rair.org/ 1 year in roswell, funding
Lithihuania->Vilnius Rupert http://rupert.lt/en/open-call-for-rupert-residency-programme-2019/
Vilnius, Lithihuania, 1-3 months, funded but no travel
Canada->Toronto Ryerson Image Center https://ryersonimagecentre.ca/research/#default_403 fellowships for photography research, toronto
Finland->Mynämäki Saari Residence https://koneensaatio.fi/en/saari-residence/residency-applicants/finland
Brazil->Bahia Sacatar http://sacatar.org/programs/ possibly costs, can't quite tell? Bahia, Brazil
USA->NY->Salem Salem Art Works Gloucester, MA some funded, some not, need a letter, salem NY
USA->NY->Ithica Saltonstall https://www.saltonstall.org small stipend in ithica, ny , ny artists
USA->NM->Santa Fe Santa Fe Art Institute -- TRUT https://sfai.org/ yearly on a theme, santa fe
Global Santo Foundation https://santofoundation.org/ Yearly granting for individuals, juried with a submission fee entry
Germany->Upahl Schloss Pluschow http://www.plueschow.de/en/ germany
The ocean Schmidt Ocean https://schmidtocean.org/apply/artist-residency-program/ research vessel free
Global School of Data https://schoolofdata.org/fellowship-programme/ some funding for scholars
Many Science gallery https://opencall.sciencegallery.com/ regular open calls at multiple locales
USA->NY->NYC Sculpture Space http://www.sculpturespace.org/residency-program/ sculpture broadly, ny
USA->NY->NYC SculptureCenter's In Practice http://www.sculpture-center.org/in_practice $250 + $2000 production support, no travel tho, ny
Italy->Venice Scuola Grafica https://www.scuolagrafica.it/art/venice-artists-residencies/visiting-guest-artist-full-fellowship/
cool printmaking and book fellowship in venice italy
Online Seeds Procjam Zine http://www.procjam.com/seeds/submit/ procedurally generated content/etc for publicaiton in a yearly zine
Finland->Mänttä Serlachius http://serlachius.fi/en/info/residency/applications-for-residency/ no travel and in finland but it looks great
USA->CA->Mountain ViSeti residency https://www.seti.org/artist-in-residence no funding, but its SETI
USA->NY->Hudson VallShandaken: Storm King residenc http://www.shandakenprojects.org/storm-king/apply limited electric but.. (hudson valley)
USA->NY->Roxbury Shell House http://roxburyshellhouse.com/Residency residency in the catskills, in a dome home
Japan->Gunma Shiro Oni http://www.shirooni.com/ cool but pricey in rural japan, like $1300 for 6 weeks
Italy->Siena Siena AI summer https://www.sienaart.org/Residencies/Summer-Residency-Program/Summer-Residency-Description/
flight to italy and a studio for a month
USA->NY->Owego Signal Culture http://signalculture.org/apply.html media arts residency with focus on analog electronics, upstate ny
Moves around Signal Fire http://www.signalfirearts.org/apply/ walking
USA->OR->Otis Sitka Center https://www.sitkacenter.org/residency/apply-for-residency oregon enviornmental focus
USA->Maine Skowhegan https://www.skowheganart.org/applicantinfo big fancy arty party in the woods
USA->MI->Empire Sleeping Bear Dunes https://www.nps.gov/slbe/learn/management/artistinresidence.htm NPS residency- mail only
USA->PA->Laceyville Smithsonian
Soaring Gardens https://www.smithsonianofi.com/fellowship-opportunities/
http://www.lermantrust.org/home/soaring-gardens/ smithsonian
apply a tonpreferred,
as a group of fellowships
Canada->BC->Malcom S I ointula Art Shed https://sites.google.com/site/thesointulaartshed/how-to-apply Malcolm Island, BC, looks beautiful but costs
Mexico->Mexico City SOMA http://somamexico.org/es its kind of school! mexico
USA->NY->Brewster Space on Ryder Farm https://www.spaceonryderfarm.org/#residency brewster ny
Canada->Ontario Sparkbox Studio http://sparkboxstudio.com/residency/application/ costs, in ontario
Spain->Ibiza SPiN https://www.spinartresidency.com/ at a hotel in spain
USA->NY->Catskills Spruceton Inn AIR https://www.sprucetoninn.com/artist-residency/ 5 days in a chill catskill hotel.
USA->NY->NYC SQHAP https://sqhap.org/opportunities#residentArtist 2 years, mostly non-resident, $2000, ny
USA->NY->Buffalo squeaky wheel http://squeaky.org/workspace-residency/ buffalo, media art, w a stipend
USA->MI->Union City Stamps Witt residency https://stamps.umich.edu/witt 20k visiting AIR around producing new work, u of michigan
UK->London Starr fellowship at the RA https://www.royalacademy.org.uk/the-ra-schools UK, 26k, years
USA->MO->St. Louis Strangeloop call for presentationshttps://thestrangeloop.com/cfp.html st louis in september, talk calls
Russia->Moscow Strelka http://strelka.com/ 6 month program in russia
USA->MA->North AdamStudios at MASS MOCA http://massmoca.org/event/studios/ some funded, some not, at mass moca, its nice
USA->NY->NYC Sugar Hill Children's Museum https://www.sugarhillmuseum.org/artist-in-residence tri-state area artists valid
USA->ID->Boise Surel's Place http://surelsplace.org/residency/ boise, ID. NO SMOKING. needs 2 rec letters
USA->NY->NYC SVA Summer Air http://www.artpractice.sva.edu/artist-in-residence/ 5k, teaching/leading, June 12 – July 31, 2019, housing not included, ny
USA->OH->Cleveland SPACES https://www.spacescle.org/opencall A focus on Northeast Ohio
USA->Shanghai Swatch art hotel https://www.swatch-art-peace-hotel.com/artists-residence/?utm_medium=teaser
near shanghai, no stipend but travel paid
USA->TX->Austin SXSW art program https://www.sxsw.com/apply-to-participate/sxsw-art-program/#alumniAustin tech + music +film festival opens up an art call finally
Canada->Toronto TAIS http://tais.ca/events/call-for-proposals-residency-program-2019/canadian animation res/grant
China->Beijing Taohuatan arts retreat http://www.taohuatanart.com/ bejing,
Online Taper Magazine http://taper.badquar.to/1/about.html#submit Oulipo inspired online poetry magazine, with a demo-scene bent (html under 2k)
USA->VA->Alexandria Torpedo Factory http://torpedofactory.org/opportunities/call-for-entries/ solo shows and residencies that open regularly
Online Territory http://themapisnot.com/submissions/ publication around maps/etc
The Ocean The Arctic Circle http://www.thearcticcircle.org/ big $ but also the dream. sea voyage to the arctic.
UK->Middlesbrough The Auxiliary http://theauxiliary.weebly.com/auxair-apply1.html sound-artists in the UK, hasn't updated deadlines in a bit
USA->MA->Cambridge The Berkman Klein Center for Intehttps://cyber.harvard.edu/getinvolved/fellowships/1920Fellows cool thing at harvard, some money but not a given, a full year
USA->NY->Saratoga Yaddo https://www.yaddo.org/ requires a letter and $30 app fee, saratoga ny
USA->MA->Boston The Design Office http://thedesignoffice.org/fellowships co-working space in boston
UK->Newcastle upon T The Experimental Studio http://experimentalstudio.org.uk/residencies An artist residency and exhibition programme hosted by Breeze Creatives in Newcastle upon Tyne
Bulgaria->Plovdiv The Gallery in The Garden https://www.transartists.org/air/gallery-garden A not uncostly res in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. 800 eu/month
Germany->Berlin The Graduate School of the Berlinhttps://www.udk-berlin.de/en/research/graduate-school/application/ 2 year fellowship w funding, berlin
USA->CA->Bay Area The Growlery http://www.thegrowlery.org/residency-application/ san francisco house
The Josef and Anni Albers Foundhttps://albersfoundation.org/
THE KENT HARRISON ARTS C http://www.kentharrisonartscouncil.com/submissions.html gallery submissions for a municipal/ranger station galley in BC, small stipend
The Lockup http://www.thelockup.org.au/artist-in-residence australia
The Luminary http://theluminaryarts.com/programs/residency-program St Louis- open call regularly
The NAF http://thenaf.org/ cultural exchange grants
The Pfister Hotel http://www.thepfisterhotel.com/artist-in-residence one month residency in historic hotel, a bit on display, milwaukee
USA->MA->Watertown The plumbing museum residencyhttp://www.theplumbingmuseum.org/manoog-family-artist-residency-program/ just a studio, but also 2k , Watertown, MA
USA->NY->NYC The Shed https://theshed.org/open-call/ new york residents only
USA->MN->Minneapoli The Soap Factory http://soapfactory.org/submissions Regular open calls with small funding
USA->NY->The CatskillThe Strange Foundation https://thestrange.foundation/ Catskills with a tech focus and fast internet in the woods
USA->FL->Key West The Studios at Key West https://tskw.org/studios/apply-for-a-residency/ Looks beachy! Key west florida, $40 app fee
USA->CA->Bay Area This Will Take Time http://thiswilltaketime.org/ neat mellow res north of the bay area, CA may be on hold
Three Walls https://three-walls.org/programs/ occasional opportunities in chicago
Tides Institute http://tidesinstitute.org/studioworks-artist-in-residence-program/good stipend in maine
Tokas http://www.tokyoartsandspace.jp/english/application/2018/05/r0525.shtml
tokyo, 3 months
Tough Art https://pittsburghkids.org/job/artist-residencies june-august at the pittsburgh children's museum
Trinity college Ann Plato Fellows http://www.trincoll.edu/Academics/dean/positions/Pages/Ann.aspx post-mfa or phd teaching
Tulsa Artist Fellowship http://www.tulsaartistfellowship.org/apply/ tulsa, comes with 20K, starts january, 1 year
Ucross http://www.ucrossfoundation.org/residency-program/apply/ 2-6 weeks, pretty, need letter. wyoming
The Netherlands>Maastr
Van Eyck https://www.janvaneyck.nl/nieuws/2020/ 1 year program
Varda Artists Residency Programhttp://www.vardaartistsresidency.to/#contact houseboats! but private invitation.
VCCA https://www.vcca.com/ semi-supported, sometimes. virginia
Vector Festival http://vectorfestival.org/ Vector Festival is a participatory and community-oriented event showcasing artistic practices that engage critically with new media and digital game technologies.
Vera List Center http://www.veralistcenter.org/lead/2/fellowships/ $10k fellowship on art and politics at new school, ny
Vermont Studio Center http://vermontstudiocenter.org/fellowships costs but lots of fellowships. vermont obviously.
Villa Stauli http://www.villastraeuli.ch/en/deadlines-and-requirements 3 months, stipend, switzerland
Virginia A Groot Foundation http://virginiaagrootfoundation.org/info/ prize for ceramics artists
vsco voices https://vscovoices.co/apply/ for the vsco community? idk?
USA->NY->Wassaic Wassaic https://www.wassaicproject.org/ paid, but cheap w financial support- winter, $300, summer, $600. new york
USA->NY->Water Mill Watermill https://www.watermillcenter.org/ free, summer, kind of a 'program', ny, comes with meals
USA->NY-> Wave Farm https://wavefarm.org/ta/residencies new york radio focus
USA->NY-> Wave Hill https://www.wavehill.org/programs/sunroom/ beautiful space, new york only
Wave Pool Gallery http://www.wavepoolgallery.org/art-space-is-your-space cincinatti, community based
Weir Farm http://www.weirfarmartcenter.org/ free, no funding, CT
White Leaves https://www.whiteleavesartistresidency.com/ mellow in NM
Wilapa Bay AiR http://willapabayair.org washington state
Wildacres http://www.wildacres.org/workshops/residency.html 1 or 2 weeks, take two people sometimes
williams college post-mfa teachin https://faculty.williams.edu/graduate-fellowships-2/graduate-fellowships/
Williamstown, MA
willowtail https://willowtail.org some full scholarships, rollling app, in texas hill country
Women's Studies Workshop https://wsworkshop.org/residencies/studio-residency-in-malmo-sweden/
printmaking and sculpture only, malmo, money, women-focused
Worm Farm https://wormfarminstitute.org/artist-residencies/artist-residency-application/
the farm lyfe one, runs may-oct, wisconson
WRECK CITY Residency https://www.wreckcity.ca/submissions June 22 – July 27, calgary, comes w some funding.?
Wurlitzer Foundation https://wurlitzerfoundation.org 3 months casita in taos, nm
Online x-temporary https://x-temporary.org/open-call/ online residency
Yukon Chilkoot Trail http://yukonartscentre.com/programs/chilkoot_trail_artist_residency_program
2 weeks, serious hike
Portugal-> Lisbon Zartan https://zaratan.pt/en/residencies/ email your application, no form. lisbon

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